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Topoisomerase IIα is an essential enzyme that resolves topological constraints in genomic DNA. It functions in disentangling intertwined chromosomes during anaphase leading to chromosome segregation thus preserving genomic stability. Here we describe a previously unrecognized mechanism regulating topoisomerase IIα activity that is dependent on the F-box protein Fbxo28. We find that Fbxo28, an evolutionarily conserved protein, is required for proper mitotic progression. Interfering with Fbxo28 function leads to a delay in metaphase-to-anaphase progression resulting in mitotic defects as lagging chromosomes, multipolar spindles and multinucleation. Furthermore, we find that Fbxo28 interacts and colocalizes with topoisomerase IIα throughout the cell cycle. Depletion of Fbxo28 results in an increase in topoisomerase IIα?dependent DNA decatenation activity. Interestingly, blocking the interaction between Fbxo28 and topoisomerase IIα also results in multinucleated cells. Our findings suggest that Fbxo28 regulates topoisomerase IIα decatenation activity and plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability.  相似文献   

The RecQ family of helicases are traditionally viewed as recombination factors, important for maintaining genome stability. RECQL5 is unique among these proteins in being associated with RNA polymerase II, the enzyme responsible for transcribing all protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes. Here, we describe the possible implications of recent studies and discuss models for RECQL5 function.  相似文献   

RECQL1 and RECQL5 as well as BLM reportedly interact with TOP3alpha whose defect is lethal for the cell. Therefore in this study, we characterized recql5/recql1/blm triple mutants from DT40 cells to determine whether the triple mutants show a top3alpha disrupted cell-like phenotype. The triple mutants are viable. Moreover, both blm/recql1 and recql5/blm cells, and recql5/recql1/blm cells grew slightly slower than blm cells, that is, triple mutant cells grew almost the same rate as either of the double mutant cells. The blm cells showed sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and ultraviolet light (UV), about a 10-fold increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCE), and about a 3-fold increase in damage-induced mitotic chiasma compared to wild-type cells. The triple mutants showed the same sensitivity to MMS or UV and the same frequency of damage-induced mitotic chiasma compared to those of blm cells, indicating that unlike BLM, RECQL1 and RECQL5 play a little role in the repair of or tolerance to DNA damages. However, recql5/blm cells showed higher frequency of SCE than blm cells, whereas the RECQL1 gene disruption had no effect on SCE in blm cells and even in recql5/blm cells.  相似文献   

As described previously, a natural product isolated from fungus (Acremonium sp.), dehydroaltenusin, is an inhibitor of mammalian DNA polymerase alpha in vitro [Y. Mizushina, S. Kamisuki, T. Mizuno, M. Takemura, H. Asahara, S. Linn, T. Yamaguchi, A. Matsukage, F. Hanaoka, S. Yoshida, M. Saneyoshi, F. Sugawara, K. Sakaguchi, Dehydroaltenusin, a mammalian DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor, J. Biol. Chem. 275 (2000) 33957_33961]. In this study, we investigated the interaction of dehydroaltenusin with lipid bilayers using an in vitro liposome system, which is a model of the cell membrane, and found that approximately 4% of dehydroaltenusin was incorporated into liposomes. We also investigated the influence of dehydroaltenusin on cultured cancer cells. Dehydroaltenusin inhibited the growth of HeLa cells with an LD50 value of 38 microM, and as expected, S phase accumulation in the cell cycle. The total DNA polymerase activity of the extract of incubated cells with dehydroaltenusin was 23% lower than that of nontreated cells. Dehydroaltenusin increased cyclin E and cyclin A levels. In the analysis of the cell cycle using G1/S synchronized cells by employing hydroxyurea, the compound delayed both entry into the S phase and S phase progression. In a similar analysis using G2/M synchronized cells by employing nocodazole, the compound accumulated the cells at G1/S and inhibited entry into the S phase. Thus, the pharmacological abrogation of cell proliferation by dehydroaltenusin may prove to be an effective chemotherapeutic agent against tumors.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. Genetic evidence suggested that this killing involves titration of E. coli topoisomerase I (Topo I). Here, we present biochemical evidence that supports this model. Tn5 Tnp copurifies with Topo I while nonkilling derivatives of Tnp, Delta37Tnp and Delta55Tnp (Inhibitor [Inh]), show reduced affinity or no affinity, respectively, for Topo I. In agreement with these results, the presence of Tnp, but not Delta37 or Inh derivatives of Tnp, inhibits the DNA relaxation activity of Topo I in vivo as well as in vitro. Other proteins, including RNA polymerase, are also found to copurify with Tnp. For RNA polymerase, reduced copurification with Tnp is observed in extracts from a topA mutant strain, suggesting that RNA polymerase interacts with Topo I and not Tnp.  相似文献   

