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Strong environmental seasonality is a basic feature of the Arctic system, still there are few published records of the seasonal variability of the Arctic marine biota. This study examined the year-round seasonal changes of soft bottom macro- and meiobenthic standing stocks and diversity on a station located in an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Spitsbergen). The seasonality observed in benthic biota was related to the pelagic processes, primarily the seasonal fluxes of organic and inorganic particles. The highest abundance, biomass and richness of benthic fauna occurred in the spring after the phytoplankton bloom. During the summer, when a high load of glacial mineral material was transported to the fiord, the number of both meio- and macrobenthic individuals decreased remarkably. The strong inorganic sedimentation in summer was accompanied by a decline in macrobenthic species richness, but had no effects on evenness. Redundancy analysis (RDA) pointed to granulometric composition of sediments (depended on mineral sedimentation) and organic fluxes as factors best related to meio- and macrobenthic taxonomic composition, but no clear seasonal trend could be observed on the nMDS plots based on meiobenthic higher taxa or macrobenthic species abundances in the samples. This study addresses the possible effects of changes in the winter ice cover on the fjordic benthic systems because it was performed in a year with no ice cover on the fjord.  相似文献   

Summary The macrobenthic fauna of the Ems-Dollard estuary has been sampled in the tidal channels as well as on the tidal flats, by a method ensuring quantitative reliability. The size of the samples was such, that at least several specimens of the most abundant species would be cought. As far as possible, the sampling stations were laid out following a stratified random design.After treatment of the samples the following data were available: the species composition at every sampling station; the number of individuals of a certain species per unit area per sampling station and the ash-free dry weight of a certain species per unit area per sampling station.At the sampling stations in the southern and the western Dollard 8 parameters regarding the sediment were measured.To determine the structure of the macrobenthic fauna of the estuary three different cluster analyses were carried out. The first the presence/absence of species (all species being equally important); the second the number of individuals of a species per unit area, in which the abundant species play an dominant role, and the third using the ash-free dry weight of a species per unit area in which large animals play a dominant role as an input for the analyses.In general there was a good agreement between the structures resulting from the three analyses. The results of a factor analysis (used as a different grouping technique) carried out for sampling stations in the Dollard, confirmed the results of the cluster analyses.The overall structure of the macrobenthic fauna can be derived from maps in which the distribution of separate species is plotted. The estuary can be divided in two parts: a northern part, characterized by the occurrence of animals normally found in a more saline environment, and a southern part characterized by the occurrence of animals normally found in the more brackish parts of estuaries. The transitional zone lies between 53° 20 and 53° 25.The distribution pattern of several species permitted more detailed conclusions about the faunistic structure. These agreed well with the results of cluster and factor analysis. The two approaches to evaluate the data (plotting maps of distribution and pattern recognition analyses) appeared to confirm as well as to supplement each other.The almost completely absence of macrobenthic fauna in the S-E part of the Dollard could not be related to one or a combination of the 8 parameters measured, regarding the sediment. It was concluded that it is caused by factors related to the water, presumably by the waste water entering the estuary at Nieuw Statenzijl.A preliminary comparison with other estuaries reveals that the number of species and the actual species that were found during this investigation are normal for an estuary. The mean ash-free dry weight per unit area on the tidal flats in the northern part is low. This may be caused by the degree of exposition. In the middle part extremely low values occur, but the overall mean value (ca. 14 g/m2) is within the range of values normally to be expected. The mean value for the Dollard (ca. 5 g/m2) is lower than could be expected for this estuary.These conclusions are only preliminary and the items mentioned will have to be investigated more closely in future.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples of benthos were taken on a stony beach in the maritime Antarctic (Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands) during a complete annual cycle. The sampled habitat consisted of cobbles lying on sand and gravel in the fringe between the littoral and sublittoral zones; samples were always taken at low tide just below the water line. In this habitat, abundant macroalgal detritus was observed between stones. This stony beach appeared to be very rich in vagile fauna settled between and under stones. Macrobenthos consisted mainly of amphipods (ca. 85% of total number), gastropods (11%) and nemerteans (3%). The abundance of whole macrofauna ranged to over 50,000 ind. m-2 and its biomass over 600 g m-2 (FW). Seven species of Amphipoda and four species of Gastropoda were found. Amphipoda were dominated by Gondogeneia antarctica (over 70% of all amphipods) and Paramoera edouardi (over 20%), whereas among gastropods Laevilitorina antarctica prevailed (over 70%). Unexpectedly high abundance and biomass of Amphipoda were observed in the first half of winter (May/July), surpassing otherwise important summer amphipod abundance. The probable reason for this phenomenon could be high autumn abundance of decaying algae on the beach in the tidal zone, providing detritus that is probably the main food source for Amphipoda.  相似文献   

