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Rat hepatocytes are responsive to a serum factor inhibiting their progression through the cell cycle from the late G1 phase to the S phase. After fractionation of normal adult rat serum by two chromatographic steps on DEAE cellulose and sephadex gel filtration, the inhibitory activity was linked to proteins having a high electronegative charge and of apparent high molecular weight. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of active fraction showed that the α1 macroglobulin was its main component. Male and female baby rats were sensitive to the inhibitory factor from normal rats. Contrary to the normal adult rat serum the whole hepatectomized adult rat serum did not exhibit any inhibitory activity on the G1-S transition. However, two components having antagonist activities: an α1 globulin and a γ globulin, were separated by chromatographic procedures from hepatectomized rat serum.
  • a. The α1 globulin showed an inhibitory activity. It had an apparent molecular weight lower than that found in normal rats. Its activity was sex related: only male baby rats were responsive.
  • b. The factor present in the γ globulin fraction was found to be antagonistic to the α1 globulin factor. Its occurrence after hepatectomy explains the absence of inhibitory activity in the serum of hepatectomized rats.

The subcutaneous injection of irritating substances to baby rats results in a very reproducible wave of synchronized S phase DNA synthesis in hepatic cell involving 20% of the total population. Use has been made of this reaction to detect factors affecting DNA synthesis in hepatic cells. It enables substances to be tested during precise periods of the cell cycle. Two activities which were detected in normal adult rat serum, could not be found in the serum of the baby rat or of the partially hepatectomized adult rat: an activity inhibiting the progression of hepatocytes through the cell cycle in the late G1 phase, and an activity inducing the production of binucleate hepatocytes, effective in the late G1 and in the S phase.  相似文献   

Observation of division of individual cells in microdrops, plus autoradiographic studies using tritiated thymidine and standard cell cycle analysis techniques, reveal that hydroxyurea (10 DIM) reversibly arrests the normal progression of exponentially growing Tetrahymena pyriformis through the initial 92 % of S-phase while not affecting cells in the terminal 8 % and in G2 and division. Thus the fraction of the population of cells that is in G2 can be approximately determined by the fraction of the population able to divide in the presence of hydroxyurea. This fraction can be related to the approximate duration of G2 by calculations which compensate for the age gradient.  相似文献   

Epidermal cell flux at the G1-S, S-G2 and G2-M transition was examined during the first 4 hr after injection of epidermis extract. the flux parameters were estimated by a combination of several methods. the G1-S and S-G2 transit rates were calculated on the basis of a double labelling technique with [3H]TdR, the G2-M flux by means of colcemid and the relative proportion of cells in the S or G2 phase by means of flow cytometry. All experiments were performed both in early morning and late evening, corresponding to maximum and minimum rates of epidermal cell proliferation in the hairless mouse. the epidermis extract inhibited the S-G and G2-M transit rates to the same degree, while the inhibition of cell flux at the G1-S transit was consistently stronger. In general, the inhibition of cell flux at the different transitions was most pronounced when the rate of cell proliferation was low and vice versa.  相似文献   

The proliferative behaviour induced in the acinar cells of the rat submaxillary gland in response to isoprenaline has been used to examine the transit time of cells from a quiescent (G0) state into the S phase. Cumulative 3H-TdR labelling index curves were constructed to determine the mean time interval (Gis time) between stimulation with isoprenaline and entry into the S phase. Data were collected for the proliferative wave induced by three sequential injections of isoprenaline, and the effects of varying the interval between the second and third injections of isoprenaline, and of changing the dose of the drug, were examined. Intervals of 28, 52 and 76 hr between isoprenaline injections resulted in mean Gis times of 16-2, 20-9 and 25-6 hr respectively. It was concluded that the Gis time depended on the recent history of cells with respect to stimulation, but not division. The results are considered in terms of two models, in one of which the time to leave G0 is variable, whilst in the other the cells leave G0 immediately the stimulus is applied.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that mouse epidermis contains two populations of resting cells, one of which is blocked at the G1-S boundary and the other between G2 and mitosis. the ‘arrested G2 cells’ were estimated, by the labelled mitosis method, to comprise 510% of the epidermal population and presumed to function as a ‘reserve pool’ which could be activated by wounding. A comprehensive search has now been carried out for arrested G2 cells in mouse epidermis using the direct methods of single cell and flow through cytophotometry. No evidence was obtained which supports the existence of such a cell compartment. Suitable control experiments were carried out to ensure that G2 cells were not lost during the isolation of epidermal nuclei.  相似文献   

Experiments in mice on the fraction of haemopoietic stem cells in S-phase after irradiation indicated that a large fraction of the cells resting in G0 will enter S-phase after a very short interval of time.
After excluding alternative explanations it must be concluded that cells in G0 have completed all preparations for going into S-phase or, in other words, that the localization of these G0 cells in relation to other phases of the cell cycle must be between G1 and S-phase.  相似文献   

