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Oxidative damage to vascular cell membrane phospholipids causes physicochemical changes in membrane structure and lipid organization, contributing to atherogenesis. Oxidative stress combined with hyperglycemia has been shown to further increase the risk of vascular and metabolic diseases. In this study, the effects of glucose on oxidative stress-induced cholesterol domain formation were tested in model membranes containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and physiologic levels of cholesterol. Membrane structural changes, including cholesterol domain formation, were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis and correlated with spectrophotometrically-determined lipid hydroperoxide levels. Glucose treatment resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in lipid hydroperoxide formation, which correlated with the formation of highly-ordered cholesterol crystalline domains (unit cell periodicity of 34 Å) as well as a decrease in overall membrane bilayer width. The effect of glucose on lipid peroxidation was further enhanced by increased levels of cholesterol. Treatment with free radical-scavenging agents inhibited the biochemical and structural effects of glucose, even at elevated cholesterol levels. These data demonstrate that glucose promotes changes in membrane organization, including cholesterol crystal formation, through lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The non-equilibrium dynamic ordering process of coexisting phases has been studied for two-component lipid bilayers composed of saturated di-acyl phospholipids with different acyl chain lengths, such as DC14PC-DC18PC and DC12PC-DC18PC. By means of a microscopic interaction model and computer-simulation techniques the non-equilibrium properties of these two mixtures have been determined with particular attention paid to the effects of the non-equilibrium ordering process on membrane heterogeneity in terms of local and global lateral membrane organization. The results reveal that a sudden temperature change that takes the lipid mixture from the fluid one-phase region into the gel-fluid phase-coexistence region leads to the formation of a large number of small lipid domains which slowly are growing in time. The growth of the lipid domains, which is limited by long-range diffusion of the lipid molecules within the two-dimensional membrane plane, gives rise to the existence of a highly heterogeneous percolative-like structure with a network of interfacial regions that have properties different from those of the phase-separated gel and fluid bulk phases. The results, which are discussed in relation to recent experimental observations interpreted in terms of a percolative-like membrane structure within the two phase region (Almeida, P.F.F., Vaz, W.L.C., and T.E. Thompson. 1992. Biochemistry 31:7198-7210), suggest that non-equilibrium effects may influence lipid domain formation and membrane organization on various length and time scales. Such effects might be of importance in relation to membrane processes that require molecular mobility of the membrane components in restricted geometrical environments of the compartmentalized lipid membrane.  相似文献   

A non-ideal lipid binary mixture (dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/distearoylphosphatidylcholine), which exhibits gel/fluid phase coexistence for wide temperature and composition ranges, was studied using photophysical techniques, namely fluorescence anisotropy, lifetime and resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements. The FRET donor, N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)-dilauroylphosphatidylethanol amine, and a short-tailed FRET acceptor, 1,1'-didodecil-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine (DiIC12(3)), were shown to prefer the fluid phase by both intrinsic anisotropy, lifetime and FRET measurements, in agreement with published reports. The other studied FRET acceptor, long-tailed probe 1,1'-dioctadecil-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine (DiIC18(3)), is usually reported in the literature as partitioning mainly to the gel. While intrinsic lifetime studies indeed indicated preferential partition of DiIC18(3) into a rigidified environment, FRET analysis pointed to an increased donor-acceptor proximity as a consequence of phase separation. These apparently conflicting results were rationalized on the basis of segregation of DiIC18(3) to the gel/fluid interphase. In order to fluid-located donors sense these interphase-located acceptors, fluid domains should be small (not exceed approximately 10-15 nm). It is concluded that membrane probes which apparently prefer the gel phase may indeed show a non-random distribution in this medium, and tend to locate in an environment which simultaneously leads to less strict packing constraints and to favorable hydrophobic matching interactions.  相似文献   

