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De novo proteins from designed combinatorial libraries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Combinatorial libraries of de novo amino acid sequences can provide a rich source of diversity for the discovery of novel proteins with interesting and important activities. Randomly generated sequences, however, rarely fold into well-ordered proteinlike structures. To enhance the quality of a library, features of rational design must be used to focus sequence diversity into those regions of sequence space that are most likely to yield folded structures. This review describes how focused libraries can be constructed by designing the binary pattern of polar and nonpolar amino acids to favor proteins that contain abundant secondary structure, while simultaneously burying hydrophobic side chains and exposing hydrophilic side chains to solvent. The "binary code" for protein design was used to construct several libraries of de novo proteins, including both alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures. The recently determined solution structure of a binary patterned four-helix bundle is well ordered, thereby demonstrating that sequences that have neither been selected by evolution (in vivo or in vitro) nor designed by computer can form nativelike proteins. Examples are presented demonstrating how binary patterned libraries have successfully produced well-ordered structures, cofactor binding, catalytic activity, self-assembled monolayers, amyloid-like nanofibrils, and protein-based biomaterials.  相似文献   

Binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids has been used as the key design feature for constructing large combinatorial libraries of de novo proteins. Each position in a binary patterned sequence is designed explicitly to be either polar or nonpolar; however, the precise identities of these amino acids are varied extensively. The combinatorial underpinnings of the "binary code" strategy preclude explicit design of particular side chains at specified positions. Therefore, packing interactions cannot be specified a priori. To assess whether the binary code strategy can nonetheless produce well-folded de novo proteins, we constructed a second-generation library based upon a new structural scaffold designed to fold into 102-residue four-helix bundles. Characterization of five proteins chosen arbitrarily from this new library revealed that (1) all are alpha-helical and quite stable; (2) four of the five contain an abundance of tertiary interactions indicative of well-ordered structures; and (3) one protein forms a well-folded structure with native-like features. The proteins from this new 102-residue library are substantially more stable and dramatically more native-like than those from an earlier binary patterned library of 74-residue sequences. These findings demonstrate that chain length is a crucial determinant of structural order in libraries of de novo four-helix bundles. Moreover, these results show that the binary code strategy--if applied to an appropriately designed structural scaffold--can generate large collections of stably folded and/or native-like proteins.  相似文献   

We previously reported the design of a library of de novo amino acid sequences targeted to fold into four-helix bundles. The design of these sequences was based on a "binary code" strategy, in which the patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids is specified explicitly, but the exact identities of the side chains is varied extensively (Kamtekar S, Schiffer JM, Xiong H, Babik JM, Hecht MH, 1993, Science 262:1680-1685). Because of this variability, the resulting collection of amino acid sequences may include de novo proteins capable of binding biologically important cofactors. To probe for such binding, the de novo sequences were screened for their ability to bind the heme cofactor. Among an initial collection of 30 binary code sequences, 15 are shown to bind heme and form bright red complexes. Characterization of several of these de novo heme proteins demonstrated that their absorption spectra and resonance Raman spectra resemble those of natural cytochromes. Because the design of these sequences is based on global features of polar/ nonpolar patterning, the finding that half of them bind heme highlights the power of the binary code strategy, and demonstrates that isolating de novo heme proteins does not require explicit design of the cofactor binding site. Because bound heme plays a key role in the functions of many natural proteins, these results suggest that binary code sequences may serve as initial prototypes for the development of large collections of functionally active de novo proteins.  相似文献   

