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Annual growth rates of Antarctic marine organisms are low compared to their relatives from warmer waters. Previous studies hypothesise that high food availability during austral spring–summer may enable Antarctic invertebrates to attain comparatively high short-term growth rates despite the low temperature. Neither a temperature-growth experiment with juvenile Adamussium colbecki (Smith 1902) nor the comparison of A. colbecki summer growth rates with an empirical scallop specific growth-to-temperature relationship could confirm this hypothesis. Hence, summer growth rates of young, immature A. colbecki are strongly affected by temperature, i.e. no uncoupling from temperature.  相似文献   

Adamussium colbecki is one of the most well-studied Antarctic molluscs. However, information on its growth rate is currently based on estimates from mark and recapture experiments and from growth-ring analyses. This paper provides the first estimates of the growth pattern of this scallop throughout a year, for individuals maintained under both natural field and laboratory conditions. Results show size-related differences in growth rate, both in the field and in aquaria, with scallops in Terra Nova Bay growing faster than those kept in aquaria. Growth performances were lower than those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Odierna G  Aprea G  Barucca M  Canapa A  Capriglione T  Olmo E 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):341-349
Karyotype, location of the nucleolar organiser region (NOR) and heterochromatin presence and composition were studied in the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki Smith, 1902. The karyotype exhibits 2n = 38 chromosomes with 11 pairs of metacentrics, 5 of submetacentrics, one subtelocentric and two telocentrics. Ag–NOR, CMA3, DA/MM and NOR–FISH evidenced paracentromeric NORs on the short arm of 2nd pair chromosomes. Digestion with three restriction endonucleases followed by sequential staining with Giemsa, CMA3 and DAPI evidenced on all chromosomes centromeric heterochromatin positive for both DAPI and CMA3. In situ hybridisation analysis showed the presence of an AT-rich satellite DNA in the centromeric heterochromatin of several chromosomes. A mosaicism was detected in the germinal cell lines of one specimen, as in six of the 20 plates examined the set had 37 chromosomes with a missing pair of telocentrics and an unpaired metacentric. Comparison of the chromosome sets of all the pectinids studied to date and comparison with a phyletic tree obtained from molecular mitochondrial genes studies yielded good agreement between karyotype morphology and taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

We describe the acetylcholinesterase polymorphisms of two bivalve molluscs, Adamussium colbecki and Pecten jacobaeus. The research was aimed to point out differences in the expression of pesticide-resistant acetylcholinesterase forms in organisms living in different ecosystems such as the Ross Sea (Antarctica) and the Mediterranean Sea. In A. colbecki, distinct acetylcholinesterase molecular forms were purified and characterized from spontaneously soluble, low-salt-soluble and low-salt-Triton extracts from adductor muscle and gills. They consist of two non-amphiphilic acetylcholinesterases (G(2), G(4)) and an amphiphilic-phosphatidylinositol-membrane-anchored form (G(2)); a further amphiphilic-low-salt-soluble G(2) acetylcholinesterase was found only in adductor muscle. In the corresponding tissues of P. jacobaeus, we found a non-amphiphilic G(4) and an amphiphilic G(2) acetylcholinesterase; amphiphilic-low-salt-soluble acetylcholinesterases (G(2)) are completely lacking. Such results are related with differences in cell membrane lipid compositions. In both scallops, all non-amphiphilic AChEs are resistant to used pesticides. Differently, the adductor muscle amphiphilic forms are resistant to carbamate eserine and organophosphate diisopropylfluorophosphate, but sensitive to organophoshate azamethiphos. In the gills of P. jacobaeus, amphiphilic G(2) forms are sensitive to all three pesticides, while the corresponding forms of A. colbecki are sensitive to eserine and diisopropylfluorophosphate, but resistant to azamethiphos. Results indicate that organophosphate and/or carbamate resistant AChE forms are present in species living in far different and far away environments. The possibility that these AChE forms could have ensued from a common origin and have been spread globally by migration is discussed.  相似文献   

