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Echium hypertropicum, E. stenosiphon and E. vulcanorum are the three endemics representative of the genus Echium (Boraginaceae) in Cape Verde archipelago. The aim of this study is to provide a first attempt at estimating genetic diversity among natural populations of these endangered Echium species based on RAPD, so as to provide data available for future appropriate strategies for their conservation. PCO and UPGMA of RAPD analysis suggests a close genetic proximity between the Southern endemic species (E. hypertropicum and E. vulcanorum) and shows that the levels of polymorphism strongly differ between these two Echium species (27 and 29% respectively) and E. stenosiphon (74%), the Northern endemic species. Mantel test also corroborates a close genetic proximity between genetic and geographic data. Population genetic analysis of E. stenosiphon revealed low levels of gene flow between islands (Nm = 0.32) being S. Nicolau the most isolated as evident in PCO. Furthermore the differentiation between groups of individuals belonging to putative subspecies was tested by AMOVA. According to our results there is no genetic basis to consider the two subspecies of E. stenosiphon namely ssp. stenosiphon and ssp. lindbergii. Our results enable us to suggest that E. stenosiphon must be ranked as a Threatened species. Measures aiming at conservation of E. hypertropicum and E. vulcanorum must be implemented at short-term taking into account the small number of existing plants and its low genetic variability.  相似文献   

Silene hifacensis is a narrowly endemicplant, restricted to a few small populations onlimestone cliffs in the Spanish province ofAlicante and on the Balearic island of Ibiza.The species was collected to extinction in itsoriginal mainland location by the early 20thcentury. Attempts have been made to reintroduceS. hifacensis to this area butconservation efforts are limited by a lack ofinformation on the geographic structure ofgenetic variation in the species. We usednuclear (allozyme) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)PCR/RFLP markers to investigate the structureof genetic variation in 2 mainland and 6 Ibizanpopulations. Levels of allozyme variation werelow, with a mean of 2 alleles per polymorphiclocus. Mean (over polymorphic loci) totalallozyme diversity (Htot) was 0.203 and meanwithin-population diversity (Hpop) was 0.085. Mostdiversity was explained by thebetween-population diversity component (Gpop.reg =57%). Both mainland populations showedallozyme fixation. Three composite cpDNAhaplotypes were identified. The first is uniqueto a mainland population that is alsoallozymically distinct from all the otherpopulations. The second haplotype is found inthe other mainland population and one Ibizanpopulation: these two populations areallozymically identical. The remaining Ibizanpopulations contain the third haplotype. Thegeographic distribution of allozymes and cpDNAhaplotypes is discussed in terms of populationhistory, dispersal and, speculatively, in termsof the possibility that there has beenundocumented translocation of material betweenpopulations.  相似文献   

Hosta minor, an insect-pollinated and rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, occurs in eastern and southern Korean Peninsula. AlthoughH. minor is a Korean endemic species and most populations of the species are scattered, the species maintains considerably high levels of genetic variation within the species, with a moderate level of variation (14%) found among populations. Nineteen of the 29 putative loci resolved (66%) were polymorphic within the species, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.10 across all populations and averaged 1.68 within populations. In addition, genetic diversity was a considerably higher (for species and population level, mean estimates of genetic diversity were 0.275 and 0.230, respectively) than the average for other long-lived herbaceous perennials. Indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=1.03, calculated from mean GST) was moderate. Factors contributing to the high levels of genetic diversity found within populations ofH. minor include population maintenance via sexual and asexual modes of reproduction, primarily outcrossing breeding system, long generation time, probable ancient polyploid origin of the species, and moderate levels of seed dispersal by wind. Human disturbance in South Korea such as road and apartment constructions appears to be the major threat to this genetically diverse species.  相似文献   

