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The structure of DAPI bound to DNA   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The structure of the DNA fluorochrome 4'-6-diamidine-2-phenyl indole (DAPI) bound to the synthetic B-DNA oligonucleotide C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G has been solved by single crystal x-ray diffraction methods, at a resolution of 2.4 A. The structure is nearly isomorphous with that of the native DNA molecule alone. With one DAPI and 25 waters per DNA double helix, the residual error is 21.5% for the 2428 reflections above the 2-sigma level. DAPI inserts itself edgewise into the narrow minor groove, displacing the ordered spine of hydration. DAPI and a single water molecule together span the four AT base pairs at the center of the duplex. The indole nitrogen forms a bifurcated hydrogen bond with the thymine O2 atoms of the two central base pairs, as with netropsin and Hoechst 33258. The preference of all three of these drugs for AT regions of B-DNA is a consequence of three factors: (1) The intrinsically narrower minor groove in AT regions than in GC regions of B-DNA, leading to a snug fit of the flat aromatic drug rings between the walls of the groove. (2) The more negative electrostatic potential within the minor groove in AT regions, attributable in part to the absence of electropositive-NH2 groups along the floor of the groove, and (3) The steric advantage of the absence of those same guanine-NH2 groups, thus permitting the drug molecule to sink deeper into the groove. Groove width and electrostatic factors are regional, and define the relative receptiveness of a section of DNA since they operate over several contiguous base pairs. The steric factor is local, varying from one base pair to the next, and hence is the means of fine-tuning sequence specificity.  相似文献   

The chemotactic regulator CheY controls the direction of flagellar rotation in Escherichia coli. We have determined the crystal structure of BeF3--activated CheY from E. coli in complex with an N-terminal peptide derived from its target, FliM. The structure reveals that the first seven residues of the peptide pack against the beta4-H4 loop and helix H4 of CheY in an extended conformation, whereas residues 8-15 form two turns of helix and pack against the H4-beta5-H5 face. The peptide binds the only region of CheY that undergoes noticeable conformational change upon activation and would most likely be sandwiched between activated CheY and the remainder of FliM to reverse the direction of flagellar rotation.  相似文献   

The N-(2-deoxy-beta3-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl) formamide residue results from a ring fragmentation product of thymine or cytosine. The presence of a formamide-adenine base pair in the sequence 5'd(AGGAACCACG).d(CGTGGFTCCT) has been studied by 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics. There are two possible isomers for the formamide side chain, either cis or trans. For each isomer, we observed an equilibrium in solution between two forms. First, a species where the formamide is intrahelical and paired with the facing adenine. For the cis isomer, the formamide is in a syn conformation and two hydrogen bonds with adenine are formed. The trans isomer is in an anti conformation and a single hydrogen bond is observed. In the second form, whatever the isomer, the formamide is rejected outside the helix, whereas the adenine remains inside.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the type II restriction endonuclease BglI bound to DNA containing its specific recognition sequence has been determined at 2.2 A resolution. This is the first structure of a restriction endonuclease that recognizes and cleaves an interrupted DNA sequence, producing 3' overhanging ends. BglI is a homodimer that binds its specific DNA sequence with the minor groove facing the protein. Parts of the enzyme reach into both the major and minor grooves to contact the edges of the bases within the recognition half-sites. The arrangement of active site residues is strikingly similar to other restriction endonucleases, but the co-ordination of two calcium ions at the active site gives new insight into the catalytic mechanism. Surprisingly, the core of a BglI subunit displays a striking similarity to subunits of EcoRV and PvuII, but the dimer structure is dramatically different. The BglI-DNA complex demonstrates, for the first time, that a conserved subunit fold can dimerize in more than one way, resulting in different DNA cleavage patterns.  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA are characteristic of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and they also serve as models for the study of protein-DNA recognition. Anti-DNA antibodies often play an important role in disease pathogenesis by mediating kidney damage via antibody-DNA immune complex formation. The structural underpinnings of anti-DNA antibody pathogenicity and antibody-DNA recognition, however, are not well understood, due in part to the lack of direct, experimental three-dimensional structural information on antibody-DNA complexes. To address these issues for anti-single-stranded DNA antibodies, we have determined the 2.1 A crystal structure of a recombinant Fab (DNA-1) in complex with dT5. DNA-1 was previously isolated from a bacteriophage Fab display library from the immunoglobulin repertoire of an SLE-prone mouse. The structure shows that DNA-1 binds oligo(dT) primarily by sandwiching thymine bases between Tyr side-chains, which allows the bases to make sequence-specific hydrogen bonds. The critical stacking Tyr residues are L32, L49, H100, and H100A, while His L91 and Asn L50 contribute hydrogen bonds. Comparison of the DNA-1 structure to other anti-nucleic acid Fab structures reveals a common ssDNA recognition module consisting of Tyr L32, a hydrogen bonding residue at position L91, and an aromatic side-chain from the tip of complementarity determining region H3. The structure also provides a framework for interpreting previously determined thermodynamics data, and this analysis suggests that hydrophobic desolvation might underlie the observed negative enthalpy of binding. Finally, Arg side-chains from complementarity determining region H3 appear to play a novel role in DNA-1. Rather than forming ion pairs with dT5, Arg contributes to oligo(dT) recognition by helping to maintain the structural integrity of the combining site. This result is significant because antibody pathogenicity is thought to be correlated to the Arg content of anti-DNA antibody hypervariable loops.  相似文献   

