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Friberg  Nikolai  Lindstrøm  Majbrit  Kronvang  Brian  Larsen  Søren E. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):103-110
Twenty-nine Danish streams were investigated in September 1998. The streams drained catchments of varying hydrology, topography, soil type and land use. In each stream, the newly accumulated streambed sediment was sampled and subsequently analysed for pesticides. In each stream, five replicate macroinvertebrate samples were taken in the same sediments as the pesticide samples. In addition, five samples were taken in riffles to provide a complete picture of macroinvertebrate community composition. The number of detected pesticides reflected soil type and land use: in agricultural catchments on clay soils the average number of pesticides were 4.3±2.2; on sandy soils 2.6±1.0, while only 1.5±0.6 pesticides were found in streams without agricultural activities. The macroinvertebrate composition showed clear changes along this gradient of sediment pesticide concentrations. The number of the amphipod Gammarus pulex was negatively correlated with sediment pesticide concentration, while the number of Oligochaeta and Hirudinae was positively correlated. The findings indicate that pesticides have a potential to structure macroinvertebrate communities in Danish streams. However, agricultural impact is more than pesticides, and several other factors, such as channelisation, affect the macroinvertebrate community and these are not easily separated.  相似文献   

1. Pacific salmon are thought to stimulate the productivity of the fresh waters in which they spawn by fertilising them with marine‐derived nutrients (MDN). We compared the influence of salmon spawners on surface streamwater chemistry and benthic biota among three south‐eastern Alaska streams. Within each stream, reaches up‐ and downstream of barriers to salmon migration were sampled during or soon after spawners entered the streams. 2. Within streams, concentrations of dissolved ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), abundance of epilithon (chlorophyll a and ash‐free dry mass) and biomass of chironomids were significantly higher in reaches with salmon spawners. In contrast, biomass of the mayflies Epeorus spp. and Rhithrogena spp. was significantly higher in reaches lacking spawners. 3. Among streams, significant differences were found in concentrations of dissolved ammonium, dissolved organic carbon, nitrate and SRP, abundance of epilithon, and the biomass of chironomids and Rhithrogena. These differences did not appear to reflect differences among streams in spawner density, nor the changes in water chemistry resulting from salmon spawners. 4. Our results suggest that the ‘enrichment’ effect of salmon spawners (e.g. increased streamwater nutrient concentrations) was balanced by other concurrent effects of spawners on streams (e.g. sediment disturbance). Furthermore, the collective effect of spawners on lotic ecosystems is likely to be constrained by conditions unique to individual streams, such as temperature, background water chemistry and light attenuation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the diet and feeding selectivity of the catfish Imparfinis mirini in streams with different degrees of urbanization and the effect of rainfall on the availability of prey. The diet was based especially on Chironomidae and Trichoptera. Significant spatial differences in diet were found between the streams; the diet of the fish was similar in the rural and peri‐urban streams, and differed from that in the urban stream. Seasonality was an unimportant factor affecting the species' diet, which did not differ significantly between the rainy and dry periods in any of the streams. Fish from the urban stream fed more according to what was available in the environment, while fish from the peri‐urban and rural streams showed higher degrees of selectivity. The results indicate that environmental conditions influenced the diet and prey selection of this species in response to the differences in diversity and abundance of the food organisms. They indicate that trophic studies of benthivorous fishes, such as I. mirini, may represent an alternative way to assess human effects on streams.  相似文献   

城市化对蝴蝶多样性的影响:以重庆市为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2005年5–10月,自重庆市沙坪坝区到北碚区沿城市生境梯度选取了5个断面(沙坪公园、南溪口、回头坡、鸡公山和缙云山),进行蝴蝶取样调查。共采获蝴蝶4,802只,隶属11科41属65种。统计分析表明,东方菜粉蝶(Pieriscanidia)、菜粉蝶(P.rapae)和酢浆灰蝶(Pseudozizeeriamaha)等3种为优势种,青凤蝶(Graphiumsarpedon)、宽边黄粉蝶(Euremahecabe)、连纹黛眼蝶(Lethesyrcis)、黄钩蛱蝶(Polygoniac-aureum)、点玄灰蝶(Tongeiafilicaudis)和直纹稻弄蝶(Parnaraguttata)等9种为常见种。多样性指数变化趋势为缙云山>回头坡>鸡公山>南溪口>沙坪公园。沿城市生境梯度,从人为干扰较大的沙坪公园(城市化水平较高的代表)到人为干扰较小的缙云山(城市化水平较低的代表),蝴蝶多样性指数基本呈递增趋势,且植被种类丰富度越高、覆盖率越高、日照量越高的生境,蝴蝶种类和数量越多,蝴蝶多样性指数也越高。蝴蝶的多样性特征可以作为城市生境质量和环境变化的指标。  相似文献   

