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PETER B. McEVOY 《Physiological Entomology》1984,9(2):191-195
ABSTRACT. This study tested the effect of diet and phase of the feeding cycle on oxygen consumption by fifth-instar larvae of the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). There was no significant variation in respiratory rates among larvae fed different diets, which were floral parts, upper, middle and lower leaves of the host plant tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea. The respiratory rates ( x ± 95% Cl μlO2 h-1 ) of feeding larvae (279.5 ± 30.9) were higher than those of larvae at rest (179.7 ± 12.2), but were not significantly different from those of larvae in the post-ingestive phase (272.8 ± 35.8).
The respiratory rates of feeding larvae increased linearly with the ingestion rate, such that an additional 21.1 μl O2 were consumed for every mg dry mass of plant material eaten per hour. 相似文献
The respiratory rates of feeding larvae increased linearly with the ingestion rate, such that an additional 21.1 μl O
The effect of chilling time on the termination of pupal diapause was studied in the Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae L., Lepidoptera: Arctiidae. Chilling followed by a temperature of 20°C was effective in terminating diapause. Chilling for 120 days immediately after pupation yielded the highest percentage emergence and resulted in the shortest total pupal development time (162 days). A more natural treatment, a warm period before cold treatment, did not result in a higher percentage of emergence or in a shorter total pupal development time.During hibernation this species experiences two successive processes: diapause development during the first three to four months of cold, followed by a period of quiescence. Application of high temperatures in this latter period immediately starts morphogenesis. The impact of a relative humidity of 70% during the pupal stage for complete wing unfolding is demonstrated. The underlying mechanism of diapause is discussed.
Résumé L'effet sur la levée de la diapause de différents régimes de température infligés aux chrysalides est étudié chez Tyria jacobaeae L. (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Une mise au froid suivie de hautes températures lève efficacement la diapause. Un refroidissement pendant 120 jours immédiatement après la nymphose entraîne le plus grand pourcentage d'éclosions et la durée totale du développement des chrysalides la plus courte (162.3 j). Un traitement plus naturel, une période chaude avant la période froide, n'entraîne pas un plus grand pourcentage d'éclosions ni une durée plus courte de développement.Il est proposé que durant l'hibernation cette espèce passe par deux processus successifs: un diapause durant les premiers trois ou quatre mois de froid, suivie d'une période de quiescence. Le transfert à des hautes températures pendant cette derpériode déclanche immédiatement la morphogénèse. L'influence d'un taux élevé d'humidité relative durant le stade chrysalide sur le déploiement complet des ailes est démontré. Le méchanisme de diapause sous-jacent est discuté.相似文献
Summary Defoliated ragwort plants produced regrowth foliage that was higher in alkaloid, but lower in amino acid concentrations than primary foliage. Total N was not affected. 2) Plants fertilized with nitrogen (as ammonium sulphate) had lower amino acid concentrations than unfertilized control plants, slightly increased alkaloid levels but similar total N concentrations. 3) Ovipositing females laid eggs upon plants with equal probability for controls, regrowth and fertilized foliage (one rosette in 5 received an egg batch). However, the probability of receiving eggs was significantly lower on the primary leaves of cut-back plants that had had their lower leaves removed a few days before egg laying (only one rosette in 13 was selected). 4) Egg batch size was higher on fertilized control foliage than on other treatments. 5) Larvae attained greater final weights when fed a diet of regrowth foliage, despite the higher levels of alkaloid they contained. Larval development rate was not affected by experimental treatment of the foliage. 6) Larval growth was lowest on the leaves of fertilized plants. This was associated with significant reductions in the concentrations of three amino acids (methionine down 29%, tyrosine 33% and lysine 25%). 相似文献
Nutritional indices, development rates, percent dry weights and total lipids were determined in gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar L.) reared on a high wheat germ (HWG) diet or diets prepared from lyophilized, ball-milled oak or pine foliage as the only source of dietary nitrogen (N). With regard to both total and proteinaceous N content, HWG diet>oak diet>pine diet. All nutritional indices measured were significantly lower in second instars fed pine diet vs. oak diet. Protein supplementation of pine diet with either casein or ovalbumin to bring total N up to the level present in oak diet resulted in small increased in approximate digestibility (AD) and effciency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), but relative growth rate (RGR) remained unaffected. The low RGR of larvae fed pine diet (unsupplemented or protein supplemented), as compared to those fed HWG or oak diet, was accompanied by significantly lower larval percent dry weight and percent total lipid. In contrast, RGR, larval percent dry weight and total lipid values were comparable in second instars fed HWG or oak diet. Insects reared from the first through the final instar on oak diet exhibited lower pupal weights compared to those reared on HWG. Casein addition to oak diet generally resulted in even more extended larval development times and further reduced pupal weights, but wheat germ addition to oak diet did not alter development rates and caused an increase in pupal weights. 相似文献
Quantitative nutritional indices were measured in 3rd instar gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar L. Analyses of the main and interactive effects of host plant consumed (oak or pine), foliar phenology (early or late season) and larval dietary history (whether fed artificial diet or foliage as second instars) indicate that larval performance was significantly affected by all three variables tested. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was higher on oak than pine early in the season, but the reverse occurred one month later, owing largely to the slower Relative Consumption Rate (RCR) of late season oak feeders. Efficiency of Conversion of Digested food (ECD) was depressed in larvae fed pine foliage for two instars compared with those fed oak. The interaction between larval dietary history and foliar phenology produced significant effects on all indices measured. Foliar analyses showed that, as the season progressed, oak had a higher percent dry weight than did pine. On a dry weight basis, pine foliage had significantly less total and protein nitrogen than did oak collected at the same time.
