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钙结合蛋白S100A14是S100家族中的新成员,其空间结构与功能尚未阐明。采用服务器PredictProtein对人S100A14进行二级结构预测,利用同源建模法构建S100A14(序列12-102)的空间结构模型,经PROCHECK评估模型的可靠性,并将所构建的单体模型进行分子对接,预测S100A14形成同源二聚体的可能性及模式。结果显示,S100A14与S100A13的蛋白序列一致性最高,其C-端Ca2+结合区存在多个变异,但Cu2+和Zn2+结合位点保守存在;helix I与helix IV较S100A13延伸长,而helix I、helix II和helix IV与S100A13的四个α螺旋一样具有两亲性的结构特征,并且在S100A13中扮演重要角色的W77在S100A14的helix IV(W85)中也保守存在。空间结构上,S100A14与S100A13具极大相似性;分子对接显示S100A14单体间可以通过疏水作用力形成"X-型螺旋束"同源二聚体。这些结构特征的分析将为S100A14的功能研究提供重要线索。  相似文献   

目的探究钙结合蛋白S100A16在胰岛素抵抗中的作用。方法用S100A16抗体进行免疫沉淀,然后用蛋白质谱分析寻找与S100A16相互作用的蛋白。实验1转染Vector质粒的HepG2细胞作为对照,用转染shRNA质粒、S100A16过表达质粒干预作为处理组。实验2以慢性胰岛素刺激细胞构建胰岛素抵抗模型,采用转染shRNA质粒的细胞作为对照,用未转染和转染Vector质粒干预作为处理组。实验3以不做任何处理的细胞作为对照,在胰岛素抵抗模型中用吡格列酮干预作为处理组。Western blot检测相关蛋白的表达水平。组间比较采用成组t检验。结果与转染Vector质粒比较,转染S100A16过表达质粒中胎球蛋白A表达(1.39±0.54比2.85±0.25)水平上调(P<0.05);与转染Vector质粒比较,转染shRNA质粒胎球蛋白A蛋白表达(0.36±0.03比0.20±0.03)水平降低(P<0.01)。在胰岛素抵抗条件下,与转染shRNA质粒的细胞比较,未转染和转染Vector质粒的IRS-2蛋白表达(0.11±0.04比1.65±0.48)水平上调(P<0.01);与不做任何处理的细胞比较,用吡格列酮处理的细胞IRS-2表达(0.26±0.11比0.52±0.05)水平上升(P<0.01)。结论S100A16在HepG2细胞中通过胎球蛋白A促进胰岛素抵抗。  相似文献   

S100A1 is a typical representative of a group of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins known as the S100 family. The protein is composed of two alpha subunits, each containing two calcium-binding loops (N and C). At physiological pH (7.2) and NaCl concentration (100 mm), we determined the microscopic binding constants of calcium to S100A1 by analysing the Ca(2+)-titration curves of Trp90 fluorescence for both the native protein and its Glu32 --> Gln mutant with an inactive N-loop. Using a chelator method, we also determined the calcium-binding constant for the S100A1 Glu73 --> Gln mutant with an inactive C-loop. The protein binds four calcium ions in a noncooperative way with binding constants of K(1) =4 +/- 2 x 10(3) m(-1) (C-loops) and K(2) approximately 10(2) m(-1) (N-loops). Only when both loops are saturated with calcium does the protein change its global conformation, exposing to the solvent hydrophobic patches, which can be detected by 2-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid - a fluorescent probe of protein-surface hydrophobicity. S-Glutathionylation of the single cysteine residue (85) of the alpha subunits leads to a 10-fold increase in the affinity of the protein C-loops for calcium and an enormous - four orders of magnitude - increase in the calcium-binding constants of its N-loops, owing to a cooperativity effect corresponding to DeltaDeltaG = -6 +/- 1 kcal.mol(-1). A similar effect is observed upon formation of the mixed disulfide with cysteine and 2-mercaptoethanol. The glutathionylated protein binds TRTK-12 peptide in a calcium-dependent manner. S100A1 protein can act, therefore, as a linker between the calcium and redox signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Comparative studies have been performed on the binding properties of zinc ions to human brain calmodulin and S100b protein. Calmodulin is characterized by two sets of Zn2+ binding sites, with KD ranging from 8.10?5M to 3.10?4M. The S100b protein also exhibited two sets of zinc binding sites, with a much higher affinity. KD = 10?7 ? 10?6M. We suggest that S100b protein should no longer be considered only as a “calcium binding protein” but also as a “zinc binding protein”, and that Zn2+ ions are involved in the functions of the S100 proteins.  相似文献   

