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A series of significant changes of the ultrastructure and lipase activity of cotyledon cell were found in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) during pod development. In he initial stage of cotyledon development there were many plastids which kept producing starch grain and there were low lipase activity and very few lipid and protein bodies in the cell. In the middle stage of cotyledon development, a great number of larger lipid bodies were seen in the cell and a lot of protein bodies formed in the vacuoles and continued to increase in size. Lipase activity increased in the cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, protein bodies, plasmalemma and intercellular space. In the later stage of cotyledon development, the lipid bodies did not increase in number but became slightly larger. The protein bodies continued to increase both in number and in size. Lipase acttvity was even hegher in the cytoplasm. In the final stage the protein bodies became irregular in shape and some of them tended to disintegrate with their content entered into the space around the lipid bodies. The lipase activity in the cell declined. The results indicated that the lipid body originated in the cytoplasm and the protein body originated in the vacuole; that the accumulation of oil and protein in peanut cotyledon resulted from the formation and development of lipid and protein bodies in the cell, and that the changes of plasmid and lipase activity in the cell played a role in the development of lipid body during the development of cotyledon.  相似文献   

Flowers of Voandzeia subterranea are positively geotropic andthis helps their entry into the ground. The ovary develops onlywhen it is on the surface of, or inside, the soil. The transformationinto fruit occurs in two stages: (a) definite development of pod, followed by (b) development of seed. The first stage occurs during the first 30 days after fertilizationand the second stage lasts for about 10 days. Maturity is characterizedby dryness and browning of the interior of the shell and appearanceof brown patches on it. The part of the pod on which the pedicelsubsists is the upper part and the lower part is the portionwhere the style is attached.  相似文献   

''Argentine'', ''Early Runner'' and ''Florigiant'' peanut cultivars were grown in methyl bromide treated soil in field microplots inoculated with: (i) Aspergillus flavus or (ii) A. flavus + Meloidogyne hapla. Nematode infection produced heavy root galling and light pod galling equally on all cultivars. A. flavus, A. niger, Cephalosporium spp., Colletotrichum sp., Curvularia spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Trichoderma viride were isolated from shells and kernels. A significantly greater incidence and density of A. flavus was obtained from kernels of plants inoculated with both organisms than from kernels of plants receiving only the fungus. Differences were not significant, however, for incidence and density of A. flavus in shells or for the total of all fungal propagules in shells and kernels. Shells of ''Early Runner'' contained significantly greater incidence and density of A. flavus than the other two cultivars; also, kernels of this cultivar contained more fungal propagules than kernels of ''Argentine.'' A significantly larger number of total fungi was isolated from kernels of ''Argentine'' than from ''Florigiant.'' Aflatoxins were found only in two shell samples and not in kernels.  相似文献   

ZIV  MEIRA; ZAMSKI  E. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(3):579-583
Peanut gynophore explants cultured in vitro on a defined mediumshow a positive geotropic response in both light and dark whenplanted either horizontally, or vertically with the tip pointingupwards. The growth following the initial curvature dependedon age of the gynophores and on the levels of growth substancesin the medium. In the dark and in presence of 0·01–0·1p.p.m. kinetin, naphthalene acetic acid at concentrations of0·1 p.p.m. and lower promoted gynophore elongation. Athigher concentrations elongation was promoted to a lesser extentin younger explants, caused enlargement of the ovary and formationof pods. Young explants generally elongated more than olderones and pod formation took place inside the medium, while inolder ones it took place above the medium. In the light, theinitial positive geotropic response was followed by elongationbut without any enlargement of the ovary. Decapitation of gynophores1·5–2·0 mm below their tip, removing theovary but leaving most of the intercalary meristem, had no effecton the geotropic response and elongation. The initial geotropicresponse and elongations of explants in vitro was not dependenton the presence of the ovary but on the meristem proximal toit. Changes in growth substances balance during gynophore developmentseem to affect geotropic response, elongation and pod formationin the peanut.  相似文献   

The deamidase enzyme system present in extracts of groundnutplant tissues has been studied. The distribution of the enzymewithin the different organs of the plant were determined, andsome of the properties of the enzyme present in leaf extractsare recorded. From its substrate specificity the enzyme is probablybest regarded as a -methyleneglutaininase, although it catalysesthe hydrolysis of glutamine at about one-fifth of the rate of-methyleneglutamine. The enzyme may play an important role inthe over-all nitrogen metabolism of the plant, as well as controllingthe relative concentrations of -methyleneglutamine and -methyleneglutamicacid in the different organs. The properties of the enzyme havebeen compared with those recorded in the literature of glutaminasesand asparaginases, and certain common features are apparent.The new deamidase was, however, more stable to certain denaturingtreatments than were the other types of deamidase.  相似文献   

