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Previous indirect observations have indicated that IgG may change its conformation at low or high pH and at a temperature of about 35 degrees C. By means of small angle neutron scattering a change in the value of the gyration radius of two different native IgG's was observed above 44 degrees C. No similar change was detected when the sample was previously dissolved in an acidic buffer. The acidic pretreatment caused a significant decrease in the gyration radius (Rg) value measured at 20 degrees C which was partially recovered by increasing the temperature. These observations led to the assumption that the main conformational change observed appears either in the hinge region of the molecular or in the interdomain areas separating the constant and the variable domains of the Fab parts.  相似文献   

1. The sedimentation coefficients of rabbit immunoglobulin G, four types of Fc fragments, univalent Fab and bivalent F(ab)2 fragments were measured as a function of pH. 2. In conjunction with molecular-weight determinations by sedimentation equilibrium, and with the behaviour on gel filtration, this enabled the state of association of the Fc fragments to be followed. 3. The type possessing an interchain disulphide bond, 1Fc fragment, changed extensively in structure, but not in molecular weight. 4. There was good correlation between the readiness to dissociate and the chain length of the shorter Fc fragments that do not contain the interchain covalent bond. 5. The increasing resistance to dissociation as the fragments became shorter ran parallel with the ability to resist enzymic attack. 6. The site of the strong association between component chains of Fc fragment is located in the C-terminal half. 7. The gel-filtration behaviour of the Fc fragments clearly confirms that the process is governed by the Stokes radius rather than molecular weight. 8. The ultracentrifugal results were used to estimate the separations of the hydrodynamic subunits in intact immunoglobulin G, and as a basis for a schematic structure.  相似文献   

Reduction of plastocyanin (PC) caused a change in the electric field at the surface of the molecule which resulted in a 0.3 pH unit increase in the pKa of a nitrated derivative of Tyr 83. This change in electrical potential could alter the affinity for cytochrome f which is known to bind at this site. Conversely, properties of the copper center, including the pH dependence of the reduction potential, are regulated by the charge on the surface of the molecule. Both the reduction potential and conformation (as measured by near-UV circular dichroic spectra) were pH dependent. Thus the conformation and electrostatic behavior of PC are dependent on oxidiation state, pH and surface charge, raising the possibility that its redox activity is controlled by the pH gradient.  相似文献   

An effect of salt concentration on the human myeloma immunoglobulin G structure was studied by means of circular dichroism, thermal perturbation difference spectroscopy and isoelectric focusing in a pH gradient created by a concentration gradient of glucose in borate buffer solution. Immunoglobulin G (K) Iva showed a significant shift of isoelectric point to the alkaline region as a result of the increase in salt concentration. The difference spectra indicated a change in the exposure of tyrosine residues as a result of increase in salt concentration. No changes in the circular dichroic spectra with salt concentration were observed between 205 and 250 nm. Spectral changes observed for the undigested immunoglobulin G molecule are more marked than those observed for the isolated Fab fragments.  相似文献   

Radiotracer studies of calcium adsorption to dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-alkanolamine monolayers measured at various temperatures showed that the binding constant of calcium increased with temperature up to around 30°C but then decreased on exceeding this critical temperature.The temperature dependent ionic structure of ampholytic phospholipid monolayers are discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of several mRNAs related to iron importation, storage and utilization within mammalian cells are regulated through interactions of iron regulatory proteins with an iron responsive element, an RNA hairpin with a bulged C. A dimethylsulfate modification interference assay was used to demonstrate that the iron responsive element undergoes significant pH dependent conformational changes. Specifically, it was demonstrated that the phylogenetically conserved A within the hairpin loop and an intra-loop C-G base pair are highly sensitive to changes in pH. The conserved C of the bulged loop does not significantly affect the pH dependent conformational changes of the hairpin loop. These studies have structural implications for an RNA-protein interaction that is critical to mammalian iron regulation.  相似文献   

The phenomena connected with the first phase transition step of the native T7 phage at 40C–65 C have been studied using various methods. In this temperature range a) the optical melting curve shows an absorption decrease, b) the maximum of the small-angle X-ray scattering characteristic for DNA packing disappears, c) there is a drop of biological activity and d) there are changes in the structure of the difference absorption spectra of native phages versus isolated DNA. All data are interpreted assuming a structural change of the DNA due to the release of its protein coat towards the end of the first phase transition step (at 60–65 C in the case of M9 buffer). Above this temperature the intraphage DNA packing appears to be destroyed and the DNA structure seems to be similar to that in DNA solution.  相似文献   