Résumé Les indices nutritionnels larvaires ont été évalués sur des chenilles de L. dispar L. du troisième stade. L'analyse des effets et des interactions de la nature de la plante consommée (Quercus microcarpa) ou Pinus strobus, de la phénologie foliaire (en début de saison, c'est-à-dire seconde quinzaine de mai, ou en fin de saison, c'est-à-dire à la mi-juin), de l'alimentation antérieure (régime artificiel de germes de blé ou feuillage pendant le second stade) montre que les performances larvaires sont fortement modifiées par ces 3 variables. Le taux de croissance relative (RGR) est plus élevé sur chêne que sur pin en début de saison, mais s'inverse un mois plus tard avec une forte diminution sur chêne. L'efficacité de conversion de l'aliment (ECD) est diminuée sur pin pendant les second et troisième stades. L'interaction entre l'alimentation antérieure et le phénologie foliaire a des effets significatifs sur la digestibilité approchée (AD), sur l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), et sur ECD, RCR et RGR.Les analyses foliaires ont montré que, lorsque la saison avance, le poids sec du chêne devient supérieur à celui du pin. En considérant le poids sec, le feuillage de pin contient moins d'aliments et de protéines que le chêne récolté au même moment. La teneur en azote tend à diminuer chez les deux espèces, de 17% pour le pin et 26% pour le chêne.Nous pensons que certains de ces facteurs déterminent la valeur de ces plantes pour L. dispar. Les chenilles âgées peuvent compenser plus ou moins la faible assimilation sur pin par des RCR plus élevés. Le même comportement ne semble pas possible sur chêne, une plus grande quantité de chêne avancé en saison que de feuilles jeunes ne pouvant être consommée pour compenser la diminution de la digestibilité.相似文献
The effect of larval diet on diapause induction in the Israeli strain of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was studied in a field trial using intact apple fruits of two varieties: Ana (early-ripening, in the end of June) and Granny Smith (late-ripening, in October). Diapause incidence increased as fruit age (determined as days from fruit-set) progressed. These results corroborate former studies on other strains of the codling moth, where excised fruits were used.The combination of 80-day-old, fully ripe, Ana fruit treatment with the longest days of the year, yielded 38% diapause. This result demonstrates that mature fruit (inducing diapause) cannot completely override the effect of long day (averting diapause), but does confirm that larval diet modifies the photoperiodic induction of diapause in the codling moth.Deceased, October 1988 相似文献
Shields VD Smith KP Arnold NS Gordon IM Shaw TE Waranch D 《Arthropod-Plant Interactions》2008,2(2):101-107
Nine alkaloids (acridine, aristolochic acid, atropine, berberine, caffeine, nicotine, scopolamine, sparteine, and strychnine)
were evaluated as feeding deterrents for gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar (L.); Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Our aim was to determine and compare the taste threshold concentrations, as well as the
ED50 values, of the nine alkaloids to determine their potency as feeding deterrents. The alkaloids were applied to disks cut from
red oak leaves (Quercus rubra) (L.), a plant species highly favored by larvae of this polyphagous insect species. We used two-choice feeding bioassays
to test a broad range of biologically relevant alkaloid concentrations spanning five logarithmic steps. We observed increasing
feeding deterrent responses for all the alkaloids tested and found that the alkaloids tested exhibited different deterrency
threshold concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 mM. In conclusion, it appears that this generalist insect species bears a
relatively high sensitivity to these alkaloids, which confirms behavioral observations that it avoids foliage containing alkaloids.
