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In universal-code eukaryotes, a single class-1 translation termination factor eRF1 decodes all three stop codons, UAA, UAG, and UGA. In some ciliates with variant genetic codes one or two stop codons are used to encode amino acid(s) and are not recognized by eRF1. In Stylonychia, UAG and UAA codons are reassigned as glutamine codons, and in Euplotes, UGA is reassigned as cysteine codon. In omnipotent eRF1s, stop codon recognition is associated with the N-terminal domain of eRF1. Because variant-code ciliates most likely evolved from universal code ancestor(s), structural features should exist in ciliate eRF1s that restrict their stop codon recognition. To find out amino acid residues which confer UAR-only specificity to Euplotes aediculatus eRF1, eRFI chimeras were constructed by swapping eRF1 E. aediculatus N-terminal domain sequences with the matching ones from the human protein. In these chimeras the MC-domain was from human eRF1. Functional analysis of these chimeric eRFI highlighted the crucial role of the two regions (positions 38-50 and 123-145) in the N-terminal domain of E. aediculatus eRF1 that restrict E. aediculatus eRF1 specificity toward UAR codons. Possibly, restriction of eRF1 specificity to UAR codons might have been an early event occurring in independent instances in ciliate evolutionary history, possibly facilitating the reassignment of UGA to sense codons.  相似文献   

Eukaryote ribosomal translation is terminated when release factor eRF1, in a complex with eRF3, binds to one of the three stop codons. The tertiary structure and dimensions of eRF1 are similar to that of a tRNA, supporting the hypothesis that release factors may act as molecular mimics of tRNAs. To identify the yeast eRF1 stop codon recognition domain (analogous to a tRNA anticodon), a genetic screen was performed to select for mutants with disabled recognition of only one of the three stop codons. Nine out of ten mutations isolated map to conserved residues within the eRF1 N-terminal domain 1. A subset of these mutants, although wild-type for ribosome and eRF3 interaction, differ in their respective abilities to recognize each of the three stop codons, indicating codon-specific discrimination defects. Five of six of these stop codon-specific mutants define yeast domain 1 residues (I32, M48, V68, L123, and H129) that locate at three pockets on the eRF1 domain 1 molecular surface into which a stop codon can be modeled. The genetic screen results and the mutant phenotypes are therefore consistent with a role for domain 1 in stop codon recognition; the topology of this eRF1 domain, together with eRF1-stop codon complex modeling further supports the proposal that this domain may represent the site of stop codon binding itself.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is catalyzed by two release factors eRF1 and eRF3 in a cooperative manner. The precise mechanism of stop codon discrimination by eRF1 remains obscure, hindering drug development targeting aberrations at translation termination. By solving the solution structures of the wild-type N-domain of human eRF1 exhibited omnipotent specificity, i.e. recognition of all three stop codons, and its unipotent mutant with UGA-only specificity, we found the conserved GTS loop adopting alternate conformations. We propose that structural variability in the GTS loop may underline the switching between omnipotency and unipotency of eRF1, implying the direct access of the GTS loop to the stop codon. To explore such feasibility, we positioned N-domain in a pre-termination ribosomal complex using the binding interface between N-domain and model RNA oligonucleotides mimicking Helix 44 of 18S rRNA. NMR analysis revealed that those duplex RNA containing 2-nt internal loops interact specifically with helix α1 of N-domain, and displace C-domain from a non-covalent complex of N-domain and C-domain, suggesting domain rearrangement in eRF1 that accompanies N-domain accommodation into the ribosomal A site.  相似文献   

