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Two goose-type lysozymes (designated as MGgLYZ1 and MGgLYZ2) were identified from the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. MGgLYZ1 mRNA was widely expressed in the examined tissues and responded sensitively to bacterial challenge in hemocytes, while MGgLYZ2 mRNA was predominately expressed and performed its functions in hepatopancreas. However, immunolocalization analysis showed that both these lysozymes were expressed in all examined tissues with the exception of adductor muscle. Recombinant MGgLYZ1 and MGgLYZ2 could inhibit the growth of several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and they both showed the highest activity against Pseudomonas putida with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.95–1.91 µM and 1.20–2.40 µM, respectively. Protein sequences analysis revealed that MGgLYZ2 had lower isoelectric point and less protease cutting sites than MGgLYZ1. Recombinant MGgLYZ2 exhibited relative high activity at acidic pH of 4–5, while MGgLYZ1 have an optimum pH of 6. These results indicated MGgLYZ2 adapted to acidic environment and perhaps play an important role in digestion. Genomic structure analysis suggested that both MGgLYZ1 and MGgLYZ2 genes are composed of six exons with same length and five introns, indicating these genes were conserved and might originate from gene duplication during the evolution. Selection pressure analysis showed that MGgLYZ1 was under nearly neutral selection while MGgLYZ2 evolved under positive selection pressure with three positively selected amino acid residues (Y102, L200 and S202) detected in the mature peptide. All these findings suggested MGgLYZ2 perhaps served as a digestive lysozyme under positive selection pressure during the evolution while MGgLYZ1 was mainly involved in innate immune responses.  相似文献   

The influence of prey mobility and species on prey selection by the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas was determined under laboratory conditions for two prey species, Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) and Tetranychus urticae Koch. Prey selection was influenced by prey mobility. In the presence of active prey, the coccinellid selected T. urticae while in presence of immobilized prey, H. vitripennis was preferred. Harmonia axyridis searching time was longer in the presence of active H. vitripennis than in the presence of active T. urticae. Moreover, the coccinellid capture rate was lower for active H. vitripennis caused by effective defensive mechanisms. Prey suitability was affected by prey mobility and species. Immobilized H. vitripennis were the most profitable prey, i.e. induced a shorter developmental time and no mortality. However, active H. vitripennis were not a suitable food source for H. axyridis. Our results suggested that three factors are involved in prey selection by H. axyridis: (i) prey mobility; (ii) prey defensive mechanisms; and (iii) prey species.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown warning coloration to facilitate the discrimination of edible and inedible prey. However, inedible insect species may possess cryptic coloration as well. It has been shown that some other visual features (especially characteristic body shape) are sufficient for the recognition of some insect taxa (e.g. ladybirds, ants, wasps). We tested the ability of wild‐caught great tits (Parus major) to discriminate between the identically coloured edible (roach – Blaptica dubia) and the inedible (firebug – Pyrrhocoris apterus) as prey according to subtle peripheral visual traits (shape of legs and antennae, body posture, and means of locomotion). Both prey species were offered either simultaneously or alternately. The ability of the birds to learn was tested by means of fourteen trial repetitions in two sessions. In general, great tits were not able to learn to discriminate between firebugs and roaches by subtle shape cues alone during the two sessions. However, multivariate analysis of individual bird behaviour showed that they adopted one of three different attitudes to the presented prey. Most of the birds never attacked any or always attacked both prey. In addition, a small proportion of the birds was able to discriminate between the two prey types and attacked only roaches. Nevertheless, firebugs survived most of the attacks, which suggests that in case of chemically protected prey, the evolution of conspicuous coloration is not always the best/only option.  相似文献   

