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Mid‐Devonian to end‐Late Devonian trilobites of different taxonomic categories are updated as to their actual stratigraphical range with respect to the internationally defined stage boundaries. The main palaeogeographical and ecological occurrences are summarized. Numerical analyses emphasize the clear relationship between fluctuations in diversity and global eustatic events. Already declining in diversity from the early mid‐Devonian, shallow‐water communities became most restricted during the mid‐Givetian Taghanic transgression. After a phase of adaptive radiation, off‐shore trilobite communities were severely affected during the mid‐ and end‐Late Devonian crises. From an initial 5 orders 3 were lost at the end‐Frasnian Kellwasser crisis while only 1 from the remaining 2 orders survived the Devonian‐Carboniferous boundary Hangenberg event. In both cases extinction was preceded by a unidirectional evolutionary trend in eye reduction accompanied by impoverishment of lower rank taxa. This phenomenon is obviously a result of selective adaptation under constant long‐lasting environmental influences. Specialization to obligate epi‐ or even endo‐benthic life habit, however, led fatally to extinction when stable conditions became substantially perturbed. Sudden sea‐level changes with subsequent break in the REDOX‐equilibrium took place at the Kellwasser and Hangenberg events, which were most probably responsible for trilobite mass extinctions.  相似文献   

Species of genera currently referred to Nileidae are reviewed, and those of Hemibarrandia , Lakaspis , Peraspis and Symphysurina are excluded from the family. Nileidae are united in having a distinctive form of the hypostome, the glabellar organ, in the shallowness or absence of external furrows on the axial and pleural regions, and in the development of strong ventral ridges on the axial region. It is contended that the glabellar organ of nileids and illaenids may not be homologous with the glabellar tubercle of asaphids, that the median ventral suture is not exclusively a character of Asaphina, and doubt is cast on the identification of an asaphoid protaspis as being that of Nileus . These arguments provide a case for allying Nileidae with the Illaenidae, rather than with the Asaphina.  相似文献   

The regulation of the synthesis of extracellular agarase by Cytophaga flevensis was studied in resting-cell suspensions. Enzyme synthesis was strictly dependent on the presence of a suitable inducer. Enzyme production was maximal at 20 C in phosphate buffer pH 6.9 in the presence of 1.3mm calcium chloride, 0.03% casamino acids and inducer. Enzyme production was virtually the same at 15 and 20 C, reduced to 50% at 25 C and was not detectable at 30 C. It was highly stimulated by the presence of 0.03% of casamino acids in the incubation mixture and was also favoured by the presence of 1.3mm calcium ions. Of a variety of compounds tested, only melibiose or neoagaro-oligosaccharides were effective inducers. Among the neoagaro-oligosaccharides, neoagarotetraose was the best inducer. At higher concentrations of inducer compounds catabolite repression of enzyme synthesis was apparent. This was also found when glucose was added to the incubation mixture. This repression was not relieved by the addition of cyclic AMP. Indications were found that the excretion process was limiting the rate of production of extracellular enzyme.  相似文献   

Techniques of trilobite exuviation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Examples of the trilobites Toxochasmops extensus (Boeck, 1838), Asaphiscus wheeleri Meek, 1874, Encrinurus mitchelli Foerste, 1888, Ogygopsis klotzi (Rominger, 1887), Paradoxides davidis Salter, 1863 and Oryctocephalus spp. which are interpreted as exuvial configurations, are described. Four specimens of Toxochasmops extensus arc known in which the pygidium rests either directly behind the eephalon, or with only three intervening thoracic segments. It is considered that during exuviation the old pygidium became wedged behind the cephalon. This facilitated its removal. An ecdysial configuration of Asaphiscus wheeleri is described which possesses inverted and partially rotated free cheeks. In addition, part of the thorax of the specimen is wedged obliquely behind the cephalon. This is considered to have aided withdrawal of the trilobite from its old exoskeleton. Two specimens of Encrinurus mitchelli are described which possess free cheeks inverted beneath the cranidium by lateral rotation, in a manner similar to that of A. wheeleri. Three examples of Ogygopsis klotzi are described, one a failed exuvia and two in which the free cheeks were inverted and rotated through 180° with respect to their original position and came to rest beneath the thorax. An identical exuvia of Paradoxides davidis trapezopyge is also described. Two specimens of Oryctocephalus exhibiting two different arrangements of inverted free cheeks are recorded. Possible mechanisms for each of these free cheek inversions are proposed.  相似文献   

