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Cytosol from the adrenal gland of male and female rats contains a specific binding protein for oestradiol-17β. This protein has all the characteristics of a cytoplasmic oestrogen receptor. It is excluded by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration, has a sedimentation coefficient of 8–9 S by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in low salt and dissociates into a 4 S form by centrifugation in high salt (0.5 M KCl). The binding protein is heat sensitive and oestradiol-17β binding is eliminated by protease and by sulphydryl blocking reagents (2mM p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonate). The bound oestradiol dissociates very slowly at 0°C. The adrenal oestrogen receptors have a very high affinity for oestradiol-17β, but lower affinity for oestradiol-17α and do not bind testosterone, androstene-3,17-dione or corticosterone. Scatchard analysis of the saturation data for oestradiol revealed one class of high affinity binding sites with an apparent equilibrium constant of dissociation KD at 0°C of 5.8 × 10−10M. The number of binding sites was calculated to be 70 fmol/mg cytosol protein. Cytosol fractions from androgen insensitive (tfm) male rats contain oestrogen receptors in amounts very similar to that of the normal littermates.  相似文献   

The expression of mu-opioid receptors in the developing rat spinal cord (Postnatal days 7, 14, 30) was studied by autoradiography using [3H]DAMGO. When compared to camera lucida drawings, the receptor was noted over the entire gray matter and dorsal root ganglia at postnatal days 7 and 14. At postnatal day 30, the receptor expression decreased over the gray matter except the superficial laminae (laminae I and II). At all age groups studied, a higher expression of the receptor was noted over the superficial laminae. The study shows that micro-opioid receptors appears early in postnatal development and attains mature receptor distribution relatively late in ontogeny, suggesting a possible role in the normal development of nervous system. This is affirmed by an impairment of psychomotor development in babies born to mothers, addicted to opiates.  相似文献   

Distribution of P2X receptors in the rat adrenal gland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of each of the seven subtypes of ATP-gated P2X receptors was investigated in the adrenal gland of rat utilizing immunohistochemical techniques with specific polyclonal antibodies to unique peptide sequences of P2X1-7 receptors. A small number of chromaffin cells showed positive immunoreaction for P2X5 and P2X7, with the relative occurrence of P2X7-immunoreactive chromaffin cells exceeding that of P2X5. The preganglionic nerve fibres that form terminal plexuses around some chromaffin cells showed P2X1 immunoreactivity. Intrinsic adrenal neurones were observed to be positively stained for P2X2 and P2X3 receptors. P2X2 immunoreactivity occurred in several neurones found singly or in groups in the medulla, while only a small number of neurones were immunoreactive for P2X3. Adrenal cortical cells were positively immunostained for P2X4-7. Immunoreactivity for P2X4 was confined to the cells of the zona reticularis, while P2X5-7 immunoreactivities occurred in cells of the zona fasciculata. The relative occurrence of immunoreactive cortical cells of the zona fasciculata was highest for P2X6, followed by P2X7 and then P2X5. The smooth muscle of some capsular and subcapsular blood vessels showed P2X2 immunoreactivity. The specific and widespread distribution of P2X receptor subtypes in the adrenal gland suggests a significant role for purine signalling in the physiology of the rat adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Thymus development and function are dependent on the definition of different and graded microenvironments that provide the maturing T cell with the different signals that drive its maturation to a functional T lymphocyte. In these processes, cell-cell interactions, cell migration, and positioning are clues for the correct functioning of the organ. The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands, the ephrins, has been implicated in all these processes by regulating cytoskeleton and adhesion functioning, but a systemic analysis of their presence and possible functional role in thymus has not yet been conducted. In this regard, the current study combines different experimental approaches for analyzing the expression of four members of the Eph A family and their ligands, ephrins A, in the embryonic and adult rat thymus. The patterns of Eph and ephrin expression in the distinct thymic regions were different but overlapping. In general, the studied Eph A were expressed on thymic epithelial cells, whereas ephrins A seem to be more restricted to thymocytes, although Eph A1 and ephrin A1 are expressed on both cell types. Furthermore, the supply of either Eph A-Fc or ephrin A-Fc fusion proteins to fetal thymus organ cultures interferes with T cell development, suggesting an important role for this family of proteins in the cell mechanisms that drive intrathymic T cell development.  相似文献   

