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A large number of resistance specificities to the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei map to the barley Mla locus. This complex locus harbors multiple members of three distantly related gene families that encode proteins that contain an N-terminal coiled-coil (CC) structure, a central nucleotide binding (NB) site, a Leu-rich repeat (LRR) region, and a C-terminal non-LRR (CT) region. We identified Mla12, which encodes a CC-NB-LRR-CT protein that shares 89 and 92% identical residues with the known proteins MLA1 and MLA6. Slow Mla12-triggered resistance was altered dramatically to a rapid response by overexpression of Mla12. A series of reciprocal domains swaps between MLA1 and MLA6 identified in each protein recognition domain for cognate powdery mildew fungus avirulence genes (AvrMla1 and AvrMla6). These domains were within different but overlapping LRR regions and the CT part. Unexpectedly, MLA chimeras that confer AvrMla6 recognition exhibited markedly different dependence on Rar1, a gene required for the function of some but not all Mla resistance specificities. Furthermore, uncoupling of MLA6-specific function from RAR1 also uncoupled the response from SGT1, a protein known to associate physically with RAR1. Our findings suggest that differences in the degree of RAR1 dependence of different MLA immunity responses are determined by intrinsic properties of MLA variants and place RAR1/SGT1 activity downstream of and/or coincident with the action of resistance protein-containing recognition complexes.  相似文献   

Isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae (the causal agent of rice blast disease) can infect a range of grass species, including barley. We report that barley Hordeum vulgare cv. Baronesse and an experimental line, BCD47, show a range of resistance reactions to infection with two rice blast isolates. The complete resistance of Baronesse to the isolate Ken 54-20 is controlled by a single dominant gene, designated RMo1. RMo1 mapped to the same linkage map position on chromosome 1H as the powdery mildew resistance locus Mla and an expressed sequence tag (k04320) that corresponds to the barley gene 711N16.16. A resistance quantitative trait locus (QTL), at which Baronesse contributed the resistance allele, to the isolate Ken 53-33 also mapped at the same position as RMo1. Synteny analysis revealed that a corresponding region on rice chromosome 5 includes the bacterial blight resistance gene xa5. These results indicate that a defined region on the short arm of barley chromosome 1H, including RMo1 and Mla, harbors genes conferring qualitative and quantitative resistance to multiple pathogens. The partial resistance of BCD47 to Ken53-33 is determined by alleles at three QTL, two of which coincide with the linkage map positions of the mildew resistance genes mlo and Mlf.  相似文献   

In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), the Mla locus conditions reaction to the powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. Enrichment for genetic recombinants in the Mla region is possible by screening for recombination events between the flanking endosperm storage proteins hordeins C and B. Reciprocal crosses were made between the Franger (C.I. 16151) and Rupee (C.I. 16155) lines carrying the (Mla6 + Mla14) and Mla13 alleles, respectively. Recombinants were identified from F2 segregants by analyzing the extracted hordein polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two hundred and seventy-six recombinant gametes were identified from the 1800 seeds that were screened. Recombination of Mla alleles was analyzed by inoculating F4 recombinant lines with three isolates of E. graminis (A27, 5874, and CR3), which recognize specific Mla alleles. The linkage order established is Hor1-Mla6-Mla13-Mla14-Hor2. The genetic distances between Hor1-Mla6, Mla6-Mla13, and Mla13-Hor2, obtained using Mapmaker 3.0b F3 intercross analysis, are 3.9, 0.2, and 5.2 cM, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The complex structure of the multigene family at the Mla locus conferring powdery mildew resistance in barley was studied by making diallel crosses between several near-isogenic lines carrying different Mla alleles. The mode of inheritance of the Mla alleles investigated was determined to be dominant for Mla1, Mla6, Mla7 and Mla13 and semidominant for Mla3, Mla12 and Mla20. F1 plants were backcrossed to the susceptible recurrent parent in order to identify susceptible and double-resistant recombinants in the BC1F1 generation. Out of 17605 progenies tested in the BC1F1 generation, two susceptible recombinants, one between Mla1 and Mla12 and one between Mla13 and Mla20 were confirmed. The former was also verified by RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

