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In order to determine the best conditions, the influence of various parameters on the haemolymph lipid concentration were studied. These parameters are the age, the sex and the feeding of the animals, the time and the number of the haemolymph sample-taking and the temperature of the locust culture. A large in vivo increase in haemolymph lipid concentration was obtained in locusts which received extracts of the whole CC and of their glandular or neurohemal lobes. Reversely, a decrease in this concentration was obtained in locusts operated 7 days before (cardiacectomy or glandular lobe removal). Moreover the pars intercerebralis extracts increased the level of haemolymph lipids. We conclude that adipokinetic factors are present, both in the glandular lobes of the CC and in their neurohemal lobes. It is likely that the latter partly originate from the pars intercerebralis. Results of allatectomy and injections of corpora allata extracts led to the conclusion that corpora allata contain an adipokinetic factor, the juvenile hormone. and factors that inhibit the haemolymph lipid concentration. Finally, from different injections of neurotransmitters and drugs it is argued that it is mainly octopamine which is involved in the mechanism governing the increase of the level of haemolymph lipids.  相似文献   

Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP)-like immunoreactivity was identified in neurons of the VIIIth abdominal ganglion and in axons in the nerves that project to the spermatheca of 3-4 week old adult female locusts. In addition, lightly stained CCAP-like immunoreactive processes were localized over the spermathecae. The amount of CCAP in the spermathecal tissue was quantified using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) performed on extracts of the whole spermatheca, and on its constituent parts, namely the sperm sac, coiled duct and straight duct. The spermatheca contains 920+/-273 fmol (mean+/-SE) of CCAP equivalents, with the majority localized in the coiled duct. There are age-related differences in the amount of CCAP present in the spermathecae with less content in spermathecae from 1 to 5 day old and greater content in spermathecae from 3 to 4 week old adults. There was also no difference in CCAP content of spermathecae in mated and virgin 3 to 4 week old adults. Reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) followed by ELISA further confirmed the presence of CCAP-like material in extracts of locust spermathecae. Physiological assays demonstrated that CCAP increased the basal tonus and frequency of spontaneous contractions of the spermatheca, with thresholds between 10(-10) and 10(-9)M and maxima at 10(-7)M CCAP. CCAP also increases the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions with a threshold less than 10(-11)M and a maximum of 10(-7)M CCAP. The present study suggests that CCAP acts as a neuromodulator/neurotransmitter at the spermathecal visceral tissue of female Locusta migratoria.  相似文献   

The innervation of the spermatheca and demonstration of neural control of spermathecal contractions in Locusta migratoria was illustrated using anterograde and retrograde fills, combined with electrophysiological stimulation and recording. The anterior portion of the spermatheca receives innervation via the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) from two large ventral neurons and one dorsal neuron. All were bilaterally paired and situated in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion. Three ventral bilaterally paired neurons situated in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion also provide innervation to the posterior portion of the spermatheca via the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3). Six DUM neurons, located in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion, in addition to two centroposteriorly situated DUM neurons in the VIIth abdominal ganglion, are also associated with these two nerves. N2B4 also provides innervation to the posterior portion of the spermatheca. N2B6b is associated with sensory cells identified in the anterior lateral regions of the genital chamber. The spermatheca contracts spontaneously, with peristaltic contractions beginning at the spermathecal sac and continuing along the length of the spermathecal duct. However electrical stimulation of the ventral ovipositor nerve (VON or N2B), receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) and the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3) indicates that contractions are also under neural control. In particular contractions of the spermathecal sac, coil duct and anterior straight duct are initiated via motor projections from the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) and posterior straight duct contractions are controlled by motor input from the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3). The results suggest that spermathecal contractions of the anterior and posterior portions of the spermatheca are under separate neural control.  相似文献   

Tyramine-like immunoreactivity was identified in neurons of the VIIIth abdominal ganglion and in axons projecting to the spermatheca of adult females of Locusta migratoria. Tyramine-like immunoreactive processes were also found throughout all regions of the spermatheca and tyramine-like immunoreactive bipolar or multipolar neurons were present on the spermathecal sac. HPLC coupled with electrochemical detection revealed more tyramine than octopamine present in spermathecal tissue. Electrical stimulation of the ventral ovipositor nerve resulted in a significant increase in calcium-dependent release of tyramine from the spermatheca. Both tyramine and octopamine increase the frequency and basal tonus of spermathecal contractions in a dose-dependent manner, with octopamine having a lower threshold. When tyramine is applied along with a half maximal octopamine dose, there is an additive effect on contractions of the spermatheca with slight synergistic effects at lower doses of tyramine. High concentrations of tyramine (10(-4)M) stimulated increases in cyclic AMP levels of the spermatheca; an effect blocked by phentolamine. Phentolamine has a higher affinity (and thus a lower IC(50) value congruent with5.6x10(-8)M) than yohimbine (IC(50) congruent with1.1x10(-4)M) in reducing tyramine-induced spermathecal contractions. Taken together, these results suggest that tyramine may be a co-transmitter with octopamine at the spermatheca, with both neuroactive chemicals acting on an octopamine receptor.  相似文献   

