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Identification and characterization of a human transthyretin variant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An apparent Mr variant of plasma transthyretin (TTR), previously detected using 2-D PAGE, is the first reported occurrence of this type of human TTR variant. We characterized the variant TTR to determine the nature of this difference. Comparative tryptic peptide maps of variant and normal TTR and sequencing of peptides which differed indicated the variant contained a single amino acid substitution of valine for tyrosine at position 116. Because such a change requires two nucleotide substitutions, we postulate the variant arose through mutation in codon 116 of a heretofore unrecognized polymorphic or rare variant allele of TTR.  相似文献   

Because of high tendency of the prion protein (PrP) to aggregate, the exact PrP isoform responsible for prion diseases as well as the pathological mechanism that it activates remains still controversial. In this study, we show that a pre-fibrillar, monomeric or small oligomeric conformation of the human PrP fragment 90–231 (hPrP90–231), rather than soluble or fibrillar large aggregates, represents the neurotoxic species. In particular, we demonstrate that monomeric mild-denatured hPrP90–231 (incubated for 1 h at 53°C) induces SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell death, while, when structured in large aggregates, it is ineffective. Using spectroscopic and cellular techniques we demonstrate that this toxic conformer is characterized by a high exposure of hydrophobic regions that favors the intracellular accumulation of the protein. Inside the cells hPrP90–231 is mainly compartmentalized into the lysosomes where it may trigger pro-apoptotic 'cell death' signals. The PrP toxic conformation, which we have obtained inducing a controlled in vitro conformational change of the protein, might mimic mild-unfolding events occurring in vivo, in the presence of specific mutations, oxidative reactions or proteolysis. Thus, in light of this model, we propose that novel therapeutic strategies, designed to inhibit the interaction of the toxic PrP with the plasmamembrane, could be beneficial to prevent the formation of intracellular neurotoxic aggregates and ultimately the neuronal death.  相似文献   

Arora S  Chauhan SS 《Gene》2002,293(1-2):123-131

APH-1 is one of the four essential components of the presenilin-gamma-secretase complex and has two human homologs, APH-1a, and APH-1b, both of which are seven-pass membrane proteins. Here, we identified a novel splice variant of human APH-1b. This variant lacks exon 4, which encodes the entire fourth transmembrane domain. The mRNA expression of this variant was detected in most tissues at low levels. In transiently transfected cells, protein expression of the APH-1b variant was much lower than that of the wild-type. Furthermore, exogenous expression of the APH-1-interacting protein, nicastrin, significantly increased the variant protein levels. These data suggest that the APH-1b variant protein is destabilized, and implies that the fourth transmembrane domain plays an important role in the protein stability and function of APH-1.  相似文献   

Chemokines are recognized as functionally important in many pathological disorders, which has led to increased interest in mechanisms related to the regulation of chemokine receptor (CKR) expression. Known mechanisms for regulating CKR activity are changes in gene expression or posttranslational modifications. However, little is known about CKR with respect to a third regulatory mechanism, which is observed among other seven-transmembrane receptor subfamilies, the concept of differential splicing or processing of heteronuclear RNA. We now report on the discovery of a variant human CKR, CXCR3, resulting from alternative splicing via exon skipping. The observed RNA processing entails a drastically altered C-terminal protein sequence with a predicted four- or five-transmembrane domain structure, differing from all known functional CKR. However, our data indicate that that this splice variant, which we termed CXCR3-alt, despite its severe structural changes still localizes to the cell surface and mediates functional activity of CXCL11.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are flagellated unicellular parasites which proliferate extracellularly in the mammalian host blood-stream and tissue spaces. They evade the hosts’ antibody-mediated lyses by sequentially changing their variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). VSG tightly coats the entire parasite body, serving as a physical barrier. In Trypanosoma brucei and the closely related species Trypanosoma evansi, Trypanosoma equiperdum, each VSG polypeptide can be divided into N- and C-terminal domains, based on cysteine distribution and sequence homology. N-terminal domain, the basis of antigenic variation, is hypervariable and contains all the exposed epitopes; C-terminal domain is relatively conserved and a full set of four or eight cysteines were generally observed. We cloned two genes from two distinct variants of T. evansi, utilizing RT-PCR with VSG-specific primers. One contained a VSG type A N-terminal domain followed a C-terminal domain lacking cysteine residues. To confirm that this gene is expressed as a functional VSG, the expression and localization of the corresponding gene product were characterized using Western blotting and immunofluorescent staining of living trypanosomes. Expression analysis showed that this protein was highly expressed, variant-specific, and had a ubiquitous cellular surface localization. All these results indicated that it was expressed as a functional VSG. Our finding showed that cysteine residues in VSG C-terminal domain were not essential; the conserved C-terminal domain generally in T. brucei like VSGs would possibly evolve for regulating the VSG expression.  相似文献   