Eocryphops andPlagiolaria are revised and a new species,E. albertii, is described from the Eifelian of Morocco.“Trimerocephalus” cyclophthalmus Walther, 1907, a species long assigned toEocryphops, is regarded as a junior subjective synonym of the type species ofPlagiolaria, Pl, plagiophthalma. Eocryphops originated in the evolutionary lineage leading toPhacops (s.str.), whereasPlagiolaria was probably derived fromLochkovella. Although they have been linked with the Late Devonian group of small-eyed and blind phacopids includingCryphops and its relatives. neitherEocryphops norPlagiolaria is ancestral to these forms. Confirmed occurrences ofEocryphops andPlagiolaria are from regions that were situated on the North Gondwana margin or on plates associated with this margin.  相似文献   

The Ordovician illaenine Bumastoides exhibits a distinctive effaced and strongly convex morphology. Orientation of the visual field, the extreme convexity of the cephalon and the nature of the thoracic articulation support an interpretation of Bumastoides as an infaunal trilobite that was poorly suited to epifaunal crawling. The genus may have been sedentary; spending most of its post-larval life cycle within a burrow. Suspension feeding would be a viable existence for a sedentary trilobite such as Bumastoides. Maintenance of a burrow is essential for respiration and would require a firm, cohesive substrate. The infaunal niche had become occupied by trilobites by at least the Late Cambrian and continued to be exploited through the Ordovician, Silurian and. possibly, into the Devonian. Convergence has led to the appearance of the effaced, strongly convex morphotype in a number of unrelated families, including the Illaenidae, Asaphidac, Aulacopleuridae, Plethopeltidae and Scutelluidae. A high numerical abundance of illaenid trilobites, such as Illaenus and Bumastoides , is characteristic of the illaenid–chcirurid association, which persisted from the early Ordovician until at least the Late Silurian. This association has been recorded from shelf-edge and on-shelf carbonate buildups and shallow subtidal level bottom environments. It appears to be confined to firm substrates.  相似文献   

The resting spores of Entomophthora virulenta were readily mass-produced on coagulated egg yolk supplemented with Sabouraud dextrose. A significantly higher number of the spores germinated under 16 hr/day of 914 and 2260 lx than in darkness. Similarly, treatment with 1 or 2% glusulase significantly increased the germination of the test spores.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of growth in Aulacopleura konincki reveals several important features: (1) morphological variability is approximately constant throughout growth, increasing slightly in later ontogeny; (2) shape is more tightly constrained than the numbers of postcephalic segments, which can be quite variable; and (3) a major ontogenetic transition occurs at glabellar lengths of about 1.7 mm. This transition divides the ontogeny into two distinct growth phases, is smooth rather than abrupt, and is expressed as changes in growth trajectories, especially in the pygidium. The transition is not strictly correlated with the number of thoracic or pygidial segments. These results suggest a re-evaluation of the concepts of meraspid and holaspid growth stages in A. konincki , using growth trajectories rather than thoracic segment number to define the stages. Developmental flexibility in holaspid segment numbers in this phylogenetically advanced trilobite suggests that environmental factors, rather than phylogenetic constraint, may explain variations in segment production patterns within some advanced Trilobita. Morphometrics, trilobites, ontogeny, variability, segmentation, Silurian, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The trace fossil Cruziana semiplicata and the trilobite that made it   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of criteria is suggested for associating a trace fossil with a plausible fossil: (1) close association in the field; (2) concurrent stratigraphic range; (3) a minimal choice of candidates available that could have made the trace; (4) consistent size range between trace fossil population and that of the maker; and (5) consistent biogeographic ranges for both. In the Upper Cambrian Andam Formation of Oman, there is a rare, direct association between trilobite body fossils and the trace fossil Cruziana in the same rock succession. An association of the trilobite Maladioidella cf. colcheni with the trace fossil Cruziana semiplicata is supported by the criteria listed. Maladioidella is associated with C. semiplicata over a wide geographical area in western Gondwana. It is therefore likely that some Cruziana species were made by trilobites.  相似文献   

Sex,population dynamics and resting egg production in rotifers   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Terry W. Snell 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(2):105-111
The interaction between sexual reproduction and population growth in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was examined using exponential and logistic growth models. A computer simulation was used to explore the effects of the frequency of sex and the proportion of a female's daughters reproducing sexually on population growth rate and resting egg production. Within the parameters of the simulation, the proportion of sexual daughters required for maximum resting egg production increased as the frequency of sex decreased. Adding density-dependence to the model also shifted this optimum towards a higher proportion of sexual daughters. When population growth was unconstrained by density, the optimum proportion of sexual daughters varied between 10–50%, depending on the frequency of sex. This compares to 25–64% when the greatest density restraints were applied at K = 500 females. As the population growth rate (r) increases, the optimum proportion of sexual daughters increases nonlinearly and these effects are exaggerated as sex becomes less frequent. A compilation of published data from laboratory populations of four Brachionus plicatilis strains reveals that the average proportion of sexual daughters in 21% and in close agreement with that predicted by simulation. The limitations of the simulation and its generalizability to other rotifers are discussed.  相似文献   

