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In the present study, the significance of sulfite oxidase (SO) for sulfite detoxification and sulfur assimilation was investigated. In response to sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) exposure, a remarkable expansion of sulfate and a significant increase of GSH pool were observed in wild-type and SO-overexpressing Arabidopsis. These metabolic changes were connected with a negative feedback inhibition of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), but no alterations in gas exchange parameters or visible symptoms of injury. However, Arabidopsis SO-KO mutants were consistently negatively affected upon 600 nL L(-1) SO(2) exposure for 60 h and showed phenotypical symptoms of injury with small necrotic spots on the leaves. The mean g(H2O) was reduced by about 60% over the fumigation period, accompanied by a reduction of net CO(2) assimilation and SO(2) uptake of about 50 and 35%. Moreover, sulfur metabolism was completely distorted. Whereas sulfate pool was kept constant, thiol-levels strongly increased. This demonstrates that SO should be the only protagonist for back-oxidizing and detoxification of sulfite. Based on these results, it is suggested that co-regulation of SO and APR controls sulfate assimilation pathway and stabilizes sulfite distribution into organic sulfur compounds. In conclusion, a sulfate-sulfite cycle driven by APR and SO can be postulated for fine-tuning of sulfur distribution that is additionally used for sulfite detoxification, when plants are exposed to atmospheric SO(2).  相似文献   

The peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase family plays an essential role in lipid metabolism by catalyzing the conversion of acyl-CoA into trans-2-enoyl-CoA during fatty acid beta-oxidation. Here, we report the X-ray structure of the FAD-containing Arabidopsis thaliana acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACX1), the first three-dimensional structure of a plant acyl-CoA oxidase. Like other acyl-CoA oxidases, the enzyme is a dimer and it has a fold resembling that of mammalian acyl-CoA oxidase. A comparative analysis including mammalian acyl-CoA oxidase and the related tetrameric mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenases reveals a substrate-binding architecture that explains the observed preference for long-chained, mono-unsaturated substrates in ACX1. Two anions are found at the ACX1 dimer interface and for the first time the presence of a disulfide bridge in a peroxisomal protein has been observed. The functional differences between the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases and the mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenases are attributed to structural differences in the FAD environments.  相似文献   

Cochliobolus victoriae is a necrotrophic fungus that produces a host-selective toxin called victorin. Victorin is considered to be host selective because it has been known to affect only certain allohexaploid oat cultivars containing the dominant Vb gene. Oat cultivars containing Vb are also the only genotypes susceptible to C. victoriae. Assays were developed to screen the "nonhost" plant of C. victoriae, Arabidopsis thaliana, for victorin sensitivity. Sensitivity to victorin was identified in six of 433 bulk populations of Arabidopsis. In crosses of Col-4 (victorin-insensitive) x victorin-sensitive Arabidopsis ecotypes, victorin sensitivity segregated as a single dominant locus, as it does in oats. This Arabidopsis locus was designated LOV, for locus orchestrating victorin effects. Allelism tests indicate that LOV loci are allelic or closely linked in all six victorin-sensitive ecotypes identified. LOV was localized to the north arm of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome I. The victorin-sensitive Arabidopsis line LOV1 but not the victorin-insensitive line Col-4 was susceptible to C. victoriae infection. Consequently, the LOV gene appears to be a genetically dominant, disease susceptibility gene.  相似文献   

Cystine lyases catalyze the breakdown of l-cystine to thiocysteine, pyruvate, and ammonia. Until now there are no reports of the identification of a plant cystine lyase at a molecular level, and it is not clear what biological role this class of enzymes have in plants. A cystine lyase was isolated from Brassica oleracea (L.), and partial amino acid sequencing allowed the corresponding full-length cDNA (BOCL3) to be cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence of BOCL3 showed highest homology to the deduced amino acid sequences of several Arabidopsis thaliana genes annotated as tyrosine aminotransferase-like, including a coronatine, jasmonic acid, and salt stress-inducible gene, CORI3 (78.8% identity), and the unidentified rooty/superroot1 gene (44.8% identity). A full-length expressed sequence tag clone of CORI3 was obtained and recombinant CORI3 was synthesized in Escherichia coli. Isolated recombinant CORI3 catalyzed a cystine lyase reaction, but no aminotransferase reactions. The present study identifies, for the first time, a cystine lyase from plants at a molecular level and redefines the functional assignment of the only functionally identified member of a group of A. thaliana genes annotated as tyrosine aminotransferase-like.  相似文献   