A synthetic DNA probe designed to detect coding sequences for platelet factor 4 and connective tissue-activating peptide III (two human platelet alpha-granule proteins) was used to identify several similar sequences in total human DNA. Sequence analysis of a corresponding 3,201-base-pair EcoRI fragment isolated from a human genomic library demonstrated the existence of a variant of platelet factor 4, designated PF4var1. The gene for PF4var1 consisted of three exons and two introns. Exon 1 coded for a 34-amino-acid hydrophobic leader sequence that had 70% sequence homology with the leader sequence for PF4 but, in contrast, contained a hydrophilic amino-terminal region with four arginine residues. Exon 2 coded for a 42-amino-acid segment that was 100% identical with the corresponding segment of the mature PF4 sequence containing the amino-terminal and disulfide-bonded core regions. Exon 3 coded for the 28-residue carboxy-terminal region corresponding to a domain specifying heparin-binding and cellular chemotaxis. However, PF4var1 had amino acid differences at three positions in the lysine-rich carboxy-terminal end that were all conserved among human, bovine, and rat PF4s. These differences should significantly affect the secondary structure and heparin-binding properties of the protein based on considerations of the bovine PF4 crystal structure. By comparing the PF4var1 genomic sequence with the known human cDNA and the rat genomic PF4-coding sequences, we identified potential genetic regulatory regions for PF4var1. Rat PF4 and human PF4var1 genes had identical 18-base sequences 5' to the promoter region. The intron positions appeared to correspond approximately to the boundaries of the protein functional domains.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the identification and molecular characterization of a splice variant of human Mnk1 which has been named as Mnk1b. Human Mnk1b mRNA is homologous to human Mnk1 mRNA but lacking a region corresponding to exon 19, which causes a change in the reading frame generating a stop codon. The resulting protein lacks the last 89 amino acids at the C-terminal region that are replaced by 12 amino acids with an entirely new sequence. The C-terminal end in Mnk1 corresponds to the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) binding site. Although Mnk1b lacks this domain and, consequently, is not phosphorylated by ERK1/2, it is able, however, to phosphorylate eIF4E in vitro and in vivo in a mitogen-activated protein kinases-independent manner. This result suggests that Mnk1b may play a key role in regulating protein translation in the absence of stimuli. Interestingly, a significant population of cells shows Mnk1b within the nucleus whereas Mnk1 is always detected in the cytoplasm. This fact may be explained because Mnk1b maintains the nuclear localization signal (NLS) but lacks the nuclear export sequence (NES).  相似文献   

We previously described a synthetic peptide of myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), peptide 139-151, which induces experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in SJL/J (H-2s) mice. We have now identified an additional determinant, PLP residues 178-191, that is also a potent encephalitogen in this strain. When PLP peptide 178-191 was compared with peptide 139-151 on an equimolar basis, the day of onset of disease induced by PLP 178-191 was earlier, but the incidence, severity, and histologic features were indistinguishable. Lymph node cells from animals immunized with the whole PLP molecule responded to both PLP 178-191 and 139-151, suggesting immunologic codominance of the two epitopes. PLP 178-191 elicited stronger proliferative responses and this may relate to the earlier onset of disease induced with this peptide. Two CD4+, peptide-specific, I-A(s)-restricted T cell lines, selected by stimulation of lymph node cells with either PLP 178-191 or 139-151, were each encephalitogenic in naive syngeneic mice. The presence of multiple encephalitogenic codominant PLP epitopes within a single mouse strain emphasizes the complexity of the immune response to PLP and its potential as a target Ag in autoimmune demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