Along the Victoria Land Coast, the population structure of the Antarctic scallop (Adamussium colbecki) was studied in McMurdo Sound (New Harbor), Terra Nova Bay, and Wood Bay, on a latitudinal span of 3 degrees. At a large spatial scale, most relevant differences between the scallop populations are linked to their depth distributions. The McMurdo and Wood Bay populations show a shallower bathymetric distribution with maximum abundance between 5 and 15 m depth. In contrast, inside Terra Nova Bay, at sites with similar near-shore bathymetric profiles, the maximum biomass is found between 40 and 70 m. This difference can be related to the different ice-cover persistency characterising these two areas, being less at Terra Nova Bay than in the other localities. Differences arise also in the reproductive period: at McMurdo, it seems to occur early in the austral spring, while at Terra Nova Bay, mature females are observed at the beginning of February. Also at a small scale, in sites only a few miles from each other, the population structures inside Terra Nova Bay and Wood Bay vary in terms of abundance and size frequency distribution, suggesting various environmental and biological constraints. Among environmental factors, bottom features (slope, sediment grain size, organic content) and water-column food supply during the summer months may be considered. In addition, as Adamussium is preyed upon by starfishes and fishes, its abundance and population structure may be affected by predators and their abundance. Accepted: 7 August 2000  相似文献   

The escape swimming performance of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, was measured in animals acclimated for 6 weeks to –1, 0 or 2°C and tested at –1.5 to +1.5°C. Clap duration and swimming velocity were significantly related to temperature, but were not affected by acclimation, demonstrating no phenotypic plasticity. Comparisons of the mean swimming velocity of A. colbecki with the published data for temperate and tropical species showed little evidence for evolutionary compensation for temperature, with all data fitting to a single exponential relationship with a Q10 of 2.08 (0–20°C). The contraction kinetics of the isolated fast adductor muscle of A. colbecki were determined and the times to 50% peak tension and 50% relaxation had Q10s (0–4°C) of 3.6 and 4.7, respectively. The Q10 of the overall relationship for pooled time to peak twitch data for four scallop species was 2.05 (0–20°C). Field studies revealed low mobility and poor escape performance in wild A. colbecki. A combination of thermodynamic constraints, reduced food supply, and lower selective pressure probably explains the low levels of swimming performance seen in A. colbecki.  相似文献   

Regoli  F.  Nigro  M.  Bertoli  E.  Principato  G.  Orlando  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):139-144
Since a general pathway of toxicity induced bypollutants is the enhancement of reactive oxygenspecies, biochemical responses associated withvariations in the antioxidant cellular system havebeen often proposed as biomarkers ofpollutant-mediated toxicity associated with oxidativestress. Antarctic organisms live in an extremeenvironment characterized by low water temperature,high level of dissolved oxygen, presence of ice andstrong seasonal changes in light intensity andavailability of food, conditions which could influenceboth the formation of reactive oxygen species and themechanisms for their removal. In this respect andconsidering the utility of this as a key species formonitoring marine Antarctic environment it was ofinterest to investigate the antioxidant defense systemof the scallop Adamussium colbecki.The parameters examined in the digestive gland of thescallop were the concentration of glutathione and theactivity of several glutathione dependent andantioxidant enzymes (glyoxalase I and II, glutathioneS-transferases, glutathione peroxidases, glutathionereductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase). Very highlevels of catalase suggest a possible adaptation toAntarctic extreme conditions, while the highactivities of glutathione S-transferases are moreprobably related to the feeding behavior of Pectinids.Enzymes from Adamussium colbecki generallyappeared to be active at low temperatures but, with afew exceptions, their activities increased with risingtemperature. Exposure of A. colbecki tosublethal concentrations of Cu or Hg resulted in asignificant reduction in the levels of totalglutathione and in the activity of catalase andglutathione S-transferases. Antioxidant responses ofA. colbecki could represent a useful tool inassessing the biological impact of environmentalpollutants in the Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cell calcium is accumulated in intracellular stores by sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases functionally interacting with the membrane lipid environment. Cold adaptations of membrane lipids in Antarctic Sea organisms suggest possible adaptive effects also on sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases. We investigated the SR Ca2+ ATPase of an Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, by characterising the enzyme activity and studying temperature effects. Ca2+ ATPase, assayed by following ATP hydrolysis, was thapsigargin- and vanadate-sensitive, showed maximum activity under 2 μM Ca2+, 200 mM KCl and pH 7.2, and had a K M for ATP of 22 ± 7 μM. Temperature effects showed an Arrhenius inversion between −1.8 and 0°C, indicating cold adaptation, an Arrhenius break at 10°C, and a collapse above 20°C. A. colbecki accumulates high amounts of cadmium in the digestive gland; heavy metal effects on sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases were therefore tested, finding an IC50 = 0.9 μM for Hg2+ and 3 μM for Cd2+. Finally, SDS-PAGE analysis showed a main band at about 100 kDa, which was identified as sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase after trypsin digestion, and accounted for 60% total protein. Accepted: 10 December 1998  相似文献   

