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Theiler's virus is a neurotropic murine picornavirus which, depending on the strain, causes either an acute encephalitis or a persistent demyelinating disease. Following intracranial inoculation, the demyelinating strains infect sequentially the grey matter of the brain, the grey matter of the spinal cord, and finally the white matter of the spinal cord, where they persist and cause chronic demyelination. The neurovirulent strains cause a generally fatal encephalitis with lytic infection of neurons. The study of chimeric Theiler's viruses, obtained by recombining the genomes of demyelinating and neurovirulent strains, has shown that the viral capsid contains determinants for persistence and demyelination. In this article we describe the recombinant virus R5, in which the capsid protein VP1 and a small portion of protein 2A come from the neurovirulent GDVII strain and the rest of the genome comes from the persistent DA strain. The capsid of virus R5 also contains one mutation at amino acid 34 of VP3 (Asn-->His). Virus R5 does not persist in the central nervous system (CNS) of immunocompetent SJL/J or BALB/c mice. However, it replicates efficiently and persists in the CNS of BALB/c nu/nu mice, showing that its growth in the CNS is not impaired. In BALB/c nu/nu mice, whereas virus DA causes mortality with large amounts of viral antigens in the white matter of the spinal cord, virus R5 does not kill the animals, persists in the neurons of the grey matter of the brain, and never reaches the white matter of the spinal cord. This phenotype is due to the chimerism of the capsid and/or to the mutation in VP3. These results indicate that the capsid plays an important role in the characteristic migration of Theiler's virus within the CNS.  相似文献   

After (IC) inoculation of the DA strain of TMEV, SJL/J mice develop chronic CNS infection with marked mononuclear cell infiltration of spinal cord leptomeninges and white matter and concomitant demyelination. In the present study the temporal course of cell-mediated and humoral immune responses to virus were measured in this infection. It was shown that chronic TMEV infection is associated with the development of immunologically specific spleen cell reactivity as judged by in vitro incorporation of 3H-TdR into DNA in response to inactivated TMEV antigen. Spleen cell reactivity is first detectable about 2 months after infection, persists for at least 1 year, and correlates with the temporal development of serum-neutralizing antibody. The late development of sensitized spleen cells is not the result of an immunosuppressive effect of this virus infection since infected mice exhibit normal spleen cell proliferative responses to T cell mitogens and produce normal antibody responses to a heterologous protein antigen, sheep red blood cells. In addition, anti-viral antibody inhibits virus-induced spleen cell reactivity. Finally, the antigen-reactive lymphocyte subpopulation within the spleen responsible for proliferation to TMEV antigen are T cells and not B cells.  相似文献   

Theiler's virus persists in the white matter of the spinal cord of genetically susceptible mice and causes primary demyelination. The virus persists in macrophages/microglial cells, but also in oligodendrocytes, the myelin-forming cells. Susceptibility/resistance to this chronic infection has been mapped to several loci including one tentatively located in the telomeric region of chromosome 18, close to the myelin basic protein locus (Mbp locus). To determine if the MBP gene influences viral persistence, we inoculated C3H mice bearing the shiverer mutation, a 20-kb deletion in the gene. Whereas control C3H mice were of intermediate susceptibility, C3H mice heterozygous for the mutation were very susceptible, and those homozygous for the mutation were completely resistant. This resistance was not immune mediated. Furthermore, C3H/101H mice homozygous for a point mutation in the gene coding for the proteolipid protein of myelin, the rumpshaker mutation, were resistant. These results strongly support the view that oligodendrocytes are a necessary viral target for the establishment of a persistent infection by Theiler's virus.  相似文献   

Theiler's virus, a picornavirus, persists for life in the central nervous system of mouse and causes a demyelinating disease that is a model for multiple sclerosis. The virus infects neurons first but persists in white matter glial cells, mainly oligodendrocytes and macrophages. The mechanism, by which the virus traffics from neurons to glial cells, and the respective roles of oligodendrocytes and macrophages in persistence are poorly understood. We took advantage of our previous finding that the shiverer mouse, a mutant with a deletion in the myelin basic protein gene (Mbp), is resistant to persistent infection to examine the role of myelin in persistence. Using immune chimeras, we show that resistance is not mediated by immune responses or by an efficient recruitment of inflammatory cells into the central nervous system. With both in vivo and in vitro experiments, we show that the mutation does not impair the permissiveness of neurons, oligodendrocytes, and macrophages to the virus. We demonstrate that viral antigens are present in cytoplasmic channels of myelin during persistent infection of wild-type mice. Using the optic nerve as a model, we show that the virus traffics from the axons of retinal ganglion cells to the cytoplasmic channels of myelin, and that this traffic is impaired by the shiverer mutation. These results uncover an unsuspected axon to myelin traffic of Theiler's virus and the essential role played by the infection of myelin/oligodendrocyte in persistence.  相似文献   

