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In April 2009 two specimens of a terrestrial flatworm were collected from under a rock in an orchard at Ciutadella de Menorca on the easternmost Balearic island of Menorca (Spain). Their external morphology suggested that both specimens belonged to the invasive blue planarian Caenoplana coerulea, a species which is native to eastern Australia. Sequence data of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and of the entire 18S ribosomal RNA confirm its identification. This is one of the first records of the species in Europe where it has only been found in one locality in the United Kingdom, France and NE Spain.  相似文献   

The presence of the shrew Nesiotites in Menorca is not yet adequately explained. Some authors consider that its ancestor arrived during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, as happened in Mallorca. Other authors consider that fossil populations in Menorca are the result of a later migration from Mallorca. In this work, several biometrical and morphological characters of abundant fossil populations from both islands have been studied. The results indicate that Early Pleistocene populations in Mallorca and Menorca are rather indistinguishable. Therefore, an early post-Messinian (Pliocene) isolation of Nesiotites in both islands is quite unlikely.  相似文献   

Rupicolous plants coming from a single Balearic locality are described as a new species, Helianthemum scopulicolum . The plant is diploid (2n=20) and belongs to Helianthemum subgenus Helianthemum sect. Helianthemum . On morphological grounds, Helianthemum scopulicolum is related to some members of the H. apenninum aggregate, notably H. apenninum s.l., H. asperum and H. violaceum . However, the new species can be distinguished on the basis of leaves green, shining, glabrescent on the adaxial surface, deciduous short bracts, glabrescent inner sepals lacking long setae and pink-purple flowers.  相似文献   

Classifying fossil teeth of Erinaceinae (spiny hedgehogs) is a challenging task, because of their scanty record and systematic treatment that heavily relies on skull characteristics. In this paper we describe the complete set of isolated dental elements of Erinaceinae from the upper Miocene sediments of the Teruel Basin (eastern Central Spain). Four different species were recognized: Postpalerinaceus cf. vireti, Atelerix aff. depereti, Atelerix steensmai nov. sp., and a form classified as Erinaceinae genus and species indet. All four are relatively derived in showing multi-purpose dentitions, not showing only adaptations to insectivory, but also to carnivory, herbivory and possibly durophagy/malacophagy. The temporal occurrence of spiny hedgehogs during the middle to late Miocene in the Teruel Basin and neighboring Calatayud-Montalbán Basin peaks within periods of relative aridity, a correlation consistent with modern geographic distribution. Messinian cooling is the best candidate for explaining a remarkable demise of Erinaceinae at 7 Ma.  相似文献   

Femeniasia balearica is the only representative of its genus and is endemic to a small area on the northern coast of Minorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). The entire range of the species covers only 18 km of coastline. It is extremely rare and classified as endangered in the National Catalogue of Threatened Species and as a priority species in the EU Habitats Directive. We carried out a census of current population size and estimated genetic diversity based on AFLP markers to facilitate conservation of this unique species. In the 66 individuals analysed (∼10% of population), 225 bands were scored and the level of diversity was relatively high. Three divergent population groups corresponding to geographical areas (Western, Central and Eastern) were identified. In AMOVA and Bayesian analyses, most of the diversity was found within populations but there was strong differentiation between the three population groups. Genetic and geographical distances between the populations were strongly correlated. Our results show that the populations of F. balearica are not genetically depauperate, in spite of their small sizes. Unexpectedly, our results suggest that as many as three MUs (management units) should be recognized in this very small area, because the low levels of gene flow among them indicate contemporary demographic independence.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 97–107.  相似文献   

New information about the vegetational history of the Balearic Islands during part of the Holocene derives from the results of a pollen study of a 20‐metre‐deep core from Cala Galdana on the SW coast of Minorca.