Summary To identify the mildew resistance locus Mla in barley with molecular markers, closely linked genomic RFLP clones were selected with the help of near-isogenic lines having the Pallas and Siri background. Out of 22 polymorphic clones 3 were located around the Mla locus on chromosome 5 with a distance of 5.1 + 2.9 cM (MWG 1H068), 4.2±1.7 cM (MWG 1H060) and 0.7 ± 0.7 cM (MWG 1H036), respectively. The polymorphic clone MWG 1H036 displayed the same RFLP pattern in both Pallas and Siri near-isogenic lines and in different varieties digested with six restriction enzymes possessing the same mildew resistance gene. The alleles of the Mla locus were grouped in 11 classes according to their specific RFLP patterns; 3 of these groups contain the majority of Mla alleles already used in barley breeding programs in Europe.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking is vital to plant development and adaptation to the environment. It is suggested that post‐Golgi vesicles and multivesicular bodies are essential for plant defence against directly penetrating fungal parasites at the cell wall. However, the actual plant proteins involved in membrane transport for defence are largely unidentified. We applied a candidate gene approach and single cell transient‐induced gene silencing for the identification of membrane trafficking proteins of barley involved in the response to the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. This revealed potential components of vesicle tethering complexes [putative exocyst subunit HvEXO70F‐like and subunits of the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex] and Golgi membrane trafficking (COPIγ coatomer and HvYPT1‐like RAB GTPase) as essential for resistance to fungal penetration into the host cell.  相似文献   

The Rar1 gene, identified in the context of race-specific powdery mildew resistance mediated by the Hordeum vulgare (barley) resistance (R) gene Mla12, is required for the function of many R-mediated defense responses in mono- and dicotyledonous plant species. Mla resistance is associated with an oxidative burst and a subsequent cell death reaction of attacked cells. Rar1 mutants are impaired in these responses and, to identify genetic elements which negatively regulate the Mla12-triggered response, we have screened mutagenized Mla12 rar1 mutant populations for restoration of the resistance response. Here we describe the restoration of Mla12-specified resistance (rom1) mutant that restores features of disease resistance to a Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei isolate expressing the avirulence gene AvrMla12 and retains susceptibility to an isolate lacking AvrMla12. Histochemical analyses show that, in rom1 mutant plants, a whole-cell oxidative burst and cell death response in attacked epidermal cells is restored in the incompatible interaction. Defense responses against tested inappropriate powdery mildews, B. graminis f. sp. tritici and Golovinomyces orontii, were diminished in rar1 mutant plants and enhanced in rom1 mutant plants relative to the wild type. These findings indicate antagonistic activities of Rar1 and Rom1 and reveal their contribution to nonhost and race-specific resistance responses.  相似文献   

Summary Pairs of susceptible and resistant, near-isogenic cultivars ofHordeum vulgare which differ for the Mla, Mlk and Mlp genes for resistance toErysiphe graminis f. sp.hordei were inoculated with race 3 of this pathogen and patterns of protein synthesis associated with primary infection mapped using pulse-labelling with L-[35S]methionine and 2-dimensional electrophoresis. Extraction of proteins with buffer containing detergent revealed the enhanced synthesis of 5 and 8 polypeptides at 25 and 30 h respectively after inoculation of barley carrying the Mla gene (cvMla). The enhanced synthesis of these same polypeptides together with 11 additional polypeptides was observed at 48 h and 72 h after inoculation of barley carrying either the Mlp (cvMlp) or Mlk (cvMlk) genes. The labelling of several major constitutive polypeptides was suppressed in cvMla at 24 h after inoculation; the labelling of six of these polypeptides was also suppressed in both cvMlp and cvMlk but not until 48 and 72 h after inoculation. These results indicate that changes occur in the synthesis of some common polypeptides following infection of cultivars carrying different resistance genes but the timing and extent of these changes varies with the resistance gene in the host.  相似文献   