 The scallop Adamussium colbecki can be profitably used for monitoring Antarctic coastal environments but its utility would be increased if chemical analyses of pollutants were integrated with data on their biological effects. Since oxidative stress is a common pathway of toxicity induced by xenobiotics, a preliminary biochemical characterization was carried out on the antioxidant system of this species and baseline data collected for future assessment of the anthropogenic impact in this remote area. The digestive gland and gills were investigated for levels of glutathione and the activity of several glutathione-dependent and antioxidant enzymes: gluthathione reductase, EC; glyoxalase I, EC; glyoxalase II, EC; gluthathione S-transferases, EC; Se-dependent, EC and Se-independent, EC gluta-thione peroxidases; catalase, EC; and super-oxide dismutase, EC The same enzymatic activities were measured for comparison in the Mediterranean molluscs Mytilus galloprovincialis and Pecten jacobaeus. Very high levels of glutathione S-transferases were found in the digestive gland of both species of scallop compared to mussels, suggesting the importance of different feeding behaviour among these molluscs. However, catalase activity, much higher in Adamussium colbecki than in the Mediterranean molluscs, may represent a biochemical adaptation to the Antarctic marine environment with high levels of dissolved oxygen. Enzymes from the Antarctic species appeared to be generally more active at low temperatures but, with a few exceptions, their activities increased at higher temperatures. Received: 20 March 1996/Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

A cadmium-binding protein was purified from the digestive gland of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, and biochemically characterized. Purification procedures included gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography, followed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results demonstrate that the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein has the general properties of metallothioneins: low molecular weight of about 10 kDa, spectroscopic features typical of cadmium thiolate clusters and high metal (cadmium) content. Analysis of amino acid composition reveals the absence of aromatic amino acids, histidine, methionine and arginine. Asparagine and glutamine are also absent. The A. colbecki metallothionein shows high levels of glycine (14%), aspartic acid (14%), glutamic acid (11%) and a low lysine content (4%); the A. colbecki metallothionein shows a lower cysteine content (12%) compared to other metallothioneins (17–30%) purified from both vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The presence of a metallothionein in the digestive gland of A. colbecki suggests that in cold-ocean-adapted molluscs the heavy metal homeostasis mechanisms may have evolved similarly to those of organisms living in temperate marine environments, although the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein shows a typical amino acidic composition that might reflect a peculiar physiological role. Accepted: 7 August 2000  相似文献   