The present study localized corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors and studied the actions of CRF in the neonatal rat spinal cord preparation. Lumbar CRF receptors were present in highest concentrations in laminae I and II with progressively lower concentrations in lamina IX and intermediate and central zones respectively. CRF directly and indirectly depolarized lumbar motoneurons in a concentration-related manner and the putative receptor antagonist, alpha helical oCRF(9–41), partially blocked the depolarizing response to CRF. The electrophysiological responses to CRF and the distribution of receptors within the spinal cord suggest that CRF may play a physiological role in regulating spinal cord reflex function.  相似文献   


Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its specific receptors, FLt1/fms, Flk1/KDR and FLt4, play important roles in vasculogenesis, and physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Whether angiogenic growth factors are involved in regulating angiogenic processes during the postpartum involution period (PP) of the rat uterus is unknown. We used immunohistochemistry to analyze the expression levels of VEGF, the fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (FLt1/fms), the kinase insert domain-containing region 1 (Flk1/KDR), Fms-related tyrosine kinase 4 (FLt4) and vascular endothelial growth inhibitor (VEGI) in the rat uterus during the days 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 of the PP to determine the temporal and spatial expressions of VEGF and its receptors during the PP. Throughout the PP, cytoplasmic and membrane staining of VEGI, VEGF and their receptors were observed in the lumens, crypts and glandular epithelial cells as well as in connective tissue and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells in the endometrium. We found that the intensity of the immunoreactions in the endometrium varied with the morphological changes that occurred during involution. Immunoreactions for VEGI, VEGF and their receptor, Flk1/KDR, in the luminal epithelial cells were stronger than those in the glandular epithelial and stromal cells, particularly during PP 1, 3 and 5, which suggests that these peptides may contribute to re-epithelialization of the endometrium. On the other hand, Flt1/fms immunoreactivity was strong mainly in the stromal cells during the PP. The presence of VEGF and its receptors (FLt1/fms, Flk1/KDR, FLt4) in the stromal cells and blood vessels during the PP suggests that they may contribute to regulating stromal repair and angiogenesis in the involuting uterus of the rat.  相似文献   

In vitro binding of specific opioid ligands to their respective sites in membrane fractions and the contribution of individual receptor classes (mu, delta, kappa) was studied in rats after longlasting (up to 22 months) section of spinal dorsal roots at the cervical (C5-8) or thoracic (Th1-4) level. This procedure leads to autotomy or scratching of the skin on the operated side. The total number of receptors in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord was more than doubled in both operated and contralateral part of the cord in comparison with intact controls of the same age. In the cervical region, this increase mainly represented a rise in the number of free receptors, whilst in the thoracic region both free and saturated receptors were increased. On the deafferented side, receptor selectivity, especially in the delta and kappa types was decreased.  相似文献   

With in vitro autoradiography, specific receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were localized in fetal rat kidney and adrenal glands. Receptors were present over renal vesicles, in the primitive renal medulla and throughout the adrenal gland as early as 16 days gestation. By 20 days gestation, several layers of developing renal corpuscles were present and ANP receptors were localized over developing glomeruli in each layer. Larger accumulations occurred over the juxtamedullary glomeruli. In the medulla, the receptors were localized in a reticular pattern near the pelvis. With emulsion coated sections, ANP receptors in developing renal corpuscles were seen primarily over the lower curve of S-shaped vesicles and around the periphery of the more mature corpuscles. In the renal medulla, receptors were localized over the interstitial cells. In the 16-day-old adrenal gland, ANP receptors were present throughout the cortical area but at 20 days gestation and 1 day postpartum receptors appeared more numerous in the peripheral region. These data suggest that ANP has important developmental effects in the kidney and adrenal gland and may be involved in regulation of body fluid homeostasis in the late gestation rat fetus.  相似文献   