李书娟  曾辉 《生态学报》2004,24(1):55-62
在利用遥感资料进行了多时段建设用地制图的基础上 ,对江西省南昌地区自 1988年以来 ,在城市化梯度上的建设用地增长过程和行为特征进行了研究。结果显示 ,研究时段内工作区内的建设用地在不同城市化指数区间的分布差异逐步增加 ,并形成了城市核心区和农村地区两个绝对量分布中心。建设用地斑块的扩张过程可以明显地分成外围增长、合并增长和独立增长 3种模式 ,其峰值分布区间分别位于城市化指数为 0 .6~ 0 .7、0 .3~ 0 .4和 <0 .2的区间 ,即上述 3种增长模式分别是城市核心区、城乡过渡带地区和农村地区的代表性建设用地增长过程。比较不同增长模式的贡献率和影响范围发现 ,外围增长模式和合并增长模式是工作区内两种主要的建设用地增长过程 ,并且对城市化指数较低的农村地区建设用地增长的贡献率亦高于该区域代表性的独立增长过程。  相似文献   

刘小波  王玉宽  刘勤  李政旸 《生态学报》2023,43(22):9416-9429
通过构建生态系统服务量化模型与权衡协同模型,刻画中国西南地区关键生态系统服务的时空演变过程,并结合空间静态和时间动态尺度定量测度生态系统服务之间的相互关系,进一步探究西南地区不同城市化梯度下生态系统服务之间权衡协同作用的异质特征,揭示城市化梯度下生态系统服务权衡的形成机制。研究结果表明:①近20年西南地区耕地和草地面积显著减少,建设用地和水域面积分别增长了141.19%和34.6%,其中贵州省城市扩展特征突出,四川省耕地减少最为明显。研究区生境质量指数和产水量呈下降趋势,土壤保持、粮食生产和碳储存三种生态系统服务有所增加;②动态视角下研究区61%的面积土壤保持服务和产水量服务存在权衡关系,碳储存和另外四种生态系统服务之间有着大面积(>70%)的不显著关系;③静态视角下,不同的城市化梯度区生态系统服务呈现显著的异质特征。非城市化地区与整个研究区情况类似,但土壤保持和碳储存之间的相关性逐渐减弱。城市化快速地区生态系统服务之间的权衡协同关系最为显著,特别是碳储存和生境质量的相关性最高(R2=0.541),以往城市化地区生态系统服务的相互作用强度弱于其他两类区域,但两两生态系统服务之间均呈现正相关;④城市建设用地的快速扩张导致生态系统服务下降,尤其是对生境质量具有显著的负面效应,城市化快速地区生态服务之间的相互作用表现得更为剧烈。林地面积大幅增加使得土壤保持服务有所增加,在山区表现尤为明显,而城市化能够引起碳储存和生境质量强烈的协同下降。  相似文献   