The formation of the C-U base pair in a duplex was observed in solution by means of the temperature profile of (15)N chemical shifts, and the precise geometry of the C-U base pair was also determined by NOE-based structure calculation. From the solution structure of the RNA oligomer, r[CGACUCAGG].r[CCUGCGUCG], it was found that a single C-U mismatch preferred being stacked in the duplex rather than being flipped-out even in solution. Moreover, it adopts an irregular geometry, where the amino nitrogen (N4) of the cytidine and keto-oxygen (O4) of the uridine are within hydrogen-bonding distance, as seen in crystals. To further prove the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair, we employed a point-labeled cytidine at the exocyclic amino nitrogen of the cytidine in the C-U pair. The temperature profile of its (15)N chemical shift showed a sigmoidal transition curve, indicating the presence of a hydrogen bond in the C-U pair in the duplex.  相似文献   

Effective sequence-specific recognition of duplex DNA is possible by triplex formation with natural oligonucleotides via Hoogsteen H-bonding. However, triplex formation is in practice limited to pyrimidine oligonucleotides binding duplex A-T or G-C base-pair DNA sequences specifically at homopurine sites in the major groove as T·A-T and C+·G-C triplets. Here we report the successful modeling of novel unnatural nucleosides that recognize the T-A DNA base pair by Hoogsteen interaction. Since the DNA triplex can be considered to assume an A-type or B-type conformation, these novel Hoogsteen nucleotides are tested within model A-type and B-type conformation triplex structures. A triplet consisting of the T-A base pair and one of the novel Hoogsteen nucleotides replaces the central T·A-T triplet in the triplex using the same deoxyribose-phosphodiester and base-deoxyribose dihedral angle configuration. The entire triplex is energy minimized and the presence of any structural or energetic perturbations due to the central triplet is assessed with respect to the unmodified energy-minimized (T·A-T)11 proposed starting structures. Incorporation of these novel triplets into both A-type and B-type natural triplex structures provokes minimal change in the configuration of the central and adjacent triplets. The plan is to produce a series of Hoogsteen-like bases that preferentially bind the T-A major groove in either an A-type or B-type conformation. Selective recognition of the T-A major groove with respect to the G-C major groove, which presents similar keto and amine placement, is also assessed with configurational preference. Evaluation of the triplex solution structure by using these unnatural bases as binding conformational probes is a prerequisite to the further design of triplet forming bases. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

