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The carbondioxide compensation point (), dry matter production, and the activities of nitrate reductase (NR), glycolate oxidase (GO), ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) were measured in wheat, grown on media, containing nitrate or ammonium. Significantly higher and lower dry matter was observed in plants supplied with ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), as compared to those supplied with nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N). The activities of NR and PEPC were higher in plants grown on NO3-N than to those grown on NH4-N. There were no significant differences in the activities of GO and RuBPC irrespective of whether NO3-N or NH4-N was supplied. None of the enzymes was found to be associated directly with the .PEPC activity accounted the measured differences in the and biomass production between NH4-N and NO3-N supplied plants. The relationship between PEPC and the is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the aclimation of Chenopodium seedlings to different quantum fluence rates of R and BL, kinetics of Rubisco capacity, Chl content and chloroplast structure were studied. Under monochromatic light photoreceptors are stimulated selectively and their influence on biosynthetis capacities during chloroplast development can be studied.R irradiations saturate Rubisco capacity even at the lowest quantum fluence rates applied, whereas Chl a+b synthesis depends strongly upon fluence rate of R. Under BL irradiations, both Rubisco capacity and Chl content are fluence rate dependent. R irradiations favour Chl b synthesis relative to Chl a, whereas under BL Chl a content is high relative to Chl b. Under R irradiation Pfr is the main photoreceptor involved in regulation of Rubisco capacity whereas under BL a specific BL absorbing photoreceptor may control the response. From the fluence rate dependency under BL irradiations it is concluded that the blue region of the day light spectrum may be the sensor for monitoring fluence rate and causing the characteristic changes in shade and high/low WL adaptation with respect to Rubisco levels in Chenopodium.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the isoelectric points of small and large subunits of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase extracted from a number of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid Avena species have been used to obtain information on the nuclear and cytoplasmic genome relationships within the genus. All species tested had small subunits with similar isoelectric points, so their analysis provided no information of taxonomic value. Three types of large subunits could be distinguished by this method, and the distribution of each among the available species provides strong evidence against the involvement of a C genome diploid (such as A. ventricosa) as the maternal parent in the formation of either tetraploid or hexaploid species. One type of large subunit was confined to the perennial tetraploid, A. macrostachya, and its position in the genus and possible origin are discussed. The value of this approach in studying genome relationships within the genus Avena and related genera is assessed.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic electron transport capacity was varied in vivo in sugar beets using iron deficiency, and its effects on the light modulation of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) studied. Three treatment groups corresponding to decreasing amounts of thylakoids per leaf area were examined: iron sufficient (control), moderately iron-stressed, and severely iron-stressed. Reduction in electron transport capacity in vivo was correlated with a substantial decrease in the level of RuBPCase activation, even at saturating irradiances. These results indicate a direct relationship between RuBPCase activation and photosynthetic electron transport. In addition, our data suggest that the activation of RuBPCase could not solely account for the increases in the photosynthetic rate at high irradiances; RuBPCase reached maximal activation at irradiances well below light saturation for net photosynthesis.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - FeCN ferricyanide - FBPase fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - RuBPCase ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - SBPase sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase  相似文献   

In isolated protoplasts of Vicia faba L. (cv. Weißkernige Hangdown) which were immobilised in a cross-linked alginate matrix, ethane production and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBP carboxylase) aetivity were determined after treatment of the alginate strips with various chemical substances.
The stimulation of ethane formation and the inhibition of RuBP carboxylase activity by the toxic materials might provide the basis for a simple, rapid and sensitive system for the determination of chemicals in the environment.  相似文献   

