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Riboflavin Accumulation by Rabbit Brain Slices In Vitro   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The effects of tacrine (1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine) and 7-methoxytacrine on the metabolism of brain acetylcholine were investigated in experiments in which acetylcholine turnover was stimulated by tissue depolarization or by 4-aminopyridine. Rat cerebrocortical prisms were preincubated under "resting" conditions (Krebs-Ringer buffer with 3 mmol/L K+ and with paraoxon to inhibit cholinesterases) and then incubated in the presence of tacrine or methoxytacrine and of 50 mmol/L K+. Both drugs diminished the amount of acetylcholine released by depolarization and the amount of acetylcholine synthesized during incubation; in experiments in which [14C]choline was present in the incubation medium simultaneously with tacrine or methoxytacrine, the drugs diminished the uptake of [14C]choline by the tissue and the amount of [14C]-acetylcholine synthesized and released into the medium. In these experiments, it was not possible to distinguish whether the inhibitory effects of tacrine and methoxytacrine were primarily on the process of acetylcholine synthesis (particularly on the uptake of choline), or whether the drugs also acted directly on the process of neurotransmitter release. In subsequent experiments the prisms were preincubated with [14C]choline and only then subjected to a short depolarization in the presence of hemicholinium-3 and tacrine or methoxytacrine. Both drugs severely inhibited the release of preformed [14C]acetylcholine and prevented the diminution of tissue [14C]acetylcholine stores. Methoxytacrine was also found to diminish the release of acetylcholine induced by 4-aminopyridine while increasing the content of acetylcholine in the tissue. Tacrine and methoxytacrine had no effect on the activity of choline acetyltransferase (EC TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The main objective of these studies was to determine whether the acute administration of choline to rats provides supplemental precursor that can be used to support acetylcholine synthesis when the demand for choline is increased by increasing neurotransmitter release. For these experiments, hippocampal and striatal slices were prepared form rats that had received saline or an acute injection of choline. Slices were incubated in a choline-free buffer containing 4.74-35 mM KCl, and acetylcholine synthesis and release and choline production were measured. The initial tissue contents of acetylcholine and choline did not differ between experimental groups for either brain region. When hippocampal slices from the controls were incubated for 10 min with depolarizing concentrations of KCl, acetylcholine release increased and the tissue content decreased in a concentration-dependent fashion; no net synthesis of acetylcholine occurred. In contrast, hippocampal slices from the choline-injected animals maintained their tissue content in the presence of high concentrations of KCl, despite an increase in acetylcholine release that was similar in magnitude to that of the controls; positive net synthesis of acetylcholine resulted. Although the molar concentration of choline achieved in the incubation media at the end of the 10-min period did not differ between groups, the mobilization of free choline from bound stores was significantly greater in hippocampal slices from the choline-injected group than the controls. In addition, the synthesis of acetylcholine by hippocampal slices from the choline-injected group was prevented by the presence of hemicholinium-3 (1 microM) in the media.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of these experiments was to determine whether preincubating hippocampal slices with choline provides precursor that can be used during a subsequent incubation to support or enhance the synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh). Slices were preincubated for 60 min with 0, 10, 25, or 50 microM choline, washed, resuspended, and then incubated for 10 min in choline-free buffer containing 4.74 (Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate, KRB) or 25 mM KCl. The tissue contents of ACh and choline were determined prior to and after the preincubation, as well as after the incubation; the amounts of ACh and choline released were measured, and ACh synthesis was calculated. Preincubation in the absence of choline increased the tissue content of ACh to 242% of original levels; preincubation with 10 microM choline did not lead to a further increase, but preincubation with 25 or 50 microM choline increased the ACh content to 272% of