飞蝗研究进展   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
飞蝗作为农业重大害虫,其分布遍及欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳洲。全世界共有10个亚种,我国有3个亚种。飞蝗不但分布广,而且数量多、发生频率高,危害极为严重。作者在查阅了国内外近20年文献资料的基础上,结合我国蝗害情况,分别从形态、组织、生理、生化、遗传、毒力及分子系统学等方面综述了国内外飞蝗的研究进展,以期对我国飞蝗的基础及应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Aspects of the role and activation of the enzyme triacylglycerol lipase (TAG lipase) in the fat body of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria were investigated. TAG lipase is under the hormonal control of the three endogenous adipokinetic peptides of the migratory locust, Locmi-AKH-I, Locmi-AKH-II and Locmi-AKH-III. Injection of low doses (5-10 pmol) of each peptide causes an increase in lipase activity. The activation of lipase is time dependent: an elevated activity was recorded 15 min after injection of 10 pmol Locmi-AKH-I and maximum activation was reached after 45-60 min. The activation of TAG lipase is also dose-dependent. Doses of 2 pmol of each Locmi-AKH had no effect, whereas 5 pmol caused a significant activation. Maximum activation is reached with a dose of 10 pmol. Analogues of the second messengers cAMP (cpt-cAMP) and IP(3) (F-IP(3)) both activate the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase whereas only cpt-cAMP, but not F-IP(3), activates TAG lipase; cpt-cAMP elevates the lipid levels in the haemolymph. Activation of lipase is specific to the three endogenous AKH peptides: 5 pmol of the endogenous peptide Locmi-HrTH and 10 pmol of corazonin failed to activate lipase. High doses of octopamine did not activate lipase nor did they elevate the lipid concentration in the haemolymph. TAG lipase is stimulated by flight activity but activation is slower than that of glycogen phosphorylase: after 30 min of flight or after 5 min of flight plus 1h of subsequent rest, activity of TAG lipase is increased, but not immediately after 5 min of flight. In contrast, glycogen phosphorylase is activated significantly after 5 min of flight. These activation patterns of the two enzymes mirror-image the concentration of their substrates in the haemolymph: there is a significant decrease in the concentration of carbohydrates after 5 min of flight, whereas no change of the concentration of lipids can be measured after such short time of flight activity; however, a subsequent rest period of 1h is sufficient to increase the lipid concentration.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(3):441-447
Proteins were extracted from the still unhardened (teneral) cuticle of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. The proteins are soluble only at extreme pH-values and at low ionic strength, the solubility increases with decreasing temperature. The unhardened cuticle contains approx. 100 different proteins according to two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The majority of the proteins are very basic. The basicity and solubility properties of the proteins have necessitated development of modified electrophoretic procedures. The amino acid composition of the bulk protein shows that alanine, proline, glycine, valine and tyrosine constitute two thirds of the total amino acid content and that cysteine, methionine and tryptophan are absent.The proteins have been extracted from various parts of the cuticle and analysed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Characteristic protein compositions were found for cuticle from the different body parts. Amino acid analyses of these extracts are strikingly similar. The only significant difference is in the glycine-alanine ratio. Cuticles that are destined to become hard are extremely rich in alanine, whereas the flexible parts of the cuticle are enriched in glycine. The results indicate that the proteins of locust cuticle constitute a group of structural proteins different from other known structural proteins.  相似文献   

1. Several insecticides were tested for their ability to induce a water deregulation in the larval migratory locust. All of them provoked an accelerated dehydration (when compared to sham-operated insects). Deltamethrin and baygon were the most potent.2. This enhanced dehydration due to deltamethrin in adult locust resulted from an increase in the water loss through the feces. This increase was not due to a direct effect of deltamethrin on urine production by the Malpighian tubules but to a hormonal deregulation.3. Intoxicated insects produced large amounts of the vasopressin-like insect diuretic hormone. This higher synthesis activity occurs within the hours following the insecticide injection and is accompanied by an increase in water loss.4. These hormonal and metabolic modifications are transient. Hormonal level and diuresis rate both return to the basal levels 7 hr after the insecticide injection.  相似文献   