A model recently used to study lipid-protein interactions in one-component lipid bilayers (Sperotto and Mouritsen, 1991 a, b) has been extended in order to include two different lipid species characterized by different acyl-chain lengths. The model, which is a statistical mechanical lattice model, assumes that hydrophobic matching between lipid-bilayer hydrophobic thickness and hydrophobic length of the integral protein is an important aspect of the interactions. By means of Monte Carlo simulation techniques, the lateral distribution of the two lipid species near the hydrophobic protein-lipid interface in the fluid phase of the bilayer has been derived. The results indicate that there is a very structured and heterogeneous distribution of the two lipid species near the protein and that the protein-lipid interface is enriched in one of the lipid species. Out of equilibrium, the concentration profiles of the two lipid species away from the protein interface are found to develop a long-range oscillatory behavior. Such dynamic membrane heterogeneity may be of relevance for determining the physical factors involved in lipid specificity of protein function.  相似文献   

Xu X  London E 《Biochemistry》2000,39(5):843-849
Detergent-insoluble membrane domains, enriched in saturated lipids and cholesterol, have been implicated in numerous biological functions. To understand how cholesterol promotes domain formation, the effect of various sterols and sterol derivatives on domain formation in mixtures of the saturated lipid dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and a fluorescence quenching analogue of an unsaturated lipid was compared. Quenching measurements demonstrated that several sterols (cholesterol, dihydrocholesterol, epicholesterol, and 25-hydroxycholesterol) promote formation of DPPC-enriched domains. Other sterols and sterol derivatives had little effect on domain formation (cholestane and lanosterol) or, surprisingly, strongly inhibit it (coprostanol, androstenol, cholesterol sulfate, and 4-cholestenone). The effect of sterols on domain formation was closely correlated with their effects on DPPC insolubility. Those sterols that promoted domain formation increased DPPC insolubility, whereas those sterols that inhibit domain formation decreased DPPC insolubility. The effects of sterols on the fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene incorporated into DPPC-containing vesicles were also correlated with sterol structure. These experiments indicate that the effect of sterol on the ability of saturated lipids to form a tightly packed (i.e., tight in the sense that the lipids are closely packed with one another) and ordered state is the key to their effect on domain formation. Those sterols that promote tight packing of saturated lipids promote domain formation, while those sterols that inhibited tight packing of saturated lipids inhibited domain formation. The ability of some sterols to inhibit domain formation (i.e., act as "anti-cholesterols") should be a valuable tool for examining domain formation and properties in cells.  相似文献   

The quenching efficiency of iodide as a penetrating fluorescence quencher for a membrane-associated fluorophore was utilized to measure the molecular packing of lipid bilayers. The KI quenching efficiency of tryptophan-fluorescence from melittin incorporated in DMPC bilayer vesicles peaks at the phase transition temperature (24 degrees C) of DMPC, whereas acrylamide quenching efficiency does not depend on temperature. The ability of iodide to penetrate the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer was examined by measuring the fluorescence quenching of the pyrene-phosphatidylcholine incorporated into DMPC vesicles (pyrene was attached to the 10th carbon of the sn-2 chain). The quenching efficiency of pyrene by iodide again shows a maximum at the lipid phase transition. We conclude that iodide penetrates the membrane hydrocarbon region at phase transition through an increased number of bilayer defects. The magnitude of change in quenching efficiency of iodide during lipid phase transition provides a sensitive technique to probe the lipid organization in membranes.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to review briefly the studies on the interaction of red blood cell membrane skeletal proteins and their non-erythroid analogues with lipids in model systems as well as in natural membranes. An important question to be addressed is the physiological significance and possible regulatory molecular mechanisms in which these interactions are engaged.  相似文献   

