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Wheat (Triticum spp.) grains contain large protein polymers constituted by two main classes of polypeptides: the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS). These polymers are among the largest protein molecules known in nature and are the main determinants of the superior technological properties of wheat flours. However, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the assembly of the different subunits and the way they are arranged in the final polymer. Here, we have addressed these issues by analyzing the formation of interchain disulfide bonds between identical and different LMW-GS and by studying the assembly of mutants lacking individual intrachain disulfides. Our results indicate that individual cysteine residues that remain available for disulfide bond formation in the folded monomer can form interchain disulfide bonds with a variety of different cysteine residues present in a companion subunit. These results imply that the coordinated expression of many different LMW-GS in wheat endosperm cells can potentially lead to the formation of a large set of distinct polymeric structures, in which subunits can be arranged in different configurations. In addition, we show that not all intrachain disulfide bonds are necessary for the generation of an assembly-competent structure and that the retention of a LMW-GS in the early secretory pathway is not dependent on polymer formation.The unique ability of wheat (Triticum spp.) flour to form a dough that has the rheological properties required for the production of leavened bread and other foods is largely due to the characteristics of the proteins that accumulate in wheat endosperm cells during seed development (Gianibelli et al., 2001). Among these endosperm proteins, a major role is played by prolamines, a large group of structurally different proteins sharing the characteristic of being particularly high in Pro and Gln.On the basis of their polymerization status, wheat prolamines can be subdivided into two groups, the gliadins and the glutenins. While gliadins are monomeric, glutenins are heterogeneous mixtures of polymers where individual subunits are held together by interchain disulfide bonds (Galili et al., 1996; Tatham and Shewry, 1998). The subunits participating to the formation of these large polymers have been classified into four groups according to their electrophoretic mobility (Gianibelli et al., 2001). The A group is constituted by the so-called high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), while polypeptides in groups B, C, and D are collectively termed low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS). While only three to five HMW-GS are expressed in common wheat endosperm, LMW-GS include a very large number of different polypeptides.Different models of glutenin assembly have been proposed (see Gianibelli et al., 2001 for a review), but the determination of their precise structure and Mr distribution has been hampered by their large size and complex subunit composition. Crucially, because disulfide bonds appear to be the major factor affecting polymer stability, it would be very useful to know whether the pairing between specific Cys residues, rather than random assembly, controls glutenin polymer formation. Indeed, data obtained with HMW-GS indicate that the formation of certain types of intermolecular disulfide bonds is particularly favored (Tao et al., 1992; Shimoni et al., 1997). In the case of LMW-GS, at least two functionally distinct types of subunits can be distinguished. Subunits of the first type, to which the majority of B-type subunits belong, would act as chain extenders, because they contain two Cys residues that remain available for the formation of interchain disulfide bonds. Subunits of the second type, containing a single Cys residue able to form an interchain disulfide bond, would instead act as chain terminators (Kasarda, 1989). Most of the members of this second group are indeed modified gliadins that participate to polymer formation thanks to the presence of extra Cys residues (D''Ovidio and Masci, 2004). Given the complexity of the situation found in wheat endosperm, where many different subunits are synthesized at the same time and can participate in the formation of complex high-Mr polymers, the study of glutenin polymer formation can take advantage of the use of heterologous expression systems where the behavior of individual subunits can be more easily monitored. For instance, the expression of HMW-GS in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) has provided insights into the rules governing the assembly of some of the subunits belonging to this class (Shani et al., 1994; Shimoni et al., 1997). In this work, we have used heterologous expression of wild-type and modified LMW-GS in tobacco protoplasts to study the assembly of this class of gluten polypeptides. Our results confirm that disulfide bonds are crucial for the assembly of these proteins and indicate that a relaxed specificity in Cys pairing from different subunits can drive the formation of complex glutenin polymers.  相似文献   