Clark J  Lange AB 《Peptides》2002,23(4):613-619
The association of FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) with the spermatheca of Locusta migratoria was demonstrated using radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemical techniques. The physiological effects of various FaRPs on the neurally evoked contractions of the spermatheca were also examined. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity (FLI) was demonstrated in processes and cell bodies situated in the VIIIth (terminal) abdominal ganglion. These included an anterior, central and posterior pair of ventral cell bodies positioned near the midline of the ganglion, in addition to two bilaterally paired dorsal cell bodies in the posterior region of the VIIIth abdominal ganglion. Two axons displaying FLI proceed down the ventral ovipositor nerve (VON) and into the receptaculum seminis nerve which innervates the anterior regions of the spermatheca. FLI was also noted in processes on the spermathecal muscle with the highest density occurring on the spermathecal sac and coil duct. FaRPs applied to the spermathecal muscle included GQERNFLRFamide, NFIRFamide, ADDRNFIRFamide, YGGFMRFamide, FMRFamide, ADVGHVFLRFamide and SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRFamide). Dose-dependent physiological effects were only noted for FMRFamide, ADVGHVFLRFamide and SchistoFLRFamide. FMRFamide led to a dose-dependent increase in the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions with a threshold of approximately 5 x 10(-7) M. SchistoFLRFamide, and ADVGHVFLRFamide, had an inhibitory effect, decreasing the amplitude of neurally evoked spermathecal contractions.  相似文献   

Ventilation is a crucial motor activity that provides organisms with an adequate circulation of respiratory gases. For animals that exist in harsh environments, an important goal is to protect ventilation under extreme conditions. Heat shock, anoxia, and cold shock are environmental stresses that have previously been shown to trigger protective responses. We used the locust to examine stress-induced thermotolerance by monitoring the ability of the central nervous system to generate ventilatory motor patterns during a subsequent heat exposure. Preparations from pre-stressed animals had an increased incidence of motor pattern recovery following heat-induced failure, however, prior stress did not alter the characteristics of the ventilatory motor pattern. During constant heat exposure at sub-lethal temperatures, we observed a protective effect of heat shock pre-treatment. Serotonin application had similar effects on motor patterns when compared to prior heat shock. These studies are consistent with previous studies that indicate prior exposure to extreme temperatures and hypoxia can protect neural operation against high temperature stress. They further suggest that the protective mechanism is a time-dependent process best revealed during prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures and is mediated by a neuromodulator such as serotonin.  相似文献   

It was shown that locust cholinesterase splits various thiocholine esters with different rate. Hydrolysis of p-NPA is due to the effect of carboxylesterase. The latter differs from cholinesterase by a low sensitivity to eserine and cation-containing organophosphorus inhibitor methylsulfomethylate-O-ethyl-S-(beta-ethylmercaptoethyl) methylthiophosphonate, as well as by higher sensitivity to triorthocresylphosphate. The results obtained are discussed in relation to possible differences of the active surface of the enzymes studied.  相似文献   

Due to exoskeleton, the absorption of nutrients in adult insects takes place across the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. In most physiological studies, sugar intestinal absorption has been described as a diffusional process and to date no sugar transporter has been cloned from the digestive tract of insects. In the present work, the existence of a saturable transport system for galactose in the gastric caeca of Locusta migratoria is clearly demonstrated. This transport shows a relatively high affinity for galactose (apparent K0.5=2-3 mM) and is inhibited by glucose, 2-deoxyglucose and with less potency by fructose and alpha-methyl-d-glucoside. The absence of sodium or the presence of phloridzin hardly affects galactose absorption, indicating that it is not mediated by a SGLT1-like transporter. The absence of K+, Cl-, Mg2+ and Ca2+ or changes in the pH do not modify galactose absorption either. Nevertheless, phloretin, cytochalasin B and theophylline (inhibitors of facilitative transporters) decrease sugar uptake around 50%. Xenopus laevis oocytes microinjected with poly A+ RNA isolated from gastric caeca show sodium-independent galactose uptake that is three times higher than in non-injected oocytes, further supporting the existence of a mRNA coding for at least one equilibrative sugar transporter in L. migratoria gastric caeca.  相似文献   

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