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Islebe  Gerald  Sánchez  Odilon 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):187-192
A pollen record of a Late Holocene sediment core from the Mexican Caribbean coast (Quintana Roo) shows the development and changes of a mangrove system. Humid conditions seem to have persisted for the period approximately 2500–1500 14C yr BP (pollen zone I), and mangrove Rhizophora mangle dominated with a good representation of elements from the nearby semi-evergreen tropical forest. During the period approximately 1500–1200 14C yr BP (pollen zone II) the mangrove Conocarpus erecta dominated. R. mangle almost disappeared and other taxa appeared, suggesting drier climatic conditions and generally more open vegetation. This dry period coincided with the period of the Maya cultural decline. The following period (pollen zone III, approximately 1200–1000 14C yr BP) was characterized by the recovery of R. mangle, indicating more humid conditions than in the preceding pollen zone. Pollen zone IV (approximately 1000 14C yr BP till present) suggests a drier period reoccuring with C. erecta; this marks the transition to present day conditions.  相似文献   

In order to assess traditional ecological knowledge of the Maya people in southeastern Mexico, we interviewed local people in Quintana Roo and estimated a number of vegetation variables in two different types of forest which are currently locally exploited, namely Monte alto (medium statured forest) and Sakal che' (low forest). We employed the Use Value index for each plant species (UVs) to quantify the importance of each plant for each inhabitant. The results showed that this Maya community classify the different forest types by species associations and size, and according to soil appearance. A total of nine categories of use were defined for three plant forms (tree, palm and vine). Manilkara zapota (zapote), Thrinax radiata (chiit) and Macfadyena uncata (bilin kok) showed the highest use values for each plant form. The most common uses were construction (35.5%), medicine (19.0%), craft (17.9%) and edibility (10.3%). There was a weak relationship between the cultural importance of plant species, expressed by the UVs, and their availability in the medium statured forest and the medium statured–low forest transition expressed by the Importance Value index (IVI). The medium statured forest was the most used forest type, as it provides many species for construction due to external demands rather than to local needs.  相似文献   

A total of 96 epiphytic algae species were identified from Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México. 60.4% (58) belonged to the Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19) to the Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16) to the Chlorophyta and 3.1% (3) to the Cyanophyta; 49 species (50.5%) were found only in one month, while Heterosiphonia crispella was found in all of the sampled months. That species provided the largest contribution to the biomass of epiphytes. During January we registered the greater biommass and richness of epiphytes species, coincidently with high values of host species cover and rainfall.  相似文献   

We report six species of pteridophytes as new records for Quintana Roo, Mexico:Adiantum villosum, Cheilanthes microphylla var.fimbriata, Pteris grandifolia, Nephrolepis biserrata, Salvinia minima, andThelypteris augescens. The last one is also a new record for Mexico.  相似文献   

A micropaleontologic study was carried out from samples collected along a section that crops out in the Santiago Coatepec Stream, located in the southeast of the state of Puebla, Mexico. The sedimentary sequence begins with a reddish conglomerate. Above, thick and thin layers of grey-greenish sandstones that continue in fine-grained, calcareous sandstones, and, finally, in limestones. The reddish conglomerate may represent a continental environment, and the marine transgression began with the sandstone deposit that contains a marine association of Invertebrates such as Trigonids (Myophorella sp.), and other Mollusks such as Trichites sp., Ostreids and Gastropods, Echinoderms, and Sponges as Cladocoropsis mirabilis. This sequence also provides a rich assemblage of larger Foraminifera as well as Algae, which is reported for the first time in this site. The larger agglutinated Foraminiferal assemblage is composed of Alveosepta jaccardi, Pseudocyclammina lituus, Everticyclammina virguliana, Rectocyclammina chouberti, Choffatella cf. Ch. tingitana, Mesoendothyra croatica, Nautiloculina oolithica, Freixialina planispiralis, Audienusina fourcadei, Placopsilina sp., Pseudocyclammina sp., Meandrospira sp. and Lenticulina sp. All those taxa were adapted to special paleoecological conditions, such as a continuous terrigenous input. The Algae are Marinella lugeoni, Pseudoepimastopora jurassica, Permocalculus sp., and Halimeda sp. The stratigraphic distribution of the larger benthic Foraminifera allow us to propose a Kimmeridgian age for the studied sequence. The opening of the Atlantic Ocean permitted the colonization of its margins by the larger Foraminifera during this time. The data provided by the larger Foraminifera, the Algae, and the lithology may suggest an internal platform environment of warm shallow water. This foraminiferal association is constituted by cosmopolitan species which are frequent in the Tethyan Realm.  相似文献   