Evolution and Diversification of Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antarctica supported fossil ichthyofaunas during the Devonian,Jurassic, Cretaceous and Eocene/Oligocene. These faunas arenot ancestral to each other, nor are they related to any componentof the modern fauna. About one hundred species of notothenioidsdominate a modern fauna of over 200 species of bottom fishes.This highly endemic perciform suborder is not representedinthe fossil record of Antarctica. Notothenioids may have evolvedin situ on the margins of the Antarctic continent while graduallyadapting to cooling conditions during the Tertiary. Cladisticstudies indicate that notothenioids are a monophyletic group,but a sister group has not been identified among perciform fishes.With relatively few non-notothenioid fishes in Antarctic waters,notothenioids fill ecological roles normally occupied by taxonomicallydiverse fishes in temperate waters. There are six notothenioidfamilies: Bovichtidae, Nototheniidae, Harpagiferidae, Artedidraconidae,Bathydraconidae and Channichthyidae. Aspects of theirbiologyare briefly considered with emphasis on the Nototheniidae, themost speciose family. Evolutionary diversification within thisfamily allows recognition of species which are pelagic, cryopelagic,benthopelagic and benthic.  相似文献   

Andromonoecy is a widespread sexual system in angiosperms, characterized by plants carrying both male and bisexual flowers. Monoecy is characterized by the presence of both male and female flowers on the same plant. In cucumber, these sexual forms are controlled by the identity of the alleles at the M locus. In melon, we recently showed that the transition from monoecy to andromonoecy result from a mutation in 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS) gene, CmACS-7. To isolate the andromonoecy gene in cucumber we used a candidate gene approach in combination with genetical and biochemical analysis. We demonstrated co-segregation of CsACS2, a close homolog of CmACS-7, with the M locus. Sequence analysis of CsACS2 in cucumber accessions identified four CsACS2 isoforms, three in andromonoecious and one in monoecious lines. To determine whether the andromonoecious phenotype is due to a loss of ACS enzymatic activity, we expressed the four isoforms in Escherichia coli and assayed their activity in vitro. Like in melon, the isoforms from the andromonoecious lines showed reduced to no enzymatic activity and the isoform from the monoecious line was active. Consistent with this, the mutations leading andromonoecy were clustered in the active site of the enzyme. Based on this, we concluded that active CsACS2 enzyme leads to the development of female flowers in monoecious lines, whereas a reduction of enzymatic activity yields hermaphrodite flowers. Consistent with this, CsACS2, like CmACS-7 in melon, is expressed specifically in carpel primordia of buds determined to develop carpels. Following ACS expression, inter-organ communication is likely responsible for the inhibition of stamina development. In both melon and cucumber, flower unisexuality seems to be the ancestral situation, as the majority of Cucumis species are monoecious. Thus, the ancestor gene of CmACS-7/CsACS2 likely have controlled the stamen development before speciation of Cucumis sativus (cucumber) and Cucumis melo (melon) that have diverged over 40 My ago. The isolation of the genes for andromonoecy in Cucumis species provides a molecular basis for understanding how sexual systems arise and are maintained within and between species.  相似文献   

对6种猛禽(普通鵟Buteo buteo、毛脚鵟B.lagopus、红隼Falco tinnunculus、长耳鸮Asio otus、短耳鸮A.flammeus和鸮Bubo bubo)的消化系统形态结构进行了解剖测量和比较,以了解鸟类消化系统形态结构与食性的关系.结果显示,长耳鸮的消化管最长,是体长的2.08倍;鸮的消...  相似文献   

The plastid division proteins FtsZ are encoded by a small nuclear gene family in land plants. Although it has been shown for some of the gene products that they are imported into plastids and function in plastid division, the evolution and function of this gene family and their products remain to be unraveled. Here we present two new ftsZ genes from the moss Physcomitrella patens and compare the genomic structure of members of the two plant ftsZ gene families. Comparison of sequence features and phylogenetic analyses confirm the presence of two clusters of paralogues in land plants and demonstrate that these genes were duplicated before the divergence of mosses, ferns and seed plants.  相似文献   

