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Although predator avoidance has been proposed as one possible factor influencing the distribution of fish among substrate types, no study has addressed this question directly. Groups of juvenile Atlantic cod were offered a choice between pairs of the following three substrates: sand, gravel-pebble and cobble. Their distribution on these substrates was compared prior to, during and following exposure to a predator (i.e. a larger conspecific). With no apparent risk of predation, juvenile cod preferred sand or gravel-pebble. When cobble was present, juveniles hid in the interstitial spaces of this substrate in the presence of a predator. With no cobble present, juveniles showed no preference between sand and gravel-pebble, and did not seek refuge from predation in association with these substrates. Following exposure to a predator (i.e. 2.5 h later) larger juvenile cod again showed a preference for the finer-grained substrates, but smaller individuals continued to associated with the cobble. The presence of cobble resulted in fewer juveniles being captured and a significant increase in the latency until the first juvenile was captured by the predator. Results are discussed with respect to the effects of predation on the distribution and survival of fishes among substrate types.  相似文献   

Cadotte MW  Fortner AM  Fukami T 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):150-157
Community structure is the observable outcome of numerous processes. We conducted a laboratory experiment using a microbial model system to disentangle effects of nutrient enrichment, dispersal, and predation on prey species richness and predator abundance at local and metacommunity scales. Prey species included: Chilomonas sp., Colpidium striatum, Colpoda cucullus, Paramecium tetraurelia, P. caudatum, Philodina sp., Spirostomum sp., Tetrahymena thermophila, and Uronema sp., and Stentor coeruleus was the predator used. We hypothesized that: (1) increased basal resources should maintain greater species richness and higher predator abundance; (2) dispersal should maintain greater species richness; and (3) predation should reduce species richness, especially in the high resource treatments relative to no-predator treatments. Our results support all three hypotheses. Further, we show that dispersal affects richness at the local community scale but not at the metacommunity scale. However, predation seems to have major effects at both the local and metacommunity scale. Overall, our results show that effects of resource enrichment, dispersal, and predation were mostly additive rather than interactive, indicating that it may be sometimes easier to understand their effects than generally thought due to complex interactive effects.  相似文献   

The effects of owl predation on the foraging behavior of heteromyid rodents   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Researchers have documented microhabitat partitioning among the heteromyid rodents of the deserts of North America that may result from microhabitat specific predation rates; large/bipedal species predominate in the open/risky microhabitat and small/quadrupedal species predominate in the bush/safer microhabitat. Here, we provide direct experimental evidence on the role of predatory risk in affecting the foraging behavior of three species of heteromyid rodents: Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus; small/quadrupedal), Bailey's pocket mouse (P. baileyi; large/quadrupedal), and Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami; large/bipedal). Both kangaroo rats and pocket mice are behaviorally flexible and able to adjust their foraging behavior to nightly changes in predatory risk. Under low levels of perceived predatory risk the kangaroo rat foraged relatively more in the open microhabitat than the two pocket mouse species. In response to the presence of barn owls, however, all three species shifted their habitat use towards the bush microhabitat. In response to direct measures of predatory risk, i.e. the actual presence of owls, all three species reduced foraging and left resource patches at higher giving up densities of seeds. In response to indirect indicators of predatory risk, i.e. illumination, there was a tendency for all three species to reduce foraging. The differences in morphology between pocket mice and kangaroo rats do appear to influence their behavioral responses to predatory risk.  相似文献   