Effect of nonenzymatic glycation on the structure of immunoglobulin G   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incubation of human immunoglobulin G with glucose in vitro leads to covalent incorporation of the sugar concomitant with marked changes in molecular structure. After six to ten days of glucose incubation, absorption at 350 nm and fluorescence at 440 nm upon excitation at 370 nm markedly increased, indicating formation of nonenzymatic browning products. Furthermore, immunoglobulin G derivatives of a molecular mass of 500,000 Da appeared during glucose incubation as revealed by gel filtration. Electrophoretic examination of the 500-kDa protein revealed the formation of covalently bound immunoglobulin G polymers. Compared with nonglycated monomeric immunoglobulin G, functional properties of the 500-kDa protein, such as binding of protein A and fixation of complement are markedly reduced.  相似文献   

The self-association properties of bovine serum immunoglobulin G1 and colostral immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) in 0.32 M-NaCl/0.01 M-Tris/HCl, pH 8.0, were investigated by analysing sedimentation data according to a monomer-dimer association model. The self-association was characterized by an equilibrium constant of 5.3 X 10(4) +/- 3.5 X 10(4) M-1 for serum IgG1 and 1.6 X 10(3) +/- 0.69 X 10(3) M-1 for colostral IgG1. The removal of the Fc portion of IgG1 by pepsin digestion abolished its property of self-aggregation. At high total protein concentrations of serum IgG1, low concentrations of the ostensible trimer species were observed. However, no self-aggregation was evident when 0.14 M-NaCl/0.01 M-sodium phosphate. pH 6.0, was used as a solvent, thus confirming results published previously [Tewari & Mukkur (1975) Immunochemistry 12, 925--930].  相似文献   

Temperature dependent absolute and difference spectra for deoxy and oxy human hemoglobin, alpha and beta subunits, NiHbA, carboxypeptidase A treated deoxy HbA and NiHbA have been investigated. It is shown for the first time that the alpha subunits are mainly responsible for the temperature dependent spectral changes in the absorption spectra of Hb in the range from 0 degrees C to 40 degrees C. It has also been found that in the R state the spectral alterations caused by temperature variation are about 85% of those found for the T state of Hb. The value of following the temperature dependence of the porphyrin bands of hemoproteins, as a sensitive probe for subtle changes in the region of the heme, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of temperature changes on selected parameters of normozoospermic spermatozoa motility. The examinations were carried out in the temperature range of 11 degrees C to 21 degrees C both during cooling and heating. We found that a phenomenon of hysteresis, i.e. alternate means of changes in velocity straight linear and lateral head displacement was obtained both at cooling and at heating. This phenomenon was not found for other parameters examined.  相似文献   

Molecular stability of chicken and rabbit immunoglobulin G.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Molecular stability of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin G (IgY) and that of rabbit IgG were compared by measuring antibody activities and conformational changes. Stability of rabbit IgG to acid denaturation was much higher than that of IgY. Conformation of the IgY molecule was readily changed in acidic conditions, resulting in a rapid loss of antibody activity. Much less stable natures of IgY to heat-treatment and guanidine-HCl denaturation than rabbit IgG were also observed. Differences in the structure between the two immunoglobulins that might participate in their different stability were inferred from their amino acid sequence data. Importance of the intramolecular disulfide linkage in the rabbit light chain and some other structural differences were suggested.  相似文献   

A proximate method for conformational changes detection in immunoglobulin G preparations used in research and medical practice is introduced. This method is based on the measurement of IgG-connected 1,8-anilinenaphtalenesulphonate fluorescent probe (ANS) time of damping. When the protein structure is broken fluorescence damping time of IgG-connected ANS rises up.  相似文献   

We recently reported results of an investigation of the reoxidation of a human, monoclonal immunoglobulin G, following selective reduction of its interchain disulfides by dithiothreitol (Sears, D.W., et al. (1975), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 72, 353). In that work, we described the reoxidative behavior of the molecule under nondissociating conditions. In the present paper, results are presented of the reoxidation of heavy (H) and light (L) chains of this protein alone, or mixed in varying proportions after separation, or mixed with the L chains modified prior to recombination and reoxidation. The overall reoxidative asembly patterns in experiments with H and L separated prior to recombination are similar to those observed when the chains remain noncovalently associated throughout. With equimolar mixtures of H and L, the reoxidation rates also are similar to those of unseparated chains. However, when L chains are present in excess, the overall in vitro rates of covalent assembly are generally diminished, probably indicating transient nonproductive interactions. At the highest molar excesses of L (3:1), the assembly pathways may also be modified. In all experiments with excess L chains, covalent L2 dimers form at rates which are comparatively slow relative to the H2L2 assembly rates. Two kinds of reoxidation experiments with modified L chains are described here for the first time. In the first, the free half-cystine of L is irreversibly blocked by reaction with iodoacetamide, and the alkylated L chains are recombined with reduced H chains. This experiment isolates the reactions in which H2 disulfides are formed without the accompanying formation of HL bonds. Although the alkylated L chains do not play a direct role in the reoxidation, their presence is required to inhibit aggregation and precipitation of high-molecular-weight products which otherwise ensue; this suggests a possible biological role for excess L in vivo. In the second kind of experiment, covalent L2 dimers are mixed with reduced H chains. L2 rapidly disappears with the concurrent appearance of HL, H2L, and fully assembled H2L. H2 dimers are also reactive in this process. Special procedures were developed for analyzing the data from these experiments. A complete format is given for the quantitative determination of the concentration of each of the molecular components directly from spectroscopic scans of the gels. The computational methods solve the general analytical problem posed when staining is not proportional to mass and are applicable to a wide variety of systems utilizing gel electrophoresis to study subunit interactions. A theoretical analysis of pathway and kinetic cooperatively in this system is presented in the following paper (Sears, D.W., and Beychok, S. (1977), Biochemistry 16 (following paper in this issue)).  相似文献   

