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This paper analyzes the diversity of dung and carrion beetles (Scarabaeinae and Silphidae) in four human-induced habitats of a disturbed tropical montane cloud forest: polyspecific shade coffee plantations, monospecific shade coffee plantations, tropical montane cloud forest fragments, and clear cuts. The four habitats had similar richness, species composition, and assemblage structure of dung and carrion beetles. Differences were found in abundance and biomass levels for the four dominant species in the landscape. Dung beetles were more abundant than carrion beetles, but the biomass was higher for the latter. Carrion beetles were seasonal, while dung beetles were clearly not. When forest fragments and shade coffee plantations were compared to other similar habitats in the region, the same general pattern was observed. However, forests with high disturbance and monospecific shade coffee plantations had lower species richness than forests with low and medium disturbance and polyspecific shade coffee plantations. Thus shade coffee plantations maintain connectivity between patches of cloud forest in a landscape that is strongly affected by human activities. Protecting landscape diversity appears to ensure high species richness.  相似文献   

Shifting and permanent cultivation, selective logging, cattle production and coffee plantations are among the most important factors in montane cloud forest conversion and disturbance. Although shaded-coffee plantations can contribute to the preservation of local species richness, abundance of organisms could be determined by habitat resource availability in agricultural landscapes. We compared abundance of Sturnira and Artibeus bats (Phyllostomidae, Stenodermatinae), in shade coffee plantations and disturbed cloud forest fragments, which represent habitats with different chiropterochorous plant density. We also investigated the relationship between bat species abundance and food plant richness, abundance and diversity. We captured 956 bats, 76% in cloud forest fragments and 24% in shaded coffee plantations. Abundance of Sturnira spp. (small bats) was greater in cloud forest than in coffee plantations, but Artibeus spp. (large bats) abundance was similar in both habitats. Chiropterochorous plant abundance was positively related with bat abundance for Sturnira spp., while chiropterochorous plant richness and diversity were negatively related for Artibeus spp. This suggests that frugivorous bats with different morphological and ecological characteristics respond differentially to anthropogenic activities. For landscape management purposes, the maintenance and augmentation of diverse food resources, for frugivorous bats with different foraging requirements in coffee plantations, will benefit the resilience of bats to modification of their natural habitat.  相似文献   

We used capture (mist‐netting) and acoustic methods to compare the species richness, abundance, and composition of a bat assemblage in different habitats in the Western Ghats of India. In the tropics, catching bats has been more commonly used as a survey method than acoustic recordings. In our study, acoustic methods based on recording echolocation calls detected greater bat activity and more species than mist‐netting. However, some species were detected more frequently or exclusively by capture. Ideally, the two methods should be used together to compensate for the biases in each. Using combined capture and acoustic data, we found that protected forests, forest fragments, and shade coffee plantations hosted similar and diverse species assemblages, although some species were recorded more frequently in protected forests. Tea plantations contained very few species from the overall bat assemblage. In riparian habitats, a strip of forested habitat on the river bank improved the habitat for bats compared to rivers with tea planted up to each bank. Our results show that shade coffee plantations are better bat habitat than tea plantations in biodiversity hotspots. However, if tea is to be the dominant land use, forest fragments and riparian corridors can improve the landscape considerably for bats. We encourage coffee growers to retain traditional plantations with mature native trees, rather than reverting to sun grown coffee or coffee shaded by a few species of timber trees.  相似文献   

In many regions of tropical Asia, the expansion of rubber monoculture plantations is conducted by replacement of natural forest areas and strongly affects biodiversity and movement patterns of wild species, including insects. Against this background, we conducted a study on selected insect groups (longhorn beetles, bark beetles, wild bees and hoverflies) along transects between rainforest patches, open uncultivated land and rubber plantation habitats in a region of Xishuangbanna (southern Yunnan, China), with the objectives to identify (a) movement directions and patterns of selected insect groups based on their abundances in modified Malaise traps in the different habitats, and (b) the role of remaining natural rainforest patches and rubber plantations, respectively, for insect diversity maintenance and conservation. The highest total numbers of species and individuals of bark beetles, longhorn beetles and wild bees were recorded from the natural forest edge compared to open land and rubber plantation edge. This result clearly indicates that the natural forest plays an important role in maintenance of these three insect groups. However, the highest number of hoverfly species and individuals was recorded from the open land sites, indicating the most relevant habitat type for this group of species. Overall, the lowest species and individual numbers were recorded from the rubber plantation edge, indicating the unsuitability of this habitat type for all insect groups considered. The distribution of species and individuals in the opposite trap sides along the transect indicates that longhorn beetles, bark beetles and wild bees show not only movements from the forest to the surrounding habitats, but also return back after encountering the unsuitable rubber plantation habitat. Bark beetle composition showed the relatively highest similarity between all trap sites and opposite trap sides among the insect groups considered, indicating a higher movement activity than the other groups. The four insect groups considered in this study show different movement modes between the forest, open land and rubber plantation, which are not the same for all taxa. Except for hoverflies, the natural forest was found to be the most important habitat for the maintenance of species diversity in the different land use types of the study area.  相似文献   