Positioning of release factor eRF1 toward adenines and the ribose-phosphate backbone of the UAAA stop signal in the ribosomal decoding site was studied using messenger RNA (mRNA) analogs containing stop signal UAA/UAAA and a photoactivatable cross-linker at definite locations. The human eRF1 peptides cross-linked to these analogs were identified. Cross-linkers on the adenines at the 2nd, 3rd or 4th position modified eRF1 near the conserved YxCxxxF loop (positions 125-131 in the N domain), but cross-linker at the 4th position mainly modified the tripeptide 26-AAR-28. This tripeptide cross-linked also with derivatized 3'-phosphate of UAA, while the same cross-linker at the 3'-phosphate of UAAA modified both the 26-28 and 67-73 fragments. A comparison of the results with those obtained earlier with mRNA analogs bearing a similar cross-linker at the guanines indicates that positioning of eRF1 toward adenines and guanines of stop signals in the 80S termination complex is different. Molecular modeling of eRF1 in the 80S termination complex showed that eRF1 fragments neighboring guanines and adenines of stop signals are compatible with different N domain conformations of eRF1. These conformations vary by positioning of stop signal purines toward the universally conserved dipeptide 31-GT-32, which neighbors guanines but is oriented more distantly from adenines.  相似文献   

To study positioning of the polypeptide release factor eRF1 toward a stop signal in the ribosomal decoding site, we applied photoactivatable mRNA analogs, derivatives of oligoribonucleotides. The human eRF1 peptides cross-linked to these short mRNAs were identified. Cross-linkers on the guanines at the second, third, and fourth stop signal positions modified fragment 31–33, and to lesser extent amino acids within region 121–131 (the “YxCxxxF loop”) in the N domain. Hence, both regions are involved in the recognition of the purines. A cross-linker at the first uridine of the stop codon modifies Val66 near the NIKS loop (positions 61–64), and this region is important for recognition of the first uridine of stop codons. Since the N domain distinct regions of eRF1 are involved in a stop-codon decoding, the eRF1 decoding site is discontinuous and is not of “protein anticodon” type. By molecular modeling, the eRF1 molecule can be fitted to the A site proximal to the P-site-bound tRNA and to a stop codon in mRNA via a large conformational change to one of its three domains. In the simulated eRF1 conformation, the YxCxxxF motif and positions 31–33 are very close to a stop codon, which becomes also proximal to several parts of the C domain. Thus, in the A-site-bound state, the eRF1 conformation significantly differs from those in crystals and solution. The model suggested for eRF1 conformation in the ribosomal A site and cross-linking data are compatible.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the stop codon and its 3′-flanking codon relative to the components of translation termination complexes of human 80S ribosomes was studied using mRNA analogs containing the stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and the photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group, which was linked to a stop-signal or 3′-flanking nucleotide (positions from +4 to +9 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon). Upon mild UV irradiation, the analogs crosslinked to components of the model complexes, mimicking the state of the 80S ribosome at translation termination. Termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 did not change the relative arrangement of the stop signal and 18S rRNA. Crosslinking to eRF1 was observed for modified nucleotides in positions +5 to +9 (that for stop-codon nucleotide +4 was detected earlier). The eRF1 fragments crosslinked to the mRNA analogs were identified. Fragment 52–195, including the N domain and part of the M domain, crosslinked to the analogs carrying the reactive group at A or G in positions +5 to +9 or at the terminal phosphate of nucleotide +7. The site crosslinking to mRNA analogs containing modified G in positions +5 to +7 was assigned to eRF1 fragment 82–166 (beyond the NIKS motif). All but one analog (that with modified G in position +4) crosslinked to the C domain of eRF1 (fragment 330–422). The efficiency of crosslinking to the C domain was higher than to the N domain in most cases. It was assumed that the C domain of eRF1 bound in the A site is close to nucleotides +5 to +9, especially +7 and +8, and that eRF1 undergoes substantial conformational changes when binding to the ribosome.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in ribosomes requires two kinds of tRNAs: initiation and elongation. The former initiates the process (formylmethionine tRNA in prokaryotes and special methionine tRNA in eukaryotes). The latter participates in the synthesis proper, recognizing the sense codons. Synthesis is also assisted by special proteins: initiation, elongation, and termination factors. The termination factors are necessary to recognize stop codons (UAG, UGA, and UAA) and to release the complete protein chain from the elongation tRNA preceding a stop codon. No termination tRNA capable of recognizing stop codons by their anticodons is known. The termination factors are thought to do this. In the large ribosomal RNA, we found two sites that, like tRNAs, contain the anticodon hairpin but with triplets complementary to stop codons. One site is hairpin 69 from domain IV; the other site is hairpin 89, domain V. By analogy, we call them termination tRNAs: Ter-tRNA1 and Ter-tRNA2, respectively, even though they transport no amino acids, and suggest that they directly pair to stop codons. The termination factors only aid in this recognition, making it specific and reliable. A strong argument in favor of our hypothesis comes from vertebrate mitochondria. They are known to acquire two new stop codons, AGA and AGG. In the standard code, these are two out of six arginine codons. We revealed that the corresponding anticodons, UCU and CCU, have evolved in Ter-tRNA1 of these mitochondria.  相似文献   

