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海南隔距兰属植物6个种的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用压片法对海南产隔距兰属植物6个种,即:大序隔距兰Cleisostoma paniculatum(ker—Gawl.)Garay、短序隔距兰C.striatum(Rchb.f.)Garay、短茎隔距兰C.parishii(Hook.f.)Garay、金塔隔距兰C.filiforme,(Lindl.)Garay、尖喙隔距兰C.rostratum(Lodd.)Seidenf.、红花隔距兰C.williamsonii(Rchb.f)Garay的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。结果如下:大序隔距兰2n=2x=38:36m+2sm;短序隔距兰2n=2x=38=2M+36m;短茎隔距兰2n=2x=38=2M+34m+2sin;金塔隔距兰2n=2x=38=38m;尖喙隔距兰2n=2x=38=36m+2sin;红花隔距兰2n=2x=38=34m+4sm(2SAT)。主要由正中部着丝点区染色体组成。除尖喙隔距兰核型分类为1A型外,其他的都为1B型。  相似文献   

我国扁桃属植物的染色体数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察了我国扁桃属(Amygdalus)植物的染色体数。其结果:1.普通扁桃A. communis L. 2n=16;2.榆叶梅A. triloba(Lindl.)Ricker 2n=64;3.长柄扁桃A. pedunculata Pall. 2n=96;4.蒙古扁桃A. mongolica(Maxim.)Yü2n=16;5.西康扁桃A. tangutica Korsh. 2n=16;6.矮扁桃A. ledehouriana Schlecht 2n=16。以上这些结果表明,在我国丰富的扁桃种质资源中,多倍体的潜力还相当大,这对我国今后培育扁桃新品种无疑是特别值得注意的。  相似文献   

中国苹果属植物染色体数目报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文观察了中国苹果属植物17个种22个材料的染色体数目。观察结果指出,多倍体在全部研究材料中占44.6%,其中有些种因材料来源不同,其倍数性各异。本结果可供我国苹果遗传育种参考。  相似文献   

栝楼属8种植物的染色体数目   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栝楼属8种植物的染色体数目黄潞琦,乐崇熙,李懋学(中国中医研究院中药研究所,北京100700)(北京大学生物系,北京100871)关键词栝楼属,染色体数目CHROMOSOMENUMBERSOF8SPECIESINTRICHOSANTHES¥HUANG...  相似文献   

描述了在中国安徽发现的水晶兰属一新变种:霍山水晶兰Monotropa uniflora L.var.huoshanensis X.L.Zhao。该变种与原变种水晶兰M.uniflora L.相似,但本变种的花梗有褐色长柔毛,成熟时蒴果果柄弯曲向下而易区别。  相似文献   

五种中国秋海棠属植物的染色体数目   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对 5种中国秋海棠属 (BegoniaL .)植物的体细胞染色体数目进行了报道 ,分别为 :小叶秋海棠B parvulaL啨vl.etVant .2n =2 8;石生秋海棠B lithophilaC .Y .Wu 2n =2 4 ;木里秋海棠B muliensisY櫣 2n =2 4 ;蕺叶秋海棠B limprichtiiIrmsch .2n =2 2 ;以及二室组sectionPlatycentrum的一个未知种B sp . 2n =2 0。  相似文献   

十二种国产兰科植物的染色体数目   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

中国苹果属植物染色体观察   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文采用去壁低渗法,对原产我国的22种37个类型的苹果属植物的染色体数目进行 了观察,发现它们有2n=34、51、68三种类型,多倍体种占41%,其中以三倍体种类居多,沧江海棠、西蜀海棠、尖嘴林檎、昭觉红花的染色体数以及花红中的四倍体类型均为首次报道。  相似文献   

国产十四种苋属植物的染色体数目   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了国产14种苋属植物的染色体数目。部分种的染色体数目为2n=34,即反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus,刺苋A.spinosus,红苋A.cruentus,腋花苋A.roxburghianus,合被苋A.polygonoides,皱果苋A. viridis,凹头苋A.lividus,苋A.tricolor。其他种的染色体数目为2n=32,即尾穗苋A.caudatus,绿穗苋A. hybridus,千穗谷A.hypochendriacus,繁穗苋A.paniculatus,北美苋A.blitoides,白苋A.albus。其中腋花 苋的染色体数目为首次报道。该属染色体基数为x=16,17。两种染色体基数在苋属2个组(sect.Ama- ranthus和sect.Blitopsis)中均存在。由于苋属植物染色体大多为小型染色体,因此对苋属植物目前尚不 能进行详尽的核型分析。  相似文献   

