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Abstract Etiolated hypocotyls from normal tomato plants show a negative gravitropic response within 20 min of stimulation. In contrast, etiolated hypocotyls from the gravitropic mutant Lazy-l do not reorientate after gravistimulation. Etiolated hypocotyls from both types of plant are positively phototropic, however, Lazy-l seedlings achieve a greater final angle of bending following phototropic stimulation compared to normal plants. Anatomical studies reveal that etiolated hypocotyls from normal plants contain sedimenting amyloplasts located within the endodermal cells. Such sedimenting amyloplasts are absent in Lazy-l tissue. It is hypothesized that the hypocotyl of Lazy-l is agravitropic since it is unable to perceive a gravistimulus.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous gibberellin (GA) in seed and fruit development was studied with the use of the GA-deficient ga-1 mutant of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker). Flowers of the ga-1 mutant were abnormal and sterile, but parthenocarpic fruit development was observed occasionally on the dwarf plants. A single application of GA4+7 restored the fertility of the mutant flowers and resulted in seed set. Development of GA-producing and GA-deficient seeds in GA-deficient fruits was compared by pollination of ga-1/ga-1 flowers with wild-type or ga-1 pollen, respectively. In ga-1/ga-1 seed dehydration started about 1 week earlier than in Ga-1/ga-1 seeds. Ultimate fresh and dry weights of mature Ga-1/ga-1 seeds were higher than those of ga-1/ga-1 seeds and showed negative correlations with the total number of seeds per fruit. Total content and composition of seed proteins were not influenced by the GA-deficiency. Germination of the mature seeds depended on embryonal GA synthesis and was not influenced by maternal GA production. Final fresh weight of the ga-1/ga-1 fruits was positively correlated with the number of seeds per fruit. In these fruits, the minimum number of seeds for growth above the parthenocarpic level was about 10 or 35 in the presence of Ga-1/ga-1 or ga-1/ga-1 seeds, respectively. Fruits containing GA-producing seeds reached a higher fresh weight than those containing GA-deficient seeds, and their ripening was delayed by one week. It is concluded that gibberellin is indispensable for the development of fertile flowers and for seed germination, but only promoting in later stages of fruit and seed development.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) and cobalt chloride (CoCl2) on brassinosteroid (BR)-induced epinasty in tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Heinz 1350) are evaluated. CoCl2 dramatically decreases petiole bending and ethylene production as the concentration increases from 50 to 200 μ M. The content of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the petiole, instead of accumulating, is reduced and does not change over the concentration range tested. Inhibition of BR-induced epinasty by AOA results from inhibition of ACC synthesis. There are dramatic reductions in petiole bending, ethylene and ACC production as the concentration of AOA is increased from 50 to 200 μ M. Maximum inhibition occurs when the plants are pretreated with the inhibitors. The degree of inhibition increases as the length of pretreatment increases from 1 to 4 h. The response of BR-treated plants to AOA and CoCl2 is similar to the effect of auxin, indicating the integral relationship between BR and auxin.  相似文献   

Given the close relationship between a plant's growth rate and its pattern of biomass allocation and the effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on biomass allocation, we studied the influence of ABA on biomass allocation and growth rate of wildtype tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) plants and their strongly ABA-deficient mutant sitiens. The relative growth rate of sitiens was 22% lower than that of the wildtype, as the result of a decreased specific leaf area. The net assimilation rate and the leaf weight ratio were not affected. The mutant showed a much higher transpiration rate and lower hydraulic conductance of the roots. These two factors resulted in sitiens having a significantly lower leaf water potential and turgor. resulting in reduced leaf expansion and, consequently, a lower specific leaf area relative to the wildtype. Addition of ABA to the sitiens roots resulted in phenotypic reversion to the wildtype. We conclude that the influence of ABA-deficiency on biomass allocation and relative growth rate is the result of altered water relations in the plants, rather than of a direct effect on sink strength of different plant organs.  相似文献   

Cell walls isolated from ripening tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers) fruit released pectic polymers when incubated under conditions that allow activity of wall-bound polygalacturonase (EC Autolysis was optimally stimulated by 150–300 m M NaCl at either pH 2.5 or 4.5. This stimulation was negated by exposure to pH 6.5 or higher and by pretreatment of walls with boiling 80% ethanol. Five m M CaCl2 did not affect autolysis at pH 2.5, but significantly inhibited at pH 4.5 or higher. Inclusion of 1 M NaCl at selected steps in the extraction scheme did not inhibit subsequent autolysis of isolated walls. Exposure of isolated walls to 1 M NaCl at pH 2.5–8.5 also did not inhibit autolytic activity compared to walls that received no ionic treatment. These data support the concept that cell wall hydrolysis during tomato fruit softening is regulated by pH, Ca2+ levels and ionic strength of the apoplast.  相似文献   

