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A coupled model of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and transpiration   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
A model that couples stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, leaf energy balance and transport of water through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum is presented. Stomatal conductance in the model depends on light, temperature and intercellular CO2 concentration via photosynthesis and on leaf water potential, which in turn is a function of soil water potential, the rate of water flow through the soil and plant, and on xylem hydraulic resistance. Water transport from soil to roots is simulated through solution of Richards’ equation. The model captures the observed hysteresis in diurnal variations in stomatal conductance, assimilation rate and transpiration for plant canopies. Hysteresis arises because atmospheric demand for water from the leaves typically peaks in mid‐afternoon and because of uneven distribution of soil matric potentials with distance from the roots. Potentials at the root surfaces are lower than in the bulk soil, and once soil water supply starts to limit transpiration, root potentials are substantially less negative in the morning than in the afternoon. This leads to higher stomatal conductances, CO2 assimilation and transpiration in the morning compared to later in the day. Stomatal conductance is sensitive to soil and plant hydraulic properties and to root length density only after approximately 10 d of soil drying, when supply of water by the soil to the roots becomes limiting. High atmospheric demand causes transpiration rates, LE, to decline at a slightly higher soil water content, θs, than at low atmospheric demand, but all curves of LE versus θs fall on the same line when soil water supply limits transpiration. Stomatal conductance cannot be modelled in isolation, but must be fully coupled with models of photosynthesis/respiration and the transport of water from soil, through roots, stems and leaves to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Kim SH  Lieth JH 《Annals of botany》2003,91(7):771-781
The following three models were combined to predict simultaneously photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and leaf temperature of a rose leaf: the biochemical model of photosynthesis of Farquhar, von Caemmerer and Berry (1980, Planta 149: 78-90), the stomatal conductance model of Ball, Woodrow and Berry (In: Biggens J, ed. Progress in photosynthesis research. The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers), and an energy balance model. The photosynthetic parameters: maximum carboxylation rate, potential rate of electron transport and rate of triose phosphate utilization, and their temperature dependence were determined using gas exchange data of fully expanded, young, sunlit leaves. The stomatal conductance model was calibrated independently. Prediction of net photosynthesis by the coupled model agreed well with the validation data, but the model tended to underestimate rates of stomatal conductance and transpiration. The coupled model developed in this study can be used to assist growers making environmental control decisions in glasshouse production.  相似文献   

Sorrell  B.K.  Brix  H. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):71-79
Internal pressurization and convective gas flow in emergent wetland plants is a function of the water vapour pressure deficit (WPD) and stomatal conductance (G s) separating the external atmosphere from the internal aerenchyma. We have compared the effects of WPD and G s under a range of light intensities on static pressures and convective flows in Phragmites australis, Typha orientalis and Baumea articulata. The capacity of the three species to generate flows per unit leaf area differed, being greatest in P. australisand lowest in B. articulata. In all three species, decreasing light intensity from full sunlight (2200 mol m–2 s–1 photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD)) to < 200 and < 10 mol m–2 s–1PPFD caused immediate decreases in photosynthetic assimilation, followed by more gradual decreases in transpiration and G s. However, internal pressures and flows in the two low light intensities remained similar to values recorded in full sunlight. WPD was more significantly related to pressures and flows in P. australis and T. orientalis than G s. In B. articulata, pressures increased at low G s values but flow rates were unaffected, as predicted by earlier models describing pore size effects on pressures and flows. The data suggest that emergent macrophytes can maintain significant internal convection even at low light intensities, and this may be beneficial for nocturnal aeration, particularly in arid climates where the atmospheric humidity at night is low.  相似文献   