Limnology - Bacalar Lake is characterized by a high saturation of calcium, bicarbonate, sulfate and silicate in its water and these conditions harbor a microbialite community. To explore the...  相似文献   

The biomass and productivity of a seagrass community are useful for determining the ecological status of the coast. Leaf biomass and shoot density in beds of Thalassia testudinum Banks & Sol. ex K. D. Koenig, were compared for two environments in the Mexican Caribbean coast (N = 6 quadrants/site) in November 1998. Shoot and leaf biomass values were lower in the mangrove-associated meadow than in the reef lagoon meadow. This could be related to the higher percentage of epiphytes on the leaves. In addition, T. testudinum had more biomass than Syringodium filiforme Kütz in the reef lagoon.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of seven cichlid species (Archocentrus octofasciatus, A. spilurus, "Cichlasoma" robertsoni, "C." synspilum, "C." urophthalmus, Petenia splendida, Thorichthys meeki) in Lake Caobas, southern Yucatan Peninsula, were studied. Samples were taken with enclosure and cast nets during the dry and rainy seasons of 1995 (day and night). The environment was characterized by measuring temperature, conductivity and pH. All individuals were below 41 mm SL (N = 281). Frequency of occurrence and prey abundance were analyzed. Main prey items were chironomids, mites, copepods, cladocerans, and ostracods. The cichlids fed mainly on zooplankton, with the partial exceptions of P. splendida (piscivore), "C." synspilum and A. spilurus (herbivores). A cluster analysis showed that the most similar trophic spectra were those of T. meeki, "C." robertsoni and "C." salvini, which were also the least diverse. "C." synspilum and A. spilurus had an intermediate distance between their diets and those of other species. The species with the most distinctive feeding composition were P. splendida (with the most diverse and equitable diet) and the omnivore A. octofasciatus (whose diet was the richest one). T. meeki showed quantitative diel, ontogenetic, and seasonal diet changes, but none between sexes. "C." robertsoni, "C." salvini and "C." synspilum differ in food habits in Caobas and in other localities, a fact that underscores the trophic adaptability of cichlids. Trophic overlap between cichlids in Caobas could imply absence of competition, perhaps because resources are abundant in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

We propose the new nothogenus, ×Cohnlophiaris Cetzal & Balam (Cohniella×Lophiaris) based on a natural intergeneric hybrid, ×Cohnlophiaris quintanarooensis Cetzal & Carnevali (Cohniella ascendens×Lophiaris oerstedii) from a locality in Quintana Roo, Mexico, which is here described and illustrated. The new nothospecies is vegetatively similar to C. ascendens but the flowers show intermediate characters between the putative parents. ×Cohnlophiaris quintanarooensis is similar to C. ascendens by having yellow petals and sepals with brown or reddish spots, transversely subquadrate central lobe, central keel parallel to the proximal and distal teeth, and pollinarium of Cohniella type. On the other hand, is it similar to L. oerstedii in the papillose abaxial surface of petals and sepals, the oblong lateral lobes of the labellum, the subquadrate column base, the pentagonal cavity stigmatic and the pink clinandrium. A key to diagnose the new intergeneric hybrid and its putative parents, a comparative figure and a map showing their geographical distribution are provided.  相似文献   