Infection of susceptible strains of mice with Daniel's (DA) strains of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (DAV) results in virus persistence in the central nervous system (CNS) white matter and chronic demyelination similar to that observed in multiple sclerosis. We investigated whether persistence is due to the immune system more efficiently clearing DAV from gray than from white matter of the CNS. Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) and immunocompetent C.B-17 mice were infected with DAV to determine the kinetics, temporal distribution, and tropism of the virus in CNS. In early disease (6 h to 7 days postinfection), DAV replicated with similar kinetics in the brains and spinal cords of SCID and immunocompetent mice and in gray and white matter. DAV RNA was localized within 48 h in CNS cells of all phenotypes, including neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and macrophages/microglia. In late disease (13 to 17 days postinfection), SCID mice became moribund and permitted higher DAV replication in both gray and white matter. In contrast, immunocompetent mice cleared virus from the gray matter but showed replication in the white matter of their brains and spinal cords. Reconstitution of SCID mice with nonimmune splenocytes or anti-DAV antibodies after establishment of infection demonstrated that both cellular and humoral immune responses decreased virus from the gray matter; however, the cellular responses were more effective. SCID mice reconstituted with splenocytes depleted of CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocytes cleared virus from the gray matter but allowed replication in the white matter. These studies demonstrate that both neurons and glia are infected early following DAV infection but that virus persistence in the white matter is due to preferential clearance of virus from the gray matter by the immune system.  相似文献   

The DA strain of Theiler's virus, a murine picornavirus, causes a persistent infection of glial cells of the white matter of the spinal cord, associated with chronic inflammation and primary demyelination. The GDVII strain causes an acute fatal grey matter encephalomyelitis. We characterized the target cells of GDVII and DA viruses 4 days following intracerebral inoculation, and we compared the levels of viral RNA within these cells. GDVII virus infected approximately 10 times more cells than DA virus. Whereas GDVII virus infected neurons exclusively, DA virus infected also astrocytes and possible macrophage-microglial cells. The levels of viral RNA in neurons infected with GDVII and DA viruses were of the same order. These results show that DA virus infects glial cells already at the beginning of the disease and that the more efficient spread of GDVII virus is probably not due to a higher level of RNA replication per cell.  相似文献   

The role of humoral immunity in the protection of vaccinated SJL/J mice from central nervous system disease induced by the DA strain (DAV) of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus was investigated in B-cell-deficient mice. Mice were depleted of B cells by treatment with a mouse monoclonal antibody specific for immunoglobulin M. DAV-vaccinated, B-cell-deficient mice failed to clear viral infection and were no longer protected from Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-mediated central nervous system disease. CD4+ T cells are required in this model of protection to provide help for the development of an antiviral antibody response in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Following intracranial inoculation, Theiler's virus causes either an acute encephalitis (strain GDVII) or a chronic demyelinating disease (strain DA). The DA strain sequentially infects the grey matter of the brain, the grey matter of the spinal cord, and, finally, the white matter of the spinal cord, where it persists in glial cells and causes demyelinating lesions. Analysis of the phenotype of recombinant viruses has shown that the viral capsid contains determinants for persistence and demyelination. Our previous studies showed that a Lys at position 141 of the VP2 capsid protein (VP2-141) could render a chimeric virus persistent. We also reported that another recombinant virus, virus R5, migrated from the grey matter of the brain to that of the spinal cord inefficiently and was unable to infect the white matter of the spinal cord. In this article, we report that introducing a Lys at position VP2-141 in virus R5 increases its ability to infect the white matter of the spinal cord. Our results indicate that this amino acid is important for the spread of the virus within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Vesicular transport involves SNARE (soluble- N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor-attachment-protein-receptor) proteins on transport vesicles and on target membranes. Syntaxin 13 is a SNARE enriched in brain, associated with recycling endosomes; its overexpression in PC12 cells promotes neurite outgrowth. This suggests an important role for receptor recycling during neuronal differentiation. Here we describe the spatiotemporal pattern of syntaxin 13 expression during mouse brain development. During early embryogenesis (E12-E15), it was found in the forebrain ventricular zone and in primary motor and sensory neurons in the brainstem, spinal cord and sensory ganglia. In the forebrain at E15, syntaxin 13 was not detected in neuroblasts in the intermediate zone of the embryonic hemispheric wall, while there was labeling in cortical neurons in deeper layers starting at E15-18, and progressively in later-generated neurons up to layer II around P6. Syntaxin 13 reached maximal expression in all brain divisions at about P7, followed by a decrease, with heterogeneous neuron populations displaying various staining intensities in adult brain. While usually restricted to the soma of neurons, we transiently detected syntaxin 13 in dendrites of pyramidal neurons during the first postnatal week. In conclusion, the developmentally regulated syntaxin 13 expression in various neuronal populations is consistent with its involvement in endocytic trafficking and neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Detection of the mouse hepatitis virus receptor within the central nervous system (CNS) has been elusive. Receptor expression on microglia was reduced during acute infection and restored following immune-mediated virus control. Receptor down regulation was independent of neutrophils, NK cells, gamma interferon, or perforin. Infection of mice devoid of distinct inflammatory cells revealed CD4(+) T cells as the major cell type influencing receptor expression by microglia. In addition to demonstrating receptor expression on CNS resident cells, these data suggest that transient receptor down regulation on microglia aids in establishing persistence in the CNS by assisting virus infection of other glial cell types.  相似文献   