Berberine and aristolochic acid were found to have the lowest ED50 values and were the most potent antifeedants.
Handling Editor: Joseph Dickens. 相似文献
Summary We hypothesize that the tritrophic interaction between ants, the aphid Aphis jacobaeae, the moth Tyria jacobaeae, and the plant Senecio jacobaea can explain the genetic variation observed in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration in natural populations of S. jacobaea. The ant Lasius niger effectively defends S. jacobaea plants infested with A. jacobaeae against larvae of T. jacobaeae. S. jacobaea plants with A. jacobaeae which are defended by ants escape regular defoliation by T. jacobaeae. Plants with aphids and ants have a lower pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration than plants without aphids and ants. When these data are fitted to an existing theoretical model for temporal variation in fitness it is shown that varying herbivore pressure by T. jacobaeae in interaction with ants defending aphid-infested plants with a low pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration can lead to a stable polymorphism in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration. Costs of the production and maintenance of pyrrolizidine alkaloids are not accounted for in the model.Publication of the Meijendel-comité, new series no. 114 相似文献
Philip J. Newton 《Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata》1989,52(2):113-117
The oviposition response of Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to healthy navel and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis (L.), fruit was measured in experimental orchards at Nelspruit, eastern Transvaal, South Africa, and was compared with the response to prematurely ripened fruit and injured fruit. Both premature ripening and injury increased the number of eggs laid on these fruit. Damaged fruit was almost twice as attractive as ripe fruit if the number of eggs laid can be used as a measure of attraction. Large wounds were no more stimulating than small lesions. The quantity of stimulus was not statistically significant, yet five or ten treated fruit in a cluster led to more egg-laying per fruit than a single treated fruit. More eggs were observed on healthy fruit within 50 cm of clusters of treated fruit than on healthy fruit on different trees, but this effect was not statistically significant.
Résumé La ponte de c. leucotreta Meyrick (Lep.; Tortricidae) sur oranges (Navel et Valencia) saines a été évaluée dans des vergers expérimentaux de Nelspruit à l'est du Transvaal, en Afrique du Sud. Elle a été comparée à la ponte observée sur des fruits prématurés ou endommagés. Ces deux dernières situations ont augmenté l'effectif d'ufs pondus sur les fruits; si le nombre d'ufs pondus est utilisé comme critère d'attraction, les fruits endommagés étaient presque deux fois plus attractifs que les autres. La taille des blessures est sans effet. Des fruits ont été artificiellement endommagés ou conduits prématurément à maturité avec un badigeon d'acide 2-chloréthylphos-phorique. Ces stimului n'ont pas eu d'effet cumulatif significatif; pourtant la ponte était plus importante sur des paquets de 5 ou 10 fruits artificiellement modifiés, que sur des fruits modifiés isolés. Une ponte plus importante a été observée sur des fruits sains à moins de 50 cm d'un groupe de fruits modifiés. Il est probable que des signaux visuels et olfactifs orientent la découverte du fruit par la tordeuse. Ces résultats suggèrent que les substances volatiles ont plus d'influence que la couleur ou la taille du fruit.La protection contre cet insecte devrait comprendre l'élimination des fruits mûris prématurément ou abîmés, mais il faudrait préciser si les fruits endommagés sont ou non découverts par hasard. La concentration des pontes sur et autour de ces fruits peut aussi réduire les pontes dans le reste du verger.相似文献
M.J. Giertych M. Bkowski P. Karolewski R. Zytkowiak & J. Grzebyta 《Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata》2005,117(1):59-69
Host plant quality is a key determinant of the performance of larvae of herbivorous insects. The effects of nitrogen and dolomite fertilization on the quality of pedunculate oak, Quercus robur L. (Fagaceae) foliage, as a food for gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) larvae were evaluated. The seedlings were divided into five fertilization treatments (nonfertilized control, commercial nutrient solution, commercial nutrient solution + (NH4)2SO4, commercial nutrient solution + KNO3, and commercial nutrient solution + dolomite). The experiment was performed in Petri dishes, in each of which a fresh leaf from one treatment and one larva were placed. Insect performance assays, survival, development, growth, and food utilization were evaluated for each fertilization treatment. Leaf samples were assayed for nitrogen and other main nutrients, soluble carbohydrates, and phenolic compounds. The