original levels, significantly greater than that of slices preincubated with either 0 or 10 microM choline. When tissues were subsequently incubated for 10 min with either KRB or 25 mM KCl, ACh release from slices preincubated with 50 microM choline was greater than from slices preincubated with 0, 10, or 25 microM choline. Incubation of slices with KRB did not alter the tissue content of ACh, but when tissues were incubated with 25 mM KCl, the ACh content of slices preincubated with 0 or 10 microM choline decreased significantly, whereas that of slices preincubated with 25 or 50 microM choline did not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Previous studies have shown that a reduction in the O2 tension of the blood from 120 torr to 57 torr (hypoxic hypoxia) decreases brain acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis. To determine if this decrease is due to a direct impairment of ACh metabolism or to an indirect effect mediated by other neurotransmitter systems, we studied ACh formation in rat brain slices and synaptosomes. At O2 tensions ranging from 760 to less than 1 torr, 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis from [U-14C]glucose, the levels of lactate and ATP, and the ATP/ADP ratio were determined. In slices, the first decreases were observed in the rate of 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis at an O2 tension of 152 torr. The ATP level started to decline at 53–38 torr, and a reduction in the ATP/ADP ratio was first found at and below 19 torr. Lactate formation was maximally stimulated at 38–19 torr. Synaptosomes responded differently than brain slices to reduced O2 tensions. In synaptosomes, 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis from [U-14C]glucose, the levels of lactate and ATP, and the ATP/ADP ratio were unaltered if a minimum O2 tension of 19 torr was maintained. Despite the difference in sensitivities to decreases in O2 levels, there is a curvilinear relationship between [U-14C]glucose decarboxylation and [14C]ACh synthesis at various O2 tensions for both tissue preparations with a high coefficient of determination (R2= 0.970). The difference in the metabolic sensitivity of slices and synaptosomes to a reduced O2 level may be explained by the greater distance O2 must diffuse in slices. The results are discussed in comparison with hypoxia in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of cholinergic agonists and antagonists on the release of ATP from isolated myenteric varicosities were studied using a firefly luciferin-luciferase technique. In a previous study, acetylcholine and nicotine released ATP from isolated myenteric varicosities, whereas the muscarinic agonist bethanechol did not. In the present study, release of ATP by acetylcholine was shown to be Ca2+ dependent. d-Tubocurarine competitively antagonized the release of ATP by either acetylcholine or nicotine. Maximal release of ATP by acetylcholine (10(-3) M) was approximately 24% that observed with the depolarizing drug veratridine (5 X 10(-5) M), suggesting either that not all of the varicosities capable of releasing ATP possess nicotinic receptors or that acetylcholine does not depolarize the varicosities to the degree that veratridine does. Tetrodotoxin slightly but significantly reduced ATP release induced by acetylcholine or nicotine, indicating some involvement of Na+ channels in the release process. Finally, 6-hydroxydopamine pretreatment produced a 48% reduction in the acetylcholine-evoked release of ATP, suggesting that much, but possibly not all, of the ATP release occurs from noradrenergic varicosities present in the preparation.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine and choline release from rat brain synaptosomes have been measured using a chemiluminescent technique under a variety of conditions set up to mimic anoxic insult, including conditions of low pH (6.2) and the presence of lactate plus pyruvate as substrate. Lactate plus pyruvate as substrate consistently gave higher respiration rates than glucose alone, but with either substrate (glucose or lactate plus pyruvate) the omission of Ca2+ caused an increase in respiration whereas a low pH caused a decreased respiration. Acetylcholine release under control conditions (glucose, pH 7.4) was Ca2+-dependent, stimulated by high K+ concentrations, and decreased significantly during anoxia but recovered fully after a period of postanoxic oxygenation. Low pH (6.2) suppressed K+ stimulation of acetylcholine release, and after a period of anoxia at low pH the recovery of acetylcholine release was only partial. With lactate plus pyruvate as substrate, the effects of anoxia and/or low pH on acetylcholine release and its subsequent recovery were exacerbated. Choline release from synaptosomes, however, was not affected by anoxic/ionic conditions in the same way as acetylcholine release. At low pH (6.2) there was a marked reduction in choline release both under aerobic and anoxic conditions. These results suggest that acetylcholine release per se from the nerve is very sensitive to anoxic insult and that the low pH occurring during anoxia may be an important contributory factor.