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Biological characterization of purified native 20-kDa human growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of the propensity of the 20-kDa variant of human growth hormone (GH) to aggregate with itself and with 22-kDa human GH, it has been difficult to prepare monomeric 20-kDa GH in highly purified form. This has been a major complicating factor in determining whether 20-kDa GH has a biological activity profile distinct from that of 22-kDa GH. In the present study, native 20-kDa GH was isolated from a human GH dimer concentrate and purified by a procedure that included column electrophoresis in agarose suspension as a final separation step. This procedure yielded highly purified monomeric 20-kDa GH, which was contaminated to an extent of less than 1% with 22-kDa GH, and which exhibited only a small degree of dimerization upon storage. The native 20-kDa GH was quite active in stimulating growth in hypophysectomized rats, when growth was assessed by body weight gain, longitudinal bone growth, the stimulation of sulfation of cartilage, and the elevation of serum IGF-1 level. However, in all of these growth assays, the 20-kDa GH was somewhat less active than the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared; e.g., in the body weight gain and longitudinal bone growth assays, it had an estimated potency of 0.6 relative to the 22-kDa GH. The 20-kDa GH exhibited substantial diabetogenic activity when tested for the ability to raise fasting blood glucose concentration and to impair glucose tolerance in ob/ob mice. Also, the native 20-kDa GH had significant in vitro insulin-like activity, although its potency was approximately 20% that of the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared. Thus, the biological activity profile of native 20-kDa GH differs from that of 22-kDa GH primarily in that insulin-like activity is markedly attenuated.  相似文献   

Somatocrinin, a 44 amino acid peptide with potent growth hormone (GH) releasing activity in anesthetized rats, was tested in conscious freely-moving rats. When high doses of 1 to 10 μg were administered (iv) at random times between spontaneous GH pulses, the responses were inconsistent. When similar doses were tested under identical conditions but in rats pretreated with antibodies against somatostatin, all animals demonstrated a marked and immediate increase in plasma GH of 5 to 10 fold. Similarly, a 1 μg dose of somatocrinin was also ineffective in increasing plasma GH when administered to rats subjected to a 72 h fast, a paradigm known to enhance endogenous somatostatin secretion. However, plasma GH increased over 20 fold if rats were pretreated with antibodies against somatostatin. These results demonstrate the dynamic and opposite roles exerted by somatocrinin and somatostatin in regulating GH secretion.  相似文献   

Physiological and pharmacological evidence for the regulation of permeability   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Local intraarterial infusions of histamine-type mediators produce increases in microvascular pressure (Pmv), protein efflux, and net fluid filtration that promote edema formation. The rise in Pmv is not the primary determinant of edema formation inasmuch as mediator-stimulated edema formation develops without an increase in Pmv. The inflammatory mediators increase the hydraulic conductivity of the microvascular membrane as evidenced by a large increase in the capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) subsequent to an increase in permeability. The development of inflammatory edema is primarily attributable to the increase in protein efflux, which decreases the lymph-to-plasma total-protein ratio (L/P ratio), virtually eliminating the transmural colloid osmotic pressure gradient. Hence, fluid filtration is increased at almost any level of Pmv. Noninflammatory vasodilators and venous occlusion produce increases in Pmv and protein clearance, but fail to increase the L/P ratio. The increase in protein efflux and L/P ratio is attributable to a nonhemodynamic action of the inflammatory mediators, an increase in microvascular permeability to macromolecules. The increase in protein efflux, CFC, and net fluid filtration produced by various inflammatory mediators is largely inhibited by cooling, treatment with endothelial cell stabilizers, or perfusion with blood from hemorrhaged animals. This inhibition is independent of changes in hemodynamics and must be ascribed to a direct effect on the microvascular membrane, providing evidence for a variable macromolecular transport pathway. In contrast, increases in protein clearance produced by increasing Pmv are not inhibited by these maneuvers, which provides evidence for a static macromolecular transport pathway. These findings correlate well with those from microscopic studies supporting the concept that macromolecular permeability may be directly regulated at the level of the venular endothelial cell subsequent to the modulation of interendothelial cell junction gap size.  相似文献   