Koivula  K.  Rönkä  A. 《Oecologia》1998,116(3):348-355
Many populations of waders breeding on open shores and shores with short vegetation especially on the Baltic coasts have recently become endangered. The declines have taken place simultaneously with human-induced loss and deterioration of habitats due to eutrophication and overgrowth. To investigate mechanisms by which habitat changes could affect breeding success and ultimately population dynamics, we studied an endangered coastal population of Temminck's stint. We hypothesized that the rate of nest predation has become higher because the nest defence strategy (early detection of predator and early departure from the nest), which originally evolved in open habitats, is less effective on shores with reduced visibility. As predicted, nests survived better on wide than on narrow shores. Predation made a major contribution to this trend, although successful and predated nests did not differ in concealment at a microhabitat scale. The better the visibility from the nest, the longer was the flushing distance, but only in response to alarm calls or behaviour of other species, not when they were absent. Temminck's stints seem to obtain information about an approaching predator visually from sentinels. Therefore, it is essential that there is at least moderate visibility around the nest. We conclude that habitat characteristics – visibility from the nest and sentinel birds – affect the effectiveness of the nest defence strategy of Temminck's stint. These should be taken into account when seeking causes and mechanisms for declines of Temminck's stint and other waders of open and shortly vegetated shores. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

We studied factors affecting breeding habitat selection in a population of cliff-nesting peregrines Falco peregrinus across multiple spatial levels (cliff site, cliff context and land-use of the surrounding landscape), over a 2,100 km2 study area in the Alps (Italy and Switzerland). We detected 30 breeding pairs (density: 1.43 territorial pairs/100 km2), whose territories were uniformly distributed over the study area. We compared 15 habitat features characterising occupied cliffs and 30 randomly selected unoccupied cliffs by means of stepwise forward logistic regression and hierarchical partitioning. The logistic regression analysis showed that occupied cliffs were longer (horizontal length), steeper, and had a greater extension of urban areas in the surrounding landscape compared to non-occupied cliffs. The model had a discrimination ability of 0.95. Hierarchical partitioning indicated that the logistic regression model was appropriate. Neither the distance of cliffs to the nearest site occupied by a potential competitor and predator, the eagle owl Bubo bubo, which occurred at a low density (0.67 pairs/100 km2), nor the distance to the nearest site occupied by peregrines had any effect on the cliff suitability model. Therefore, habitat selection in cliff-nesting peregrines was mainly influenced by cliff site features and surrounding landscape characteristics, whereas the proximity to conspecifics and to an intraguild predator had no apparent effects on peregrine settlement in our study population.  相似文献   

Many air-breathing aquatic foragers may be killed by aerial or subsurface predators while recovering oxygen at the surface; yet the influence of predation risk on time allocation during dive cycles is little known in spite of numerous studies on optimal diving. We modeled diving behavior under the risk of predation at the surface. The relationship between time spent at the surface and the risk of death is predicted to influence the optimal surface interval, regardless of whether foragers accumulate energy at a constant rate while at the food patch, deplete food resources over the course of the dive, or must search for food during the dive. When instantaneous predation risk during a single surface interval decreases with time spent at the surface, a diver should increase its surface interval relative to that which maximizes energy intake, thereby increasing dive durations and reducing the number of surfacings per foraging bout. When instantaneous risk over a single surface interval does not change or increases with increasing time at the surface, divers should decrease their surface interval (and consequently their dive duration) relative to that which maximizes energy intake resulting in more dives per foraging bout. The fitness consequences of selecting a suboptimal surface interval vary with the risk function and the way divers harvest energy when at depth. Finally, predation risk during surface intervals should have important consequences for habitat selection and other aspects of the behavioral ecology of air-breathing aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

根田鼠栖息地选择的影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2002 年7~9 月在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站地区对根田鼠的栖息地选择进行了研究。对根田鼠栖息地利用强度变量(一定面积内的跑道长度、跑道分叉数、洞口数) 与12 个栖息地特征变量进行多元线性逐步回归分析表明: 显著影响跑道长度的变量为灌丛高度、竞争性啮齿类、电线杆、早熟禾、围栏、灌丛间距和双子叶植物生物量; 显著影响跑道分叉数的变量为灌丛高度、竞争性啮齿类、电线杆、早熟禾和围栏; 显著影响洞口数的变量为灌丛高度、土壤含水率和围栏。对影响利用强度变量的因素进行综合生态学分析表明,在小生境尺度上, 研究期间影响根田鼠栖息地选择的因素主要为捕食风险和种间竞争, 食物资源和土壤硬度也有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