SgrAI is a type II restriction endonuclease with an unusual mechanism of activation involving run-on oligomerization. The run-on oligomer is formed from complexes of SgrAI bound to DNA containing its 8 bp primary recognition sequence (uncleaved or cleaved), and also binds (and thereby activates for DNA cleavage) complexes of SgrAI bound to secondary site DNA sequences which contain a single base substitution in either the 1st/8th or the 2nd/7th position of the primary recognition sequence. This modulation of enzyme activity via run-on oligomerization is a newly appreciated phenomenon that has been shown for a small but increasing number of enzymes. One outstanding question regarding the mechanistic model for SgrAI is whether or not the activating primary site DNA must be cleaved by SgrAI prior to inducing activation. Herein we show that an uncleavable primary site DNA containing a 3’-S-phosphorothiolate is in fact able to induce activation. In addition, we now show that cleavage of secondary site DNA can be activated to nearly the same degree as primary, provided a sufficient number of flanking base pairs are present. We also show differences in activation and cleavage of the two types of secondary site, and that effects of selected single site substitutions in SgrAI, as well as measured collisional cross-sections from previous work, are consistent with the cryo-electron microscopy model for the run-on activated oligomer of SgrAI bound to DNA.  相似文献   

Endogenous DNA damage induced by hydrolysis, reactive oxygen species and alkylation modifies DNA bases and the structure of the DNA duplex. Numerous mechanisms have evolved to protect cells from these deleterious effects. Base excision repair is the major pathway for removing base lesions. However, several mechanisms of direct base damage reversal, involving enzymes such as transferases, photolyases and oxidative demethylases, are specialized to remove certain types of photoproducts and alkylated bases. Mismatch excision repair corrects for misincorporation of bases by replicative DNA polymerases. The determination of the 3D structure and visualization of DNA repair proteins and their interactions with damaged DNA have considerably aided our understanding of the molecular basis for DNA base lesion repair and genome stability. Here, we review the structural biochemistry of base lesion recognition and initiation of one-step direct reversal (DR) of damage as well as the multistep pathways of base excision repair (BER), nucleotide incision repair (NIR) and mismatch repair (MMR).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Fab of an Ab PC283 complexed with its corresponding peptide Ag, PS1 (HQLDPAFGANSTNPD), derived from the hepatitis B virus surface Ag was determined. The PS1 stretch Gln2P to Phe7P is present in the Ag binding site of the Ab, while the next three residues of the peptide are raised above the binding groove. The residues Ser11P, Thr12P, and Asn13P then loop back onto the Ag-binding site of the Ab. The last two residues, Pro14P and Asp15P, extend outside the binding site without forming any contacts with the Ab. The PC283-PS1 complex is among the few examples where the light chain complementarity-determining regions show more interactions than the heavy chain complementarity-determining regions, and a distal framework residue is involved in Ag binding. As seen from the crystal structure, most of the contacts between peptide and Ab are through the five residues, Leu3-Asp4-Pro5-Ala6-Phe7, of PS1. The paratope is predominantly hydrophobic with aromatic residues lining the binding pocket, although a salt bridge also contributes to stabilizing the Ag-Ab interaction. The molecular surface area buried upon PS1 binding is 756 A(2) for the peptide and 625 A(2) for the Fab, which is higher than what has been seen to date for Ab-peptide complexes. A comparison between PC283 structure and a homology model of its germline ancestor suggests that paratope optimization for PS1 occurs by improving both charge and shape complementarity.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology based on a six-letter genetic alphabet that includes the two non-standard nucleobases isoguanine (isoG) and isocytosine (isoC), as well as the standard A, T, G and C, is known to suffer as a consequence of a minor tautomeric form of isoguanine that pairs with thymine, and therefore leads to infidelity during repeated cycles of the PCR. Reported here is a solution to this problem. The solution replaces thymidine triphosphate by 2-thiothymidine triphosphate (2-thioTTP). Because of the bulk and hydrogen bonding properties of the thione unit in 2-thioT, 2-thioT does not mispair effectively with the minor tautomer of isoG. To test whether this might allow PCR amplification of a six-letter artificially expanded genetic information system, we examined the relative rates of misincorporation of 2-thioTTP and TTP opposite isoG using affinity electrophoresis. The concentrations of isoCTP and 2-thioTTP were optimal to best support PCR amplification using thermostable polymerases of a six-letter alphabet that includes the isoC–isoG pair. The fidelity-per-round of amplification was found to be ~98% in trial PCRs with this six-letter DNA alphabet. The analogous PCR employing TTP had a fidelity-per-round of only ~93%. Thus, the A, 2-thioT, G, C, isoC, isoG alphabet is an artificial genetic system capable of Darwinian evolution.  相似文献   