The major feature of sickle cell anemia is the tendency of erythrocytes to sickle when exposed to decreased oxygen tension and to unsickle when reoxygenated. Irreversible sickle cells (ISCs) are sickle erythrocytes which retain bipolar elongated shapes despite reoxygenation. ISCs are believed to owe their biophysical abnormalities to acquired membrane alterations which decrease membrane deformability. While increased membrane surface viscosity has been measured in ISCs, the lateral dynamics of membrane lipids in these cells have not heretofore been examined. We have measured the lateral diffusion of the lipid analog 3,3'-dioctadecylindocyanine iodide (DiI) in the plasma membrane of intact normal erythrocytes, reversible sickle cells (RSCs), and irreversible sickle cells by fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR). The diffusion coefficients +/- standard errors of the mean of DiI in intact normal red blood cells (RBCs), RSCs, and ISCs at 37 degrees C are (8.06 +/- 0.29) X 10(-9) cm2 X s-1, (7.74 +/- 0.22) X 10(-9) cm2 X s-1, and (7.29 +/- 0.24) X 10(-9) cm2 X s-1, respectively. A similar decrease in the diffusion coefficient of DiI in the plasma membranes of the three cell types was observed at 4, 10, 17, 23, and 30 degrees C. ANOVA analysis of the changes in DiI diffusion showed significant differences between the RBC and ISC membranes at all temperatures examined. The characteristic breaks in Arrhenius plots of the diffusion coefficients for the RBCs, RSCs, and ISCs occurred at 20, 19, and 18.6 degrees C, respectively. Photobleaching recovery data were used to estimate (Boullier, J.A., Melnykovich, G. and Barisas, B.G. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 692, 278-286) the microviscosities of the plasma membranes of the three cell types at 25 degrees C. We find significant differences between our microviscosity values and those obtained in previous fluorescence depolarization studies. However, both methods indicate qualitatively similar differences in membrane microviscosity among the various cell types.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are supposed to contain functional domains (lipid rafts) made up in particular of sphingomyelin and cholesterol, glycolipids, and certain proteins. It is often assumed that the application of the detergent Triton at 4 degrees C allows the isolation of these rafts as a detergent-resistant membrane fraction. The current study aims to clarify whether and how Triton changes the domain properties. To this end, temperature-dependent transitions in vesicles of an equimolar mixture of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, egg sphingomyelin, and cholesterol were monitored at different Triton concentrations by differential scanning calorimetry and pressure perturbation calorimetry. Transitions initiated by the addition of Triton to the lipid mixture were studied by isothermal titration calorimetry, and the structure was investigated by (31)P-NMR. The results are discussed in terms of liquid-disordered (ld) and -ordered (lo) bilayer and micellar (mic) phases, and the typical sequence encountered with increasing Triton content or decreasing temperature is ld, ld + lo, ld + lo + mic, and lo + mic. That means that addition of Triton may create ordered domains in a homogeneous fluid membrane, which are, in turn, Triton resistant upon subsequent membrane solubilization. Hence, detergent-resistant membranes should not be assumed to resemble biological rafts in size, structure, composition, or even existence. Functional rafts may not be steady phenomena; they might form, grow, cluster or break up, shrink, and vanish according to functional requirements, regulated by rather subtle changes in the activity of membrane disordering or ordering compounds.  相似文献   

Guo L  Smith-Dupont KB  Gai F 《Biochemistry》2011,50(12):2291-2297
Recently, we have shown that association with an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) can drastically alter the diffusion behavior of the constituent lipids in model membranes (Biochemistry 49, 4672-4678). In particular, we found that the diffusion time of a tracer fluorescent lipid through a confocal volume measured via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is distributed over a wide range of time scales, indicating the formation of stable and/or transient membrane species that have different mobilities. A simple estimate, however, suggested that the slow diffusing species are too large to be attributed to AMP oligomers or pores that are tightly bound to a small number of lipids. Thus, we tentatively ascribed them to membrane domains and/or clusters that possess distinctively different diffusion properties. In order to further substantiate our previous conjecture, herein we study the diffusion behavior of the membrane-bound peptide molecules using the same AMPs and model membranes. Our results show, in contrast to our previous findings, that the diffusion times of the membrane-bound peptides exhibit a much narrower distribution that is more similar to that of the lipids in peptide-free membranes. Thus, taken together, these results indicate that while AMP molecules prompt domain formation in membranes, they are not tightly associated with the lipid domains thus formed. Instead, they are likely located at the boundary regions separating various domains and acting as mobile fences.  相似文献   

