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Synaptic vesicle endocytosis is stimulated by calcium influx in mature central nerve terminals via activation of the calcium-dependent protein phosphatase, calcineurin. However, in different neuronal preparations calcineurin activity is either inhibitory, stimulatory or irrelevant to the process. We addressed this inconsistency by investigating the requirement for calcineurin activity in synaptic vesicle endocytosis during development, using vesicle recycling assays in isolated nerve terminals. We show that endocytosis occurs independently of calcineurin activity in immature nerve terminals, and that a calcineurin requirement develops 2-4 weeks after birth. Calcineurin-independent endocytosis is not due to the absence of calcineurin activity, since calcineurin is present in immature nerve terminals and its substrate, dynamin I, is dephosphorylated on depolarization. Calcineurin-independent endocytosis is calcium-dependent, since substitution of the divalent cation, barium, inhibits the process. Finally, we demonstrated that in primary neuronal cultures derived from neonatal rats, endocytosis that was initially calcineurin-independent developed a calcineurin requirement on maturation in culture. Our data account for the apparent inconsistencies regarding the role of calcineurin in synaptic vesicle endocytosis, and we propose that an unidentified calcium sensor exists to couple calcium influx to endocytosis in immature nerve terminals.  相似文献   

KCl and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) evoke glutamate release from rat brain cortical nerve terminals by voltage clamping or by Na(+) channel-generated repetitive action potentials, respectively. Stimulation by 4-AP but not KCl is largely mediated by protein kinase C (PKC). To determine whether KCl and 4-AP utilise the same mechanism to release glutamate, we correlated glutamate release with release of the hydrophobic synaptic vesicle (SV) marker FM2-10. A strong correlation was observed for increasing concentrations of KCl and after application of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or staurosporine. The parallel increase in exocytosis measured by two approaches suggested it occurred by a PKC-independent mechanism involving complete fusion of SVs with the plasma membrane. At low concentrations of 4-AP, alone or with staurosporine, glutamate and FM2-10 release also correlated. However, higher concentrations of 4-AP or of 4-AP plus PMA greatly increased glutamate release but did not further increase FM2-10 release. This divergence suggests that 4-AP recruits an additional mechanism of release during strong stimulation that is PKC dependent and is superimposed upon the first mechanism. This second mechanism is characteristic of kiss-and-run, which is not detectable by styryl dyes. Our data suggest that glutamate release in nerve terminals occurs via two mechanisms: (1) complete SV fusion, which is PKC independent; and (2) a kiss-and-run-like mechanism, which is PKC dependent. Recruitment of a second release mechanism may be a widespread means to facilitate neurotransmitter release in central neurons.  相似文献   