A long-standing question about membrane structure and function is the degree to which the physical properties of the inner and outer leaflets of a bilayer are coupled to one another. Using our recently developed methods to prepare asymmetric vesicles, coupling was investigated for vesicles containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the inner leaflet and sphingomyelin (SM) in the outer leaflet. The coupling of both lateral diffusion and membrane order was monitored as a function of PC and SM acyl chain structure. The presence in the outer leaflet of brain SM, which decreased outer-leaflet lateral diffusion, had little effect upon lateral diffusion in inner leaflets composed of dioleoyl PC (i.e., diffusion was only weakly coupled in the two leaflets) but did greatly reduce lateral diffusion in inner leaflets composed of PC with one saturated and one oleoyl acyl chain (i.e., diffusion was strongly coupled in these cases). In addition, reduced outer-leaflet diffusion upon introduction of outer-leaflet milk SM or a synthetic C24:0 SM, both of which have long interdigitating acyl chains, also greatly reduce diffusion of inner leaflets composed of dioleoyl PC, indicative of strong coupling. Strikingly, several assays showed that the ordering of the outer leaflet induced by the presence of SM was not reflected in increased lipid order in the inner leaflet, i.e., there was no detectable coupling between inner and outer leaflet membrane order. We propose a model for how lateral diffusion can be coupled in opposite leaflets and discuss how this might impact membrane function.  相似文献   

Cysteines were introduced into the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the paramyxovirus F protein. A disulfide bond formed, and the mutant protein was expressed at the cell surface but was fusion inactive. Reduction of the disulfide bond restored fusion activity. The data indicate that in addition to dissociation of the three-helix bundle stalk domain of prefusion F, the MPER region also needs to separate for F to be able to refold and cause fusion.  相似文献   

Esterifications catalysed by immobilised lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) in cyclohexane at constant water activity (aw = 0.76) were studied using 2-methyl substituted octa-, nona- or decanoic acids and n-alcohols of varying chain length as substrates. The importance of controlling the water activity and choosing the right alcohol for obtaining maximum enantioselectivity is demonstrated. The immobilised lipase was easily recovered without loss of activity and enantioselectivity.  相似文献   

Esterifications catalysed by immobilised lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) in cyclohexane at constant water activity (aw = 0.76) were studied using 2-methyl substituted octa-, nona- or decanoic acids and n-alcohols of varying chain length as substrates. The importance of controlling the water activity and choosing the right alcohol for obtaining maximum enantioselectivity is demonstrated. The immobilised lipase was easily recovered without loss of activity and enantioselectivity.  相似文献   

Mammalian serine proteases such as the chromosome 14 (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus) located granzymes, chymases, cathepsin G, and related enzymes including duodenase collectively represent a special group within the chymotrypsin family which we refer to here as "granases". Enzymes of this group have lost the ancient active-site disulfide bond Cys191-Cys220 (bovine chymotrypsinogen A numbering) which is strongly conserved in classic serine proteases such as pancreatic, blood coagulation, and fibrinolysis proteases and others (granzymes A, M, K and leukocyte elastases). We sequenced the cDNA encoding bovine (Bos taurus) duodenase, a granase with unusual dual trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like specificity. The sequence revealed a 17-residue signal peptide and two-residue (GlyLys) activation peptide typical for granases. Production of the mature enzyme is apparently accompanied by further proteolytic processing of the C-terminal pentapeptide extension of duodenase. Similar C-terminal processing is known for another dual-specific granase, human cathepsin G. Using phylogenetic analysis based on 39 granases we retraced the evolution of residues 189 and 226 crucial for serine protease primary specificity. The analysis revealed that while there is no obvious link between mutability of residue 189 and the appearance of novel catalytic properties in granases, the mutability of residue 226 evidently gives rise to different specificity subgroups within this enzyme group. The architecture of the extended substrate-binding site of granases and structural basis of duodenase dual specificity based on molecular dynamic method are discussed. We conclude that the marked selectivity of granases that is crucial to their role as regulatory proteases has evolved through the fine-tuning of specificity at three levels--primary, secondary, and conformational.  相似文献   

