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Summary Electron microscope examination of chick embryo fibroblasts grown in tissue culture and fixed in a variety of osmium fixatives as well as in fixatives not containing osmium revealed a limiting cell membrane with a corpuscular substructure. A trilaminar appearance was more difficult to demonstrate in plasma membranes of cells fixed in osmium or glutaraldehyde solutions followed by osmication, while many extensive regions of membranes with this appearance were observed after fixation in buffered potassium permanganate.A study of the conditions favorable to the demonstration of a trilaminar appearance indicated that the level of focus of the electron microscope image and alteration of the intrinsic structure of the summits within the membrane played significant roles in producing this appearance.This work was aided by Research Grant GB 2129 from the National Science Foundation. Some of the equipment used was purchased with funds from the National Institutes of Health Grant 2 TI GM 326. I wish to thank Dr. Robert M. Dougherty from the Department of Microbiology who grew and supplied me with the chick embryo fibroblast cultures used in these studies, and Mrs. Ursula Feller and Miss Leslie Hammack for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Sequestered actin in chick embryo fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chick embryo fibroblasts contain about 75-100 M unpolymerized actin and at least four proteins which can bind actin monomers, actin depolymerizing factor (ADF), gelsolin, profilin, and thymosin 4 (T4). Fibroblast extracts are analyzed by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting where most of the G-actin is detected as a complex with T4. When fibroblast extracts are fractionated by gel filtration and the fractions are analyzed by PAGE and HPLC, most of the G-actin elutes in a peak that also contains T4 at an overall molar ratio of 1.9:1 relative to actin. Gelsolin, profilin, and ADF are also detectable in the gel filtration eluate and at least partly coelute with actin, and account for only a minor fraction of the soluble actin pool. These observations indicate that under the growth conditions studied, T4 is the major actin-sequestering protein in fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Protein turnover in senescent cultured chick embryo fibroblasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The over-all rates of protein synthesis, degradation and net accumulation were estimated in rapidly growing young and slowly doubling old cultures of chick fibroblasts. We find that not only the rate of protein synthesis is reduced in senescent cultures, but the average rate of protein degradation is also slowed down considerably. This decrease in the rate of protein breakdown in aging cells stands in contrast with the previously observed acceleration of this process by other conditions (such as serum deprivation or overcrowding) that lead to the cessation of cellular growth. Though the retarded protein degradation may contribute to the acculation of abnormal proteins in senescent cells we find that the breakdown of grossly abnormal puromycin peptides proceeds equally rapidly in young and old cultures. The protein content of senescent cells increases by 1.8-fold as compared to young cells, while the average cell volume is increased even more (almost 5-fold). By contrast, consideration of the over-all balance of protein metabolism in these cells indicates that the average concentration of metabolically turning-over proteins is somewhat higher in senescent than in young fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The stability of the glycerol backbone of phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl serine was measured in growing and non-growing hamster and chick embryo fibroblasts. Major differences were found for the rates of degradation of the individual glycerophospholipids in both hamster and chick embryo fibroblasts: considerable degradation of phosphatidyl choline was detected over a 24 h period while at the same time no degradation of the glycerol backbone of phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl serine was observed. The patterns of stability of these glycerophospholipids were similar in growing and non-growing cells.  相似文献   

The action of Solcoseryl, a free protein extract of calf blood, was studied on chick embryo fibroblasts cultivated in vitro. Solcoseryl stimulates the permitotic DNA synthesis and increases the number of mitoses.,  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were transformed by the Bryan high-titer strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH), or a mutant (RSV-BH-Ta) inducing temperature-dependent transformation. Surface membranes from normal and transformed cells were isolated as membrane vesicles by differential centrifugation, and as cell ghosts after ZnCl2 treatment and separation in an aqueous two-phase system. These preparations were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or phenol/urea/acetic acid. In general a greater resolution of individual bands was found in gels containing phenol/urea/acetic acid, which separates polypeptides on the bases of size and charge. Electrophoresis of preparations from nontransformed cells showed that two polypeptides (molecular weights 200 000 and 250 000) found in cell ghosts were missing in membrane vesicles. In cell ghosts, transformation by RSV-BH resulted in a significant decrease of the 250 000 molecular weight complex. Also a polypeptide (molecular weight 73 000) prominent in membrane vesicles from nontransformed cells was decreased in transformed cells. Surfaces from cells transformed by RSV-BH-Ta at 37 degrees C presented patterns similar to those for RSV-BH infected cells. Shifting these cells to 41 degrees C resulted in an increase in the 250 000 molecular weight complex, although the amount of this protein(s) never reached that found in noninfected cells. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis failed to block the morphological changes occurring in RSV-BH-Ta cells after temperature shifts from 41 degrees C to 37 degrees C or vice-versa. The same inhibitors caused a reduction in the levels of the 250 000 molecular weight complex at both temperatures. These data indicate that these large membrane-associated polypeptides play little or no role in the morphological changes associated with transformation and its reversal.  相似文献   

