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This review summarizes results of our studies on titin isoform composition in vertebrate striated muscles under normal conditions, during hibernation, real and simulated microgravity, and under pathological conditions (stiff-person syndrome, post-apoplectic spasticity, dilated cardiomyopathy, cardiac hypertrophy). Experimental evidence for the existence in mammalian striated muscles of higher molecular weight isoforms of titin (NT-isoforms) in addition to the known N2A-, N2BA-, and N2B-titin isoforms was obtained. Comparative studies of changes in titin isoform composition and structure-functional properties of human and animal striated muscles during adaptive and pathological processes led to a conclusion about the key role of NT-isoforms of titin in maintenance of sarcomere structure and contractile function of these muscles.  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear rods and sheets are described in neurons from the cerebellar cortex of rats alcoholized through ingestion of a 20 % aqueous ethanol solution over a period of 90 and 180 days. An eventual relationship between these nuclear inclusions and alcoholization is advanced.  相似文献   

Responses of the properties of connectin molecules in the slow-twitch soleus (Sol) and fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscles of rats to 3 days of unloading with or without 3-day reloading were investigated. The wet weight (relative to body wt) of Sol, not of extensor digitorum longus, in the unloaded group was significantly less than in the age-matched control (P < 0.05). Immunoelectron microscopic analyses showed that a monoclonal antibody against connectin (SM1) bound to the I-band region close to the edge of the A band at resting length and moved reversibly away from the Z line as the muscle fibers were stretched. In Sol, the displacement of the SM1-bound dense spots in response to stretching decreased after hindlimb suspension. There were no changes in the molecular weights and the percent distributions of alpha- and beta-connectin in both muscles after hindlimb suspension. A significant increment of percent beta-connectin in Sol was observed after 3 days of reloading after hindlimb suspension (P < 0.05). It is suggested that the elasticity of connectin filaments in the I-band region of the atrophied Sol fibers was reduced relative to that of the control fibers. The lack of the elasticity in atrophied muscle fibers may cause a decrease in contractile function.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 3H-leucine into the neuronal proteins and cytochemistry of nuclear and cytoplasmic protein levels in pyramidal neurons in layer III, V of the sensomotor cortex and hippocampus of the brain were studied in rats which were exposed to chronic ethanol consumption at different stages of "the abolish syndrome". There were significant heterogeneous changes of the neuronal protein metabolism at all studied structures in the experimental group as compared to control group. It was shown that after abolishment of ethanol consumption the neuronal protein synthesis decreased and content of protein increased in the nucleus and cytoplasm of neurons. After 12 h there was elevated synthetic activity of protein system and tendency to reduction of content of protein in the nucleus. After 24 h reduction of synthetic activity and tendency to normalization of the content of the neuronal protein were found. The functional importance of the results obtained is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in contractile properties of mechanically skinned fibers were examined when connectin in the fibers was selectively digested by a low concentration (0.25 microgram/ml) of trypsin. Resting tension and isometric active tension were reduced as the digestion of the connectin progressed; the rate of reduction of active tension was larger than that of resting tension. Maximum shortening speed and calcium ion sensitivity of active tension were not changed by the digestion. Electron micrographs showed that A-bands in the fibers treated with trypsin are dislocated from I-bands. These results suggest that the digestion of connectin does not directly influence the reaction of actin-myosin-regulatory proteins, and thus the resultant reduction in the active tension is mainly due to disordering of the regular structure in a sarcomere.  相似文献   

Determining the complete primary structure of large proteins is difficult because of the large sequence size and low sequence homology among animals, as is the case with connectin (titin)-like proteins in invertebrate muscles. Conventionally, large proteins have been investigated using immuno-screenings and plaque hybridization screenings that require significant time and labor. Recently, however, the genomic sequences of various invertebrates have been determined, leading to changes in the strategies used to elucidate the complete primary structures of large proteins. In this paper, we describe our methods for determining the sequences of large proteins by elucidating the primary structure of connectin from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis as an example. We searched for genes that encode connectin-like proteins in the C. intestinalis genome using the BLAST search program. Subsequently, we identified some domains present in connectin and connectin-like proteins, such as immunoglobulin (Ig), fibronectin type 3 (Fn) and kinase domains in C. intestinalis using the SMART program and manual estimation. The existence of these domains and the unique sequences between each domain were confirmed using RT-PCR. We also examined the localization of mRNA using whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and protein expression using SDS-PAGE. These analyses indicate that the domain structure and molecular weight of ascidian connectin are similar to those of vertebrate connectin and that ascidian connectin is also expressed in heart muscle, similarly to vertebrate connectin. The methods described in this study can be used to determine the primary structures of large proteins, such as novel connectin-like proteins in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Cardiac titin was isolated from rabbit and ground squirrel ventricular muscles by a method that was used earlier to obtain myofibrils with intact minor proteins located in A-bands of sarcomeres (Podlubnaya, Z. A., et al. (1989) J. Mol. Biol., 210, 655–658). Small pieces of cardiac muscle were incubated for 2–3 weeks at 4°C in Ca2+-depleting solution before their homogenization to decrease activity of Ca2+-dependent proteases. Then the muscle was homogenized, and titin was isolated by the method of Soteriou, A., et al. (1993) J. Cell Sci., 14, 119–123. In control experiments, titin was isolated from cardiac muscle without its preincubation in Ca2+-depleting solution. Sometimes control titin preparations contained only T2-fragment, but generally they contained ~5–20% N2B-isoform of titin along with its T2-fragment. Preparations of titin obtained from rabbit cardiac muscle by our method contained ~30–50% of N2BA- and N2B-titin isoforms along with its T2-fragment. The content of α-structures in titin isolated by our method was increased. Actomyosin ATPase activity in vitro increased in the presence of titin preparations containing more intact molecules. This result confirms the significant role of titin in the regulation of actin-myosin interaction in muscles. The method used by us to preserve titin might be used for isolation of other proteins that are substrates of Ca2+-dependent proteases.  相似文献   