On the basis of gene frequency data of three flavone glycosylating genes, populations of the agricultural weed Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) in Europe can be divided into two chemical races: an eastern and a western race. Morphological data also show a clear east-west division. When the two datasets are combined at least nine different geographical races can be distinguished using cluster analysis. Because these observations are hard to explain by selection, it has been proposed that these different races probably originated as a consequence of migration during the spread of agriculture over Europe in the past. To discriminate between selection and genetic drift many more selectively neutral easy-to-score characters are needed. In order to test whether random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) might be suitable for this purpose, we performed a small-scale RAPD analysis on 16 geographical different populations. Using Jaccard's coefficient of similarity, we calculated genetic distances by pair-wise comparisons of both unique and shared amplification products, and a dendrogram was subsequently constructed using an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages (UPGMA). On the basis of the dendrogram two clusters were discerned that clearly coincide with the aforementioned east-west division in populations. As there has been little or no artificial selection on this weed, its migration routes may be a good reflection of the different geographical routes agriculture has taken. We propose that a phylogenetic analysis of RAPD data of many more populations may provide additional information on the spread of agriculture over Europe.  相似文献   

Quercus miyagii is an endemic tree species in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. We isolated and characterized 15 microsatellite loci in this species. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 16 and expected heterozygosities from 0.07 to 0.92. This set of markers is potentially useful to investigate the genetic structure, gene flow, and the biogeographic history of Q. miyagii in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  相似文献   

Sinojackia dolichocarpa, a species endangered and endemic to China, is distributed only in the regional area of Shimen and Sangzhi in Hunan Province. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity within and among the four natural populations of S. dolichocarpa. Leaf samples were collected from 84 individuals. Thirteen ISSR primers selected from 80 primers gave rise to 137 discernible DNA bands of which 100 (72.99%) were polymorphic. On average each primer gave rise to 10.5 bands including 7.7 bands with polymorphic profile. At the species level, high genetic diversity was detected (PPB: 72.99%; HE: 0.2255; Ho: 0.3453). However, relatively low genetic diversity existed within populations. Population in Maozhuhe (MZH) exhibits the greatest level of variability (PPB: 40.38%, HE: 0.1566, Ho: 0.2330), whereas the population in Jingguanmen (JGM) finds its own variability at the lowest level (PPB: 30.66%; HE: 0.1078; Ho: 0.1601). A high level of genetic differentiation among populations was revealed by Nei's gene diversity statistics (45.30%), Shannon's information measure (45.24%) and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) (52.88%). The main factors responsible for the high level of differentiation among populations are probably related to the selfing reproductive system and the isolation of populations. The strong genetic differentiation among populations indicates that the management for the conservation of genetic variability in S. dolichocarpa should aim to preserve every population.  相似文献   

Stackhousia tryonii Bailey, a rare species whichhyperaccumulates nickel and with a potential to be exploited inphytoremediation/phytomining, is difficult to propagate via seeds. This studyinvestigated the development of a micropropagation protocol for the productionof large stocks of S. tryonii. Disinfested shoot tips andnodal buds were precultured on Gamborg's (B5) basal medium toobtain aseptic shoots for the optimisation of the protocol. 6-Benzyl aminopurine(BAP) at 1.0 mg l–1 produced the highest number ofshoots per explant in B5 medium. Comparison betweenB5 and MS media showed similar responses, but with marked influenceof BAP concentration on shoot numbers. Transfer of shoots from MS(multiplication) medium to MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), individually or in combination, indicatedthat a combination of IAA and IBA (0.75 mg l–1each) is required to produce roots on young shoots (75%) compared to IBA(15–45%) or IAA (0–10%) alone. This study demonstrated that by usingthis protocol, a high multiplication rate (up to 18 shoots per explant) could be produced within 4 weeks, andthey can be readily hardened (98% survival) in a glasshouse by transplantingthem into a potting mixture of sand and perlite (4:1).  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 57 Achillea accessions belonging to five species, A. millefolium, A. filipendulina, A. tenuifolia, A. santolina and A. biebersteinii. Nine AFLP primer combinations were used, which produced 301 polymorphic bands. In most species, a high level of genetic variation was detected among the genotypes. The Jaccard's similarity indices (J), based on AFLP profiles, were subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Application of Mantel's test for cophenetic correlation to the cluster analysis indicated the high fitness of the accessions to a group (r = 0.918). The dendrogram generated revealed five major groups corresponding to five species. The principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) data confirmed the results of the clustering. Among the species, A. teunifolia and A. santolina showed the greatest and the least genetic diversity, respectively. A. filipendulina accessions were acquired primarily from the same ecological regions of western Iran. Accessions belonging to A. biebersteinii originated from the Isfahan province and were separated from other species at the root of the dendrogram. The results of the clustering method, based on AFLP markers, corresponded closely with the geographical origins of the genotypes. The results of the present study could contribute to a better understanding and management of conservation and exploitation of the Achillea germplasm.  相似文献   