Polychaetes are one of the most important groups of benthic organisms in marine ecosystems. They dominate on the Arctic shelf and play an important role in ecosystem functioning. This study focuses on the polychaete biodiversity and their distribution patterns in Hornsund, an open glacial fjord, in western Spitsbergen and provides important baseline data for future studies of temporal fluctuations in benthic fauna. The main aim of this study was to assess how the polychaete abundance, biomass, diversity, community structure, and function vary along the Hornsund fjord’s axis, in relation to the environmental factors. Eighty-eight polychaete taxa were identified; an average density was 457 ind. m?2 ± 237.5 SD. Three assemblages were distinguished (INNER, MIDDLE, and OUTER) along the fjord axis, reflecting the intensity of glacial disturbance. A clear division between the highly disturbed inner part of the fjord (Brepollen) and the less impacted middle and outer parts was observed. Continuous gradients in abundance, biomass, and diversity were found with all those values diminishing toward the inner region of the fjord. The polychaete assemblages' indices were significantly correlated with bottom temperature, sediment characteristics (grain size), and distance to the glacier (longitude). No significant correlations were found with depth or total organic carbon content. Carnivore and motile surface deposit feeding polychaete species dominated in the areas close to the glaciers, while the OUTER community was dominated by carnivores and surface sessile and discretely motile species, and had more complex trophic structure, with multiple species representing different functional groups including carnivores, sessile, discretely motile, and motile surface deposit feeders and motile burrowers.  相似文献   

Marine benthic macrofauna communities are considered a good indicator of subtle environmental long-term changes in an ecosystem. In 1997/1998 and 2006, soft-bottom fauna of an Arctic glacial fjord Kongsfjorden was extensively sampled and major communities were identified along the fjord axis, which were related to the diminishing influence of glacial activity. Spatial patterns in community structure and species diversity were significantly different in the central basin of Kongsfjorden between periods while there was no change in the inner part of the fjord. In 1997/98, three faunal associations were distinguished with significant differences in species richness and diversity (H′) while in 2006 only two faunal associations were identified and there were no differences any more between the two formerly distinct associations in the central fjord. The increased input of Atlantic water due to a stronger West Spitsbergen Current may be the reason for unification of previous clear faunal division. The faunal association in the inner, well separated glacial part of the fjord, characterized by strong glacier influence, was protected from Atlantic water inflow and, hence, the macrobenthic fauna essentially remained unaffected. Reduced abundance of species typical for glacial bays in the central part of the fjord in 2006 may result from the decreasing effect of Blomstrandbreen glacier, strong increase of input of Atlantic water into the fjord and increased temperature of West Spitsbergen Current. Higher values of POC in 2006 than in 1998 are likely the effect of increased primary production resulting from warmer water temperatures.  相似文献   

The physical conditions on the Blue Nile Bank near Khartoum and the seasonal succession of the invertebrate fauna are described. The fauna is dominated by beetles, mainly Carabidae, in the rainy season which coincides with the annual flood and by spiders, mainly Lycosidae, in the dry season. Climatically, the habitat is relatively mild and food is relatively abundant. The main problem with which the fauna has to contend is the annual rise and fall of the Nile.  相似文献   