There is much uncertainty as to whether plants use arogenate, phenylpyruvate, or both as obligatory intermediates in Phe biosynthesis, an essential dietary amino acid for humans. This is because both prephenate and arogenate have been reported to undergo decarboxylative dehydration in plants via the action of either arogenate (ADT) or prephenate (PDT) dehydratases; however, neither enzyme(s) nor encoding gene(s) have been isolated and/or functionally characterized. An in silico data mining approach was thus undertaken to attempt to identify the dehydratase(s) involved in Phe formation in Arabidopsis, based on sequence similarity of PDT-like and ACT-like domains in bacteria. This data mining approach suggested that there are six PDT-like homologues in Arabidopsis, whose phylogenetic analyses separated them into three distinct subgroups. All six genes were cloned and subsequently established to be expressed in all tissues examined. Each was then expressed as a Nus fusion recombinant protein in Escherichia coli, with their substrate specificities measured in vitro. Three of the resulting recombinant proteins, encoded by ADT1 (At1g11790), ADT2 (At3g07630), and ADT6 (At1g08250), more efficiently utilized arogenate than prephenate, whereas the remaining three, ADT3 (At2g27820), ADT4 (At3g44720), and ADT5 (At5g22630) essentially only employed arogenate. ADT1, ADT2, and ADT6 had k(cat)/Km values of 1050, 7650, and 1560 M(-1) S(-1) for arogenate versus 38, 240, and 16 M(-1) S(-1) for prephenate, respectively. By contrast, the remaining three, ADT3, ADT4, and ADT5, had k(cat)/Km values of 1140, 490, and 620 M(-1) S(-1), with prephenate not serving as a substrate unless excess recombinant protein (>150 microg/assay) was used. All six genes, and their corresponding proteins, are thus provisionally classified as arogenate dehydratases and designated ADT1-ADT6.  相似文献   

In order to characterize new CG-rich minisatellites present in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, a genomic library was screened at low stringency with a probe containing nine repeated-units of a minisatellite (CMs1) previously identified. Both minisatellites and minisatellite-like elements were identified. The minisatellites, with a tandemly-repeated structure, all contain the Arabidopsis thaliana-core sequence previously defined (Tourmente et al., 1994). Both minisatellite and minisatellite-like sequences occur in the Arabidopsis genome in low copy and are weakly polymorphic between ecotypes. The genetic mapping of these markers has shown that they are dispersed on the genome. YACs clones of the CIC library carrying these minisatellites and minisatellite-like sequences were identified.Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, minisatellites, polymorphism   相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a homolog of mammalian serine racemase, a unique enzyme in eukaryotes, was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana and expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The gene product, of which the amino acid residues for binding pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) are conserved in this as well as mammalian serine racemases, catalyzes not only serine racemization but also dehydration of serine to pyruvate. The enzyme is a homodimer and requires PLP and divalent cations, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, or Ni2+, at alkaline pH for both activities. The racemization process is highly specific toward L-serine, whereas L-alanine, L-arginine, and L-glutamine were poor substrates. The Vmax/Km values for racemase activity of L- and D-serine are 2.0 and 1.4 nmol/mg/min/mM, respectively, and those values for L- and D-serine on dehydratase activity are 13 and 5.3 nmol/mg/min/mM, i.e. consistent with the theory of racemization reaction and the specificity of dehydration toward L-serine. Hybridization analysis showed that the serine racemase gene was expressed in various organs of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