Proteins are the building blocks for almost all the functions in cells. Understanding the molecular evolution of proteins and the forces that shape protein evolution is essential in understanding the basis of function and evolution. Previous studies have shown that adaptation frequently occurs at the protein surface, such as in genes involved in host–pathogen interactions. However, it remains unclear whether adaptive sites are distributed randomly or at regions associated with particular structural or functional characteristics across the genome, since many proteins lack structural or functional annotations. Here, we seek to tackle this question by combining large-scale bioinformatic prediction, structural analysis, phylogenetic inference, and population genomic analysis of Drosophila protein-coding genes. We found that protein sequence adaptation is more relevant to function-related rather than structure-related properties. Interestingly, intermolecular interactions contribute significantly to protein adaptation. We further showed that intermolecular interactions, such as physical interactions, may play a role in the coadaptation of fast-adaptive proteins. We found that strongly differentiated amino acids across geographic regions in protein-coding genes are mostly adaptive, which may contribute to the long-term adaptive evolution. This strongly indicates that a number of adaptive sites tend to be repeatedly mutated and selected throughout evolution in the past, present, and maybe future. Our results highlight the important roles of intermolecular interactions and coadaptation in the adaptive evolution of proteins both at the species and population levels.  相似文献   

Adaptive Diversification of Vomeronasal Receptor 1 Genes in Rodents   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The vomeronasal receptor 1 (V1R) are believed to be pheromone receptors in rodents. Here we used computational methods to identify 95 and 62 new putative V1R genes from the draft rat and mouse genome sequence, respectively. The rat V1R repertoire consists of 11 subfamilies, 10 of which are shared with the mouse, while rat appears to lack the H and I subfamilies found in mouse and possesses one unique subfamily (M). The estimations of the relative divergence times suggest that many subfamilies originated after the split of rodents and primates. The analysis also reveals that these clusters underwent an expansion very close to the split of mouse and rat. In addition, maximum likelihood analysis showed that the nonsynonymous and synonymous rate ratio for most of these clusters was much higher than one, suggesting the role of positive selection in the diversification of these duplicated V1R genes. Because V1R are thought to mediate the process of signal transduction in response to pheromone detection, we speculate that the V1R genes have evolved under positive Darwinian selection to maintain the ability to discriminate between large and complex pheromonal mixtures.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen  相似文献   

We investigate the extent by which the estimates of the rate of adaptive molecular evolution obtained by extending the McDonald-Kreitman test are biased if the species, subjected to analysis, diverged recently. We show that estimates can be biased if the nucleotide divergence between the species is low relative to within species variation, and that the magnitude of the bias depends on the rate of adaptive evolution and the distribution of fitness effects of new mutations. Bias appears to be because of three factors: (1) misattribution of polymorphism to divergence; (2) the contribution of ancestral polymorphism to divergence; and (3) different rates of fixation of neutral and advantageous mutations. If there is little adaptive molecular evolution, then slightly deleterious mutations inflate estimates of the rate of adaptive evolution, because these contribute proportionately more to polymorphism than to nucleotide divergence than neutral mutations. However, if there is substantial adaptive evolution, polymorphism contributing to apparent divergence may downwardly bias estimates. We propose a simple method for correcting the different contributions of slightly deleterious and neutral mutations to polymorphism and divergence, and apply it to datasets from several species. We find that estimates of the rate of adaptive molecular evolution from closely related species may be underestimates by ~10% or more. However, after the contribution of polymorphism to divergence is removed, the rate of adaptive evolution may still be overestimated as a consequence of ancestral polymorphism and time for fixation effects. This bias may be substantial if branch lengths are less than 10N (e) generations.  相似文献   

Evolution and Diversification of RNA Silencing Proteins in Fungi   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of fungal Argonaute, Dicer, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase-like proteins have been performed to gain insights into the diversification of RNA silencing pathways during the evolution of fungi. A wide range of fungi including ascomycetes, basidiomycetyes, and zygomycetes possesses multiple RNA silencing components in the genome, whereas a portion of ascomycete and basidiomycete fungi apparently lacks the whole or most of the components. The number of paralogous silencing proteins in the genome differs considerably among fungal species, suggesting that RNA silencing pathways have diversified significantly during evolution in parallel with developing the complexity of life cycle or in response to environmental conditions. Interestingly, orthologous silencing proteins from different fungal clades are often clustered more closely than paralogous proteins in a fungus, indicating that duplication events occurred before speciation events. Therefore, the origin of multiple RNA silencing pathways seems to be very ancient, likely having occurred prior to the divergence of the major fungal lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rüdiger Cerff]  相似文献   