For some years, research in the field of growth endocrinology has been mainly focused on growth hormone (GH). However, it appears that GH does not always control growth rate. For instance, it does not clearly influence intra-uterine growth: moreover, although the results of GRF or GH administration appear convincing in rats, pigs or heifers, this is not the case in chickens and lambs. In addition, GH does not always clearly stimulate somatomedin production, particularly diring food restriction and fetal life, and in hypothyroid animals or sex-linked dwarf chickens. In such situations, this phenomenon is associated with a reduced T3 production, suggesting a significant influence of thyroid function on GH action, and more generally, on body growth. In fact, numerous data demonstrate that thyroid hormone is strongly involved in the regulation of body growth. In species with low maturity at birth, such as the rat. T4 and T3 affect postnatal growth eleven days earlier than the appearance of GH influence. In contrast to GH, thyroid hormone significantly influences fetal growth in sheep. Moreover, the body growth rate is clearly stimulated by T3 in dwarf animals. In addition to its complex metabolic effects involved in the general mechanisms of body growth, thyroid hormone stimulates the production of growth factors, particularly EGF and NGF. Moreover, it affects GH and somatomedin production and also their tissue activity. All these results strongly suggest that it would be difficult to study GH regulation and physiological effects without taking thyroid function into account.  相似文献   

Somatostatin and growth hormone regulation in cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Somatostatin analogues are used clinically in a variety of pituitary and gastroenteropancreatic tumours. In addition, they may influence breast and prostate growth either directly through somatostatin receptors or indirectly through inhibition of growth hormone and prolactin release. Somatostatin analogues may interfere with EGF/TGF -stimulated growth of these tumours and can suppress circulating levels of IGF-I in addition.  相似文献   

Slot-blot hybridization technique was used to evaluate growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) mRNA levels in the hypothalamus of long-term (14 days) hypophysectomized (HPX) rats treated or not with 125 micrograms hGH/rat, twice daily IP, since the first day postsurgery. In addition, mRNA levels were determined in the hypothalamus of short-term (4 days) GH-treated (250 micrograms hGH/rat, twice daily IP) intact rats. GHRH mRNA levels were increased in HPX rats, and GH treatment partially counteracted this rise. Short-term administration of GH decreased GHRH mRNA levels in intact rats. These results, evaluated together with previous findings showing decreased hypothalamic GHRH-like immunoreactivity in both HPX rats and intact rats given GH (6, 7, 9), indicate that GH exerts a negative feedback action on the synthesis and release of GHRH.  相似文献   

The spontaneous release of growth hormone (GH) during nocturnal sleep was studied at age 5-19 years in 44 male and 15 female patients with severe growth retardation (-2.1 to -6.5 SD) among whom 43 were prepubertal and 16 pubertal. Comparison with the results of classical stimulation tests with ornithine, arginine and/or insulin showed good agreement in cases of classical hypopituitarism (n = 14) as in patients who seemed to be endocrinologically normal (n = 27). In 18 patients (31%) there was a discrepancy between sleep release and responses of GH to stimulation test: treatment with hGH was available in only 4 of these children and enhanced sharply their growth rate. It is suggested that a large span of intermediary situations exists between normal GH secretion and complete GH deficiency, deserving a controlled therapeutic trial with hGH.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
GH has been of significant scientific interest for decades because of its capacity to dramatically change physiological growth parameters. Furthermore, GH interacts with a range of other hormonal pathways and is an established pharmacological agent for which novel therapeutical applications can be foreseen. It is easy to see the requirement for a number of postreceptor mechanisms to regulate and control target tissue sensitivity to this versatile hormone. In recent years, some of the components that take part in the down-regulatory mechanism targeting the activated GH receptor (GHR) have been defined, and the physiological significance of some of these key components has begun to be characterized. Down-regulation of the GHR is achieved through a complex mechanism that involves rapid ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of the receptor, the action of tyrosine phosphatases, and the degradation by the proteasome. The suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) protein family, particularly SOCS2, plays an important role in regulating GH actions. The aim of this review is to summarize collected knowledge, including very recent findings, regarding the intracellular mechanisms responsible for the GHR signaling down-regulation. Insights into these mechanisms can be of relevance to several aspects of GH research. It can help to understand growth-related disease conditions, to explain GH resistance, and may be used to develop pharmaceuticals that enhance some the beneficial actions of endogenously secreted GH in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