Using electrophysiology and fluorescence microscopy with dye FM 1-43, a comparative study of peculiarities of neurotransmitter secretion, synaptic vesicle exo-endocytosis and recycling has been carried out in nerve terminals (NT) of the skin-sternal muscle of the frog Rana ridibunda and of the white mouse diaphragm muscle during a long-term high-frequency stimulation (20 imp/s). The obtained data have allowed identifying three synaptic vesicle pools and two recycling ways in the motor NT. In the frog NT, the long-term high-frequency stimulation induced consecutive expenditure of the pool ready to release, the mobilizational, and reserve vesicle pools. The exocytosis rate exceeded markedly the endocytosis rate; the slow synaptic vesicle recycling with replenishment of the reserve pool was predominant. In the mouse NT, only the vesicles of the ready to release and the mobilizational pools, which are replenished predominantly by fast recycling, were exocytosed. The exo- and endocytosis occurred practically in parallel, while vesicles of the reserve pool did not participate in the neurotransmitter secretion. It is suggested that evolution of the motor NT from the poikilothermal to homoiothermal animals went by the way of a decrease of the vesicle pool size, the more economic expenditure and the more effective reuse of synaptic vesicles owing to the high rates of endocytosis and recycling. These peculiarities can provide in NT of homoiothermal animals a long maintenance of neurotransmitter secretion at the steady and sufficiently high level to preserve reliability of synaptic transmission in the process of the high-frequency activity.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations made in the study of the frog neuromuscular junction (NMJ) almost three decades ago showed that synaptic vesicle cycling functions through a slow pathway, requiring the use of clathrin-coated vesicles and an endosomal compartment. Simultaneously, a conceptually simpler model emerged, postulating rapid retrieval of vesicle membrane through a mechanism similar to a reversal of vesicle fusion. With the advent of fluorescence imaging which allows the investigator to monitor recycling in living nerve-muscle preparations, new data appeared which reconcile at least in part the two models, indicating that both may be important at this synapse. Two different synaptic vesicle pools can be defined, a readily releasable pool (RRP), consisting of quanta that are immediately available for release, and a reserve pool (RP) that is exocytosed only after prolonged stimulation. Vesicles in the RRP recycle through a fast endocytic pathway, which does not rely on an endosomal compartment, while vesicles in the RP cycle more slowly through formation of infoldings and endosomes and their subsequent severance into vesicles. The two pools mix slowly, and their recycling may be regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles belong to two distinct pools, a recycling pool responsible for the evoked release of neurotransmitter and a resting pool unresponsive to stimulation. The uniform appearance of synaptic vesicles has suggested that differences in location or cytoskeletal association account for these differences in function. We now find that the v-SNARE tetanus toxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP7) differs from other synaptic vesicle proteins in its distribution to the two pools, providing evidence that they differ in molecular composition. We also find that both resting and recycling pools undergo spontaneous release, and when activated by deletion of the longin domain, VAMP7 influences the properties of release. Further, the endocytosis that follows evoked and spontaneous release differs in mechanism, and specific sequences confer targeting to the different vesicle pools. The results suggest that different endocytic mechanisms generate synaptic vesicles with different proteins that can endow the vesicles with distinct properties.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-independent [(3)H]GABA release induced by alpha-latrotoxin was found to consist of two sequential processes: a fast initial release realized via exocytosis and more delayed outflow through the plasma membrane GABA transporters [Linetska, M.V., Storchak, L.G., Tarasenko, A.S., Himmelreich, N.H., 2004. Involvement of membrane GABA transporters in alpha-latrotoxin-stimulated [(3)H]GABA release. Neurochem. Int. 44, 303-312]. To characterize the toxin-stimulated events attributable to the transporter-mediated [(3)H]GABA release from rat brain synaptosomes we studied the effect of alpha-latrotoxin on membrane potentials and generation of the synaptic vesicles proton gradient, using fluorescent dyes: potential-sensitive rhodamine 6G and pH-sensitive acridine orange. We revealed that alpha-latrotoxin induced a progressive dose-dependent depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential and an irreversible run-down of the synaptic vesicle proton gradient. Both processes were insensitive to the presence of cadmium, a potent blocker of toxin-formed transmembrane pores, indicating that alpha-latrotoxin-induced disturbance of the plasma membrane permeability was not responsible to these effects. A gradual dissipation of the synaptic vesicle proton gradient closely coupled with lowering the vesicular GABA transporter activity results in a leakage of the neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles to cytoplasm. As a consequence, there is an essential increase in GABA concentration in a soluble cytosolic pool that appears to be critical parameter for altering the mode of the plasma membrane GABA transporter operation from inward to outward. Thus, our data allow clarifying what cell processes underlain a recruitment of the plasma membrane transporter-mediated pathway in alpha-LTX-stimulated secretion.  相似文献   

Richards DA  Guatimosim C  Betz WJ 《Neuron》2000,27(3):551-559
We have identified and characterized two vesicle recycling pathways in frog motor nerve terminals. We exploited the differential staining properties of FM dyes of varying hydrophobicity to label selectively two different vesicle pools, using optical imaging and electron microscopy of photoconverted dyes. During a 1 min tetanus, a rapidly recycling route places vesicles selectively into a small readily releasable pool comprising about 20% of vesicles. After the tetanus, a much slower pathway (from which FM2-10 but not FM1-43 can be rinsed) delivers vesicles via infoldings and cisternae selectively to a reserve pool with a halftime of about 8 min. Mixing between the two pools is slow. During stimulation at 30 Hz, 10-15 s is required to mobilize and release dye from the reserve pool.  相似文献   

