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Mnh6, a nonhistone protein containing an HMG1 box, was isolated from the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. In the current study, we utilized an MNH6-deletion mutant to investigate the role of Mnh6 in the disease cycle of M. grisea. The Deltamnh6 mutant exhibited pleiotropic effects on fungal morphogenesis, including reduction in mycelial growth, conidiation, appressorium development, plant penetration, and infectious growth in host cells. Furthermore, Deltamnh6 mutant had greatly reduced pathogenicity on barley and rice compared to the wild-type. The reintroduction of an intact copy of MNH6 into the Deltamnh6 mutant restored morphological features and pathogenicity, suggesting that Mnh6 is required for fungal development, effective pathogenicity, and completion of the disease cycle of M. grisea.  相似文献   

The causal agent of rice blast disease, the ascomycete fungus Magnaporthe grisea, infects rice (Oryza sativa) plants by means of specialized infection structures called appressoria, which are formed on the leaf surface and mechanically rupture the cuticle. We have identified a gene, Magnaporthe metallothionein 1 (MMT1), which is highly expressed throughout growth and development by M. grisea and encodes an unusual 22-amino acid metallothionein-like protein containing only six Cys residues. The MMT1-encoded protein shows a very high affinity for zinc and can act as a powerful antioxidant. Targeted gene disruption of MMT1 produced mutants that show accelerated hyphal growth rates and poor sporulation but had no effect on metal tolerance. Mmt1 mutants are incapable of causing plant disease because of an inability to bring about appressorium-mediated cuticle penetration. Mmt1 appears to be distributed in the inner side of the cell wall of the fungus. These findings indicate that Mmt1-like metallothioneins may play a novel role in fungal cell wall biochemistry that is required for fungal virulence.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis is an effective way to study the infection mechanism of fungal pathogens. In an attempt to identify the genes involved in appressorium formation from Magnaporthe grisea, we carried out Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT) of the fungus. Analysis of the region flanking the T-DNA integration site in one of the appressorium mutants showed insertion in a gene coding a 78 amino acid protein (MGA1), showing no significant homology to any of the known proteins. The mutant mga1 caused neither foliar nor root infection. Complementation of the mutated gene with the full length wild type gene restored appressorium formation as well as rice infection demonstrating the involvement of this gene in pathogenicity of M. grisea. In an indirect immunolocalisation assay, the MGA1 expression was seen predominantly in germ tube and appressoria. The mutant was impaired in glycogen and lipid mobilization required for appressorium formation. The glycerol content in the mycelia of the mutant under hyperosmotic stress conditions was less as compared to wild type and was thus unable to tolerate the hyperosmotic stress induced by sorbitol. We hypothesize that MGA1 plays a crucial role in signal transduction leading to the metabolism of glycogen and lipids, which is a part of appressorium differentiation process.  相似文献   

The Magnaporthe grisea snodprot1 homolog, MSP1, is required for virulence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Secreted proteins play central roles in plant-microbe interactions acting as signals, toxins, and effectors. One important group of small secreted proteins is the snodprot1 family, members of which have demonstrated phytotoxic properties. A split-marker transformation system was applied for gene deletion of the snodprot1 homolog, MSP1, in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. msp1 mutants were phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type and elaborated apparently normal appressoria. However, the deletion mutants were greatly reduced in virulence primarily due to impaired growth in planta. Western blot analysis showed that the protein was secreted and not associated with the fungal cell wall. When purified MSP1 protein was applied to wounded leaf tissue, no apparent phytotoxic effects were noted. This is the first report to the authors' knowledge that directly implicates a snodprot1 protein as a virulence factor.  相似文献   

The hydrophobin-encoding gene MPG1 of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea is highly expressed during the initial stages of host plant infection and targeted deletion of the gene results in a mutant strain that is reduced in virulence, conidiation, and appressorium formation. The green fluorescent protein-encoding allele sGFP was used as a reporter to investigate regulatory genes that control MPG1 expression. The MAP kinase-encoding gene PMK1 and the wide domain regulators of nitrogen source utilization, NPR1 and NUT1, were required for full expression of MPG1 in response to starvation stress. The CPKA gene, encoding the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, was required for repression of MPG1 during growth in rich nutrient conditions. During appressorium morphogenesis, high-level MPG1 expression was found to require the CPKA and NPR1 genes. Expression of a destabilized GFP allele indicated that de novo MPG1 expression occurs during appressorium formation. Three regions of the MPG1 promoter were identified which are required for high-level expression of MPG1 during appressorium formation and are necessary for the biological activity of the MPG1 hydrophobin during spore formation and plant infection.  相似文献   