The fluorescent probe merocyanine 540, which binds preferentially to bilayers in which the lipids are loosely packed, was used to investigate changes in the organization of the lipids of the lymphocyte plasma membrane during primary and secondary lymphopoiesis. When mouse thymocytes were incubated with the dye, most immature cells stained, while most mature cells, about to enter the peripheral circulation, did not. Similarly, mature lymphocytes from both mouse and human peripheral blood did not stain, but these same cells did when activated by in vitro mitogenic stimulation. Freshly isolated splenic lymphocytes, presumably activated in vivo by antigen, also bound merocyanine 540, but after 48 hours of culture in the absence of stimulus they displayed only a low affinity for the dye, a phenotype that reverted to a high affinity upon mitogenic stimulation. These results suggest that changes in the organization of the lipids of the plasma membrane take place during lymphocyte differentiation: viz., immature cells possess a disordered membrane that becomes increasingly ordered as the cells mature and enter the peripheral circulation; then, upon antigen-induced differentiation, the plasma membrane again becomes disordered. These lipid organization changes are discussed in the context of their possible role in the regulation of lymphocyte circulation via intercellular interactions between lymphocytes and cells of the reticuloendothelial system.  相似文献   

The domain organization of the plant thylakoid membrane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of the photosynthetic membrane from higher plants is presented. The different photosystems, PSI alpha, PSI beta, PSII alpha and PSII beta, are located in separate domains. The photosystems with the largest antenna systems, the alpha systems, are in the grana and the other in the stroma lamellae. In each grana disc PSI alpha is located in a flat annulus surrounding a circular PSII alpha domain. In this the PSII alpha units with the largest antennae are found in the center. The model is consistent with results from recent membrane fractionation experiments.  相似文献   

Based on recent single-molecule imaging results in the living cell plasma membrane, we propose a hierarchical architecture of three-tiered mesoscale (2-300nm) domains to represent the fundamental functional organization of the plasma membrane: (i) membrane compartments of 40-300nm in diameter due to the partitioning of the entire plasma membrane by the actin-based membrane skeleton 'fence' and transmembrane protein 'pickets' anchored to the fence; (ii) raft domains (2-20nm); and (iii) dimers/oligomers and greater complexes of membrane-associated proteins (3-10nm). The basic molecular interactions required for the signal transduction function of the plasma membrane can be fundamentally understood and conveniently summarized as the cooperative actions of these mesoscale domains, where thermal fluctuations/movements of molecules and weak cooperativity play crucial roles.  相似文献   

Liu AP  Fletcher DA 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(11):4064-4070
The ability of cells to mount localized responses to external or internal stimuli is critically dependent on organization of lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane. Involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in membrane organization has been documented, but an active role for actin networks that directly links internal organization of the cytoskeleton with membrane organization has not yet been identified. Here we show that branched actin networks formed on model lipid membranes enriched with the lipid second messenger PIP(2) trigger both temporal and spatial rearrangement of membrane components. Using giant unilamellar vesicles able to separate into two coexisting liquid phases, we demonstrate that polymerization of dendritic actin networks on the membrane induces phase separation of initially homogenous vesicles. This switch-like behavior depends only on the PIP(2)-N-WASP link between the membrane and actin network, and we find that the presence of a preexisting actin network spatially biases the location of phase separation. These results show that dynamic, membrane-bound actin networks alone can control when and where membrane domains form and may actively contribute to membrane organization during cell signaling.  相似文献   