fertilizer treatment with added ammonium improved gypsy moth performance, and the amount of food eaten was the lowest in this treatment. Utilization of elements from the food depended on the element and on the fertilization treatment. The insect bodies retained 50–64% of the nitrogen and 55–79% of the phosphorus. The results show that the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and the efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) differ among the fertilization treatments, but it is not possible to define a general trend. Our results suggest that fertilization (especially ammonium) of host plants can increase herbivore performance, decrease the amount of food needed, and increase its utilization efficiency. 相似文献
We measured adult oviposition preference, larval growth, and feeding behaviour of the crucifer specialist Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on plants of Brassica napus (L.) cv. Express (Brassicaceae), grown under three different sulphur regimes. The nutrient solutions used were the following: one sulphur‐free (S0), one normal sulphur (Sn, normal field concentration), and one sulphur‐rich (S+, double concentration of Sn). Females laid more eggs on Sn than on S0 plants, while only a slight, non‐significant difference was observed between Sn and S+ plants. Moreover, the development time from hatching to emergence was significantly shorter, and adults were heavier on Sn than on S0 plants. Comparing these same two parameters from Sn and S+ plants, we found a shorter development time on plants rich in sulphur, although this trend was not statistically significant. Larval feeding preferences were tested in a dual choice assay using leaf discs. A significantly higher number of larvae preferred leaf discs of Sn plants than those of S0 plants. Furthermore, the larvae preferred S+ to Sn discs. An optimal supply of sulphur to oilseed rape is necessary for a good seed harvest, and it also plays an important role in acceptance by P. xylostella of the host plant. Maintaining higher levels of sulphur in the plant nutrient solution benefits insect performance, both at the adult and larval stage. 相似文献
RICHARD L. LINDROTH KARI A. KLEIN JOCELyN D. C. HEMMING ANITA M. FEUKER 《Physiological Entomology》1997,22(1):55-64
Abstract. . The independent and interactive effects of temperature and dietary nitrogen content on performance of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) were examined. In long-term feeding trials, larvae were reared from egg hatch to pupation on low (1.5%) and high (3.7% dry weight) nitrogen diets, under three temperature regimes. Short-term feeding trials with fourth instars and the same treatments were conducted in order to calculate nutritional indices.
Higher temperatures did not influence larval survival and marginally increased final pupal weights, but strongly decreased long-term development rates. They also accelerated short-term growth and consumption rates, and tended to improve food processing efficiencies. High concentrations of dietary nitrogen increased survival rates and final pupal weights markedly, but decreased long-term development rates only marginally. A high content of dietary nitrogen also accelerated short-term development and growth rates, reduced consumption rates, and improved food digestibility. Insects responded to low nitrogen-content diets primarily by eating faster, rather than by altering efficiency of nitrogen use. In the short-term feeding trials, thermal regime and dietary nitrogen interacted to influence growth rates, overall food processing efficiencies and nitrogen consumption rates. No interactive effects were observed in long-term studies.
This research demonstrates that small changes in thermal regime and ecologically relevant variation in dietary nitrogen content can strongly affect gypsy moth performance. Moreover, various performance parameters are differentially sensitive to the direct and interactive effects of temperature and diet. 相似文献
Higher temperatures did not influence larval survival and marginally increased final pupal weights, but strongly decreased long-term development rates. They also accelerated short-term growth and consumption rates, and tended to improve food processing efficiencies. High concentrations of dietary nitrogen increased survival rates and final pupal weights markedly, but decreased long-term development rates only marginally. A high content of dietary nitrogen also accelerated short-term development and growth rates, reduced consumption rates, and improved food digestibility. Insects responded to low nitrogen-content diets primarily by eating faster, rather than by altering efficiency of nitrogen use. In the short-term feeding trials, thermal regime and dietary nitrogen interacted to influence growth rates, overall food processing efficiencies and nitrogen consumption rates. No interactive effects were observed in long-term studies.