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to clarify the effects of the administration of choline on the in vivo release and biosynthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain. For this purpose, the changes in the extracellular concentration of choline and ACh in the rat striatum following intracerebroventricular administration of choline were determined using brain microdialysis. We also determined changes in the tissue content of choline and ACh. When the striatum was dialyzed with Ringer solution containing 10 microM physostigmine, ACh levels in dialysates rapidly and dose dependently increased following administration of various doses of choline and reached a maximum within 20 min. In contrast, choline levels in dialysates increased after a lag period of 20 min following the administration. When the striatum was dialyzed with physostigmine-free Ringer solution, ACh could not be detected in dialysates both before and even after choline administration. After addition of hemicholinium-3 to the perfusion fluid, the choline-induced increase in ACh levels in dialysates was abolished. Following administration of choline, the tissue content of choline and ACh increased within 20 min. These results suggest that administered choline is rapidly taken up into the intracellular compartment of the cholinergic neurons, where it enhances both the release and the biosynthesis of ACh.  相似文献   

In vitro, the transport of [14C]pantothenic acid into and from the isolated rabbit choroid plexus, an anatomical locus of the blood-CSF barrier, and brain slices was studied. The choroid plexus accumulated [14C]pantothenic acid from the medium against a concentration gradient, although at low concentrations (less than 1 microM) there was substantial intracellular phosphorylation and binding of the [14C]pantothenic acid. The saturable accumulation process in choroid plexus was inhibited by probenecid and caproic acid but not by nicotinic acid or by weak bases. The accumulation process was markedly inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, poly-L-lysine (which blocks sodium transport), and low temperatures. [14C]Pantothenic acid was readily released from choroid plexus by a temperature-dependent process. Brain slices also accumulated and, at low concentrations, phosphorylated [14C]pantothenic acid from the medium by a temperature-, probenecid-, and N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive saturable process. However, unlike choroid plexus, brain slices did not concentrate free pantothenic acid and [14C]pantothenic acid accumulation was not sensitive to poly-L-lysine. [14C]Pantothenic acid was readily released from brain slices by a temperature-sensitive process. These results are consistent with the view that [14C]pantothenic acid enters the isolated choroid plexus and brain slices by active transport and facilitated diffusion, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract: An existing method for measuring acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) is shown to be useful formeasuring the turnover rate of ACh in mouse brain. Methl-[3H]Ch is injected into mice. They are killed atdifferent times by microwave irradiation and Ch and AChextracted and separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Ch andACh are converted to hydrogen peroxide by a post-column enzyme reaction. Hydrogen peroxide, which isdirectly related to the tissue content of Ch or ACh, isdetermined electrochemically. The fractions that corre-spond to the detector response for Ch and ACh are col-lected for the measurement of radioactivity. In this wayspecific radioactivities of endogenous Ch and ACh areestimated in the same sample. We used the specific ra-dioactivity values determined by this procedure to esti-mate the turnover of ACh for striatum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus of the mouse.  相似文献   