Properties of C4 photosynthesis were examined in Amaranthus cruentus L. (NAD-malic enzyme (ME) subtype, dicot) grown under different light and nitrogen (N) conditions, from the viewpoint of N investment into their photosynthetic components. In low-light (LL) leaves, chlorophyll content per leaf area was greater and chlorophyll alb ratio was lower than in high-light (HL) leaves. These indicate that LL leaves invest more N into their light-harvesting systems. However, this N investment did not contribute to the increase in the quantum yield of photosynthesis on the incident photon flux density (PFD) basis (Qi) in LL leaves. N allocation to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylasel oxygenase (Rubisco) was significantly higher in HL-high N (HN) leaves than in other leaves. On the other hand, N allocation to C4 enzymes [phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and pyruvate Pi dikinase (PPDK)] was unaffected by the growth conditions. Maximum photosynthetic rates (Pmax) per Rubisco content were similar irrespective of the growth light treatments. Carbon isotope ratios (delta13 C) in the leaf dry matter were more negative in LL leaves than in HL leaves (LL = -19.3% per hundred, HL = -16.0% per hundred) and independent of leaf N. Vein density was highest in HL-HN leaves, and leaf thickness was unaffected by the growth light treatments. From these results, we conclude that A. cruentus leaves would not acclimate efficiently to low growth light.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of sulphite on ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, extracted from needles of Pinus silvestris L., was studied in vitro at pH 8.15 and 25°C. 1 mM and higher concentrations of SO32- inhibited the enzyme. The enzyme was activated either in the assay medium (2.5 – 20 mM HCO3, 20 mM MgCl2) or in 10 or 20 mM HCO3- and 20–25 mM MgCl2. Linear reciprocal plots of the activity versus the substrate concentration were obtained, when the HCO3- concentration during activation was 4 mM or higher. When the enzyme was activated at high HCO3- and Mg2+ concentrations, the Km(CO2) was c. 27 μM. With respect to HCO3-. SO32- inhibited the enzyme in a non-competitive fashion. The inhibition was similar, whether SO32- was present during activation or not. Apparently. SO32- did not interfere with the binding of CO2 and Mg2+ at the activating site. The K1 was 11–13 mM SO32-. With respect to ribulose bisphosphate the inhibition was also noncompetitive. Similar results with respect to HCO3- were obtained for spinach, Spinacia oleracea L., which is contrary to earlier reports.  相似文献   

Abstract. A mechanistic model of photosynthesis is developed based on the characteristics of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase and the assimilation of CO2 as an ordered reaction with RuBP binding before CO2. An equation is derived which considers the effects of light (for regeneration of RuBP) and CO2. Taking values for the maximum turnover of RuBP carboxylase at substrate saturation, the maximum carboxylation efficiency (maximum increase in rate per increase in CO2 concentration) and the minimum quantum requirement for the C3 pathway, photosynthesis in the absence of photorespiration is simulated. In the model, at varying concentrations of CO2, the efficiency of light utilization approaches a maximum value as photon flux density decreases. Similarly, with a given maximum carboxyation capacity, at varying photon flux densities the carboxylation efficiency approaches a constant maximum value (equal to V max/ K m CO2) as CO2 is decreased. However, a decrease in the state of activation of RuBP carboxylase under low light results in a lower carboxylation efficiency. Limits on the rate of photosynthesis, as the maximum capacity for regeneration of RuBP is reduced relative to carboxylation potential, or as the maximum capacity of the carboxylase varies, are considered.  相似文献   

Translocation of nitrogen in osmotically stressed wheat seedlings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Drabant) seedlings were grown in a ‘split root’ system where either the whole root system or one root half was subjected to osmotic stress for 24 h, using 200 g polyethylene glycol (PEG, molecular weight 4000) dm?3 nutrient solution. 15N-Labelled nitrate was fed to one of the root compartments and total N and 15N-labelling were measured in plant material and xylem sap. Untreated plants translocated 87% of the N taken up to the shoot, and 10% of this was then retranslocated back to the root. Recalculated on a root nitrogen basis, 36% of the label recovered in the root after 24 h had passed through the shoot. Significant labelling of xylem sap collected from non-labelled roots indicated cycling of organic N through the roots. PEG-treatment of the whole root system caused significant water loss in both roots and shoots. Uptake of nitrate and retranslocation of N to roots were inhibited, whereas cycling of organic nitrogen through the root was still measurable. Treatment of half the root system with PEG had minor effects on shoot water content, but reduced the water content of the treated root part. The total uptake of nitrate by the root system was unaffected, and the effect on the treated root half was comparatively small. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) declined in PEG-treated roots even if high nitrate uptake rates were maintained. Shoot NRA was unaffected by osmotic stress. The data indicate that the reduction in water content of the root per se has only small effects on nitrate uptake. Major inhibition of nitrate uptake was observed only after treatment of a sufficiently large portion of the root system to given an effect on shoot water content.  相似文献   

