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We developed a model of the population dynamic interaction between an insect and a pathogenic bacterium motivated by study of Serratia entomophila, a commercially exploited pathogen of the New Zealand grass grub (Costelytra zealandica). The bacterium is able to reproduce saprophytically, though it competes for saprophytic substrates with non-pathogenic strains, which appear to be superior competitors, probably because they lack a plasmid that carries genes required for pathogenicity. The effect of saprophytism and competition on the invasion criterion (R0), short-term dynamics and long-term dynamics are described. Saprophytism can reduce (possibly to zero) the host threshold at which the pathogen can invade, though this reduction is less when there is competition with non-pathogenic strains. In a model of short-term population dynamics designed to mimic the application of bacteria to a host epizootic, saprophytism enhances the reduction in host density, though again this is tempered by competition with non-pathogens. In the long term, a pathogen that can develop saprophytically can drive its host to extinction in the absence of competition with non-pathogens. When the latter are present, host extinction is prevented. The addition of saprophytic reproduction can stabilize an otherwise unstable host–pathogen model, but we were unable to find a stable equilibrium given the further addition of a wholly saprophytic bacterial strain. The model suggests that enhancing or selecting for saprophytic ability could be a way of improving biological control.  相似文献   

Resting cysts of Parentocirrus hortualis were investigated, using live observation, SEM and TEM. Processes during encystation and excystation were observed in vivo under the light microscope. During encystation, the trophic body becomes globular, the ciliature is resorbed in an anterior direction, the macronuclear nodules fuse into an elongated mass, and finally a cyst wall develops. As typical for oxytrichids, the resting cysts of P. hortualis are of the kinetosome-resorbing type and their wall is made of four layers: ectocyst, mesocyst, endocyst, and metacyst. The beginning of excystation is indicated by the formation of an excystation vacuole that helps the regenerating specimen to break the cyst wall. The excysting specimen leaves the resting cyst in a thin membrane that is gradually resorbed in the outer environment. Also two other excystation modes were observed. During the rare mode, the excystation vacuole breaks the thin membrane instead of the cyst wall that ruptures under the pressure of the body of the regenerating specimen. During the reproduction mode, the regenerating specimen divides within the resting cyst, producing two to four tomites. This is the first report of division in resting cysts of oxytrichids, but reproduction in division cysts was already described in keronopsids.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(2):269-278
A significant feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the formation of amyloid deposits in the brain consisting mainly of misfolded derivatives of proteolytic cleavage products of the amyloid precursor protein amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide. While high-resolution structures already exist for both the monomer and the amyloid fibril of the Aβ peptide, the mechanism of amyloid formation itself still defies precise characterization. In this study, low and high molecular weight oligomers (LMWOs and HMWOs) were identified by sedimentation velocity analysis, and for the first time, the temporal evolution of oligomer size distributions was correlated with the kinetics of amyloid formation as determined by thioflavin T-binding studies. LMWOs of subnucleus size contain fewer than seven monomer units and exist alongside a heterogeneous group of HMWOs with 20–160 monomer units that represent potential centers of nucleus formation due to high local monomer concentrations. These HMWOs already have slightly increased β-strand content and appear structurally similar regardless of size, as shown by examination with a range of fluorescent dyes. Once fibril nuclei are formed, the monomer concentration begins to decrease, followed by a decrease in oligomer concentration, starting with LMWOs, which are the least stable species. The observed behavior classifies the two LMWOs as off pathway. In contrast, we consider HMWOs to be on-pathway, prefibrillar intermediates, representing structures in which nucleated conformational conversion is facilitated by high local concentrations. Aβ40 and Aβ42 M35ox take much longer to form nuclei and enter the growth phase than Aβ42 under identical reaction conditions, presumably because both the size and the concentration of HMWOs formed are much smaller.  相似文献   