DNA damage tolerance (DDT) mechanisms allow cells to synthesize a new DNA strand when the template is damaged. Many mutations resulting from DNA damage in eukaryotes are generated during DDT when cells use the mutagenic translesion polymerases, Rev1 and Polζ, rather than mechanisms with higher fidelity. The coordination among DDT mechanisms is not well understood. We used live-cell imaging to study the function of DDT mechanisms throughout the cell cycle of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We report that checkpoint-dependent mitotic delay provides a cellular mechanism to ensure the completion of high fidelity DDT, largely by homology-directed repair (HDR). DDT by mutagenic polymerases is suppressed during the checkpoint delay by a mechanism dependent on Rad51 recombinase. When cells pass the G2/M checkpoint and can no longer delay mitosis, they completely lose the capacity for HDR and simultaneously exhibit a requirement for Rev1 and Polζ. Thus, DDT is coordinated with the checkpoint response so that the activity of mutagenic polymerases is confined to a vulnerable period of the cell cycle when checkpoint delay and HDR are not possible.  相似文献   

Human RECQL5 is a member of the RecQ helicase family, which maintains genome stability via participation in many DNA metabolic processes, including DNA repair. Human cells lacking RECQL5 display chromosomal instability. We find that cells depleted of RECQL5 are sensitive to oxidative stress, accumulate endogenous DNA damage, and increase the cellular poly(ADP-ribosyl)ate response. In contrast to the RECQ helicase family members WRN, BLM, and RECQL4, RECQL5 accumulates at laser-induced single-strand breaks in normal human cells. RECQL5 depletion affects the levels of PARP-1 and XRCC1, and our collective results suggest that RECQL5 modulates and/or directly participates in base excision repair of endogenous DNA damage, thereby promoting chromosome stability in normal human cells.  相似文献   

Summary The varying sensitivity to radiation in the different phases of the cell cycle was investigated using L-929 cells of the mouse. The cells were synchronized by mechanical selection of mitotic cells. The synchronous populations were X-irradiated with a single dose of 10 Gy in the middle of the G1-phase, at the G1/S-transition or in the middle of the S-phase, respectively. The radiation effect was determined in 2 h intervals a) by14C-TdR incorporation (IT) into the DNA, b) by autoradiography (AR), c) by flow cytometry (FCM). The incorporation rate decreased in all three cases, but the reasons appeared to be different, as can be derived from FCM and AR data: After irradiation in G1, a fraction of cells was prevented from entering S-phase, after irradiation at G1/S a proportion of cells was blocked in the S-phase, and after irradiation in S, DNA synthesis rate was reduced. As a consequence of these effects, the mean transition time through S-phase increased. The G2 blocks, obtained after irradiation at the three stages of the cycle were also different: Cells irradiated in G1 are partly released from the block after 10 h. Irradiation at G1/S caused a persisting accumulation of 50% of the cells in G2, and for irradiation in S more than 80% of the cells were arrested in G2.  相似文献   