The lower part of the pollen diagram at the beginning of the Atlantic Period records significant quantities of pollen of Corylus and also local taxa indicating swamp vegetation. In the middle part, Corylus is greatly reduced, AP percentages decrease appreciably and Olea and Ericaceae reach important values, while Plantago Poaceae and Cerealia increase significantly. In the upper part, a rise in Chenopodiaceae occurs, during which a slight increase of the arboreal taxa takes place with greater dryness. Most recently, vegetation changes reflect human activity.  相似文献   

This paper reports a previously unknown leaf-flora from the Upper Oligocene/Lower Miocene of the Ebro Basin, NE Spain, a period with a relatively poor vascular-plant fossil record in Southern Europe. The presence of Acrostichum sp. is also important. This fern is extremely significant from the point of view of palaeoecology and the depositional environment. The macroflora appears to yield sufficient morphological characteristics to be identified at genus level, and sometimes at species level, although cuticles are not preserved. This article presents the first data obtained from the new outcrop at La Val; the following families have been identified: Pteridaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Equisetaceae, Pinaceae, Lauraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Betulaceae, Myricaceae and Salicaceae. The fossil plant assemblage is correlated with the Cadibona floristic complex (Mai, Tertiäre Vegetationsgeschichte Europas. Methoden und Ergebnisse, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 691 pp., 1995) and suggests a subtropical-to-warm temperate climate, rainy and wet, with a short dry season. The age of the assemblage is Late Oligocene/Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Twenty-five species of aquatic Heteroptera were collected from the Balearic Islands. Five are first records (Sigara nigrolineata, Micronecta scholtzi, Ranatra linearis, Notonecta meridionalis and Hebrus pusillus). Previous records are also discussed.The spatial structure of the communities on the Islands is analysed. The different abundance of species and their characteristic habitats are identified.The species associations for each island are established through factorial analysis (correspondence analysis); a total of 8 associations are defined. They represent permanent habitats, with the exception of one, characteristic of seasonal ponds of Mallorca. Within the permanent lentic habitats, a clear difference occurs between artificial habitats (albercas: stone or cemented man-made irrigation ponds) and natural pond habitats.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the livestock viral disease bluetongue (BT) was detected during September and October 2000 in the Balearic Islands, Spain. Due to the lack of information about the species of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) reported in the affected area, six farms in Majorca, four in Minorca and one in Ibiza were selected to carry out surveillance of Culicoides adults using light traps. Here, for the first time, we report the presence in the Balearic Islands of Culicoides imicola Keiffer, the main vector of BT, and the Culicoides obsoletus Meigen group.  相似文献   

M. Boi  L. Llorens 《Aerobiologia》2013,29(3):385-397
This aeropalynological study documented the pollen of 13 taxa with the highest concentration in the air of Palma de Mallorca during the years 2004–2010, using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. The taxa were Cupressaceae, Olea europaea, Platanus hispanica, Pinus spp., Parietaria judaica, Urtica membranacea, Quercus ilex, Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Plantago spp., Castanea sativa, Pistacia lentiscus and Betula spp. These taxa accounted for 91.85 % of the total annual pollen recorded during the period. The mean annual pollen index was 20,027. The highest pollen counts occurred in February–June, representing 88.74 % of the annual total collected. Every year, there was a substantial increase in the concentration and types of pollen from March to May, followed by a decrease from July to January. The maximum annual total pollen count was recorded in 2005 with 25,870 and the minimum in 2009 with 14,726. The mean daily average pollen concentration count showed a declining trend over the study period. With respect to seasonal phases analysed, the later phase of the pollen season is more variable than the beginning. To observe the overall dynamics of the different pollen types better, a pollen calendar was established for Palma de Mallorca. The pollen calendar had typical Mediterranean features and is a useful tool for allergological and botanical awareness.  相似文献   

A new diploid species, Biscutella ebusitana is described from coastal cliffs of the western Balearic islands. It is related to B. sempervirens L. and B. montana Cav. from which it can be distinguished by a combination of vegetative (shape, size, petiole and hairs of leaves, petiolatc leaves) and reproductive features (shape of inflorescence, calyx indument). Earlier Balearic records of B. frutescens Coss. should be referred to B. ebusitana.  相似文献   