Translesion synthesis (TLS) refers to mechanisms by which specialized DNA polymerases incorporate nucleotides opposite fork-blocking lesions and extend replication until standard replicative polymerases take over. The first eukaryotic TLS polymerase discovered, S. cerevisiae Polzeta, consists of catalytic subunit Rev3 and non-catalytic subunit Rev7. Human homologs of these two proteins have been identified. Studies by Lawrence, Maher, and colleagues comparing UV((254nm))-irradiated human fibroblast cell strains expressing high levels of hRev3 antisense to their normal parental strains demonstrated that there was no difference in cell survival, but that the frequency of UV-induced mutations in the derivative strains was 10-fold lower than that of the parental strains, indicating that hRev3 plays a critical role in such mutagenesis. To examine the role of hRev7 in TLS, we generated human fibroblasts expressing hRev7 siRNA, identified two derivative cell strains with significantly reduced levels of hRev7, and compared them to their parental strain and a vector control for cell survival, induction of mutations, and ability to traverse the cell cycle following exposure to UV radiation. Cells with reduced hRev7 were approximately 2-times more sensitive to UV-induced cytotoxicity than the controls, indicating that unlike hRev3, hRev7 plays a protective role for cells exposed to UV radiation. When these cell strains were assayed for the frequency of mutations induced by UV in their HPRT gene, cell stains with reduced hRev7 were 5-times less sensitive to UV-induced mutagenesis than control strains. In addition, when these four strains were synchronized at the G1/S border, released from the block, UV-irradiated, and allowed to traverse the cell cycle, the rate of progression through S-phase of the cell strains with reduced hRev7 was significantly slower than that of the control strains. These data strongly support the hypothesis that hRev7 is required for TLS past UV-photoproducts, and together with hRev3, comprise hPolzeta.  相似文献   

A recombinant human parathyroid hormone (rhPTH) fragment (Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34)) which contains two amino acids substitutions (Gly1 and Gln26) was acquired through Escherichia coli expression system using a soluble fusion protein strategy. The soluble fusion protein MBP-Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34) was harvested after purification by Phenyl-Sepharose F.F and Q-Sepharose F.F chromatographies. Following tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage and further purification by SP-Sepharose F.F chromatography, 30.8 mg/L Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34) without tag was obtained with high purity up to 99%. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulation assay suggested that Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34) could increase the biological activity by up to 13.89% and 6.34%. After daily subcutaneous injection (for 13 weeks) of 5, 10 and 20 microg of Gly1-Gln26-rhPTH(1-34)/1000g body weight, the mean Bone Material Density (BMD) of ovariectomized (OVXed) rats increased to 7.95-30.54% and 1.98-23.32%, compared to control-vehicle group (OVX, P<0.001) and sham- operated group (SHAM, P<0.01), respectively.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor exhibits significant allelic polymorphism in humans, with both loss and gain of function variants potentially impacting on a variety of infectious and inflammatory disorders. At least five loss-of-function polymorphisms (G150R, R307Q, T357S, E496A, and I568N) and two gain-of-function polymorphisms (H155Y and Q460R) have been identified and characterized to date. In this study, we used RT-PCR cloning to isolate and characterize P2X7 cDNA clones from human PBMCs and THP-1 cells. A previously unreported variant with substitutions of V80M and A166G was identified. When expressed in HEK293 cells, this variant exhibited heightened sensitivity to the P2X7 agonist (BzATP) relative to the most frequent allele, as shown by pore formation measured by fluorescent dye uptake into cells. Mutational analyses showed that A166G alteration was critical for the gain-of-function change, while V80M was not. Full-length variants with multiple previously identified nonsynonymous SNPs (H155Y, H270R, A348T, and E496A) were also identified. Distinct functional phenotypes of the P2X7 variants or mutants constructed with multiple polymorphisms were observed. Gain-of-function variations (A166G or H155Y) could not rescue the loss-of-function E496A polymorphism. Synergistic effects of the gain-of-function variations were also observed. We also identified the A348T alteration as a weak gain-of-function variant. Thus, these results identify the new gain-of-function variant A166G and demonstrate that multiple-gene polymorphisms contribute to functional phenotypes of the human P2X7 receptor. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the C-terminal of the cysteine-rich domain 1 of P2X7 is critical for regulation of P2X7-mediated pore formation.  相似文献   

