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Resumé Les grains de protéine sécrétés par la glande mammaire, révélés par le microscope électronique, peuvent s'individualiser au microscope optique à condition d'employer une technique assez fine.
Summary The protein granules secreted by the mammary gland and first revealed by electron microscopy can be seen in the light microscope, if appropriate techniques are emploied.

Avec l'aide du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

Summary The mammary glands of 185 C3H mice, ranging from 11 days post partum to old age multiparous animals in the period of involution, were studied by light- and electronmicroscopy.The secretion of milk begins at the 7th day of pregnancy. The precocity of this event is not in agreement with the classical endocrinological concept. During pregnancy the protein material is concentrated in microvesicular bodies and in small Golgi vacuoles.During lactation the concentration is initiated inside the terminal dilatations of the flattened Golgi sacs and continues in the big Golgi vacuoles.During the suckling lipid droplets are extruded together with bits of adherent cytoplasm. An explanation of the formation of cellular fragments is given.The results obtained in the mouse are compared with those of the rat, Guinea pig and rabbit during pregnancy, lactation and regression. The most important cytomorphological difference observed in the mammary glands of the 4 species rests in the intensity of the secretion process during the 2/3 of pregnancy. At this stage, the milk secretion is considerable in the mouse, well under way in the rat and only in its beginnings in the Guinea pig and the rabbit. The lipid synthesis appears in the prelactating mammary gland of the rabbit earlier than the protein synthesis.The protein granules are neither typical of lactation nor of pregnancy. They have been identified in mammary glandular cells of a few virgin mice and in rats, Guinea pigs and rabbits 3 months after the end of lactation. This fact and the catabolic activity of the mammary epithelium in prepubertal mice, show that the mammary cells are able to perform a few secretory activities also outside periods of intense hormonal stimulation (pregnancy and lactation).The cytolytic events during post-lactational and post-parturium regression in absence of lactation are compared with the results of other authors.The resorption of secretory material, which does not appear clearly recognizable in our studies, is discussed.

Cet article recouvre en partie le travail d'une thèse de doctorat d'Etat ès sciences naturelles. La thèse sera présentée en 1968 à la Faculté des Sciences de Strasbourg.  相似文献   

The hairs covering the legs of several species of female megachilid bees are arranged in imbricated fields. At the boundaries of these fields, either the hairs show a morphology intermediate between those of the contiguous fields, or there is a narrow strip with an irregular mosaïc of several hair types. It is suggested that: 1. The structure of the hairs may be determined by the territory in which the trichogenous cell is located. 2. Some morphogenetic fields are bidimensional and cross the segmentary boundaries. The name ‘regional fields’ is proposed for them. 3. The regional fields may be modulated within each segment into which they extend.  相似文献   

Policard  A.  Collet  A.  Martin  J. C. 《Cell and tissue research》1962,56(2):203-212
Resumé L'examen au microscope électronique des vaisseaux sanguins des ganglions lymphatiques du rat et de cobaye (ganglions poplités et médiastinaux) permet de préciser un certain nombre de structures au niveau des capillaires et de veinules post-capillaires.On observe des capillaires sanguins de type habituel, des capillaires à double membrane basale avec un endothélium relativement épais.Les veinules postcapillaires ont une structure complexe: basale multilamellaire, cellules endothéliales hautes infiltrées de lymphocytes et cellules fusiformes au voisinage de la basale. Une sortie des lymphocytes du sang semble avoir heu à ce niveau.  相似文献   

Resumé L'ultrastructure de la cuticule et des éléments qui lui sont associés, a été étudiée chez trois espèces de Cestodes. Les résultats ont été interprétés en vue: 1. de donner un support morphologique aux fonctions d'absorption dont la cuticule est le siège, 2. d'établir une analogie histologique avec un épithélium intestinal. Chez deux espèces de Cestodes (Pseudophyllides) des éléments particuliers, les organites rhabdomorphes, ont été découverts dans la cuticule. Différentes voies morphologiquement possibles pour l'absorption des substances exogènes sont discutées.
Summary Ultrastructure of cuticle and associated structures has been studied in three species of Cestodes. Results have been interpreted in the two following ways: 1. To give a morphological basis to functions of absorption which occur at this level, 2. to furnish an histological analogy with an intestinal epithelium. In two species of Cestodes (Pseudophyllideans), particular elements, the so-called rhabdomorphous organites, have been found in the cuticle. Different morphologically possible pathways for absorption of exogenous substances are discussed.