The heterogeneous asparagine-linked sugar chains of bovine and human immunoglobulins G were separated into 12 components by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and their structures were determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Both immunoglobulin (Ig) G sources contained eight non-bisected biantennary complexes and four bisected biantennary complexes. In the non-bisected sugar chains of bovine IgG, galactosylation of the Man alpha 1-3 branch predominated over that of the Man alpha 1-6, whereas in the bisected complexes galactosylation of the Man alpha 1-6 branch predominated. This difference can be explained by the substrate specificities of the galactosyl-transferases and of the N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III involved in their synthesis. The sugar chains of human IgG1 differs in the distribution of its galactose residues from bovine IgG and human IgG2. The Man alpha 1-6 branch of all IgG1s was more highly galactosylated than the Man alpha 1-3 branch even in the non-bisected complexes. Such findings are in conflict with the substrate specificities of galactosyltransferases. Whereas these enzymes derivatized more of the Man alpha 1-6 branch of native human IgG1, in denatured protein more of the Man alpha 1-3 branch was galactosylated. Thus, protein conformation may influence the structure of its sugar chains.  相似文献   

The noncovalent interaction of light (L) chain with heavy (H) chain or Fd isolated from a human myeloma protein Jo (IgG1, kappa) was studied by following circular dichroic (CD) change at 235 nm. The dimerization constants of Jo-L chain determined by measuring the CD change at 293 nm with protein concentration showed that the Jo-L chain exists as the monomeric form under the experimental conditions used for recombination with H chain. The second-order rate constants for the interaction between H and L chains were in good agreement with those for the interaction between Fd and L chain at various pH values. The binding behavior of L chain to Fd could be described by a single association constant. In the interpretation of the binding of L chain to H chain, however, it was necessary to assume that the binding of L chain to one of the two sites on H chain dimer (H2) decreases the affinity of the other site for L chain. The binding constant of the first L chain to H2 was the same as that of L chain to Fd. Renaturation processes of L chain, Fd, Fab(SS) fragment (with intact interchain disulfide bond), and Fab(RA) fragment (in which the interchain disulfide bond had been reduced and alkylated) from the denatured states in 0.5 or 1 M acetic acid on neutralization were studied. The renaturation of Fd occurred very rapidly, while that of L chain consisted of a very rapid process and a slow process which followed first-order kinetics. The renaturation process of Fab(SS) consisted of rapid and slow phases, of which the latter followed first-order kinetics. The renaturation process of Fab(RA) also consisted of rapid and slow phases, but the latter process followed second-order kinetics. The overall rate constant of renaturation of Fab(RA) was the same as that of the reformation of Fab(RA) from isolated Fd and L chain. On the basis of these facts, the kinetic mechanism by which Fd and L chain recombine to yield Fab(RA) can be described in terms of the scheme Fd + L in equilibrium Fd ... L leads to Fab(RA), where Fd ... L is an intermediate, and CD change is only observed in the second unimolecular process and not in the first bimolecular process.  相似文献   

Age-related changes of IgG N-linked oligosaccharides isolated from normal human serum are reported for 403 individuals (male 227 and female 176), varying in age from 0 to 85 years. The IgG N-linked oligosaccharides were released from the protein by digestion with a glycoamidase and reductively aminated with the fluorescent reagent, 2-aminopyridine. The mixture of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides was separated at high resolution by HPLC using a reverse-phase column. From the results of neutral oligosaccharide analysis, agalactosyl glycoform and bisecting GlcNAc-containing glycoform were shown to increase with increasing age. Spearman's correlation coefficients were 0.503 and 0.473, respectively. Thus, in healthy people, an increase of both types of glycoforms correlates weakly with age. In addition, differences were demonstrated between male and female groups in their twenties. The quantity of agalactosyl glycoform was found to be lower in females than in males. No significant differences, however, were observed in the quantity of bisecting GlcNAc-containing glycoforms between males and females. Abbreviations: Gal, D-galactose: GlcNAc, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine; Man, D-mannose; Fc, C-terminal half of the heavy chain dimers of IgG; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; IgG, immunoglobulin G; ODS, octadecylsilyl; PA, pyridylamino This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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