城镇化对钱塘江中游支流水质和底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2010年4月调查了浙江省钱塘江中游流域受不同城镇化强度影响的59条1~3级支流的水体理化、底栖动物群落及所在流域的土地利用,分析作为流域城镇化强度指标的不渗水地表面积比(PIA)与溪流水质和生物群落的关系.Spearman秩相关分析表明,TN、NH4+-N、PO43--P、TP、CODMn、电导率、水面宽、水深、细沙淤泥比(%)与PIA呈显著正相关,与林地(%)呈显著负相关.底栖动物指标与PIA的拟合曲线表明它们之间存在显著的非线性关系.其中总分类单元数、Shannon多样性指数、丰富度指数、EPT(%)及捕食者(%)、撕食者(%)、滤食者(%)、刮食者(%)与PIA呈显著负相关,与林地(%)呈显著正相关,但BI指数、集食者(%)、耐污类群(%)、寡毛纲(%)与PIA呈显著正相关.表明研究区域内随着城镇化强度的提高,城镇溪流表现出高氮、磷营养盐水平、物理生境退化、敏感底栖动物物种消失、耐污物种个体数量急剧上升等城镇溪流退化的共性现象.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major land use form that has large impacts on ecosystems. Urban development in the watershed impacts stream ecosystems by increasing nutrient and organic matter loads, altering hydrology, and reducing biodiversity. Puerto Rico is an ideal location to assess and monitor the effects of urbanization on streams, because it is increasingly urbanized and streams do not receive inputs of untreated sewage, characteristic of many other tropical urban areas. The objective of this study was to determine how leaf litter decomposition and aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages varied along a tropical urban gradient. We conducted the study in the Río Piedras watershed, San Juan Metropolitan Area, in six low‐order streams that formed an urban gradient ranging from 10% to 70% urban land cover. At each stream, we placed six 5 g leaf bags of Ficus longifolia in three different pools and collected one bag on each sampling date. Decomposition rates were fast in forested streams (range 0.021–0.039/day) and decreased with increasing urbanization (range 0.007–0.008/day). Rates were strongly and negatively correlated with percent impervious surface cover (R = 0.81, p = 0.01). Functional feeding group diversity was higher in forested streams, with the presence of shredders. Decomposition rates were significantly and positively correlated with functional feeding group diversity and abundance (R = 0.66, p = 0.04). Overall, our results show that urbanization affected the environment and macroinvertebrate diversity resulting in large negative effects on stream ecosystem function. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Excessive nutrient loads resulted in cascading trophic effects and ecosystem responses. Aims of this study were to determine if the thresholds in nutrient gradient related to phytoplankton community composition could be identified in eutrophic lake, and further to analyze the change of phytoplankton assemblage along the nutrient concentration based on Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis (TITAN). The results presented the significant community thresholds estimate for negative taxa declining at 1.650 mg/L TN and 131.5 μg/L TP, as well as simultaneously increasing for positive taxa at 1.665 mg/L TN and 151.5 μg/L TP along nutrient enrichment gradient. However, there was unremarkable change point determined for TN:TP ratios in Lake Dianchi. Elevated TN and TP altered the phytoplankton assemblage, even may induce the fade of algal blooms across the threshold in the hypertrophic lake. The findings could provide implications for deeply deciphering abrupt transitions for phytoplankton assemblage and developing nutrient tactics to protect the lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

城镇化对湟水河上游水质和底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宁  陈阿兰  杨春江  孙瑜旸  马国良  马琪 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3570-3576
2015年4月(枯水季)和8月(丰水季),调查了受不同城镇化强度影响的青海省湟水河上游流域的土地利用、水体的理化性质及底栖动物群落。并以城镇化强度指标的不透水地表面积比(PIA)与溪流水质和生物群落进行Spearman秩相关分析。结果表明:水温、TN、TP、NH+4-N、PO34-P、电导率、水深、水面宽、细砂淤泥比(%)与PIA呈显著正相关,与草地(%)、林地(%)呈显著负相关。底栖动物指标与PIA的拟合曲线表明,Shannon多样性指数、丰富度指数、集食者(%)、耐污类群(%)及BI指数存在显著的线性关系,其余各项指标则存在显著的非线性关系。其中总分类单元数、丰富度指数、水生昆虫中蜉蝣目Ephemeroptera、襀翅目Plechopetra和毛翅目Trichopetra(简称,EPT)(%)及捕食者(%)、撕食者(%)、滤食者(%)、刮食者(%)与PIA呈显著负相关,与林地(%)、草地(%)呈显著正相关。但BI指数、集食者(%)、耐污类群(%)、寡毛纲(%)、与PIA呈显著正相关。随着城镇化强度的提高,湟水河上游物理生境退化、水体氮、磷营养水平逐步提高、敏感底栖动物消失、耐污物种个体数量急剧上升。  相似文献   

