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Summary In field experiments with varying K fertilization (1981 and 1982) changes in EUF-K contents were studied in deep loess soils of Southern Lower Saxony under sugar beet. A significant positive linear relationship was found between EUF-K contents at 20°C and 200 V (15 mA) of the topsoils and quantities of K absorbed by sugar beet in both years. The corresponding regression lines for 1981 and 1982 are almost parallel, the only difference being the yield level which was higher in 1982.The relationship between EUF-K contents at 20°C of topsoils and sugar yields showed the same parallelism for the two years. Not much increase in sugar yield was found at EUF-K contents over 12 mg/100 g soil at EUF-K 80°C/EUF-K 20°C ratios between 0.5 and 0.7. To attain a sugar yield of 10 t/ha an EUF-K 20°C value of at least 12 mg/100 g soil is required for these deep soils at the beginning of the K uptake period. This finding confirms experiences gained over an 8-year period at the Tulln Sugar Factory (Austria) with fertilizer recommendations based on EUF.  相似文献   

Summary Representative soils of Tamil Nadu could be grouped into three categories based on the cumulative EUF desorption K curves which were exponential and displayed marked differences in the magnitude of K release by the soils employed. The cumulative K desorption values and the cumulative K uptake values of rice were found to be closely correlated. When compared with any other method, the cumulative EUF desorption K was found to be a better measure of K availability index.  相似文献   

Summary The EUF-N and EUF-K contents of deep grey-brown luvisols under fallow were investigated over a period of 18 months.EUF-NO3-N increased continuously during the spring and summer of 1983, reaching their peak in September/October. They declined in the winter of 1984, and increased again during the spring and summer of the same year.During the spring and winter EUF-Norg was higher than EUF-NO3-N. A decline in EUF-Norg due to mineralization was associated with an increase of EUF-NO3-N. EUF-Norg increased due to mobilization of soil N in April/May. EUF-Norg also increased in autumn 1983 as a consequence the incorporation of mineral nitrogen into this fraction. When mineral N was incorporated EUF-NO3-N declined.EUF-Norg in the subsoil was lower than in the topsoil. EUF-NO3-N in the subsoil decreased as EUF-Norg increased. It may therefore be assumed that the higher the content of EUF-Norg in the subsoil the more mineral nitrogen will be immobilized.  相似文献   

We confirmed the suitability of electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) for (a) determination of the distribution of potassium fertilizer among the various forms of potassium in soils with a predominance of micaceous minerals in their clay fraction, and (b) investigated the effects of the degree of openness of the dominant micaceous mineral and of incubation time on the kinetics of the EUF extraction of K from these soils.Samples of illitic, mixed-layer and vermiculitic soils from Galicia (N.W. Spain) were incubated at field capacity for 450 days with 0 (blank), 5,15 or 25 mg K (as KCl) per 100 g dry soil. After 1, 30, 150 and 450 days, subsamples were removed and repeatedly extracted using electro-ultrafiltration at low (20° C/200 V) and then high (80° C/400 V) temperature/voltage (6 and 10 five-minute extractions, respectively). Five different pools of K were identified: solution K (Ks), surface and internal K (collectively, Kp), slowly exchangeable K (Ke) and non-exchangeable K (Ki). The effects of increasing the incubation time depended on the dominant clay mineralogy: after 450 days, the K added to illitic soils was mostly solution K, whereas that added to vermiculitic soils was mostly internal K.For both low and high temperature/voltage EUF experiments, the extraction-time data were best fitted by the Elovich equation (extracted K=a+b ln t). The kinetic coefficient b depended on the incubation time and dominant clay mineral, and for given soil and incubation time increased linearly with the dose of added K.Abbreviations EUF Electroultrafiltration - Ks Solution potassium - Kp Easily exchangeable (surface + internal) potassium - Ke Slowly exchangeable potassium - Ki Non-exchangeable potassium  相似文献   

The electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) method has been used to evaluate the short-term and long-term supplying power of soils for many essential plant nutrients. The objective of this study was to compare the capacity of EUF with other extraction techniques to predict the plant availability of soil K and K fertilizer responsiveness by 10 cuts of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growing over a 366-day period. Increasingly higher average concentrations of soil K were extracted by EUF at 50 V and 20°C (29 mg kg-1), EUF at 200 V and 20°C (48 mg kg-1), 0.002 M SrCl2 (55 mg kg-1), EUF at 200 V and 80°C (85 mg kg-1), 0.1 M HCl (105 mg kg-1), Mehlich 3 (119 mg kg-1), 1 M NH4OAc (120 mg kg-1) and boiling 1 M HNO3 (601 mg kg-1). The large content of vermiculitic minerals in the silt and clay fractions is responsible for EUF desorbing more K in 55 minutes than NH4OAc in 29 out of 30 soils. The total amount of K desorbed by EUF at 80°C was as effective as Mehlich 3-extractable K in predicting K uptake for the first three cuts and was best among the extracting procedures after boiling 1 M HNO3 in predicting the long-term K supply, the uptake of K from non-exchangeable sources and the relative yield of alfalfa over 10 cuts. The desorption of soil K with EUF provides a better evaluation of the K-supplying power of Quebec soils than the extractants currently used, especially on a long-term basis.Contribution no. 396.  相似文献   

含钾矿物生物风化及钾溶出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金城 《微生物学通报》2015,42(7):1409-1409

Summary In field experiments carried out uninterruptedly since 1923 on a sandy, grey-brown luvisol (8% clay) the EUF-nutrient fractions were determined after potato and rye crops in 1982 had been harvested.Annual applications of N fertilizer (90 kg N/ha) over a 60-year period raised both the organic and inorganic EUF-N fractions (Table 1). EUF-Norg values increased depending on crop rotation from 1.1–1.9 to 2.4–3.6 mg/100 g. This increase in EUF-N amounts was higher under rye monoculture than under potato monoculture. N leaching was more intensive under potato monoculture than under rye monoculture.Application of P, K and Ca fertilizers raised the EUF-P, EUF-K and EUF-Ca values at 20°C as well as at 80°C (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Analyses of soil samples from the 25–75 cm layer showed that the contents of EUF-Ca and EUF-K in this layer are as high as in the topsoil or even higher (Table 3).High yields of rye (>4 t/ha) and of potatoes (>30 t/ha) were obtained when in samples taken after harvest EUF-amounts of 3.5 mg N, 2 mg P, 3 mg K (in both topsoil and subsoil), 1.7 mg Mg and 20 mg Ca/100 g were released within 35 min. These levels were obtained with annual fertilizer application rates of 90 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 110 kg K2O/ha.Applications of 1.6 t CaO/ha every 4 years were sufficient to maintain the soil pH at 6.0–6.5. Calculated on the basis of EUF-Ca contents, with the amounts of K-selective minerals being taken into account, this rate of liming corresponds with the needs of acid sandy soils.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨含钾硅酸盐矿物在草酸青霉(Penicillium oxalicum)作用下的风化及钾溶出情况。【方法】利用等离子体发射光谱、X-射线能谱、X-射线光电子能谱分析了3种常见含钾硅酸盐矿物(钾长石、白云母和黑云母)在草酸青霉作用后浸出液和矿物表面元素含量的变化;通过X-射线衍射分析矿物晶相结构的变化;采用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜表征了草酸青霉在矿物表面形成的生物膜;测量了培养液中不同碳源与氮源组分对草酸青霉解钾的影响。【结果】草酸青霉对结构稳定的钾长石和白云母风化速率较低,相比而言黑云母容易被风化并释放可溶性钾元素;草酸青霉在矿物表面形成了网状结构的生物膜,有利于微环境的生成及有机酸在其内的富集,促进微环境内钾的释放,强化微生物对矿物的风化作用;草酸青霉对多种碳源及氮源都表现出较好的适用性。【结论】草酸青霉是一种能够促进多种含钾矿物风化和钾溶出的真菌,在堆肥和生物肥料领域具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Summary Electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) and quantity/intensity (Q/I) parameters of soil K were compared for 14 soils from each of three soil series. The K desorbed by EUF during the first 10 min (K10) was closely correlated with the equilibrium activity ratio (AR0) for soils of the same series, but differences between series reflected the soil K-buffering capacity, indicating that K10 includes loosely held exchangeable K and is not strictly an intensity measurement. EUF values were compared with conventional soil test methods for predicting K-uptake and dry-matter yield of ryegrass grown in the glasshouse. Correlation coefficients between K uptake at the first cut were 0.80 for K10, 0.88 for Ka (the initially labile K derived from the Q/I curve), 0.92 for K35 (desorbed by EUF in 35 min) and 0.97 for Kex (1.0M ammonium acetate extraction).  相似文献   