The conformational dynamics of cytochrome P450 2B1 (CYP2B1) were investigated through the introduction of a disulfide bond to link the I- and K-helices by generation of a double Cys variant, Y309C/S360C. The consequences of the disulfide bonding were examined both experimentally and in silico by molecular dynamics simulations. Under high hydrostatic pressures, the partial inactivation volume for the Y309C/S360C variant was determined to be −21 cm3mol−1, which is more than twice as much as those of the wild type (WT) and single Cys variants (Y309C, S360C). This result indicates that the engineered disulfide bond has substantially reduced the protein plasticity of the Y309C/S360C variant. Under steady-state turnover conditions, the S360C variant catalyzed the N-demethylation of benzphetamine and O-deethylation of 7-ethoxy-trifluoromethylcoumarin as the WT did, whereas the Y309C variant retained only 39% of the N-demethylation activity and 66% of the O-deethylation activity compared with the WT. Interestingly, the Y309C/S360C variant restored the N-demethylation activity to the same level as that of the WT but decreased the O-deethylation activity to only 19% of the WT. Furthermore, the Y309C/S360C variant showed increased substrate specificity for testosterone over androstenedione. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the engineered disulfide bond altered substrate access channels. Taken together, these results suggest that protein dynamics play an important role in regulating substrate entry and recognition.Liver microsomal cytochromes P450 (CYP or P450)2 metabolize a large number of clinically used drugs that have diverse steric and functional moieties. Despite low sequence homology among CYPs from different families, all P450s invariably contain a heme cofactor that is coordinated to a thiolate and catalyze the oxidative metabolism, mostly through hydroxylation, of substrates. However, production of reactive intermediates by P450s is often associated with drug toxicity and carcinogenesis, and inhibition or induction of a specific P450 isoform may lead to adverse drug-drug interactions (1). From a clinical and pharmacological perspective, it is important to understand the structure, function, and dynamics of P450s.Structural studies of P450s by x-ray crystallography in the past decade have provided us with a wealth of information regarding the structural organization, critical active site residues, and proton delivery pathways of P450s (24). In particular, these structural analyses have consistently shown that certain regions of the P450 structures such as the F/G and B/B′-C loops are extremely flexible and can undergo large conformational changes to accommodate substrates of various sizes, although the overall folding pattern of all P450s is conserved. For instance, an open conformation was observed in the ligand-free CYP2B4 crystal structure, whereas a closed conformation was reported for the CPI-bound CYP2B4 (3, 5). The open-to-closed conformational change involves large motions of the F- and G-helices and the F/G and B/B′-C loops. Based on comparisons of the crystal structures of CYP2B4 bound with inhibitors of different sizes, Zhao et al. (6) identified five plastic regions in P450s, including the B/B′-C loop (PR2) and F/G loop (PR4). Binding of ketoconazole or erythromycin to CYP3A4 led to a large increase in the active site volume (>80% increase) because of conformational changes primarily in the PR4, but interestingly the F- and G-helices moved in the opposite direction (7). These authors proposed that the extreme flexibility of CYP3A4 accounts for its promiscuity, as CYP3A4 metabolizes nearly ∼50% of all clinically used drugs. The complexity of the conformational flexibility and dynamics are also revealed in an MD simulation study of CYP3A4, 2C9 and 2A6 (8). Importantly, this molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study shows that the three-dimensional structure of P450s is more flexible in solution than was observed in the crystal structure.Despite intensive studies of the crystal structures of microsomal P450s, insights into the conformational dynamics of P450s in solution, particularly in relation to their functional importance, are lacking. A laser flash photolysis study of CO rebinding to CYP2E1 in solution revealed that the binding of substrates such as ethanol, pyrazole, and acetaminophen restricts the conformational flexibility of CYP2E1, as the kinetics for the rebinding of CO to ligand-bound CYP2E1 are significantly slower than those for the ligand-free CYP2E1 (9). A solution thermodynamics study of CYP2B4 supports the notion that CYP2B4 is remarkably flexible, as the entropy substantially decreases upon inhibitor binding resulting from reduction of the hydrophobic surface (10). In this study, a de novo disulfide bond is engineered into CYP2B1 and the consequences resulting from the disulfide bonding are examined both experimentally and in silico using MD simulations. To discern the effect of the de novo disulfide bond apart from the Cys mutagenesis, both the single and double Cys variants were characterized in detail. To our knowledge, this is the first report that investigates the consequences of limiting conformational dynamics in a P450 by incorporating a disulfide bond. Our results demonstrate that protein dynamics play an important role in regulating substrate entry/product egress channels and substrate recognition and provide insights that will be valuable for rational drug design and protein engineering.  相似文献   

目前,蛋白质可溶性和热稳定性已成为重组蛋白高效生产、功能应用和长久保存不可回避的问题,而使用酸性蛋白融合标签可能是其有效解决策略。酰基载体蛋白(ACP)是脂肪酸生物合成途径的必要组分,在大肠杆菌中为一个高度酸性的小分子多肽。将大肠杆菌ACP与几个热不稳定的靶蛋白[如小桐子抗坏血酸过氧化物酶1(Jc APX1)、大豆核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化/加氧酶的活化酶2(GmRCA2)、大肠杆菌高丝氨酸O-转琥珀酰酶(EcMetA)]进行基因融合并使其在大肠杆菌中诱导表达,发现ACP融合能显著增强这些重组靶蛋白的可溶性。另外,对重组蛋白的热处理和酶活性分析发现,融合ACP还能极大提高这三个靶蛋白的热稳定性,并有效保护JcAPX1酶活免遭热失活,使其耐热性提高了至少2℃。ACP的这种效果推测可能与其高酸度特性有关,可以作为一个新的功能酸性融合标签。  相似文献   