Nwe TM  Shimada Y 《Tissue & cell》2000,32(3):223-227
In order to examine the role of cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins, nebulin and connectin (titin), in actin dynamics during myofibrillogenesis, rhodamine (rh)-labeled actin was microinjected into cultured skeletal muscle cells in which the function of these proteins had been inhibited with their respective antibodies. In the nebulin function-inhibited cells, exogenously introduced actin formed irregularly distributed amorphous patches or bright foci inside the cells, but it was not incorporated into myofibrillar structures at any stage. Thus, the blockage of actin binding sites of nebulin seems to inhibit the association of actin monomers to the preexisting nebulin scaffold. In the cells inhibited with anti-connectin antibody, incorporation of rh-actin was similar to that in antibody-uninjected cells. These results support the idea that nebulin is related to the accessibility/exchangeability of actin into nascent myofibrils, but connectin does not have such a role in actin assembly. Since all antibodies recognizing different domains of nebulin filaments blocked actin incorporation along the entire length of actin filaments, inhibition of any domains of nebulin filaments seems to affect actin dynamics.  相似文献   

Titin is a giant muscle protein with a molecular weight in the megaDalton range and a contour length of more than 1 microm. Its size and location within the sarcomere structure determine its important role in the mechanism of muscle elasticity. According to the current consensus, elasticity stems directly from more than one type of spring-like behaviour of the I-band portion of the molecule. Starting from slack length, extension of the sarcomere first causes straightening of the molecule. Further extension then induces local unfolding of a unique sequence, the PEVK region, which is named due to the preponderance of these amino-acid residues. High speeds of extension and/or high forces are likely to lead to unfolding of the beta-sandwich domains from which the molecule is mainly constructed. A release of tension leads to refolding and recoiling of the polypeptide. Here, we review the literature and present new experimental material related to the role of titin in muscle elasticity. In particular, we analyse the possible influence of the arrangement and environment of titin within the sarcomere structure on its extensible behaviour. We suggest that, due to the limited conformational space, elongation and compression of the molecule within the sarcomere occur in a more ordered way or with higher viscosity and higher forces than are observed in solution studies of the isolated protein.  相似文献   

Cultured embryonic chicken skeletal muscle cells microinjected with rhodamine (rh)-labeled actin were stained with antibodies against nebulin and connectin (titin). In premyofibril areas, nebulin was observed as dotted structures, many of which were arranged in a linear fashion. These structures were associated with injected rh-actin. Among these linearly arranged dots of nebulin and rh-actin, numerous small nebulin dots without rh-actin incorporation were scattered. It is probable that the dots of nebulin and/or its associated protein(s) represent a preformed scaffold upon which actin monomers accumulate; exogenously introduced actin associates initially with small nebulin dots, which in turn coalesce to form rh-actin dots and are arranged linearly. In developing myofibrils, two patterns of nebulin distribution were found: "singlets" and "doublets." Recovery of rh-actin's fluorescence after photobleaching was slowest in the nonstriated dotted portions, followed by the striated myofibrillar portions with nebulin singlets and those with doublets, in that order. Thus, the distribution patterns of nebulin seem to be related to the accessibility/exchangeability of actin into nascent myofibrils. It is possible that early nebulin filaments exhibiting singlets are not tightly associated with actin filaments and that this loose association allows myofibrils to exchange nonadult isoforms of actin and other proteins into adult types. Connectin formed a striated pattern before the formation of rh-actin/nebulin striations. It appears that connectin does not have any significant role in the accessibility of actin into nascent myofibrils.  相似文献   