This volume follows failures out into the world, exploring how they unfold ethnographically. Taking a longer view shows how objects, narratives, and diagnoses of failures may be crafted, acted on, suffered, resisted – unmade or recomposed. Thus while tropes and diagnoses of failure can temporarily (re)organize, narrate, and stabilize the world, the kinds of failures explored here also indicate a mode of uncontainable excess that refuses the boundedness of knowledge objects, temporalities, and spaces. This volume offers three main interventions. The first concerns knowledge production: how objects of failure are crafted through selective ways of knowing that occlude both other modes of apprehension at different scales and failure's many affective valences. The second thinks through the knotted temporalities – whether pasts, futures, suspended presents, or repetition and sedimentation – that make and are made by failure. Finally, writing about unfurling failures requires careful attention to non-linear reverberations and traces as well as to open-ended and mobile narratives that produce different social and material effects.  相似文献   

Hegna, T.A. 2010: The function of forks: Isotelus‐type hypostomes and trilobite feeding. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 411–419. Despite previous investigations, the function of the forked morphology of asaphid trilobite hypostomes is enigmatic. The focus of this study is the large and robust forked hypostome of the largest known genus of trilobite, Isotelus, and the independently‐derived forked hypostome of Hypodicranotus, the longest hypostome relative to body size of any trilobite. Although the trilobite hypostome is analogous to the labrum in other arthropods, forked hypostomes lack an obvious modern functional counterpart. The Isotelus hypostome is distinguished from other trilobite hypostomes by closely‐spaced terrace ridges on a greatly thickened inner surface of the forked posterior margin, with the scarp of the terrace facing antero‐ventrally. This is compatible with a grinding function, suggesting possible limb differentiation to complement this structure. The inner face of the tine (one of the two, prominent, sub‐parallel posterior projections) is also unique in that it has a microstructure which is evident in section, running perpendicular to the surface. Macropredatory and filter‐feeder roles are ruled out, and previous characterizations of the hypostome as knife‐like or serrated are rejected. Its function is incompatible with that of other non‐asaphid trilobites with forked hypostomes, like the remopleuridid Hypodicranotus, which lack similar terrace ridges and thickened inner‐edge cuticle. □Arthropoda, Asaphida, ecology, functional morphology, Trilobita.  相似文献   

ε-聚赖氨酸是由L-赖氨酸α-COOH和ε-NH2 缩合而成,由微生物合成的一种同型氨基酸聚合物.ε-聚赖氨酸是一种优良的生物防腐剂,对G+、G-、酵母菌和霉菌都有较好的抑菌效果.本文综述了ε-聚赖氨酸的来源与性质、产生菌的筛选与改造、发酵过程优化与调控、ε-聚赖氨酸分解酶、ε-聚赖氨酸合成机理和ε-聚赖氨酸酯化结构与...  相似文献   

Myosin II-dependent contraction of the contractile ring drives equatorial furrowing during cytokinesis in animal cells. Nonetheless, myosin II-null cells of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium divide efficiently when adhering to substrates by making use of polar traction forces. Here, we show that in the presence of 30 microM blebbistatin, a potent myosin II inhibitor, normal rat kidney (NRK) cells adhering to fibronectin-coated surfaces formed equatorial furrows and divided in a manner strikingly similar to myosin II-null Dictyostelium cells. Such blebbistatin-resistant cytokinesis was absent in partially detached NRK cells and was disrupted in adherent cells if the advance of their polar lamellipodia was disturbed by neighboring cells. Y-27632 (40 microM), which inhibits Rho-kinase, was similar to 30 microM blebbistatin in that it inhibited cytokinesis of partially detached NRK cells but only prolonged furrow ingression in attached cells. In the presence of 100 microM blebbistatin, most NRK cells that initiated anaphase formed tight furrows, although scission never occurred. Adherent HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells also formed equatorial furrows efficiently in the presence of 100 microM blebbistatin. These results provide direct evidence for adhesion-dependent, contractile ring-independent equatorial furrowing in mammalian cells and demonstrate the importance of substrate adhesion for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Twenty-six strains of methylotrophic hyphomicrobia were examined for their ability to produce l-serine from methanol and glycine in a resting cell reaction. l-Serine productivity of over 5 mg/ml was observed in 7 strains, and Hyphomicrobium sp. NCIB10099 was found to exhibit the highest productivity. Under optimized conditions using this bacterium, 45 mg/ml l-serine was produced from 100 mg/ml glycine and 88 mg/ml methanol in 3 d. The high l-serine degrading activity of the bacterium was entirely suppressed by adding an appropriate amount of CdCl2 (ca. 1 mM), resulting in an enhanced conversion ratio of glycine to l-serine (ca. 100% molar conversion).  相似文献   