Calcium signalling has profound implications in the fungal infection of plants and animals, during which a series of physiological and morphological transitions are required. In this article, using a model fungal pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae , we demonstrate that the regulation of the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]int) is essential for fungal development and pathogenesis. Imaging of [Ca2+]int showed that infection-specific morphogenesis is highly correlated with the spatiotemporal regulation of calcium flux. Deletion of the fungal phospholipase C gene ( M.   oryzae phospholipase C 1, MoPLC1 ) suppressed calcium flux, resulting in a fungus defective in developmental steps, including appressorium formation and pathogenicity. Surprisingly, the PLC-δ1 gene of mouse was able to functionally substitute for MoPLC1 by restoring the calcium flux, suggesting the evolutionary conservation of the phospholipase C-mediated regulation of calcium flux. Our results reveal that MoPLC1 is a conserved modulator of calcium flux that is essential for the regulation of key steps in fungal development and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast disease, invades plant tissue due to the action of specialized infection structures called appressoria, which are used to breach the leaf cuticle and allow development of intracellular, infectious hyphae. In this report we demonstrate that peroxisomal carnitine acetyl transferase (CAT) activity is necessary for appressorium function, and in particular, for the elaboration of primary penetration hyphae. The major CAT activity in M. grisea is encoded by the PTH2 gene, which shows elevated expression in response to acetate and lipid, and is regulated by the cyclic AMP response pathway. Furthermore, a Pth2-GFP fusion protein colocalizes with a peroxisomal marker protein. Targeted deletion of PTH2, generated mutants that were completely non-pathogenic, lacked CAT activity and were unable to utilize a range of lipid substrates. The impairment of appressorium function in Deltapth2 was associated with a delay in lipid reserve mobilization from germ tubes into developing infection cells, and abnormal chitin distribution in infection structures. Addition of glucose to Deltapth2 mutants partially restored the ability to cause rice blast disease and lipid reserve mobilization. Taken together, our findings provide evidence that Pth2 plays a role in the generation of acetyl CoA pools necessary for appressorium function and rapid elaboration of penetration hyphae during host infection.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of ICL1 from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea, a gene that encodes isocitrate lyase, one of the principal enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle. ICL1 shows elevated expression during development of infection structures and cuticle penetration, and a targeted gene replacement showed that the gene is required for full virulence by M. grisea. In particular, we found that the prepenetration stage of development, before entry into plant tissue, is affected by loss of the glyoxylate cycle. There is a delay in germination, infection-related development and cuticle penetration in Delta icl1 mutants. Recent reports have shown the importance of the glyoxylate cycle in the virulence of the human pathogenic fungus Candida albicans and the bacterial pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our results indicate that the glyoxylate cycle is also important in this plant pathogenic fungus, demonstrating the widespread utility of the pathway in microbial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Lo SC  Hamer L  Hamer JE 《Eukaryotic cell》2002,1(2):311-314
CBS1 from Magnaporthe grisea is a structural and functional homolog of the cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our studies indicated that M. grisea can utilize homocysteine and methionine through a CBS-independent pathway. The results also revealed responses of M. grisea to homocysteine that are reminiscent of human homocystinuria.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(5):1323-1339
The gene for a microtubule-associated protein (MAP), termed MHP1 (MAP- Homologous Protein 1), was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression cloning using antibodies specific for the Drosophila 205K MAP. MHP1 encodes an essential protein of 1,398 amino acids that contains near its COOH-terminal end a sequence homologous to the microtubule-binding domain of MAP2, MAP4, and tau. While total disruptions are lethal, NH2-terminal deletion mutations of MHP1 are viable, and the expression of the COOH-terminal two-thirds of the protein is sufficient for vegetative growth. Nonviable deletion- disruption mutations of MHP1 can be partially complemented by the expression of the Drosophila 205K MAP. Mhp1p binds to microtubules in vitro, and it is the COOH-terminal region containing the tau-homologous motif that mediates microtubule binding. Antibodies directed against a COOH-terminal peptide of Mhp1p decorate cytoplasmic microtubules and mitotic spindles as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. The overexpression of an NH2-terminal deletion mutation of MHP1 results in an accumulation of large-budded cells with short spindles and disturbed nuclear migration. In asynchronously growing cells that overexpress MHP1 from a multicopy plasmid, the length and number of cytoplasmic microtubules is increased and the proportion of mitotic cells is decreased, while haploid cells in which the expression of MHP1 has been silenced exhibit few microtubules. These results suggest that MHP1 is essential for the formation and/or stabilization of microtubules.  相似文献   