Within 3.5 to 4 hours after thionine administration, numerous small osmiophilic bodies, liposomes, appear in the endoplasmic reticulum of the liver cells. By fusion, the liposomes lead to the formation of larger collections of fat, giant liposomes. Adenine administration to ethionine-treated rats removes the liposomes from the hepatocytes and causes the transitory appearance of osmiophilic droplets in the sinusoidal space of Disse. The characteristic disaggregation of hepatic polysomes seen in the liver after ethionine administration is corrected by the injection of adenine.  相似文献   

—Lipid-free extracts of rat and human brain have been prepared and shown to contain phospholipase A1 and A2 activities and a lysophospholipase. The phospholipase Aj activity has pH optima of 4·2 and 4·6 in rat and human brain, respectively; it can be partially purified and isolated in high yields by dialysing the extracts at low pH. The purified preparations hydrolyse the ester bond at the 1-position in lecithin, phosphatidyl-ethanolamine and phosphatidylserine, but have little or no action on triglyceride or cholesterol ester. An assay system for the enzyme is described. Phospholipase A2 activity is optimal at pH 5·5 in rat brain extracts and at pH 5·0 in extracts of human brain. The phospholipase A2 activity of human cerebral cortex is largely unaffected by heating extracts at 70°C for 5 min, whereas this treatment substantially inactivates phospholipase A1 and completely destroys lysophospholipase. Phospholipase A1 is widely distributed in both grey and white matter of human brain and is also present in peripheral nerve. Phospholipase A2 activity is lower than A1 in all regions of the CNS examined so far, and is absent from peripheral nerve. Neither enzyme appears to require Ca2+ but both are inhibited by di-isopropylfluorophosphate (DFP, 2 × 10?6 m) and thus differ from phospholipase A of pancreas. These studies confirm that the phospholipase A1 and A2 activities in brain are due to separate enzymes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relative significance of CO2-fixing enzymes in the metabolism of rat brain, the subcellular distribution of pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase, as well as the fixation of H14CO3? by the cytosol and the mitochondria was investigated. Pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxykinase are mainly localized in the mitochondria whereas NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase are present in both the cytosol and the mitochondria. In the presence of pyruvate rat brain mitochondria fixed H14CO3? at a rate of about 170 nmol/g of tissue/min whereas these organelles fixed negligible amounts of H14CO3? in the presence of α-ketoglutarate or phosphoenolpyruvate. Rat brain cortex slices fixed H14CO3? at a rate of about 7 nmol/g of tissue/min and it was increased by two-fold when pyruvate was added to the incubation medium. The carboxylation of α-ketoglutarate and pyruvate by the reversal of the cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase respectively was very low as compared to that by pyruvate carboxylase. The rate of carboxylation reaction of both NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase was only about 1/10th of that of decarboxylation reaction of the same enzyme. It is suggested that under physiological conditions these two enzymes do not play a significant role in CO2-fixation in the brain. In rat brain cytosol, citrate is largely metabolized to α-ketoglutarate by a sequential action of aconitate hydratase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase. The operation of the citrate-cleavage pathway in rat brain cytosol is demonstrated. The data show that among four CO2-fixing enzymes, pyruvate carboxylase, an anaplerotic enzyme, plays the major role in CO2-fixation in the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract. 131Iododeoxyuridine (131IDU) was injected into normal and partially hepatectomized rats, and the specificity of incorporation of this thymidine analogue into liver DNA was determined 2, 24 and 48 hr following intramuscular injection. At 2 and 24 hr after 131DU injection, a major proportion of radioactivity in the liver was in the acid-soluble fraction, whereas 48 hr after injection the label in the acid-soluble fraction had decreased considerably. In liver obtained 2 hr after injection of 131IDU, only 1.8–16.6% of the total radioactivity were in DNA. If, however, the tissue was subjected to formalin fixation, the acid-soluble label was extracted selectively, and of the remaining radioactivity 64–88% was in DNA. Therefore, the radioactivity that is not extracted by formalin may be used as a measure of DNA synthesis at the time of injection of 131IDU, thus obviating time-consuming biochemical fractionation procedures.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ethyleneglycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)-N-N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) inhibited the incorporation of 32Pi into phosphatidylinositol (PI) in rat diaphragm incubated in Ca2+-free Krebs-Ringer medium. Only the labelling of the PI was altered, and no effects on the pool size of PI or on the incorporation of 32Pi into other phospholipids were observed. The effect of EGTA was concentration-dependent and appeared to be related to its Caa+-chelating properties; the inhibition of the incorporation of 32Pi could be completely reversed by the addition of excess Ca2+ but not Mg2+. The inhibitory effect of the EGTA was progressively enhanced by lengthening the preincubation of the tissue with EGTA, an observation suggesting that chelation of intracellular or membrane-bound Ca2+, rather than extracellular Ca2+, was involved in the effect. In contrast to its inhibition of the incorporation of 32Pi EGTA enhanced the incorporation of [3H]inositol into PI, but this effect was accompanied by an appreciable increase in total uptake of [3Hlinositol by the tissue. Our results suggest that the level of intracellular Ca2+ plays a role in the regulation of the incorporation of 32Pi into PI. Addition of unlabelled α-glycerophosphate to the incubation medium of tissues which had been preincubated with 2-deoxy-d -glucose failed to cause a significant diminution in the inhibition by EGTA of the incorporation of 32Pi into PI. This experiment suggests, but does not prove, that the effect of EGTA was not at the level of incorporation of 32Pi into α-glycerophosphate.  相似文献   