ZIV  MEIRA 《Annals of botany》1981,48(3):353-359
Darkened excized gynophores ceased to elongate after 8–10days in vitro and started to form a pod. Gynophore elongationwas inhibited to a greater extent in total darkness than underlow irradiance, while pod and embryo growth was stimulated indarkness only. Intact gynophores, enclosed in transparent vials containingglass beads, continued to elongate in both light and darkness.In light the elongating gynophores thickened as they penetratedbetween the glass beads, forming a seedless pod at the bottomof the vials. In the dark the elongating gynophores producedsmall pods in which the seeds had started to grow. Excized gynophores elongated in vitro under continuous whitelight at a rate similar to that of intact exposed gynophores.The rate of elongation in vitro, was lower under continuousblue or red-enriched light, than under white light, and wasfurther reduced under continuous far-red irradiation. Pods didnot form during any of the continuous irradiation treatmentsbut only after transfer to darkness, the largest pods formingafter continuous far-red irradiation. As little as 10 min daily exposure to red or far-red irradiancehad the same effect on gynophore elongation as continuous irradiation.Pods formed only when the daily periods of far-red irradiationwere 30 min or less. Reducing the daily exposures to 2 min decreasedthe time to onset of pod formation from 30 to 16 days. Far-redfollowing red irradiation was effective in inhibiting gynophoreelongation stimulated by red irradiation. Pod formation in red/far-redirradiation was only 50 per cent of that observed in far-redirradiation. The involvement of light in continual gynophoreelongation and in the concomitant inhibition of proembryo growthis discussed. Arachis hypogaea L., peanut, gynophore, photomorphogenesis, embryo development, pod development, proembryo  相似文献   

以荚果和籽仁生长发育正常的花生品系‘05D610’及其籽仁皱缩变异系‘05D677’为材料,在荚果膨大阶段初期滴加赤霉素(GA,20mg·L~(-1))和脱落酸(ABA,15 mg·L~(-1))处理幼果,检测荚果生长期间幼果或籽仁内源GA、ABA、ZT(玉米素)和IAA(生长素)含量的变化以及荚果和籽仁的生长量特征,以明确激素含量与荚果和籽仁生长发育的关系和‘05D677’籽仁皱缩的原因。结果显示:(1)外源施加GA处理,可显著提高‘05D610’和‘05D677’的内源GA和ZT含量,并推迟内源IAA含量峰值出现的时间,显著提高‘05D610’荚果和籽仁的鲜重、干重,极显著提高了‘05D677’荚果干重。(2)外源施加ABA处理,使‘05D610’内源GA含量显著降低,‘05D677’内源GA和ABA含量显著提高,同时两品系内源IAA含量峰值出现的时间推迟,使‘05D610’和‘05D677’籽仁干重分别显著和极显著提高。研究表明,用适宜浓度外源GA和ABA处理荚果膨大阶段的初期果针,可以调控荚果膨大阶段幼果或者籽仁中内源激素水平,从而提高花生荚果、籽仁产量;荚果膨大阶段内源GA、ABA和ZT含量不足是导致‘05D677’籽仁皱缩的重要原因。  相似文献   

Hormones and Pod Development in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The endogenous levels of several plant growth substances (indole acetic acid, IAA; abscisic acid, ABA; zeatin, Z; zeatin riboside, [9R]Z; isopentenyladenine, iP; and isopentenyladenosine, [9R]iP were measured during pod development of field grown oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L. var oleifera cv Bienvenu) with high performance liquid chromatography and immunoenzymic (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) techniques. Results show that pod development is characterized by high levels of Z and [9R]Z in 3 day old fruits and of IAA on the fourth day. During pod maturation, initially a significant increase of IAA and cytokinins was observed, followed by a progressive rise of ABA levels and a concomitant decline of IAA and cytokinin (except iP) levels. The relationship between hormone levels and development, especially pod number, seed number per pod, and seed weight determination, will be discussed.  相似文献   

花生结荚期施用0.1~10 mg/L吡效隆(4PU-30)溶液,能增加叶片的厚度,提高叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率,促使叶片中的同化物向荚果运输和积累增多,从而促进了荚果生长和发育,使结荚率、饱果率以及百果重和百仁重增加,最终使单株荚果产量增产12.6%左右,吡效隆的最适浓度为 1 mg/L。  相似文献   