The morphological features of pinched-off presynaptic nerve terminals (synaptosomes) from rat brain were examined with electron microscope techniques; in many experiments, an extracellular marked (horseradish peroxidase or colloidal thorium dioxide) was included in the incubation media. When incubated in physiological saline, most terminals appeared approximately spherical, and were filled with small (approximately 400- A diameter) "synaptic vesicles"; mitochondria were also present in many of the terminals. In a number of instances the region of synaptic contact, with adhering portions of the postsynaptic cell membrane and postsynaptic density, could be readily discerned. Approximately 20--30% of the terminals in our preparations exhibited clear evidence of damage, as indicated by diffuse distribution of extracellular markers in the cytoplasm; the markers appeared to be excluded from the intraterminal vesicles under these circumstances. The markers were excluded from the cytoplasm in approximately 70--80% of the terminals, which may imply that these terminals have intact plasma membranes. When the terminals were treated with depolarizing agents (veratridine or K- rich media), in the presence of Ca, many new, large (600--900-A diameter) vesicles and some coated vesicles and new vacuoles appeared. When the media contained an extracellular marker, the newly formed structures frequently were labeled with the marker. If the veratridine- depolarized terminals were subsequently treated with tetrodotoxin (to repolarize the terminals) and allowed to "recover" for 60--90 min, most of the large marker-containing vesicles disappeared, and numerous small (approximately 400-A diameter) marker-containing vesicles appeared. These observations are consistent with the idea that pinched-off presynaptic terminals contain all of the machinery necessary for vesicular exocytosis and for the retrieval and recycling of synaptic vesicle membrane. The vesicle membrane appears to be retrieval primarily in the form of large diameter vesicles which are subsequently reprocessed to form new "typical" small-diameter synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Gaffield MA  Rizzoli SO  Betz WJ 《Neuron》2006,51(3):317-325
We used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to measure the mobility of synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve terminals. Vesicles belonging to the recycling pool or to the reserve pool were selectively labeled with FM1-43. In resting terminals, vesicles in the reserve pool were immobile, while vesicles in the recycling pool were mobile. Nerve stimulation increased the mobility of reserve pool vesicles. Treatment with latrunculin A, which destroyed actin filaments, had no significant effect on mobility, and reducing the temperature likewise had little effect, suggesting that recycling pool vesicles move by simple diffusion. Application of okadaic acid caused vesicle mobility in both pools to increase to the same level. We could model these and others' results quantitatively by taking into account the relative numbers of mobile and immobile vesicles in each pool, and vesicle packing density, which has a large effect on mobility.  相似文献   

Streamlined synaptic vesicle cycle in cone photoreceptor terminals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rea R  Li J  Dharia A  Levitan ES  Sterling P  Kramer RH 《Neuron》2004,41(5):755-766
Cone photoreceptors tonically release neurotransmitter in the dark through a continuous cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis. Here, using the synaptic vesicle marker FM1-43, we elucidate specialized features of the vesicle cycle. Unlike retinal bipolar cell terminals, where stimulation triggers bulk membrane retrieval, cone terminals appear to exclusively endocytose small vesicles. These retain their integrity until exocytosis, without pooling their membranes in endosomes. Endocytosed vesicles rapidly disperse through the terminal and are reused with no apparent delay. Unlike other synapses where most vesicles are immobilized and held in reserve, only a small fraction (<15%) becomes immobilized in cones. Photobleaching experiments suggest that vesicles move by diffusion and not by molecular motors on the cytoskeleton and that vesicle movement is not rate limiting for release. The huge reservoir of vesicles that move rapidly throughout cone terminals and the lack of a reserve pool are unique features, providing cones with a steady supply for continuous release.  相似文献   

During sustained action potential (AP) firing at nerve terminals, the rates of endocytosis compared to exocytosis determine how quickly the available synaptic vesicle pool is depleted, in turn influencing presynaptic efficacy. Mechanisms, including rapid kiss-and-run endocytosis as well as local, preferential recycling of docked vesicles, have been proposed as a means to allow endocytosis and recycling to keep up with stimulation. We show here that, for CNS nerve terminals at physiological temperatures, endocytosis is sufficiently fast to avoid vesicle pool depletion during continuous AP firing at 10 Hz. This endocytosis-exocytosis balance persists for turnover of the entire releasable pool of vesicles and allows for efficient escape of FM 4-64, indicating that it is a non-kiss-and-run endocytic event. Thus, under physiological conditions, the sustained speed of vesicle membrane retrieval for the entire releasable pool appears to be sufficiently fast to compensate for exocytosis, avoiding significant vesicle pool depletion during robust synaptic activity.  相似文献   