The expression of a novel calcyclin (S100A6) binding protein (CacyBP) in different rat tissues was determined by Western and Northern blotting. Polyclonal antibodies against recombinant CacyBP purified from E. coli exhibited the highest reaction in the brain and weaker reaction in liver, spleen, and stomach. CacyBP immunoreactivity was also detected in lung and kidney. Densitometric analysis showed that the concentration of CacyBP in the soluble fractions of total brain and cerebellum is approximately 0.17 and 0. 34 ng/microg protein, respectively. Northern blotting with a specific cDNA probe confirmed the high level of CacyBP expression in the rat brain and lower levels in other tissues examined. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization of rat brain sections revealed strong expression of CacyBP in neurons of the cerebellum, hippocampus, and cortex. The in situ hybridization detected CacyBP in hippocampus as early as P7 (postnatal day 7) and a peak of expression at P21, and the expression signal was preserved until adulthood. In the entorhinal cortex, the peak of expression was observed at P7, whereas in the cerebellum it was seen at P21. The results presented here show that CacyBP is predominantly a neuronal protein. (J Histochem Cytochem 48:1195-1202)  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein S100A4 (p9Ka) has been shown to cause a metastatic phenotype in rodent mammary tumor cells and in transgenic mouse model systems. mRNA for S100A4 (p9Ka) is present at a generally higher level in breast carcinoma than in benign breast tumor specimens, and the presence of immunocytochemically detected S100A4 correlates strongly with a poor prognosis for breast cancer patients. Recombinant S100A4 (p9Ka) has been reported to interact in vitro with cytoskeletal components and to form oligomers, particularly homodimers in vitro. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, a strong interaction between S100A4 (p9Ka) and another S100 protein, S100A1, was detected. Site-directed mutagenesis of conserved amino acid residues involved in the dimerization of S100 proteins abolished the interactions. The interaction between S100A4 and S100A1 was also observed in vitro using affinity column chromatography and gel overlay techniques. Both S100A1 and S100A4 can occur in the same cultured mammary cells, suggesting that in cells containing both proteins, S100A1 might modulate the metastasis-inducing capability of S100A4.  相似文献   

S100A4 (Mts1) is a Ca(2+)-binding protein of the S100 family. This protein plays an important role in promoting tumor metastasis. In order to identify S100A4 interacting proteins, we have applied the yeast two-hybrid system as an in vivo approach. By screening a mouse mammary adenocarcinoma library, we have demonstrated that S100A4 forms a heterocomplex with S100A1, another member of the S100 family. The non-covalent heterodimerization was confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Mutational analysis revealed that replacement of Cys(76) and/or Cys(81) of S100A4 by Ser abolishes the S100A4/S100A1 heterodimerization, but does not affect the S100A4 homodimerization in vivo.  相似文献   

Recombinant murine MRP14 (mMRP14) was produced in Escherichia coli using the pGEX expression system. The mass of fusion protein, by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI/MS), was 39,213 Da which compares well with the theoretical mass (39,210.4 Da). Thrombin digestion of fusion protein was expected at a cloned thrombin consensus sequence (. LVPRGS. ) located between glutathione S-transferase and mMRP14. Analysis of products of digestion by C4 reverse-phase HPLC and SDS-PAGE/Western blotting revealed two immunoreactive cleavage products with molecular weights around 13, 000. Masses of the two proteins determined by ESI/MS were 13,062 and 11,919 Da. The larger product corresponded to the expected mass of recombinant mMRP14 (13,061.9 Da). Analysis of the protein sequence of recombinant mMRP14 revealed a thrombin-like consensus sequence (. NNPRGH. ) located close to the C-terminus. The smaller protein corresponded to a truncated form of rec mMRP14 (rec MRP141-102) with a calculated mass of 11,918.6 Da. Optimization of the cleavage conditions resulted in >95% full-length rec mMRP14. Native mMRP14 contains one intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys79 and Cys90. The full-length recombinant protein was renatured and oxidized in ammonium acetate (pH approximately 7) for 96 h and formed >95% of the native intramolecular disulfide-bonded form. MRP141-102 bound substantially less 65Zn2+ compared to native mMRP14 or rec mMRP14 after transfer to polyvinylidene difluoride and incubation with 65ZnCl2, implicating the His residues located within the C-terminal domain in Zn2+ binding.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) binding protein S100A1 increases the Ca(2+) release from the sarcoplasmatic reticulum by interacting with the ryanodine receptor. In order to understand whether this effect might be operative in the early course of hypertrophy, when myocardium is able to meet increased workload, we investigated the expression of S100A1 in a model of moderate right ventricular hypertrophy. The pulmonary arteries of nine pigs were embolised three times with Sephadex G-50. After 70 days, all pigs showed a moderate pulmonary hypertension. Right ventricular tissue of embolised animals showed a significant increase of connective tissue and enlargement of myocyte diameters. In controls, we found a differential expression of S100A1 with significantly lower S100A1 protein levels in right ventricular compared to left ventricular tissue. In pulmonary hypertension, S100A1 expression increased significantly in hypertrophied right ventricles while it was unchanged in left ventricular tissue. No change was observed in the expression of SERCA2a and phospholamban. Our data show, for the first time, that moderate pressure overload results in an upregulation of S100A1. This may reflect an adaptive response of myocardial Ca(2+) homeostasis to a higher workload.  相似文献   