De novo designed synthetic mimics of antimicrobial peptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antimicrobial peptides are small cationic amphiphiles that play an important role in the innate immune system. Given their broad specificity, they appear to be ideal therapeutic agents. As a result, over the last decade, there has been considerable interest in developing them as intravenously administered antibiotics. However, it has proven difficult to accomplish this goal with peptide-based structures. Although it has been possible to solve some relatively simple problems such as susceptibility to proteolysis, more severe problems have included the expense of the materials, toxicity, limited efficacy, and limited tissue distribution. In an effort to overcome these problems, we developed small synthetic oligomers designed to adopt amphiphilic conformations and exhibit potent antimicrobial activity while being nontoxic to host cells. One class of these synthetic mimics of antimicrobial peptides (SMAMPs) is being developed as intravenous antibiotics.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the deposit of amyloid fibrils in the brain that result from the self-aggregative polymerization of the beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta). Evidence of a direct correlation between the ability of Abeta to form stable aggregates in aqueous solution and its neurotoxicity has been reported. The cytotoxic effects of Abeta have been attributed to the aggregation properties of a domain corresponding to the peptide fragment Abeta25-35. In an effort to generate novel inhibitors of Abeta neurotoxicity and/or aggregation, a mixture-based synthetic combinatorial library composed of 23 375 imidazopyridoindoles was generated and screened for inhibition of Abeta25-35 neurotoxicity toward the rat pheochromocytoma PC-12 cell line. The effect of the identified lead compounds on Abeta25-35 aggregation was then evaluated by means of circular dichroism (CD) and thioflavin-T fluorescence spectroscopy. Their activity against Abeta1-42 neurotoxicity toward the PC-12 cell line was also determined. The most active imidazopyridoindoles inhibited both Abeta25-35 and Abeta1-42 neurotoxicity in the low- to mid-micromolar range. Furthermore, inhibition of the random coil to beta-sheet transition and self-aggregation of Abeta25-35 was observed by CD and fluorescence spectroscopy, supporting the relationship between inhibition of the Abeta aggregation process and neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The protein surface is the interface through which a protein molecule senses the external world. The composition of this interface, in charged, polar and/or hydrophobic residues is crucial for both the activity and stability of the protein. Protein immobilization on surfaces has been extensively explored as one of the most effective approaches for stabilization. The mechanism of stabilization, however, is still poorly understood, and usually the success of any method is more a matter of trial and error rather than the result of rational concepts. The importance of local unfolding processes in a number of biologically significant processes has been recognized and attracted increasing attention. Unfolding regions have been localized in different proteins including the recombinant cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi. The study of three structural surface regions associated with early cutinase unfolding events was the basis for the approach followed in this work. A 64-member solid-phase combinatorial library of ligands was synthesized on a triazine-substituted agarose matrix using a modified 'mix and split' procedure. The combinatorial library was assessed for binding to cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi in a biologically active form. Four lead ligands (3/5, 3/7, 4/5, 4/7) have been selected in which immobilized cutinase presented a relative activity of 30-60% as compared to the free enzyme.  相似文献   

Protein transduction domains (PTDs) that readily transverse cellular membranes are of great interest and are attractive tools for the intracellular delivery of bioactive molecules. Learning to program synthetic polymers and oligomers with the appropriate chemical information to capture adequately the biological activity of proteins is critical to our improved understanding of how these natural molecules work. In addition, the versatility of these synthetic mimics provides the opportunity to discover analogs with superior properties compared with their native sequences. Here we report the first detailed structure-activity relationship of a new PTD family of polymers based on a completely abiotic backbone. The synthetic approach easily allows doubling the density of guanidine functional groups, which increases the transduction efficiency of the sequences. Cellular uptake studies on three different cell lines (HEK 293T, CHO, and Jurkat T cells) confirm that these synthetic analogs are highly efficient novel protein transduction domain mimics (PTDMs), which are more effective than TAT(49-57) and nonaarginine (R9) and also highlight the usefulness of polymer chemistry at the chemistry-biology interface.  相似文献   

转录因子及启动子是基因回路的基础。相较于原核启动子,真核启动子作用机制复杂,增加了全新设计与改造的难度。目前有限数量的真核转录因子及启动子成为在哺乳动物细胞中设计并实现复杂基因回路以满足各类临床或工业应用需求的瓶颈。文中介绍了基于能够结合特定DNA序列的DNA结合结构域,通过柔性连接肽连接到转录抑制模块KRAB,构建抑制型转录因子以及通过在SV40启动子下游插入结合序列构建对应启动子的方法。而后,在哺乳动物细胞系中通过流式细胞术对其抑制转录的强度、不同转录因子及启动子对之间的正交性进行了测定。文中提供了一套标准化的、可调节的转录因子及启动子的全新设计与构建方案。基于该方案所构建的5对抑制型转录因子及启动子对能够在哺乳动物细胞中起到不同程度的抑制效果且相互正交。文中构建的哺乳动物转录因子及启动子对扩充了哺乳动物生物元件库,为构建复杂真核基因回路打下了基础;运用该设计方法能够根据需求构建更多正交的人工转录因子及启动子对。  相似文献   