The dependence of acropetal Ca2+ transport on polar basipetal indoleacetic acid (IAA) transport was investigated in excised tomato fruits ( Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill.) using an in vitro fruit system. Auxin transport inhibitors like triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), chlorofluorenolmethyl ester (CME) and naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) were used in order to investigate the effect of restricted polar basipetal auxin transport on the acropetal transport of 45Ca2+, 86Rb+ and 98Sr2+ into the same fruits. TIBA and CME inhibited basipetal transport of IAA. particularly in 10- to 12-day-old tomato fruits, and simultaneously restricted the acropetal transport of 45Ca2+. The auxin transport inhibitors failed to significantly reduce the upward transport of 86Rb+ and the transport of 96Sr2+ was less inhibited than that of 45Ca2+. TIBA and CME did not significantly affect the acropetal transport of labelled water into the fruit, nor the cation-exchange capacity or K+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the tomato fruit. These results support the view that a part of the Ca2+-specific acropetal transport into tomato fruits is associated with the polar basipetal IAA transport. This Ca2+ transport is independent of the transpiration stream into the fruit and the cation exchange capacity of the fruit tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract Purified xylem cell walls were prepared from isolated xylem bundles of tomato (an inbred line of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cv. Tiny Tim). Adsorption and exchange experiments were carried out with 115Cd2+, 82Rb+ and 82Br?. The application of γ-ray spectroscopy permitted the simultaneous measurement of several ions applied together. The cell-wall water volume was shown to be independent of the external pH and solution ionic strength, possibly due to the presence of lignin. The Donnan Free Space (DFS) volume could be determined as a constant 0.15 dm3 per kg cell-wall dry weight. Consequently, the total cell-wall cation exchange capacity (CEC) could be estimated based on the DFS volume, and amounted to approximately 1000 mol m?3 negative charges. The results of Cd2+ -Rb+ exchange experiments indicated an apparent CEC value of about 350–450 mol m?3 DFS, at external pH ~ 4. These data are in agreement with earlier reports on xylem wall CEC, and indicate the weak acid characteristics of the charge groups. The rational selectivity coefficient RCdRb, of the cell wall was shown to depend on external ion fractions and ionic strength, with a maximum RCdRb of 450 at ionic Cd2+ fraction near 0.3, based at the smallest experimental ionic strength of the external solution. The adsorption of Cd2+, applied at relatively high concentrations, was shown to be stimulated by simultaneous application of high Rb+ concentrations.  相似文献   

NaCl (140 m M ) was applied to 14-day-old plants of salt-sensitive Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Volgogradskij and its wild relative L. pimpinellifolium Mill. accession PE-2. Changes in the relative growth rate of whole plant, and in the levels of inorganic and organic solutes in leaves, stems and roots were followed for 15 days after the application. Short-term salt exposure (4–6 days of salinization) resulted in enhanced relative growth rates for L. pimpinellifolium , but did not affect growth of L. esculentum , After 6 days of salinization, the relative growth rates of both species decreased significantly; leading to practically comparable growth rates for them by day 15. In all parts of both species, the contribution of organic solutes to the osmotic potential (Ψs) gradually decreased from 30% on day 0 to a value lower than 5% on day 4. In L. pimpinellifolium , compared to L. esculentum , short-term salt exposure resulted in (1) a higher percentage of adjustment of Ψs; and (2) increases in Na+ and K+ uptake rates, and in the levels of organic acids and proline (the level of which reached that of sugars, i.e., 10 μmol g-1 dry weight. Conversely, in L. esculentum , drastic reductions of K+ uptake rates and organic acid levels occurred already on day 1. During long-term salt exposure, both species were able to adjust osmotically and both exhibited decreases in organic acid levels as well as in K+ uptake and accumulation rates in all parts. The results are discussed in an attempt to explain the adaptive responses during short-term salt exposure and the metabolic dysfunctions that lead to growth decrease after long-term exposure to salt.  相似文献   

Abstract. Deuterium-labelled ABA-aldehyde was fed to various tomato genotypes. Normal and notabilis mutant plants incorporated substantial amounts of the label into ABA. In contrast, two ABA-deficient mutants, flacca and sitiens , reduced ABA-aldehyde to a mixture of cis- and trans -ABA alcohol rather than oxidizing it to ABA. It was concluded that ABA-aldehyde is the immediate precursor of ABA in higher plants. It appears that the flacca and sitiens lesions both act to block the last step of the ABA biosynthetic pathway. The mutant gene loci are likely to be involved in coding for different sub-units of the same dehydrogenase enzyme.  相似文献   