Fossil faecal pellets with internal structures are described from non-marine environments for the first time. In the Late Triassic Lehrberg Beds (Middle Keuper, Carnian) of Germany, the oldest stratigraphic record of the form genusHelicerina Brönnimann &Masse,Helicerina keuperina Seegis n. sp., occurs.Favreina kalankyra Ebli from the Norian Hauptdolomit Formation is also attributed to this genus. Another new speciesof Helicerina, H. ruttei Schweigert n. sp., is described from the Early Miocene calcareous freshwater tufas of Southern Germany. It is attributed to the brachyuran freshwater crabProballaya quenstedti (Zittel) which occurs abundantly at the same locality. Hence, the coprolite genusHelicerina is the product of brachyuran decapods or their Triassic ancestors, and not of anomuran decapods as thought before. From younger Early to Middle Jurassic pelagic ferrugineous limestones of the Subbetic area (Southern Spain), the new speciesFavreina belandoi Fels n. sp. is described besidesHelicerina siciliana Senowbari-Daryan, Schäfer &Catalano, and the better known speciesPalaxius salataensis Brönnimann, Cros &Zaninetti. The number of canals withinFavreina belandoi varies but is clearly correlated with different ontogenetic stages of the same producer. From the Late Jurassic of Portugal, the new speciesPetalina hexalunulata Leinfelder n. gen. n. sp. is reported. It co-occurs withFavreina prusensis (Paréjas). The new genusPetalina is distinct fromFavreina by its hemispherical cross sections of the canals. In Portugal, both species are restricted to intrajurassic marine karstic fissures of the reefal Ota Limestone.  相似文献   

Bartomeu Seguí 《Ibis》2002,144(3):411-422
A new genus and species of crane is described from Late Tertiary karstic deposits in Punta Nati-Cala's Pous, in the north-west of Menorca. The coracoid, the ends of the distal and proximal tibiotarsus, the proximal and distal ends of the tarsometatarsus (the latter is not well preserved) and the femur have been recovered, in what is one of the best osteological series of a crane pre-dating the Pleistocene. The morphology of the fossil is mainly coincident with the Gruinae, especially with recent Grus . However, its size and some symplesiomorphic features of the distal end of the tibiotarsus and of the coracoid are coincident with Balearica , and automorphic characters are also found mainly in the proximal end of the tibiotarsus. The combination of characters justifies the creation of a new genus that is considered basal in the Gruinae.  相似文献   

A new species, Bellium artrutxensis (Asteraceae: Astereae), is described from the therophytic pastures of southern Minorca (Balearic Islands). The analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences showed that the new taxon was closely related to Bellium bellidioides , but differed with regard to the annual lifespan, the absence of epigeal stolons, and the presence of a patent eglandular indumentum on the leaves. The new taxon shows morphological features that are well suited for the colonization of dry environments with a marked summer drought, and may be of adaptive significance. The new species is diploid (2 n  = 18) and shows up to two accessory chromosomes in root tissues. B chromosomes have not been reported previously in other species of Bellium .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 65–77.  相似文献   

Ranunculus weyleri is a species endemic to Mallorca Island (western Mediterranean basin) that is currently threatened due to its reduced geographical distribution and disjunct, isolated populations. It is a small, perennial herb that inhabits rocky environments, together with other endemic plants with creeping life-forms. In the present study, for the first time the reproductive biology of the species was investigated in terms of its floral phenology (floral stages and times of formation), pollen/ovule (P/O) ratios, and fruit and seed setting under natural and pollen manipulation experiments, assessing the breeding system, pollination vectors and pollen limitations. Cross-pollinations among populations were performed to evaluate the levels of compatibility between populations. In addition, the floral displays and the reproductive outputs of four wild populations were determined. The observed high P/O ratios, results of the hand-pollination experiments, and flower traits indicate that this species is predominantly allogamous. Combinations of both insects (belonging to Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera) and wind (ambophily) constitute the main pollination vectors, and pollen limitation was observed. Interpopulation crossing was effective, and exogamic depression was not present, as evidenced by the fecundity levels. The predation of the floral stems by herbivores (mainly goats) severely limits the reproductive success of this endemic species in wild populations. Finally, several ways of action are proposed for R. weyleri conservation.  相似文献   

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