An autoradiographic study was made of the 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA and DNA in nucleus and cytoplasm of parenchymal cells in the regenerating liver of the mouse after a pulse time of 2 hr. After a decreased uptake of precursor into the parenchymal nucleus during the first 6 hr compared with the normal value, incorporation increased and was maximal at 36 hr; normal values were restored at 72 hr. The cytoplasmic labelling, after an initial small decrease, reached a maximum at 12 hr; this changed to normal 48 hr after hepatectomy. RNase-digestion of the liver sections left a small incorporation in both nucleus and cytoplasm: presumably DNA. This incorporation is maximal at 12 hr over the nucleus and at 24 hr over the cytoplasm. After a 2 hr pulse of 3H-thymidine, there was a marked uptake of the precursor into DNA about 24 hr after hepatectomy. This was maximal at 48 hr and reached normal values at 72 hr. A small amount of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA was seen immediately after the operation, and this population of weakly labelled nuclei was still rather large 72 hr later.  相似文献   

Abstract— The origin of fibres of a corticospinal pathway in rat brain was located by cortical ablation and Marchi staining and also by electrical stimulation of the motor cortex.
Enzyme changes investigated histochemically over 0–14 days post-injection of 5 μ10.15 m NaCl into the neocortex indicated that very little apparent disturbance of nerve cell metabolism beyond a narrow band adjacent to the path of the microneedle within the cortex had occurred. [14 C]Leucine as a precursor of protein synthesis was used to study incorporation of the amino acid into protein. At the site of injection the maximum level of labelled protein was recorded at 30 min post-injection, the level decreasing to less than 2 per cent of this at 6 hr.
The subsequent axonal flow of labelled protein along the corticospinal pathway was investigated during the period 15 min to 21 days post-injection. Within 24 hr increasing amounts of labelled proteins were measured caudally, but not more than 6 per cent had migrated beyond 5 mm from the site of injection. At 3 days this percentage had increased to 14.6 per cent, the labelled proteins being distributed in progressively decreasing amounts to a further 13 mm caudal. Very little change from this position was seen during the following 18 days.  相似文献   

—A rapid accumulation of [3H]GABA occurs in slices of rat cerebral cortex incubated at 25° or 37° in a medium containing [3H]GABA. Tissue medium ratios of almost 100:1 are attained after a 60 min incubation at 25°. At the same temperature no labelled metabolites of GABA were found in the tissue or the medium. The process responsible for [3H]GABA uptake has many of the properties of an active transport mechanism: it is temperature sensitive, requires the presence of sodium ions in the external medium, is inhibited by dinitrophenol and ouabain, and shows saturation kinetics. The estimated Km value for GABA is 2·2 × 10?5m , and Vmax is 0·115 μmoles/min/g cortex. There is only negligible efflux of the accumulated [3H]GABA when cortical slices are exposed to a GABA-free medium. [3H]GABA uptake was not affected by the presence of large molar excesses of glycine, l -glutamic acid, l -aspartic acid, or β-aminobutyrate, but was inhibited in the presence of l -alanine, l -histidine, β-hydroxy-GABA and β-guanidinopropionate. It is suggested that the GABA uptake system may represent a possible mechanism for the inactivation of GABA or some related substance at inhibitory synapses in the cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract— In in vitro experiments on rat hypothalamic homogenates the effects of biogenic amines such as histamine (HA), noradrenaline (NA), dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT) and drugs such as isoprenaline (ISP), 2-(2-pyridyl)ethylamine (H2 stimulant—Hls), 4-methyl-histamine (H2 stimulant H2s), mepyramine (H1 antagonistp Hla), cimetidine (H2 antagonist—H2a) were tested on adenylate cyclase activity. HA possessed a powerful stimulating effect on hypothalamic adenylate cyclase activity, higher than that shown by the other substances.
The stimulating effect of HA was greatest in hypothalamic tissue from male rats, while tissue from females showed only a modest stimulation. H2s, induced a greater stimulation of adenylate cyclase than Hls. On the other hand, the H2a inhibited HA stimulation to a greater extent than the Hla, Hla and H2a, when used together, completely inhibited the HA stimulation. HA may have a neurotrans-mitter role in the hypothalamus, and in this area there appears to be a mixed population of H1 and H2 receptors, with a majority of H2 receptors.  相似文献   

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