Regulation of photosynthesis in nitrogen deficient wheat seedlings   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Nitrogen effects on the regulation of photosynthesis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv Remia) seedlings were examined. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was rapidly extracted and tested for initial activity and for activity after incubation in presence of CO2 and Mg2+. Freeze clamped leaf segments were extracted for determinations of foliar steady state levels of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, triose phosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate, ATP, and ADP. Nitrogen deficient leaves showed increased ATP/ADP and triose phosphate/3-phosphoglycerate ratios suggesting increased assimilatory power. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate levels were decreased due to reduced pentose phosphate reductive cycle activity. Nevertheless, photosynthesis appeared to be limited by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, independent of nitrogen nutrition. Its degree of activation was increased in nitrogen deficient plants and provided for maximum photosynthesis at decreased enzyme protein levels. It is suggested that ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity is regulated according to the amount of assimilatory power.  相似文献   

以抗旱品种‘晋麦47’和干旱敏感品种‘郑引1号’为材料,通过室内水培试验研究了外源海藻糖对PEG渗透胁迫下小麦叶片净光合速率、1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)和1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶活化酶(RCA)含量和相关基因表达特性的影响。结果表明:(1)外源海藻糖和渗透胁迫均能显著增加2个小麦品种叶片海藻糖含量。(2)渗透胁迫显著降低了2个品种小麦叶片的净光合速率,而外源海藻糖能显著缓解受胁迫小麦叶片净光合速率的降低幅度。(3)渗透胁迫仅使‘郑引1号’Rubisco大亚基基因(rbcL)相对表达量及相应蛋白含量显著降低;渗透胁迫显著降低了小麦RCAα和β亚基基因相对表达量,并显著降低RCA蛋白含量,而外源海藻糖不能缓解RCA蛋白含量的降低;渗透胁迫显著降低了Rubisco总活性、初始活性、活化状态及RCA活性,而外源海藻糖则能显著缓解上述酶活性的下降。(4)小麦叶片净光合速率与其rbcL、RCAα和β亚基基因相对表达量及Rubisco总活性、初始活性、活化状态及RCA活性均呈极显著正相关关系。研究发现,在渗透胁迫条件下,外源海藻糖主要从翻译后层面对小麦叶片Rubisco和RCA的活性发挥显著保护作用,从而缓解了小麦净光合速率的降低。  相似文献   

A non-lethal chlorophyll deficient mutation was induced by use of the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate. Chloroplasts from the control and mutant plants were found to be very similar ultrastructurally. Thylakoid membrane volume was only slightly greater in plastids from the control as compared with plastids from the mutant. The chlorophyll content of the mutant was reduced by over 60%. This decrease in chlorophyll was not accompanied by a similar decrease in electron transport. Uncoupled electron transport rate based on a unit chlorophyll basis was nearly twice as great for mutant chloroplasts as for control plastids. However, electron transport rate based on a unit membrane volume was similar in mutant and control plants. At high irradiance the relative quantum requirement of the control and mutant was similar when expressed on membrane volume.  相似文献   

外源钙离子对小麦幼苗氮素代谢的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王志强  王春丽  林同保 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3662-3667
以普通小麦豫麦34为材料,研究了不同浓度的外源Ca2 对小麦幼苗氮素代谢的影响.在小麦第一片叶完全展开后,开始外源Ca2 处理,设0 (对照)、2、4 mmol · L-1 和8 mmol · L-1 4个Ca2 浓度梯度.处理5d后,测定氮同化酶活性、氮同化量及其它相关代谢物含量.结果表明,小麦幼苗叶片中硝酸还原酶(NR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)在2 mmol · L-1 Ca2 处理下活性比对照有显著增加,4 mmol · L-1 Ca2 处理的NR活性增加明显,但GS活性增加不显著;8 mmol · L-1 Ca2 处理下NR和GS活性比对照均明显降低.谷氨酸脱氢酶(NADH-GDH)活性在2 mmol · L-1 Ca2 处理下活性增加不明显,而在4、8 mmol · L-1 Ca2 处理下活性显著增加.小麦幼苗氮同化量以4 mmol · L-1处理最大,2 mmol · L-1处理与4 mmol · L-1之间差异不显著;Ca2 浓度为8 mmol · L-1时,氮素同化量明显降低.结果揭示了小麦幼苗不同氮同化途径对Ca2 的响应不同,GS途径比GDH途径对小麦氮素同化量的增加作用更大;4 mmol · L-1对小麦幼苗的氮素利用可能是最有效的Ca2 浓度.  相似文献   