Summary With in vitro autoradiography, specific receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were localized in fetal rat kidney and adrenal glands. Receptors were present over renal vesicles, in the primitive renal medulla and throughout the adrenal gland as early as 16 days gestation. By 20 days gestation, several layers of developing renal corpuscles were present and ANP receptors were localized over developing glomeruli in each layer. Larger accumulations occurred over the juxtamedullary glomeruli. In the medulla, the receptors were localized in a reticular pattern near the pelivis. With emulsion coated sections, ANP receptors in developing renal corpuscles were seen primarily over the lower curve of S-shaped vesicles and around the periphery of the more mature corpuscles. In the renal medulla, receptors were localized over the interstitial cells. In the 16-day-old adrenal gland, ANP receptors were present throughout the cortical area but at 20 days gestation and 1 day postpartum receptors appeared more numerous in the peripheral region. these data suggest that ANP has important developmental effects in the kidney and adrenal gland and may be involved in regulation of body fluid homeostasis in the late gestation rat fetus.  相似文献   

A subset of primary sensory neurons produces BDNF, which is implicated in control of nociceptive neurotransmission. We previously localized full-length trkB receptors on their terminals within lamina II. To functionally study these receptors, we here employed patch-clamp recordings, calcium imaging and immunocytochemistry on slices from 8-12 days post-natal rats. In this preparation, BDNF (100-500 ng/mL) enhances the release of sensory neurotransmitters (glutamate, substance P, CGRP) in lamina II by acting on trkB receptors expressed by primary afferent fibers of the peptidergic nociceptive type (PN-PAFs). Effect was blocked by trk antagonist K252a or anti-trkB antibody clone 47. A pre-synaptic mechanism was demonstrated after (i) patch-clamp recordings where the neurotrophin induced a significant increase in frequency, but not amplitude, of AMPA-mediated mEPSCs, (ii) real time calcium imaging, where sustained application of BDNF evoked an intense response in up to 57% lamina II neurons with a significant frequency rise. Antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors and NK(1) receptors completely inhibited the calcium response to BDNF. Reduction of CGRP (a specific marker of PN-PAFs) and substance P content in dorsal horn following BDNF preincubation, and analysis of the calcium response after depletion with capsaicin, confirmed that the neurotrophin presynaptically enhanced neurotransmitter release from PN-PAFs. This is the first demonstration that trkB receptors expressed by PN-PAF terminals in lamina II are functional during postnatal development. Implications of this finding are discussed considering that BDNF can be released by these same terminals and microglia, a fraction of which (as shown here) contains BDNF also in unactivated state.  相似文献   