Key message

Resistance factors against non-adapted powdery mildews were mapped in barley. Some QTLs seem effective only to non-adapted mildews, while others also play a role in defense against the adapted form.The durability and effectiveness of nonhost resistance suggests promising practical applications for crop breeding, relying upon elucidation of key aspects of this type of resistance. We investigated which genetic factors determine the nonhost status of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to powdery mildews (Blumeria graminis). We set out to verify whether genes involved in nonhost resistance have a wide effectiveness spectrum, and whether nonhost resistance genes confer resistance to the barley adapted powdery mildew. Two barley lines, SusBgtSC and SusBgtDC, with some susceptibility to the wheat powdery mildew B. graminis f.sp. tritici (Bgt) were crossed with cv Vada to generate two mapping populations. Each population was assessed for level of infection against four B. graminis ff.spp, and QTL mapping analyses were performed. Our results demonstrate polygenic inheritance for nonhost resistance, with some QTLs effective only to non-adapted mildews, while others play a role against adapted and non-adapted forms. Histology analyses of nonhost interaction show that most penetration attempts are stopped in association with papillae, and also suggest independent layers of defence at haustorium establishment and conidiophore formation. Nonhost resistance of barley to powdery mildew relies mostly on non-hypersensitive mechanisms. A large-effect nonhost resistance QTL mapped to a 1.4 cM interval is suitable for map-based cloning.

In many plant-pathogen interactions, there are several possible outcomes for simultaneous attacks on the same leaf. For instance, an attack by the powdery mildew fungus on one barley leaf epidermal cell may succeed in infection and formation of a functional haustorium, whereas a neighboring cell attacked at the same time may resist fungal penetration. To date, the mixed cellular responses seen even in susceptible host leaves have made it difficult to relate induced changes in gene expression to resistance or susceptibility in bulk leaf samples. By microextraction of cell-specific mRNA and subsequent cDNA array analysis, we have successfully obtained separate gene expression profiles for specific mildew-resistant and -infected barley cells. Thus, for the first time, it is possible to identify genes that are specifically regulated in infected cells and, presumably, involved in fungal establishment. Further, although much is understood about the genetic basis of effective papilla resistance associated with mutant mlo barley, we provide here the first evidence for gene regulation associated with effective papilla-based nonspecific resistance expressed in nominally "susceptible" wild-type barley.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (PM) is one of the major plant pathogens. The conventional method of PM control includes frequent use of sulfur-based fungicides adding to production costs and potential harm to the environment. PM remains a major scourge for Rosaceae crops where breeding approaches mainly resort to gene-for-gene resistance. We have tested an alternate source of PM resistance in Rosaceae. Mildew resistance locus O (MLO) has been well studied in barley due to its role in imparting broad spectrum resistance to PM. We identified PpMlo1 (Prunus persica Mlo) in peach and characterized it further to test if a similar mechanism of resistance is conserved in Rosaceae. Due to its recalcitrance in tissue culture, reverse genetic studies involving PpMloI were not feasible in peach. Therefore, Fragaria x ananassa LF9 line, a taxonomic surrogate, was used for functional analysis of PpMlo1. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation yielded transgenic strawberry plants expressing PpMlo1 in sense and antisense orientation. Antisense expression of PpMlo1 in transgenic strawberry plants conferred resistance to Fragaria-specific powdery mildew, Podosphaera macularis. Phylogenetic analysis of 208 putative Mlo gene copies from 35 plant species suggests a large number of duplications of this gene family prior to the divergence of monocots and eudicots, early in eudicot diversification. Our results indicate that the Mlo-based resistance mechanism is functional in Rosaceae, and that Fragaria can be used as a host to test mechanistic function of genes derived from related tree species. To the best of our knowledge, this work is one of the first attempts at testing the potential of using a Mlo-based resistance strategy to combat powdery mildew in Rosaceae.  相似文献   