SUMMARY Modularity of the cranidium of Crassifimbra? metalaspis, a Cambrian ptychoparioid trilobite, is investigated using landmark‐based geometric morphometric methods to gain insight into the integration among morphogenetic processes responsible for shaping the head of an ancient arthropod. Of particular interest is the extent to which the structure of phenotypic integration was governed by direct interactions among developmental pathways, because these interactions may generate long‐term constraints on evolutionary innovation. A modified two‐way ANOVA decomposes cranidial shape variation into components representing symmetric variation among individuals and fluctuating asymmetry (FA). The structure of integration of each of these components is inferred from correlated deviations in shape among nine partitions of the cranidium. Significant correlation among partitions in FA indicates direct interactions among their respective developmental pathways. An a priori hypothesis that modularity was determined by functional association among partitions is not well supported by the among‐partition correlation structure for either component of variation. Instead, exploratory analyses reveal that phenotypic integration was strongly influenced by spatially localized morphogenetic controls. Comparison of the structures of the Individuals and FA components of variation reveals that the two share relatively few commonalities: the structure of phenotypic integration was only weakly influenced by direct interactions. The large contribution of parallel variation to phenotypic integration suggests that modularity was unlikely to have imposed a long‐term constraint on evolutionary innovation in these early trilobites.  相似文献   

Serra  Manuel  Carmona  Maria José 《Hydrobiologia》1993,252(1):117-126
The organic phosphate pool of some Camargue sediments (South of France) was studied, after removal of inorganic phosphate, with Ca-NTA/dithionite (Fe bound phosphate) and Na-EDTA (Ca bound phosphate). The organic phosphate was divided into an acid soluble organic phosphate fraction (ASOP) and a residual organic phosphate fraction (ROP). The extraction of organic matter with 2.0 M NaOH (90 °C) from ROP yielded considerable quantities of Org-P. In this extract the presence of phytate (inositol hexa phosphate) could be demonstrated using phytase to hydrolyse the phytate. Phytate was shown to account for a considerable part of organic phosphate in sediments of freshwater marsh sediments as well as in the sediment of the brackish/salt water lake ‘Etang de Vaccares’. In laboratory experiments phytate was found to precipitate with all poly-valent cations tested. Furthermore, phytate was found to be strongly adsorbed onto Fe(OOH), which may explain its accumulation and its stability in sediments. Considerable quantities of ASOP were found; the chemical stucture of this pool remains unknown.  相似文献   

The appendages of the Ordovician trilobite Cryptolithus tesselatus are restudied, and particular reference is made to the exite branch. Details formerly borrowed from Triarthrus to complete the reconstruction of the appendages of Cryptolithus are now found in part to be significantly different in the two trilobites. The exite 'filaments' of Cryptolithus evidently are strong spines that pointed ventrally and may have been used to stir up deposited mud. The broadened view of trilobite appendages indicates that some trace fossils (Cruziana semi-plicata type) may be interpreted as being partly made by the exites, while others (C. rugosa type) are perhaps made exclusively by the exites.  相似文献   

Completely enrolled, phosphatized, 3‐D specimens of the eodiscinid trilobite Tsunyidiscus yanjiazhaiensis from Cambrian Stage 3 of South China exhibit much morphological detail and show variation in delicate coaptative structures associated with their trunk segmentation. The relationship between enrolment mechanism and trunk segmentation during ontogeny confirms a unique developmental pattern among the early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobites, revealing how these animals controlled the rate of segment increase and release during post‐embryonic development in their life cycles.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus erythropolis is able to synthesize an anionic trehalose-2,2',3,4-tetraester during cultivation on n-alkanes. Preconditions for an overproduction are nitrogen limitation, temperature- and pH-shift. The optimum carbon source was technical grade n-C-10, which led to 0.35 g g-1 of glycolipid per n-alkane. Electron microscopical observations showed that n-C-14,15 (technical grade) grown cells contained numerous lipid inclusions in contrast to n-C-10 (technical grade) grown cells. Nocardia corynebacteroides synthesizes a novel pentasaccharide lipid and as size products small amounts of trehalose-corynomycolates. Optimum precursors for overproduction are n-alkanes from n-tetradecane to n-hexadecane with yields in the range of 0.17 g g-1 of glycolipid per carbon source.  相似文献   

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