The rice blast disease caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most devastating diseases of cultivated rice. One of the most important stages in the infective cycle of M. oryzae is the formation of the dome-shaped structure called appressorium. The purpose of the present study was to identify novel peptides to control the rice blast disease by blocking the appressorium formation through screening of a synthetic peptide combinatorial library. As result of the screening, a set of 29 putative bioactive peptides were identified, synthesized and assayed in comparison with the previously identified peptide PAF104. The peptides MgAPI24, MgAPI40 and MgAPI47 showed improved inhibitory activity on the M. oryzae appressorium formation. Our data show that these peptides have a differential effect on two developmental structures: appressoria and appressorium-like structures. Antimicrobial assays against M. oryzae and other non-target microorganisms showed a weak or no toxicity of these peptides, demonstrating their specific activity blocking the appressorium formation. Therefore, the outcome of this research would be useful in the development of novel target-oriented peptides to use in plant protection.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to improve the antifungal activity against selected phytopathogenic fungi of the previously identified hexapeptide PAF19. We describe some properties of a set of novel synthetic hexapeptides whose D-amino acid sequences were obtained through screening of a synthetic peptide combinatorial library in a positional scanning format. As a result of the screening, 12 putative bioactive peptides were identified, synthesized, and assayed. The peptides PAF26 (Ac-rkkwfw-NH(2)), PAF32 (Ac-rkwhfw-NH(2)), and PAF34 (Ac-rkwlfw-NH(2)) showed stronger activity than PAF19 against isolates of Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium italicum, and Botrytis cinerea. PAF26 and PAF32, but not PAF34, were also active against Fusarium oxysporum. Penicillium expansum was less susceptible to all four PAF peptides, and only PAF34 showed weak activity against it. Assays were also conducted on nontarget organisms, and PAF26 and PAF32 showed much-reduced toxicity to Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, demonstrating selectivity towards certain filamentous fungi. Thus, the data showed distinct activity profiles for peptides differentiated by just one or two residue substitutions. Our conclusion from this observation is that a specificity factor is involved in the activity of these short peptides. Furthermore, PAF26 and PAF32 displayed activities against P. digitatum, P. italicum, and B. cinerea similar to that of the hemolytic 26-amino acid melittin, but they did not show the high toxicity of melittin towards bacteria and yeasts. The four peptides acted additively, with no synergistic interactions among them, and PAF26 was shown to have improved activity over PAF19 in in vivo orange fruit decay experiments.  相似文献   

A peptidyl transferase ribozyme capable of combinatorial peptide synthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The formation of peptide bonds is a key step in both the chemical and biological synthesis of peptides. The ribozyme can use a wide range of amino acids as its substrate for the dipeptide synthesis. A library containing 29 peptides whose synthesis was catalyzed by this unique ribozyme was analyzed by mass spectrometry. These results implicate that ribozyme may have potential application in the peptide synthesis.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) plays a key role in neural development, regeneration, and learning. In this study, we identified a synthetic peptide-ligand of the NCAM Ig1 module by combinatorial chemistry and showed it could modulate NCAM-mediated cell adhesion and signal transduction with high potency. In cultures of dissociated neurons, this peptide, termed C3, stimulated neurite outgrowth by activating a signaling pathway identical to that activated by homophilic NCAM binding. A similar effect was shown for the NCAM Ig2 module, the endogenous ligand of NCAM Ig1. By nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the C3 binding site in the NCAM Ig1 module was mapped and shown to be different from the binding site of the NCAM Ig2 module. The C3 peptide may prove useful as a lead in development of therapies for neurodegenerative disorders, and the C3 binding site of NCAM Ig1 may represent a target for discovery of nonpeptide drugs.  相似文献   