Prion diseases are associated with the structural conversion of prion protein (PrP) to a β-sheet-rich aggregate, PrPSc. Previous studies have indicated that a reduction of the disulfide bond linking C179 and C214 of PrP yields an amyloidlike β-rich aggregate in vitro. To gain mechanistic insights into the reduction-induced aggregation, here I characterized how disulfide bond reduction modulates the protein folding/misfolding landscape of PrP, by examining 1) the equilibrium stabilities of the native (N) and aggregated states relative to the unfolded (U) state, 2) the transition barrier separating the U and aggregated states, and 3) the final structure of amyloidlike misfolded aggregates. Kinetic and thermodynamic experiments revealed that disulfide bond reduction decreases the equilibrium stabilities of both the N and aggregated states by ~3 kcal/mol, without changing either the amyloidlike aggregate structure, at least at the secondary structural level, or the transition barrier of aggregation. Therefore, disulfide bond reduction modulates the protein folding/misfolding landscape by entropically stabilizing disordered states, including the U and transition state of aggregation. This also indicates that the equilibrium stability of the N state, but not the transition barrier of aggregation, is the dominant factor determining the reduction-induced aggregation of PrP.  相似文献   

The 33-kDa manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP) of Photosystem II (PS II) maintains the functional stability of the Mn cluster in the enzyme’s active site. This protein has been shown to possess characteristics similar to those of the intrinsically disordered, or natively unfolded proteins [Lydakis-Simantiris et al. (1999b) Biochemistry 38: 404–414]. Alternately it was proposed that MSP should be classified as a molten globule, based in part on the hypothesis that its lone disulfide bridge is necessary for structural stability and function in solution [Shutova et al. (2000) FEBS Lett. 467: 137–140]. A site-directed mutant MSP (C28A,C51A) that eliminates the disulfide bond reconstitutes O2 evolution activity and binds to MSP-free PS II preparations at wild-type levels [Betts et al. (1996) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1274: 135–142]. This mutant was further characterized by incubation at 90 °C to determine the effect of loss of the disulfide bridge on MSP thermostability and solution structure. After heating at 90 °C for 20 min, C28A,C51A MSP was still able to bind to PS II preparations at molar stoichiometries similar to those of WT MSP and reconstitute O2 evolution activity. A fraction of the protein aggregates upon heating, but after resolubilization, it regains the ability to bind to PS II and reconstitute O2 evolution activity. Characterization of the solution structure of C28A,C51A MSP, using CD spectroscopy, UV absorption spectroscopy, and gel filtration chromatography, revealed that the mutant has a more disordered solution structure than WT MSP. The disulfide bond is therefore unnecessary for MSP function and the intrinsically disordered characteristics of MSP are not dependent on its presence. However, the disulfide bond does play a role in the solution structure of MSP in vivo, as evidenced by the lability of a C20S MSP mutation in Synechocystis 6803 [Burnap et al. (1994) Biochemistry 33: 13712–13718].  相似文献   

Geranyl diphosphate (GPP), the precursor of many monoterpene end products, is synthesized in plastids by a condensation of dimethylallyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) in a reaction catalyzed by homodimeric or heterodimeric GPP synthase (GPPS). In the heterodimeric enzymes, a noncatalytic small subunit (GPPS.SSU) determines the product specificity of the catalytic large subunit, which may be either an active geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (GGPPS) or an inactive GGPPS-like protein. Here, we show that expression of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) GPPS.SSU in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants increased the total GPPS activity and monoterpene emission from leaves and flowers, indicating that the introduced catalytically inactive GPPS.SSU found endogenous large subunit partner(s) and formed an active snapdragon/tobacco GPPS in planta. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and in vitro enzyme analysis of individual and hybrid proteins revealed that two of four GGPPS-like candidates from tobacco EST databases encode bona fide GGPPS that can interact with snapdragon GPPS.SSU and form a functional GPPS enzyme in plastids. The formation of chimeric GPPS in transgenic plants also resulted in leaf chlorosis, increased light sensitivity, and dwarfism due to decreased levels of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and gibberellins. In addition, these transgenic plants had reduced levels of sesquiterpene emission, suggesting that the export of isoprenoid intermediates from the plastids into the cytosol was decreased. These results provide genetic evidence that GPPS.SSU modifies the chain length specificity of phylogenetically distant GGPPS and can modulate IPP flux distribution between GPP and GGPP synthesis in planta.  相似文献   