Large underestimates of the limitation to photosynthesis imposed by stomata can occur because of an error in the standard method of calculating average substomatal pressures of carbon dioxide when heterogeneity of those pressures occurs across a leaf surface. Most gas exchange data supposedly indicating nonstomatal inhibition of photosynthesis by water stress could have this error. However, if no stomatal closure occurs, any reduction in photosynthesis must be due to nonstomatal inhibition of photosynthesis. Net carbon dioxide exchange rates and conductances to water vapor were measured under field conditions in upper canopy leaves of tomato plants during two summers in Beltsville, Maryland, USA. Comparisons were made near midday at high irradiance between leaflets in air with the ambient water vapor content and in air with a higher water content. The higher water content, which lowered the leaf to air water vapor pressure difference (VPD), was imposed either one half hour or several hours before measurements of gas exchange. In both seasons, and irrespective of the timing of the imposition of different VPDs, net photosynthesis increased 60% after decreasing the VPD from 3 to 1 kPa. There were no differences in leaf conductance between leaves at different VPDs, thus transpiration rates were threefold higher at 3 than at 1 kPa VPD. It is concluded that nonstomatal inhibition of photosynthesis did occur in these leaves at high transpiration rate.  相似文献   

A model is presented which solves simultaneously for leaf-scale stomatal conductance, CO2 assimilation and the energy balance as a function of leaf position within canopies of well-watered vegetation. Fluxes and conductances were calculated separately for sunlit and shaded leaves. A linear dependence of photosynthetic capacity on leaf nitrogen content was assumed, while leaf nitrogen content and light intensity were assumed to decrease exponentially within canopies. Separate extinction coefficients were used for diffuse and direct beam radiation. An efficient Gaussian integration technique was used to compute fluxes and mean conductances for the canopy. The multilayer model synthesizes current knowledge of radiation penetration, leaf physiology and the physics of evaporation and provides insights into the response of whole canopies to multiple, interacting factors. The model was also used to explore sources of variation in the slopes of two simple parametric models (nitrogen- and light-use efficiency), and to set bounds on the magnitudes of the parameters. For canopies low in total N, daily assimilation rates are ~10% lower when leaf N is distributed uniformly than when the same total N is distributed according to the exponentially decreasing profile of absorbed radiation. However, gains are negligible for plants with high N concentrations. Canopy conductance, Gc should be calculated as Gc=Aσ(fslgsl+fshgsh), where Δ is leaf area index, fsi and fsh are the fractions of sunlit and shaded leaves at each level, and gsi and gsh are the corresponding stomatal conductances. Simple addition of conductances without this weighting causes errors in transpiration calculated using the ‘big-leaf’ version of the Penman-Monteith equation. Partitioning of available energy between sensible and latent heat is very responsive to the parameter describing the sensitivity of stomata to the atmospheric humidity deficit. This parameter also affects canopy conductance, but has a relatively small impact on canopy assimilation. Simple parametric models are useful for extrapolating understanding from small to large scales, but the complexity of real ecosystems is thus subsumed in unexplained variations in parameter values. Simulations with the multilayer model show that both nitrogen- and radiation-use efficiencies depend on plant nutritional status and the diffuse component of incident radiation, causing a 2- to 3-fold variation in these efficiencies.  相似文献   

