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Poly(A)-containing RNAs from cytoplasm and nuclei of adult Xenopus liver cells are compared. After denaturation of the RNA by dimethysulfoxide the average molecule of nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA has a sedimentation value of 28 S whereas the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA sediments slightly ahead of 18 S. To compare the complexity of cytoplasmic and nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA, complementary DNA (cDNA) transcribed on either cytoplasmic or nuclear RNA is hybridized to the RNA used as a template. The hybridization kinetics suggest a higher complexity of the nuclear RNA compared to the cytoplasmic fraction. Direct evidence of a higher complexity of nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA is shown by the fact that 30% of the nuclear cDNA fails to hybridize with cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA. An attempt to isolate a specific probe for this nucleus-restricted poly(A)-containing RNA reveals that more than 10(4) different nuclear RNA sequences adjacent to the poly(A) do not get into the cytoplasm. We conclude that a poly(A) on a nuclear RNA does not ensure the transport of the adjacent sequence to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Three fractions of poly(A)-containing RNA were separated from total rat liver RNA using poly(U)-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The poly(A)-containing RNA fractions were released by thermal elution. Fraction 1, eluted under the mildest conditions, and had poly(A) tracts of approx. 200 AMP units in length which appeared to be associated with poly(U) sequences of 20-50 UMP in length. Fraction 1 appeared to be present mainly in the nucleus and, its size distribution was similar to that of fractions 2 and 3. Fractions 2 and 3 eluted at higher temperatures and were associated mainly with polysomal and microsomal fractions. Poly(U) sequences were absent in fractions 2 and 3 while their poly(A) sequences had a size distribution characteristic of those reported in the mRNA of other organisms.  相似文献   

A Kuosa  R Lahtonen  J L?hdetie  R Santti 《In vitro》1982,18(7):585-592
Testosterone stimulated, at the concentration of 10-7 M and independently of other hormones, the accumulation of polysomal poly(A)-containing RNA (mRNA) in cultured explants of rat ventral prostate and concomitantly also protein synthesis. The hormone-induced accumulation of polysomal mRNA, which reached its maximum at 24 h after testosterone addition, paralleled the preferential labeling of high molecular weight RNA demonstrable with the electrophoretic analysis of the double-isotope labeled RNA after a short pulse (30 min). These findings are consistent with the idea that testosterone activated the synthesis of precursor mRNA leading to an increased amount of polysomal mRNA and eventually an activated protein synthesis. The synthesis and maturation of rRNA appeared to proceed even in the absence of testosterone, which is in contrast to the vivo findings on castrated rats. This partial uncoupling of RNA synthesis from androgenic control may account for the slow and less marked hormonal responses found in protein synthesis and glucose metabolism in cultured explants from normal animals. Because of the lack of uniformity in the suture, routine light microscopic control to assess the viability of cultured explants was found to be a prerequisite for successful biochemical work on prostate culture.  相似文献   

The analysis by the approach to equilibrium labeling method has shown that the poly(A)+ fraction of liver hnRNA is not a uniform class of molecules, but is comprised of two distinct subclasses with half-lives of 5 and 60 min, while the poly(A)- hnRNA was metabolically homogeneous and turned over with a rather uniform half-life of 30 min. The results suggest that (a) poly(A) synthesis and addition is not limiting for the rate of hnRNA processing, and (b) there is a correlation between the kinetics of mRNA appearance in the cytoplasm and kinetic behavior of their possible nuclear precursors.  相似文献   

Total nuclear RNA extracted from nuclei of rat liver cells by phenol/chloroform in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate was separated by combined gel filtration on Sepharose 4 B and affinity chromatography on poly(U) Sepharose into fractions differing in their molecular weights and contents of poly(A) sequences. The poly(A)-containing 45-S RNA became labelled most rapidly if rats were administered [3H] orotic acid. This fraction showed a high template activity when added to postmitochondrial supernatants of the Krebs ascites tumour. Fractions of nRNA, free of poly(A) sequences, had no stimulating effect on protein synthesis in this system. The 45-S RNA-containing poly(A) was readily bound to crude polyribosomes from rat liver at 0 degrees C and both ATP and GTP were necessary for this reaction. Sucrose gradient analyses provided evidence that this RNA species is bound predominantly to 80-S ribosomes. No binding was obtained with polyribosomes washed with 0.5 M KCl. The binding ability of washed polyribosomes was restored by the addition of the ribosomal wash fraction or rat liver cytosol. Crude polyribosomes bound significantly lower quantities of nRNA species free of poly(A) when compared with poly(A)-45-S RNA. The label was scattered through the whole ribosomal sedimentation pattern with no predominant peaks and the binding reaction required neither soluble factors nor nucleotide cofactors. The labelling kinetics and high template activity of poly(A)-45-S nRNA indicate that this fraction contains precursors of cytoplasmic mRNA. Requirements for soluble factors and nucleotide cofactors in the binding of this RNA species to 80-S ribosomes suggest that this binding, unlike that of other nRNA species, has a specific mechanism resembling that of mRNA binding during peptide initiation.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing low molecular weight (7.5S) messenger RNA was isolated in a highly purified form from both polyribosomes and post-polysomal supernatant of rat liver mitochondria. Both mRNA's contain rather short poly(A) tracts (40-70 mononucleotides) according to a profile of their elution from poly(U)-Sepharose column with a gradient of formamide concentration. Both mRNA's when added to a preincubated mitochondrial lysate programmed the synthesis of a hydrophobic polypeptide of a molecular weight about 9000 daltons which was soluble in the neutral chloroform-methanol mixture.  相似文献   