Continuous cropping (CC) obstacle is a major threat in legume crops production; however, the underlying mechanisms concerning the roles allelochemicals play in CC obstacle are poorly understood. The current 2-year study was conducted to investigate the effects of different kinds and concentrations of allelochemicals, p-hydroxybenzoic acid (H), cinnamic acid (C), phthalic acid (P), and their mixtures (M) on peanut root growth and productivity in response to CC obstacle. Treatment with H, C, P, and M significantly decreased the plant height, dry weight of the leaves and stems, number of branches, and length of the lateral stem compared with control. Exogenous application of H, C, P, and M inhibited the peanut root growth as indicated by the decreased root morphological characters. The allelochemicals also induced the cell membrane oxidation even though the antioxidant enzymes activities were significantly increased in peanut roots. Meanwhile, treatment with H, C, P, and M reduced the contents of total soluble sugar and total soluble protein. Analysis of ATPase activity, nitrate reductase activity, and root system activity revealed that the inhibition effects of allelochemicals on peanut roots might be due to the decrease in activities of ATPase and NR, and the inhibition of root system. Consequently, allelochemicals significantly decreased the pod yield of peanut compared with control. Our results demonstrate that allelochemicals play a dominant role in CC obstacle-induced peanut growth inhibition and yield reduction through damaging the root antioxidant system, unbalancing the osmolytes accumulation, and decreasing the activities of root-related enzymes.


Two populations of Meloidogyne arenaria (race 2, incompatible on peanut) enhanced development of Cylindrocladium black rot (CBR) on CBR-resistant peanut cv. NC 3033 in greenhouse factorial experiments. Nematode populations 256 and 486 (0, 10³, 10⁴ eggs per 15-cm pot) were tested in all combinations with Cylindrocladium crotalariae (0, 0.5, 5, 50 microsclerotia per cm³ of soil). Root-rot index increased in the presence of either population. Positions but not slope values of inoculum density-disease curves were changed by both populations, indicating increased efficiency of microsclerotia when peanuts were grown in the presence of these nematodes. Although little or no reproduction occurred with either nematode population on NC 3033, larvae of 256 and 486 penetrated roots. Meloidogyne arenaria 486 did not induce root galls and was not snccessful in establishing feeding sites. Meloidogyne arenaria 256 produced a few very small eliptical galls and had a range of success in establishing a feeding site, varying from no giant cell development to large giant cell with production of a few eggs.  相似文献   

A virus disease characterized by chlorotic vein banding, chlorotic line pattern along the margins or midrib of mature leaflets and chlorotic spots/rings was observed on commercial groundnut crops in Rayalaseema area of Andhra Pradesh with an incidence from 1% to nearly 60%. The virus was transmitted by mechanical inoculation in extracts prepared with 0.01 M potassium phosphate butter, pH 8.0 to 21 species from the Chenopodiaceae, Cruciferae, Leguminosae and Solanaceae, Chenopodium quinoa was found to be a good local lesion host. The virus was neither seed-transmitted through 1591 groundnut seeds nor aphid-transmitted by Aphis craccivora, Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum maidis either in non-persistent or semi-persistent manner. The virus remained infective in buffered tobacco leaf sap at a dilution of 10?5; in a 10?1 dilution of buffered sap the virus was infective for 2–3 days at 22–29°C or when heated to 65°C for 10 min but not to 70°C. Clarification treatments with organic solvents with 10% chloroform was least damaging. The virus was purified from Nicotiana rustica leaves. Purified virus contained isometric particles of 51 nm in diameter with an electron dense core of 22 nm and two major polypeptides of 76 kDa and 36 kDa. A polyclonal antiserum to this virus was produced. In agar gel double diffusion, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and in electro-blot immunoassay rests the virus was related to peanut chlorotic streak virus and not to cauliflower mosaic, figwort mosaic and soybean chlorotic mottle viruses.  相似文献   

花生子房离体培养时,植物激素的种类和浓度对子房膨大、子房柄伸长、根和愈伤组织生长的影响都不同。L_16(43)试验结果表明,增加NAA浓度则促进子房膨大和根的生长,抑制子房柄伸长;增加GA_3浓度则促进子房柄伸长,抑制子房膨大,根和愈伤组织生长;增加BA浓度则促进愈伤组织生成,抑制子房膨大、子房柄伸长和根的形成。NAA 2mg L~(-1),NAA 2mg L~(-1) GA_3 0.2mg L~(-1),NAA 2mg L~(-1) BA 0.2mgL~(-1),和 NAA 2mg L~(-1) GA_3 0.2mg L~(-1) BA0.2mg L~(-1)四种处理均可诱导离体花生子房膨大,结荚级数达4.8~6.0级,结英率约80%。  相似文献   