The rapid kinetics of spontaneous and evoked [3H]acetylcholine efflux from synaptosomes was investigated using the technique of rapid superfusion. Synaptosomes were isolated from whole rat brain and the intraterminal pool of acetylcholine was radiolabeled by preincubation with [3H]choline. Synaptosomes were retained within the superfusion system on filter disks and superfused with Krebs-bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.4, at flow rates of 0.3-0.5 ml/s. These experimental conditions provided a mixing half-life of 119 ms and efficiency of superfusion of greater than 85%. The kinetics of tritium efflux was followed on the second and subsecond time scales by collection of serial 4.8-s and 50-ms samples for a total of 67.2 and 1.0 s, respectively. Superfusion for 48 s with isoosmotic Krebs buffer containing 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, and 100 mM potassium ion stimulated concentration-dependent tritium release. All of potassium-evoked release, but only 17% of spontaneous release, was calcium-dependent. Kinetic analysis of net (total minus spontaneous) potassium-stimulated release revealed a single calcium-dependent component of release that fit a single exponential function with a half-life of 12.7 s. Analysis of the area under the tritium efflux curves observed on the millisecond time scale revealed that 0.111, 0.550, and 0.614% net tritium release was evoked by superfusion for 750 ms with isoosmotic buffer containing 20, 50, and 100 mM KCl, respectively. Consistent with the results observed on the second time scale, a small fraction of spontaneous release and all of potassium-evoked release observed on the millisecond time scale were calcium-dependent. These data indicate that the technique of rapid superfusion can be utilized for the direct investigation of spontaneous and evoked [3H]acetylcholine release, as well as the factors that regulate this release from brain synaptosomes on the second and millisecond time scales.  相似文献   

A previous structure-activity investigation of acetylcholine (ACh) revealed a positive correlation between additional hydrophobic bulk and increased potency for inhibition of active transport of [3H]ACh by synaptic vesicles isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo. In the current study, several ACh analogues that are significantly larger than previously studied "false transmitters" were synthesized in the tritiated form by chemical means and tested for active transport. These are analogue 14 [(+/-)-(cis,trans)-1-benzyl-1-methyl-3-acetoxypyrrolidinium iodide], analogue 15 [(+/-)-1,1-dimethyl-3-benzoyloxypyrrolidinium iodide], and analogue 16/17 [(+/-)-(cis,trans)-1-benzyl-1-methyl-3-benzoyloxypyrrolidinium iodide]. These analogues place significant additional hydrophobic bulk on one or the other (analogues 14 and 15) or both (analogue 16/17) of the two pharmacophores of a small, conformationally constrained analogue of ACh. [3H]Analogue 14 and [3H]analogue 15 are actively transported, with Vmax values the same as or less than that of ACh, depending on the vesicle preparation. The observation that Vmax is the same for an analogue and ACh in some vesicle preparations suggests that the rate-limiting step does not involve ACh bound to the transporter. [3H]Analogue 16/17 is actively transported very poorly. Km values for ACh and for transported ACh analogues vary by up to two- to threefold in different vesicle preparations. The ACh transporter is much less selective for transported substrates than anticipated.  相似文献   

Abstract: The time course of Ca2+-dependent [3H]acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) release and inactivation of 45Ca2+ entry were examined in rat brain synaptosomes depolarized by 45 m M [K+]o. Under conditions where the intrasynaptosomal stores of releasable [3H]ACh were neither exhausted nor replenished in the course of stimulation, the K+-evoked release consisted of a major (40% of the releasable [3H]ACh pool), rapidly terminating phase ( t 1/2 = 17.8 s), and a subsequent, slow efflux that could be detected only during a prolonged, maintained depolarization. The time course of inactivation of K+-stimulated Ca2+ entry suggests the presence of fast-inactivating, slow-inactivating, and noninactivating, or very slowly inactivating, components. The fast-inactivating component of the K+-stimulated Ca2+ entry into synaptosomes appears to be responsible for the rapidly terminating phase of transmitter release during the first 60 s of K+ stimulus. The noninactivating Ca2+ entry may account for the slow phase of transmitter release. These results indicate that under conditions of maintained depolarization of synaptosomes by high [K+]o the time course and the amount of transmitter released may be a function of the kinetics of inactivation of the voltage-dependent Ca channels.  相似文献   