1. Two forms of beta-hexosaminidase, similar to hexosaminidase A and hexosaminidase C, were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in chick embryo skin fibroblasts in vitro. 2. beta-Hexosaminidase specific activity increases during development in cultured chick embryo skin fibroblasts in vitro. 3. Concanavalin-A treatment determines the increase of the neutral form, hexosaminidase C, during development. 4. Concanavalin-A reduces the specific activity of beta-hexosaminidase during development.  相似文献   

Resting cultures of primary chick embryo cells have been labeled with 3H-leucine for the first 2 or 3 hours after feeding basal medium or basal medium supplemented with 10% dialyzed serum. The labeling patterns of the 3H-polypeptides of the soluble cell fraction have been compared by fluorography of two-dimensional gels. Large and consistent differences are seen in only three of the more than 900 spots that can visualized. This report concerns two of the three spots. The 3H contents of the two polypeptides (41,000 daltons, pI 7.1, designated 41–7.1, and 34,000 daltons, pI 6.2, designated 34–6.2) are increased by serum by about ten-fold. The highly selective effect of serum on the labeling of the two spots does not appear to be an artifact related to the extractability, solubility, or state of aggregation of the polypeptides. The radio-intensities of both polypeptides decrease markedly when the cells are labeled later than 3 hours after “shift-up”. Drugs that inhibit RNA synthesis and are known to stop the progression of the chick cells through the G1 period, camptothecin, cordycepin and 5,6-dichloro-β-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole, depress, with great specificity, the enhanced labeling of polypeptide 41–7.1 in the stimulated cells, and all but camptothecin have a similar action on polypeptide 34–6.2. A high level of actinomycin D (10 μg/ml), but neither a low level of the drug (0.02 μg/ml) nor 5-fluorouridine prevents the increased labeling of the two polypeptides in serum-fed cells. That 5-fluorouridine enters the chick cells and is converted to its active form is shown by the inhibition of the processing of pre-ribosomal RNA. The observations with the RNA inhibitors are at least consistent with the conclusions that the enhanced labeling of the two sports results from increased rates of synthesis of the polypeptïdes that depend upon mRNA production but not on the formation of ribosomal RNAs, and that the polypeptides play a role in the regulation of DNA replication in the chick cells.  相似文献   

The content of cholesterol and total phospholipids was assayed in 8- and 16- day old chick embryo fibroblasts, harvested at subconfluence after a 48- and 96-hour primoculture, respectively. Cholesterol content did not change during embryo development, whereas the amount of total phospholipids decreased (28%) from the 8th to the 16th day of development, giving an increase of the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio. Studies of the fatty acid composition of the predominant membrane phospholipids indicated that there was no significant change in phosphatidylcholine, whereas phosphatidylethanolamine was depleted in the myristate, as the embryo grew older. These findings demonstrate that the lipid contents are modified during embryo development and suggest that the fluidity of chick embryo cell membranes decreased during development.  相似文献   

Density-dependent inhibition (DDI) of growth is assumed to be the result of diffusion in the medium of growth inhibitory molecules. In this work, we demonstrate the presence of inhibitory molecules (IDFc: chicken inhibitory diffusible factor) in the medium of chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) cultures. IDFc partially purified by Bio-Gel P150 chromatography followed by reverse phase FPLC. The dose-response curve showed that 250 ng/ml IDFc inhibited 50% DNA synthesis. IDFc was also able to inhibit the growth of sparse cultures of CEF; this inhibition was reversible. IDFc was unable to prevent the DNA synthesis in cells transformed by v-src gene expression. These results suggest that IDFc is involved in the DDI of CEF growth.  相似文献   

Involvement of covalently linked protein or peptide in the structure or synthesis of hyaluronate has not previously been convincingly demonstrated. We have developed conditions for double-labeling with [3H]leucine and [14C]acetate, then isolating and characterizing the cell-associated and secreted hyaluronate-protein complexes of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chick embryo fibroblasts. The preparations were purified by Bio-Gel A-15m gel filtration and CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation under dissociative conditions, followed by acid agarose gel electrophoresis in the presence of 0.1% Nonidet P-40. The purified hyaluronate preparations did not change their 3H:14C ratios after further sodium dodecyl sulfate or alkali treatment. The cell-derived hyaluronate-protein was resistant to pronase but susceptible to proteinase K in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. After chondroitinase ABC digestion, the cell-derived 3H-labeled protein was separated from the 14C-labeled hyaluronate disaccharides, then shown to give a broad band corresponding to Mr approximately 12,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and to be susceptible to both pronase and proteinase K. The corresponding 3H-labeled peptide was prepared in the same manner from the medium hyaluronate and the [3H]leucine shown to be present in material smaller in amount and size than that from the cell. We propose from these and other published data that the cell-associated hyaluronate-protein may be bound to the cell surface and that the hyaluronate in the medium may be derived from it as a result of proteolytic scission.  相似文献   

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