During protein synthesis, translational release factors catalyze the release of the polypeptide chain when a stop codon on the mRNA reaches the A site of the ribosome. The detailed mechanism of this process is currently unknown. We present here the crystal structures of the ribosome from Thermus thermophilus with RF1 and RF2 bound to their cognate stop codons, at resolutions of 5.9 Angstrom and 6.7 Angstrom, respectively. The structures reveal details of interactions of the factors with the ribosome and mRNA, including elements previously implicated in decoding and peptide release. They also shed light on conformational changes both in the factors and in the ribosome during termination. Differences seen in the interaction of RF1 and RF2 with the L11 region of the ribosome allow us to rationalize previous biochemical data. Finally, this work demonstrates the feasibility of crystallizing ribosomes with bound factors at a defined state along the translational pathway.  相似文献   

Release factors RF1 and RF2 are required in bacteria for the cleavage of peptidyl-tRNA. A single sequence motif, GGQ, is conserved in all eubacterial, archaebacterial and eukaryotic release factors and may mimic the CCA end of tRNA, although the position of the motif in the crystal structures of human eRF1 and Escherichia coli RF2 is strikingly different. Mutations have been introduced at each of the three conserved positions. Changing the Gln residue to Ala or Glu allowed the factors to retain about 22% of tetrapeptide release activity in vitro, but these mutants could not complement thermosensitive RF mutants in vivo. None of several mutants with altered Gly residues retained activity in vivo or in vitro. Many GGQ mutants were poorly expressed and are presumably unstable; many were also toxic to the cell. The toxic mutant factors or their degradation products may bind to ribosomes inhibiting the action of the normal factor. These data are consistent with a common role for the GGQ motif in bacterial and eukaryotic release factors, despite strong divergence in primary, secondary and tertiary structure, but are difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis that the amide nitrogen of the Gln plays a vital role in peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Bacterial release factors RF1 and RF2 are methylated on the Gln residue of a universally conserved tripeptide motif GGQ, which interacts with the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal subunit, triggering hydrolysis of the ester bond in peptidyl-tRNA and releasing the newly synthesized polypeptide from the ribosome. In vitro experiments have shown that the activity of RF2 is stimulated by Gln methylation. The viability of Escherichia coli K12 strains depends on the integrity of the release factor methyltransferase PrmC, because K12 strains are partially deficient in RF2 activity due to the presence of a Thr residue at position 246 instead of Ala. Here, we study in vivo RF1 and RF2 activity at termination codons in competition with programmed frameshifting and the effect of the Ala-246 --> Thr mutation. PrmC inactivation reduces the specific termination activity of RF1 and RF2(Ala-246) by approximately 3- to 4-fold. The mutation Ala-246 --> Thr in RF2 reduces the termination activity in cells approximately 5-fold. After correction for the decrease in level of RF2 due to the autocontrol of RF2 synthesis, the mutation Ala-246 --> Thr reduced RF2 termination activity by approximately 10-fold at UGA codons and UAA codons. PrmC inactivation had no effect on cell growth in rich media but reduced growth considerably on poor carbon sources. This suggests that the expression of some genes needed for optimal growth under such conditions can become growth limiting as a result of inefficient translation termination.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated a 180-kD ribosome receptor (p180) from mammalian rough ER that, when incorporated into liposomes, bound ribosomes with an affinity similar to intact membranes. To directly assess the contribution of p180 to ribosome binding as well as protein translocation, monoclonal antibodies were used to selectively deplete p180 from the detergent extracts of rough ER membranes used in the preparation of translocation-competent proteoliposomes. Proteoliposomes prepared from p180-depleted extracts showed a reduction in ribosome binding to the level of trypsin-inactivated controls as well as a loss in their ability to cotranslationally translocate two different secretory protein precursors. When purified p180 was added back to depleted extracts before proteoliposome formation, both ribosome binding and translocation activity were restored. In addition, the monoclonal antibodies, as well as their Fab' fragments, were able to inhibit ribosome binding and protein translocation when bound to intact rough microsomes. These data provide direct evidence that the 180-kD ribosome receptor is essential for ribosome binding and for the translocation of nascent proteins across the membrane of the rough ER.  相似文献   

