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Dogs and cats are important members of many families; however, they can harbour gastrointestinal parasites that may infect their owners. Some of these parasites, e.g. Echinococcus sp., can have a significant impact on human health. However, with appropriate education, management and anthelmintic regimes, zoonotic transmission of these parasites can be minimised.  相似文献   

In Colombia, little information is available concerning the epidemiology of leptospirosis in urban environments. Furthermore, the role of dogs in the transmission cycle of leptospirosis in the urban setting is unclear. To explore the potential role of canines in the transmission of leptospirosis in Cali, a serological study was conducted with 197 serum samples collected from stray dogs during 2001 and 2003. Serum specimens were screened with the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) and 7 serovars--Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Gryppotyphosa, Hardjo strain Hardjobovis, Pomona, Hardjo strain Hardjoprajitno and Bratislava. All serovars were provided by the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), Tuluá, Colombia. The MAT was considered positive when 50% or more leptospiras were agglutinated with one or more serovars in a serum dilution of 1:100. At least one serovar showed evidence of infection in 41.1% of the dogs. The most prevalent serovar was Icterohaemorrhagiae, found in 55.6% of the seropositive dogs. 48.1% were co-agglutinations. No reactions against the serovars Pomona, Hardjo strain Hardjoprajitno and Bratislava were observed. These findings suggested that stray dogs are potential reservoirs of Leptospira in Cali and underscored the need to study the epidemiology of this disease in Colombia.  相似文献   

Although well recognized and studied in developed countries, canine parasitic zoonoses pose a lowly prioritized public health problem in developing countries such as India, where conditions are conducive for transmission. A study of the most recent parasite survey determining prevalence and epidemiology of canine parasitic zoonoses among tea-growing communities of northeast India demonstrated the endemicity of the problem. This particular study serves as a model using conventional, as well as molecular parasitological, tools to provide novel insights into the role of dogs as mechanical transmitters of human parasites such as Ascaris and Trichuris, and discusses the risks dogs pose with regards to zoonotic transmission of hookworms and Giardia.  相似文献   

Human behaviour and the epidemiology of parasitic zoonoses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The behaviour of Homo sapiens has a pivotal role to play in the macro and microepidemiology of emerging or re-emerging parasitic zoonoses. Changing demographics and the concomitant alterations to the environment, climate, technology, land use and changes in human behavior, converge to favour the emergence and spread of parasitic zoonoses. The recent unprecedented movements of people, their animals and their parasites around the world, introduce and mix genes, cultural preferences, customs, and behavioral patterns. The increasing proclivity for eating meat, fish, crabs, shrimp, molluscs raw, undercooked, smoked, pickled or dried facilitates a number of protozoan (Toxoplasma), trematode (Fasciola sp., Paragonimus spp., Clonorchis sp., Opisthorchis spp., Heterophyes sp., Metagonimus sp., Echinostoma spp., Nanophyetus sp.) cestode (Taenia spp, Diphyllobothrum sp.) and nematode (Trichinella spp., Capillaria spp., Gnathostoma spp., Anisakis sp., Parastrongylus spp.) caused zoonoses. The increasing world population and the inability to keep pace with the provision of adequate sanitation and clean, safe drinking water, has led to an increased importance of waterborne zoonoses, such as those caused by Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Toxoplasma. Our close relationship with and the numerous uses to which we put companion animals and their ubiquitous distribution has resulted in dogs and cats unwitting participation in sharing over 60 parasite species including: Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, most foodborne trematode species, Diphyllobothrum, Echinococcus spp., Ancylostoma and Toxocara. Changing human behaviour through education, to encourage the proper cooking of food, which may have cultural and social significance, will remain as challenging as controlling stray and feral pet populations, improving hygiene levels and the provision of safe drinking water and the proper use of sanctuary facilities. Long pre-patent periods and the normally insidious sub-clinical nature of most zoonoses makes advice requiring behavioural change for their control a difficult task. Our clearer understanding of the heterogeneity of susceptibility to infection, the complex genetic variations of people and parasite species and the development of molecular epidemiological tools is shedding more light on transmission routes and the spectrum of disease that is observed. Improved and new serological, molecular and imaging diagnostic tests and the development of broad spectrum chemotherapeutic agents has led to the attenuation of morbidity and mortality due to parasitic zoonoses in economically advantaged regions. Such advancements, in partnership with supportive behavioural change, has the potential for a sustainable global reduction in the burden of ill health due to parasitic zoonoses. Whether this will materialise is a challenge for us all.  相似文献   

Emerging zoonoses have been defined as zoonoses that are newly recognised or newly evolved, or that have occurred previously but show an increase in incidence or expansion in geographical, host or vector range. Among parasitic zoonoses, protozoa are particularly likely to emerge. Control and prevention of emerging parasitic zoonoses are complex tasks that require an integrative and multidisciplinary approach. Reduction of parasite burden is certainly a major objective but cannot be set alone. Therefore, environmental and ecological modifications need to be implemented to reduce not only the parasitic load, but also the risk of parasite transmission. Finally, education and behavioral changes are critical for the success of both control and prevention of these diseases. However, without appropriate financial resources specifically allocated at the local and national levels as well as through international cooperation, control and prevention of these emerging parasitic diseases will not be possible.  相似文献   