31 prepubertal children with short stature [mean height standard deviation score (SDS) -2.84] and low birth weight (mean -2.82 SDS) were studied. Mean age was 6.0 years and mean height velocity SDS was -0.76. Patients were classified as having either the clinical characteristics of Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) (4 F, 13 M) or not (4 F, 10 M). All children had an overnight profile of spontaneous growth hormone (GH) secretion. 4 children achieved a maximum GH concentration of less than 20 mU/l. 9 children with RSS secreted only one large GH peak during the night. Most of the non-RSS group had normal GH pulse frequency but 3 boys had a fast-frequency pattern. Abnormal GH secretion may contribute towards growth failure in children with low birth weight/RSS.  相似文献   

Our aim has been to characterize the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of the channel-forming tight-junctional protein claudin-2 in response to the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), which is elevated, for example, in active Crohn’s disease. TNFα caused an 89% decrease of the paracellular resistance in colonic HT-29/B6 cells, whereas transcellular resistance was unaltered. The claudin-2 protein level was increased by TNFα without changes in subcellular tight-junctional protein localization as revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Enhanced gene expression was identified as the source of this increase, since claudin-2-specific mRNA and promoter activity was elevated, whereas mRNA stability remained unaltered. Specific inhibitors and phospho-specific antibodies revealed that the increased gene expression of claudin-2 after TNFα treatment was mediated by the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathway. Thus, the up-regulation of claudin-2 by TNFα is attributable to the regulation of the expression of the gene, as a result of which epithelial barrier function is disturbed, for example, during chronic intestinal inflammation. J. Mankertz and M. Amasheh contributed equally to this work. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Sonnenfeld-Stiftung Berlin.  相似文献   

Classical transmitters and neuroactive peptides act as transmitters or modulators within the central and peripheral nervous systems of nematodes, for example Ascaris suum and Caenorhabditis elegans. Acetylcholine (ACh) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are respectively the excitatory and inhibitory transmitters onto somatic body wall muscle while 5-hydroxytrypamine (5-HT) is the excitatory transmitter onto pharyngeal muscle. 5-HT also reduces ACh-induced contractions of somatic muscle and this action of 5-HT is mediated through activation of adenylate cyclase while that on pharyngeal muscle is mediated through inositol phosphate activation. Glutamate, dopamine and octopamine also have transmitter roles in nematodes. Neuroactive peptides of the RFamide family can excite somatic muscle, for example, AF-1 (KNEFIRFamide), AF-2 (KHEYLRFamide), AF-3 (AVPGVLRFamide) and AF-4 (GDVPGVLRFamide) or inhibit and relax this muscle, for example, PF-1 (SDPNFLRFamide), PF-2 (SADPNFLRFamide) and PF-4 (KPNlRFamide). In addition PF-3 (AF-8) (KSAYMRFamide) has a biphasic action on pharyngeal muscle, excitation followed by inhibition while AF-1 only inhibits this muscle. The peptide effects can be either pre- or postsynaptic or both and are likely to be mediated through second messenger systems. In addition these peptides modulate the action of classical transmitters, particularly ACh.  相似文献   