Development of test ultrastructure through ontogeny is traced in four living species from the foraminiferal families Bolivinitidae and Caucasinidae. Test construction conforms in general to the monolomellar concept, but differs in having double pore membranes between consecutive calcitic lamellae and in maintaining a nearly consistent wall thickness through out ontogeny. The test wall observed by scanning electron microscopy consists of an inner, spongy organic lining, a basal membrane, the calcitic wall with a surface veneer, and an outer membrane. Calcitic two-layered lamellae enclosed by organic membranes are added to the test with each new chamber. Single or multiple organic membrane complexes seal completely the majority of the pores and preclude the free exchange of protoplasm to the test surface.  相似文献   

Canapa A  Barucca M  Cerioni PN  Olmo E 《Gene》2000,247(1-2):175-180
The DNA of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki was found to contain a highly repeated sequence identifiable upon restriction with endonuclease BglII. The monomeric unit - denominated pACS (about 170bp long) - was cloned. Southern blot hybridization yielded a ladder-like banding pattern, indicating that the repeated elements are tandemly arranged in the genome and therefore represent a sequence of satellite DNA.Sequence analysis of five different clones revealed the presence of various subfamilies, some of which showed a high degree of divergence. In each clone, regions homologous to the mammalian CENP-B box were observed. A region homologous to the CDEIII centromeric sequence of yeast was also found in one of the clones. These observations suggest a relationship of the pACS family to the centromeric area in A. colbecki.  相似文献   

The distributions and population densities of large benthic foraminifers (LBFs) were investigated on reef flats of the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Annual sediment production by foraminifers was estimated based on population density data. Predominant LBFs were Calcarina and Amphistegina, and the population densities of these foraminifers varied with location and substratum type on reef flats. Both foraminifers primarily attached to macrophytes, particularly turf-forming algae, and were most abundant on an ocean reef flat (ORF) and in an inter-island channel near windward, sparsely populated islands. Calcarina density was higher on windward compared to leeward sides of ORFs, whereas Amphistegina density was similar on both sides of ORFs. These foraminifers were more common on the ocean side relative to the lagoon side of reef flats around a windward reef island, and both were rare or absent in nearshore zones around reef islands and on an ORF near windward, densely populated islands. Foraminiferal production rates varied with the degree to which habitats were subject to water motion and human influences. Highly productive sites (>103 g CaCO3 m−2 year−1) included an ORF and an inter-island channel near windward, sparsely populated islands, and a seaward area of a reef flat with no reef islands. Low-productivity sites (<10 g CaCO3 m−2 year−1) included generally nearshore zones of lagoonal reef flats, leeward ORFs, and a windward ORF near densely populated islands. These results suggest that the distribution and production of LBFs were largely influenced by a combination of natural environmental factors, including water motion, water depth, elevation relative to the lowest tidal level at spring tide, and the distribution of suitable substratum. The presence of reef islands may limit the distribution and production of foraminifers by altering water circulation in nearshore environments. Furthermore, increased anthropogenic factors (population and activities) may adversely affect foraminiferal distribution and production.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-one samples were collected on the shelf and on the uppermost slope (down to 180 m) off Northern Senegal, between 14 °50′ and 16 °20′ N latitude.Two hundred and three species of benthic foraminifers were recognized. Most of them were reported in previous works, along the coast of Africa. Twenty seven species are selected for detailed analysis and distribution maps are given for each of them. Q mode and R mode statistical analyses were performed on these selected species. The distribution is mainly related to depth; the second factor of distribution is the nature of the sediments: about 30% of the study area is covered by the muddy sediments of the pro-delta of the Senegal river. Hierarchical analysis shows that the main limit in the pattern of change of these 27 species with depth is about 60–65 m.A depth index Di, calculated on the basis of twelve selected species, gives a depth indication with a precision of about 40 m over the shelf. It is possible to envisage a possible use of this index for the investigation of Quaternary sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Reproductive adaptations of Antarctic benthic invertebrates   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The majority of Antarctic benthic invertebrates so far studied do not produce pelagic larvae, but develop non-pelagically by means of egg capsules, brooding or viviparity. The predominance of protected development in the Antarctic benthos is primarily due to the short period of summer phytoplankton abundance and the low sea temperature. Such conditions make it difficult for a larva to complete pelagic development before food becomes scarce in the surface waters. Prosobranch gastropods illustrate some important aspects of Antarctic benthic invertebrate reproduction. Species which develop non-pelagically have an aseasonal or prolonged spawning period. They produce a small number of large yolky eggs which remain in the benthos and develop slowly, giving rise to large, fully competent juveniles. Conversely, one species with free development has a short, synchronous spawning period during early summer, producing larvae which can benefit from the phytoplankton bloom. Protected development by means of brooding will limit dispersion, but transport on floating algae and by anchor ice may partially compensate for this in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

