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The karyotype ofCestrum aurantiacum was analyzed for the presence of coldsensitive regions (CSRs) and other types of constitutive heterochromatin. A range of techniques was employed including the fluorescent DAPI, chromomycin/DAPI double staining and actinomycin D/DAPI counter-staining, and the non-fluorescent C-banding applied as single or sequential staining, sequential N-banding and silver impregnation. Four classes of constitutive heterochromatin were recognized: CSRs, nucleolar organizers, non-nucleolar chromomycin-positive bands, and indifferently fluorescent bands. The banded karyotype ofC. aurantiacum is compared with those of otherCestrum species. The sectionsHabrothamnus andCestrum are not karyologically distinct.  相似文献   

Cold-induced mitotic under-condensation of certain chromosome segments is a rare phenomenon in plants. There are about 11 genera of monocotyledons and only 3 of dicotyledons, where species are known to have such cold-sensitive regions (CSRs). The molecular causes of cold-induced undercondensation are not clear, and no consistent cytochemical characteristics of CSRs are known. Recently we have presented a chromosome banding analysis on CSRs and their relation to constitutive heterochromatin inCestrum parqui (Solanaceae), a species of sect.Cestrum. The present study is concerned with a similar analysis inC. strigillatum of sect.Cestrum, and inC. fasciculatum andC. elegans of sect.Habrothamnus. Chromomycin/DAPI fluorescent double staining, sequential C-banding, and sequential silver impregnation were applied. The species differ in detail but are similar qualitatively. Four classes of heterochromatin can be discriminated. (1) CSRs, with banding properties indicating AT-rich constitutive heterochromatin. After cold-treatment CSR heterochromatin can be silver-impregnated from interphase, as chromocentres, to metaphase, as undercondensed segments. CSRs are subject to frequent heteromorphy. (2) Nucleolar organizers. Two pairs were identified in the karyotypes. Banding properties indicate GC-rich heterochromatin. The nucleolar organizing regions are less evident and their silver-reducing capability reduces during metaphase. (3) Non-nucleolar CMA-positively fluorescing bands. These are minute, polymorphic, positively C-stained, and restricted to one or a few sites in the karyotypes. (4) Indifferently fluorescing, positively C-stained bands. They occur on centromeres, some chromosome ends, and clustered over the chromosome arms. They are mostly very delicate and do not resist harsh banding treatments. — The species investigated here andC. parqui resemble each other qualitatively in heterochromatin classes (1), (2), and (3), but differ much in banding properties of class (4). Therefore, heterochromatin characteristics in the genus are not so uniform as the present results inC. strigillatum, C. fasciculatum, andC. elegans appear to show.  相似文献   

Summary An extraneous heterochromatic segment was discovered in a strain selected for a large-body trait. Derivation from the X chromosome is indicated by its behavior at metaphase I and association with the X and nucleolus in early prophase I. The segment does not pair with the X. Association with a mid-length bivalent is attributed to fusion of heterochromatin. Centromeric activity of small fragments, independent of, but apparently derived from, the X, is also reported.  相似文献   

The heterochromatin of chromosome 2 of Drosophila melanogaster has been among the best characterized models for functional studies of heterochromatin owing to its abundance of genetic markers. To determine whether it might also provide a favorable system for mapping extended regions of heterochromatin, we undertook a project to molecularly map the heterochromatin of the left arm of chromosome 2 (2Lh). In this paper, we describe a strategy that used clones and sequence information available from the Drosophila Genome Project and chromosome rearrangements to construct a map of the distal most portion of 2Lh. We also describe studies that used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to examine the resolution of this technique for cytologically resolving heterochromatic sequences on mitotic chromosomes. We discuss how these mapping studies can be extended to more proximal regions of the heterochromatin to determine the structural patterns and physical dimensions of 2Lh and the relationship of structure to function.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of five Brazilian species of Echinodorus; E. bolivianus, E. grandiflorus, E. longipetalus, E. macrophyllus and E. tenellus (Alismataceae); were studied using C-banding, CMA3/DAPI banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization with a 45S rDNA probe. There were few differences in the G-C rich regions of the five species, but marked differences were seen in the number and position of C-bands, A-T rich regions and 45S rDNA sites. Overall, these characteristics were species-specific, with the exception of E. bolivianus and E. tenellus, which were highly similar in all of the karyotypic characteristics studied.  相似文献   

In situ digestion of metaphase and polytene chromosomes and of interphase nuclei in different cell types ofDrosophila nasuta with restriction enzymes revealed that enzymes like AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and SinI did not affect Giemsa-stainability of heterochromatin while that of euchromatin was significantly reduced; TaqI and SalI digested both heterochromatin and euchromatin in mitotic chromosomes. Digestion of genomic DNA with AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and KpnI left a 23 kb DNA band undigested in agarose gels while withTaqI, no such undigested band was seen. TheAluI resistant 23 kb DNA hybridized insitu specifically with the heterochromatic chromocentre. It appears that the digestibility of heterochromatin region in genome ofDrosophila nasuta with the tested restriction enzymes is dependent on the availability of their recognition sites.  相似文献   