Leaf internal, or mesophyll, conductance to CO2 (gm ) is a significant and variable limitation of photosynthesis that also affects leaf transpiration efficiency (TE). Genotypic variation in gm and the effect of gm on TE were assessed in six barley genotypes (four Hordeum vulgare and two H. bulbosum). Significant variation in gm was found between genotypes, and was correlated with photosynthetic rate. The genotype with the highest gm also had the highest TE and the lowest carbon isotope discrimination as recorded in leaf tissue (Δp). These results suggest gm has unexplored potential to provide TE improvement within crop breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Use of infrared analyzers to measure water vapor concentrations in photosynthesis systems is becoming common. It is known that sensitivity of infrared carbon dioxide and water vapor analyzers is affected by the oxygen concentration in the background gas, particularly for absolute analyzers, but the potential for large errors in estimates of stomatal conductance due to effects of oxygen concentration on the sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers is not widely recognized. This work tested three types of infrared water vapor analyzers for changes in sensitivity of infrared water vapor analyzers depending on the oxygen content of the background gas. It was found that changing from either 0 or 2% to 21% oxygen in nitrogen decreased the sensitivity to water vapor for all three types of infrared water vapor analyzers by about 4%. The change in sensitivity was linear with oxygen mole fraction. The resulting error in calculated stomatal conductance would depend strongly on the leaf to air vapor pressure difference and leaf temperature, and also on whether leaf temperature was directly measured or calculated from energy balance. Examples of measurements of gas exchange on soybean leaves under glasshouse conditions indicated that changing from 21% to 2% oxygen produced an artifactual apparent increase in stomatal conductance which averaged about 30%. Similar errors occurred for `conductances' of wet filter paper. Such errors could affect inferences about the carbon dioxide dependence of the sensitivity of photosynthesis to oxygen. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Models of vegetation function are widely used to predict the effects of climate change on carbon, water and nutrient cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, and their feedbacks to climate. Stomatal conductance, the process that governs plant water use and carbon uptake, is fundamental to such models. In this paper, we reconcile two long‐standing theories of stomatal conductance. The empirical approach, which is most commonly used in vegetation models, is phenomenological, based on experimental observations of stomatal behaviour in response to environmental conditions. The optimal approach is based on the theoretical argument that stomata should act to minimize the amount of water used per unit carbon gained. We reconcile these two approaches by showing that the theory of optimal stomatal conductance can be used to derive a model of stomatal conductance that is closely analogous to the empirical models. Consequently, we obtain a unified stomatal model which has a similar form to existing empirical models, but which now provides a theoretical interpretation for model parameter values. The key model parameter, g1, is predicted to increase with growth temperature and with the marginal water cost of carbon gain. The new model is fitted to a range of datasets ranging from tropical to boreal trees. The parameter g1 is shown to vary with growth temperature, as predicted, and also with plant functional type. The model is shown to correctly capture responses of stomatal conductance to changing atmospheric CO2, and thus can be used to test for stomatal acclimation to elevated CO2. The reconciliation of the optimal and empirical approaches to modelling stomatal conductance is important for global change biology because it provides a simple theoretical framework for analyzing, and simulating, the coupling between carbon and water cycles under environmental change.  相似文献   

A common approach for estimating fluxes of CO2 and water in canopy models is to couple a model of photosynthesis (An) to a semi‐empirical model of stomatal conductance (gs) such as the widely validated and utilized Ball–Berry (BB) model. This coupling provides an effective way of predicting transpiration at multiple scales. However, the designated value of the slope parameter (m) in the BB model impacts transpiration estimates. There is a lack of consensus regarding how m varies among species or plant functional types (PFTs) or in response to growth conditions. Literature values are highly variable, with inter‐species and intra‐species variations of >100%, and comparisons are made more difficult because of differences in collection techniques. This paper reviews the various methods used to estimate m and highlights how variations in measurement techniques or the data utilized can influence the resultant m. Additionally, this review summarizes the reported responses of m to [CO2] and water stress, collates literature values by PFT and compiles nearly three decades of values into a useful compendium.  相似文献   

We quantified the effect of stand age and tree species composition on canopy transpiration (EC) by analysing transpiration per unit leaf area (EL) and canopy stomatal conductance (GS) for boreal trees comprising a five stand wildfire chronosequence. A total of 196 sap flux sensors were used on 90 trees consisting of Betula papyrifera Marsh (paper birch; present in the youngest stand), Populus tremuloides Michx (quaking aspen), Pinus banksiana Lamb. (jack pine), and Picea mariana (Mill.) (black spruce). While fine roots were positively correlated with stand EC; leaf area index, basal area, and sapwood area were not. Stands less than 70 years old were dominated by Populus tremuloides and Pinus banksiana and stands greater than 70 years old were composed almost entirely of Picea mariana. As Populus tremuloides and Pinus banksiana increased in size and age, they displayed an increasing sapwood to leaf area ratio (AS : AL), a constant minimum leaf water potential (ΨL), and a constant proportionality between GS at low vapour pressure deficit (Dj GSref) and the sensitivity of GS to D (–δ). In contrast, AS : AL, minimum ΨL, and the proportionally between –δ and GSref decreased with height and age in Picea mariana. A GS model that included the effects of D, AS : AL, tree height, and for Picea mariana an increasing soil to leaf water potential gradient with stand age, was able to capture the effects of contrasting hydraulic properties of Picea mariana, Populus tremuloides and Pinus banksiana during stand development after wildfire.  相似文献   

