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Intracerebroventricular (icv) delivery of therapeutic molecules directly into the brain parenchyma has attracted considerable attention because of the advantage of bypassing the blood-brain barrier. Exogenous icv administration of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODNs) has been implicated in modifying gene expression within the targeted brain area. The biodistribution, tissue penetration, and stability of exogenously administered AS-ODNs are the major determinants with regard to their potential utility as agents for modifying gene expression. This report examined the distribution and clearance of labeled AS-ODNs with the aim of exploring the feasibility of icv administration of AS-ODNs as a targeted treatment approach to Alzheimer's disease. A single icv injection of fluorescein-labeled 2'-O-(methoxy) ethyl (2'MOE) ribosyl-modified AS-ODNs directed at the beta-secretase cleavage site of beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) mRNA into the mouse brain showed rapid uptake by 15 minutes, overall gradual spread and retention by 30 minutes to 3 hours, and complete clearance by 8 hours postinjection. Labeled AS-ODNs were observed to penetrate across the cell membrane and accumulate in both nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of neuronal and nonneuronal cell populations. Current study provides a basic pattern of uptake, distribution, and stability of AS-ODNs in the mouse brain.  相似文献   

Uptake of exogenous DNA by mouse embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Fate of DNA injected into early Drosophila embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plasmid DNA injected into early Drosophila embryos becomes enclosed in nuclei or nucleus-like structures where it remains at least throughout embryonic development. The fraction remaining in the cytoplasm is gradually degraded. The nuclear fraction is converted to a high-molecular-weight form consisting largely but not exclusively of tandem oligomers. Some of it, however, can occasionally become integrated in the genome. Extensive DNA replication takes place but few, if any, molecules are able to initiate a second round of replication.  相似文献   

Replication of injected DNA templates in Xenopus embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have analysed the replication of both exogenous frog DNAs and heterologous DNAs during development from the first cleavage through the blastula stage, by their microinjection into fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis. The data show that various plasmids increase to different extents and that the differences cannot be attributed to size alone. Plasmids containing the Xenopus ribosomal gene repeat unit do not replicate efficiently, and they also inhibit the replication of co-injected DNA templates. This inhibitory effect may be due to DNA sequences contained in the intergenic ribosomal gene spacers.  相似文献   

A new synthesis route for long phosphate-methylated oligodeoxynucleotides is described, which were used as antisense inhibitors of the DNA replication. Phosphate-methylated oligomers hybridize more strongly with natural DNA than their natural analogues, due to the absence of electrostatic interstrand repulsions. Compared with phosphate-ethylated and methyl phosphonate systems, phosphate-methylated systems are preferable as antisense DNA, which was concluded from the high Tm values and sharp melting transitions of duplexes of phosphate-methylated and natural DNA. By using the Sanger dideoxy technique, it was shown that a complementary phosphate-methylated 18-mer can effectively and site-specifically block the DNA replication process at room temperature.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, stem cells of teratocarcinoma, represent an excellent model to study the developmental mechanisms that, inappropriately reactivated, can drive tumorigenesis. EC cells are very aggressive, and grow rapidly when injected into adult syngeneic mice. However, when injected into blastocysts, they revert to normality, giving rise to chimeric animals. In order to study the ability of postimplantation embryonic environment to "normalize" tumorigenic cells, and to study their homing, we transplanted F9, Nulli-SCC1, and P19 EC cells into 8 to 15-day allogenic CD1 mouse embryos, into allogenic CD1 newborns, and into syngeneic adult mice, and evaluated tumor formation, spreading, and homing. We found that, although at all embryonic stages successful transplantation occurred, the chances of developing tumors after birth increased with the time of injection of EC cells into the embryo. In addition, using enhanced green fluorescent protein-expressing F9 cells, we demonstrated that the cells not giving rise to tumors remained latent and could be tracked down in tissues during adulthood. Our data indicate that the embryonic environment retains a certain ability to "normalize" tumor cells also during post-implantation development. This could occur through yet unknown epigenetic signals triggering EC cells' differentiation.  相似文献   

The regulation of trophectoderm differentiation in mouse embryos was studied by inhibiting DNA synthesis with aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. Embryos were exposed to aphidicolin (0.5 micrograms/ml) for 16 h at various preimplantation stages and scored for their ability to form a blastocyst and develop beyond the blastocyst stage. Embryos were most sensitive to aphidicolin at the late 4-cell stage and became progressively less sensitive as they developed. Aphidicolin inhibited blastocyst formation by 70%, 100%, 77%, and 24% after treatment at the 2-cell, 4-cell, noncompacted 8-cell, and compacted 8-cell stages, respectively. Although the inhibitory effect of aphidicolin on blastocyst formation decreased markedly as 8-cell embryos underwent compaction, developmental capacity beyond the blastocyst stage was poor after treatment of either noncompacted or compacted 8-cell embryos. Treatment at the morula and early blastocyst stages was less harmful to embryos than treatment at earlier stages but reduced the number of trophoblast outgrowths by interfering with hatching. Autoradiographic analysis showed that during aphidicolin treatment, incorporation of 3H-thymidine was inhibited over 90% at all stages examined, indicating an inhibition of DNA synthesis. Because inhibition of blastocyst formation by aphidicolin decreased at the compacted 8-cell stage, we suggest that approximately the first half of the fourth DNA replication cycle is critical for subsequent blastocyst formation. Furthermore, the poor further development of blastocysts formed after aphidicolin treatment of compacted 8-cell embryos suggests that the DNA replication requirements for initial trophectoderm differentiation are distinct from requirements for further development of blastocysts in vitro.  相似文献   