Travail ayant bénéficié de l'appui du Fond National Suisse pour la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Based on recent discoveries of Murid species in Pakistan and Afghanistan, two Asiatic autochtonous lineagesare proposed. Two forms from the African Pliocene seem to be related to these lineages. On this set of data, a new faunal province can be defined at the Mio-Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   

Structures of biological membranes: Localisation of galoctosyldiglycerides in chloroplasts by means of specific antibodiesII. Treatment with peroxidase: electron microscope studyThe results obtained in this study confirm that the outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope contains galactosyldiglycerides and that these molecules are uniformly distributed over the membrane surface. The results show that the galactosyldiglyceride molecules that are accessible to antibodies at the level of the thylakoids are distributed over the membrane surface in discrete patches.  相似文献   

Histories of radish seedlings liave been characterised by comparison with pea histones extracted and purified under the same conditions. Submitted to acrylamide gel analysis the radish histones are resolved into main protein bands comparable to those of pea or calf thymus histones. However, protein bands of lesser importance which are not to be found in electrophoretic profils of pea or calf thymus histones, appear together with the main bands of radish histones. Study of these supplementary proteins through isoelectric focusing makes it possible to distinguish two groups: contaminating acid proteins and weakly basic proteins characterised by their high amide content.  相似文献   

Résumé Une méthode de dosage de l'histamine dans le poisson a été développée et testée. Elle consiste en une extraction par l'acide trichloroacétique (TCA) à 10% suivie d'une purification sur résine Amberlite CG50 (100–200 mesh), et détermination colorimétrique par spectrophotométrie à 475 mm, après réaction avec la para-nitroaniline diazotée. La limite de détection est de 0.4 mg d'histamine/100g de poisson (0.4mg%). Le domaine de linéarité est compris entre 0.4 et 35mg%, mais la plus grande reproductibilité est observée entre 10 et 20mg%. Le taux de récupération de la colonne d'Amberlite est de 100% lorsque le pH de l'extrait vaut 4.62 et de 89% lorsque celui-ci vaut 7.0. L'efficacité de la purification de l'histamine sur résine a été confirmée par Chromatographie sur couche mince. Cette méthode a été utilisée pour évaluer le niveau d'histamine dans 100 boîtes de sardines marocaines. Des taux d'histamine compris entre 0.4 et 102mg% ont été trouvées, avec une moyenne de 11mg% et un écart type de 4mg%. 74% des boîtes renfermaient de faibles doses en histamine (<10mg%) tandis que 21% des boîtes contenaient des doses comprises entre 10 et 50mg%. 5% des boîtes contenaient des charges élevées (>50mg%), susceptibles d'induire des intoxications scombroïdiques. L'accumulation de l'histamine dans la sardine fraîche a été retardée par utilisation de glace. L'efficacité du stockage sous glace a été améliorée par salage à 8% (poids/poids). La dose de 50mg% est atteinte après 75 h dans la sardine sous glace sans sel et après 110 h dans la sardine sous glace et salée à 8% tandis qu'elle est déjà atteinte après 8 à 10 h à température ambiante avec ou sans sel.
Histamine in the Moroccan sardine, fresh and preserved. Evolution in the storage under ice and with salt
Summary A method for the determination of histamine in fish was developed and tested. It consists in an extraction by a 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution followed by purification on Amberlite CG50 (100–200 mesh) and colorimetric determination by spectrophotometry at 475 nm after reaction with diazo-p-nitroaniline. The limit of detection was 0.4 mg histamine in 100 g fish (0.4mg%). The linearity ranged between 0.4 and 35mg%, but the best reproducibility was observed between 10 and 20mg%. The recovery yield from the Amberlite column was 100% when the pH of the extract was 4.62, and 89% when it was 7.0. The efficiency of the histamine purification on resin was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography. This method was utilized to evaluate the level of histamine in 100 cans of Moroccan sardines. Levels of histamine between 0.4 and 102 mg% were found, with a mean of 11mg% and a standard error of 4 mg%. 74% of the cans contained low amounts of histamine (<10mg), whereas 21% of the cans contained between 10 and 50 mg%. 5% of the cans contained large amounts of histamine (>50mg), susceptible to induce scombronic intoxications. Accumulation of histamine in fresh sardines was retarded when utilizing ice. The efficiency of storage under ice was improved by adding 8% salt (w/w). Levels of 50 mg% histamine were reached after 75 h in fresh sardines under ice without salt, and after 110h under ice and salted at 8%, whereas they already reached this value after 8–10h at ambient temperature with or without salt.