Sap flow, as a measure of transpiration, was monitored in 2-year-old lemon trees growing in pots. Eight trees were used in the experiment, four of which were placed under a rectangular shading net, while the other four were maintained in the open air. Daily averages of canopy conductance and photosynthesis were not affected by shading; however, the daily transpiration was reduced in shaded plants, which displayed an increase in water use efficiency compared with exposed trees. The decoupling coefficient was higher in the shaded trees, indicating that the transpiration of lemon trees was efficiently controlled by stomata in exposed plants, while the transpiration rate was mainly influenced by radiation in the plants growing under the net. This influence was more pronounced in the afternoon, when the whole tree transpiration was largely dominated by equilibrium transpiration in the plants under netting, and the relationship between transpiration and radiation showed a steeper slope in shaded trees. The reduction in transpiration and the maintenance of photosynthesis in shaded plants with respect to exposed trees indicated that screen structures in semi-arid and arid environments could be considered as an intermediate solution for reducing plant water stress and increasing water use efficiency.  相似文献   

The internal conductance to CO2 supply from substomatal cavitiesto sites of carboxylation poses a large limitation to photosynthesis.It is known that internal conductance is decreased by soil waterdeficits, but it is not known if it is affected by atmosphericwater deficits (i.e. leaf to air vapour pressure deficit, VPD).The aim of this paper was to examine the responses of internalconductance to atmospheric and soil water deficits in seedlingsof the evergreen perennial Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell and theherbaceous plants Solanum lycopersicum (formerly Lycopersiconesculentum) Mill. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. Internal conductancewas estimated with the variable J method from concurrent measurementsof gas exchange and fluorescence. In all three species steady-statestomatal conductance decreased by 30% as VPD increased from1 kPa to 2 kPa. In no species was internal conductance affectedby VPD despite large effects on stomatal conductance. In contrast,soil water deficits decreased stomatal conductance and internalconductance of all three species. Decreases in stomatal andinternal conductance under water deficit were proportional,but this proportionality differed among species, and thus therelationship between stomatal and internal conductance differedamong species. These findings indicate that soil water deficitsaffect internal conductance while atmospheric water deficitsdo not. The reasons for this distinction are unknown but areconsistent with soil and atmospheric water deficits having differingeffects on leaf physiology and/or root–shoot communication. Key words: Carbon dioxide, drought, internal conductance, mesophyll conductance, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transfer conductance, vapour pressure deficit, water deficit Received 11 October 2007; Revised 9 November 2007 Accepted 15 November 2007  相似文献   

Fourteen genotypes of barley were compared for response to salinity by monitoring the parameters gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence. We present relationships between stomatal conductance (gs) gas exchange chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and aboveground dry matter (AGDM). We found that genetic variability provided a continuum of data for gs across control and saline conditions. We used this continuum of gs values to test the overall relationships between gs and net photosynthesis (A), leaf internal CO2 concentration (Ci), actual quantum yield of PSII electron transport (PhiPSII), relative electron yield over net CO2 assimilation rate (ETR/A), and AGDM. The relationship between gs and A was highly significant (P < 0.0001) for both control and saline treatments, while correlations between gs and Ci, and Ci and A were significant only under control conditions. Unexpectedly, we found positive correlations between gs and PhiPSII (P < 0.0001) for both conditions. A comparison between relationships of gs and A, and gs and PhiPSII seemed to indicate a possible acclimation to salinity at the chloroplastic level. Finally, the relationships between gs and ETR/A were exceptionally strong for both growing conditions (P < 0.0001) indicating that, as gs values were negatively affected in barley by genetics and salinity as main or interactive effects, there was a progressive increase in photorespiration in barley. Overall, we found that stomatal conductance was a key parameter in the study of barley responses to limiting situations for photosynthesis. We also found a strong relationship between AGDM and gs regardless of growing conditions and genotypes. For breeding evaluations to select barley genotypes for salinity tolerance, it may be possible to replace all measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence by the simple use of a porometer.  相似文献   