In membranes of the small prokaryote Acholeplasma laidlawii bilayer- and nonbilayer-prone glycolipids are major species, similar to chloroplast membranes. Enzymes of the glucolipid pathway keep certain important packing properties of the bilayer in vivo, visualized especially as a monolayer curvature stress ('spontaneous curvature'). Two key enzymes depend in a cooperative fashion on substantial amounts of the endogenous anionic lipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) for activity. The lateral organization of five unsaturated A. laidlawii lipids was analyzed in liposome model bilayers with the use of endogenously produced pyrene-lipid probes, and extensive experimental designs. Of all lipids analyzed, PG especially promoted interactions with the precursor diacylglycerol (DAG), as revealed from pyrene excimer ratio (Ie/Im) responses. Significant interactions were also recorded within the major nonbilayer-prone monoglucosylDAG (MGlcDAG) lipids. The anionic precursor phosphatidic acid (PA) was without effects. Hence, a heterogeneous lateral lipid organization was present in these liquid-crystalline bilayers. The MGlcDAG synthase when binding at the PG bilayer interface, decreased acyl chain ordering (increase of membrane free volume) according to a bis-pyrene-lipid probe, but the enzyme did not influence the bulk lateral lipid organization as recorded from DAG or PG probes. It is concluded that the concentration of the substrate DAG by PG is beneficial for the MGlcDAG synthase, but that binding in a proper orientation/conformation seems most important for activity.  相似文献   

Spectral parameters of spin-labelled phosphatidylcholine, ceramide and cerebroside in the plasma membranes of human blood lymphocytes were measured before and after treatment with various ligands, which included concanavalin-A and phytohaemagglutinin. It was found that ligand treatment led to a significant decrease in order of the hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipids. This was accompanied by a clustering of the labelled sphingolipids, as estimated by spin-spin interaction, and an increase in the order of their hydrocarbon chains. In the untreated cells the cerebroside fatty acid chain was more ordered than that of the phosphatidylcholine.It was considered that the decrease in phospholipid order was brought about by the sequestration of the more rigid sphingolipids into the patches and caps formed by receptor-ligand complexes. The significance of these changes in lipid distribution and ordering is discussed in relation to the activation of membrane enzyme systems by mitogenic ligands.  相似文献   

P F Almeida  W L Vaz  T E Thompson 《Biochemistry》1992,31(31):7198-7210
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) has recently been used to examine the percolation properties of coexisting phases in two-component, two-phase phosphatidylcholine bilayers [Vaz, W. L. C., Melo, E. C. C., & Thompson, T. E. (1989) Biophys. J. 56, 869-876]. We now report the use of FRAP to study two additional problems in similar systems. The first is the effect of solid-phase obstacles on the lateral diffusion in the fluid phase. The second is the question of whether or not, in a single bilayer, solid-phase domains in one monolayer are exactly superimposed on solid domains in the apposing monolayer. To address the first problem, the lateral diffusion of N-(7-nitrobenzoxa-2,3-diazol-4-yl)-1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosp hatidylethanolamine (NBD-POPE), a probe soluble only in the fluid phase when solid and fluid phases coexist, has been studied in the mixture N-lignoceroyldihydrogalactosylceramide (LigGalCer)/dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Percolation of the fluid phase occurs at a high mass fraction of solid phase. This indicates that the solid domains have a centrosymmetric shape, a characteristic which makes this a good experimental system to test theoretical simulations of diffusion in an archipelago. It is shown that agreement between theory and experiment is poor, a result that had already been observed when the obstacles were integral membrane proteins. We develop an effective-medium model for diffusion in two-phase systems which explains both our results and those obtained with integral proteins. The distinctive feature of the model is the consideration of an annular region around the obstacles where the lipids are more ordered than in the bulk fluid phase. The diffusion coefficient is then calculated by extending the free area model to two-phase systems, taking these annuli into account. The second question, the organization of the solid-phase domains across the lipid bilayer, is examined in the systems LigGalCer/DPPC and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)/distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) by comparing the diffusion of a fluid-phase-soluble, gel-phase-insoluble lipid derivative which spans the two monolayers of a bilayer (NBD-membrane-spanning-phosphatidylethanolamine, NBD-msPE) with that of a probe which is restricted to a single monolayer. In LigGalCer/DPPC, 20:80, the distribution of solid domains in one of the monolayers is independent of the distribution in the apposing monolayer. In contrast, in DMPC/DSPC, 50:50, the solid domains in one monolayer are exactly superimposed upon the solid domains existing in the apposing monolayer.  相似文献   

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