Intracerebral inoculation of mice with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus results in an intense inflammatory response of mononuclear leukocytes which infiltrate into the central nervous system. Resistant strains of mice have the ability to clear virus whereas susceptible strains become infected persistently and are associated with chronic demyelination which is proposed to be immune-mediated. In an attempt to better understand the role of the immune response during demyelination, mononuclear leukocytes were isolated from the central nervous system of infected mice and stained by an immunoperoxidase technique with anti-Thy-1.2, anti-L3T4, anti-Lyt-2 and anti-MAC-1 mAb. Infection of susceptible SJL/J mice resulted in a biphasic immune response which peaked on days 7 and 27 post-infection. In contrast, a single peak (day 7) was observed in resistant C57BL/10SNJ mice. The presence of Thy-1.2, L3T4, and MAC-1+ cells was similar between the two strains. However, although the number of Lyt-2+ cells peaked on day 7 in C57BL/10SNJ mice, they were not detected in SJL/J mice until 14 days post-infection and gradually increased in number over the course of infection. To further study the role of T cells in demyelination, serial frozen sections of brain and spinal cord were stained for the presence of Lyt-2 and L3T4+ cells in the lesions of chronically infected SJL/J mice. L3T4+ cells were observed predominantly in perivascular regions while Lyt-2+ cells were observed infiltrating the parenchyma. These results provide further evidence that Lyt-2+ lymphocytes are important in the mechanism of susceptibility/resistance to Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelination.  相似文献   

Resistance of SJL/J mice to intracranial inoculation with the JHM strain of mouse hepatitis, a coronavirus, is dependent upon the age of the animals at inoculation. Animals 12 weeks of age or older are resistant, whereas those 6 weeks or younger are uniformly susceptible to viral infection. Spleen cells or thioglycolate elicited peritoneal exudate cells can transfer resistance from 12-week-old to 6-week-old recipients. Removal of the adherent cells from either spleen or peritoneal cells ablated protection. Adherent cells from 12-week-old mice were protective even after depletion of Ia- and Thy-1-bearing cells. Antiviral antibody, thioglycolate injection into 6-week-old animals, and nylon wool-purified T cells were ineffective in mediating resistance. Adherent cells transferred 4 days before virus challenge, but not after challenge, were protective. Thus, there is an age-related change in SJL mice that protects from acute central nervous system disease, which may be due to maturation of a specialized adherent cell population.  相似文献   

Clearance of the neurotropic JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus from the central nervous system was examined by the transfer of spleen cells from immunized donors. A T cell with the surface phenotype of Thy1.2+ CD4+ CD8- asialo-GM1+ Mac-1- was found to be necessary for viral clearance. The surface phenotype and adherence to nylon wool suggest that these cells are activated helper-inducer T cells. Adoptive transfer to congenic histocompatibility strains demonstrated the necessity for compatibility at the D locus of the major histocompatibility complex. The expression of the CD4 surface marker and the requirement for major histocompatibility complex class I were further studied by the transfer of cells to recipients treated with anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies. Treatment of recipients with either the anti-CD8 or the anti-CD4 antibodies inhibited virus clearance from the central nervous system. This suggests that the CD4+ cell acts as a helper and that virus is cleared from the central nervous system. This suggests that the CD4+ cell acts as a helper and that virus is cleared from the central nervous system by CD8+ cells that recognize viral antigen in the context of the H-2Db gene product.  相似文献   