The CO2 transfer conductance within plant leaves (mesophyll conductance, gm) is currently not considered explicitly in most land surface models (LSMs), but instead treated implicitly as an intrinsic property of the photosynthetic machinery. Here, we review approaches to overcome this model deficiency by explicitly accounting for gm, which comprises the re‐adjustment of photosynthetic parameters and a model describing the variation of gm in dependence of environmental conditions. An explicit representation of gm causes changes in the response of photosynthesis to environmental factors, foremost leaf temperature, and ambient CO2 concentration, which are most pronounced when gm is small. These changes in leaf‐level photosynthesis translate into a stronger climate and CO2 response of gross primary productivity (GPP) and transpiration at the global scale. The results from two independent studies show consistent latitudinal patterns of these effects with biggest differences in GPP in the boreal zone (up to ~15%). Transpiration and evapotranspiration show spatially similar, but attenuated, changes compared with GPP. These changes are indirect effects of gm caused by the assumed strong coupling between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in current LSMs. Key uncertainties in these simulations are the variation of gm with light and the robustness of its temperature response across plant types and growth conditions. Future research activities focusing on the response of gm to environmental factors and its relation to other plant traits have the potential to improve the representation of photosynthesis in LSMs and to better understand its present and future role in the Earth system.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stomatal conductance and needle water potential of P. radiata clones were measured after 2, 5 and 8 months on plants grown in controlled environment rooms with markedly different water vapour saturation deficits (D). Conductance was significantly lower at high D, but water potential differences between treatments were not significant. When trees were moved between treatments most of the changes in conductances occurred within 2 h, with residual changes after 24 h. Water potentials were not different 24 h after the trees were moved. The effects were completely reversible.
Transpiration rates of individual trees were highest in the high D treatment and lowest in the low D treatment. They were not linearly related to D because of decreasing conductance with increasing D.
Height growth, diameter growth and foliage areas were not significantly different between treatments. Tracheid lumen diameters tended to be larger in trees grown at higher D although treatment differences were not significant.
There were significant clonal differences in shoot conductance and tracheid dimensions.  相似文献   

Repeated measures analysis was used to evaluate the effect of long-term CO2 enhancement on seasonal trends of light-saturated rates of net photosynthesis (Asat) and stomatal conductance to water vapour (gsat) of 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees grown in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design of nutrition and water. A significant interaction effect of CO2 and nutrition on mean Asat was observed for juvenile foliage. Also, juvenile foliage exposed to +350 μmol mol?1 CO2 had a higher rate of increase of Asat between late summer and early autumn. This would lead to a greater potential for recharging carbohydrate reserves for winter. Mature foliage was affected by COsat, water and nutrient treatments in two ways. First, Asat was significantly increased as a result of elevated CO2 in January, a period when stomatal conductance was only 47% of the maximum observed rate. Secondly, the rate of increase of Asat from winter to early spring was accelerated as a result of both nutrient + water and + 350 μmol mol?1 CO2 treatments. This accelerated response resulted in a greater potential for photosynthate production during the period when growth initiation occurred. Nutrient, water or carbon dioxide treatments did not significantly alter trends in gsat for mature or juvenile foliage. A significant nutrition × CO2 interaction was observed for the mature foliage, suggesting that gsat increased with increasing CO2 and nutrition. These results may have important consequences for the determination of the water use efficiency of loblolly pine. In spite of low gsat in the winter to early spring period, there was a substantial gain in Asat attributable to elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing controversy as to whether drought limits photosynthetic CO2 assimilation through stomatal closure or by metabolic impairment in C3 plants. Comparing results from different studies is difficult due to interspecific differences in the response of photosynthesis to leaf water potential and/or relative water content (RWC), the most commonly used parameters to assess the severity of drought. Therefore, we have used stomatal conductance (g) as a basis for comparison of metabolic processes in different studies. The logic is that, as there is a strong link between g and photosynthesis (perhaps co-regulation between them), so different relationships between RWC or water potential and photosynthetic rate and changes in metabolism in different species and studies may be 'normalized' by relating them to g. Re-analysing data from the literature using light-saturated g as a parameter indicative of water deficits in plants shows that there is good correspondence between the onset of drought-induced inhibition of different photosynthetic sub-processes and g. Contents of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) decrease early in drought development, at still relatively high g (higher than 150 mmol H20 m(-2) s(-1)). This suggests that RuBP regeneration and ATP synthesis are impaired. Decreased photochemistry and Rubisco activity typically occur at lower g (<100 mmol H20 m(-2) s(-1)), whereas permanent photoinhibition is only occasional, occurring at very low g (<50 mmol H20 m(-2) s(-1)). Sub-stomatal CO2 concentration decreases as g becomes smaller, but increases again at small g. The analysis suggests that stomatal closure is the earliest response to drought and the dominant limitation to photosynthesis at mild to moderate drought. However, in parallel, progressive down-regulation or inhibition of metabolic processes leads to decreased RuBP content, which becomes the dominant limitation at severe drought, and thereby inhibits photosynthetic CO2 assimilation.  相似文献   