We examined seed dispersal by bats and birds in four habitats of the Selva Lacandona tropical rain forest region, Chiapas, Mexico. The four habitats represented a disturbance gradient: active cornfield, ten-year-old abandoned cornfield, cacao plantation, and forest. Using seed traps examined before sunrise (0400 h) and before sunset (1800 h), we compared volant vertebrate seed dispersal, assuming that seeds found at the end of the night were dispersed by bats and those found at the end of the day were dispersed by birds. We did not find seeds from other frugivores such as monkeys or opossums. In all habitats bats dispersed more seeds than birds. In most months bats also dispersed more seeds than birds, except in December when no seeds were found in the traps. Bats also consistently dispersed more species of seeds than birds, although a x2 comparison showed differences not to be significant. Fifty percent of the species represented in the dispersed seeds in all habitats were pioneer species. Cecropia seeds represented a high percentage (up to 87% of those dispersed by bats and up to 83% by birds) of dispersed seeds that fell in our traps. The influence of bats and birds on secondary successional processes is likely to be fundamental for the establishment of vegetation. Since bats dispersed more seeds than birds (primarily to disturbed areas and consisting primarily of pioneer species), they are likely to play an important role in successional and restoration processes among habitats as structurally and vegetationally different as cornfields, old fields, cacao plantations, and forest.  相似文献   

Cloud forests (CF) are disappearing due to anthropogenic causes such as cultivation. A characteristic feature of the CF is that a high proportion of its biomass occurs in the form of epiphytes, which are vital microhabitats to canopy dwelling arthropods. Coffee plantations overlap with CF and replace them. Epiphytes are abundant in shade coffee (SC) plantations and therefore these plants are an appropriate background for comparing the diversity between these systems. Spiders are understudied in canopies, and since they are major predators and their communities are highly sensitive to environmental changes, they can be used to test the similarity between habitats. We conducted a diversity assay of spiders living in epiphytes in cloud forest fragments and SC plantations, to test the hypothesis that SC plantations function as refugia. We manually sampled epiphytes within the canopy of two coffee plantations and two fragments of cloud forest in central Veracruz, Mexico. Our results show that SC plantations account for higher spider abundance and species richness than cloud forest fragments, there is little overlap between the species found in both systems, and the range of distribution and the guild structure of the spider assemblages between both systems is similar. As there were no significant differences between cloud forest fragments and SC plantations in terms of spider species assemblages, species distribution and guild structure the epiphytes from the SC plantations can be consider a refuge for the spider fauna from the surrounding cloud forest fragments. Epiphyte load and tree height are important factors driving the differentiation at community level, between sites and habitats. Bromeliads harbored more spiders than the other types of epiphytes, and since these plants are frequently removed by farmers or extracted for commercial and religious purposes, we suggest that preserving epiphytes in coffee plantations and cloud forest fragments could aid in the conservation of spiders.  相似文献   

The rapid and extensive conversion of Neotropical rain forests to a landscape consisting of pasture lands and other agricultural habitats has meant the local disappearance fragmentation and isolation of vertebrate populations To avoid further losses in biodiversity in Neotropical rain forests, it is imperative to determine how the different species that constitute the different vertebrate communities have responded to the anthropogenic alterations of their natural habitats To provide data in this direction we sampled non flying mammals in 35 forest fragments, in six disturbed forest sites in 12 regenerating forests, in 20 arboreal agricultural habitats (cacao coffee, mixed, citrus and allspice), in four live fence sites and in four pasture sites at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz Mexico Sampling indicated that area of forest fragments and isolating distance were important variables influencing species richness Disturbed forest had fewer species and individuals present and supported a lower non flying mammal biomass than undisturbed and regenerating forests Shaded plantations (cacao coffee and mixed) were richer in species and in individuals than unshaded ones (citrus, allspice) Species richness in forests and agricultural habitats were associated to horizontal plant diversity and vertical foliage diversity Pasture habitats were the poorest man-made habitats in non flying mammal species Live fences supported a higher biomass and species of non flying mammals than pastures and were similar to forest and shaded man-made habitats in species assemblages  相似文献   

