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1. The utilization of specifically labelled d-glucose in the biosynthesis of plum-leaf polysaccharides has been studied. After these precursors had been metabolized in plum leaves, the polysaccharides were isolated from the leaves, and their monosaccharide constituents isolated and purified. 2. Both the specific activities and the distribution of 14C along the carbon chains of the monosaccharides were determined. Significant 14C activity was found in units of d-galactose, d-glucose, d-xylose and l-arabinose, but their specific activities varied widely. The labelling patterns suggest that in the leaves the other monosaccharides all arise directly from d-glucose without any skeletal change in the carbon chain, other than the loss of a terminal carbon atom in the synthesis of pentoses. 3. The results indicated that within the leaf there are various precursor pools for polysaccharide synthesis and that these pools are not in equilibrium with one another.  相似文献   

Isolated chloroplasts from the unicellular dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra were obtained from cells at LD:03 and LD:15 of cell cultures conditioned to light/dark cycles of 12h/12h and 19 o C temperature. Kinase activity in these organelles at different times of the day was estimated by phosphorylation experiments with radioactive labelled ATP. [?P 32 ]-ATP was incubated with intact organelles and the incorporation rate to proteins were estimated by autoradiography after a SDS-PAGE chromatography. Low molecular mass polypeptides were phosphorylated at night phase more intensively than in those day-is olated plastids.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of (14)CO(2) and dl-[2-(14)C]mevalonic acid into various terpenoids in developing chloroplasts in a number of seedlings has been studied. 2. beta-Carotene and phytol (from chlorophyll) tend to be heavily labelled from (14)CO(2), whereas sterols and beta-amyrin are only slightly labelled; with dl-[2-(14)C]mevalonic acid the situation is reversed. 3. The incorporation of (14)CO(2) into terpenoids is dependent on the stage of chloroplast development, whereas that of mevalonic acid is independent of chloroplast development. 4. The uptake of (14)CO(2) into beta-carotene and phytol in mature chloroplasts is very low in monocotyledons but somewhat greater in dicotyledons. 5. The results are discussed in relation to the view that terpenoid biosynthesis in developing chloroplasts is regulated by a combination of enzyme segregation and specific membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Isolated chloroplasts from the unicellular dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra were obtained from cells at LD:03 and LD:15 of cell cultures conditioned to light/dark cycles of 12h/12h and 19 o C temperature. Kinase activity in these organelles at different times of the day was estimated by phosphorylation experiments with radioactive labelled ATP. [?P 32]-ATP was incubated with intact organelles and the incorporation rate to proteins were estimated by autoradiography after a SDS-PAGE chromatography. Low molecular mass polypeptides were phosphorylated at night phase more intensively than in those day-is olated plastids.  相似文献   

1. Lactating mammary glands of sheep were perfused for several hours in the presence of dl-[2-(14)C]ornithine or dl-[5-(14)C]arginine and received adequate quantities of acetate, glucose and amino acids. 2. In the [(14)C]ornithine experiment 1.4% of the casein and 1% of the expired carbon dioxide came from added ornithine; 96% of the total radioactivity in casein was recovered in proline; 13% of the proline of casein originated from plasma ornithine. 3. In this experiment the results of chemical degradation of proline of casein as well as relative specific activities in the isolated products are consistent with the view that ornithine is metabolized, by way of glutamic gamma-semialdehyde, to proline or glutamic acid. 4. In the [(14)C]arginine experiments 3% of the casein and 1% of the expired carbon dioxide came from arginine; 84% of the arginine and 9% of the proline of casein originated from plasma arginine. 5. In these experiments the relative specific activities of arginine, ornithine and proline in plasma are in agreement with the view that arginine is metabolized by way of ornithine to proline. The conversion of arginine into ornithine is probably catalysed by arginase, so that arginase in mammary tissue may be involved in the process of milk synthesis.  相似文献   

The radioactively labelled constituents present in bone matrix were compared 12 days after injection of either [(14)C]glucosamine or plasma [(14)C]glycoprotein. Both precursors are utilized in the synthesis of organic matrix by bone tissue. Cortical bone from animals injected with [(14)C]glucosamine contains radioactivity derived from glucosamine and plasma glycoproteins and all glycoprotein fractions are labelled. Plasma [(14)C]glycoprotein labels the less acidic glycoproteins to a greater extent than the more acidic components. An antibody has been raised against the less-acidic-glycoprotein fraction of bone. The latter contains a glycoprotein of alpha-mobility that appears to be concentrated specifically in bone tissue and which is present also in plasma. This alpha-glycoprotein accounts for a large proportion of the components labelled and retained in bone matrix after [(14)C]glucosamine injection.  相似文献   