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses (TMEV) are ubiquitous pathogens of mice, producing either rapidly fatal encephalitis (high-neurovirulence strains) or persistent central nervous system infection and inflammatory demyelination (low-neurovirulence strains). Although a protein entry receptor has not yet been identified, carbohydrate co-receptors that effect docking and concentration of the virus on the cell surface are known for both TMEV neurovirulence groups. Low-neurovirulence TMEV use α2,3-linked N-acetylneuramic acid (sialic acid) on an N-linked glycoprotein, whereas high-neurovirulence TMEV use the proteoglycan heparan sulfate (HS) as a co-receptor. While the binding of low-neurovirulence TMEV to sialic acid can be inhibited completely, only a third of the binding of high-neurovirulence TMEV to HS is inhibitable, suggesting that high-neurovirulence strains use another co-receptor or bind directly to the putative protein entry receptor. Four amino acids on the surface (VP2 puff B) of low-neurovirulence strains make contact with sialic acid through non-covalent hydrogen bonds. Since these virus residues are conserved in all TMEV strains, the capsid conformation of this region is probably responsible for sialic acid binding. A persistence determinant that maps within the virus coat using recombinant TMEV is also conformational in nature. Low-neurovirulence virus variants that do not bind to sialic acid fail to persist in the central nervous system of mice, indicating a role for sialic acid binding in TMEV persistence. Analysis of high-neurovirulence variants that do not bind HS demonstrates that HS co-receptor usage influences neuronal tropism in brain, whereas, the HS co-receptor use is not required for the infection of spinal cord anterior horn cells associated with poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

A common feature of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis in humans and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rodents is the marked elevation in the expression of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens in the involved sites. By specific targeting of a syngeneic MHC class I gene to oligodendrocytes, we have generated transgenic mice which not only exhibit severe involuntary tremors and develop tonic seizures but also show extensive demyelination in both the brain and the spinal cord. The fact that demyelination in these mice occurs in the absence of immune infiltration dismisses an autoimmune involvement but suggests that the MHC class I antigens play a direct role in inducing disease. Our findings lend support to the possibility that demyelinating diseases are induced by infectious agents such as viruses which can either directly activate MHC gene expression in oligodendroglia or indirectly activate expression through the release by reactive T cells of gamma interferon in the brain.  相似文献   

Intracerebral inoculation of susceptible strains of mice with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) results in immune-mediated demyelinating disease. We examined the pathogenic roles of nitric oxide (NO) and inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in TMEV-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD). The presence of iNOS was confirmed in the spinal cords of TMEV-infected mice using immunohistochemical staining with anti-iNOS antibody on day 0 (control) and days 15, 30, 60, and 120. Aminoguanidine (AG), a specific inhibitor of iNOS, was injected intraperitoneally (ip) on 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 days post-TMEV inoculation as induction phase or 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, and 26 days as effector phase. Control animals in each experiment received phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) ip at similar time intervals. Few iNOS-positive cells were observed in the spinal cords of naive SJL/J mice. In the early phase (day 15) of TMEV-IDD, an increase of iNOS-positive cells was detected in the leptomeninges and perivascular space of the spinal cords. The number of iNOS-positive cells was increased and reached its peak on day 60, when histology of the animals showed peak infiltration with inflammatory cells. The clinical course of TMEV-IDD on each day postintracerebral infection was significantly reduced in mice treated with AG in the effector phase, and there was no significant difference between mice treated with AG in induction phase versus those administered PBS. Thus, NO production via iNOS appears to be a pathogenic factor in the effector phase of TMEV-IDD.  相似文献   

Antibody prevents virus reactivation within the central nervous system.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The neurotropic JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus (JHMV) produces an acute CNS infection characterized by encephalomyelitis and demyelination. The immune response cannot completely eliminate virus, resulting in persistence associated with chronic ongoing CNS demyelination. The contribution of humoral immunity to viral clearance and persistent infection was investigated in mice homozygous for disruption of the Ig mu gene (IgM-/-). Acute disease developed with equal kinetics and severity in IgM-/- and syngeneic C57BL/6 (wt) mice. However, clinical disease progressed in IgM-/- mice, while wt mice recovered. Viral clearance during acute infection was similar in both groups, supporting a primary role of cell-mediated immunity in viral clearance. In contrast to wt mice, in which infectious virus was reduced to below detection following acute infection, increasing infectious virus was recovered from the CNS of the IgM-/- mice following initial clearance. No evidence was obtained for selection of variant viruses nor was there an apparent loss of cell-mediated immunity in the absence of Ab. Passive transfer of anti-JHMV Ab following initial clearance prevented reactivation of infectious virus within the CNS of IgM-/- mice. These data demonstrate the clearance of infectious virus during acute disease by cell-mediated immunity. However, immunologic control is not maintained in the absence of anti-viral Ab, resulting in recrudescence of infectious virus. These data suggest that humoral immunity plays no role in controlling virus during acute infection, but plays an important role in establishing and maintaining CNS viral persistence.  相似文献   

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