Conversion of natural forest to oil palm plantations is a major threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia. The retention of natural forest habitats within plantations has been proposed as a method to reduce biodiversity losses in agricultural areas, and we examined whether forest areas resulted in spillover of species into adjacent oil palm plantations. We sampled ants and butterflies along two 2‐km transects across an ecotone from plantation into adjacent forest in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Species richness of both taxa was reduced in plantations, but to a greater extent in butterflies (54% reduction) than in ants (25% reduction). Butterfly diversity increased in plantations with increasing proximity to forest primarily due to spillover of ‘vagrant’ forest species (whose larval host plants do not occur in plantations), although richness of species that could potentially breed in plantations also increased near to forest. By contrast, ants showed no spillover effects and were less sensitive to land‐use changes, with much higher levels of similarity in species assemblages across habitats than for butterflies. Our results for butterflies suggest that despite the negative impacts of plantations on diversity, proximity to forest could improve diversity in adjacent plantations for some taxa. Spillover of forest species implies that retaining forest areas within plantations may be important for facilitating dispersal of some species through the landscape.  相似文献   

Clearance of tropical forest for agricultural purposes is generally assumed to seriously threaten the survival of forest species. In this study, we quantified the conservation value, for forest bird species, of three degraded habitat types in Peninsular Malaysia, namely rubber tree plantations, oil palm plantations, and open areas. We surveyed these degraded habitats using point counts to estimate their forest bird species richness and abundance. We assessed whether richness, abundance, and activities of different avian dietary groups (i.e. insectivores and frugivores) varied among the habitats. We identified the critical habitat elements that accounted for the distribution of forest avifauna in these degraded habitats. Our results showed that these habitats harboured a moderate fraction of forest avifauna (approximately 46–76 species) and their functions were complementary (i.e. rubber tree plantations for moving; open habitats for perching; shrubs in oil palm plantations for foraging). In terms of species richness and abundance, rubber tree plantations were more important than oil palm plantations and open habitats. The relatively high species richness of this agricultural landscape was partly due to the contiguity of our study areas with extensive forest areas. Forecasts of forest-species presence under various canopy cover scenarios suggest that leaving isolated trees among non-arboreal crops could greatly attract relatively tolerant species that require tree canopy. The conservation value of degraded habitats in agricultural landscapes seems to depend on factors such as the type of crops planted and distance to primary forest remnants.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations have received attention for their role in biodiversity conservation. Bats are among the most diverse mammalian taxa in these systems; however, previous studies of bats in coffee plantations have focused on the largely herbivorous leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae). In contrast, we have virtually no information on how ensembles of aerial insectivorous bats--nearly half the Neotropical bat species--change in response to habitat modification. To evaluate the effects of agroecosystem management on insectivorous bats, we studied their diversity and activity in southern Chiapas, Mexico, a landscape dominated by coffee agroforestry. We used acoustic monitoring and live captures to characterize the insectivorous bat ensemble in forest fragments and coffee plantations differing in the structural and taxonomic complexity of shade trees. We captured bats of 12 non-phyllostomid species; acoustic monitoring revealed the presence of at least 12 more species of aerial insectivores. Richness of forest bats was the same across all land-use types; in contrast, species richness of open-space bats increased in low shade, intensively managed coffee plantations. Conversely, only forest bats demonstrated significant differences in ensemble structure (as measured by similarity indices) across land-use types. Both overall activity and feeding activity of forest bats declined significantly with increasing management intensity, while the overall activity, but not feeding activity, of open-space bats increased. We conclude that diverse shade coffee plantations in our study area serve as valuable foraging and commuting habitat for aerial insectivorous bats, and several species also commute through or forage in low shade coffee monocultures.  相似文献   