Frizzleds (Fzds) are transmembrane receptors that can transduce signals dependent upon binding of Wnts, a large family of secreted glycoproteins homologous to the Drosophila wingless gene. FZDs are critical for a wide variety of normal and pathological developmental processes. In the nervous system, Wnts and Frizzleds play an important role in anterior-posterior patterning, cell fate decisions, proliferation, and synaptogenesis. Here, we preformed a comprehensive expression profile of Wnt receptors (FZD) by using situ hybridization to identify FZDs that are expressed in dorsal-ventral regions of the neural tube development. Our data show specific expression for FZD1,2,3,7,9 and 10 in the chick developing spinal cord. This expression profile of cFZD receptors offers the basis for functional studies in the future to determine roles for the different FZD receptors and their interactions with Wnts during dorsal-ventral neural tube development in vivo. Furthermore, we also show that co-overexpression of Wnt1/3a by in vivo electroporation affects FZD7/10 expression in the neural tube. This illustrates an example of Wnts-FZDs interactions during spinal cord neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations at the trkB and trkC loci of Escherichia coli produce an abnormal efflux of K+. The mutations are partially dominant in diploids and revert frequently by what appears to be intragenic suppression to the null state. The mutations can be reverted by insertion of Tn10 into the mutated gene, and spontaneous revertants are fully recessive to the mutant allele in diploids. K+ efflux produced by NEM* and by DNP* persists in strains with presumed null mutations at either locus, indicating neither gene product is the primary target for the effect of these inhibitors on K+ efflux. The results are consistent with the view that trkB and trkC encode independent systems for K+ efflux. Mutations at these loci alter regulation of the process so that K+ efflux occurs inappropriately. A second mutation to the null state abolishes this abnormal K+ efflux. These genes may encode K+/H+ antiporters, an activity postulated to mediate K+ efflux and demonstrated to exist in E. coli and other bacteria.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) are expressed in the brain but also in the peripheral tissues including the adrenal medulla. However, it is unclear which nAChRs are present in the human adrenal medulla. In the study, receptor binding assay, Western blot and RT-PCR have been performed to investigate the expression of nAChRs in adrenal medulla from human, rat and mouse. The results showed that in human adult adrenal medulla, mRNAs for nAChR alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha7, beta2, beta3, and beta4 subunits but not beta2 in the fetal human adrenal medulla were expressed. Saturation binding of [3H]epibatidine showed two binding sites in human aged adrenal medulla. The specific binding of [3H]epibatidine (0.1 nM) was significantly higher in human fetal compared to human aged adrenal medulla. mRNAs for the alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha7, beta2, and beta4 subunits but not the beta3 were detectable in adult rat and mouse adrenal medulla. No differences in gene-expression of the nAChRs were observed between new born, adult and aged rat adrenal medulla. Saturation binding of [3H]epibatidine showed only one binding site in rat adrenal medulla. Lower protein levels for the nAChR subunits were observed in the rat adrenal medulla compared to rat brain. There was lower protein levels of the nAChRs in aged rat adrenal medulla compared to the young rats. Sub-chronic treatment of nicotine to rats did not influence level of the nAChRs in the adrenal medulla. In conclusion, the expression of nAChRs in adrenal medulla is age- related and species dependent.  相似文献   