Summary This experiment examined the feasibility of predicting K uptake in white clover by the use of simple and relatively rapid tests that would dispense with the need of knowing the quantity of plant available potassium. Potassium uptake was found to correlate highly (R=>0.9) in linear bivariate regressions using K concentration in the soil solution displaced by centrifuging and an empirical estimate of potassium retention. There was no advantage in determining activity ratios because in at least some of the soils used the ratio law did not apply. Exchangeable potassium alone correlated rather poorly with uptake except at very low soil potassium status. This was not because nonexchangeable potassium was an important source of this nutrient to white clover but because of the large differences in the retention of K amongst the soils used.  相似文献   


It is well known that the sodium smectite class of clays swells macroscopically in contact with water, whereas under normal conditions the potassium form does not. In recent work using molecular simulation methods, we have provided a quantitative explanation both for the swelling behaviour of sodium smectite clays and the lack of swelling of potassium smectites [1]. In the present paper, we apply similar modelling methods to study the mechanism of inhibition of clay-swelling by a range of organic molecules.

Experimentally, it is known that polyalkylene glycols (polyethers) of intermediate to high relative molecular mass are effective inhibitors of smectite clay swelling. We use a range of atomistic simulation techniques, including Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics, to investigate the interactions between a selection of these compounds, water, and a model smectite clay mineral. These interactions occur by means of organised intercalation of water and organic molecules within the galleries between individual clay layers.

The atomic interaction potentials deployed in this work are not as highly optimised as those used in our clay-cation-water work [1]. Nevertheless, our simulations yield trends and results that are in qualitative and sometimes semi-quantitative agreement with experimental findings on similiar (but not identical) systems. The internal energy of adsorption of simple polyethers per unit mass on the model clay is not significantly different from that for water adsorption; our Monte Carlo studies indicate that entropy is the driving force for the sorption of the simpler organic molecules inside the clay layers: a single long chain polyethylene glycol can displace a large number of water molecules, each of whose translational entropy is greatly enhanced when outside the clay. Hydrophobically modified polyalkylene glycols also enjoy significant van der Waals interactions within the layers which they form within the clay galleries.

In conjunction with experimental studies, our work furnishes valuable insights into the relative effectiveness of the compounds considered and reveals the generic features that high performance clay-swelling inhibitors should possess. For optimal inhibitory activity, these compounds should be reasonably long chain linear organic molecules with localised hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions along the chain. On intercalation of these molecules within the clay layers, the hydrophobic regions provide an effective seal against ingress of water, while the hydrophilic ones enhance the binding of the sodium cations to the clay surface, preventing their hydration and the ensuing clay swelling.  相似文献   

目的:通过研究高脂饮食和有氧运动对胰岛素抵抗(IR)小鼠骨骼肌雷帕霉素靶蛋白/核糖体S6激酶1(mTOR/S6K1)通路的影响,试图为运动防治IR提供理论依据。方法:8周C57BL/6小鼠随机分为正常饮食组和高脂饮食组,每组各20只,高脂饮食组喂养8周后建立IR模型。随后将正常饮食组再次随机分为正常饮食安静组(NC)和正常饮食运动组(NE);高脂饮食组也随机分为高脂饮食安静组(HC)和高脂饮食运动组(HE)。各运动组进行为期6周、75%VO2max强度跑台训练,每天1次,每次60min,每周5次。实验结束后采用OGTT检测葡萄糖耐量,组织学检测胰岛形态变化,ELISA法检测血清空腹胰岛素水平,Northern blot、Western blot检测骨骼肌中mTOR和S6K1 mRNA和蛋白及其磷酸化蛋白pS6K1-Thr389的表达。结果:与NC组相比,HC组小鼠体重、空腹血清胰岛素值和胰岛β细胞团面积百分比均呈显著增加,且OGTT曲线显示糖耐量明显受损,然而6周有氧运动后以上各指标呈显著性降低,葡萄糖耐量也得到明显改善;且骨骼肌中mTOR、S6K1、pS6K1-Thr389 mRNA和蛋白表达均明显降低。结论:mTOR/S6K1信号通路与高脂饮食诱导IR的发生密切相关,有氧运动明显增加了机体组织对胰岛素的敏感性,推测有氧运动可能通过抑制mTOR/S6K1信号通路,增加IR小鼠骨骼肌的能量代谢从而改善IR。  相似文献   