In a compatible interaction biotrophic fungi often lower the yield of their hosts by reducing photosynthesis and altering the fluxes of carbon within the infected leaf. In contrast, comparatively little is known about the metabolic consequences of activating resistance responses. In this study we investigated the hypothesis that the activation of both race-specific (Mla12) and broad-spectrum (mlo) resistance pathways in barley leaves infected with Blumeria graminis represents a cost to the plant in terms of carbon production and utilization. We have shown, using quantitative imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence, that during a susceptible interaction, photosynthesis was progressively reduced both in cells directly below fungal colonies and in adjacent cells when compared with uninoculated leaves. The lower rate of photosynthesis was associated with an increase in invertase activity, an accumulation of hexoses and a down-regulation of photosynthetic gene expression. During both Mla12- and mlo-mediated resistance, photosynthesis was also reduced, most severely inhibited in cells directly associated with attempted penetration of the fungus but also in surrounding cells. These cells displayed intense autofluorescence under ultraviolet illumination indicative of the accumulation of phenolic compounds and/or callose deposition. The depression in photosynthesis was not due only to cell death but also to an alteration in source-sink relations and carbon utilization. Apoplastic (cell wall-bound) invertase activity increased more rapidly and to a much greater extent than in infected susceptible leaves and was accompanied by an accumulation of hexoses that was localized to areas of the leaf actively exhibiting resistance responses. The accumulation of hexoses was accompanied by a down-regulation in the expression of Rubisco (rbcS) and chlorophyll a/b binding protein (cab) genes (although to a lesser extent than in a compatible interaction) and with an up-regulation in the expression of the pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1). These results are consistent with a role for invertase in the generation of hexoses, which may supply energy for defence reactions and/or act as signals inducing defence gene expression.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (PM) caused by the obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen Erysiphe pisi is an economically important disease of legumes. Legumes are rich in isoflavonoids, a class of secondary metabolites whose role in PM resistance is ambiguous. Here we show that the pterocarpan medicarpin accumulates at fungal infection sites, as analysed by fluorescein‐tagged medicarpin, and provides penetration and post‐penetration resistance against E. pisi in Medicago truncatula in part through the activation of the salicylic acid (SA) signalling pathway. Comparative gene expression and metabolite analyses revealed an early induction of isoflavonoid biosynthesis and accumulation of the defence phytohormones SA and jasmonic acid (JA) in the highly resistant M. truncatula genotype A17 but not in moderately susceptible R108 in response to PM infection. Pretreatment of R108 leaves with medicarpin increased SA levels, SA‐associated gene expression, and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide at PM infection sites, and reduced fungal penetration and colony formation. Strong parallels in the levels of medicarpin and SA, but not JA, were observed on medicarpin/SA treatment pre‐ or post‐PM infection. Collectively, our results suggest that medicarpin and SA may act in concert to restrict E. pisi growth, providing new insights into the metabolic and signalling pathways required for PM resistance in legumes.  相似文献   

During vegetative period 2004–2005 powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal) field resistance of spring barley cultivars was investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. The spring barley genotypes tested were Lithuania-registered cultivars, cultivars from genetic resources collection, and the new cultivars used for initial breeding. In total, 23 resistance genes were present in the 84 cultivars studied. Among mono-genes only mlo and 1-B-53 showed very high resistance. Slight powdery mildew necroses (up to 3 scores) formed on cultivars possessing these genes. The maximal powdery mildew (PM) severity reached a score of 8.5 and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) a value of 1216.8. The cultivars ‘Primus’, ‘Astoria’, ‘Power’, ‘Harrington’ and ‘Scarlett’ were the most resistant among the non mlo cultivars. Severity of PM on ‘Primus’ reached a score of 3.5 (3.0 of PM necrosis) in average, the other cultivars were diseased from 4.5 (3.0) to 5.0 (2.0). The AUDPC values for these cultivars except ‘Scarlett’ were the lowest (85.0–145.3) among the other cultivars. The highest contrast in development of the other leaf diseases was between highly resistant and susceptible to PM cultivar groups. The fast development of PM depressed development of the other diseases 4.7 times.  相似文献   