The myco-heterotroph Monotropa hypopitys is a perennial, circumboreally distributed herb of significant importance in studies of nonphotosynthetic plant biology. To address a deficiency in our knowledge of myco-heterotroph population genetics, 11 microsatellite markers were developed using a cost-effective, nonradioactive protocol. Multiplex reactions revealed polymorphism in the red and yellow colour forms of M. hypopitys with an average of 2.69 alleles per primer. Many primers additionally amplified in the congener Monotropa uniflora and five other closely related genera. This is the first report of microsatellite primer development and amplification in the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae).  相似文献   

报道了石竹科细蝇子草(Silene gracilicaulis)的染色体数目及核型。染色体数目2n=24,染色体核型公式为2n=2x=24=22m 2sm,属2A核型。  相似文献   

This paper reports the chromosome numbers of 74 species of scattered bamboos growing in China, 65 of which are first reported.  相似文献   

This is the third report of chromosome numbers of Umbelliferae after 1981 and 1985, which deals with 24 species and varieties of 15 genera including 2 endemic genera and 10 endemic species, and most of them are distributed in southwestern China. Of them, 18 counts are newly reported. The taxonomic significance is discussed in relation with their basic numbers, translocation heterozygote and polyploids. It is considered that polyploids are wide-spread in Hydrocotyle L. 4, 6, 7, 8 are the basic numbers of Bupleurum L. which provides the cytological evidence for further study on their evolutionary process. n=9 and 10 occurrespectively in two different sections of Pimpinella L. and their basic numbers may be used for classification at the section level. The ring formation of four chromosomes at diakinesis of Heracleum henryi Wolff reveals that translocation heterozygotes is one of the factors in specific differentiation of Umbelliferae.  相似文献   

报道了广义报春苣苔属14种3变种和7个未定名种的染色体数目,并对其近缘属——广义石山苣苔属的3个种也进行了细胞学研究。结合最近的分类处理和系统发育假设,对所得结果和以前发表的染色体数据进行了综合分析, 结果表明:广义报春苣苔属的染色体数目为2n=36,基数为x=18,表现出高度稳定性。染色体相对较小,以中间着丝粒和亚中间着丝粒染色体为主。尽管一些类群的染色体大小之间存在微小差异,但是染色体形态的均一性和染色体数目的一致性有力地支持分子系统学的研究结果。另外,相同的染色体数目及相似的染色体形态也表明广义报春苣苔属和广义石山苣苔属的亲缘关系较近,与分子系统学的结果一致。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for six Australian taxa ofEuphrasia have been determined. Improved staining techniques have shown that numbers for four of the taxa published previously by the first author were incorrect. The investigated taxa show high ploidy levels with an apparent base number of x = 11, the same as for the genus outside Australia.Dedicated to Prof. DrElisabeth Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.  相似文献   

国产姜科植物的染色体计数(5)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 本文继续对7属15种国产姜科植物作染色体计数观察,其中10种是染色体计数的新纪录(表、图)。通过对黄花大苞姜(Caulokaempferia coenobialis)和大苞姜(C.yunnanensis)以及凹唇姜(Bosenbevgia rotunda)和心叶凹唇姜(B.fallax)的染色体观察,确定了大苞姜属(Caulokaempferia)和凹唇姜属(Bosenbergia)的染色体基数分别为12和9。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for eight of the nine Western AustralianVillarsia species.Villarsia albiflora, V. calthifolia, V. capitata, V. congestiflora, V. lasiosperma, V. latifolia, andV. violifolia are diploid with n=9. Five populations ofV. parnassiifolia are diploid and three are tetraploid (n=18). The morphological, ecological, and breeding-system diversity of the Western Australian species is largely not associated with the tetraploidy or hexaploidy that characterizes otherVillarsia species in eastern Australia and South Africa. The majority of Western AustralianVillarsia species are restricted to the high rainfall zone of southwestern Western Australia, where favorable climatic and edaphic conditions may have existed since mid-late Tertiary times.  相似文献   

<正> 本文继续报道对国产姜科植物8属15种所作的染色体计数观察的结果,其中9种是染色体计数的新记录(表1、图1),并初步确定茴香砂仁属Achasma和喙花姜属Rhynchanthus的染色体基数分别为12和11。  相似文献   

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