Kuromi  Hiroshi  Kidokoro  Yoshi 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):551-565
Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (DNMJs) are malleable and its synaptic strength changes with activities. Mobilization and recruitment of synaptic vesicles (SVs), and replenishment of SV pools in the presynaptic terminal are involved in control of synaptic efficacy. We have studied dynamics of SVs using a fluorescent styryl dye, FM1-43, which is loaded into SVs during endocytosis and released during exocytosis, and identified two SV pools. The exo/endo cycling pool (ECP) is loaded with FM1-43 during low frequency nerve stimulation and releases FM1-43 during exocytosis induced by high K+. The ECP locates close to release sites in the periphery of presynaptic boutons. The reserve pool (RP) is loaded and unloaded only during high frequency stimulation and resides primarily in the center of boutons. The size of ECP closely correlates with the efficacy of synaptic transmission during low frequency neuronal firing. An increase of cAMP facilitates SV movement from RP to ECP. Post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) correlates well with recruitment of SVs from RP. Neither PTP nor post-tetanic recruitment of SVs from RP occurs in memory mutants that have defects in the cAMP/PKA cascade. Cyotochalasin D slows mobilization of SVs from RP, suggesting involvement of actin filaments in SV movement. During repetitive nerve stimulation the ECP is replenished, while RP replenishment occurs after tetanic stimulation in the absence of external Ca2+. Mobilization of internal Ca2+ stores underlies RP replenishment. SV dynamics is involved in synaptic plasticity and DNMJs are suitable for further studies.  相似文献   

The reserve pool (RP) and readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles within presynaptic nerve terminals were physiologically differentiated into distinctly separate functional groups. This was accomplished in glutamatergic nerve terminals by blocking the glutamate transporter with dl-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA; 10 microM) during electrical stimulation with either 40 Hz of 10 pulses within a train or 20- or 50-Hz continuous stimulation. The 50-Hz continuous stimulation decreased the excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude 60 min faster than for the 20-Hz continuous stimulation in the presence of TBOA (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the train stimulation and 20-Hz continuous stimulation in the run-down time in the presence of TBOA. After TBOA-induced synaptic depression, the excitatory postsynaptic potentials were rapidly (<1 min) revitalized by exposure to serotonin (5-HT, 1 microM) in every preparation tested (P < 0.05). At this glutamatergic nerve terminal, 5-HT promotes an increase probability of vesicular docking and fusion. Quantal recordings made directly at nerve terminals revealed smaller quantal sizes with TBOA exposure with a marked increase in quantal size as well as a continual appearance of smaller quanta upon 5-HT treatment after TBOA-induced depression. Thus 5-HT was able to recruit vesicles from the RP that were not rapidly depleted by acute TBOA treatment and electrical stimulation. The results support the notion that the RRP is selectively activated during rapid electrical stimulation sparing the RP; however, the RP can be recruited by the neuromodulator 5-HT. This suggests at least two separate kinetic and distinct regulatory paths for vesicle recycling within the presynaptic nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Low levels of the Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) protein produce Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a severe monogenetic disease in infants characterized by muscle weakness and impaired synaptic transmission. We report here severe structural and functional alterations in the organization of the organelles and the cytoskeleton of motor nerve terminals in a mouse model of SMA. The decrease in SMN levels resulted in the clustering of synaptic vesicles (SVs) and Active Zones (AZs), reduction in the size of the readily releasable pool (RRP), and the recycling pool (RP) of synaptic vesicles, a decrease in active mitochondria and limiting of neurofilament and microtubule maturation. We propose that SMN is essential for the normal postnatal maturation of motor nerve terminals and that SMN deficiency disrupts the presynaptic organization leading to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

L G Wu  W J Betz 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(6):3003-3009
We measured the time courses of two key components of the synaptic vesicle cycle during recovery from synaptic depression under different conditions, and used this and other information to create a kinetic model of the vesicle cycle. End plate potential (EPP) amplitudes were used to follow recovery from synaptic depression after different amounts of tetanic stimulation. This provided an estimate of the time course of vesicle mobilization from the reserve pool to the docked (readily releasable) pool. In addition, FM1-43 was used to measure the rate of membrane retrieval after tetanic stimulation, and the amount of membrane transferred to the surface membrane. This provided a measure of the rate of refilling of the reserve pool with recycled vesicles. The time courses of both synaptic depression and endocytosis were slowed by prolonged tetanic stimulation. This behavior could be fitted by a simple model, assuming a first-order kinetics for both vesicle endocytosis and mobilization. The results show that a nearly 20-fold decrease in the rate constant of endocytosis greatly delays refilling of the depleted reserve pool. However, to fully account for the slower recovery of depression, a decrease in the rate constant of vesicle mobilization from the reserve pool of about sixfold is also required.  相似文献   