To study the functions of nuclear genes involved in chloroplast development, we systematically analyzed albino and pale green Arabidopsis thaliana mutants by use of the Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposon tagging system. In this study, we focused on one of these albino mutants, designated apg3-1 (for a lbino or p ale g reen mutant 3). A gene encoding a ribosome release factor 1 (RF1) homologue was disrupted by the insertion of a Ds transposon into the APG3 gene; a T-DNA insertion into the same gene caused a similar phenotype (apg3-2). The APG3 gene (At3g62910) has 15 exons and encodes a protein (422-aa) with a transit peptide that functions in targeting the protein to chloroplasts. The amino acid sequence of APG3 showed 40.6% homology with an RF1 of Escherichia coli, and complementation analysis using the E. coli rf1 mutant revealed that APG3 functions as an RF1 in E. coli, although complementation was not successful in the RF2-deficient (rf2) mutants of E. coli. These results indicate that the APG3 protein is an orthologue of E. coli RF1, and is essential for chloroplast translation machinery; it was accordingly named AtcpRF1. Since the chloroplasts of apg3-1 plants contained few internal thylakoid membranes, and chloroplast proteins related to photosynthesis were not detected by immunoblot analysis, AtcpRF1 is thought to be essential for chloroplast development. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

mRNA cap binding proteins: essential factors for initiating translation   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
A J Shatkin 《Cell》1985,40(2):223-224

The initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is preceded by the assembly of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) at chromosomal origins of DNA replication. Pre-RC assembly requires the essential DNA replication proteins ORC, Cdc6, and Cdt1 to load the MCM DNA helicase onto chromatin. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Noc3 (ScNoc3), an evolutionarily conserved protein originally implicated in 60S ribosomal subunit trafficking, has been proposed to be an essential regulator of DNA replication that plays a direct role during pre-RC formation in budding yeast. We have cloned Schizosaccharomyces pombe noc3(+) (Spnoc3(+)), the S. pombe homolog of the budding yeast ScNOC3 gene, and functionally characterized the requirement for the SpNoc3 protein during ribosome biogenesis, cell cycle progression, and DNA replication in fission yeast. We showed that fission yeast SpNoc3 is a functional homolog of budding yeast ScNoc3 that is essential for cell viability and ribosome biogenesis. We also showed that SpNoc3 is required for the normal completion of cell division in fission yeast. However, in contrast to the proposal that ScNoc3 plays an essential role during DNA replication in budding yeast, we demonstrated that fission yeast cells do enter and complete S phase in the absence of SpNoc3, suggesting that SpNoc3 is not essential for DNA replication in fission yeast.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase is the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in animals and some bacteria. Lysine-313 of the mouse erythroid aminolevulinate synthase was recently identified to be linked covalently to the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate cofactor (Ferreira GC, Neame PJ, Dailey HA, 1993, Protein Sci 2:1959-1965). Here we report on the effect of replacement of aminolevulinate synthase lysine-313 by alanine, histidine, and glycine, using site-directed mutagenesis. Mutant enzymes were purified to homogeneity, and the purification yields were similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. Although their absorption spectra indicate that the mutant enzymes bind pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, they bind noncovalently. However, addition of glycine to the mutant enzymes led to the formation of external aldimines. The formation of an external aldimine between the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate cofactor and the glycine substrate is the first step in the mechanism of the aminolevulinate synthase-catalyzed reaction. In contrast, lysine-313 is an essential catalytic residue, because the K313-directed mutant enzymes have no measurable activity. In summary, site-directed mutagenesis of the aminolevulinate synthase active-site lysine-313, to alanine (K313A), histidine (K313H), or glycine (K313G) yields enzymes that bind the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate cofactor and the glycine substrate to produce external aldimines, but which are inactive. This suggests that lysine-313 has a functional role in catalysis.  相似文献   