The role of companion animals in the emergence of parasitic zoonoses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pets offer individuals and the community significant benefits, however cognisance must be taken of the potential for transmission of infectious agents from these animals to humans. The prevalence of many parasites, such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, has increased over the past few decades while others, such as Toxocara and Ancylostoma, have decreased. These changes could be real, associated with the ready availability of efficacious anthelmintic products or could be artificial due to the type of surveys conducted, the animals surveyed and the diagnostic tests used. Immunocompromised people, in particular, must be aware of the potential risk of acquiring parasitic infections from their pets. However, with the adoption of good hygiene and a thorough knowledge of the transmission of these parasites, immunocompromised people should be able to continue to enjoy the significant benefits of pet ownership. As many owners are not aware of the zoonotic parasites that could be carried by their pets or their mode of transmission, it is concluded that veterinarians need to play a greater role in the education of their clients.  相似文献   

Food-borne parasitic zoonoses in China: perspective for control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Food-borne parasitic zoonoses (FBPZs) cause death and serious diseases in humans and animals worldwide, and are of both public health significance and socioeconomic importance. The FBPZ problem is severe in mainland China, where approximately 150 million people are suffering from FBPZs and more people are at risk. Here, the current status of the FBPZ problem in mainland China is reviewed and strategies and measures for effective control of FBPZs are proposed. Major parasitic zoonoses transmitted through consumption of infected or contaminated meat, fish, plants and/or water will be discussed.  相似文献   

Intestinal cestodes of stray dogs in Jordan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five species of cestodes namely Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis and Dipylidium caninum were recovered post mortem from 120 out of 173 stray dogs collected from the 5 governorates of Jordan during the period June 1979 to November 1980. Twenty-five of the examined dogs (14%) were found to be infected with E. granulosus, 79 (46%) with T. hydatigena, 14 (8%) with T. pisiformis and 5 (3%) with T. ovis. Dipylidium caninum was encountered in 33 (19%) of the examined dogs and infection with this parasite was significantly higher in males than in females. The parasites, except for D. caninum which was encountered in the ileum, were almost exclusively recovered from the duodenum and the jejunum. Single, double and triple infections with those cestodes were recorded.  相似文献   

Pozio E 《Parassitologia》2008,50(1-2):17-24
In the 27 Member States of the European Union, zoonotic parasites transmitted by food are circulating with different prevalence according to the country, the environmental conditions, the human behaviour, and the socio-economic level. Foodborne parasites can be divided in two main groups according to the way of transmission to humans. These foodborne parasites reach the human beings through the consumption of raw infected food such as muscle tissues of different animal species (Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis suishominis, Diphyllobotrium latum, Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Opisthorchis felineus, Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova spp., Trichinella spp.), or vegetables (Fasciola hepatica), and contaminated food and water resources (Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp., T. gondii, Echinococcus granulosus sensu latu, Echinococcus multilocularis, T. solium, Taenia multiceps). As a general role, the control strategies should be based on the education of the consumers, farmers and shepherds, the improvement of farming conditions, the improvement or the development of more sensitive methods to detect these parasites in slaughtered animals and in foodstuff, a control of sewage sludge on pastures and of drinking water resources, and the reduction of contacts between livestock and wild animals which frequently represent the most important reservoir of these pathogens.  相似文献   

Two studies were performed to determine annual reproductive patterns in stray male dogs in the tropics. In Study 1, four dogs housed individually outdoors were monitored once monthly for 12 months, including collection and assessment of semen, measurements of scrotal width, and determination of serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations. In Study 2 (conducted concurrently), a single blood sample (for serum testosterone concentration) was collected from 220 clinically healthy dogs, and after euthanasia, scrotal width and morphology of epididymal sperm were determined. The year was divided into three seasons: warm-dry (March to June); warm-humid (July to October) and fresh-humid (November to February). In Study 1, scrotal width, ejaculate volume, sperm count and motility were significantly lower during the fresh-humid season and sperm midpiece abnormalities were significantly more common during the warm-humid and fresh-humid seasons. Serum testosterone concentrations remained constant during the year. Prolactin concentrations did not differ significantly among seasons, but had a well-defined increase from the beginning of March to the end of August. In Study 2, sperm morphology was similar to in Study 1 and serum testosterone concentrations varied nonsignificantly during the year. Environmental factors, e.g. daylength may have influenced circannual changes in prolactin secretion. Seasonal variations in some reproductive tract and seminal traits were significant but of small magnitude and the percentage of morphologically normal sperm did not vary significantly among seasons. In conclusion, healthy male dogs constantly produced sperm and were apparently fertile throughout the year.  相似文献   