温彬  高勤峰  董双林  宁鲁光 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4327-4336
于2012年7月至2013年4月调查了荣成靖海湾3个不同水深的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)养殖池塘内大型底栖动物的构成,以了解不同水深对刺参养殖池塘环境条件的影响以及由此引起的大型底栖生物群落结构的改变。结果表明:3个不同水深梯度池塘(1#浅水位、2#正常水位和3#高水位)底部光照强度、叶绿素a(Chla)和总有机物(TOM)含量存在显著差异,各池塘水温差异不显著。光强、Chla和TOM含量在夏季、冬季和春季均表现为1#池塘显著高于3#池塘;秋季各池塘间光强和TOM含量差异不显著,Chla含量则表现为3#池塘显著高于1#池塘。各季节3个池塘间大型底栖动物在种类组成、丰度、生物量和多样性指数上均存在显著性差异。大型底栖动物丰度和生物量夏季均表现为1#池塘显著高于3#池塘,秋季和冬季则相反;春季1#池塘丰度显著高于3#池塘,生物量则差异不显著。这些差异主要与其各自优势种及其优势度指数大小有关。大型底栖动物多样性指数夏季和秋季均表现为1#池塘高于3#池塘,春季则相反,冬季各池塘间多样性指数差异不显著。单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,各季节3个池塘间大型底栖动物群落结构均存在显著差异,表明水深梯度对刺参养殖池塘大型底栖动物群落结构造成显著性影响。相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)显示,各季节对3个池塘间大型底栖动物群落差异起主要作用的物种为各个池塘的优势种。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,水深、Chla和TOM含量为影响大型底栖动物群落的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物生物多样性现状   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
根据自1998年2月至2001年11月对胶州湾的10个站15个航次(每季度月一次)的大型底栖动物分布状况调查资料,报道了胶州湾大型底栖生物物种多样性现状,采用了香农-威纳指数、物种丰富度指数以及物种均匀度指数对胶州湾大型底栖生物的群落结构、种类组成、优势种以及数量动态趋势进行了分析。本次调查共采到底栖动物322种,其中多毛类44科133种,甲壳动物42科92种,棘皮动物仅有14种。各站获得平均种类数在8—26种之间,种类最少的出现在7号站,最多的出现在3号站。各站位香农-威纳指数也有很大差异,最大的是2001年11月的8号站,最小的则出现在2001年8月的9号站。7号站和9号站种类数、物种多样性指数及物种丰度指数均较低,这是因为它们位于水流较大的区域,且底质为粗砂。3号站虽然种类数较多,并具有较大的香农-威纳指数,但它的物种均匀度指数却非常低,这是因为3号站靠近菲律宾蛤仔养殖区域,蛤仔的高密度降低了均匀度指数。生物多样性除了受种的数量及其个体密度的影响外,还与多种环境因素有关,如水温,盐度、初级生产力等,人为因素(如污染、过度利用)对底栖生物影响非常大。目的在于为进一步研究胶州湾生物多样性变化及底栖生物资源的合理开发和持续利用提供科学依据和积累资料。  相似文献   