Despite the critical importance of TBX5 in normal development and disease, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which TBX5 functions in the embryonic heart. Our present studies demonstrate that TBX5 is necessary to control the length of the embryonic cardiac cell cycle, with depletion of TBX5 leading to cardiac cell cycle arrest in late G(1)- or early S-phase. Blocking cell cycle progression by TBX5 depletion leads to a decrease in cardiac cell number, an alteration in the timing of the cardiac differentiation program, defects in cardiac sarcomere formation, and ultimately, to cardiac programmed cell death. In these studies we have also established that terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes retain the capacity to undergo cell division. We further show that TBX5 is sufficient to determine the length of the embryonic cardiac cell cycle and the timing of the cardiac differentiation program. Thus, these studies establish a role for TBX5 in regulating the progression of the cardiac cell cycle.  相似文献   

Single-stranded oligonucleotides (ssODNs) can direct base changes in mammalian cells and influence changes in phenotype. The mechanism by which ssODNs alters the sequence is being revealed by studies carried out in model systems. In the long run, this information will provide the basis for clinical protocols designed to target genetic diseases. It is now clear that DNA replication plays an important part in the gene repair reaction. Here, we examine gene repair as a function of the amount of cells passing through S phase. We find that cells in mid to late S are most amenable to gene repair, and reaction manipulations that enrich the population of cells in S phase naturally lead to elevated correction frequencies. Our data suggest that these intra-S sub phases support higher levels of repair independent of transfection efficiencies or the rates of replication. A preliminary gene expression profile of cells in the most amenable correction phase indicates that the levels of cyclin G2, cyclin H, CDK12A and CDK12B are raised significantly. Taken together, our data identify sections of S phase that enable higher levels of gene repair and establish a mechanistic framework for the use of gene repair in clinical setup.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II activity was measured in wild-type, Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells, and in the DNA double-strand break repair deficient xrs-6 cell line. Total topoisomerase II activity in a high salt, nuclear extract was found to be the same in both cell lines, as measured by decatenation of kinetoplast DNA networks and catenation of plasmid pBR322 DNA. While at low drug concentrations m-AMSA-induced enzyme cutting of nuclear DNA was 25% less in xrs-6 cells, the frequency of DNA breaks at high concentrations of the drug, and thus the frequency of the topoisomerase II enzyme, was the same in both cell lines. Despite the presence of equivalent enzyme levels in both cell lines, the xrs-6 cell line was 3 times more sensitive to drug-induced cytotoxicity. These results may be due to the fact that, as with X-radiation-induced DNA damage, xrs-6 cells are deficient in the capacity to rejoin topoisomerase II-induced DNA double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Cell progression after selective irradiation of DNA during the cell cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese hamster ovary cells were labeled with [125I]iododeoxyuridine (125IUdR, 0.1184 MBq/ml for 20 min) and the labeled mitotic cells were collected by selective detachment ("mitotic shake off"). The cells were pooled, plated into replicate flasks, and allowed to progress through the cell cycle. At several times after plating, corresponding to G1, S, late S, and G2 plus M, cells were cooled to stop cell cycle progression and to facilitate accumulation of 125I decays. Evaluation of cell progression into the subsequent mitosis indicated that accumulation of additional 125I decays during G1 or S phase was eight to nine times less effective in inducing progression delay than decays accumulated during G2. The results support our previous hypothesis that DNA damage per se is not responsible for radiation-induced progression delay. Instead, 125I-labeled DNA appears to act as a source of radiation that associates during the G2 phase of the cell cycle with another radiosensitive structure in the cell nucleus, and damage to the latter structure by overlap irradiation is responsible for progression delay (M. H. Schneiderman and K. G. Hofer, Radiat. Res. 84, 462-476 (1980].  相似文献   

