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The purpose of this paper is to show that if Brace's hypothesis concerning the role of random mutations in structural reduction (PME) is accepted for the sake of argument, then it cannot be used to explain hominid tooth size reduction since the Mousterian. Specifically it is shown that Brace's Hypothesis implies a smaller variance in dental asymmetry for Neandertal than modern man. Variance analysis reveals that, to the contrary, Neandertal dentitions are more variable than a large sample of modern man's. Finally it is shown that the sequence of dental asymmetry per tooth class is approximately the same in Neandertal as in modern man.  相似文献   

We evaluate Sewall Wright's three-phase “shifting balance” theory of evolution, examining both the theoretical issues and the relevant data from nature and the laboratory. We conclude that while phases I and II of Wright's theory (the movement of populations from one “adaptive peak” to another via drift and selection) can occur under some conditions, genetic drift is often unnecessary for movement between peaks. Phase III of the shifting balance, in which adaptations spread from particular populations to the entire species, faces two major theoretical obstacles: (1) unlike adaptations favored by simple directional selection, adaptations whose fixation requires some genetic drift are often prevented from spreading by barriers to gene flow; and (2) it is difficult to assemble complex adaptations whose constituent parts arise via peak shifts in different demes. Our review of the data from nature shows that although there is some evidence for individual phases of the shifting balance process, there are few empirical observations explained better by Wright's three-phase mechanism than by simple mass selection. Similarly, artificial selection experiments fail to show that selection in subdivided populations produces greater response than does mass selection in large populations. The complexity of the shifting balance process and the difficulty of establishing that adaptive valleys have been crossed by genetic drift make it impossible to test Wright's claim that adaptations commonly originate by this process. In view of these problems, it seems unreasonable to consider the shifting balance process as an important explanation for the evolution of adaptations.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a resurgence of theoretical papers exploring Wright's Shifting Balance Theory (SBT) of evolution. The SBT explains how traits which must pass through an adaptive valley may evolve in substructured populations. It has been suggested that Phase III of the SBT (the spread of new advantageous traits through the populations) proceeds only under a very restricted set of conditions. We show that Phase III can proceed under a much broader set of conditions in models that properly incorporate a key feature of Wright's theory: local, random migration of discrete individuals.  相似文献   

Forecasting technological progress is of great interest to engineers, policy makers, and private investors. Several models have been proposed for predicting technological improvement, but how well do these models perform? An early hypothesis made by Theodore Wright in 1936 is that cost decreases as a power law of cumulative production. An alternative hypothesis is Moore''s law, which can be generalized to say that technologies improve exponentially with time. Other alternatives were proposed by Goddard, Sinclair et al., and Nordhaus. These hypotheses have not previously been rigorously tested. Using a new database on the cost and production of 62 different technologies, which is the most expansive of its kind, we test the ability of six different postulated laws to predict future costs. Our approach involves hindcasting and developing a statistical model to rank the performance of the postulated laws. Wright''s law produces the best forecasts, but Moore''s law is not far behind. We discover a previously unobserved regularity that production tends to increase exponentially. A combination of an exponential decrease in cost and an exponential increase in production would make Moore''s law and Wright''s law indistinguishable, as originally pointed out by Sahal. We show for the first time that these regularities are observed in data to such a degree that the performance of these two laws is nearly the same. Our results show that technological progress is forecastable, with the square root of the logarithmic error growing linearly with the forecasting horizon at a typical rate of 2.5% per year. These results have implications for theories of technological change, and assessments of candidate technologies and policies for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Evolution is frequently concentrated in bursts of rapid morphological change and speciation followed by long‐term stasis. We propose that this pattern of punctuated equilibria results from an evolutionary tug‐of‐war between host genomes and transposable elements (TEs) mediated through the epigenome. According to this hypothesis, epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (RNA interference, DNA methylation and histone modifications) maintain stasis by suppressing TE mobilization. However, physiological stress, induced by climate change or invasion of new habitats, disrupts epigenetic regulation and unleashes TEs. With their capacity to drive non‐adaptive host evolution, mobilized TEs can restructure the genome and displace populations from adaptive peaks, thus providing an escape from stasis and generating genetic innovations required for rapid diversification. This “epi‐transposon hypothesis” can not only explain macroevolutionary tempo and mode, but may also resolve other long‐standing controversies, such as Wright's shifting balance theory, Mayr's peripheral isolates model, and McClintock's view of genome restructuring as an adaptive response to challenge.  相似文献   