The TREK-2 (KCNK10) K2P potassium channel can be regulated by variety of polymodal stimuli including pressure. In a recent study, we demonstrated that this mechanosensitive K+ channel responds to changes in membrane tension by undergoing a major structural change from its ‘down’ state to the more expanded ‘up’ state conformation. These changes are mostly restricted to the lower part of the protein within the bilayer, but are allosterically coupled to the primary gating mechanism located within the selectivity filter. However, any such structural changes within the filter also have the potential to alter ionic selectivity and there are reports that some K2Ps, including TREK channels, exhibit a dynamic ionic selectivity. In this addendum to our previous study we have therefore examined whether the selectivity of TREK-2 is altered by stretch activation. Our results reveal that the filter remains stable and highly selective for K+ over Na+ during stretch activation, and that permeability to a range of other cations (Rb+, Cs+ and NH4+) also does not change. The asymmetric structural changes that occur during stretch activation therefore allow the channel to respond to changes in membrane tension without a loss of K+ selectivity.  相似文献   

不同施肥制度下潮棕壤钾素肥力变化和土壤缺钾指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在潮棕壤上进行的15年定位试验研究了不同施肥制度下钾素肥力变化和土壤缺钾指标.结果表明:不施钾肥处理加剧了土壤钾素的消耗,土壤速效钾和缓效钾浓度均有不同程度的下降;单施钾肥处理不能维持土壤钾素平衡,土壤中速效钾和缓效钾浓度仍有下降趋势;循环堆肥处理可在一定程度上补偿土壤钾的支出,但需配施钾肥;循环堆肥和钾肥配施处理土壤速效钾和缓效钾浓度基本保持不变.根据历年试验结果进行统计分析表明,用十字交叉法得出的玉米和大豆土壤速效钾临界值均为73mg.kg-1.  相似文献   

Killer toxin K1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae kills sensitive cells of the same species by disturbing the ion gradient across the plasma membrane after binding to the receptor at cell wall beta-1,6-glucan. Killer protein K2 is assumed to act by a similar mechanism. To identify the putative plasma membrane receptors for both toxins we mutagenized three sensitive S. cerevisiae strains and searched for clones with killer-resistant spheroplasts. The well diffusion assay identified three phenotypically different groups of clones: clones resistant simultaneously to both toxins, clones with lowered sensitivity to only K1 toxin and those with strongly lowered sensitivity to K2 and partially lowered sensitivity to K1 toxin. These phenotypes are controlled by recessive mutations that belong to at least four different complementation groups. This indicates certain differences at the level of interaction of K1 and K2 toxin with sensitive cells.  相似文献   

In this paper we simulate the simultaneous responses of 45 neurones within a hypothetical retina to a variety of spatio-temporal signals. Our results demonstrate how specific convergent and divergent excitatory and inhibitory connections are sufficient to determine signal response selectivity of specific ganglion cells and so delimit the known types of center-surround receptive fields.This work was partially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant A-4345 to M.N.O. and Grant A-4395 to T.M.C. through the University of Alberta  相似文献   

The tissue distribution and some properties of human alpha-mannosidase (alpha-D-mannoside mannohydrolase EC have been studied. The acidic forms of the enzyme were fairly stable, whereas the neutral forms easily lost enzymic activity. The acidic forms were sensitive to neuraminidase but the neutral forms were unaffected. The experiments indicate that the acidic components are closely related to each other, differing only in sialic acid content and possibly conformation. The neutral forms of the enzyme are probably quite different from the acidic forms both in structure and cellular function.  相似文献   

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