Examination under the scanning electron microscope of paleozoic ostracode tests is limited by the conservationof the shells. When the fossilized specimens are stuck on the top of a delicate wire with a varnish, they are observable from various sides without changing the preparation.  相似文献   

Culture conditions, allowing the unlimited growth and maintenance in shaken suspensions of a kinetin dependent strain of tobacco pith cells, were determined. Cell clusters from 1 to 25 cells were selected from the cultures to study the cell multiplication after addition of specific growth factors to the basal medium. Cell division was found to be strictly dependent upon the presence in the medium of both kinetin and auxin. In complete medium the generation period was 45 to 49 hours. Kinetics of the total protein synthesis in the cell suspensions have been measured either by estimation of protein nitrogen or by 35S incorporation into the proteins. After 3 days of culture, growth was exponential, as expressed by cell number or protein synthesis, which varied proportionally. Evidence was also found that the initial incorporation rate of radioactivity into the proteins was more rapid than expected from the increment of the protein net weight. It seems therefore reasonable to assume that a significant amount of protein turn over does exist during the initial period of growth. This phenomenon was observed even when no cell division occurred. Kinetin significantly activated protein synthesis, whether or not auxin was present in the medium.  相似文献   

Histological subtypes of lymphomas are important because FDG uptake is much greater in aggressive than in indolent lymphomas and this, results in lower sensitivity of PET for the staging of indolent lymphomas. Staging is especially useful when treatment is changed according to staging. Staging with imaging methods has traditionally been performed using a CT scanner and has been based on the detection of nodal enlargement, an increased number of small nodes and in the presence of extranodal masses. However, CT is limited by its poor sensitivity in the detection of extranodal sites of involvement, in the identification of tumour involvement of normal size lymph nodes and in the differentiation between malignant and inflammatory enlarged lymph nodes. The uptake of FDG detected with PET images reflects metabolic activity rather than the size of the tissue masses, localizing tumoral activity in enlarged and in normal size lymph nodes. In the literature review that compares PET with CT, PET usually indicates more lesions than CT would and PET improves sensitivity without losing specificity. However, the majority of studies report that PET, improves the staging in a relatively limited number of patients (10-20%) and may change treatment in less than 10% of patients. Diagnostic accuracy of PET may improve with the use of hybrid PET/CT systems that combine metabolic and morphological imaging, in the same scanner and without moving the patient. This is a promising technique that will overcome the limitations of both modalities and may enhance diagnostic accuracy in lymphoma patients. This hybrid equipment allows the use of PET/CT with contrast-enhanced full dose CT (a diagnostic CT) instead of carrying out PET and CT on different days.  相似文献   

The activities of digestive enzymes were studied during the course of larval development (from hatching to 30 days) in the sole, Solea solea. No glycosidase activity was present, but alkaline proteolytic activity increased from hatching to day 5, then decreased until day 15. In the acid range, proteolytic activity was relatively stable from the 10th to the 30th day. There were also changes in the number of esterase-like isozymes which increased between day 20 and 30, with minimum activity observed during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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