Upon binding of a decamer bis-PNA (H-Lys-TTCCTCTCTT-(eg1)(3)-TTCTCTCCTT-LysNH(2)) to a complementary target in a double-stranded DNA fragment, three distinct complexes were detected by gel mobility shift analysis. Using in situ chemical probing techniques (KMnO(4) and DMS) it was found that all three complexes represent bona fide sequence-specific PNA binding to the designated target, but the complexes were structurally different. One complex that preferentially formed at higher PNA concentrations contains two bis-PNA molecules per DNA target, whereas the other two complexes are genuine triplex invasion clamped structures. However, these two latter complexes differ by the path relative to the DNA target of the flexible ethylene-glycol linker connecting the two PNA oligomers that comprise a bis-PNA. We distinguish between one in which the linker wraps around the non-target DNA strand, thus making this strand part of the triplex invasion complex and another complex that encompass the target strand only. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of DNA targeting by synthetic ligands.  相似文献   

We report a crystal structure that shows an antibiotic that extracts a nucleobase from a DNA molecule ‘caught in the act’ after forming a covalent bond but before departing with the base. The structure of trioxacarcin A covalently bound to double-stranded d(AACCGGTT) was determined to 1.78 Å resolution by MAD phasing employing brominated oligonucleotides. The DNA–drug complex has a unique structure that combines alkylation (at the N7 position of a guanine), intercalation (on the 3′-side of the alkylated guanine), and base flip-out. An antibiotic-induced flipping-out of a single, nonterminal nucleobase from a DNA duplex was observed for the first time in a crystal structure.  相似文献   

Side-by-side pairs of three five-membered rings, N-methylpyrrole (Py), N-methylimidazole (Im), and N-methylhydroxy-pyrrole (Hp), have been demonstrated to distinguish each of the four Watson Crick base pairs in the minor groove of DNA. However, not all DNA sequences targeted by these pairing rules achieve affinities and specificities comparable to DNA binding proteins. We have initiated a search for new heterocycles which can expand the sequence repetoire currently available. Two heterocyclic aromatic amino acids. N-methylpyrazole (Pz) and 4-methylthiazole (Th), were incorporated into a single position of an eight-ring polyamide of sequence ImImXPy-gamma-lmPyPyPy-beta-Dp to examine the modulation of affinity and specificity for DNA binding by a Pz/Py pair and or a Th/Py pair. The X/Py pairings Pz/Py and Th/Py were evaluated by quantitative DNase I footprint titrations on a DNA fragment with the four sites 5'-TGGNCA-3' (N=T, A, G, C). The Pz/Py pair binds T.A and A.T with similar affinity to a Py/Py pair but with improved specificity. disfavoring both G.C and C.G by about 100-fold. The Th/Py pair binds poorly to all four Watson Crick base pairs. These results demonstrate that in some instances new heterocyclic aromatic amino acid pairs can be incorporated into imidazole-pyrrole polyamides to mimic the DNA specificity of Py/Py pairs which may be relevant as biological criteria in animal studies become important.  相似文献   