Systematic analysis of degradomes, the complete protease repertoires of organisms, has demonstrated the large and growing complexity of proteolytic systems operating in all cells and tissues. We report here the identification of two new human metalloproteases that have been called archaemetzincin-1 (AMZ1) and archaemetzincin-2 (AMZ2) to emphasize their close relationship to putative proteases predicted by bioinformatic analysis of archaeal genomes. Both human proteins contain a catalytic domain with a core motif (HEXXHXXGX3CX4CXMX17CXXC) that includes an archetypal zinc-binding site, the methionine residue characteristic of metzincins, and four conserved cysteine residues that are not present at the equivalent positions of other human metalloproteases. Analysis of genome sequence databases revealed that AMZs are widely distributed in Archaea and vertebrates and contribute to the defining of a new metalloprotease family that has been called archaemetzincin. However, AMZ-like sequences are absent in a number of model organisms from bacteria to nematodes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these enzymes have undergone a complex evolutionary process involving a series of lateral gene transfer, gene loss, and genetic duplication events that have shaped this novel family of metalloproteases. Northern blot analysis showed that AMZ1 and AMZ2 exhibit distinct expression patterns in human tissues. AMZ1 is mainly detected in liver and heart whereas AMZ2 is predominantly expressed in testis and heart, although both are also detectable at lower levels in other tissues. Both human enzymes were produced in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant proteins hydrolyzed synthetic substrates and bioactive peptides, demonstrating that they are functional proteases. Finally, these activities were abolished by inhibitors of metalloproteases, providing further evidence that AMZs belong to this catalytic class of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Five structural analogs of human insulin-like growth factor II (IGF II), [Leu27]IGF II, [Glu27]IGF II, des(62-67)IGF II, des(62-67)[Leu27]IGF II and des(62-67)[Glu27]IGF II were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed as protein A fusion proteins in E. coli BL21 pLysS cells, cleaved with CNBr and purified by affinity chromatography and HPLC. These mutants were tested for their binding affinities to type 1 and type 2 IGF receptors, to IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and for their stimulation of thymidine incorporation into DNA. [Leu27]IGF II exhibits an affinity to the type 2 IGF receptor close to that of wild-type IGF II, but has lost completely the affinity to the type 1 IGF receptor. The results further suggest that the D domain, which is close to Tyr27, forms part of the binding region for the type 1 IGF receptor.  相似文献   

Human CC chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha, MIP-1beta, and RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed) self-associate to form high-molecular mass aggregates. To explore the biological significance of chemokine aggregation, nonaggregating variants were sought. The phenotypes of 105 hMIP-1alpha variants generated by systematic mutagenesis and expression in yeast were determined. hMIP-1alpha residues Asp26 and Glu66 were critical to the self-association process. Substitution at either residue resulted in the formation of essentially homogenous tetramers at 0.5 mg/ml. Substitution of identical or analogous residues in homologous positions in both hMIP-1beta and RANTES demonstrated that they were also critical to aggregation. Our analysis suggests that a single charged residue at either position 26 or 66 is insufficient to support extensive aggregation and that two charged residues must be present. Solution of the three-dimensional NMR structure of hMIP-1alpha has enabled comparison of these residues in hMIP-1beta and RANTES. Aggregated and disaggregated forms of hMIP-1alpha, hMIP-1beta, and RANTES generally have equivalent G-protein-coupled receptor-mediated biological potencies. We have therefore generated novel reagents to evaluate the role of hMIP-1alpha, hMIP-1beta, and RANTES aggregation in vitro and in vivo. The disaggregated chemokines retained their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) inhibitory activities. Surprisingly, high concentrations of RANTES, but not disaggregated RANTES variants, enhanced infection of cells by both M- and T-tropic HIV isolates/strains. This observation has important implications for potential therapeutic uses of chemokines implying that disaggregated forms may be necessary for safe clinical investigation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine which amino acid(s) of LD78beta, a variant of human macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, plays a critical role in the interaction with CCR5, we generated six LD78beta variants with an amino acid substituted to Ala at the NH(2) terminus of LD78beta. There was no significant difference in eliciting Ca(2+) flux and chemotaxis among the variants with the exception of LD78beta(T9A) showing a substantially reduced activity. The comparative order for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication inhibition was: LD78beta(P8A) > LD78beta(D6A) > LD78beta(WT), LD78beta(L3A) > LD78beta(T7A), LD78beta(P2A) > LD78beta(T9A). In binding inhibition assays of LD78beta variants using 2D7 monoclonal antibody and (125)I-labeled macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, the comparative order was: LD78beta(P8A), LD78beta(D6A) > LD78beta(WT) > LD78beta(L3A) > LD78beta(T7A) > LD78beta(T9A), LD78betaP2A). The order for CCR5 down-regulation induction was comparable to that for binding inhibition. The present data suggest that Pro-2, Asp-6, Pro-8, and Thr-9 are critical for LD78beta binding to CCR5 and HIV-1 replication inhibition, and that LD78beta binding to CCR5, regardless of affinity, is sufficient for the initial signal transduction of LD78beta, whereas the greater anti-HIV-1 activity requires the greater magnitude of binding. The data also suggest that LD78beta variants with appropriate amino acid substitution(s) such as LD78beta(D6A) and LD78beta(P8A) may represent effective chemokine-based anti-HIV-1 therapeutics while preserving LD78beta-CCR5 interactions.  相似文献   

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