The information about the sponges in this dataset is derived from the samples collected during five Spanish Antarctic expeditions: Bentart 94, Bentart 95, Gebrap 96, Ciemar 99/00 and Bentart 2003. Samples were collected in the Antarctic Peninsula and Bellingshausen Sea at depths ranging from 4 to 2044 m using various sampling gears.The Antarctic Porifera database from the Spanish benthic expeditions is unique as it provides information for an under-explored region of the Southern Ocean (Bellingshausen Sea). It fills an information gap on Antarctic deep-sea sponges, for which there were previously very few data.This phylum is an important part of the Antarctic biota and plays a key role in the structure of the Antarctic marine benthic community due to its considerable diversity and predominance in different areas. It is often a dominant component of Southern Ocean benthic communities.The quality of the data was controlled very thoroughly with GPS systems onboard the R/V Hesperides and by checking the data against the World Porifera Database (which is part of the World Register of Marine Species, WoRMS). The data are therefore fit for completing checklists, inclusion in biodiversity pattern analysis and niche modelling. The authors can be contacted if any additional information is needed before carrying out detailed biodiversity or biogeographic studies.The dataset currently contains 767 occurrence data items that have been checked for systematic reliability. This database is not yet complete and the collection is growing. Specimens are stored in the author’s collection at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in the city of Gijón (Spain). The data are available in GBIF.  相似文献   

To explore the utility of gravel-sized tests of large benthic foraminifers (LBFs) as practical paleoenvironmental indicators of tropical reef and shelf carbonate environments, depth and spatial distributions of gravel-sized empty tests of LBFs were examined using 39 surface sediment samples collected from depths shallower than 200 m off the west coast of Miyako Island (Ryukyu Islands, northwest Pacific). Distributions of the LBF tests were mainly related to water depth, topography, and substrate type. Q-mode cluster analysis based on the binary (presence/absence) data of LBF associations (4–2-mm size fraction) clearly delineates four depositional environments: bay, back reef to fore reef, flat shelf, and shelf slope. Application of this modern dataset to fossil LBF data from larger foraminiferal limestones of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group indicate that a test section was deposited in an outer flat shelf at depths between 54 and 99 m. Comparisons of these results with previous reports suggest that our foraminiferal analysis using gravel-sized tests is methodologically easier than conventional analyses including smaller sized tests to distinguish similar levels of depositional environments. However, taxonomic and environmental similarities make the applicability of this dataset to fossil LBF data from Quaternary tropical carbonate environments in the northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions fostering marine communities around Antarctica differ fundamentally from those in the rest of the world's oceans, particularly in terms of pronounced climatic fluctuations and extreme cold. Here, we argue that the rarity of pelagic larval stages in Antarctic marine benthic invertebrate species is a consequence of evolutionary temperature adaptation and that this has greatly contributed to the current structure of the Antarctic benthic community. In arguing this position, we challenge the likelihood of previously suggested survival strategies of benthic communities on the Antarctic continental shelf and slope during Cenozoic glacial periods. By integrating evidence from marine geology and geophysics, we suggest that the Antarctic continental shelf and slope were both unfavourable environments for benthic communities during glacial periods and that community survival was only possible in the deep sea or in shelters on the continental shelf as a result of the diachronism in maximum ice extent.  相似文献   

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