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Nucleic acid hybridization using DNA covalently coupled to cellulose.   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
B E Noyes  G R Stark 《Cell》1975,5(3):301-310
We describe a method for linking RNA and DNA covalently to finely divided cellulose through a diazotized aryl amine, which reacts primarily with guanine and uracil (thymine) residues of single strands. The high efficiency of coupling and high capacity of the cellulose for nucleic acid make possible a product with as much as 67 mug of nucleic acid per mg of cellulose. The product is especially suitable for hybridization experiments where very low backgrounds are important, and it is stable in 99% formamide at 80 degrees C so that hybridized nucleic acid can be recovered easily. Full length linear Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA, produced by cleavage of SV40(I) DNA with S1 nuclease, can be coupled to diazo cellulose with an efficiency of 80-90%, and is effective in hybridization experiments with SV40 DNA, complementary RNA synthesized in vitro from SV40(I) DNA with E. coli RNA polymerase, and the SV40-specific fraction of total RNA from SV40-infected and transformed cells. In these experiments an excess of cellulose-bound DNA was used, and the efficiency of hybridization was about 90% when ribonuclease treatment of the hybrids was omitted.  相似文献   

Properties of penicillinamidase (PA) covalently bound with the cellulose matrix were studied. The efficiency of the binding depended on the bind type and purity of the native enzyme taken for binding. Stability of the immobilized PA (IPA) was studied at wide pH ranges. The effect of the ion strength, substrate concentration and purity of the native PA on stability of IPA was also investigated. The maximum stability of the enzyme was observed at pH 6.5-7.0 Stability of IPA depended on the purity of the native enzyme. When PA of the diazotized ether of cellulose containing amino groups was used, the enzyme was destabilized. IPA prepared on chlortriazinylcellulose was more stable than the respective native PA almost by I order.  相似文献   

Feng X  Pouw K  Leung V  Pelton R 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(7):2161-2166
The adhesion of wet regenerated cellulose to colloidal complexes formed between carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and polyvinylamine (PVAm) was evaluated by measuring the force to delaminate pairs of regenerated cellulose membranes bound together with polyelectrolyte complex. The most important parameter was the surface composition of the colloidal complex particles. High delamination forces corresponded to using complexes coated with excess PVAm whereas low adhesion was observed for both CMC coated complexes and complexes in which the PVAm was replaced with polymer bearing quaternary amine groups. Adhesion with complexes was highest at pH 4 and rather insensitive to pH from 6 to 9. Finally, mild TEMPO/NaBr/NaClO oxidation of the cellulose gave much stronger adhesion when PVAm was in excess but not with the CMC rich complexes.  相似文献   

Following ozone oxidation of polyester microfibers of 3.5 mum average diameter and 0.83 m(2)/g specific area, the fiber surface was subjected to graft polymerization of acrylic acid and subsequently immobilized with serologically active proteins including Staphylococcus aureus protein A, a specific antigen, and a specific antibody. The immobilization reaction was mediated by a watersoluble carbodiimide, which allowed formation of a co-valent linkage between the ligand proteins and the grafted poly(acrylic acid)chains. The yields of the immobilized ligand proteins were of the order of 1 mg/g fiber. Their binding affinity and capacity to respective specific proteins were studied in vitro from a buffered solution and serum. It was found that the specific proteins were selectively adsorbed with dissociation constants as low as 1x 10(-6) M, suggesting the adsorption to take place through highly specific protein-protein interaction. An addition of serum albumin did not significantly affect the specific binding, regardless of the ligand proteins. The binding capacity ranged from 1 x 10(-13) to 1x 10(-11) mol/cm(2) primarily depending on the surface density of the immobilized ligands and the number of their binding sites per molecule. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

A covalent binding to cellulose granules of two yeast strains Candida tropicalis and Trichosporon cutaneum was achieved. The maximum activity for destroying furfural by the immobilized cells was obtained when the procedure conditions were: reaction medium at pH 5.0, 20°C and cell suspension concentration of 80 mg/ml. The continuous furfural transformation was studied using a growth medium in a fermenter with immobilized Trichosporon cutaneum in which a 84% bioconversion was achieved. The reduced values of furfural remained constant even after 10-fold transformation.  相似文献   