The deterministic properties of a two-locus model with mutation and selection have been investigated. The mutation process is unidirectional, and the model is so constructed that the genetic variation at one locus is selectively neutral in the absence of a mutant allele at the other locus. All genotypes with three or four mutant alleles are deleterious, while the double heterozygotes may have the same fitness as the standard genotype. If one of the mutant alleles becomes fixed in the population, then the other locus will show a regular one-locus mutation-selection balance. Such a boundary equilibrium may be unstable or stable in the full two-locus setting. In the symmetric case, which is analyzed in details, the population will either go to one of the two boundary equilibria, or to a fully polymorphic equilibrium at which both the mutant alleles are rare. The origin of reproductive separation between two populations via the fixation of complementary deleterious mutants at different loci, and the fixation of nonfunctional alleles at duplicated loci, are two biological processes which both can be studied with the present model. In the last part of the paper we show how the results from the deterministic analysis can be used to predict how different factors will influence the rates of evolution in these systems.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the advances made by the DiFrancesco and Noble (DFN) model of cardiac cellular electrophysiology, which was published in Philosophical Transactions B in 1985. This model was developed at a time when the introduction of new techniques and provision of experimental data had resulted in an explosion of knowledge about the cellular and biophysical properties of the heart. It advanced the cardiac modelling field from a period when computer models considered only the voltage-dependent channels in the surface membrane. In particular, it included a consideration of changes of both intra- and extracellular ionic concentrations. In this paper, we summarize the most important contributions of the DiFrancesco and Noble paper. We also describe how computer modelling has developed subsequently with the extension from the single cell to the whole heart as well as its use in understanding disease and predicting the effects of pharmaceutical interventions. This commentary was written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.  相似文献   

Alterations in glycolipid composition as well as glycosyltransferase activities during cellular differentiation and growth have been well documented. However, the underlying mechanisms for the regulation of glycolipid expression remain obscure. One of the major obstacles has been the lack of a well defined model system for studying these phenomena. We have chosen PC 12 pheochrom-ocytoma cells as a model because (a) the properties of these cells have been well characterized, and (b) they respond to nerve growth factor (NGF) by differentiating into sympathetic-like neurons and are amenable to well-controlled experimentation. Thus, PC12 cells represent a suitable model for studying changes in glycolipid metabolism in relation to cellular differentiation. We have previously shown that subcloned PC12 cells accumulate a unique series of globo-series neutral glycolipids which are not expressed in parental PC12 cells. This unusual change in glycolipid distribution is accompanied by changes in the activities of specific glycosyltransferases involved in their synthesis and is correlated with neuritogenesis and/or cellular differentiation in this cell line. We have further demonstrated that changes in the glycosyltransferase activities may be modulated by the phosphorylation states of the cells via protein kinase systems. We conclude that these unique globo-series glycolipids may play a functional role in the initiation and/or maintenance of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The principle of competitive exclusion is investigated within the framework of the solvable model proposed earlier for two-species systems. The results elucidate the recent controversy over the interpretation of experimental data onDrosophila equilibrium. It is shown that the necessary and sufficient conditions for stable coexistence of competing species is that the product of intraspecific rate constants be greater than the product of interspecific rate constants. Inequalities between rate constants for the occurrence of stable equilibriumbelow andabove the line joining single species equilibria are derived. The availability of larger domain of coexistence suggests that the model presented here has the potential to accommodate a wider class of phenomena than the Gause—Volterra model according to which coexistence is possible only above the line of single species equilibrium.  相似文献   

A system of mutually coupled Van der Pol equations is derived from an extended version of the Wilson and Cowan model for the dynamics of a number of excitatory and inhibitory neural subsets. In the lowest order of approximation, interactions between excitatory and inhibitory subsets appear as linear elastic coupling, while those within and between excitatory and excitatory subsets appear as nonlinear frictional coupling. The case of two coupled oscillators is investigated by the method of averaging and the stability conditions for two mode oscillations are obtained. Internal resonance is also discussed briefly in the case of identical oscillators.  相似文献   