城市化影响植物物候,春季物候,如爆芽和展叶是植物响应城市化的客观生物指示。然而在城乡梯度上植物物候如何变化,以及物候与城市化程度是否存在定量关系,尚不明确。利用上海市2条城乡梯度上的6种木本植物的春季物候观测数据,以及距市中心距离作为城市化程度的代理指标,研究植物的爆芽和展叶物候期在城乡梯度上的变化及其与城市化程度的关系。研究结果表明:6种城市木本植物的爆芽和展叶物候期呈现随着距市中心距离的增加而延迟的趋势;城市化程度代理指标与爆芽和展叶物候期之间存在线性关系,城市化代理指标距市中心距离可以解释物候期延迟的31.5%—96.7%;物候期延迟时间因物种和距离城市距离而异,爆芽期延迟时间为3—15 d,展叶始期延长时间为4—13 d,展叶盛期延长时间为3—9 d。上述结果对理解城市化对植物物候的影响机制,评估城市化对城市生态系统的影响具有积极意义。  相似文献   

厦门后溪水质与流域景观特征沿城乡梯度的变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于河流水质观测数据和Landsat 8影像数据,分析厦门后溪2013至2017年干季和湿季的水质时空变化特征,研究沿城乡梯度河流水质变化与流域景观特征的关系。结果表明:后溪上游(饮用水水源地水体)和下游(景观水体)溶解氧(DO)分别符合《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838—2002)》Ⅱ类标准和Ⅴ类标准,但是总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)有不同程度的超标,其中TN的超标比例较高。后溪上游土地利用类型中70%以上为林地,具有涵养水源、保护水质的作用;下游建设用地和耕地比重增加,TN、TP和叶绿素a (Chl a)显著高于上游。耕地和建设用地是提高TN、TP和Chl a等水质参数的主要土地利用类型,斑块密度、香农多样性指数和源汇景观指数与各水质指标也显著相关。冗余分析表明,流域景观特征可解释70%以上水质变化,对TN和TP的影响在湿季更大,而对Chl a的影响在干季较大。土地利用组成、配置、距离、高程和坡度对流域水质均有较大影响,其中土地利用组成对Chl a的影响较大,而景观指数则对TN和TP的影响较大。因此,在流域尺度加强土地利用的规划与综合管理,通过减少和控制地表径流面源污染的途径在一定程度上可降低人类活动对水质的不良影响。  相似文献   

Prudent management of lotic systems requires information on their ecological status that can be estimated by monitoring water quality and biodiversity attributes. To understand environmental conditions in Gatharaini drainage basin in Central Kenya, a study was carried out to establish the relationship between water quality and macroinvertebrate assemblages between the months of March and September 1996. Six sampling sites, each 25 m long were selected along a 24‐km stretch of the stream, which drained land under agricultural, residential and industrial use. Water physico‐chemical data was explored using multivariate analysis of Principal Component Analysis to detect environmental trends downstream. Both macroinvertebrates and water physico‐chemical data of suggested trends were analysed for variations and correlations. Temperatures and invertebrate densities changed significantly between the dry and wet season (P < 0.01) but the fluctuations were not evident downstream. Water physico‐chemical characteristics (total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen) and biodiversity indices (species richness, diversity, dominance, evenness) changed markedly downstream (P < 0.01). Biodiversity indices correlated inversely with TDS, pH and turbidity but positively with dissolved O2. It was evident macroinvertebrate assemblages changed significantly downstream as opposed to functional feeding groups. Diptera was important in most sites whilst Oligochaeta dominance increased downstream corresponding to the deterioration in water quality. Collectors/browsers were the dominant functional feeding groups at most sites. This study showed that significant changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages were primarily due to water quality rather than prevailing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

House sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations have suffered major declines in urban as well as rural areas, while remaining relatively stable in suburban ones. Yet, to date no exhaustive attempt has been made to examine how, and to what extent, spatial variation in population demography is reflected in genetic population structuring along contemporary urbanization gradients. Here we use putatively neutral microsatellite loci to study if and how genetic variation can be partitioned in a hierarchical way among different urbanization classes. Principal coordinate analyses did not support the hypothesis that urban/suburban and rural populations comprise two distinct genetic clusters. Comparison of F(ST) values at different hierarchical scales revealed drift as an important force of population differentiation. Redundancy analyses revealed that genetic structure was strongly affected by both spatial variation and level of urbanization. The results shown here can be used as baseline information for future genetic monitoring programmes and provide additional insights into contemporary house sparrow dynamics along urbanization gradients.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of benthic algae and macroinvertebrates were examined along a natural thermal gradient formed by hot springs in Little Geysers Creek, Sonoma Co., California, USA. Maximum water temperatures ranged from 52 °C at the uppermost station to 23 °C at a station 400 m downstream. Benthic chlorophyll a decreased exponentially from 2.5 g m–2 at 52 °C to less than 0.1 g m–2 at 23 °C, a pattern of decline also exhibited by algal phaeophytin. Blue-green algae dominated at higher temperatures but were replaced by filamentous green algae and diatoms at lower temperatures.Macroinvertebrates were absent at temperatures 45 °C; the highest density (> 150 000 m–2, mainly Chironomidae) occurred at 34 °C, whereas biomass was highest (4.6 g m–2, as dry weight) at 23 °C and species richness (15 species) was highest at 27 °C. The two predominant macroinvertebrate populations (the midge Tanytarsus sp. and the caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis) occurred at sites that were several degrees below their lethal thermal threshold, suggesting that a temperature buffer is maintained.  相似文献   

1. We monitored streams within the Gila River drainage in south‐western New Mexico, U.S.A., over a 5‐year period, to investigate the influence of ash input on water quality and stream biota following forest wildfires. 2. Nutrients [ammonium, nitrate, soluble reactive phosphate (SRP)], potassium and alkalinity were most affected by fires; all were increased in stream water following ash input. Concentrations of each returned to prefire conditions within 4 months. Ammonium and nitrate also increased in stream water as a result of atmospheric fallout (e.g. smoke) from fires outside the catchment. 3. Periphyton biomass was not affected significantly by wildfires, although there was a shift in diatom assemblage to smaller more adnate taxa. Cocconeis placentula was frequently the dominant postfire species. 4. The influence of wildfires on macroinvertebrates ranged from minimal to dramatic reductions in density depending upon the duration of ash flows and the characteristics of the ash material that entered each system. Macroinvertebrate densities returned to prefire conditions within 1 year. 5. An in‐situ ashing experiment was conducted on a first‐order stream in the Gila River drainage to monitor on‐site physiochemical and biotic responses during and after fire ash addition, for comparison with ash delivery from real wildfires on monitored streams. Physical–chemical parameters and algae and macroinvertebrates were monitored in an ashed and upstream reference reach for 13 months. Results generally substantiated findings from monitored streams. 6. Concentrations of major ions and nutrients, as well as turbidity, conductivity and pH, increased immediately in stream water below the point of ashing, while dissolved oxygen decreased. Changes in water chemistry were short‐lived (=24 h) except for SRP. The concentration of SRP in stream water was significantly higher in the ashed reach than the control reach for at least 1 month after ash input. 7. Periphyton biomass and diatom assemblages were not significantly altered in the ashing study, whereas macroinvertebrate density was measurably lower in the ashed reach for nearly a year. Macroinvertebrate drift was over 10‐fold greater in the ashed reach compared with the reference reach during ashing. Dissimilarity between macroinvertebrate communities in the reference and ashed reaches was significantly greater than variation within reaches for nearly a year.  相似文献   

Urbanization is an important driver of the diversity and abundance of tree‐associated insect herbivores, but its consequences for insect herbivory are poorly understood. A likely source of variability among studies is the insufficient consideration of intra‐urban variability in forest cover. With the help of citizen scientists, we investigated the independent and interactive effects of local canopy cover and percentage of impervious surface on insect herbivory in the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) throughout most of its geographic range in Europe. We found that the damage caused by chewing insect herbivores as well as the incidence of leaf‐mining and gall‐inducing herbivores consistently decreased with increasing impervious surface around focal oaks. Herbivory by chewing herbivores increased with increasing forest cover, regardless of impervious surface. In contrast, an increase in local canopy cover buffered the negative effect of impervious surface on leaf miners and strengthened its effect on gall inducers. These results show that—just like in non‐urban areas—plant–herbivore interactions in cities are structured by a complex set of interacting factors. This highlights that local habitat characteristics within cities have the potential to attenuate or modify the effect of impervious surfaces on biotic interactions.  相似文献   