In experiments with living meiofauna, sediment is often sieved prior to incubation. This is primarily to remove macrofauna and to increase reproducibility among replicates. At the onset of the experiment, the bacteria are severely disturbed. The effects of these disturbances are ill-known but might affect the outcome of the experimental meiofaunal and biogeochemical studies substantially.We compared the disturbance induced by sieving with the disturbance in microcosms from which meiofauna was removed by flushing with argon. Both experimental situations were compared with untreated cores and the field situation. Neither sieving nor flushing induced changes in the composition of the foraminiferal community compared with the natural situation; the four most abundant species found in the field remained dominant during the experiment. Sieving led to a pronounced disturbance in both bacterial as well as foraminiferal abundance patterns. The depth distribution of some species seems to be related to food, although bacteria might play a regulating role as well.  相似文献   

Crocodilians have temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) in which incubation temperature determines sex of embryo. Global warming is expected to alter hatchling sex ratio, leading to the extinction of small populations. Regional climate influence on crocodile nest microclimate and hatchlings' characteristics is poorly known. Here, microclimate in natural nests of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and its relation with incubation length, hatchling sex and nesting success was studied in Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve (Mexico) from 2007 to 2010. Temperature and relative humidity in different locations within and outside the nests were registered by data loggers. Incident solar radiation above nest was calculated from hemispheric photographs. Incubation length, proportion of hatchling reaching complete development and hatchling sex were determined at hatching. Nest temperatures exhibited a cyclic daily fluctuation due to solar radiation, which is the major heat source for nests. Clutch temperature was relatively stable and its daily amplitude was negatively correlated with clutch depth and size. Rainfall was the major source of clutch temperature decrease. Clutch and metabolic temperatures increased significantly during incubation. A small sample size failed to demonstrate a statistical relationship between length of incubation and mean clutch temperature. Proportion of embryos reaching complete development depended on maximum and minimum clutch temperature, maximum daily amplitude of clutch temperature and maximum decrease in clutch temperature on a period ≤4 day. Results confirmed a Female-Male-Female TSD pattern for C. acutus, with 31 and 32.5 °C as possible pivotal temperatures. Population and hatchling sex ratios were male-biased and fate of crocodiles of Banco Chinchorro could depend on the magnitude of temperature increase in the future.  相似文献   

Summary The factors controlling the localization and growth of Lower Mississippian Waulsortian mounds have been difficult to establish because of limited exposure of individual mounds and mound-bearing platforms in western Europe, where the Waulsortian facies have been studied most intensively. Mounds on the Lower Mississippian homoclinal ramp of the Lake Valley Formation in the Sacramento Mountains, however, are exposed exceptionally well at platform, outcrop, and mound scales in an area roughly 5 km by 20 km, and provide the opportunity to better understand these aspects of Waulsortian mounds. Mounds occur in the northern 2/3 of the essentially continuous 32 km dip transect of the ramp. Mounds grew in an outer ramp setting below wave base, predominantly in the deeper part of the photic zone. Mounds range from broad composites of laterally back-stepping subunits on the shallow part of the ramp to taller and more vertically stacked composite structures down-ramp. The composite nature of the mounds is documented by distinct stratal units that have characteristic facies and geometries common to mounds throughout the transect. As a result, mound growth and form can be described in terms of several primary controlling parameters—submarine topography, water circulation (upwelling of nutrients and oxygen rich waters; oxygen deficient bottom waters), light penetration and the distribution of phototrophic microorganisms, and fluctuations in accommodation. Episodic mound growth is documented by diastems bounding the stratal units within the mounds as well as by the long-established useage of Alamogordo, Nunn, and Tierra Blanca phases of mound growth, correlative with the contemporaneous level-bottom units. However, mound growth that has been correlated with the level-bottom Nunn Member in reality took place during the late stage of deposition of the Alamogordo Member, and nondeposition or erosion occurred on the mounds during deposition of the Nunn Member. Mounds in the shallower (northern) part of the ramp grew primarily on the margins of a broad, low, intra-ramp topographic high, which had been defined previously from facies and isopach trends in underlying strata. Both the margins and the irregular topography of the high are reflected in the distribution, growth geometries, and facies patterns of the mounds, and by the facies and thickness trends of the strata enclosing the mounds. The siting of individual mounds on the shallower part of the ramp was controlled by local topography on and along the margins of the intra-ramp high. Mound growth along the margin began at or just behind local highs, retrograded onto the intra-ramp high, and then prograded onto the basinward side of the initial mound. The lesser height and more pronounced backstepping of mounds on the shallower part of the ramp, in contrast to mounds that grew more vertically and with less back-stepping down ramp suggest that growth and overall morphology were also controlled by accommodation.  相似文献   