Flow dialysis measurements of calcium binding to bovine brain S100 alpha alpha, S100a (alpha beta), and S100b (beta beta) proteins in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.5 and 8.3 revealed that S100 proteins bind specifically 4 Ca2+ eq/mol of protein dimer. The specific calcium-binding sites had, therefore, been assigned to typical amino acid sequences on the alpha and beta subunit. The protein affinity for calcium is much lower in the presence of magnesium and potassium. Potassium strongly antagonizes calcium binding on two calcium-binding sites responsible for most of the Ca2+-induced conformational changes on S100 proteins (probably site II alpha and site II beta). Zinc-binding studies in the absence of divalent cations revealed eight zinc-binding sites/mol of S100b protein dimer that we assumed to correspond to 4 zinc-binding sites/beta subunit. Zinc binding to S100b studied with UV spectroscopy methods showed that the occupation of the four higher affinity sites and the four lower affinity sites on the protein dimer were responsible for different conformational changes in S100b structure. Zinc binding on the higher affinity sites regulates calcium binding to S100b by increasing the protein affinity for calcium and decreasing the antagonistic effect of potassium on calcium binding. Zinc-binding studies on S100a and S100 alpha alpha protein showed that the Trp-containing S100 proteins bind zinc more weakly than S100b protein. Calcium-binding studies on zinc-bound S100a proved that calcium- and zinc-binding sites were distinct although there was no increase in zinc-bound S100a affinity for calcium, as in S100b protein. Finally we provide evidence that discrepancies between previously published results on the optical properties of S100b protein probably result from oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups in the protein.  相似文献   

To date vast evidence has been accumulated showing the role of protein MTS1 in the metastasis development and cell motility regulation, both in norm and upon pathological change of various tissues. The structure of the protein and its gene, as well as the regulation of the gene expression, are studied in detail. Significant advances have been achieved in understanding molecular mechanisms involving MTS1. This paper reviews the current knowledge of the issue.  相似文献   

To date vast evidence has been accumulated showing the role of protein MTS1 in the metastasis development and cell motility regulation, both in norm and upon pathological change of various tissues. The structure of the protein and its gene, as well as the regulation of the gene expression, are studied in detail. Significant advances have been achieved in understanding molecular mechanisms involving MTS1. This paper reviews the current knowledge of the issue.  相似文献   

A rapid separation method for bovine brain S100 alpha alpha, S100a, and S100b protein using fast protein liquid chromatography on a Mono Q column and its application in preparation of a large amount of S100 alpha alpha protein are described. The conformation of S100 alpha alpha in the metal-free forms as well as in the presence of calcium were studied by UV absorption, circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, sulfhydryl reactivity, and interaction with a hydrophobic fluorescent probe. The alpha-subunit appears to have nearly identical conformation in S100 alpha alpha and S100a protein dimers. We also confirmed that only the alpha-subunit exposes hydrophobic domains to solvent in the presence of calcium and that cysteine residues exposed upon Ca2+ binding to S100 proteins correspond to Cys 85 alpha and Cys 84 beta. Incubation of S100a with calcium and KCl proved that calcium binding to the putative calcium-binding sites (site I alpha, I beta) triggers a time- and temperature-dependent conformational change in the protein structure which decreases the antagonistic effect of KCl on calcium binding to sites II alpha and II beta and provokes subunit exchanges between protein dimers and the emergence of S100 alpha alpha and S100b (beta beta) proteins. Dynamic fluorescence measurements showed that incubating calcium at high S100a protein concentrations (greater than 10(-5) M) induces an apparent slow dimer-monomer equilibrium which might result in total subunit dissociation at lower protein concentrations. The effect of acidic pH on subunit dissociation in S100a protein (Morero, R. D., and Weber, G. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 703, 231-240) arises from conformational changes in the protein structure that are similar to those induced by Ca2+ incubation.  相似文献   