Goh J  Jeon J  Kim KS  Park J  Park SY  Lee YH 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28220
In eukaryotes, microbodies called peroxisomes play important roles in cellular activities during the life cycle. Previous studies indicate that peroxisomal functions are important for plant infection in many phytopathogenic fungi, but detailed relationships between fungal pathogenicity and peroxisomal function still remain unclear. Here we report the importance of peroxisomal protein import through PTS2 (Peroxisomal Targeting Signal 2) in fungal development and pathogenicity of Magnaporthe oryzae. Using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation library, a pathogenicity-defective mutant was isolated from M. oryzae and identified as a T-DNA insert in the PTS2 receptor gene, MoPEX7. Gene disruption of MoPEX7 abolished peroxisomal localization of a thiolase (MoTHL1) containing PTS2, supporting its role in the peroxisomal protein import machinery. ΔMopex7 showed significantly reduced mycelial growth on media containing short-chain fatty acids as a sole carbon source. ΔMopex7 produced fewer conidiophores and conidia, but conidial germination was normal. Conidia of ΔMopex7 were able to develop appressoria, but failed to cause disease in plant cells, except after wound inoculation. Appressoria formed by ΔMopex7 showed a defect in turgor generation due to a delay in lipid degradation and increased cell wall porosity during maturation. Taken together, our results suggest that the MoPEX7-mediated peroxisomal matrix protein import system is required for fungal development and pathogenicity M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Summary Using a one-step strategy to disrupt CUT1, a gene for cutinase, cut1 mutants were generated in two strains of Magnaporthe grisea. One strain, pathogenic on weeping lovegrass and barley and containing the arg3–12 mutation, was transformed with a disruption vector in which the Aspergillus nidulans ArgB + gene was inserted into CUT1. Prototrophic transformants were screened by Southern hybridization, and 3 of 53 tested contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1 : : ArgB +). A second strain, pathogenic on rice, was transformed with a disruption vector in which a gene for hyg B resistance was inserted into CUT1. Two of the 57 transformants screened by Southern hybridization contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1:. Hyg). CUT1 mRNA was not detectable in transformants that contained a disrupted gene. Transformants with a disrupted CUT1 gene failed to produce a cutin-inducible esterase that is normally detected by activity staining on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Enzyme activity, measured either with tritiated cutin or with p-nitrophenyl butyrate as a substrate, was reduced but not eliminated in strains with a disrupted CUT1 gene. The infection efficiency of the cut1 disruption transformants was equal to that of the parent strains on all three host plants. Lesions produced by these mutants had an appearance and a sporulation rate similar to those produced by the parent strains. We conclude that the M. grisea CUT1 gene is not required for pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Skamnioti P  Gurr SJ 《The Plant cell》2007,19(8):2674-2689
The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea infects its host by forming a specialized infection structure, the appressorium, on the plant leaf. The enormous turgor pressure generated within the appressorium drives the emerging penetration peg forcefully through the plant cuticle. Hitherto, the involvement of cutinase(s) in this process has remained unproven. We identified a specific M. grisea cutinase, CUT2, whose expression is dramatically upregulated during appressorium maturation and penetration. The cut2 mutant has reduced extracellular cutin-degrading and Ser esterase activity, when grown on cutin as the sole carbon source, compared with the wild-type strain. The cut2 mutant strain is severely less pathogenic than the wild type or complemented cut2/CUT2 strain on rice (Oryza sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). It displays reduced conidiation and anomalous germling morphology, forming multiple elongated germ tubes and aberrant appressoria on inductive surfaces. We show that Cut2 mediates the formation of the penetration peg but does not play a role in spore or appressorium adhesion, or in appressorial turgor generation. Morphological and pathogenicity defects in the cut2 mutant are fully restored with exogenous application of synthetic cutin monomers, cAMP, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, and diacylglycerol (DAG). We propose that Cut2 is an upstream activator of cAMP/protein kinase A and DAG/protein kinase C signaling pathways that direct appressorium formation and infectious growth in M. grisea. Cut2 is therefore required for surface sensing leading to correct germling differentiation, penetration, and full virulence in this model fungus.  相似文献   

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