DNA complementary to polysomal poly(A)-containing mRNA (cDNA) of male rat liver was used to study the diversity of messenger sequences in the nucleus and in polysomes. 1. Hybridization of cDNA against an excess of its own polysomal mRNA template revealed that about 10,000 different mRNA species are expressed in the liver tissue. They are distributed in a wide frequency range derived from approximately 0.5% of the total genome. 2. Hybridization of the cDNA against total nuclear RNA shows that messenger sequences comprise less than 1% of the mass of total nuclear RNA. Messenger sequences have a different frequency distribution in nucleus and cytoplasm. 3. In hybridizations using cDNA, which had been fractionated into sequences representing abundant and scarce polysomal mRNA molecules, it was found that although abundant cytoplasmic messenger sequences are also abundant in the nucleus, they exist in a significantly lower frequency range in the nuclear compartment.  相似文献   

RNA excess hybridization experiments were used to measure the complexity of nuclear RNA, poly(A+) mRNA, poly(A-) mRNA, and EDTA-released polysomal RNA sedimenting at less than 80 S in mouse liver and in cultured mouse cells. With both cell types, poly(A-) RNA was found to contain 30-40% of the sequence diversity of total mRNA. In the case of liver this represents 5,700 poly(A-) molecules and 8,600 poly(A+) molecules for a total of approximately 14,300 different mRNAs. Comparison of the complexity of mRNA with that of nuclear RNA revealed that in liver and in cultured cells, mRNA has only 10-20% of the sequence diversity present in nuclear RNA. This latter observation is consistent with existing data on mammalian cells from this and other laboratories.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-protein particles were prepared from rat liver polyribosomes, washed with 0.5 M KCl or unwashed, after digestion with pancreatic ribonuclease and ribonuclease T1 by two successive rounds of sucrose gradient centrifugation. The particles were sedimented in a range of 5--13 S with a peak at about 9 S. The KCl wash of polysomes had no effect on the sedimentation properties of the particles. The particles isolated in this manner were 99% resistant to further pancreatic ribonuclease treatment and contained about 96% adenylic acid. The length of the poly(A) molecules prepared from the poly(A)-protein particles showed a broad distribution of about 70--290 nucleotides with a peak around 130 nucleotides, as measured by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In CsCl density gradient the poly(A)-protein particles banded in a density range of 1.30--1.42 g/cm3 with a peak at 1.36 g/cm3, which amounts to about 80% of the protein content. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide and urea/sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated six polypeptides with molecular weights of 50 000, 54 000, 58 000, 63 000, 76 000 and 90 000 in the poly(A)-protein particles, but the main components were dependent on the method. The treatment of polysomes with KCl resulted in a loss of the 90 000-molecular-weight component. Amino acid analysis of the polypeptides bound to poly(A) revealed that they contained a relatively large amount of aspartic plus glutamic acid (21.6%) as well as hydrophobic amino acids (41.4%). Digestion of glutaraldehyde-fixed particles with ribonuclease T2 showed that about 50% of poly(A) was accessible to the enzyme, thus this part of poly(A) was located on the surface of the particles. In the electron micrographs the shadowed poly(A)-protein particles appeared in a globular, somewhat elongated form and were mostly 14-18 nm in diameter. On the basis of the results a model for the 'average' 9-S particles was constructed.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing RNA was isolated from rat liver microsomes and from the post-microsomal supernatant fraction. Approximately 15% of total rat liver poly(A)-containing RNA was found to be present in the post-microsomal supernatant. The relative capacity for apoferritin synthesis of each poly(A)-containing RNA preparation was measured in a cell-free system derived from wheat germ. The post-microsomal supernatant fraction was found to be highly enriched with ferritin mRNA and accounted for 40–50% of the total ferritin-mRNA present in the cytoplasm of rat liver.  相似文献   

Phenol extracted RNA preparations from highly purified nuclei and polysomes of goat brain were fractionated by chromatography on oligo (dT)-cellulose and analyzed by electrophoresis on agarose-acrylamide composite gels. The electrophoretic profile of the polysomal polyadenylated RNA fraction showed a major band with a molecular weight of about 0.62 × 106, which corresponds to the size of the tubulin mRNA. The nuclear polyadenylated RNA fraction also displayed a single major band, with an estimated molecular weight of 0.76 × 106, which appears to be a potential precursor of tubulin mRNA.  相似文献   

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