Lysozyme immobilized on polyacrylamide beads or cellulose fibers is found to retain activity for hydrolysis of the cell walls of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. The immobilization on cellulose is somewhat reversible; the polyacrylamide immobilized lysozyme does not release any enzyme upon washing as evidenced by UV and lytic activity tests. The specific catalytic activity of the lysozyme-polyacrylamide system is found to decline as the density of derivatized surface groups is increased; a model of protein deactivation due to excess surface coupling is presented as a possible rationale for such specific activity variations.  相似文献   

Azzam F  Heux L  Putaux JL  Jean B 《Biomacromolecules》2010,11(12):3652-3659
The grafting of thermosensitive amine-terminated statistical polymers onto the surface of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) was achieved by a peptidic coupling reaction, leading to unusual properties like colloidal stability at high ionic strength, surface activity, and thermoreversible aggregation. We have used a large variety of experimental techniques to investigate the properties of the polymer-decorated CNCs at different length-scales and as a function of the different reaction parameters. A high grafting density could be obtained when the reaction was performed in DMF rather than water. Infrared and solid-state NMR spectroscopy data unambiguously demonstrated the covalent character of the bonding between the CNCs and the macromolecules, whereas TEM images showed a preserved individualized character of the modified objects. Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements were also consistent with individual nanocrystals decorated by a shell of polymer chains. Surface tension measurements revealed that CNCs became surface-active after the grafting of thermosensitive amines. Decorated CNCs were also stable against high electrolyte concentrations. A thermoreversible aggregation was also observed, which paves the way for the design of stimuli-responsive biobased nanocomposite materials.  相似文献   

Arthrobacter simplex cells have been covalently immobilized to granules of microcrystallized regenerated cellulose by means of N-hydroxymethyl, N′-glucosylurea groups at pH 8.5, 18°C and cell suspension concentration of 60 mg/ml. The immobilization yield was found to exceed 100%. The maximum initial rate of Cortisol transformation to Prednisolone remained almost constant after 20-fold transformation in a nutrient medium containing 0.5% peptone at pH 8.0, 32°C and aeration with oxygen. The effect of the substrate concentration on the activity of the immobilized cells, as well as of the ratio between substrate and immobilized cells on the degree of transformation, was investigated. The immobilized cells were characterized by means of electronmicroscopic studies. Microbiological observations have shown that immobilized cells can proliferate and the free cells obtained are accumulated in the nutrient medium. The immobilized cells preserve their viability for a long time when they are stored at 4°C.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the rate of enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic materials including “pure” cellulose (Whatman CF?11 cellulose), newsprint, lignocellulose (prehydrolyzed to remove hemicelluloses), and wood can be substantially increased by simultaneous wet milling. An enhanced hydrolysis rate was sustained above that observed for ball milling: providing a more extensive saccharification. The cellulosic substrates were wet milled with a variety of grinding elements, such as sand, glass beads, and stainless-steel beads, agitated in a shaker bath. Simultaneous hydrolysis was achieved with a 2% substrate slurry in a 0.1M acetate buffer at 45°C and pH 5. The effectiveness of this process was dependent upon the lignified matrix of the cellulose microfibrils, the grinding elements, and the oscillation frequency of the shaker bath. Wet milling “pure” cellulose for 48 hr, with 3.5 mm glass beads and 200 oscillations/min (opm), yielded 1031 mg reducing sugar/g substrates (93% saccharification) as compared to 483 mg (44%) for the ball-milled sample and 253 mg (23%) for the unmilled material. With the lignified substrates stainless-steel beads (3.5 mm) were more effective than glass. For lignocellulose 529 mg sugar/g substrate (93% saccharification) could be obtained by wet milling with cellulase for 24 hr. This was about three times greater than that of the ball milled (169 mg, 30%) and 10 times greater than that of the unmilled (52 mg, 9%) substrates. The method was also effective for wood particles (60 mesh) giving 143 mg sugar/g wood (approximately 38% saccharification) in 48 hr, whereas the ball-milled sample gave only 79 mg (21%) and the unmlilled substrate 38 mg (10%). These observations can be explained on the basis of the current crystalline theory for the morphology of the cellulosic microfibrils. The advantage of wet milling and simultaneous hydrolysis apparently depends on a continuous generation of accessible sites and sustained rapid hydrolysis rate as the saccharification proceeds, where in the pretreated substrates the hydrolysis rate slow down as the active sites are reduced.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is the barrier that pathogens must overcome to cause a disease, and to this end they secrete enzymes that degrade the various cell wall components. Due to the complexity of these components, several types of oligosaccharide fragments may be released during pathogenesis and some of these can act as damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Well‐known DAMPs are the oligogalacturonides (OGs) released upon degradation of homogalacturonan and the products of cellulose breakdown, i.e. the cellodextrins (CDs). We have previously reported that four Arabidopsis berberine bridge enzyme‐like (BBE‐like) proteins (OGOX1–4) oxidize OGs and impair their elicitor activity. We show here that another Arabidopsis BBE‐like protein, which is expressed coordinately with OGOX1 during immunity, specifically oxidizes CDs with a preference for cellotriose (CD3) and longer fragments (CD4–CD6). Oxidized CDs show a negligible elicitor activity and are less easily utilized as a carbon source by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The enzyme, named CELLOX (cellodextrin oxidase), is encoded by the gene At4 g20860. Plants overexpressing CELLOX display an enhanced resistance to B. cinerea, probably because oxidized CDs are a less valuable carbon source. Thus, the capacity to oxidize and impair the biological activity of cell wall‐derived oligosaccharides seems to be a general trait of the family of BBE‐like proteins, which may serve to homeostatically control the level of DAMPs to prevent their hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