Cysticercosis and echinococcosis cause illness and productivity losses in human and agricultural animal populations. Recent studies suggest that these diseases have large societal impacts on endemic areas. Estimates of burden provide essential, evidence-based data for conducting cost-benefit and cost-utility analyses that will secure political will, and financial and technical resources. To evaluate the burden, the monetary and non-monetary impacts of these zoonoses on human health, agriculture and society must be considered comprehensively. In this article, we review the framework used to assess the burden of cysticercosis and echinococcosis, and the data needed to estimate the extent of the problem for societies.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2012,29(12):1658-1670

This is the first research article that documents circadian variability in behavioral variables, namely resting (Rt) and standing (St) in stray street dogs of Sambalpur city, India. We also estimated the abundance as a function of time of the day and gender in a population of stray dog inhabiting streets of the city. In addition, we determined the association between the behavioral variables and the environmental variables, such as light intensity, sound intensity, temperature and humidity. We determined the abundance of street dogs at 10 hotspots using the photographic capture-recapture technique and Lincoln index equation. In another study, we determined dogs’ density along the three randomly selected routes that connect the beginning (Dhanupali) and end (P.C. Bridge) of the city precincts. We recorded the resting and standing activities of the stray street dogs using still and video cameras at four times of the day continuously over a longitudinal timescale of 72 hours. This study was conducted at four randomly selected dog hotspots. Subjecting the log-transformed time series data to the Cosinor rhythmometry we obtained three different rhythm parameters, such as mesor (M), amplitude (A) and acrophase (Ø) of the rhythm in resting and standing behavior of stray street dogs. We found out both spatial and temporal variability in the behavior of street dogs. The sightings of dogs were always more during the evening and nighttime irrespective of the investigated routes and hotspots. Further, we also observed that the abundance of male dogs was always significantly more as compared with the bitches. A lack of association between two attributes the time of the day and gender apropos the number of sightings of the street dogs was validated by the Fisher’s exact test. Using Pearson’s correlation analysis technique we found a negative relationship between light intensity and resting activity. In addition, we also found a negative association between standing activity and ambient environmental temperature. These findings were complimentary to the observed circadian variability in the resting and standing behavior of the stray street dogs. In conclusion, despite a few limitations, this study documents a statistically significant circadian rhythm in activities of stray street dogs. It also highlights spatial variability in the abundance of dogs on the streets and hotspot localities of the urban Sambalpur. We do have a hunch. It is likely that similar phenomenamight be of common occurrence in many urban areas of the world. These data might also help in addressing street dog menace – one of the major problems the people and administrative authorities of most of the Indian cities and elsewhere worldwide are experiencing since quite long.  相似文献   

The parasite fauna of stray cat populations, comprising mainly helminth parasites, is described for the first time from the arid environment of the Qatar peninsula. During the winter and summer months of 2005, 824 faecal samples were examined from six sites in Qatar. Up to seven species of parasites were identified, six of which were nematodes - Strongyloides stercoralis as the most prevalent (18.4%), followed by Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (7.5%), Toxocara cati (6.1%), Ancylostoma tubaeforme (5.9%) and Physaloptera sp. (4.8%) and Toxascaris leonina (0.7%) - and one sporozoan species, Isospora felis (0.5%). Unidentified cestode eggs were also recovered from 10.7% of samples examined. The parasite species were found to be highly overdispersed in faecal samples from all sites, whereas the prevalence and intensity of infections were influenced by site and season. Infection levels tended to be higher during the winter season, especially in the case of A. abstrusus and A. tubaeforme, when conditions of temperature and humidity were more favourable for the development of egg and/or larval stages of parasites compared with the extremely hot and dry summer months. The results are discussed in relation to the distribution of the cat population in the vicinity of Doha and its outskirts and the potential threat of parasite transmission to human communities in Qatar.  相似文献   

Effective control of parasitic zoonoses will ultimately require a combination of several approaches, including hygiene/sanitation, pasture management, chemotherapy and immunoprophylaxis. Development of vaccines, and other approaches to improving protective immunity, require a detailed understanding of parasite immunogenicity and host immune responsiveness. It is increasingly recognized that there is considerable variation in both of these parameters, and that this variation is genetically determined. Recent studies in this area and the consequences for control are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the large population of stray dogs in Thailand, there is limited information on the prevalence of canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs). In this study, a molecular survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of Babesia spp., Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon spp., Anaplasma platys and Mycoplasma spp. in dogs in Thailand. Of the 181 dog blood samples tested by PCR, 78/181 (43.1%) were found to be infected with one or more pathogens. The overall prevalence rates of Mycoplasma spp., Hepatozoon spp., Babesia spp., A. platys and E. canis infections were 19.9%, 18.8%, 9.4%, 4.4% and 3.9%, respectively. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of Mycoplasma infection in Thailand in dogs. The current findings are important for future surveillance of CVBDs and designing appropriate approaches for diagnosis and control for the diseases in Thailand.  相似文献   

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