Synopsis Behavioral preference for a structured habitat (artificial seagrass) by juvenile walleye pollock,Theragra chalcogramma, was tested in controlled laboratory experiments. We monitored position of fish in 2000 1 tanks with and without artificial seagrass present in one half of the tank. In addition, we exposed walleye pollock to a predator model, assessing their response when a grass plot was available or unavailable as a potential refuge. In the absence of predators, the fish avoided the artificial seagrass, displaying a preference for the open water side of the experimental tanks. In the presence of a predator model, however, juvenile walleye pollock readily entered the artificial seagrass plots. In addition, they often remained in the grass canopy in proximity to the predator instead of moving out of the grass to avoid the predator (when no grass was present they consistently moved to the opposite side of the tank from the predator). The behavioral choices exhibited in this study suggest that juvenile walleye pollock modify habitat selection in response to perceived predation risk, and recognize the structure provided by artificial seagrass as a potential refuge.  相似文献   

Summary The leechGlossiphonia complanata does not appear to have substantial impact on snail populations, but this may be due to most studies focusing on adult snails rather than juvenile snails. In this study I investigated how predation rates ofG. complanata feeding on newly-hatched and juvenile snails was affected by snail species, snail size, snail density and substrate, in a laboratory experiment. Number of snails eaten increased with increasing density resulting in a type II functional response curve. Predation rates were higher when leeches were feeding onLymnaea emarginata than onPhysa gyrina, whereas there was no significant difference in predation rates when they were feeding onL. emarginata andHelisoma anceps. Sandy substrates and greater snail size resulted in decreased predation rates. Sand reduced movement speed ofG. complanata, which probably reduced encounter rates. Thus, there was a comparatively large effect of leech predation on newly-hatched snails, due to a high probability of encounter and high predation rates, but spatial and temporal refuges probably reduce the importance of leech predation as a structuring force in freshwater snail assemblages.  相似文献   

Changes in the fish community structure and habitat use were followed after the introduction of pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) to the roach-dominated Lake Gjersjøen. Quantitative echosounding showed that the density of juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus) was dramatically reduced in pelagic areas, from 12 000–15 000 fish/ha to 250 fish/ha, while total fish density remained unchanged in littoral areas. At the same time, the habitat segregation between different size groups of roach was altered as larger roach utilized the pelagic zone after pikeperch introduction. The loss of the pelagic refuge for juvenile roach increased the availability of juvenile roach to littoral predators, notably perch. In littoral areas, the fish community changed from one dominated by roach (> 95%) to one dominated by perch (> 50%).  相似文献   

Summary Responses of the predaceous mites Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhlodromus (=Metaseiulus) occidentalis, and Amblyseius andersoni to spatial variation in egg density of the phytophagous mite, Tetranychus urticae, were studied in the laboratory.The oligophagous predator P. persimilis showed initially a direct density dependent foraging time allocation and variation in foraging time increased with prey density. With changes in prey density due to predation, predator foraging rates (per hour) decreased with time and density dependent foraging gradually became density independence, because P. persimilis continued to respond to initial prey density, instead of the changing prey density and distribution. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by P. persimilis was density independent, although slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time.Compared with P. persimilis, the narrowly polyphagous predator T. occidentalis responded relatively slowly to the the presence or absence of prey eggs but not to prey density: the mean and variation of foraging time spent in patches with prey did not differ with prey density, but was significantly greater in patches with prey eggs than in patches without eggs. Prey density and distribution changed only slightly due to predation and overall foraging rates remained more or less constant. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by T. occidentalis was inversely density dependent. As with P. persimilis, slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time (i.e. the inverse density dependence in T. occidentalis became weaker through time).The broadly polyphagous predator A. andersoni showed density independent foraging time allocation with variation independent of prey density. With changes in prey density over time due to prey depletion, overall foraging rates decreased. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by A. andersoni also changed through time; it initially was inversely density dependent, but soon became density independent.Overall, P. persimilis and T. occidentalis spent more time in prey patches than A. andersoni, suggesting that A. andersoni tended to spend more time moving outside patches. The overall predation rates and searching efficiency were higher in P. persimilis than in A. andersoni and T. occidentalis. Predator reproduction was highest in P. persimilis, lower in T. occidentalis and the lowest A. andersoni.The differences in response to prey distribution among the three predaceous species probably reflect the evolution of these species in environments with different patterns of prey distribution. The degree of polyphagy is a major determinant of the aggregative response, but other attributes such as handling time are also important in other aspects of phytoseiid foraging behavior (e.g. searching efficiency or predation rate).  相似文献   