A positive-feedback loop is a simple motif that is ubiquitous to the modules and networks that comprise cellular signaling systems. Signaling behaviors that are synonymous with positive feedback include amplification and rapid switching, maintenance, and the coherence of outputs. Recent advances have been made towards understanding how positive-feedback loops function, as well as their mechanistic basis in controlling eukaryotic cell cycle progression. Some of these advances will be reviewed here, including: how cyclin controls passage through Start and maintains coherence of G1/S regulon expression in yeast; how Polo-like kinase 1 activation is driven by Bora and Aurora A, and its expression is stimulated by Forkhead Box M1 in mammalian cells; and how some of the various dynamic behaviors of spindle assembly and anaphase onset can be produced.  相似文献   

Interleukin 3 and cell cycle progression   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Interleukin 3 (IL-3) is a regulatory glycoprotein required for the proliferation and differentiation of cells from many if not all hemopoietic lineages. With the emergence of the competence-progression model of cell proliferation, which predicts that growth factors function at specific stages of the cell cycle, we examined the possibility that IL-3 functions at a specific stage of the cell cycle. C-63 cells were developed as a cell line from normal murine bone marrow. They have a mast cell phenotype and require pokeweed-stimulated spleen cell-conditioned medium (CM), a rich source of IL-3, for their continued growth. Exponentially growing cells were transferred from growth medium, which contains CM, to medium lacking CM or IL-3. After 24 hours, cell viability had decreased 40-50%. The remaining viable cells did not incorporate 3H-thymidine, and displayed a single peak at G1 in a DNA histogram. Restimulation of these cells with CM or IL-3 resulted in a dramatic rise in 3H-thymidine uptake 20-24 hours after restimulation. DNA histograms of restimulated cultures indicated that the cells were progressing in a wave-like fashion throughout the remainder of the cell cycle. The length of time necessary for cells to be in contact with CM or IL-3 before they could progress into the remainder of the cell cycle was also examined. Cells incubated with CM or IL-3 for less than 16 hours could not progress into S phase, whereas cells incubated for 16 hours or longer could progress into S phase and through the remainder of the cell cycle. These data suggest that IL-3 exerts its function at a specific stage of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The activation of cell cycle regulators at the G1/S boundary has been linked to the cellular protein synthesis rate. It is conceivable that regulatory mechanisms are required to allow cells to coordinate the synthesis of other macromolecules with cell cycle progression. The availability of highly synchronized cells and flow cytometric methods facilitates investigation of the dynamics of lipid synthesis in the entire cell cycle of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii. Flow cytograms of Nile red-stained cells revealed a stepwise increase in the polar lipid content and a continuous increase in neutral lipid content in the dinoflagellate cell cycle. A cell cycle delay at early G1, but not G2/M, was observed upon inhibition of lipid synthesis. However, lipid synthesis continued during cell cycle arrest at the G1/S transition. A cell cycle delay was not observed when inhibitors of cellulose synthesis and fatty acid synthesis were added after the late G1 phase of the cell cycle. This implicates a commitment point that monitors the synthesis of fatty acids at the late G1 phase of the dinoflagellate cell cycle. Reduction of the glucose concentration in the medium down-regulated the G1 cell size with a concomitant forward shift of the commitment point. Inhibition of lipid synthesis up-regulated cellulose synthesis and resulted in an increase in cellulosic contents, while an inhibition of cellulose synthesis had no effects on lipid synthesis. Fatty acid synthesis and cellulose synthesis are apparently coupled to the cell cycle via independent pathways.  相似文献   

Integrins are adhesion receptors that allow cells to sense and respond to microenvironmental signals encoded by the extracellular matrix. They are crucial for the adhesion, survival, proliferation, differentiation and migration of most cell types. In cell cycle regulation, integrin-mediated signals from the local niche constitute a spatial checkpoint to allow cells to progress from G1 to S phase, and are as important as temporal growth factor signals. Proliferation is altered in diseases such as cancer and fibrosis, so understanding how integrins contribute to this process will provide novel strategies for therapy. Here we consider recent studies to elucidate mechanisms of integrin-dependent cell cycle progression and discuss perspectives for future study.  相似文献   

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