The existence of the hemangioblast, a common progenitor of the endothelial and hematopoietic cell lineages, was proposed at the beginning of the century. Although recent findings seem to confirm its existence, it is still unknown when and how the hemangioblasts differentiate. We propose a hypothesis about the origin of hemangioblasts from the embryonic splanchnic mesothelium. The model is based on observations collected from the literature and from our own studies. These observations include: (1) the extensive population of the splanchnic mesoderm by mesothelial-derived cells coinciding with the emergence of the endothelial and hematopoietic progenitors; (2) the transient localization of cytokeratin, the main mesothelial intermediate filament protein, in some embryonic vessels and endothelial progenitors; (3) the possible origin of cardiac vessels from epicardial-derived cells; (4) the origin of endocardial cells from the splanchnic mesoderm when this mesoderm is an epithelium; (5) the evidence that mesothelial cells migrate to the hemogenic areas of the dorsal aorta. (6) Biochemical and antigenic similarities between mesothelial and endothelial cells. We suggest that the endothelium-lined vascular system arose as a specialization of the phylogenetically older coelomic cavities. The origin of the hematopoietic cells might be related to the differentiation, reported in some invertebrates, of coelomocytes from the coelomic epithelium. Some types of coelomocytes react against microbial invasion and other types transport respiratory pigments. We propose that this phylogenetic origin is recapitulated in the vertebrate ontogeny and explains the differentiation of endothelial and blood cells from a common mesothelial-derived progenitor.  相似文献   

A coevolutionary model is developed of the interaction between a host and an internal parasitoid, where the outcome of parasitism depends upon the extent to which individual hosts invest in resistance mechanisms and individual parasitoids in countermeasures (virulence). The host and parasitoid are assumed to have coupled population dynamics (of Nicholson–Bailey form) and to be composed of a series of asexual clones with different levels of resistance and virulence. Investment in resistance and virulence mechanisms is assumed to be costly. The model has two main outcomes. First, if resistance is relatively costly compared to virulence, the host may be selected not to invest in resistance mechanisms despite parasitoid investment in virulence, in effect trading off the risks of parasitism against the savings in costs. A number of cases which appear to correspond to this result have been reported. Second, for most other feasible parameter values, an arms race occurs between host and parasitoid, until effective resistance becomes so costly that the host abandons defence. This abandonment is followed by a reduction in parasitoid virulence and the cycle begins again. These cycles may explain reports of persistent additive genetic variation in resistance and virulence, and may also contribute towards population dynamic stability.  相似文献   

In animal cells, blebs are smooth, quasi-hemispherical protrusions of the plasma membrane that form when a section of the membrane detaches from the underlying actin cytoskeleton and is inflated by flowing cytosol. The mechanics behind this common cellular activity are not yet clear. As a first step in the development of a full computational framework, we present a numerical model of overall cell behavior based upon the interaction between a background Newtonian-fluid cytosol and elastic structures modeling the membrane and filaments. The detailed micromechanics of the cytoskeletal network are the subject of future work. Here, the myosin-driven contraction of the actin network is modeled through stressed elastic filaments. Quantitative models of cytoskeletal micromechanics and biochemistry require accurate estimates of local stress and flow conditions. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a computationally efficient fluid–structure interaction model based on operator splitting, to furnish this data. Cytosol volume conservation (as supported by experimental evidence) is enforced through an intermediate energy minimization step. Realistic bleb formation and retraction is observed from this model, offering an alternative formulation to positing complex continuum behavior of the cytoplasm (e.g. poroelastic model of Charras et al., 2008).  相似文献   