Leukocyte infiltration is an early and critical event in the development of acute pancreatitis. However, the mechanism of leukocyte transmigration into the pancreas and the function of leukocytes in initiating acute pancreatitis are still poorly understood. Here, we studied the role of S100A9 (MRP14), a calcium binding protein specifically released by polymorph nuclear leukocytes (PMN), in the course of acute experimental pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis was induced by repeated supramaximal caerulein injections in S100A9 deficient or S100A9 wild-type mice. We then determined S100A9 expression, trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP) levels, serum amylase and lipase activities, and tissue myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity. Cell-cell contact dissociation was analyzed in vitro with biovolume measurements of isolated acini after incubation with purified S100A8/A9 heterodimers, and in vivo as measurement of Evans Blue extravasation after intravenous application of S100A8/A9. Pancreatitis induced increased levels of S100A9 in the pancreas. However, infiltration of leukocytes and MPO activity in the lungs and pancreas during acute pancreatitis was decreased in S100A9-deficient mice and associated with significantly lower serum amylase and lipase activities as well as reduced intrapancreatic TAP-levels. Incubation of isolated pancreatic acini with purified S100A8/A9-heterodimers resulted in a rapid dissociation of acinar cell-cell contacts which was highly calcium-dependent. Consistent with these findings, in vivo application of S100A8/A9 in mice was in itself sufficient to induce pancreatic cell-cell contract dissociation as indicated by Evans Blue extravasation. These data show that the degree of intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation is influenced by the extent of leukocyte infiltration into the pancreas which, in turn, depends on the presence of S100A9 that is secreted from PMN. S100A9 directly affects leukocyte tissue invasion and mediates cell contact dissociation via its calcium binding properties.  相似文献   

Astrocytes recruitment and activation are a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have previously observed an overexpression for S100A6 protein, a Ca(2+)/Zn(2+) binding protein presenting more affinity for zinc than for calcium, in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here we demonstrated in AD patients but also in two different AD mouse models, that astrocytic S100A6 protein was homogeneously up-regulated within the white matter. However, within the grey matter, almost all S100A6 immunoreactivity was concentrated in astrocytes surrounding the Abeta amyloid deposits of senile plaques. These S100A6 neocortex labelled astrocytes were also positive for the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100B protein. Contrasting with S100A6, the distribution for S100B and GFA astrocytic labelled cells was not restricted to the Abeta amyloid deposit in grey matter, but widely distributed throughout the neocortex. Coupling the knowledge that biometals such as zinc are highly concentrated in the amyloid deposits in AD and S100A6 having a high affinity for Zn(2+) may suggest that S100A6 plays a role in AD neuropathology.  相似文献   

S100A6 (calcyclin), a small calcium-binding protein from the S100 family, interacts with several target proteins in a calcium-regulated manner. One target is Calcyclin-Binding Protein/Siah-1-Interacting Protein (CacyBP/SIP), a component of a novel pathway of beta-catenin ubiquitination. A recently discovered yeast homolog of CacyBP/SIP, Sgt1, associates with Skp1 and regulates its function in the Skp1/Cullin1/F-box complex ubiquitin ligase and in kinetochore complexes. S100A6-binding domain of CacyBP/SIP is in its C-terminal region, where the homology between CacyBP/SIP and Sgt1 is the greatest. Therefore, we hypothesized that Sgt1, through its C-terminal region, interacts with S100A6. We tested this hypothesis by performing affinity chromatography and chemical cross-linking experiments. Our results showed that Sgt1 binds to S100A6 in a calcium-regulated manner and that the S100A6-binding domain in Sgt1 is comprised of 71 C-terminal residues. Moreover, S100A6 does not influence Skp1-Sgt1 binding, a result suggesting that separate Sgt1 domains are responsible for interactions with S100A6 and Skp1. Sgt1 binds not only to S100A6 but also to S100B and S100P, other members of the S100 family. The interaction between S100A6 and Sgt1 is likely to be physiologically relevant because both proteins were co-immunoprecipitated from HEp-2 cell line extract using monoclonal anti-S100A6 antibody. Phosphorylation of the S100A6-binding domain of Sgt1 by casein kinase II was inhibited by S100A6, a result suggesting that the role of S100A6 binding is to regulate the phosphorylation of Sgt1. These findings suggest that protein ubiquitination via Sgt1-dependent pathway can be regulated by S100 proteins.  相似文献   

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