The Kongsfjord (west Spitsbergen) hosts the most active glacier on the island. Therefore the glacial impact on the marine ecosystem is very pronounced and easily recognisable. The study examines the influence of the steep glacier-derived environmental gradients on dominant macrofaunal species distributions and faunal associations in the fjord. The macrobenthic fauna was sampled by van Veen grab at 30 stations situated throughout the fjord (at depths 38–380 m). Two major communities were recognised. An inner basin receives the outflows from three glaciers and is occupied by a Glacial Bay Community dominated by small, surface detritus-feeders, with Chone paucibranchiata and a set of thyasirid and nuculanid bivalves (Thyasira dunbari, Yoldiella solidula, Y. lenticula) as characteristic species. An outer basin of the fjord is characterised by a common set of dominant species, including Heteromastus filiformis, Maldane sarsi, Levinsenia gracilis, Lumbrineris sp. and Leitoscoloplos sp. Three associations may be distinguished within the Outer Basin Community. Association TRANS is of transitional character, with Nuculoma tenuis and Terebellides stroemi. Association CENTR is the most typical for the community. It is dominated by tube-dwelling Prionospio sp., Clymenura polaris, Galathowenia oculata and Spiochaetopterus typicus. Association ENTR contains shelf benthos elements, e.g. Ophiura robusta and Lepeta caeca. An opportunistic eurytopic Chaetozone group is present throughout the fjord and its density and dominance increase with proximity to the glaciers. Dominant species distribution is discussed in relation to environmental factors, of which sediment stability, inorganic particle concentration, sedimentation rate and amount of organic matter in sediments are considered to be most important in structuring the communities.  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物的物种多样性现状   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
自1998年2月-1999年11月对胶州湾的10个站进行了大型底栖动物分布状况调查,目的在于为进一步的胶州湾生物多样性变化及其保护研究,为胶州湾底栖生物资源的合理开发和持续利用提供科学依据和积累资料。初步分析结果显示,两年内各站春季和秋季的物种多样性指数偏低,冬季和夏季的指数较高,物种均匀度指数夏季最高,春季最低,物种丰富度指数以夏季最高,春季和冬季略同,秋季最低。1999年各站出现的底栖动物种数明显高于1998年,差异显著,生物多样性平均指数较1998年有所下降。  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖软体动物物种多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
1998年2月至2004年11月,共7年27个航次对胶州湾10个站进行综合调查,研究了其大型底栖软体动物的多样性现状(菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphilippinarum)除外)并探讨其成因。结果表明:在胶州湾共发现62种底栖软体动物,优势种是滑理蛤(Theoralubrica)和豆形胡桃蛤(Nuculafaba)。从1998年至2004年期间物种多样性指数(H′)年际间波动幅度不大,且无明显的规律性变化;但季节变化明显,秋季和冬季较高,春季和夏季较低。物种均匀度指数(J)则为秋季最高(0.87),夏季最低(0.58)。物种丰富度指数(D)除夏季相对较低(1.82)外,其他三个季节差别不大。  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

Modern pollen was extracted both from moss polster samples collected from a range of sites across the land surface of the Loch Sunart catchment, north‐west Scotland and from a number of marine sediment‐water interface sites in the sea loch. Comparisons between the pollen results and the major vegetation types growing in the catchment area revealed that in general the moss polsters contained a localised picture of the vegetation whilst the sea loch sediments varied much less from sample to sample and better represented a regional picture of the vegetation. It was anticipated that the pollen in the sea loch samples would be in a much poorer state of preservation because of the many pathways through which it travels in order to become incorporated into the sediments of the loch. However, this proved not to be the case and the study demonstrates that marine sediments of the kind found in Loch Sunart have the potential to provide a new source of Holocene vegetation data which is as good as the freshwater lake sediments that have been preferentially sampled in the past.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in the wolf diet in the Hustai National Park (Mongolia) were determined by analysing wolf scats that were collected from 1994–1997. Except for July, August and September, at least 50% of the frequency of occurrence of prey items in wolf scats consisted of livestock. The frequency of occurrence of wild ungulates ranged from 8–43%, and wild ungulates were most often consumed in July, August and October, but seldom in June. Our study suggested that most seasonal changes in the wolf diet were effected by the life history of red deer. The occurrence of wild ungulates in the wolf diet coincided with the availability and vulnerability of calves. To reduce livestock losses and poaching of wolves we recommend more wolf research, protection and monitoring of both wild prey populations and wolves, and the reintroduction of livestock guarding dogs and year-round guarding of domestic horses.