This research demonstrates that small changes in thermal regime and ecologically relevant variation in dietary nitrogen content can strongly affect gypsy moth performance. Moreover, various performance parameters are differentially sensitive to the direct and interactive effects of temperature and diet. 相似文献
Kristina Karlsson Green 《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(15):10090
Immune functions are costly, and immune investment is usually dependent on the individual''s condition and resource availability. For phytophagous insects, host plant quality has large effects on performance, for example growth and survival, and may also affect their immune function. Polyphagous insects often experience a large variation in quality among different host plant species, and their immune investment may thus vary depending on which host plant species they develop on. Larvae of the polyphagous moth Spodoptera littoralis have previously been found to exhibit density‐dependent prophylaxis as they invest more in certain immune responses in high population densities. In addition, the immune response of S. littoralis has been shown to depend on nutrient quality in experiments with artificial diet. Here, I studied the effects of natural host plant diet and larval density on a number of immune responses to understand how host plant species affects immune investment in generalist insects, and whether the density‐dependent prophylaxis could be mediated by host plant species. While host plant species in general did not mediate the density‐dependent immune expression, particular host plant species was found to increase larval investment in certain functions of the immune system. Interestingly, these results indicate that different host plants may provide a polyphagous species with protection against different kinds of antagonisms. This insight may contribute to our understanding of the relationship between preference and performance in generalists, as well as having applied consequences for sustainable pest management. 相似文献
The effect of daylength and temperature on the regulation of the larval diapause of a central Missouri population of the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum, was examined. Fully grown fourth-instar larvae exhibit a facultative diapause. Measurements of the effect of photoperiod on diapause induction revealed critical photoperiods of about 13 h 30 min light/day at 20°C, and between 11 h 45 min and 12 h light/day at 23°C. Third and fourth-instar larvae were shown to be the main sensitive stages for diapause determination. Daylength was also shown to be an important regulator of the rate of diapause development. A short day of LD 10:14 h permitted only a low rate of diapause development, whereas long days of LD 14:10 h and LD 16:8 h accelerated diapause development at 25 and 30°C. When long days were alternated with short days at 30°C the accelerating effect of long days on diapause development was not found. Systematic transfers of chilled diapausing larvae revealed an accelerated diapause development in groups transferred from 10 to 30°C LD 10:14 h, but diapause development was not accelerated in groups transferred from 10 to 30°C LD 16:8 h. 相似文献
The preference–performance hypothesis for insect herbivores predicts that adult females should preferentially choose hosts on which their offspring perform better. We tested this hypothesis for the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), using 16 sunflower (pre‐breeding) lines, derived from a number of wild species of Helianthus, including Helianthus annuus L., Helianthus deserticola Heiser, Helianthus paradoxus Heiser, Helianthus praecox Engelm. & Gray ssp. hirtus (Heiser) Heiser, Helianthus praecox Engelm. & Gray ssp. runyonii (Heiser) Heiser, Helianthus petiolaris Nutt., Helianthus resinosus Small, and Helianthus tuberosus L. (Asteraceae), that are suitable for introducing wild sunflower germplasm into commercial cultivars. Female moths showed a range of ovipositional preference measures to the various lines. Combined data for three Helianthus species represented by multiple lines showed significant differences in female preference with respect to the parental species. Larval performance, determined by proportion of infested neonate larvae reaching the pupal stage, or mean pupal weight, varied across the lines and, as for the female preference data, also showed significant differences among the three parental Helianthus species represented by multiple lines. These data suggest that the characteristics in the pre‐breeding lines influencing female sunflower moth preference and larval performance likely originate from the parental species and may be consistently transferred to the derived pre‐breeding lines. Of particular note with regard to potential plant resistance mechanisms, lines derived from H. tuberosus showed consistent low preference–performance measures. Female preference and larval performance (for both measures) were strongly correlated, indicating that females preferred plants and lines on which larvae performed better, in support of the preference–performance hypothesis. 相似文献
The courtship behavior of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae(L.), was studied in moving air conditions in a wind tunnel, using video techniques. Quantitative analyses were undertaken to determine the behavioral sequence occurring in the courtship. Comparison of successful and unsuccessful courtship suggested that courtship success was more dependent on the behavior of the female than that of the male. In an attempt to elucidate the function of the male hair-pencils (HPs), courtships involving males without HPs were also studied. HP removal did not affect the overall courtship success rate of males, but detailed analysis showed significant changes infernale behavior during such courtships. HP removal also affected female behavior following pair formation, with females struggling more when paired with males without HPs. Consequently, it is proposed that the HP volatiles act as an arrestant for the female, both during courtship and after pair formation, to increase female acceptance and to prevent premature termination of copulation. Experiments were also conducted to test previous hypotheses for HP function. However, no evidence was found to suggest that the HP volatiles in M. brassicaeact to attract females, affect female calling behavior, or affect the behavior of other males. A further possible function of HPs in defense is discussed. 相似文献
Nutritional performance of early and late instar bagworm (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haworth) larvae was investigated as a function of host of origin and host type, using two taxonomically distant wild hosts, Salix nigra (Marshall) and Juniperus virginiana (L.). First instar growth and survival were higher on S. nigra; overall performance was similar on the two hosts in penultimate-final instars. There was no evidence for host associated differentiation with respect to nutritional performance. There were, however, significant genotype x environment interactions for several characters studied, suggesting that the potential for host associated differentiation exists. 相似文献