Luanta-fir (Cunninghamia konishii), an endemic to Taiwan, is an outcrossing, long-lived conifer. Populations of C. konishii are generally fragmented due to a once high intensity of timber exploitation. C. konishii and Cunninghamia lanceolata are two sibling taxa constituting derivative-progenitor species relationship. The amount of genetic variations within and between 11 and 10 populations of C. konishii and C. lanceolata, respectively, were assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in this report. Three AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 357 and 226 markers for C. konishii and C. lanceolata samples, of which 56.1 and 65.3% are polymorphic, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance indicates a 4.78% variation between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. A relatively high value of genetic variation (24.60%) was apportioned between the populations of C. konishii. In contrast, a lower divergence value (12.21%) between populations was found for C. lanceolata. The population with the highest genetic diversity was found in Nantou County, which concurred with the results of many other tree species investigated in Taiwan. The estimates of the number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from population pair-wise PhiST, suggest that gene flow in C. konishii is efficient in some adjacent populations but is restricted in the rest. Individual UPGMA tree, generated based on AFLP markers, suggests six evolutionary lineages for C. konishii. All evolutionary lineages of C. konishii were derived from C. lanceolata. In conclusion, the migration patterns of Cunninghamia from mainland China may have been established following multiple sources, migrant-pools, long-distance dispersal events, and via different directions.  相似文献   

A rare Australian bothid flounder.Asterorhombus bleekeri (Macleay), is redescribed from the holotype and ten additional specimens from the east coast of Qeensland, Gulf of Carpentaria and Rowly Shoal (Western Australia). The species is transferred fromArnoglossus Bleeker toAsterorhombus Tanaka because of the lack of obvious sexual dimorphism in the interorbital width and pectoral fin length, the lack of rostral and orbital spines, the yellow-white blind side body coloration, and the deeply cleft parhypural and hypural plates. The definition ofAsterorhombus was emended as follows: the first dorsal fin ray continuous with or separated from remaining fin rays and gill rakers slender or stubby, with or without serrations.Asterorhombus osculus sp. nov., formerly briefly described in the literature as unidentified species ofEngyprosopon, was described from eight specimens from the northwestern coast of Australia. The new species is most similar toA. bleekeri in lacking sexual dimorphism, and having the caudal skeleton with deep clefts, two or three rows of teeth on the upper jaw and a pair of conspicuous black spots on the caudal fin, in addition to a similar general appearance, but is distinguished from the latter by shorter gill rakers, a very small mouth and feebly ctenoid scales on the ocular side. Both species clearly differed fromA. intermedius andA. fijiensis in having two (or three) rows of teeth on the upper jaws, slender gill rakers without serrations, first dorsal fin ray continuous with the other fin rays, and a pair of conspicuous black spots on the caudal fin.  相似文献   