Connectin (titin) is a large filamentous protein (single peptide) with a molecular mass of approximately 3 MDa, contour length approximately 900 nm, and diameter approximately 4 nm, and resides in striated muscle. Connectin links the thick filaments to the Z-lines in a sarcomere and produces a passive elastic force when muscle fiber is stretched. The aim of this study is to elucidate some aspects of physical properties of isolated beta-connectin (titin 2), a proteolytic fragment of connectin, by means of dynamic light-scattering (DLS) spectroscopy. The analysis of DLS spectra for beta-connectin gave the translational diffusion coefficient of 3.60 x 10(-8) cm2/s at 10 degrees C (or the hydrodynamic radius of 44.1 nm), molecular mass little smaller than 3.0 MDa (for a literature value of sedimentation coefficient), the root-mean-square end-to-end distance of 163 nm (or the radius of gyration of 66.6 nm), and the Kuhn segment number of 30 and segment length of 30 nm (or the persistence length of 15 nm). These results permitted to estimate the flexural rigidity of 6.0 x 10(-20) dyn x cm2 for filament bending, and the elastic constant of 7 dyn/cm for extension of one persistence length. Based on a simple model, implications of the present results in muscle physiology are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes of titin and myosin heavy chain isoform composition in skeletal muscles (m. soleus, m. gastrocnemius, m. tibialis anterior, m. psoas major) in Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) were investigated after 12-day spaceflight on board of Russian space vehicle “Foton-M3.” In m. psoas and m. soleus in the gerbils from “Flight” group the expected increase in the content of fast myosin heavy chain isoforms (IIxd and IIa, respectively) were observed. No significant differences were found in the content of IIxd and IIa isoforms of myosin heavy chain in m. tibialis anterior in the gerbils from control group as compared to that in “Flight” group. An unexpected increase in the content of slow myosin heavy chain I isoform and a decrease in the content of fast IIx/d isoform in m. gastrocnemius of the gerbils from “Flight” group were observed. In skeletal muscles of the gerbils from “Flight” group the relative content of titin N2A-isoform was reduced (by 1.2–1.7 times), although the content of its NT-isoform, which was revealed in striated muscles of mammals in our experiments earlier, remained the same. When the content of titin N2A-isoform was decreased, no predictable abnormalities in sarcomeric structure and contractile ability of skeletal muscles in the gerbils from “Flight” group were found. An assumption on the leading role of titin NT-isoform in maintenance of structural and functional properties of striated muscles of mammals was made.  相似文献   

Very long, elastic connectin/titin molecules position the myosin filaments at the center of a sarcomere by linking them to the Z line. The behavior of the connectin filaments during sarcomere formation in differentiating chicken skeletal muscle cells was observed under a fluorescent microscope using the antibodies to the N terminal (located in the Z line), C terminal (M line), and C zone (myosin filament) regions of connectin and was compared to the incorporation of -actinin and myosin into forming sarcomeres. In early stages of differentiating muscle cells, the N terminal region of connectin was incorporated into a stress fiber-like structure (SFLS) together with -actinin to form dots, whereas the C terminal region was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. When both the C and N terminal regions formed striations in young myofibrils, the epitope to the C zone of A-band region, that is the center between the A-I junction and the M-line, initially was diffuse in appearance and later formed definite striations. It appears that it took some time for the N and C terminal regions of connectin to form a regular organization in a sarcomere. Thus the two ends of the connectin filaments were first fixed followed by the specific binding of the middle portion onto the myosin filament during sarcomere formation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨L-精氨酸脂质体(L-Arg)对慢性低氧高二氧化碳大鼠一氧化氮代谢及内皮型一氧化氮合酶基因(ecNOSmRNA)表达的影响.方法:将40只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为4组,正常对照组(NC组),低氧高二氧化碳4周组(HH组),低氧高二氧化碳加L-Arg4周组(HL组)和低氧高二氧化碳加L-Arg脂质体4周组(HP组).采用硝酸还原酶法测定血浆一氧化氮代谢产物(NOx-)含量,组织原位杂交、光镜和图像分析等方法观察肺细小动脉显微结构以及肺细小动脉ecNOSmRNA的表达变化.结果:①HH组mPAP和RV/(LV S)高于NC组,HP组均明显低于HL组与HH组;②HH组的血浆NO含量显著低于NC组(P<0.01),HL组与HP组均明显高于HH组(P<0.01);③HH组的肺细小动脉ecNOSmRNA的平均吸光度值低于NC组(P<0.05);而HP组明显高于HH组和HL组(P<0.01);④HP组的肺细小动脉管壁面积/管总面积比值(WA/TA)和中膜厚度(PAMT)均明显低于HH组(P<0.01),且低于HL组(P<0.05).结论:L-Arg脂质体较L-Arg有更明显的降低慢性低氧高二氧化碳大鼠肺动脉压和减轻肺血管重建的治疗作用,其机制可能与L-Arg脂质体促进L-Arg的跨膜转运有关.  相似文献   

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