王珞珈  董晓峰  刘星光 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3335-3343
根据系统科学理论,在科学界定人口城市化和土地城市化内涵的基础上,以甘肃省12个中心城市为例,分别构建了人口城市化和土地城市化质量的评价指标体系.使用耦合协调模型,从时间和空间两个维度对2005—2013年甘肃省人口城市化和土地城市化质量的综合发展指数以及耦合协调度进行测算.结果表明:人口城市化和土地城市化只能反映城市化进程的快慢,并不能衡量城市化发展的质量,单一的指标只能代表狭义的城市化发展水平.从时间序列来看,甘肃省土地和人口的城市化质量以及耦合协调水平呈现整体上升态势.总的来说,土地资源集约利用程度低仍是制约甘肃省城市化质量的关键因素.从空间格局来看,2013年,除兰州属于人口城市化质量滞后型,其他11个中心城市的土地城市化质量均不同程度地滞后于人口城市化质量.甘肃省12个中心城市的城市化质量整体上处于较低水平的协调阶段.  相似文献   

The EPT index (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) may be skewed by the wide tolerance to multiple stressors of the Baetid, Caenid and Hydropsychid families, which affects the performance of the EPT index as an indicator of multiple stressors in aquatic ecosystems. The effect of the BCH families on the EPT index was evaluated and alternatives were considered to improve its performance. The hypothesis that the removal of the BCH families improves sensitivity of the EPT index to human-induced stressors in streams and rivers was tested. Macroinvertebrates were collected in January–March 2009 at 22 sites in the Nyando and Nzoia Rivers, Lake Victoria basin, Kenya. Nine derivatives and modifications of the EPT index were tested for responses to a disturbance gradient, ranked into three condition categories (reference, intermediate and impaired). The sensitivity of the proportionate abundance derivative of the EPT index improved when the BCH families were removed, whereas that of the richness derivative improved marginally. Other modifications considered performed poorly when compared with the EPT-BCH metrics. Wide distribution of the BCH across all sites, irrespective of the level of disturbance, reduced the sensitivity of the EPT index in the studied streams. The removal of the BCH families enhanced the sensitivity of the index to multiple stressors in Afrotropical streams and rivers.  相似文献   

In remote areas, wild-fires often must be controlled by applying fire-retardants and suppressants dropped from small aircraft. However, impacts of these chemicals on natural stream ecosystems are poorly known. Unintentional aerial application of fire-fighting chemicals (Phos-Chek WD-881 and ForExspan S) onto two small streams during a natural wildfire on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, provided an opportunity to study the short-term effects on water chemistry and aquatic invertebrates. Within 2 weeks of application, samples of water and macroinvertebrates were collected from sites upstream of the application point, within the zone of application, and downstream where burning had been controlled on two streams. Three sites on a reference stream in the same sub-catchment that had been burned by the same fire but without application of fire-suppressants were also sampled. All sites were resampled three months later (within two weeks of the first flushing rains). There were no marked differences in water quality among the sites on the reference stream but in one of the impacted streams where flow had ceased before the fire, dissolved and total phosphorus concentrations were elevated at the site where the fire-suppressants were applied. Phosphorus concentrations were reduced 2–3-fold at this site after brief flushing by rain. Conversely, dissolved and total N and P concentrations at the other impacted stream that flowed permanently did not differ among the sites and there was no evidence for persistent changes to water quality from the applied fire-suppressant foams. Taxon richness was higher at the application and downstream sites than at upstream sites in the two impacted streams. There were also no discernible effects of the fire-suppressants on macroinvertebrate assemblage composition or taxon richness within the two streams two weeks after the chemical application or soon after flushing rains. Assemblage composition in the temporary stream was significantly different from that in the reference and the other impacted stream but also appeared unaffected by the fire-suppressants. The lack of impact on resident stream macroinvertebrates may result partly from their inherent high tolerance to the harsh physical and chemical conditions of these streams, many of which typically cease flow in summer.  相似文献   

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