In Florida and Cuba the stone crab Menippe mercenaria (Say, 1818) is under strong fishing-pressure; nevertheless in the Mexican Caribbean it is considered as sub-utilized and poorly known resource. Artificial shelters ("condominios cubanos") were used to study relative abundance, age structure, claw length-carapace amplitude relation, and population in three seasons and four sectors at Bahía Ascension, Quintana Roo, Mexico. The abundance varied according to the sector and sampling season: population was higher in the south and during the north wind ("Nortes") season (January to March). The carapace amplitude was directly proportional to claw length (r2 = 0.83, 0.97 and 0.89; p < 0.05 in females, males and total, respectively). The results suggest that specimens with 37.5 and 67.5 mm of carapace amplitude are the most limited regarding refuge availability in the Bay.  相似文献   

To know the composition, abundance and distribution of gastropod larvae, monthly samplings were carried out in the south of Quintana Roo, Mexico and north of Belize, from April to December, 1996. Collections were made in six sites at Chinchorro Bank, four in the South Coast and six at Hol-Chan, Belize, between the 10 and 20 hrs. At each station 2.5 m3 of seawater were pumped through a 202 microns mesh; 27 species were identified. The most abundant species were: South Coast, Rissoina sp. 1., Limacina sp. 1 and Natica sp. 1, Chinchorro Bank, Limacina sp. 1, Creseis acicula, Cerithiopsis hero and Rissoina sp. 1 and Hol-Chan, Limacina sp. 2, Alaba incerta and Rissoina sp. 1. The highest abundance was in rainy season. Apparently the presence of winds, coastal currents and food availability, control the distribution and abundance of larvae.  相似文献   

The growth rate of queen conch cultured in pens was studied from October 1993 to March 1994. Sixteen pens (50 m2 each, four pens per environment), were set in four environments: Thalassia, Thalassia-sand, Sand and Coral within a reef lagoon on Punta Gavilan and Banco Chinchorro. Twenty conchs were introduced in each pen (sizes: 100-120, 120-140, 140-160 and 160-180 mm shell length) and measured monthly to the nearest mm. Growth rate was assessed by two methods: a) shell marginal mean increase and b) the Gulland-Holt method considering all conch within pens. In the first method, the environment Sand had the highest growth (3.21 +/- 0.26 mm/month) at Punta Gavilan, whereas at Banco Chinchorro, highest growth was recorded in Coral (2.31 +/- 0.44 mm/month). Considering the second method, highest asymptotic length conch in Punta Gavilan occurred in Thalassia-sand (287.5 mm), whereas in Banco Chinchorro the highest asymptotic length was measured in Sand (318.1 mm). There were significant differences in growth between sites; juvenile growth is related with habitat quality mainly food availability.  相似文献   

 CaCO3 production by reef-building organisms on Green Island Reef in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is estimated and compared with the contribution of benthic foraminifera to the sediment mass of the vegetated sand cay. Major constituents of the cay are benthic foraminifera (mainly Amphistegina lessonii, Baculogypsina sphaerulata, and Calcarina hispida), calcareous algae (Halimeda and coralline algae), hermatypic corals, and molluscs. Among these reef-building organisms, benthic foraminifera are the single most important contributor to the sediment mass of the island (ca. 30% of total sediments), although their production of CaCO3 is smaller than other reef-building organisms. Water current measurements and sediment traps indicate that the velocity of the current around Green Island is suitable for transportation and deposition of foraminiferal tests. Abundant foraminifera presently live in association with algal turf on the shallow exposed reef flat, whose tests were accumulated by waves resulting in the formation and maintenance of the coral sand cay. Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

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