Hirschsprung''s disease is marked by constipation from the time of birth, with the development, if uncorrected, of a protuberant abdomen and flared costal margins. The rectal ampulla is empty and the abdomen is filled with fecal masses. Pain is not prominent. Flatus is passed in large amounts. Encopresis does not occur. Barium enema shows the characteristic narrowed distal rectal segment and biopsy of the rectum shows absence of the ganglion cells of the myenteric plexus.Treatment is operative resection of the distal narrow segment and a primary anastomosis.Hirschsprung''s disease may be mimicked in children with:1. Psychogenic constipation—pseudo-Hirschsprung''s disease. Unlike Hirschsprung''s disease, symptoms do not appear at birth, encopresis is common, and the barium enema shows no narrow distal segment.2. Mental retardation and cerebral defect.3. Corrected imperforate anus—on the basis of stenosis, imperfect innervation or poor habit training.4. Cretinism—with severe constipation and intestinal dilatation perhaps the presenting symptoms.Treatment of these four groups of children with severe constipation not due to Hirschsprung''s disease is:For Group 1, open discussion with parent and child. Assumption by the physician of full control of the details of treatment, and relegation of parent to the role of the physician''s agent in following the prescribed regimen.For Group 2, an enema regimen. Whereas fairly rapid restoration (and then persistence) of normal bowel habit can be expected in Group 1, the basic defects in Group 2 may require indefinite continuation of treatment.For Group 3, regular enema regimen, in the less severe cases—one identical with that used in Group 1, and dilatation of strictures or anoplasty.In Group 4, thyroid hormone therapy relieves the constipation of hypothyroidism and causes reversion of radiographic changes in the colon and rectum.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, the growing availability of radiometric data has led to profound changes in the archaeological study of cultural and social processes in European Late Prehistory. In this paper, we examine how the combined use of spatial analysis and Bayesian modelling can further contribute to an enhanced interpretation of the temporality of a major social phenomenon: the “megalithisation” process in Iberia. For the first time, it is possible to compare hypotheses regarding the start date, speed and direction of the spread of this major process for the whole of Iberia, and not just for selected regions or single sites.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are considered to be huge threat among millions of peoples, animals, and other living organisms in the world. Most of the vector borne diseases such as malaria, filariasis, dengue hemorrhagic fever, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis etc., created huge impact on humans in all over the world. Vector diseases in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are increasing day by day and their control measures taken through the government sectors for eradicating the vectors helps in controlling the diseases but still more approaches to be implemented or assimilated. Most of the synthetic or chemical based insecticides to control mosquitoes developed resistance among their communities even though they showed their potential in controlling the vector in initial days. Botanical insecticides from plant-based origin such as active compounds, essential oils, green synthesized nanomaterials, and microbial secondary metabolites helps more efficiency in controlling vectors. Mode of action against vectors differs based on its persisting active ingredients, such as larvicidal, pupicidal, adulticidal, oviposition, morphological changes etc. Even though number of research works has been carried out against mosquito species, there is only limited number of studies undergone against mosquito vectors from Saudi Arabia origin. Hence this review will give us the current knowledge on the effectiveness of botanical insecticides against major mosquito vectors from Saudi Arabia. Thus, it gives more significant against medical and veterinary sectors.  相似文献   


This paper aims to construct a general framework of coupling tumor–bone remodeling processes in order to produce plausible outcomes of the effects of tumors on the number of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and the frequency of the bone turnover cycle. In this document, Komarova’s model has been extended to include the effect of tumors on the bone remodeling processes. Thus, we explored three alternatives for coupling tumor presence into Komarova’s model: first, using a “damage” parameter that depends on the tumor cell concentration. A second model follows the original structure of Komarova, including the tumor presence in those equations powered up to a new parameter, called the paracrine effect of the tumor on osteoclasts and osteoblasts; the last model is replicated from Ayati and collaborators in which the impact of the tumor is included into the paracrine parameters. Through the models, we studied their stability and considered some examples that can reproduce the tumor effects seen in clinic and experimentally. Therefore, this paper has three parts: the exposition of the three models, the results and discussion (where we explore some aspects and examples of the solution of the models), and the conclusion.


The effect of saccadic eye movements on threshold perception is investigated theoretically. The proposed model considers eye movements by taking into account the shifting of the stimulus pattern on the retina during the occurrence of an eye movement. Saccades are characterized by high velocity and short duration. These motions cause overshoots in the response of linear filters to certain stimulus patterns. Therefore, the model predicts facilitation effects of saccades in the perception of low spatial frequency patterns and patterns flickering with high temporal frequencies. These results agree with experimentally obtained data presented in a subsequent paper. A simple approach is formulated which approximates the complex shifting function of a saccade by a switching of the pattern.  相似文献   

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