Mammary gland specific expression vectors for human clotting factor IX (hFIX) and LacZ reporter gene driven by bovine β-casein gene were constructed. Vectors were packaged by stearylamine (SA) liposome and were transferred to lactating mice via tail vein. Both hFIX and Lac2 gene could be expressed in the mammary gland of the treated mice. The highest production of hFIX protein was 80.28 ng per mL milk, and more than 85% of hFIX protein appeared to be γ-carboxylation and biologically active. The results suggested that the 2.0 kb sequence of β-casein gene including promoter, exon 1 was effective to drive hFIX gene expression in mammary gland and intron 1 of β-casein gene had an effect on the tissue specific expression. The expression level in mouse milk injected with hFIX minigene vector containing hFIX endogenous intron 1 was increased by above 3 times of that injected with hFIX cDNA vector. Project supported by the State High Technology Development Program and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse embryos at the two cell stage derived from C57BL/6 × C3H/Aa F1-females heterozygous at the X-linked phosphoglycerate kinase locus (Pgk-1) were cultured continuously in the presence of cytochalasin B or D. Further cleavage of the two cell embryos was thus prevented and the embryos became polyploid during culture. The onset of expression of the maternally inherited Pgk-1 gene and of the paternally inherited glucosephosphate isomerase (Gpi-1) gene was determined in these polyploid embryos by cellulose acetate gel electrophoresis of single embryos. In contrast to euploid preimplantation embryos developing normally in utero or in culture without cytochalasins, expression of maternal Pgk-1 was never observed at days 4 and 5 of gestation in polyploid two cell embryos, showing that the Pgk-1 allele on the maternally inherited X chromosome is not activated independently of cytokinesis and morphogenesis. Expression of paternally derived Gpi-1, however, occurred in cleavage blocked embryos von day 5 of development. This may indicate that the activation of two genes which are both expressed during preimplantation development and which both code for glycolytic enzymes, is initiated by different signals.  相似文献   

Mated CF1 (Carworth) female mice were sacrificed at 2 hr intervals between 29 and 43 hr after human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration. One- and two-cell eggs were incubated in [3H]thymidine for 1 hr. Labeled two-cell embryos were first observed at 31 hr and reached a maximum number at 35 hr. The S period is approximately 6 hr in duration. Although both blastomeres were labeled in most cases, embryos with only one labeled blastomere were more numerous at later times. In vitro labeling was corroborated by injecting [3H]thymidine directly into the isthmic portion of the oviduct. Embryos usually complete the second cleavage division 18–20 hr after onset of DNA synthesis. The cell cycle at the two-cell stage is thus characterized by a G1 of close to 1 hr, a 6 hr S, and a G2 of about 12 hr.Embryos developing in vitro frequently fail to progress beyond the two-cell stage. The block is not due to absence of DNA synthesis since these embryos were found to incorporate [3H]thymidine.  相似文献   

Expression profiles of adiponectin receptors in mouse embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adiponectin is a protein secreted from adipocytes and it plays an important endocrine role in glucose and lipid homeostasis. A reverse correlation between plasma adiponectin concentrations and insulin resistance has been established in both animals and humans. Adiponectin exerts its function by interacting with membrane receptors, including AdipoR1 and AdipoR2. We investigated the expression pattern of these two adiponectin receptors in mouse embryos. At stages E12.5 and E15.5, both AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 are highly expressed in the nervous system including the trigeminal ganglion, glossopharyngeal ganglion and dorsal root ganglia. AdipoR1 is highly expressed in many tissues derived from primitive gut, including the lung, liver, pancreas and small intestines. Generally, the expression level of AdipoR2 is weaker and more restricted than AdipoR1 in most of the tissues. In addition, AdipoR1 expression can be found in heart, vertebrate, developing bones and cartilage, and many other tissues. This study reveals that AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 have differential but overlapping expression profiles during mouse development.  相似文献   

Rapid DNA extraction and PCR-sexing of mouse embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have devised a PCR-based sexing method that is quick, simple, and highly reproducible. DNA is first extracted from embryonic mouse yolk sac via a 15 min, two-step incubation procedure utilizing PCR-compatible proteinase K buffer. Without any further manipulation the lysate is subjected to 30 cycles of PCR, optimized to run in less than 1 hr. The reaction includes multiplexed primer pairs for Sry and Myog (myogenin) that generate a male specific band of 441 bp and an internal control band of 245 bp, respectively. This robust method is used routinely in our laboratory and gives rapid genotyping results with 98% reliability and 100% accuracy.  相似文献   