Summary The diurnal course of water potential, stomatal conductance and transpiration was measured on mature umbels (the major evaporating surface) of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) growing in a fringing swamp on Lake Naivasha, Kenya.Umbel water potential declined only slightly during the morning but fell rapidly after midday to a minimum value of-1.5 M Pa in early afternoon. The two main structures forming the umbels, the bracteoles and rays, showed similar patterns of change of stomatal conductance throughout the day. The values of conductance indicate major stomatal opening during the morning, partial midday closure and some recovery of opening during the afternoon.It appears that the increase in water vapour pressure deficit of the air is the major cause of the midday closure of the stomata and that plant water potential has little effect. The reason why transpiration is reduced at high vapour pressure deficits when water is freely available to the roots is not clear. However, it is speculated that the restricted water movement into the plant from the anaerobic root environment has the effect of reducing the uptake of toxic ferrous iron.The daily total of canopy transpiration is estimated to be 12.5 mm, twice the value previously reported for papyrus but similar to daily valus determined for other wetland communities.  相似文献   

Miconia albicans, a common evergreen cerrado species, was studied under field conditions. Leaf gas exchange and pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) were determined during wet and dry seasons. The potential photosynthetic capacity (P Npmax) and the apparent carboxylation efficiency (ε) dropped in the dry season to 28.0 and 0.7 %, respectively, of the maximum values in the wet season. The relative mesophyll (Lm) and stomatal (Ls) limitations of photosynthesis increased, respectively, from 24 and 44 % in the wet season to 79 and 57 % at the peak of the dry season when mean Ψpd reached −5.2 MPa. After first rains, the P Npmax, ε, and Lm recovered reaching the wet season values, but Ls was maintained high (63 %). The shallow root system growing on stonemason limited by lateral concrete wall to a depth of 0.33 m explained why extreme Ψpd was brought about. Thus M. albicans is able to overcome quickly the strains imposed by severe water stress.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of freezing night temperatures on net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and internal CO2 concentration was investigated in unhardened seedlings of Engelmann spruce. Exposure to – 2.5°C in the dark for 10 h caused a slight and reversible reduction in gas-exchange parameters on the following days. Substantial and irreversible inhibition of photosynthesis occurred after exposure to -4°C or –5°C. Despite a parallel decline in stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis, exposure to a hard freeze caused a decrease in the stomatal limitation to gas exchange. Hard-freeze conditions (less than – 4°C) also caused a decrease in carboxylation efficiency and apparent quantum yield, indicating a freeze-induced failure of the dark reactions and electron transport. There was no significant difference in the photosynthetic response to freezing temperatures in different elevational populations of spruce, although acclimatory adjustments were observed. Gas exchange in seedlings grown under cool conditions (14°C day/9°C night) was less affected and recovered more rapidly after exposure to a hard freeze than in seedlings grown under warm conditions (24°C day/19°C night).  相似文献   

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