Domain swapping is an interesting feature of some oligomeric proteins in which each protomer of the oligomer provides an identical surface for exclusive interaction with a segment or domain belonging to another protomer. Here we report results of mutagenesis experiments on the structure of C-terminal helix swapped dimer of a stationary phase survival protein from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE). Wild type StSurE is a dimer in which a large helical segment at the C-terminus and a tetramerization loop comprising two β strands are swapped between the protomers. Key residues in StSurE that might promote C-terminal helix swapping were identified by sequence and structural comparisons. Three mutants in which the helix swapping is likely to be avoided were constructed and expressed in E. coli. Three-dimensional X-ray crystal structures of the mutants H234A and D230A/H234A could be determined at 2.1 Å and 2.35 Å resolutions, respectively. Contrary to expectations, helix swapping was mostly retained in both the mutants. The loss of the crucial D230 OD2– H234 NE2 hydrogen bond (2.89 Å in the wild type structure) in the hinge region was compensated by new inter and intra-chain interactions. However, the two fold molecular symmetry was lost and there were large conformational changes throughout the polypeptide. In spite of these changes, the dimeric structure and an approximate tetrameric organization were retained, probably due to the interactions involving the tetramerization loop. Mutants were mostly functionally inactive, highlighting the importance of precise inter-subunit interactions for the symmetry and function of StSurE.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of chemical modification of a disulfide bond(s) (-SS-) or sulfhydryl group(s) (-SH) on the [3H]-flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZ) binding to membrane-bound or immunoprecipitated benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors (BZD-R) from bovine cerebral cortex were examined. Reduction of -SS- with dithiothreitol (DTT) brought about a reversible, time- and dose-dependent inhibition of [3H]FNZ binding to the membrane-bound BZD-R. Alkylation of the membranes with the -SH-modifying reagent iodoacetamide (IAA) or 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) produced a slight inhibition of [3H]FNZ binding in a dose-dependent manner. Scatchard analysis of saturation curves of [3H]FNZ binding in the presence and absence of 5 m M DTT revealed changes in affinity without modification in the maximal binding capacity, thus indicating a competitive mode of interaction. DTT pretreatment of both the membrane-bound and the immunoprecipitated BZD-R led to [3H]FNZ binding inhibition. Consistent with the modification of a binding site is the observation that reduction of -SS- does not bear on the binding affinity, but rather reduces the number of sites. Complete protection from DTT inhibition of [3H]FNZ binding by FNZ (an agonist) or by Ro 15–1788 (an antagonist) suggests the presence of -SS- at, or very close to, the BZD recognition binding site. No protection against IAA or DTNB inhibition was provided by FNZ. Photoaffinity labeling experiments with [3H]FNZ revealed a clear-cut band of 50 kDa in native and alkylated membranes but an extremely weak label in 5 m M DTT/IAA-treated membranes. The present results provide evidence for the participation of a disulfide bond in the recognition binding site of the bovine cerebral cortex BZD-R.  相似文献   

Proteins from thermophilic microorganisms are stabilized by various mechanisms to preserve their native folded states at higher temperatures. A thermostable glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (tG6PDH) from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus was expressed as a recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. The A. aeolicus G6PDH is a homodimer exhibiting remarkable thermostability (t1/2=24 hr at 90°C). Based on homology modeling and upon comparison of its structure with human G6PDH, it was predicted that cysteine 184 of one subunit could form a disulfide bond with cysteine 352 of the other subunit resulting in reinforced intersubunit interactions that hold the dimer together. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on tG6PDH to convert C184 and C352 to serines. The tG6PDH double mutant exhibited a dramatic decrease in the half-life from 24 hr to 3 hr at 90°C. The same decrease in half-life was also found when either C184 or C352 was mutated to serine. The result indicates that C184 and C352 may play a crucial role in strengthening the dimer interface through disulfide bond formation, thereby contributing to the thermal stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases besides leading to duodenal and gastric peptic ulcerations. H. pylori cysteine-rich protein B (HcpB) is a disulfide-rich repeat protein that belongs to the family of Sel1-like repeat proteins. HcpB contains four pairs of anti-parallel alpha helices that fold into four repeats with disulfide bonds bridging the helices of each repeat. Recent in vitro oxidative refolding of HcpB identified that the formation and folding of the disulfide bond in the N-terminal repeat are the rate limiting step. Here we attempted to understand the disulfide formation of HcpB in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. The protein was expressed in wild type (possessed enzymes DsbA, B, C, and D) and knock out (Dsb enzymes deleted one at a time) E. coli strains. The soluble part of the periplasm when analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western Blot showed that the wild type and DsbC/D knock out strains contained native oxidized HcpB while the protein was absent in the DsbA/B knock out strains. Hence the recombinant expression of HcpB in E. coli requires DsbA and DsbB for disulfide bond formation and it is independent of DsbC and DsbD. Prolonged cell growth resulted in the proteolytic degradation of the N-terminal repeat of HcpB. The delayed folding of the N-terminal repeat observed during in vitro oxidative refolding could be the reason for the enhanced susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage in the periplasm. In summary, a good correlation between in vivo and in vitro disulfide bond formation of HcpB is observed.  相似文献   

Globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), a glycosphingolipid found in the plasma membrane of animal cells, is the endocytic receptor of the bacterial Shiga toxin. Using x-ray reflectivity (XR) and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXD), lipid monolayers containing Gb3 were investigated at the air-water interface. XR probed Gb3 carbohydrate conformation normal to the interface, whereas GIXD precisely characterized Gb3’s influence on acyl chain in-plane packing and area per molecule (APM). Two phospholipids, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPPE), were used to study Gb3 packing in different lipid environments. Furthermore, the impact on monolayer structure of a naturally extracted Gb3 mixture was compared to synthetic Gb3 species with uniquely defined acyl chain structures. XR results showed that lipid environment and Gb3 acyl chain structure impact carbohydrate conformation with greater solvent accessibility observed for smaller phospholipid headgroups and long Gb3 acyl chains. In general, GIXD showed that Gb3 condensed phospholipid packing resulting in smaller APM than predicted by ideal mixing. Gb3’s capacity to condense APM was larger for DSPC monolayers and exhibited different dependencies on acyl chain structure depending on the lipid environment. The interplay between Gb3-induced changes in lipid packing and the lipid environment’s impact on carbohydrate conformation has broad implications for glycosphingolipid macromolecule recognition and ligand binding.  相似文献   

Globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), a glycosphingolipid found in the plasma membrane of animal cells, is the endocytic receptor of the bacterial Shiga toxin. Using x-ray reflectivity (XR) and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXD), lipid monolayers containing Gb3 were investigated at the air-water interface. XR probed Gb3 carbohydrate conformation normal to the interface, whereas GIXD precisely characterized Gb3’s influence on acyl chain in-plane packing and area per molecule (APM). Two phospholipids, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPPE), were used to study Gb3 packing in different lipid environments. Furthermore, the impact on monolayer structure of a naturally extracted Gb3 mixture was compared to synthetic Gb3 species with uniquely defined acyl chain structures. XR results showed that lipid environment and Gb3 acyl chain structure impact carbohydrate conformation with greater solvent accessibility observed for smaller phospholipid headgroups and long Gb3 acyl chains. In general, GIXD showed that Gb3 condensed phospholipid packing resulting in smaller APM than predicted by ideal mixing. Gb3’s capacity to condense APM was larger for DSPC monolayers and exhibited different dependencies on acyl chain structure depending on the lipid environment. The interplay between Gb3-induced changes in lipid packing and the lipid environment’s impact on carbohydrate conformation has broad implications for glycosphingolipid macromolecule recognition and ligand binding.  相似文献   

Cellobiohydrolases processively hydrolyze glycosidic linkages in individual polymer chains of cellulose microfibrils, and typically exhibit specificity for either the reducing or nonreducing end of cellulose. Here, we conduct molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations to examine the initial binding of a cellulose chain into the catalytic tunnel of the reducing-end-specific Family 7 cellobiohydrolase (Cel7A) from Hypocrea jecorina. In unrestrained simulations, the cellulose diffuses into the tunnel from the −7 to the −5 positions, and the associated free energy profiles exhibit no barriers for initial processivity. The comparison of the free energy profiles for different cellulose chain orientations show a thermodynamic preference for the reducing end, suggesting that the preferential initial binding may affect the directional specificity of the enzyme by impeding nonproductive (nonreducing end) binding. Finally, the Trp-40 at the tunnel entrance is shown with free energy calculations to have a significant effect on initial chain complexation in Cel7A.  相似文献   

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