RADiation sensitive52 (RAD52) mediates RAD51 loading onto single-stranded DNA ends, thereby initiating homologous recombination and catalyzing DNA annealing. RAD52 is highly conserved among eukaryotes, including animals and fungi. This article reports that RAD52 homologs are present in all plants whose genomes have undergone extensive sequencing. Computational analyses suggest a very early RAD52 gene duplication, followed by later lineage-specific duplications, during the evolution of higher plants. Plant RAD52 proteins have high sequence similarity to the oligomerization and DNA binding N-terminal domain of RAD52 proteins. Remarkably, the two identified Arabidopsis thaliana RAD52 genes encode four open reading frames (ORFs) through differential splicing, each of which specifically localized to the nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplast. The A. thaliana RAD52-1A ORF provided partial complementation to the yeast rad52 mutant. A. thaliana mutants and RNA interference lines defective in the expression of RAD52-1 or RAD52-2 showed reduced fertility, sensitivity to mitomycin C, and decreased levels of intrachromosomal recombination compared with the wild type. In summary, computational and experimental analyses provide clear evidence for the presence of functional RAD52 DNA-repair homologs in plants.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is the only phospholipid in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts of plants, and it is also found in extraplastidial membranes including mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Previous studies showed that lack of PG in the pgp1‐2 mutant of Arabidopsis deficient in phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP) synthase strongly affects thylakoid biogenesis and photosynthetic activity. In the present study, the gene encoding the enzyme for the second step of PG synthesis, PGP phosphatase, was isolated based on sequence similarity to the yeast GEP4 and Chlamydomonas PGPP1 genes. The Arabidopsis AtPGPP1 protein localizes to chloroplasts and harbors PGP phosphatase activity with alkaline pH optimum and divalent cation requirement. Arabidopsis pgpp1‐1 mutant plants contain reduced amounts of chlorophyll, but photosynthetic quantum yield remains unchanged. The absolute content of plastidial PG (34:4; total number of acyl carbons:number of double bonds) is reduced by about 1/3, demonstrating that AtPGPP1 is involved in the synthesis of plastidial PG. PGP 34:3, PGP 34:2 and PGP 34:1 lacking 16:1 accumulate in pgpp1‐1, indicating that the desaturation of 16:0 to 16:1 by the FAD4 desaturase in the chloroplasts only occurs after PGP dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) facilitates nucleocytoplasmic transport, a crucial process for various cellular activities. The NPC comprises ~30 nucleoporins and is well characterized in vertebrates and yeast. However, only eight plant nucleoporins have been identified, and little information is available about the complete molecular structure of plant NPCs. In this study, an interactive proteomic approach was used to identify Arabidopsis thaliana nucleoporins. A series of five cycles of interactive proteomic analysis was performed using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged nucleoporins. The identified nucleoporins were then cloned and subcellular localization analyses were performed. We found that the plant NPC contains at least 30 nucleoporins, 22 of which had not been previously annotated. Surprisingly, plant nucleoporins shared a similar domain organization to their vertebrate (human) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) counterparts. Moreover, the plant nucleoporins exhibited higher sequence homology to vertebrate nucleoporins than to yeast nucleoporins. Plant NPCs lacked seven components (NUCLEOPORIN358 [Nup358], Nup188, Nup153, Nup45, Nup37, NUCLEAR DIVISION CYCLE1, and PORE MEMBRANE PROTEIN OF 121 kD) that were present in vertebrate NPCs. However, plants possessed a nucleoporin, Nup136/Nup1, that contained Phe-Gly repeats, and sequence analysis failed to identify a vertebrate homolog for this protein. Interestingly, Nup136-GFP showed greater mobility on the nuclear envelope than did other nucleoporins, and a Nup136/Nup1 deficiency caused various defects in plant development. These findings provide valuable new information about plant NPC structure and function.  相似文献   

Plant activators are agrochemicals that protect plants from a broad range of pathogens by activating the plant immune system. Unlike pesticides, they do not target pathogens; therefore, plant activators provide durable effects that are not overcome by pathogenic microbes. Although certain plant activators have been applied to paddy fields for more than 30 years, the molecular basis of the underlying immune induction are unclear. From the screening of 10,000 diverse chemicals by a high-throughput screening procedure to identify compounds that specifically enhance pathogen-induced cell death in Arabidopsis cultured cells, we identified 7 compounds, which we designated as immune priming chemicals (Imprimatins). These compounds increased disease resistance against pathogenic Pseudomonas bacteria in Arabidopsis plants. Pretreatments increased the accumulation of endogenous salicylic acid (SA) but reduced its metabolite, SA-O-β-D-glucoside (SAG). Imprimatins inhibited the enzymatic activities of 2 SA glucosyltransferases (SAGTs) in vitro at concentrations effective for immune priming. Single and double knockout Arabidopsis plants for both SAGTs consistently exhibited enhanced disease resistance and SA accumulation. Our results demonstrate that the control of the free SA pool through SA-inactivating enzymes can be a useful methodology to confer disease resistance in plants. SAGTs can pave the way for target-based discovery of novel crop protectants.  相似文献   