The agricultural matrix surrounding forested areas serves critical functions as dispersal corridors and alternate habitat for wildlife. Agricultural intensification, however, can reduce the conservation value of these areas. To evaluate the effects of agroecosystem management on bat assemblages, we studied the abundance and diversity of leaf-nosed bats (family: Phyllostomidae) in southwestern Chiapas, Mexico, a landscape dominated by shade coffee agroforestry. During 2104 mist-net hour (MNH), we captured 3167 bats of 27 phyllostomid species. Total species richness in each land-use type varied from 24 species in forest fragments to 22 species in commercial shade polycultures. Although the cumulative observed species richness showed little change in response to management intensity, the number of bats captured per MNH declined significantly in the more intensively managed (i.e., low-shade monocultures) plantations. Intensively managed coffee plantations had lower phyllostomid diversity and species similarity, and had lower proportions of nectarivorous and animalivorous bats. Among frugivores, the proportion of large (>25 g) frugivores captured increased with management intensity. Recapture frequency was significantly higher than expected in forest fragments, and lower than expected in more intensively managed coffee. Our results suggest that less intensively managed coffee agroforests can serve as valuable feeding and commuting areas for most leaf-nosed bats, and that maintaining forest fragments in agricultural landscapes contributes to bat diversity. Declines in populations of gleaning insectivores, however, could compromise natural suppression of insect pests in these agricultural areas.  相似文献   

1. While it is clear that land‐use change significantly impacts the taxonomic dimension of soil biodiversity, how the functional dimension responds to land‐use change is less well understood. 2. This study examined how the transformation of primary forests into rubber tree monocultures impacts individual termite species and how this change is reflected in termite taxonomic and functional α‐diversity (within site) and β‐diversity (among sites). 3. Overall, individual species responded strongly to land‐use change, whereby only 11 of the 27 species found were able to tolerate both habitats. These differences caused a 27% reduction in termite taxonomic richness and reduced taxonomic β‐diversity in rubber plantations compared with primary forests. The study also revealed that the forest conversion led to a shift in some termite species with smaller body size, shorter legs and smaller mandibular traits. Primary forests exhibited higher functional richness and functional β‐diversity of termite species, indicating that functional traits of termite species in rubber plantations are more evenly distributed. 4. The present study suggests that forest conversion does not merely decrease taxonomic diversity of termites, but also exerts functional trait filtering within some termite species. The results affirm the need for biodiversity assessments that combine taxonomic and functional indicators when monitoring the impact of land‐use change.  相似文献   

Human-modified forested landscapes are prevalent in the tropics, and the role of complex mosaics of diverse vegetation types in biodiversity conservation remains poorly understood. Demographic traits and the spatial pattern of biodiversity are essential information when considering proper forest management and land use strategies. We compared the tree community structure (stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and species composition) and the forest dynamics (mortality, recruitment rate, and increments of basal area, and above- and below-ground biomass) of 39–46 plots among five dominant forest types: young and old fallows, rubber plantations, and fragmented and old-growth forests in Sarawak, Malaysia. We also explored how tree diversity was distributed across different spatial scales using additive partitioning of diversity. Swidden cultivation and rubber plantations showed decreased stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and increments of above- and below-ground biomass, which affected tree mortality, dominant trees, and species composition. Little distinction in species composition was observed among young and old fallows and rubber plantations, indicating a relatively quick recovery of the tree community in the early stages. The highest diversity was found among forest types, indicating that the whole forested landscape comprises a suitable scale for tree biodiversity conservation in the region. Our results suggest that although fragmented and old-growth forests have an irreplaceable role and a high priority in conserving biodiversity and sustaining the function of the forest ecosystem, secondary forests may also have a reinforcing role in maintaining tree diversity in the region, especially under the current circumstances in which a large portion of the landscape is human-modified and faces an increasing threat from the expansion of oil palm plantations.  相似文献   

近年来,绿化造林工程在北京市大规模展开,涉及林地生境类型多样.林地昆虫群落组成和多样性特征受林分树种组成、立地条件、管护方式的影响.通过对北京市5种人工林样地中蛾类群落结构、多样性和相似性及其时空动态特征的调查,探讨了蛾类多样性变化对生境类型的生态响应.结果 表明:共获得标本7046头,隶属于25科269种,以夜蛾科(...  相似文献   

Peat swamp forest is an important refuge for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and is now becoming a target of exploitation. The scarcity of information on avifauna and ecology of birds in peat swamp forests prevents understanding of the effects of land use change on avifauna. In this study, we describe the bird assemblages in habitats with different land uses by comparing species richness, community composition, and feeding guild patterns in Bukit Batu, Indonesia. Bird assemblages in natural peat swamp forests (NPF), high-maintenance industrial acacia plantations (planted acacia forest, PAF), low-maintenance rubber plantations (jungle rubber forest, JRF), and village areas (VIL) were studied using a fixed-radius point-count method. Of the 95 species observed, 45, 20, 35, and 48 species were observed in NPF, PAF, JRF, and VIL, respectively. Estimated species richness was the highest in NPF, followed by VIL, JRF, and PAF. NPF had the highest species diversity and β-diversity, more endangered species, and a distinctive species composition characterized by fly-catching insectivores. The relative conservation value of PAF was notably low, particularly compared with JRF. The avifauna in VIL was characterized by more generalists that favor open spaces and therefore is not considered an important habitat for forest-dependent birds that are of conservation concern. Our results indicate that NPF has irreplaceable value for bird diversity conservation, but low-maintenance rubber plantations were home to several forest-dependent species and partially supported bird diversity, particularly compared with high-maintenance acacia plantations.  相似文献   