Lu HP  Cai YW  Chen XY  Zhang X  Gu YJ  Zhang GF 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):409-417
Heptacodium miconioides Rehd. is an endangered species endemic to China and has suffered rapid decrease of distribution range and population size. This species has been disappeared in central China where the modal specimen was collected. We analyzed the genetic variation of the remaining populations to reveal whether the genetic diversity also suffered decrease and to provide some suggestions for conservation. All the nine known remaining populations were sampled. Genetic variation was analyzed based on RAPD markers and two fragments of cpDNA sequence, intergenic spacers of petG-trnP and trnS-trnG. No variation was observed in the two fragments of cpDNA sequence. However, the species exhibited high level of RAPD variation compared to other threatened or rare plants. Measures of genetic diversity within populations were strongly related to the log of estimated population size, indicating that large populations usually have more genetic diversity than that of small ones. About 25% of the variation was partitioned among populations. Significant relationship was observed between differentiation and geographical distance, indicating a pattern of isolation-by-distance. Given for few populations remaining, all the populations should be protected and urgent efforts be paid on the small populations to avoid their local extinction.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic, genetic and demographic information are key issues for establishing priorities for conservation. In this study we explored the Vane-Wrigth measure of phylogenetic diversity for establishing criteria for conservation, when intra as well as interpopulation level demographic (population size) and genetic (heterozygosity, inbreeding and genetic distances among populations) parameters are taken into consideration. The data were standardized and analyzed independently and integratively enabling the calculation of indices or criteria for conservation priorities. We illustrate the application of this approach in populations of four Mexican pine species that have been considered rare and endangered, Pinus rzedowzkii, P. pinceana, P. lagunae and P. muricata. The application of several independent diversity indices did not allow us to resolve prioritization. However, the integration of all indices generated different values of importance to conservation, and suggested that the populations with the highest priorities for conservation are: two for Pinus rzedowskii, P. pinceana, and P. lagunae, and one for P. muricata. These populations have intermediate sizes, are the most divergent in the phylogeny and contain genetic variation that is representative of the gene pool of each species. Finally, we demonstrated the functionality of some genetic and demographic parameters; the genetic structure, recruitment rate, geographic distribution and demographic stochasticity, as complementary indicators for evaluating the conservation priority among populations and species.  相似文献   

Hemerocallis hakuunensis, a Korean endemic species, maintains considerably higher levels of allozyme variation within populations (meanHe=0.253) and substantially lower levels of allozyme divergence among populations (meanG ST=0.077) than average values reported for other insect-pollinated, outcrossing herbs. Indirect estimates of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=3.00, calculated fromG ST;Nm=3.57, calculated from the frequency of nine alleles unique to single populations) indicate that gene flow has been extensive inH. hakuunensis. This is somewhat surprising when we consider the fact that no specialized seed dispersal mechanism is known, flowers are visited by bees, and the present-day populations of the species are discontinous and isolated. Results of a spatial autocorrelation analysis based on mean allele frequencies of 19 populations reveal that only 13% (95/720 cases) of Moran'sI values for the ten interpopulational distance classes are significantly different from the expected values and no distinct trend with respect to the distance classes is detected. Although it is unclear how the populations are genetically homogenous, it is highly probable thatH. hakuunensis might have a history of relatively large, continuous populations that had more chance for gene movement among adjacent populations after the last Ice Age. In addition, occasional hybridization withH. thunbergii in areas of sympatry in the central and southwestern Korean Peninsula may be one factor contributing the present-day high allozyme variation observed inH. hakuunensis.  相似文献   

Sonneratia paracaseolaris, is a critically endangered mangrove species in China. Using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers, we compared the genetic variation of introduced populations with that of natural populations to check whether the genetic diversity has been conserved. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 81.37%, He = 0.2241, and SI = 0.3501). Genetic variation in introduced populations (P = 75.78%, He = 0.2291, and SI = 0.3500) was more than that in natural populations (P = 70.81%, He = 0.1903, and SI = 0.2980). Based on Nei's GST value, more genetic differentiation among natural populations was detected (GST = 0.3591). Our data show that the genetic diversity of S. paracaseolaris was conserved in introduced populations to some extent, however, owing to the small natural populations and the threats they encountered, more plants should be planted to enlarge and restore the populations.  相似文献   

A new species, theSaussurea chabyoungsanica Im, is described from Mt. Chabyoung-san, Kangwon Province, Korea. The new species has long elliptic leaves with short petioles and a compact corymb which consists of many slender tubular heads and tiny pedicels. These characteristics are not seen in any otherSausurea species in Korea, Japan, and northeast China (Manchuria).Saussurea chabyoungsanica is an endemic species of Korea.  相似文献   