利用小鼠抗5-甲基胞嘧啶(5MeC)单克隆抗体检测了体外培养小鼠四倍体早期胚胎的基因组甲基化模式。结果表明: 利用电融合方法制备的小鼠四倍体胚胎在体外培养体系中经历细胞质融合、细胞核融合及细胞继续分裂发育直到囊胚期的过程, 在细胞质融合的时候胚胎卵裂球同体内体外培养二倍体胚胎一样, 呈现高度甲基化状态; 在细胞核开始融合的时候, 甲基化水平急速下降, 在细胞核完全融合的时候甲基化水平达到最低点; 随着胚胎继续分裂, 胚胎甲基化水平逐渐增加, 在桑葚胚期甲基化水平最高; 但是囊胚期四倍体胚胎内细胞团同滋养层细胞甲基化荧光信号没有差别, 这与体内体外培养二倍体囊胚内细胞团细胞甲基化荧光强度高于滋养层细胞甲基化荧光强度不同。因此, 小鼠体外培养四倍体胚胎的甲基化模式是不正常的, 这可能是四倍体小鼠难以发育到妊娠足月的原因之一。这是对小鼠四倍体早期胚胎基因组甲基化模式的首次报道。  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the founder cells of the germline. Via gametogenesis and fertilisation this lineage generates a new embryo in the next generation. PGCs are also the cell of origin of multilineage teratocarcinomas. In vitro, mouse PGCs can give rise to embryonic germ (EG) cells – pluripotent stem cells that can contribute to primary chimaeras when introduced into pre-implantation embryos. Thus, PGCs can give rise to pluripotent cells in the course of the developmental cycle, during teratocarcinogenesis and by in vitro culture. However, there is no evidence that PGCs can differentiate directly into somatic cell types. Furthermore, it is generally assumed that PGCs do not contribute to chimaeras following injection into the early mouse embryo. However, these data have never been formally published. Here, we present the primary data from the original PGC-injection experiments performed 40 years ago, alongside results from more recent studies in three separate laboratories. These results have informed and influenced current models of the relationship between pluripotency and the germline cycle. Current technologies allow further experiments to confirm and expand upon these findings and allow definitive conclusions as to the developmental potency of PGCs.  相似文献   

H Peng  Y Wu  Y Zhang 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43748
Mouse preimplantation development is characterized by three major transitions and two lineage segregations. Each transition or lineage segregation entails pronounced changes in the pattern of gene expression. Thus, research into the function of genes with obvious changes in expression pattern will shed light on the molecular basis of preimplantation development. We have described a simplified and effective method-electroporation-of introducing plasmid DNA and morpholinos into mouse preimplantation embryos and verified effectiveness of this approach by testing the procedure on the endogenous gene Oct4. Before electroporation, the zona pellucida was weakened by the treatment of acid Tyrode's solution. Then we optimized the parameters such as voltage, pulse duration, number of pulses and repeats, and applied these parameters to subsequent experiments. Compared with the control groups, the number of apoptotic cells and the expression and localization of OCT3/4 or CDX2 was not significantly changed in blastocysts developed from 1-cell embryos, which were electroporated with pIRES2-AcGFP1-Nuc eukaryotic expression vector or mismatched morpholino oligonucleotides. Furthermore, electroporated plasmid DNA and morpholinos targeting the endogenous gene Oct4 were able to sharply down regulate expression of OCT4 protein and actually cause expected phenotypes in mouse preimplantation embryos. In conclusion, plasmid DNA and morpholinos could be efficient delivered into mouse preimplantation embryos by electroporation and exert their functions, and normal development of preimplantation embryos was not affected.  相似文献   

Circular, double-stranded DNA molecules were injected into nuclei of mouse oocytes and one- or two-cell embryos to determine whether specific sequences were required to replicate DNA during mouse development. Although all of the injected DNAs were stable, replication of plasmid pML-1 DNA was not detected unless it contained either polyomavirus (PyV) or simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequences. Replication occurred in embryos, but not in oocytes. PyV DNA, either alone or recombined with pML-1, underwent multiple rounds of replication to produce superhelical and relaxed circular monomers after injection into one- or two-cell embryos. SV40 DNA also replicated, but only 3% as well as PyV DNA. Coinjection of PyV DNA with either pML-1 or SV40 had no effect on the replicating properties of the three DNAs. These results are consistent with a requirement for specific cis-acting sequences to replicate DNA in mammalian embryos, in contrast to sequence-independent replication of DNA injected into Xenopus eggs. Furthermore, PyV DNA replication in mouse embryos required PyV large T-antigen and either the alpha-beta-core or beta-core configuration of the PyV origin of replication. Although the alpha-core configuration replicated in differentiated mouse cells, it failed to replicate in mouse embryos, demonstrating cell-specific activation of an origin of replication. Replication or expression of PyV DNA interfered with normal embryonic development. These results reveal that mouse embryos are permissive for PyV DNA replication, in contrast to the absence of PyV DNA replication and gene expression in mouse embryonal carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Expression of MSY2 in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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