The fluorochrome and Giemsa chromosome banding patterns and the Ag-NOR histochemical staining ofSinapis alba are described. Two major types of heterochromatin can be distinguished, one of which contains GC-rich DNA. The observations are discussed as they relate to the known satellite DNAs ofS. alba. — A simple air-drying technique for producing spreads of plant mitotic chromosomes is presented. Different materials and staining techniques were tested showing that the method has wide applications.Dedicated in gratitude to Prof. DrElisabeth Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Fluorochrome chromosome banding is applied for the first time to 15 samples of five cultivatedCapsicum species, all with 2n = 24, and allows a detailed analysis of the karyotypes (Tables 2–3, Fig. 8). Banding patterns differ between cytotypes, species and groups, reflecting the dynamics of chromosomal differentiation and evolutionary divergence. Taxa have from 1 to 4 NOR-bearing satellited chromosome pairs and exhibit increasing numbers of terminal (rarely intercalary and indistinct centromeric) heterochromatic fluorescent bands. Amounts of heterochromatin (expressed in % of karyotype length) increase from the group withC. annuum (1.80–2.88),C. chinense (3.91–5.52), andC. frutescens (5.55) toC. baccatum (7.30–7.56), and finally toC. pubescens (18.95). In all taxa CMA+DAPI—(GC-rich) constitutive heterochromatin dominates, onlyC. pubescens has an additional CMAo DAPI+ (AT-rich) band. The fluorochrome bands generally (but not completely) correspond to the Giemsa C-bands. Structural heterozygosity can be demonstrated but is not prominent. The independent origin of at least three evolutionary lines leading to the cultivated taxa ofCapsicum is supported.Chromosome studies inCapsicum (Solanaceae), V. For the fourth part seeMoscone & al. 1995.  相似文献   

Among the eight families of Anopheles willmori derived from individual wild-caught females collected from Chiangmai Province (northern Thailand) and examined, four isofemale lines showed variation in the X chromosome, including the normal X1 and three aberrant types (X3, X4 and XL). It is postulated that these different types of X chromosomes could have arisen as a result of spontaneous chromosomal rearrangements involving tandem translocation and paracentric inversion followed by acquisition of constitutive heterochromatin. Such rare events of chromosomal changes have become established in the natural population of An. willmori in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin has been traditionally regarded as a genomic wasteland, but in the last three decades extensive genetic and molecular studies have shown that this ubiquitous component of eukaryotic chromosomes may perform important biological functions. In D. melanogaster, about 30 genes that are essential for viability and/or fertility have been mapped to the heterochromatin of the major autosomes. Thus far, the known essential genes exhibit a peculiar molecular organization. They consist of single-copy exons, while their introns are comprised mainly of degenerate transposons. Moreover, about one hundred predicted genes that escaped previous genetic analyses have been associated with the proximal regions of chromosome arms but it remains to be determined how many of these genes are actually located within the heterochromatin. In this overview, we present available data on the mapping, molecular organization and function of known vital genes embedded in the heterochromatin of chromosomes 2 and 3. Repetitive loci, such as Responder and the ABO elements, which are also located in the heterochromatin of chromosome 2, are not discussed here because they have been reviewed in detail elsewhere.  相似文献   