Selective binding to DNA base pair mismatches by proteins from human cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using the technique of delayed oligonucleotide migration through polyacrylamide gels, we have demonstrated that cell-free extracts of the human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji contain proteins which can recognize and bind to mismatched single base pairs in short fragments of DNA. One of these binding proteins resembles an activity previously reported in HeLa cells (Jiricny, J., Hughes, M., Corman, N., and Rudkin, B. B. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 85, 8860-8864) and recognizes DNA containing G.T mismatches. Extracts of Raji cells contain an additional activity which recognizes A.C, T.C, or T.T mismatches in DNA. This second binding protein can be distinguished from the G.T binding activity by its size, substrate specificity, and its fractionation properties. In addition to Raji cells, the new mismatch binding protein is present in extracts of human lymphoblastoid cell lines from a normal individual and a xeroderma pigmentosum patient as well as the SV40-transformed human fibroblast cell line MRC5V1. It seems likely that this novel activity is involved in a broad specificity DNA repair pathway for the correction of single base mismatches in human cells.  相似文献   

Two oligodeoxyribonucleotides, d-CTTCTTTTTTATTTT, I(A), and d-ATTATTTTTTATTTT, II(A), where C is 5-methylcytosine and A is 8-oxoadenine, were prepared and their interactions with the duplex d-GAAGAAAAAAYAAAA/d-TTTTZTTTTTTCTTC, III.IV(Y.Z), were studied. Oligomers I(A) and II(A) each form triplexes with III.IV(G.C) at temperatures below 20 degrees C as shown by continuous variation experiments, melting experiments, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The CD spectra of these triplexes are almost identical to those formed by I(C) and II(C), oligomers which contain cytosine in place of 8-oxoadenine. This suggests that the 8-oxoadenine-containing triplexes have conformations which are very similar to those of the cytosine-containing triplexes. The melting temperature (Tm) for dissociation of the third strand of triplex II.III.IV(A.G.C) is 22 degrees C at pH 7.0 and 8.0, whereas the Tm of the corresponding transition in triplex II.III.IV(C.G.C) decreases from 28 degrees C at pH 7.0 to 17 degrees C at pH 8.0. The pH dependence of the Tm in the latter triplex reflects the necessity of protonating the N-3 of cytosine in order for it to form two hydrogen bonds with G of the G.C base pair. It appears that the keto form of 8-oxoadenine can potentially form two hydrogen bonds with the N-7 and O-6 atoms of G of the G.C base pair, when the 8-oxoadenine is in the syn conformation and in contrast to cytosine does not require protonation of the base. Oligomer I(A) does not form triplexes with III.IV(Y.Z) when Y.Z is A.T or T.A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The crystal structures of five double helical DNA fragments containing non-Watson-Crick complementary base pairs are reviewed. They comprise four fragments containing G.T base pairs: two deoxyoctamers d(GGGGCTCC) and d(GGGGTCCC) which crystallise as A type helices; a deoxydodecamer d(CGCGAATTTGCG) which crystallises in the B-DNA conformation; and the deoxyhexamer d(TGCGCG), which crystallises as a Z-DNA helix. In all four duplexes the G and T bases form wobble base pairs, with bases in the major tautomer forms and hydrogen bonds linking N1 of G with O2 of T and O6 of G with N3 of T. The X-ray analyses establish that the G.T wobble base pair can be accommodated in the A, B or Z double helix with minimal distortion of the global conformation. There are, however, changes in base stacking in the neighbourhood of the mismatched bases. The fifth structure, d(CGCGAATTAGCG), contains the purine purine mismatch G.A where G is in the anti and A in the syn conformation. The results represent the first direct structure determinations of base pair mismatches in DNA fragments and are discussed in relation to the fidelity of replication and mismatch recognition.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the CSL-Notch-Mastermind ternary complex bound to DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wilson JJ  Kovall RA 《Cell》2006,124(5):985-996

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