Plasma desorption mass spectrometry has been used to map the tryptic fragments from the 23-kDa recombinant human growth hormone protein. The unfractionated tryptic digest was adsorbed directly onto a nitrocellulose sample foil and mass spectra were obtained in both the positive and the negative ion mode. The adsorbed sample was then washed with deionized water and its mass spectrum was again obtained. The latter spectrum revealed tryptic fragments that were not observed in the spectra of the unwashed sample, which can be attributed (to some extent) to the removal of hydrophilic residues during washing. From this study a protocol, aimed at the complete mapping of tryptic fragments, is outlined.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) is the primary juvenile hormone (JH) metabolic enzyme in insects and plays important roles in the regulation of molt and metamorphosis. We investigated its mRNA expression profiles and hormonal control in Bombyx mori larvae. JHE mRNA was expressed at the end of the 4th and 5th (last) larval instars in the midgut and in all the three (anterior, middle, posterior) parts of the silk gland. In the fat body, JHE expression peaked twice in the 5th instar, at wandering and before pupation, while it gradually decreased through the 4th instar. When 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) was injected into mid-5th instar larvae, JHE mRNA expression was induced in the anterior silk gland but suppressed in the fat body. Topical application of a juvenile hormone analog fenoxycarb to early-5th instar larvae induced JHE expression in both tissues. In the anterior silk gland, JHE expression was accelerated and strengthened by 20E plus fenoxycarb treatments compared with 20E or fenoxycarb single treatment, indicating positive interaction of 20E and JH. JHE mRNA is thus expressed in tissue-specific manners under the control of ecdysteroids and JH.  相似文献   

The gene PRG2, encoding the proform of eosinophil major basic protein (proMBP), is one of the most highly expressed genes during human pregnancy, and low proMBP levels predict Down syndrome and poor pregnancy outcome. Reminiscent of a magnet, the primary structure of proMBP is extremely charge polarized, consisting of an N-terminal acidic propiece followed by a highly basic MBP domain in the C-terminal. Many tissues synthesize and secrete full-length proMBP, but only distinct cell types of the immune system process and store mature MBP in intracellular granules. MBP is released upon degranulation of eosinophil leukocytes and is toxic to bacteria, parasites, and mammalian cells. In contrast, proMBP is apparently nontoxic and functions in the inhibition of proteolysis and prohormone conversion. Recent research has revealed the complexity of proMBP biology and shed light on the process of MBP generation. ProMBP specifically forms disulfide-mediated, covalent complexes with the metzincin metalloproteinase pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPPA) and the prohormone angiotensinogen (AGT). In both processes, PAPPA and AGT have reduced biological activity in the resulting complexes. In addition, proMBP is a component of high-molecular-weight AGT and, therefore, is potentially involved in the development of preeclampsia and in pregnancy-induced hypertension.  相似文献   

Prolactin and growth hormone in the regulation of the immune system   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Evidence implicating prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) in the regulation of the immune system has been reviewed. Hypophysectomized animals have deficiencies in both cell-mediated and humoral immunological functions and either PRL or GH corrects these deficiencies. Animals administered bromocryptine, a drug that specifically blocks PRL release, have impaired immune responses similar to hypophysectomized animals, and again both PRL and GH correct these deficiencies. Genetically dwarf animals, which lack both PRL and GH, are also immunocompromised, and once again PRL and GH can correct the deficiencies. In dwarf animals, however, fewer studies have examined PRL actions. In growth-deficient children, immune function is not dramatically altered and basal secretion of GH has been reported. Very few clinical studies have examined whether PRL secretion is also deficient, and this may explain why a clear loss in immune function is not evident in growth-deficient children. In a number of species, including man, both PRL and GH stimulate thymic function and increase the secretion of thymulin, a thymic hormone. No studies, however, have reported on the effects of PRL and GH on other thymic hormones. A number of studies have reported in vitro effects of PRL and GH on cells involved with immunity, and the presence of high-affinity PRL and GH receptors have been observed on a number of these cells. The action of GH on the proliferative response of cells involved with immunity in vitro appears to be mediated by the production of insulin-like growth factor I. The effect of PRL on insulin-like growth factor I production by these cells has not been examined. One of the most consistent findings from in vitro studies is that prolactin antisera blocked a number of immune reactions. This led to the discovery that cells involved with immunity appear capable of producing PRL and GH, but the physiological significance of these observations have not been explored. There is a great need to identify the cell types responding to PRL and GH and this should be a goal of future investigations. There is also a need for investigators to be aware that both PRL and GH are involved in the regulation of the immune system and to design experiments to elucidate where each functions in the maturation cascade of cells involved with immunity. From the evidence available, it is apparent that PRL and GH have an important function in the immune system and future investigations should be directed toward elucidating their site(s) of action.  相似文献   

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