The traditional shade cacao plantations (cabrucas) of southern Bahia, Brazil, are biologically rich habitats, encompassing many forest-dwelling species. However, a critical question for the conservation management of this specific region, and the highly fragmented Atlantic forest in general, is to what extent the conservation value of cabrucas relies on the presence of primary forest habitat in the landscape. We investigated the relative importance of cabrucas and forests for the conservation of five diverse biological groups (ferns, frogs, lizards, birds and bats) in two contrasting landscapes in southern Bahia, one dominated by forest with some interspersed cabrucas, and one dominated by cabrucas with interspersed forest fragments. The community structure (richness, abundance and diversity) of all biological groups differed between cabrucas and forests, although these differences varied among groups. A high number of forest species was found in the cabrucas. However, there were pronounced differences between the two landscapes with regard to the ability of cabrucas to maintain species richness. Irrespective of the biological group considered, cabrucas located in the landscape with few and small forest fragments supported impoverished assemblages compared to cabrucas located in the landscape with high forest cover. This suggests that a greater extent of native forest in the landscape positively influences the species richness of cabrucas. In the landscape with few small forest fragments interspersed into extensive areas of shade cacao plantations, the beta diversity of birds was higher than in the more forested landscape, suggesting that forest specialist species that rarely ventured into cabrucas were randomly lost from the fragments. These results stress both the importance and the vulnerability of the small forest patches remaining in landscapes dominated by shade plantations. They also point to the need to preserve sufficient areas of primary habitat even in landscapes where land use practices are generally favorable to the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The recent trend of agricultural intensification in tropical landscapes poses a new threat to biodiversity conservation. Conversion of previously heterogeneous agricultural landscapes to intensive plantation agriculture simplifies and homogenizes the landscape, reducing availability, and connectivity of natural habitat for native species. To assess the impact of agricultural intensification on bats, we characterized the bat assemblage in the Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica, where heterogeneous land uses are being converted to intensive, large‐scale pineapple plantations. In 2012 and 2013, we sampled bats in 20 remnant forest patches surrounded by varying proportions of pasture, mature forest, and pineapple and captured 1821 individual bats representing 39 species. We used ordination analyses to evaluate changes in species composition, where pineapple is the main component of the agricultural matrix. We identified landscape metrics specifically correlated with pineapple and used multiple linear regression to test their effects on bat species richness, diversity, and guild‐specific relative abundance. Results suggest pineapple expansion is driving changes in assemblage composition in remnant forest patches, resulting in new assemblages with higher proportions of frugivorous bats and lower proportions of insectivorous bats than in continuous mature forests. In addition, while pineapple does not diminish total bat species richness and diversity, the reduced forest cover and increased distance between forest patches in pineapple plantations has a significant negative impact on the relative abundance of insectivores. We also identify a potential threshold effect whereby patches surrounded by more than 50 percent forest can retain assemblage composition similar to that found in continuous mature forest.  相似文献   