1. Chloroplasts prepared by the non-aqueous technique will, after fragmentation by ultrasonic treatment, incorporate [2-(14)C]mevalonic acid into phytoene, the first C(40) compound formed in the biosynthetic sequence to coloured carotenoids. 2. With suspensions containing 3.5mg. of chlorophyll, the optimum amounts of cofactor required were ATP (10mumoles), magnesium chloride (20mumoles) and glutathione (20mumoles); neither NAD(+) nor NADP(+) was required. 3. Very small amounts of squalene are also formed and synthesis is stimulated by addition of NADH or NADPH. Phytoene synthesis was not affected by the presence of these cofactors and no lycopersene (the C(40) homologue of squalene) was detected. 4. The phytol side chain of chlorophyll is also labelled under these conditions. 5. Preparations of developing chloroplasts are more active than preparations of mature chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [(14)C]-linoleic acid (LA) into total lipid fractions was higher in LLC-WRC256 cells from the log phase of growth as compared to those of the plateau phase. LA was mainly incorporated into the phospholipid (PL) fraction of cells during the log phase, whereas in the plateau phase it was mostly taken into cholesterol ester. The proportion of radioactivity was higher in phosphatidylserine of cells from the log phase, whereas in the plateau phase it was higher in phosphatidylcholine. This feature of LA incorporation may be an important factor in determining the proliferative capacity of tumour cells.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [14C]glucosamine into synaptosomes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex by zonal centrifugation in-corporated radioactive glucosamine into macromolecules in vitro as glucosamine, galactosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid, and glucuronic acid. The largest percentage of incorporated radioactivity was recovered in the particulate fraction in which radioactive carbohydrates were bound in covalent linkage requiring acid hydrolysis or enzymatic digestion for release. Less than 20 per cent of the particulate radioactivity represented incorporation into gangliosides. Some 20 per cent of the radioactivity was incorporated into proteins as glucosamine, identified in hydrolysates by paper chromatography and by the amino acid analyser. After incubation, radioactivity was demonstrable in the proteins as sialic acid by paper chromatography and specific enzymic digestion; and as glucuronic acid by chromatography, electrophoresis, and digestion with hyaluronidase. Incorporation of carbohydrate was stimulated by sodium and potassium at concentrations demonstrated to enhance incorporation of amino acids, and involved the macro-molecules of all subsynaptosomal fractions. Significant incorporation of radioactivity was found in the synaptic plasma membrane. The synthesis of glycoproteins was suggested by simultaneous incorporation of [14C]glucosamine and [3H]leucine into glycopeptides subsequently hydrolysed and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional paper chromatography and electrophoresis. Such studies demonstrated that amino acids and carbohydrates may be incorporated into glycoproteins of the synaptic membrane and suggest the possibility of local synthesis as well as modification of material brought to the nerve ending by axoplasmic flow.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of [1-(14)C]glyoxylate to carbon dioxide, glycine, oxalate, serine, formate and glycollate was investigated in hyperoxaluric and control subjects' kidney and liver tissue in vitro. 2. Only glycine and carbon dioxide became significantly labelled with (14)C, and this was less in the hyperoxaluric patients' kidney tissue than in the control tissue. 3. Liver did not show this difference. 4. The metabolism of [1-(14)C]glycollate was also studied in the liver tissue; glyoxylate formation was demonstrated and the formation of (14)CO(2) from this substrate was likewise unimpaired in the hyperoxaluric patients' liver tissue in these experiments. 5. Glycine was not metabolized by human kidney, liver or blood cells under the conditions used. 6. These observations show that glyoxylate metabolism by the kidney is impaired in primary hyperoxaluria.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of isocitrate lyase in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E F Robertson  H C Reeves 《Biochimie》1989,71(9-10):1065-1070
Isocitrate lyase from Escherichia coli becomes phosphorylated in vitro by an endogenous kinase when partially purified extracts are incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. Treatment of isocitrate lyase with histidine modifying reagents, and alkaline hydrolysis of in vitro phosphorylated enzyme indicated the presence of a phosphohistidine residue. Phosphorylation of isocitrate lyase can also occur in vivo, which indicates a possible regulatory significance of this modification. In addition to phosphorylation, isocitrate lyase is capable of incorporating label from both [alpha-32P]ATP and [14C]ATP suggesting that more than one type of covalent modification occurs on this enzyme. This report reviews the studies which have demonstrated the phosphorylation and modification of isocitrate lyase from Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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