In Belgium, at the western border of its continental distribution range, the perennial herb S. nutans has evolved two parapatric ecotypes (calcicolous or silicicolous), which show contrasted allozyme, morphological and adaptive patterns, and isolating reproductive barriers. We examined allozyme variation in 21 populations close to Belgium (from France and Luxemburg) in relation to their peripheral or central geographical position, and investigated their genetic relationships with the Belgian ecotypes. Both peripheral and central populations showed high genetic variation. They were differentiated from each other, but not in relation to the substrate (calcareous or siliceous). The peripheral and central populations were related to the Belgian silicicolous and calcicolous ecotype, respectively. This suggests an ancient differentiation and different past histories for the Belgian ecotypes, and parapatric speciation processes. This study exemplifies the high evolutionary potential of populations at range peripheries and the need for considering them in conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Summary   Ceiba rubriflora Carv.-Sobr. & L. P. Queiroz, a new species of Malvaceae subfamily Bombacoideae from the State of Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to calcareous outcrops in the valley of the Rio S?o Francisco, in the western region of the state. Notes on distribution, ecology and phenology are given. Relationships with related species are discussed and an addition to the key to species of Ceiba Mill. published by Gibbs & Semir (2003) are provided.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L., a multipurpose shrub has acquired significant economic importance for its seed oil which can be converted to biodiesel, is emerging as an alternative to petro-diesel. The deoiled seed cake remains after oil extraction is toxic and cannot be used as a feed despite having best nutritional contents. No quantitative and qualitative differences were observed between toxic and non-toxic varieties of J. curcas except for phorbol esters content. Development of molecular marker will enable to differentiate non-toxic from toxic variety in a mixed population and also help in improvement of the species through marker assisted breeding programs. The present investigation was undertaken to characterize the toxic and non-toxic varieties at molecular level and to develop PCR based molecular markers for distinguishing non-toxic from toxic or vice versa. The polymorphic markers were successfully identified specific to non-toxic and toxic variety using RAPD and AFLP techniques. Totally 371 RAPD, 1,442 AFLP markers were analyzed and 56 (15.09%) RAPD, 238 (16.49%) AFLP markers were found specific to either of the varieties. Genetic similarity between non-toxic and toxic verity was found to be 0.92 by RAPD and 0.90 by AFLP fingerprinting. In the present study out of 12 microsatellite markers analyzed, seven markers were found polymorphic. Among these seven, jcms21 showed homozygous allele in the toxic variety. The study demonstrated that both RAPD and AFLP techniques were equally competitive in identifying polymorphic markers and differentiating both the varieties of J. curcas. Polymorphism of SSR markers prevailed between the varieties of J. curcas. These RAPD and AFLP identified markers will help in selective cultivation of specific variety and along with SSRs these markers can be exploited for further improvement of the species through breeding and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS).  相似文献   

A pectic polysaccharide named silenan, [alpha]D20 +148.6 degrees (c 0.1; H2O), was isolated earlier from the aerial part of campion, Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke. Silenan has been shown to contain homogalacturonan segments as "smooth regions" and rhamnogalacturonan fragments as "hairy regions". The present study reveals a generalization of structural features of silenan. Silenan was subjected to enzymic digestion with pectinase, to Smith degradation, and to lithium-degradation to determine the conforming poly- and oligosaccharide fragments of "hairy regions" of silenan. The NMR-spectral data and mass-spectrometry confirmed that the core of the ramified region of silenan consisted of residues of alpha-rhamnopyranose 2-O-glycosylated with the residues of alpha-1,4-D-galactopyranosyl uronic acid. The part of the alpha-rhamnopyranose residues of the backbone are branched at O-4. On the basis of the data, the hairy regions of silenan proved to contain mainly linear chains of beta-1,3-, beta-1,4-, and beta-1,6-galactopyranan and alpha-1,5-arabinofuranan. The side chains of the ramified region were shown to have branching points represented 2,3-, 3,6-, 4,6-di-O-substituted beta-galactopyranose residues.  相似文献   

Rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) is an endangered small fish endemic to upper reach of the Yangtze River. From a (GT)n enriched genomic library, 32 microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Nineteen of these loci were polymorphic in a test population with alleles ranging from 2–7, and observed and expected heterozygosities from zero to 0.8438, and 0.2679 to 0.8264, respectively. In the cross-species amplifications, 13 out of 19 polymorphic loci were found to be also polymorphic in at least one of the 7 closely related species of the subfamily Gobioninae. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate the fine-scale population structure in rare minnow and its closely related species for the conservation purpose.  相似文献   

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