(ADP-ribose)n residues formed by short-term incubation of adult rat liver and Ehrlich carcinoma nuclei with labeled NAD were analyzed by Cs2SO4/guanidinium chloride/urea density gradient centrifugation. Comparison with samples in which the protein had been completely digested revealed that most, or probably all, acid-insoluble (ADP-ribose)n chains are covalently bound to nuclear proteins, as is true for the short, acid-soluble (ADP-ribose)n chains. Complete release of (ADP-ribose)n chains is effected by dilute alkali. In contrast, NH2OH liberated only part of the long and the short (ADP-ribose)n residues from the protein conjugates, indicating two types of bonds, both alkali-labile, but only one susceptible to neutral hydroxylamine. Both types of bonds were equally distributed among acid-soluble and acid-insoluble (ADP-ribose)n chains. -Stability of the (ADP-ribose)n protein conjugates during isolation is only guaranteed at pH values below 7.  相似文献   

S Levy  H Aviv 《Biochemistry》1976,15(9):1844-1847
A method is described to quantitate labeled globin mRNA by hybridization with excess cDNA which was enzymatically polymerized on oligo(dT)-cellulose. In a large excess of cDNA-cellulose the rate of RNA hybridization was dependent on DNA concentration and not on RNA concentration. Nonhybridized RNA can be digested by RNase and washed from the cDNA which is covalently bound to cellulose. This enables the detection of labeled globin mRNA even when present in a porportion as low as 0.02-0.03% of the total RNA.  相似文献   

Phage pilH alpha was specific for bacterial strains, of various genera, harbouring plasmids of the HI and HII incompatibility groups. Plaque formation was temperature sensitive in that plaques formed at 26 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C. Plaques were fairly clear, irregular in outline and varied from pin point to about 2 mm in diameter on all hosts where plaques were detected. The phage had an isometric hexagonal outline with a diameter of 25 nm. It contained RNA but differed from all but one other plasmid-dependent RNA phage by being sensitive to chloroform. It adsorbed along the length of the shafts of IncHI and HII plasmid-coded pili.  相似文献   

Epichlorohydrin-triethanolamine (ECTEOLA)-cellulose films (paper and cloth) have been found to bind Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells which were able to develop metabolically active colonies on the surface of the films. Unmodified cellulose films also bound the yeast but to a lesser extent. Film fermenters were constructed by coiling a double layer of the cloth and copper screen and vertically placing the resulting cartridge into a column. These film fermenters were able to convert the sugars (14%) in the hydrolysate of a Jerusalem artichoke tuber into ethanol, with 90% of the theoretical yield after 6 h of fermentation. The bound yeast produced ethanol at a specific rate of 1.0 g ethanol per g cell per hour.  相似文献   

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