A recently developed methodology for the characterization of complex proteomes, top-down Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS), is applied for the first time to a plant proteome, that of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Of the 3000 proteins predicted by the genome sequence, 97 were recently identified in two separate "bottom-up" mass spectrometry studies in which the proteins were purified and digested and in which the mass spectrometry-measured mass values of the resulting peptides matched against those expected from the DNA-predicted proteins. In the top-down approach applied here, molecular ions from a protein mixture are purified, weighed exactly (+/-1 Da), and fragmented in the FTMS. Of the 22 molecular weight values found in three isolated mixtures, 7 were chosen, and their primary structures were fully characterized; in only one case was the bottom-up structure in full agreement. The top-down technique is not only efficient for identification of the DNA-predicted precursors, such as that of a protein present as a 5% mixture component, but also for characterization of the primary structure of the final protein. For two proteins the previously predicted cleavage site for loss of the signal peptide was found to be incorrect. Two 27-kDa proteins are fully characterized, although they are found to differ by only 12 residues and 6 Da in mass in a 3:1 ratio; the bottom-up studies did not distinguish these proteins. Direct tandem mass spectrometry dissociation of two 15-kDa molecular ions showed >90% sequence similarity, whereas three-stage mass spectrometry traced their +14-Da molecular mass discrepancies to an unusual N-methylation on the N-terminal amino group; the bottom-up approach identified only one precursor protein. The high potential of the top-down FTMS approach for characterization as well as identification of complex plant proteomes should provide a real incentive for its further automation.  相似文献   

The genes that control mammalian programmed cell death are conserved across wide evolutionary distances. Although plant cells can undergo apoptosis-like cell death, plant homologs of mammalian regulators of apoptosis have, in general, not been found. This is in part due to the lack of primary sequence conservation between animal and putative plant regulators of apoptosis. Thus, alternative approaches beyond sequence similarities are required to find functional plant homologs of apoptosis regulators. Here, we present the results of using advanced bioinformatic tools to uncover the Arabidopsis family of BAG proteins. The mammalian BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) proteins are a family of chaperone regulators that modulate a number of diverse processes ranging from proliferation to growth arrest and cell death. Such proteins are distinguished by a conserved BAG domain that directly interacts with Hsp70 and Hsc70 proteins to regulate their activity. Our searches of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence revealed seven homologs of the BAG protein family. We further show that plant BAG family members are also multifunctional and remarkably similar to their animal counterparts, as they regulate apoptosis-like processes ranging from pathogen attack to abiotic stress and development.  相似文献   

Zhong R  Ye ZH 《Plant & cell physiology》2004,45(11):1720-1728
Type II inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases (5PTases) in animals and yeast have been known to be important for regulating inositol and phospholipid signaling by hydrolyzing phosphate from both inositol polyphosphates and phosphoinositides. However, the molecular and biochemical properties of type II 5PTases in plants have not yet been studied. In this report, we show that three Arabidopsis genes, At5PTase12, At5PTase13 and At5PTase14, encode proteins with a 5PTase domain and a WD-repeat domain, a novel combination present only in plant 5PTases. We demonstrate that these genes are differentially expressed in Arabidopsis organs and At5PTase13 is induced in response to ABA and wounding treatments. Our biochemical studies reveal that although both At5PTase12 and At5PTase13 exhibit phosphatase activity toward only Ins(1,4,5)P3, At5PTase14 hydrolyzes phosphate from PI(4,5)P2, PI(3,4,5)P3 and Ins(1,4,5)P3 with the highest substrate affinity toward PI(4,5)P2. All three At5PTases require Mg2+ for their phosphatase activities. Our molecular and biochemical characterization of three WD-repeat-domain-containing At5PTases provides a foundation for further elucidation of their cellular functions in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Zymograms of Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC show a unique anodal migrating band. Three electrophoretic variants were identified among geographical races and designated slow (S), fast (F), and superfast (A), according to their mobility on Tris-citrate starch gels. In plants ADH activity is confined mainly to pollen, seeds, and grains and rapidly declines during the germination process. In callus and suspension cultures, growing on media containing 2,4-D, ADH appeared as one of the major polypeptides. Genetical analysis indicated that the three types of ADH isozymes are under the control of one gene with three alles (Adh 1 s , Adh 1 f , Adh 1 a ), showing codominant expression. Crosses between the electrophoretic types and dissociation-reassociation experiments showed that the Arabidopsis enzyme behaves as a dimer, like ADH from most other species. The molecular weight of the enzyme has been estimated by gel filtration and by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be 87,000. The pH optimum for the oxidation of ethanol is 9.0 and two optima for reduction of acetaldehyde have been obtained, 6.0 and 8.5, respectively. The enzyme exhibits a wide substrate specificity for alcohols and is relatively heat resistant.  相似文献   

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