The chemoenzymatic preparation of a nine-member Ugi condensation library is described. The carboxylic acid and amine precursors are based on 3-hydroxybutyrate and 4-amino-1-butanol, respectively, and have been acylated selectively using a variety of acyl donors catalyzed by porcine pancreatic lipase. The enzyme is selective for the hydroxyl functionalities on both precursors, thereby yielding 3-acyl-butyric acid and 4-amino-1-acyl compounds. These enzymatically generated derivatives were then subjected to a four-component Ugi condensation reaction in the presence of acetaldehyde and methyl isocyanoacetate. Isolated yields of the alpha-(acylamino)amide Ugi products ranged from 72-95%. The inherent chemoselectivity of enzymatic catalysis may play an increasingly important role in expanding the structural diversity that can be achieved by chemical multicomponent condensation reactions.  相似文献   

Highly active fluorescent compounds having kappa opioid activity were identified following the screening in a kappa-specific radioligand binding assay of a positional scanning tetrapeptide combinatorial library in which every tetrapeptide was fluorescently labeled. Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl chloride was coupled to the N terminal of a mixture-based tetrapeptide positional scanning library made up of over 7.3 million tetrapeptides. Upon determination of the most active mixtures for each position of the library in the kappa binding assay, individual rhodamine labeled tetrapeptides were then synthesized and tested to determine their activities. Eight individual rhodamine labeled peptides were identified that were specific for the kappa opioid receptor, having binding affinities ranging from 5-20 nM. These peptides were poor inhibitors at the mu and delta receptors (K(i)>5,000 nM). Furthermore, neither rhodamine itself nor these same tetrapeptides lacking the N-terminal rhodamine had any significant activity at the kappa receptor, indicating that both the tetrapeptide sequence and the rhodamine moiety are required for receptor binding. This study has demonstrated that novel fluorescent compounds with intrinsic activity can be identified through the use of combinatorial chemistry.  相似文献   

A central challenge of synthetic biology is to enable the growth of living systems using parts that are not derived from nature, but designed and synthesized in the laboratory. As an initial step toward achieving this goal, we probed the ability of a collection of >10(6) de novo designed proteins to provide biological functions necessary to sustain cell growth. Our collection of proteins was drawn from a combinatorial library of 102-residue sequences, designed by binary patterning of polar and nonpolar residues to fold into stable 4-helix bundles. We probed the capacity of proteins from this library to function in vivo by testing their abilities to rescue 27 different knockout strains of Escherichia coli, each deleted for a conditionally essential gene. Four different strains--ΔserB, ΔgltA, ΔilvA, and Δfes--were rescued by specific sequences from our library. Further experiments demonstrated that a strain simultaneously deleted for all four genes was rescued by co-expression of four novel sequences. Thus, cells deleted for ~0.1% of the E. coli genome (and ~1% of the genes required for growth under nutrient-poor conditions) can be sustained by sequences designed de novo.  相似文献   

An efficient and straightforward proteolytic enzyme-catalyzed approach towards the regioselective synthesis of nucleopeptides was developed. Appropriate reaction conditions were investigated and certain peptide-modified nucleosides were obtained with 70–90% yields. The obtained compounds could be efficiently used for medicinal diagnostic kits and therapeutic treatment.  相似文献   

Soybean was domesticated in China and has become one of the most important oilseed crops. Due to bottlenecks in their introduction and dissemination, soybeans from different geographic areas exhibit extensive genetic diversity. Asia is the largest soybean market; therefore, a high-quality soybean reference genome from this area is critical for soybean research and breeding.Here, we report the de novo assembly and sequence analysis of a Chinese soybean genome for "Zhonghuang 13" by a combination of SMRT, Hi-C and optical mapping data. The assembled genome size is 1.025 Gb with a contig N50 of 3.46 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 51.87 Mb. Comparisons between this genome and the previously reported reference genome(cv. Williams82) uncovered more than 250,000 structure variations. A total of 52,051 protein coding genes and 36,429 transposable elements were annotated for this genome, and a gene co-expression network including 39,967 genes was also established. This high quality Chinese soybean genome and its sequence analysis will provide valuable information for soybean improvement in the future.  相似文献   

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