Certain plant receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases were reported to interact with small monomeric G-proteins of the RHO of plant (ROP; also called RAC) family in planta and to be activated by this interaction in vitro. We identified a barley (Hordeum vulgare) partial cDNA of a ROP binding protein kinase (HvRBK1) in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid screenings with barley HvROP bait proteins. Protein interaction of the constitutively activated (CA) barley HvROPs CA HvRACB and CA HvRAC1 with full-length HvRBK1 was verified in yeast and in planta. Green fluorescent protein-tagged HvRBK1 appears in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, but CA HvRACB or CA HvRAC1 can recruit green fluorescent protein-HvRBK1 to the cell periphery. Barley HvRBK1 is an active kinase in vitro, and activity is enhanced by CA HvRACB or GTP-loaded HvRAC1. Hence, HvRBK1 might act downstream of active HvROPs. Transient-induced gene silencing of barley HvRBK1 supported penetration by the parasitic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, suggesting a function of the protein in basal disease resistance. Transient knockdown of HvRBK1 also influenced the stability of cortical microtubules in barley epidermal cells. Hence, HvRBK1 might function in basal resistance to powdery mildew by influencing microtubule organization.  相似文献   

J H J?rgensen 《Génome》1996,39(3):492-498
Three recessive mutagen-induced alleles that partially suppress the phenotypic expression of the semidominant powdery mildew resistance gene Mla12 have been studied. When each suppressor is present in homozygous condition, the infection type 0, conferred by gene Mla12 when homozygous, is changed to intermediate infection types. The three suppressor lines were crossed with seven near-isogenic lines with different powdery mildew resistance genes and one, M100, was crossed with nine additional lines. Seedlings of parents and from the F1and F2 generations were tested with powdery mildew isolates that possessed the appropriate avirulence and virulence genes. The segregation of phenotypes in the F2 generation disclosed that the three suppressors affected the phenotypic expression of three resistance genes, whereas that of four resistance genes remained unaffected. The suppressor in mutant M100 affected the phenotypic expression of 9 of the 10 additional resistance genes present. It is suggested that the three suppressors are mutationally modified genes involved in host defence processes. This implies that different resistance genes employ different, but overlapping, spectra of defence processes, or signal transduction pathways. Key words : barley, Hordeum vulgare, powdery mildew, Erysiphe graminis hordei, mutation, resistance, suppressor.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by the biotrophic fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), is a major threat to the production of wheat (Triticum aestivum). It is of great importance to identify new resistance genes for the generation of Bgt‐resistant or Bgt‐tolerant wheat varieties. Here, we show that the wheat copine genes TaBON1 and TaBON3 negatively regulate wheat disease resistance to Bgt. Two copies of TaBON1 and three copies of TaBON3, located on chromosomes 6AS, 6BL, 1AL, 1BL and 1DL, respectively, were identified from the current common wheat genome sequences. The expression of TaBON1 and TaBON3 is responsive to both pathogen infection and temperature changes. Knocking down of TaBON1 or TaBON3 by virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) induces the up‐regulation of defence responses in wheat. These TaBON1‐ or TaBON3‐silenced plants exhibit enhanced wheat disease resistance to Bgt, accompanied by greater accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and heightened cell death. In addition, high temperature has little effect on the up‐regulation of defence response genes conferred by the silencing of TaBON1 or TaBON3. Our study shows a conserved function of plant copine genes in plant immunity and provides new genetic resources for the improvement of resistance to powdery mildew in wheat.  相似文献   

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