Interdemic selection by the differential migration of individuals out from demes of high fitness and into demes of low fitness (Phase III) is one of the most controversial aspects of Wright's Shifting Balance Theory. I derive a relationship between Phase III migration and the interdemic selection differential, S, and show its potential effect on FST. The relationship reveals a diversifying effect of interdemic selection by Phase III migration on the genetic structure of a metapopulation. Using experimental metapopulations, I explored the effect of Phase III migration on FST by comparing the genetic variance among demes for two different patterns of migration: (1) island model migration and (2) Wright's Phase III migration. Although mean migration rates were the same, I found that the variance among demes in migration rate was significantly higher with Phase III than with island model migration. As a result, FST for the frequency of a neutral marker locus was higher with Phase III than it was with island model migration. By increasing FST, Phase III enhanced the genetic differentiation among demes for traits not subject to interdemic selection. This feature makes Wright's process different from individual selection which, by reducing effective population size, decreases the genetic variance within demes for all other traits. I discussed this finding in relation to the efficacy of Phase III and random migration for effecting peak shifts, and the contribution of genes with indirect effects to among‐deme variation.  相似文献   

Estimates of gene flow vary 100-fold among five carabid species, ranging from the winged lowland subtropical Agonum elongatulum to the flightless montane temperate Platynus angustatus. Results based on Wright's (1943) FST method, and Slatkin's (1981) graphical and (1985a) private-allele methods are concordant. Genetic heterogeneity, measured by Wright's FST, is not correlated with degree of flight-wing development; one fully winged species exhibits heterogeneity of the same order as a vestigially winged species. Genetic heterogeneity is positively correlated with the average elevation of collection sites for these species. Lower levels of gene flow associated with greater genetic subdivision may occur in upland areas because of habitat fragmentation (due to topographic diversity) and habitat persistence (leading to a lower extinction rate for populations). In at least one species, the distribution of stable infraspecific polymorphisms indicates that the high estimate of present-day gene flow is likely to be due to historical gene flow and not to present-day conditions.  相似文献   

This study tries to unveil the contribution of climatic shift in shaping the extreme body size diversity in terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea). Trying to explain size variation at an interspecific level, we test five hypotheses: (1) Bergmann's Rule and the temperature‐size rule postulate large size in cold areas; (2) The metabolic cold adaptation theory postulates small animal sizes in cold environments; (3) The primary productivity hypothesis predicts size increase in resource‐rich areas; (4) The aridity resistance hypothesis predicts large size in arid regions; and (5). The acidosis hypothesis predicts smaller size with decreasing soil pH. Globally, Bergmann's rule and the aridity hypothesis are weakly supported. Among families and genera, results are variable and idiosyncratic. Conglobating species sizes provide weak support for the acidosis hypothesis. Overall, size is strongly affected by familial affiliation. Isopod size evolution seems to be mainly affected by phylogenetically constrained life‐history traits.  相似文献   

The geographical patterns of variation shown at 20 allozyme and non-enzymatic protein-coding loci, in 8 external, and in 12 skeletal morphological characters in the rufous-collared sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis, were analyzed in order to test the local (genetic) adaptation hypothesis regarding the origin and maintenance of vocal dialects in birds. Approximately 20 males were collected from each of four sites within each of six different dialect zones. There was significant variability in both external and skeletal morphology among all 24 sites and among dialect groups. Average Wright's corrected fixation coefficient (FST) was 0.118, indicating significant genetic differentiation among all sites, regardless of dialect. Hierarchical F statistics indicated that only 50% of among site variability was due to a dialect effect. Puna dialect sites were highly differentiated from all other sites with respect to both morphology (external and skeletal measures) and allozyme frequencies. Heterogeneity at the PGM-1 locus among puna scrub sites was the major cause of the high average FST across all sites, and within the puna scrub dialect. Average genetic differentiation among non-puna sites (FST = 0.018) was similar to differentiation among sites within each of the five non-puna dialect groups (mean FST = 0.0132 ± 0.0069). Hierarchical F statistics indicated that none of the among-site differentiation in this subset of samples was due to a dialect effect. These observations are not consistent with the local adaptation hypothesis. All significant genetic heterogeneity occurred among sites in mountainous habitats, and we suggest that topography and patchiness of habitat may have been major factors involved in population differentiation, rather than vocal dialects.  相似文献   