Wetland habitats are among the most endangered ecosystems in the world. However, little is known about factors affecting the nesting success of birds in pristine grass-dominated wetlands. During three breeding periods we conducted an experiment with artificial ground nests to test two basic mechanisms (the matrix and ecotonal effects) that may result in edge effects on nest predation in grass-dominated wetland habitats. Whereas the matrix effect model supposes that predator penetrate from habitat of higher predator density to habitat of lower predator density, thus causing an edge effect in the latter, according to the ecotonal effect model predators preferentially use edge habitats over habitat interiors. In addition, we tested the edge effect in a wetland habitat using artificial shrub nests that simulated the real nests of small open-cup nesting passerines. In our study area, the lowest predation rates on ground nests were found in wetland interiors and were substantially higher along the edges of both wetland and meadow habitat. However, predation was not significantly different between meadow and wetland interiors, indicating that both mechanisms can be responsible for the edge effect in wetland edges. An increased predation rate along wetland edges was also observed for shrub nests, and resembled the predation pattern of real shrub nests in the same study area. Though we are not able to distinguish between the two mechanisms of the edge effect found, our results demonstrate that species nesting in wetland edges bordering arable land may be exposed to higher predation. Therefore, an increase in the size of wetland patches that would lead to a reduced proportion of edge areas might be a suitable management practice to protect wetland bird species in cultural European landscapes.  相似文献   

The Woodlark is an insectivorous bird, which is listed as a priority species in Switzerland. In Valais, a stronghold of this species in the country, the birds breed in intensively managed vineyards and show a preference for parcels with ground vegetation during territory establishment. As a ground-breeder, the species is highly vulnerable to nest predation by avian and mammal predators. The aims of our study were firstly to investigate nest site preferences of the woodlark within vineyards and secondly to compare the predation risk of artificial nests dependent of ground vegetation structure. Our results point out that the Woodlark prefers patches of tall and dense ground cover within vegetated vineyard parcels and avoids parcels that have been treated with herbicides. In a follow-up experiment we conducted a study comparing the predation rate of artificial nests between bare parcels (<20% vegetated area) and vegetated parcels (>40% vegetated area). Artificial nests equipped with one quail egg were distributed pairwise between two adjacent parcels that fulfilled the upper criteria and were monitored by trail cameras during 10–12 days. Predation rate was generally low (4 predation events) and only occurred in bare parcels. These data indicate that conspicuousness of avian nests may be decreased in vegetated parcels and that the amount of vegetation can lower the predation risk on ground breeding birds - another indication for the importance of ground vegetation for a successful conservation of the endangered Woodlark in Swiss vineyards.  相似文献   