Saisonale Fluktuationen von Wolfsnahrung im Hustai Nationalpark (Mongolei)Anhand von Kotproben von Wölfen, die von 1994 bis 1997 gesammelt wurden, konnten saisonale Fluktuationen der Wolfsdiät im Nationalpark Hustai (Mongolei) festgestellt werden. Mit Ausnahme der Monate Juli, August und September bestand mindestens 50% der im Wolfskot vorgefundenen Beutereste aus Nutztieren. Wildungulat–traten in 8 bis 43% der Proben auf und wurden am häufigsten in den Monaten Juli, August und Oktober genutzt, jedoch kaum im Juni. Diese Untersuchung deutet darauf hin, dass saisonale Veränderungen der Wolfsdiät wahrscheinlich von der Biologie der Rothirsche beeinflusst werden, da die Abnahme von Wildungulaten in der Wolfnahrumg in den Zeitraum der Kälbergeburten fiel, während die Zunahme von Wildungulaten mit jener Periode koinzidierte, in der sich neu geborene Kälber den Herden anschlossen und die Brunftzeit stattfand. Um sowohl den Verlust von Nutzvieh als auch das Wildern auf Wölfe zu vermindern, empfehlen wir die Wolfsforschung zu verstärken, das Monitoring und den Schutz von Wolfs- und Wildbeutepopulationen zu verbessern, die Wiedereinführung von Hütehunden sowie die ganzjährige Überwachung von Nutzpferden.  相似文献   

The Chinese citrus fruit fly, Bactrocera (Tetradacus) minax (Enderlein), is one of the major citrus pests in Bhutan and can cause >50% mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit drop. As part of the development of a management strategy for the fly in mandarin orchards, population monitoring and experimental manipulations were carried out to determine: (i) adult emergence period; (ii) adult phenology patterns; (iii) period of crop susceptibility; and (iv) period from fruit drop to pupation. In western Bhutan, adult flies emerge from the overwintering pupal stage in late April/early May. Most flies are mature by the end of May and it is inferred that mating occurs at this time: from the beginning of June males rapidly disappear from the population and by mid- to late June are rare or absent from traps. Mature females are present in the mandarin crop at the beginning of June, but very little oviposition occurs until mid-June, while most damage has occurred by mid-July. Initiation of oviposition into mandarins is almost certainly linked to crop phenology. Adult flies disappear from the orchard system during August. After fruit drop, larvae were recorded leaving the fruit to pupate within 13 days. The use of early to mid-season protein bait sprays and/or targeted use of systemic insecticides during the one month oviposition period, plus the removal of fallen fruit once every 10 days, are recommended as control strategies.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms occur regularly in summer in central parts of the Baltic Sea. They are mainly composed of Aphanizomenon sp. and Nodularia spumigena. Both species have almost similar ecological requirements and can roughly be considered a uniform functional group. In order to identify factors that might favour bloom development, water quality data from monitoring programmes were compared with bloom distribution. A salinity from 3.8 to 11.5 PSU proved important for the spatial distribution of the bloom development. The bloom's onset was triggered by temperatures approximating 16°C provided that global radiation was > 120 W/m2 (daily mean) and wind speed was < 6 m/s. Nutrient concentrations decreased immediately before the bloom. The bloom's development ceased with poor weather conditions characterized by low irradiation or high wind speed.  相似文献   

Tang Y J  Yu S X 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1703-1714
The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of macrobenthic infauna in the Johor Strait,Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment samples were collected every three months from December 2001 to December 2002 to study the seasonal variation of soft-bottom macrobenthic community at a site (1°25′30′′N, 103°52′00′′E; depth: 6.5 m) in the Johor Strait, Singapore. Seasonal changes in species number, abundance and diversity of macrobenthic infauna significantly differed, the lowest values for the three parameters were recorded in December, the highest values for species number and species diversity in March and the highest abundance in September. Species composition and community structure also varied gradually over time. The differences in dominant species and community structure between December 2001 and December 2002 suggest an interannual variation of macrobenthic infauna.  相似文献   

The pacemaker of the "biological clock", the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus was studied in intact male rats for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) a specific marker for astrocytes. Immunohistochemical reactions were carried out in winter (January-February) and in summer (June-July). In winter the GFAP-immunoreactivity of the SCN was found low whereas in summer it was high. Gonadectomy reduced differences. Since photic stimuli that apparently trigger the observed differences reach the SCN through identified neuronal pathways we conluded that the reaction of astrocytes is an indicator of seasonally altered neuronal function in the SCN.  相似文献   

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