Abstract: The release processes of endogenous Acetylcholine (ACh), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (GLN) were studied in superfused guinea-pig caudatal slices. Basal ACh release remained constant for up to 2 h, while the basal release of GABA, Glu and GLN declined to half or less of its initial values after 1 h of superfusion. Electrical stimulation increased the ACh release by 700–800% and that of GABA by 80% whereas it decreased the output of Glu by 50% and failed to modify the GLN efflux. KCl (25 mM) increased the output of ACh by 400%, that of GABA by approximately 500% and decreased that of Glu by 40%. Substituting of CaCl2 by MgCl2 in the superfusion medium reduced the basal ACh release by 70% whereas no differences were observed in the basal efflux of GABA, Glu and GLN. Under these conditions, no evoked release of ACh or of GABA was detected, following electrical or KCl stimulation. Tetrodotoxin 5 × 10-7 M decreased the basal ACh release by 60% and increased the GABA efflux by 40%. The toxin abolished the stimulus-evoked ACh efflux but scarcely affected that of GABA. These results are consistent with a possible neurotransmitter role of ACh and GABA in the striatum and show some differences in the ionic mechanisms underlying GABA and ACh release.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of platelet-activating factor (PAF) on neurotransmitter release from rat brain slices prelabeled with [3H]acetylcholine ([3H]ACh), [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE), or [3H]serotonin ([3H]5-HT) was studied. PAF inhibited K+ depolarization-induced [3H]ACh release in slices of brain cortex and hippocampus by up to 59% at 10 n M but did not inhibit [3H]ACh release in striatal slices. PAF did not affect 5-HT or NE release from cortical brain slices. The inhibition of K+-evoked [3H]ACh release induced by PAF was prevented by pretreating tissues with several structurally different PAF receptor antagonists. The effect of PAF was reversible and was not affected by pretreating brain slices with tetrodotoxin. PAF-induced inhibition of [3H]ACh release was blocked 90 ± 3 and 86 ± 2% by pertussis toxin and by anti-Gαi1/2 antiserum incorporated into cortical synaptosomes, respectively. The results suggest that PAF inhibits depolarization-induced ACh release in brain slices via a Gαi1/2 protein-mediated action and that PAF may serve as a neuromodulator of brain cholinergic system.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the chronic administration of choline supplements a bound pool of choline from which free choline can be mobilized and used to support acetylcholine synthesis when the demand for precursor is increased. For these experiments, brain slices from rats fed diets containing different amounts of choline were incubated in a choline-free buffer and acetylcholine synthesis was measured under resting conditions and in the presence of K+-induced increases in acetylcholine synthesis and release. Rats fed the choline-supplemented diet had circulating choline levels that were 52% greater than the controls, and striatal and cerebral cortical slices from this group produced significantly more free choline during the incubation than slices from the controls. However, the synthesis and release of acetylcholine by these tissues did not differ from those by controls, during either resting or K+-evoked conditions. In contrast, acetylcholine synthesis and release by striatal and hippocampal slices from choline-deficient rats, animals that had circulating choline levels that were 80% of control values, decreased significantly; the production of free choline by these tissues was also depressed. Results indicate that, despite an increased production of free choline by brain slices from choline-supplemented rats, the synthesis of acetylcholine was unaltered, even in the presence of an increased neuronal demand. In contrast, the choline-deficient diet led to a decreased release of free choline from bound stores and an impaired ability of brain to synthesize acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Abstract: Synaptosomes from normoxic and hypoxic rats were incubated aerobically in the presence and absence of veratridine. In the absence of veratridine, no significant difference was observed between the two types of preparation regarding either ATP/ADP ratio or 14CO2 or [14C]acetylcholine synthesis from D-[U-14C]glucose. However, in the presence of veratridine, significant reductions in the output of 14CO2 and [14C]acetylcholine by synaptosomes from hypoxic rats were apparent. It was concluded that irreversible metabolic lesions occur at the synapse as a result of hypoxia, which are apparent only when the metabolism of the preparation is accelerated to a level comparable with the maximal rate occurring in vivo. The presence of such lesions is further evidenced by the significant reductions in ATP/ADP ratio, 14CO2 output, and [14C]acetylcholine synthesis that occur in synaptosomes from hypoxic rats made anoxic in vitro and permitted to recover. Such decreases are not seen when synaptosomes from normoxic rats are similarly treated.  相似文献   