Components of the cellular translation machinery are targets of caspase-mediated cleavage during apoptosis that correlates with the inhibition of protein synthesis, which accompanies apoptosis. Paradoxically, protein synthesis is required for apoptosis to occur in many experimental settings. Previous studies showed that two proteins that regulate apoptosis by controlling caspase activity, XIAP and Apaf-1, are translated by a unique, cap-independent mechanism mediated by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that is used preferentially under conditions in which normal cap-dependent translation is repressed. We investigated the regulation of XIAP and Apaf-1 following UVC irradiation. We show that UVC irradiation leads to the inhibition of translation and cell death. Furthermore, IRES-mediated translation of Apaf-1, but not XIAP, is enhanced by UVC irradiation, and this increase in Apaf-1 translation correlated with cell death. The enhanced Apaf-1 IRES-mediated translation is caspase-independent but is negatively modulated by the eIF2alpha kinase protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase. These data suggest that progression of UV-induced apoptosis requires IRES-mediated translation of Apaf-1 to ensure continuous levels of Apaf-1 despite an overall suppression of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Song H  Mugnier P  Das AK  Webb HM  Evans DR  Tuite MF  Hemmings BA  Barford D 《Cell》2000,100(3):311-321
The release factor eRF1 terminates protein biosynthesis by recognizing stop codons at the A site of the ribosome and stimulating peptidyl-tRNA bond hydrolysis at the peptidyl transferase center. The crystal structure of human eRF1 to 2.8 A resolution, combined with mutagenesis analyses of the universal GGQ motif, reveals the molecular mechanism of release factor activity. The overall shape and dimensions of eRF1 resemble a tRNA molecule with domains 1, 2, and 3 of eRF1 corresponding to the anticodon loop, aminoacyl acceptor stem, and T stem of a tRNA molecule, respectively. The position of the essential GGQ motif at an exposed tip of domain 2 suggests that the Gln residue coordinates a water molecule to mediate the hydrolytic activity at the peptidyl transferase center. A conserved groove on domain 1, 80 A from the GGQ motif, is proposed to form the codon recognition site.  相似文献   

Mammalian actin binding protein 1 (mAbp1, also called SH3P7/Hip55) is structurally and functionally related to yeast Abp1 and to cortactin, both of which have been implicated in endocytotic processes. mAbp1 associates through its SH3 domain with dynamin, a large GTPase essential for vesicle fission. To clarify the function of mAbp1, we specifically knocked down its expression in human embryonic kidney 293T cells, using RNA interference (RNAi). Co-transfection of a short interfering RNA (siRNA) together with a plasmid coding for a surface marker, followed by purification of transfected cells, enabled us to obtain a cell population having up to 90% inhibition of mAbp1 expression. In mAbp1-knocked down cells, transferrin (Tf) receptor endocytosis was significantly inhibited and intracellular distribution of the early endosomal compartment was modified. In contrast, in these cells actin and microtubule filaments appeared normal, and formation of lamellipodia induced by active Rac was not inhibited. This study provides definitive evidence that mAbp1 is indispensable for receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

The E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcH7 and UbcH5B both show specific binding to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase c-Cbl, but UbcH7 hardly supports ubiquitination of c-Cbl and substrate in a reconstituted system. Here, we found that neither structural changes nor subtle differences in the E2-E3 interaction surface are possible explanations for the functional specificity of UbcH5B and UbcH7 in their interaction with c-Cbl. The quick transfer of ubiquitin from the UbcH5B∼Ub thioester to c-Cbl or other ubiquitin acceptors suggests that UbcH5B might functionally be a relatively pliable E2 enzyme. In contrast, the UbcH7∼Ub thioester is too stable to transfer ubiquitin under our assay conditions, indicating that UbcH7 might be a more specific E2 enzyme. Our results imply that the interaction specificity between c-Cbl and E2 is required but not sufficient for transfer of ubiquitin to potential targets.  相似文献   

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