抗凝血酶(AT)是哺乳动物体内重要的天然抗凝血因子之一,它隶属于丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制物家族,主要参与并调节复杂的血凝过程。基于比较基因组学手段,共挖掘出17个哺乳动物抗凝血酶基因(AT),并剖析了它们的基因结构、微共线性、保守基序、功能结构域、以及系统进化关系。基因结构与微共线分析表明,哺乳动物AT基因具有5-12个外显子,大多数是7个外显子;不同物种AT基因所处区段之间具有较好的共线性。哺乳动物AT蛋白特征分析显示,SERPIN功能结构域与保守基序1、2、3、4、5、8和9存在相互重叠的部分。AT基因进化树揭示基因进化和通常认为的物种进化几乎一致。同时,利用PAML中Codeml的位点特异模型在AT基因中发掘了1个正选择位点328D。  相似文献   

Complete metabolism of chlorinated benzenes is not a feature that is generally found in aerobic bacteria but is thought to be due to a novel recombination of two separate gene clusters. Such a recombination could be responsible for adaptation of a natural microbial community in response to contamination with synthetic chemicals. This hypothesis was tested in a chlorobenzene (CB)-contaminated aquifer. CB-degrading bacteria from a contaminated site were characterized for a number of years by examining a combination of growth characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization, PCR, and DNA sequence data. The genetic information obtained for the CB pathway of the predominant microorganism, Ralstonia sp. strain JS705, revealed a unique combination of (partially duplicated) genes for chlorocatechol degradation and genes for a benzene-toluene type of aromatic ring dioxygenase. The organism was detected in CB-polluted groundwater by hybridizing colonies cultivated on low-strength heterotrophic media with probes for the CB pathway. Southern hybridizations performed to determine the organization of the CB pathway genes and the 16S ribosomal DNA indicated that CB-degrading organisms isolated from different wells at the site were identical to JS705. Physiological characterization by the Biolog test system revealed some differences. The genes for the aromatic ring dioxygenase and dihydrodiol dehydrogenase of JS705 were detected in toluene and benzene degraders from the same site. Our results suggest that recent horizontal gene transfer and genetic recombination of existing genes between indigenous microorganisms were the mechanisms for evolution of the catabolic pathway. Evolution of the CB pathway seems to have created the capacity for natural attenuation of CB at the contaminated site.  相似文献   

对疾病仅在食饵种群传播的有比例依赖的捕食-被捕食系统的动力学进行了分析,给出了每个平衡点附近系统的性态,定义了决定疾病灭绝和成为地方病的阁值R_0.得出的结论是:在比例依赖的捕食-被捕食系统中,染病食饵种群可以充当一个生物控制量,以抑制种群的绝灭.  相似文献   

Plant plasma membrane localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) detect extracellular pathogen-associated molecules. PRRs such as Arabidopsis EFR and rice XA21 are taxonomically restricted and are absent from most plant genomes. Here we show that rice plants expressing EFR or the chimeric receptor EFR::XA21, containing the EFR ectodomain and the XA21 intracellular domain, sense both Escherichia coli- and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo)-derived elf18 peptides at sub-nanomolar concentrations. Treatment of EFR and EFR::XA21 rice leaf tissue with elf18 leads to MAP kinase activation, reactive oxygen production and defense gene expression. Although expression of EFR does not lead to robust enhanced resistance to fully virulent Xoo isolates, it does lead to quantitatively enhanced resistance to weakly virulent Xoo isolates. EFR interacts with OsSERK2 and the XA21 binding protein 24 (XB24), two key components of the rice XA21-mediated immune response. Rice-EFR plants silenced for OsSERK2, or overexpressing rice XB24 are compromised in elf18-induced reactive oxygen production and defense gene expression indicating that these proteins are also important for EFR-mediated signaling in transgenic rice. Taken together, our results demonstrate the potential feasibility of enhancing disease resistance in rice and possibly other monocotyledonous crop species by expression of dicotyledonous PRRs. Our results also suggest that Arabidopsis EFR utilizes at least a subset of the known endogenous rice XA21 signaling components.  相似文献   

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