ZAMSKI  E.; ZIV  MEIRA 《Annals of botany》1976,40(3):631-636
Gynophore elongation, pod formation and pod orientation in thepeanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L.) were studied in relationto the effects of light and dark conditions, mechanical stimulus,and growth substances. It was found that the proembryos controlgynophore elongation, probably by secretion of growth regulatorswhich stimulate cell division in the intercalary meristem locatedproximal to the ovules. The stimulus of pod production causesthe development of the proembryo into a mature embryo simultaneouslywith the growth of pod tissues and the cessation of gynophoreelongation. Darkness was found to be an essential factor forthe induction of pod formation. Pod formation did not occurin any of the treatments performed in the light, including theapplication of different growth substances on the ovary. A mechanicalstimulus is needed, in addition to darkness, for the normalthickening and diageotropic orientation of the pod, caused bya higher growth rate of the basal proximal side of the pod.The two ovules are always located on the upper wall of the diageotropicallyoriented pod (ventral suture). A possible mechanism which causessuch an orientation is discussed.  相似文献   

In the past 10 years, there has been a substantial increase in reports, from growers and extension personnel, on bulb and root rots in lily (Lilium longiflorum) in Israel. Rot in these plants, when grown as cut flowers, caused serious economic damage expressed in reduction in yield and quality. In lily, the fungal pathogens involved in the rot were characterized as binucleate Rhizoctonia AG‐A, Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium oligandrum, Fusarium proliferatum (white and purple isolates) and F. oxysporum, using morphological and molecular criteria. These fungi were the prevalent pathogens in diseased plants collected from commercial greenhouses. Pathogenicity trials were conducted on lily bulbs and onion seedlings under controlled conditions in a greenhouse to complete Koch's postulates. Disease symptoms on lily were most severe in treatments inoculated with binucleate Rhizoctonia AG‐A, P. oligandrum and F. proliferatum. Plant height was lower in the above treatments compared with the control plants. The least aggressive fungus was R. solani. In artificial inoculations of onion, seedling survival was significantly affected by all fungi. The most pathogenic fungus was F. proliferatum w and the least were isolates of F. oxysporum (II and III). All fungi were successfully re‐isolated from the inoculated plants.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) acts as a signal molecule to induce resistance in plants against herbivores and its levels are elevated in plants after wounding or insect damage. Groundnut is an important crop in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, but there is surprisingly little knowledge on its induced defenses against herbivores. The effect of JA as a spray on induced resistance in three groundnut genotypes, namely, ICGV 86699 (resistant), NCAc 343 (resistant), and TMV 2 (susceptible), against Helicoverpa armigera was studied. The activity of oxidative enzymes [peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO)] and the amounts of other host plant defense components [total phenols, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA), and protein content] were recorded at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after pretreatment (1 day) with JA followed by infestation with H. armigera (PJA + HIN) and H. armigera infestation with simultaneous JA application (HIN + JA) to understand the consequences of induced resistance in groundnut. The plant damage, larval survival, and larval weights were also recorded. There was a significant increase in POD and PPO activities and in the amounts of total phenols, H2O2, MDA, and proteins in PJA + HIN- and JA + HIN-treated plants as compared to the plants treated with JA and infested with H. armigera individually and to untreated control plants. Among all the genotypes, the strongest induction of defense was observed in the ICGV 86699 genotype. It is concluded that pretreatment with JA and its application during low levels of insect infestation can increase the levels of host plant resistance against herbivorous insects and reduce the pest-associated losses in groundnut.  相似文献   

花生成熟花粉的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
席湘媛 《云南植物研究》2001,23(2):T001-T002
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)成熟花粉为二细胞型,具3个萌发沟,少数有4个。外壁呈蜂窝状。花粉壁由覆盖层、基粒棒、外壁内层及内壁构成。线粒体嵴密集、相互平行,脂体被粗面内质网包围。粗面内质网与外核膜相连,亦与线粒体相连。高尔基体甚少。营养核无核仁及染色质,与生殖细胞相连形成雄性生殖单位(male germ unit)。生殖细胞锤形、有壁,见一末端延伸成长尾状(长8μm)。细胞质含核糖体、线粒体、微管,未见体。在有些生殖细胞核内观察到具双层膜、少量嵴及深色内含物的球形结构,其米来源及本质尚不知,有待进一步研究确定。  相似文献   

外源质粒(基因)导入花生根瘤菌的行为分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱光富  周俊初 《遗传学报》1996,23(2):131-141
利用二亲本或三亲本杂交的方法,将携带有共生固氮基因的外源重组质粒或外源载体质粒导入慢生型花生根瘤菌[Bradyrhzobiumsp.(Arachis)]147-3和快生型花生根瘤菌[Rhizobiumsp.(Arachis)]85-7中。探讨了转移接合子中外源质粒在人工培养条件下和共生条件下的稳定性,发现外源质粒在花生根瘤菌中的稳定性与质粒的类型、受体菌的特性和环境条件有关。同时还探讨了外源质粒上的共生基因对受体菌147-3共生固氮效率的影响。结果表明,外源共生基因对共生固氮能力的影响是复杂的,既可以产生正效应,也可以产生负效应。  相似文献   

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