Central to Wright's shifting-balance theory is the idea that genetic drift and selection in systems with gene interaction can lead to the formation of “adaptive gene complexes.” The theory of genetic drift has been well developed over the last 60 years; however, nearly all of this theory is based on the assumption that only additive gene effects are acting. Wright's theory was developed recognizing that there was a “universality of interaction effects,” which implies that additive theory may not be adequate to describe the process of differentiation that Wright was considering. The concept of an adaptive gene complex implies that an allele that is favored by individual selection in one deme may be removed by selection in another deme. In quantitative genetic terms, the average effects of an allele relative to other alleles changes from deme to deme. The model presented here examines the variance in local breeding values (LBVs) of a single individual and the covariance in the LBVs of a pair of individuals mated in the same deme relative to when they are mated in different demes. Local breeding value is a measure of the average effects of the alleles that make up that individual in a particular deme. I show that when there are only additive effects the covariance between the LBVs of individuals equals the variance in the LBV of an individual. As the amount of epistasis in the ancestral population increases, the variance in the LBV of an individual increases and the covariance between the LBVs of a pair of individuals decreases. The divergence in these two values is a measure of the extent to which the LBV of an individual varies independently of the LBVs of other individuals. When this value is large, it means that the relative ordering of the average effects of alleles will change from deme to deme. These results confirm an important component of Wright's shifting-balance theory: When there is gene interaction, genetic drift can lead to the reordering of the average effects of alleles and when coupled with selection this will lead to the formation of the adaptive gene complexes.  相似文献   

Potassium is released from the epithelial cells of frog''s skin on stimulation by an interrupted air jet. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that potassium is involved in the adaptation of the tactile nerve endings in frog''s skin.  相似文献   

A method of differential spore staining utilizing Wright's stain diluted one to five in a phosphate buffer solution of pH 7.6 and following the general technic of the Dorner method is outlined. Spores are stained a deep blue while the cytoplasm of the sporangium is stained a pinkish red.  相似文献   

The consequences of natural selection can be understood from a purely statistical perspective. In contrast, an explicitly causal approach is required to understand why trait values covary with fitness. In particular, key evolutionary constructs, such as sexual selection, fecundity selection, and so on, are best understood as selection via particular fitness components. To formalize and operationalize these concepts, we must disentangle the various causal pathways contributing to selection. Such decompositions are currently only known for linear models, where they are sometimes referred to as “Wright's rules.” Here, we provide a general framework, based on path analysis, for partitioning selection among its contributing causal pathways. We show how the extended selection gradient—which represents selection arising from a trait's causal effects on fitness—can be decomposed into path-specific selection gradients, which correspond to distinct causal mechanisms of selection. This framework allows for nonlinear effects and nonadditive interactions among variables, which may be estimated using standard statistical methods (e.g., generalized linear [mixed] models or generalized additive models). We thus provide a generalization of Wright's path rules that accommodates the nonlinear and nonadditive mechanisms by which natural selection commonly arises.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》1999,2(1):1-5
We analyzed the breeding structure of the field diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnée), populations. Four polymorphic allozyme loci of acid phosphatase, esterase-1, hexokinase, and phosphoglucomutase were used for the population genetic markers. The estimated genetic distance between Andong and Sangju populations (ca. 50km apart) ranged from 0.0215 by fixation index (Fst) to 0.0550 by Nei's genetic distance (D). Such a little genetic differentiation between these two populations is explained by the significant migrants (11.5 per generation per population) which are estimated by Wright's method (Nem).  相似文献   

Two-toed sloths have evolved a wrist complex that includes the following traits: (1) diminution and distal migration of the pisiform, with a loss of contact with the ulna; (2) reduction of the distal end of the ulna to a styloid process; and (3) extremely reduced contact between the ulna and triquetrum. These traits were proposed by Lewis ('65, '74) to be indicative of brachiating habits and to be a unique adaptation of the Hominoidea. Cartmill and Milton ('77) recently found a similar complex in the wrists of the lorisines. Very similar adaptations of the wrist among the Hominoidea, lorisines, and two-toed sloths clearly refute contentions of Lewis and strengthen the hypothesis of Cartmill and Milton that the traits common to those animals are due to similar slow, cautious, but acrobatic locomotion.  相似文献   