We show here that, within 1–2 min of application, systemin triggers a transient increase of cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) in cells from Lycopersicon esculentum mesophyll. The systemin-induced Ca2+ increase was slightly but not significantly reduced by L-type Ca2+ channel blockers (nifedipine, verapamil and diltiazem) and the Ca2+ chelator [ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA)], whereas inorganic Ca2+ channel blockers (LaCl3, CdCl2 and GdCl3) and compounds affecting the release of intracellular Ca2+ from the vacuole (ruthenium red, LiCl, neomycin) strongly reduced the systemin-induced [Ca2+]c increase. By contrast, no inhibitory effect was seen with the potassium and chloride channel blockers tested. Unlike systemin, other inducers of proteinase inhibitor (PI) and of wound-induced protein synthesis, such as jasmonic acid (JA) and bestatin, did not trigger an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+. The systemin-induced elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ which might be an early step in the systemin signalling pathway, appears to involve an influx of extracellular Ca2+ simultaneously through several types of Ca2+ permeable channels, and a release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores sensitive to blockers of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)- and cyclic adenasine 5'-diphosphoribose (cADPR)-mediated Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Resistance of fully imbibed tomato seeds to very high salinities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Seeds of Lyeopersicon esculentum cv. VF36 (a salt-sensitive cultivar), L. esculentum var. Edkawi (which is fairly salt-resistant), and a wild relative, L. cheesmanii, were exposed to various concentrations of NaCl, up to 460 mol m?3, either directly or following imbibition in non-saline nutrient solution. After 10 d exposure to salt, they were transferred to non-saline solution. All taxa showed some germination at the lowest salinity tested, 92 mol m?3 NaCl, but virtually no germination occurred at 184 mol m?3 NaCl or higher salinities. Within 2 d after removal of the salt stress, however, the seeds of L. esculentum reached control levels of germination, even if they had already been on the verge of germination when the stress was imposed. The seeds of L. cheesmanii were less resistant to NaCl. The physiological basis for the resistance of VF36 seeds is discussed.  相似文献   

Seed germination of an aurea mutant of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is promoted by continuous irradiation with red, far-red or long-wavelength far-red (758 nm) light as well as by cyclic irradiations (5 min red or 5 min far-red/25 min darkness). Far-red light applied immediately after each red does not change the germination behaviour. Seed germination of the isogenic wild-type, cv. UC-105, is promoted by continuous and cyclic red light while it is inhibited by continuous and cyclic far-red light and by continious 758 nm irradiation. Far-red irradiation reverses almost completely the promoting effect of red light. The promoting effect (in the aurea mutant) and the inhibitory effect (in the wild-type) of continuous far-red light do not show photon fluence rate dependency above 20 nmol m−2 s−1. It is concluded that phytochrome controls tomato seed germination throgh low energy responses in both the wild type and the au mutant. The promoting effect of continuous and cyclic far-red light in the au mutant can be attributed to a greater sensitivity to Pfr.  相似文献   

Leaf, stem and root material of wild-type and gibberellin (GA)-deficient mutants of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) were analysed by pyrolysis-mass spectrometry for possible differentiation in chemical allocation pattern among cell wall and cytoplasm. GA-deficiency is accompanied by changes in the relative growth rate (RGR). RGR-correlated changes were found in leaves in the comparative amounts of cellulose- and protein-derived fragments. The low-RGR genotypes contained more protein and nucleic acid, the high-RGR ones more cellulose. In root material, a higher contribution of cellulose, hemicellulose and G- and S-lignin was found for the lower-RGR plants and comparatively high protein in the high-RGR genotypes. For stems, less clear results were obtained, possibly because of variation in the ratio of syringyl- and guaiacyl-lignin. Part of the results might be explained by a GA-dependent change in cell size.  相似文献   

Tritium labelled gibberellin A20 ([3H]-GA20) applied to etiolated shoots and germinating seeds of dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Meteor) was converted to gibberellin A29. Identifications were made by GLRC and GC-MS.  相似文献   

Post-phloem sugar transport in developing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Flora-Dade) fruit follows an apoplastic route during the rapid phase of sugar accumulation. The pathway is characterized by sugar retrieval by the storage parenchyma cells from the fruit apoplast. Two tomato genotypes differing in fruit hexose content were compared in terms of the transport and transfer processes controlling fruit sugar levels. The genotypic difference in fruit sugar content was independent of photoassimilate export from source leaves. Discs of pericarp tissue were cultured in a medium based on analyses of the fruit apoplastic sap. The cultured discs maintained a composition, a relative growth rate and a respiration rate similar to those of the pericarp tissue of intact fruit. Estimates of hexose fluxes into metabolic and storage pools suggested that membrane transport regulated the genotypic difference in hexose accumulation. Short-term [14C]hexose uptake experiments demonstrated a genotypic difference in Vmax for glucose, fructose and 3-O-methyl-glucose, and this difference was abolished in the presence of the inhibitor p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS). The results support the hypothesis that the activity of energized hexose carriers on the plasma membranes of storage parenchyma cells is a significant determinate of the genotypic difference in hexose accumulation.  相似文献   

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