The central or peripheral distribution of condensed chromatin (CC) was studied in pachytene spermatocyte nuclei in Mus domesticus, 2n=40; Pudu puda, 2n=70; Ctenomys opimus, 2n=26 and Octodon degus, 2n=58. Species were chosen according to the morphological characteristics of their chromosomal complements and in particular, the terminal or medial chromosomal localisation of the pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin. Counts were made by defining the areas corresponding to peripheral and central location in each nuclear section from a series. The null hypothesis (i.e. random distribution of CC) was rejected. In the nuclear sections of Mus domesticus and Pudu puda, 69% and 74% of CC, respectively, was found in the peripheral nuclear space, while in those of Octodon degus and Ctenomys opimus, 69% and 65% of CC, respectively, was found in the central nuclear space. We estimate that if the CC measured in spermatocyte nuclei corresponds mainly to pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin, the distribution found is consistent with that expected in accordance with the nuclear architecture model for meiocytes (Fernández-Donoso, 1982; Fernández-Donoso & Berrios, 1985). This model proposes a peripheral nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of telocentric bivalents and a relatively central nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of metacentric bivalents. We also discuss some of the biological consequences that could arise from the conservation of such distributions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of the chromosomes of the three Austrian species of the genusCephalanthera showed them all to have basically similar karyotypes. BothC. damasonium (2n = 36) andC. longifolia (2n = 32) have three large and several classes of smaller chromosome pairs. The karyotype ofC. rubra (2n = 44) is composed of four large and several groups of smaller pairs. The heterochromatin in these species amounts to about 10% of total karyotype length. All the chromosomes have Giemsa-positive centromeres, but only a few have intercalary or terminal bands. Using differential fluorescent staining with DAPI/actinomycin D, quinacrine/actinomycin D (both A-T specific), and chromomycin A3/distamycin A (G-C specific) three different types of major heterochromatic bands can be characterized in respect of their satellite DNA composition: highly A-T rich, slightly A-T rich, and very G-C rich. The chromosomes ofC. longifolia contain more A-T rich C-bands than those ofC. damasonium, while the latter's have more G-C rich heterochromatin. In both species several C-bands appear as secondary constrictions or gaps in the Feulgen-stained chromosomes, but most likely, in each species there is only one pair of chromosomes where the secondary constrictions function as nucleolus organizing regions. No major intraspecific variation could be observed except on one small chromosome pair ofC. longifolia which had a heteromorphic C-band in most individuals. Possible pathways of karyotype evolution involving polyploidy and Robertsonian events are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of intercalary heterochromatin (IH) are compared with those of other types of silenced chromatin in the Drosophila melanogaster genome: pericentric heterochromatin (PH) and regions subject to position effect variegation (PEV). We conclude that IH regions in polytene chromosomes are binding sites of silencing complexes such as PcG complexes and of SuUR protein. Binding of these proteins results in the appearance of condensed chromatin and late replication of DNA, which in turn may result in DNA underreplication. IH and PH as well as regions subject to PEV have in common the condensed chromatin appearance, the localization of specific proteins, late replication, underreplication in polytene chromosomes, and ectopic pairing.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species of subg.Leiostemones were examined in conventionally stained and C-banded preparations. The heterochromatin content varied from almost none to 45%. Several chromosome types were recognized with respect to chromosome morphology and heterochromatin distribution, and groups of species with common chromosome characteristics could be identified. These karyological relationships are discussed with respect to the groups formed on the basis of floral and bulb charateristics.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species belonging to the subg.Eriostemones were examined using conventional staining and C-banding techniques. Most of the species have lightly banded chromosomes with heterochromatin content varying from nil to about 15%. The banding patterns of several taxa are described and discussed in regard to species relationships.  相似文献   

The physical mapping of three abundant tandemly repeated DNA sequences, CON1, CON2, and COM2, and the distributional pattern of AT- and GC-rich regions in the chromosomes of 32 species of the grass family Poaceae have been established by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization and fluorochrome banding with chromomycin and DAPI. Additionally, locations of 5S, 35S rDNA, and the C-banding pattern were examined. All satellite DNAs (satDNA) tested are situated predominantly subtelomerically in the chromosomes, but occur also colocalized with 35S and 5S ribosomal DNAs (rDNA). Especially, CON2 is most often colocalized with the 5S rDNA, but is evolutionarily not derived from it. Subtelomeric heterochromatin bands are frequently, but not always correlated with satDNA bands. Moreover, the DAPI- or rarely chromomycin-positive stainability of heterochromatin is not caused by these satDNAs as revealed by their sequence organization, showing too few clusters of AT or GC base pairs as required for binding of the fluorochromes. The occurrence of satDNAs is not correlated with that of other components of the heterochromatin. Proportions of satDNAs and other sequences of the heterochromatin relative to the entire genome appear subjected to a much faster evolutionary change than the rather stable proportions of the rDNAs. Heteromorphism in banding patterns found in many species is related in most instances with breeding system and life form. The independent evolution and amplification of different satDNAs is discussed in relation to molecular phylogenetic data. The value and limitations of satDNA data in addressing systematic questions in grasses is exemplified for several grass subfamilies and tribes.  相似文献   

Summary The formation of constitutive heterochromatin was studied during the embryonic development of Drosophila melanogaster, using the C-banding technique. During embryonic cleavage, C-banded material is not seen in mitotic chromosomes; the differentiation between euchromatin and heterochromatin only occurs at blastoderm. This event correlates with the establishment of position-effect variegation.  相似文献   


The detection of regions of heterochromatin has been the subject of intense investigation. We investigated an adaptation of the commonly used technique by replacing the nonfluorescent dye, Giemsa, by a fluorescent one, propidium iodide. This adaptation produces greater contrast of the heterochromatic bands in metaphase chromosomes and can be especially valuable when the organisms studied possess heterochromatin that is pale and difficult to visualize. We discuss the interactions of these two dyes with DNA and the excitation of the fluorescent dye when irradiated with ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Chaves R  Santos S  Guedes-Pinto H 《Genetica》2004,121(3):315-325
The Bovidae X-chromosome shows a considerable variation, in contrast to the preservative autosomal conservatism. The X-chromosome variation is mostly a consequence of the constitutive heterochromatin (CH) variation; in what respect to its amount and position. This is especially common among the non-Bovinae subfamilies and tribes. In order to characterize the X-chromosome CH in non-Bovinae species--Hippotragini and Caprini tribes--we have used restriction endonuclease digestion on fixed chromosomes and sequential C-banding. With these techniques we were able to distinguish between the two X-chromosome types (Hippotragini and Caprini) CH, in what respect to its position and molecular nature. Moreover, we define at least, six subclasses of CH in both X-chromosome types analyzed. Evolutionary considerations were draw based on the results obtained. The technology used here for the analysis of the Bovidae X-chromosome CH showed to be more evolutionary informative than the classical approaches.  相似文献   

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