Threlfall CG  Law B  Banks PB 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38800
Urban landscapes are often located in biologically diverse, productive regions. As such, urbanization may have dramatic consequences for this diversity, largely due to changes in the structure and function of urban communities. We examined the influence of landscape productivity (indexed by geology), housing density and vegetation clearing on the spatial distribution of nocturnal insect biomass and the foraging activity of insectivorous bats in the urban landscape of Sydney, Australia. Nocturnal insect biomass (g) and bat foraging activity were sampled from 113 sites representing backyard, open space, bushland and riparian landscape elements, across urban, suburban and vegetated landscapes within 60 km of Sydney's Central Business District. We found that insect biomass was at least an order of magnitude greater within suburban landscapes in bushland and backyard elements located on the most fertile shale influenced geologies (both p<0.001) compared to nutrient poor sandstone landscapes. Similarly, the feeding activity of bats was greatest in bushland, and riparian elements within suburbs on fertile geologies (p?=?0.039). Regression tree analysis indicated that the same three variables explained the major proportion of the variation in insect biomass and bat foraging activity. These were ambient temperature (positive), housing density (negative) and the percent of fertile shale geologies (positive) in the landscape; however variation in insect biomass did not directly explain bat foraging activity. We suggest that prey may be unavailable to bats in highly urbanized areas if these areas are avoided by many species, suggesting that reduced feeding activity may reflect under-use of urban habitats by bats. Restoration activities to improve ecological function and maintain the activity of a diversity of bat species should focus on maintaining and restoring bushland and riparian habitat, particularly in areas with fertile geology as these were key bat foraging habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract: We compared bat activity levels in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina among 5 habitat types: forested riparian areas, clearcuts, young pine plantations, mature pine plantations, and pine savannas. We used time-expansion radio-microphones and integrated detectors to simultaneously monitor bat activity at 3 heights (30, 10, 2 m) in each habitat type. Variation in vegetative clutter among sampling heights and among habitat types allowed us to examine the differential effect of forest vegetation on the spatial activity patterns of clutter-adapted and open-adapted bat species. Moreover, monitoring activity at 30, 10, and 2 m permitted us to also compare bat activity above and below the forest canopy. We detected calls of 5 species or species groups: eastern red/Seminole bats (Lasiurus borealis/L. seminolus), eastern pipistrelles (Pipistrellus subflavus), evening bats (Nycticeius humeralis), big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), and hoary bats (Lasiurus cinerius). At 2 and 10 m, bat activity was concentrated in riparian areas, whereas we detected relatively low levels of bat activity in upland habitats at those heights. Activity was more evenly distributed across the landscape at 30 m. Bat activity levels above the forest canopy were almost 3 times greater than within or below the canopy. We detected significantly greater activity levels of 2 open-adapted species (hoary and big brown bats) above rather than within or below the forest canopy. However, activity levels of 2 clutter-adapted species (eastern red/Seminole bats and eastern pipistrelles) did not differ above, within, or below the forest canopy. Despite classification as a clutter-adapted species, evening bat activity was greater above rather than within or below the forest canopy. We believe our results highlight the importance of riparian areas as foraging habitat for bats in pine-dominated landscapes in the southeastern United States. Although acoustical surveys conducted below forest canopies can provide useful information about species composition and relative activity levels of bats that forage in cluttered environments, our results showing activity above canopy suggest that such data may not accurately reflect relative activity of bats adapted to forage in more open conditions, and therefore may provide an inaccurate picture of bat community assemblage and foraging habitat use.  相似文献   

张念念  陈又清  卢志兴  张威  李可力 《昆虫学报》2013,56(11):1314-1323
橡胶树Hevea brasiliensis是云南省重要的经济林木, 但对其生态服务功能尚存在争议。本研究以天然次生林为对照, 使用Winkler法对橡胶林枯落物层蚂蚁进行初步研究, 探讨橡胶林枯落物层蚂蚁的生态状况。于2012年10月和2013年4月采用Winkler袋法调查了云南省绿春县大黑山乡橡胶林和牛孔乡天然次生林枯落物层蚂蚁群落的物种多样性、 群落结构差异及指示种。结果表明: 橡胶林枯落物层蚂蚁多度(转换后)、 物种丰富度S和ACE值显著低于无干扰的天然次生林(P<0.05); 蚂蚁多度(转换后)显著低于有干扰的天然次生林(P<0.05), 而物种丰富度S和ACE值差异不显著。橡胶林枯落物层蚂蚁群落结构与两种天然次生林都不相似(F=3.93, df=12, P<0.01)。橡胶林中流浪种大头蚁属Pheidole的蚂蚁种类与天然次生林相比, 物种丰富度增加了100%。天然次生林枯落物层中蚂蚁指示种有3种, 分别为刘氏隆头蚁Strumigenys lewisi、 黄足厚结猛蚁Pachycondyla luteipes和女娲角腹蚁Recurvidris nuwa, 而橡胶林枯落物层中指示种仅为菱结大头蚁Pheidole nodus。枯落物层蚂蚁物种多样性与枯落物厚度呈显著正相关, 而枯落物盖度仅与蚂蚁多度(转换后)有相关性。结果说明, 橡胶林经过长期的经营管理, 生态环境趋于稳定, 对枯落物层蚂蚁群落具有一定的保护作用, 但与天然次生林相比, 蚂蚁多度(转换后)及群落结构仍显示出明显的不同。  相似文献   

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