为分析等渗盐分和水分胁迫对番茄叶片光合功能的影响,选用耐盐性不同的4种基因型番茄(小果型的辽园红玛瑙、野生醋栗番茄、大果型的金田粉冠、超402)进行等渗的140 mmol·L-1NaCl和15%PEG6000模拟盐分和水分胁迫.结果表明: 在光合特性方面,处理12 d后,两种胁迫导致4种不同基因型番茄的叶绿素含量(叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量)、光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾效率降低,气孔限制值升高.两种胁迫导致的光合下降由气孔性因素所致.等渗的盐分胁迫对番茄的光合系统损伤大于水分胁迫,这是因为盐分胁迫除了渗透胁迫还会导致离子伤害.4种不同基因型番茄中,耐盐型的辽园红玛瑙具有高光合特性,金田粉冠光合效率最差.在叶绿体超微结构方面,两种胁迫会造成番茄叶片的气孔密度增加,气孔张开率降低,叶绿体长度增加,宽度变小,长宽比增大,叶绿体内基粒数减少,嗜锇颗粒数增多.盐分胁迫下两种番茄叶绿体结构的影响大于水分胁迫,耐盐种醋栗番茄气孔变化小于盐敏感品种金田粉冠.  相似文献   

The large- and small-subunit polypeptide composition of fraction 1 protein contained in seven species of Lycopersicon and Solanum pennellii was determined by electrofocusing. The eight species of protein had large subunits composed of three polypeptides separated by about 0.05 pH unit, but there was no difference in the isoelectric points of the clusters of three polypeptides. By this criterion, no surviving mutations have appeared in the extranuclear DNA coding for the cluster of large-subunit polypeptides during a period of evolution which generated the eight species of plants. The genus Lycopersicon appears to be much younger than its sister genus Nicotiana in the family Solanaceae, where four types of polypeptide clusters have evolved. Three different small-subunit polypeptides whose isoelectric points are coded by nuclear DNA have arisen among the seven Lycopersicon species, and L. hirsutum and S. pennellii have proteins containing single polypeptides and are therefore considered older than L. chilense, L. chimielewskii, and L. parviflorum, whose proteins contain two polypeptides. L. cheesemanii, L. pimpinellifolium, and L. esculentum (and probably L. peruvianum) seem to be the most recently evolved species since their fraction 1 proteins have small subunits composed of three polypeptides.This research was supported by NSF Grant 75-07368 and Contract No. EY-76-S-03-0034, P. A. #8, from the Department of Energy.  相似文献   

在水培条件下,研究24-表油菜素内酯(EBR)对低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗叶片叶绿体和线粒体超微结构及光合的影响.结果表明:与正常通气条件相比,低氧胁迫下表观量子效率(AQY)和羧化效率(CE)显著降低,而光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)和CO2补偿点(CCP)显著升高;低氧胁迫并添加油菜素内酯处理下,CE与低氧胁迫处理相比显著提高29.4%,而LCP和Rd分别显著下降15.0%和14.4%.光响应Pn-PPFD曲线和CO2响应Pn-Ci曲线表明,低氧胁迫下净光合速率(Pn)增幅降低,而添加油菜素内酯有利于Pn增幅的提高.低氧胁迫下叶绿体和线粒体结构受到伤害,而油菜素内酯可以缓解低氧胁迫对黄瓜幼苗叶绿体和线粒体超微结构的不良影响,使叶片维持较好的光合性能.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular cloning of cDNA corresponds to pea seedling mRNA sequences encoding a shoot-specific polypeptide, the small subunit of the ribulose 1,5 biphosphate carboxylase and a component of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex is described. cDNA prepared from polysomal poly(A)RNA of light-grown shoots was enriched for shoot-specific and light-induced sequences by heterologous liquid hybridization with mercurated polysomal poly(A)RNA of dark-grown roots, followed by sulfhydryl chromatography. Cloned shoot-specific sequences were identified by 2D electrophoretic analysis of hybrid release translation products. The cloned shoot-specific sequence corresponded to a mRNA of 850 nt present both in light-and dark-grown shoots, and produced anin vitro translation product of Mr27 500 and isoelectric point of 4.7.  相似文献   