Grassland-breeding shorebirds show widespread declines due to a reduction in breeding productivity following agricultural intensification. However, there is also concern that increasing predation causes further declines or precludes population recovery. Predation may itself be enhanced by agriculture through changes in habitat or food availability, but little is known about the mortality of nidifugous shorebird chicks. We studied mortality by radio-tagging 662 chicks of Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa and Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus in 15 farmland sites in the Netherlands. Tagging and handling had no effect on the condition and survival of godwit chicks, but body condition was reduced by 6–11% in lapwing chicks wearing a tag for longer than 3 days. Fledging success was 0–24% in both species. Mortality was highest in young chicks but remained considerable until after fledging. Losses were traced mostly to predators (70–85%; 15 species, predominantly birds), but at least 5–10% were due to mowing, and 10–20% were due to other causes, including entrapment in ditches and starvation. Chicks staying in fields that were cut before the next radio check were found much more often as mowing victims and somewhat more often as prey remains than chicks in fields not cut, indicating that predation includes a limited amount of scavenging. The predation hazard for godwit chicks was higher in recently cut or grazed fields than in the tall, uncut grasslands they preferred, while that for lapwing chicks was lowest in grazed fields. In godwit chicks, poor body condition increased mortality risk, not only from starvation but also from other causes. Predation on godwit chicks was thus enhanced by intensive farming through a decline in the availability of cover, augmented by a reduced body condition, possibly due to food availability problems. Changes in farming practice may therefore help reduce predation pressure, though the observed interactions explained only part of the high predation rate in godwits and none in lapwings. Predator abundance has increased in Dutch wet grassland regions, and chick predation has become a factor that should be considered in planning the type and location of conservation measures.  相似文献   

干扰作用及空间异质性对大草蛉雄成虫捕食作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大草蛉雄成虫在捕食过程中,麦秆数越多,环境阻力越大,空间异质性越复杂,捕食作用率越低;大草雄成虫种内干扰作用系数为0.9390,大草蛉雄成虫与龟纹瓢虫幼虫之间的种间干扰作用系数为0.8722,产者大于后者,竞争强度I与天敌P之间的关系为I=0.06400 1.1127lgP.  相似文献   

Su M  Hui C 《Bio Systems》2011,105(3):300-306
Although pathogens and predators have been widely used as bio-control agents against problematic prey species, little has been done to examine the prevalence and aggregation of pathogens in spatially structured eco-epidemiological systems. Here, we present a spatial model of a predator-prey/host-parasite system based on pair approximation and spatially stochastic simulations, with the predation pressure indicated by predator abundance and predation rates. Susceptible prey can not only be infected by contacting adjacent infected individuals but also by the global transmission of pathogens. The disease prevalence was found to follow a hump-shaped function in response to predation pressure. Moreover, predation pressure was not always negatively correlated with pathogen aggregation as proposed from empirical studies, but depending on the level of predation pressure. Highly connected site network facilitated the parasites infection, especially under high predation pressure. However, the connectivity of site network had no effect on the prevalence and aggregation of pathogens that can infect health prey through global transmission. It is thus possible to better design biological control strategies for target species by manipulating predation pressure and the range of pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Summary When given a choice, animals often prefer foraging habitats where predation risk is low, even if such habitats provide reduced foraging opportunities. We evaluated foraging rates of tame but free-ranging Himalayan Snowcocks (Tetraogallus himalayensis) in 16 types of alpine habitats. Foraging rate was highest on level or slightly-sloping terrain and where grasses were relatively abundant. We also observed 102 wild snowcocks and found they were most nervous about raptorial predators when on level or slightly-sloping terrain and in small coveys. Snowcocks face a dilemma: they are most vulnerable to raptors in areas where they can forage most efficiently. During summer snowcocks trade off higher foraging efficiency on level terrain for lower predation risk on steeper terrain. During winter, when raptor numbers are lower, snowcocks apparently revert to using level or slightly-sloping, high-efficiency foraging habitats. Risk of predation plays an important role in habitat selection and resource utilization by snowcocks.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对丹顶鹤巢位选择的影响   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
1985、1995年和1998年4-5月,采用查阅保护区历史资料及实地调查方法,对辽宁双台河口国家级自然保护区内丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)的主要营巢地-东郭苇场和赵圈河苇场的生境破碎化及丹顶鹤在2片苇场中的营巢状况和繁殖种群数量变动情况作了系统的考察和研究,发现丹顶鹤的营巢生境破碎严重,已由成片的芦苇湿地变成91个斑块,其中最小营巢斑块面积为0.37km^2,最小巢间距为304m,比过去资料记载的最小巢区面积缩小了0.72km^2,但繁殖种群数量变动不大,多年来一直维持在30对左右,丹顶鹤为了适应变化了的环境,已采取了缩小巢区面积的生态适应对策。  相似文献   

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