All theories related to the evolution of Deinococcus radiodurans have a common denominator: the strong positive correlation between ionizing-radiation resistance and desiccation tolerance. Currently, the widespread hypothesis is that D. radiodurans’ ionizing-radiation resistance is a consequence of this organism’s adaptation to desiccation (desiccation adaptation hypothesis). Here, we draw attention to major discrepancy that has emerged between the “desiccation adaptation hypothesis” and recent findings in computational biology, experimental research, and terrestrial subsurface surveys. We explain why the alternative hypothesis, suggesting that D. radiodurans’ desiccation tolerance could be a consequence of this organism’s adaptation to ionizing radiation (radiation adaptation hypothesis), should be considered on equal basis with the “desiccation adaptation hypothesis”.  相似文献   

1. Both solutions of Ringer plus fifteen times the normal K content, and solutions of Ringer plus fifteen times the normal Ca content markedly hasten the adaptation of single freely branching axon endings in frog''s skin to repetitive air puff stimuli. 2. The K effect is produced more rapidly than is that of Ca. The K effect is reversible by washing with Ringer''s solution, while the Ca effect is not. The Ca inhibition can, however, be reversed and recovery effected by washing with K rich solutions. 3. Evidence is discussed which indicates that Ca probably plays no rôle in normal adaptation, and the experiments are interpreted as substantiating the hypothesis of adaptation due to K.  相似文献   

Case‐control studies are primary study designs used in genetic association studies. Sasieni (Biometrics 1997, 53, 1253–1261) pointed out that the allelic chi‐square test used in genetic association studies is invalid when Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) is violated in a combined population. It is important to know how much type I error rate is deviated from the nominal level under violated HWE. We examine bounds of type I error rate of the allelic chi‐square test. We also investigate power of the goodness‐of‐fit test for HWE which can be used as a guideline for selecting an appropriate test between the allelic chi‐square test and the modified allelic chi‐square test, the latter of which was proposed for cases of violated HWE. In small samples, power is not large enough to detect the Wright's inbreeding model of small values of inbreeding coefficient. Therefore, when the null hypothesis of HWE is barely accepted, the modified test should be considered as an alternative method. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Inquiline ant species are workerless social parasites whose queens reproduce in colonies of other species alongside the host queens. Inquilines arise either when one non-parasitic species evolves into an inquiline parasite of another non-parasitic species (the interspecific hypothesis), or by the speciation of intraspecific inquilines from their host stock (the intraspecific hypothesis): it is unlikely that inquilines evolve from other forms of social parasite. This paper reviews the evidence for and against the inter-and intraspecific hypotheses. All inquilines are close phylogenetic relatives of their host species (loose ‘Emery's rule’), and some are their host's closest relative (strict ‘Emery's rule’). A problem for the interspecific hypothesis is how to explain the strict Emery's rule, because phylogenetic constraints on host choice are probably quite weak. By contrast, the intraspecific hypothesis has difficulty accounting for the parasites' sympatric reproductive isolation. Facultative polygyny, in which queens may found colonies alone or by adoption into an existing multi-queen colony, should promote the evolution of small intraspecific inquilines. This is because small colony-founding queens should preferentially seek adoption, which provides the opportunity to produce a sexual-only brood. We suggest that microgynes, i.e. miniature queens found in some polygynous ants, represent such parasites. We review the evidence that inquiline species have evolved intraspecifically from microgynes in Myrmica ants. The coexistence within a species of a monogynous (singly-queened) and a polygynous form is probably a phenomenon usually unconnected with inquiline evolution. The reproductive isolation of intraspecific inquilines plausibly arises from divergent breeding behaviour associated with the parasites' small size. Such divergence could involve either a temporal separation in mating episodes, with small parasites maturing early, or a spatial separation, with small males being sexually-selected to mate near the nest with small queens seeking adoption, instead of in mating aggregations. We conclude that inquiline species strictly following Emery's rule could have evolved by the intraspecific route. If so, such species provide evidence for West-Eberhard's “alternative adaptation” hypothesis that between-species diversity frequently stems from diversity within species. They also represent likely cases of sympatric speciation. We suggest work on the parasites' phytogeny, genetics, behaviour and mating biology to test these conclusions further.  相似文献   

Wright's metaphor of sampling is extended to consider three components of genetic drift: those occurring before, during, and after migration. To the extent that drift at each stage behaves like an independent random sample, the order of events does not matter. When sampling is not random, the order does matter, and the effect of population size is confounded with that of mobility. The widely cited result that genetic differentiation of local groups depends only on the product of group size and migration rate holds only when nonrandom sampling does not occur prior to migration in the life cycle.  相似文献   

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