One- and two-“year”-old seedlings of Pinus silvestris L., from which the buds had been removed, were studied for five weeks during the second and third growth period, respectively. Intact seedlings were used as controls. The seedlings were cultivated under controlled conditions in a climate chamber. The growth of the seedlings was determined and the one-“year”-old needles assayed for changes in net photosynthesis and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity and in the levels of protein, Kjeldahl nitrogen, chlorophyll and starch. In the control the carboxylase activity and the content of protein, Kjeldahl nitrogen and starch in the needles increased in the beginning of the “summer” and decreased during the shoot growth period. The starch content was higher after bud removal (decapitation), since the carbohydrate could not be utilized for the growth of the new shoot. Decapitation did not affect the growth rate of the roots. The content of Kjeldahl nitrogen and total and soluble protein in the needles was higher in the decapitated seedlings during the period of shoot elongation in the control. Total nitrogen, but not protein, reached high levels, indicating accumulation of non-protein compounds. The general course of the chlorophyll pattern was not affected. Higher ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity than in the control was observed in the later part of the experimental periods. The higher levels of protein and nitrogen as well as of carboxylase activity after decapitation support the interpretation that soluble protein, including the carboxylase, and possibly other nitrogen compounds in the older needles are used for growth of the shoot. The loss of protein and nitrogen and of carboxylase activity in the control did not seem to be due to mineral deficiency in the substrate. Despite higher levels of carboxylase activity and similar chlorophyll concentrations, light-saturated net photosynthesis was lower after decapitation. The ratio between photosynthesis and photorespiration was not affected.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic line 2 (CL2) has been previously reported as a cytoplasmically inherited chlorophyll-deficient mutant selected from a chloroplast-mutator genotype of barley. It was characterized by a localized effect on the upper part of the first-leaf blade. At emergence the CL2 seedlings-phenotype varied from a grainy light green to an albino color. They gradually greened during the following days, starting from the base of the blade and extending to cover most of its surface when it was fully grown. The present results, from both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), confirmed the previously described positional and time-dependent expression of the CL2 syndrome along the first-leaf blade. During the first days after emergence, light microscopy showed a normally developed chloroplast at the middle part of the CL2 first-leaf blade, meanwhile at the tip only small plastids were observed. TEM showed that the shapes and the internal structure of the small plastids were abnormal, presenting features of proplastids, amyloplasts and/or senescent gerontoplasts. Besides, they lack plastid ribosomes, contrasting with what was observed inside chloroplasts from normal tips, which presented abundant ribosomes. Phenotypic observations and spectrophotometric analysis of seedlings produced by mother plants that had been grown under different temperatures indicated that higher temperatures during seed formation were negatively associated with pigment content in CL2 seedlings. In contrast, higher temperatures during the growth of CL2 seedlings have been associated with increased pigment content. Aqueous solution with kanamycin and streptomycin, which are antibiotics known to interfere with plastid gene translation, were used for imbibition of wild-type and CL2 seeds. Antibiotic treatments differentially reduced the chlorophyll content in the upper part of the first-leaf blade in CL2, but not in wild-type seedlings. These results suggest that in the wild-type, plastid-gene proteins which are necessary for chloroplast development and chlorophyll synthesis in the upper part of the first-leaf blade are usually synthesized during embryogenesis. However, under certain circumstances, in CL2 seedlings, they would be synthesized after germination. In addition, a shortening of the sheath has been observed in association with pigment decrease suggesting the existence of plastid factors affecting the expression of some nuclear genes. We consider the CL2 mutant a unique experimental material useful to study biological phenomena and external factors regulating plastid, and nuclear gene expression during embryogenesis and early seedling development.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effect of silicon on spring wheat subjected to salt stress. The experiment was conducted in hydroponic conditions on 10-day old wheat seedlings. Salt stress was induced by sodium chloride at the concentration of 70 and 100 mM added to nutrient medium. Silicon (H4SiO4) at the doses of 1.0 and 1.5 mM significantly increased the shoots and roots weight of wheat seedlings and the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b, as well as carotenoids) in leaves. It reduced a detrimental effect of salt stress and restricted peroxidation of membrane lipids. We also observed a greater accumulation of nitrates and the decrease in malondialdehyde concentration in plant tissues as a result of silicon addition. Under osmotic stress, silicon did not change the content of sugars in wheat shoots and roots. Silicon did not clearly affect proline content. In general, the obtained results point out that silicon can be used for the alleviation of adverse effect of salinity on plants status.  相似文献   

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