We investigated the release of acetylcholine (ACh) from tissue slices obtained from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (nbM) of the rat brain. Potassium (35 mM) depolarization produced a 10- to 12-fold increase in the release of endogenous ACh above spontaneous release. Potassium-evoked ACh release was Ca2+ dependent. Injection of the excitotoxin quinolinic acid into the nbM produced a 72.8 +/- 13.0% decrease in spontaneous ACh release and a 60.4 +/- 8.2% decrease in potassium-evoked release. A fourfold increase in ACh release was observed following perfusion of the tissue with 1 mM 3,4-diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP) whereas 10 mM 3,4-DAP caused a sevenfold increase. The increase in ACh release caused by 3,4-DAP was inhibited by tetrodotoxin. Tissue slices accumulated [3H]choline by high-affinity choline uptake and this could be inhibited by hemicholinium-3. These results indicate that ACh can be released from tissue slices of the nbM by a calcium-dependent process and that a part of this release appears to be from the cholinergic neurons of the nbM.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of (-)-hydroxycitrate (OHC) and citrate on the concentration of acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and acetylcholine (ACh) in the tissue and on the release of ACh into the medium were investigated in experiments on slices of rat caudate nuclei incubated in media with 6.2 or 31.2 m M K+, 0 or 2.5 mM Ca2+, and 0, 1, or 10 m M EGTA. OHC diminished the concentration of acetyl-CoA in the slices under all conditions used: in experiments with 2.5 m M OHC, the concentration of acetyl-CoA was lowered by 25-38%. Citrate, in contrast, had no effect on the level of acetyl-CoA in the tissue. Although both OHC and citrate lowered the concentration of ACh in the slices during incubations with 6.2 m M K+ and 1 m M EGTA, they had different effects on the content of ACh during incubations in the presence of Ca2+. The concentration of ACh in the slices was increased by citrate during incubations with 2.5 mM Ca2+ and 31.2 or 6.2 m M K+, but it was lowered or unchanged by OHC under the same conditions. The release of ACh into the medium was lowered or unchanged by OHC and lowered, unchanged, or increased by citrate. It is concluded that most effects of OHC on the metabolism of ACh can be explained by the inhibition of ATP-citrate lyase; with glucose as the main metabolic substrate, ATP-citrate lyase appears to provide about one-third of the acetyl-CoA used for the synthesis of ACh. Experiments with citrate indicate that an increased supply of citrate may increase the synthesis of ACh. The inhibitory effect of citrate on the synthesis of ACh, observed during incubations without Ca+2, is interpreted to be a consequence of the chelation of intracellular Ca2+; this interpretation is supported by the observation of a similar effect caused by 10 m M EGTA.  相似文献   

The in vivo regulation of [3H]acetylcholine [( 3H]ACh) recognition sites on nicotinic receptors in rat brain was examined by administering drugs that increase stimulation of nicotinic cholinergic receptors, either directly or indirectly. After 10 days of treatment with the cholinesterase inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate, [3H]ACh binding in the cortex, thalamus, striatum, and hypothalamus was decreased. Scatchard analyses indicated that the decrease in binding in the cortex was due to a reduction in the apparent density of [3H]ACh recognition sites. In contrast, after repeated administration of nicotine (5-21 days), the number of [3H]ACh recognition sites was increased in the cortex, thalamus, striatum, and hypothalamus. Similar effects were observed in the cortex and thalamus following repeated administration of the nicotinic agonist cytisin. The nicotinic antagonists mecamylamine and dihydro-beta-erythroidine did not alter [3H]ACh binding following 10-14 days of administration. Further, concurrent treatment with these antagonists and nicotine did not prevent the nicotine-induced increase in these binding sites. The data indicate that [3H]ACh recognition sites on nicotinic receptors are subject to up- and down-regulation, and that repeated administration of nicotine results in a signal for up-regulation, probably through protracted desensitization at the recognition site.  相似文献   

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