Summary It is well-known that a large number of factors can influence the expression of neuropeptides in the nervous system. In the present study, the effects of unilateral and bilateral irradiation to the rat head and neck on the expression of neuropeptides in the innervation of the submandibular gland and in the ganglionic cells of the submandibular ganglion was examined ten days and six months after treatment. Antisera directed against enkephalin and bombesin and immunohistochemical methods were used. The effects of bilateral irradiation on the staining pattern of various neuropeptides in the cervical spinal cord were also studied. In the submandibular gland and in the submandibular ganglionic cells, there was a markedly increased neuropeptide expression ten days after bilateral treatment, as seen after staining with both antisera used, while no changes occurred after unilateral treatment. Six months after treatment, the pattern of neuropeptide expression in the submandibular gland/ganglion corresponded to that seen in controls. Irradiation did not lead to any changes in the staining pattern of neuropeptides in the spinal cord. The observations show that there is a great complexity in the susceptibility of nervous tissues to radiotherapy with respect to influences on the expression of neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Expression of neurotrophin receptors in normal and malignant B lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to define a cellular model suitable for studying, in vitro, the molecular properties and functions of neurotrophin receptors in human lymphocytes, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC and p75(NTR) expression was investigated in a panel of EBV immortalized lymphoblastoid (LCL) and Burkitt lymphoma-derived cell lines (BLs) compared to primary B lymphocytes by RT-PCR and flow cytometric analysis. Our data show that trkA and trkB are transcribed in most B cell lines of normal and malignant origin. For several of them, we also gained first evidence of trkC expression in B cells. All cell lines and primary B cells lack p75(NTR) expression. These data suggest that neurotrophin receptors expression in the B cell lines correlates to some extent with the phenotypic maturation stage and endogenous viral activity levels. Our data suggest that TrkA and TrkB, once activated, provide a partial rescue from apoptosis, whereas TrkC stimulates the progression through the cell cycle without affecting cell survival. Finally, the identification of a number of cell lines showing single expression of one of the Trk receptors has disclosed the availability of a cellular tool for further studies on their function, and mechanisms of signal transduction in the B cell moiety in the absence of p75(NTR).  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a hypotensive peptide, highly expressed in the mammalian adrenal medulla, which belongs to a peptide superfamily including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amylin. Quantitative autoradiography demonstrated the presence of abundant [125I]ADM binding sites in both zona glomerulosa (ZG) and adrenal medulla. ADM binding was selectively displaced by ADM(22–52), a putative ADM-receptor antagonist, and CGRP(8–37), a ligand that preferentially antagonizes the CGRP1-receptor subtype. ADM concentration-dependently inhibited K+-induced aldosterone secretion of dispersed rat ZG cells, without affecting basal hormone production. Both ADM(22–52) and CGRP(8–37) reversed the ADM effect in a concentration-dependent manner. ADM counteracted the aldosterone secretagogue action of the voltage-gated Ca2+-channel activator BAYK-8644, and blocked K+- and BAYK-8644-evoked rise in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of dispersed ZG cells. ADM concentration-dependently raised basal catecholamine (epinephrine and norepinephrine) release by rat adrenomedullary fragments, and again the response was blocked by both ADM(22–52) and CGRP(8–37). ADM increased cyclic-AMP release by adrenal-medulla fragments, but not capsule-ZG preparations, and the catecholamine response to ADM was abolished by the PKA inhibitor H-89. Collectively, the present findings allow us to draw the following conclusions: (1) ADM modulates rat adrenal secretion, acting through ADM(22–52)-sensitive CGRP1 receptors, which are coupled with different signaling mechanisms in the cortex and medulla; (2) ADM selectively inhibits agonist-stimulated aldosterone secretion, through a mechanism probably involving the blockade of the Ca2+ channel-mediated Ca2+ influx; (3) ADM raises catecholamine secretion, through the activation of the adenylate cyclase/PKA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins are structurally related proteins regulating brain development and function. Molecular evolution studies of neurotrophins and their receptors are essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying the coevolution processes of these gene families and how they correlate with the increased complexity of the vertebrate nervous system. In order to improve our current knowledge of the molecular evolution of neurotrophins and receptors, we have collected all information available in the literature and analyzed the genome database for each of them. Statistical analysis of aminoacid and nucleotide sequences of the neurotrophin and Trk family genes was applied to both complete genes and mature sequences, and different phylogenetic methods were used to compare aminoacid and nucleotide sequences variability among the different species. All collected data favor a model in which several rounds of genome duplications might have facilitated the generation of the many different neurotrophins and the acquisition of specific different functions correlated with the increased complexity of the vertebrate nervous system during evolution. We report findings that refine the structure of the evolutionary trees for neurotrophins and Trk receptors families, indicate different rates of evolution for each member of the two families, and newly demonstrate that the NGF-like genes found in Fowlpox and Canarypox viruses are closely related to reptile NGF.  相似文献   

ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases are membrane-bound receptors that possess intrinsic, ligand-activated, tyrosine kinase activity. Binding of growth factors to these receptors induces the formation of ErbB homo- and heterodimers and initiates a signalling cascade that traverses the cytoplasm to communicate with the nucleus and the cytoskeleton. The effect of this cascade is the regulation of cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, migration and adhesion. Although ErbB signalling is important for normal growth and development in the breast, a dysregulation of ErbB activity can lead to tumourigenesis. This review will focus on the role of ErbB signalling in both normal mammary gland development and breast cancer, with an emphasis on the mechanisms behind receptor activation and the therapeutic agents designed to inhibit ErbB activity.  相似文献   

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