The nerve terminal proteome governs neurotransmitter release as well as the structural and functional dynamics of the presynaptic compartment. In order to further define specific presynaptic subproteomes we used subcellular fractionation and a monoclonal antibody against the synaptic vesicle protein SV2 for immunoaffinity purification of two major synaptosome-derived synaptic vesicle-containing fractions: one sedimenting at lower and one sedimenting at higher sucrose density. The less dense fraction contains free synaptic vesicles, the denser fraction synaptic vesicles as well as components of the presynaptic membrane compartment. These immunoisolated fractions were analyzed using the cationic benzyldimethyl-n-hexadecylammonium chloride (BAC) polyacrylamide gel system in the first and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the second dimension. Protein spots were subjected to analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF MS). We identified 72 proteins in the free vesicle fraction and 81 proteins in the plasma membrane-containing denser fraction. Synaptic vesicles contain a considerably larger number of protein constituents than previously anticipated. The plasma membrane-containing fraction contains synaptic vesicle proteins, components of the presynaptic fusion and retrieval machinery and numerous other proteins potentially involved in regulating the functional and structural dynamics of the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Mani M  Lee SY  Lucast L  Cremona O  Di Paolo G  De Camilli P  Ryan TA 《Neuron》2007,56(6):1004-1018
Phosphoinositides have been implicated in synaptic vesicle recycling largely based on studies of enzymes that regulate phosphoinositide synthesis and hydrolysis. One such enzyme is synaptojanin1, a multifunctional protein conserved from yeast to humans, which contains two phosphoinositol phosphatase domains and a proline-rich domain. Genetic ablation of synaptojanin1 leads to pleiotropic defects in presynaptic function, including accumulation of free clathrin-coated vesicles and delayed vesicle reavailability, implicating this enzyme in postendocytic uncoating of vesicles. To further elucidate the role of synaptojanin1 at nerve terminals, we performed quantitative synaptic vesicle recycling assays in synj1(-/-) neurons. Our studies show that synaptojanin1 is also required for normal vesicle endocytosis. Defects in both endocytosis and postendocytic vesicle reavailability can be fully restored upon reintroduction of synaptojanin1. However, expression of synaptojanin1 with mutations abolishing catalytic activity of each phosphatase domain reveals that the dual action of both domains is required for normal synaptic vesicle internalization and reavailability.  相似文献   

Acute hyperglycemia has profound effects on vagally mediated gastrointestinal functions. We have reported recently that the release of glutamate from the central terminals of vagal afferent neurons is correlated directly with the extracellular glucose concentration. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that 5-HT(3) receptors present on vagal afferent nerve terminals are involved in this glucose-dependent modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in thin rat brainstem slices. Spontaneous and evoked glutamate release was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner by the 5-HT(3) receptor selective antagonist, ondansetron. Alterations in the extracellular glucose concentration induced parallel shifts in the ondansetron-mediated inhibition of glutamate release. The changes in excitatory synaptic transmission induced by extracellular glucose concentration were mimicked by the serotonin uptake inhibitor, fenfluramine. These data suggest that glucose alters excitatory synaptic transmission within the rat brainstem via actions on tonically active 5-HT(3) receptors, and the number of 5-HT(3) receptors on vagal afferent nerve terminals is positively correlated with the extracellular glucose concentration. These data indicate that the 5-HT(3) receptors present on synaptic connections between vagal afferent nerve terminals and NTS neurons are a strong candidate for consideration as one of the sites where glucose acts to modulate vagovagal reflexes.  相似文献   

Kwon SE  Chapman ER 《Neuron》2011,70(5):847-854
Despite being the most abundant synaptic vesicle membrane protein, the function of synaptophysin remains enigmatic. For example, synaptic transmission was reported to be completely normal in synaptophysin knockout mice; however, direct experiments to monitor the synaptic vesicle cycle have not been carried out. Here, using optical imaging and electrophysiological experiments, we demonstrate that synaptophysin is required for kinetically efficient endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in cultured hippocampal neurons. Truncation analysis revealed that distinct structural elements of synaptophysin differentially regulate vesicle retrieval during and after stimulation. Thus, synaptophysin regulates at least two phases of endocytosis to ensure vesicle availability during and after sustained neuronal activity.  相似文献   

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