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The gastrointestinal microbiota in rabbits play an important role in protection against potential pathogens via the development of the mucosal immune system. The gut health, including the microbial and immunological stability, is often influenced by exogenous factors, mainly around the weaning period. Therefore, alternative strategies are required to improve the animal’s health. In this study, the diet of rabbits was supplemented with the semi-purified enterocins Ent 2019, Ent M and Ent 4231, produced by bacteriocinogenic strains with probiotic properties, rabbit-derived Enterococcus faecium CCM7420 and non rabbit-derived E. faecium strains AL41 and CCM4231. The phagocytic activity, index of phagocytic activity and the gluthatione-peroxidase enzyme activity in blood were determined during the Ents consumption and also 3 weeks after their cessation. At 21 days into the experiment the highest phagocytic activity was observed in rabbits receiving Ent M. A significant increase in phagocytosis was noted in rabbits with Ent 2019 over the entire experiment. Moreover, a lower gluthatione-peroxidase activity was measured in rabbits receiving Ent M and Ent 2019. No effect of Ent 4231 application on the tested parameters was recorded. The Ent M and Ent 2019 improved the digestive immunity and the host’s defense capacities by stimulating leucocyte phagocytosis, without oxidative stress induction in rabbits.  相似文献   

Roads have many effects on the mammal populations of their surroundings. Prey species are thought to establish dense populations in road verges due to a predation release effect, which arise as a side-effect of roadside avoidance by predators and/or predator roadkill. A species that has been suggested to benefit from predation release and attain high densities near roads is the European rabbit, a keystone species in Mediterranean ecosystems. We monitored rabbit relative abundance at three distances from a motorway (50, 450 and 850 m) during a 6 month period, as well as hunting and predator pressures, in a suitable area for rabbits. The lowest rabbit abundance was found next to the motorway (6.76 ± 8.87 pellets/m2 per month) and the highest abundance at an intermediate distance (17.65 ± 23.11 pellets/m2 per month). Hunting and carnivore pressures were highest at the sampling transect located farthest from the infrastructure. Thus, variability in rabbit abundance did not match the predation release effect found close to the motorway, and some sort of road avoidance or other process must underlie the observed abundance pattern. We advocate for a formal measurement of prey populations response to roads prior to any generalization as, in the case of rabbit, the response to roads and the potential cascading effects on other species may depend on landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Recently, a new method for differentiating juvenile and adult rabbits based on faecal pellet size was published. According to this method, pellets >6 mm diameter are inferred to be deposited by adults, while those <6 mm are inferred to be from juveniles or kittens. In this study, we designed a simple experiment to test the accuracy of this methodology. Twelve adult rabbits were housed in individual outdoor cages and their pellets were removed every day for 10 consecutive days. Pellets were separated using a sieve according to their size and counted. Results showed that adult rabbits produce pellets >6 mm diameter in the same proportion as those <6 mm. We also observed a strong influence of the individual rabbit on pellet size; some rabbits produce a high proportion of pellets >6 mm, whereas others deposit mostly pellets <6 mm in size. Our findings demonstrate that pellet size is unsuitable for aging wild rabbits. Field biologists should therefore be cautious when employing the pellet size method of age determination in other wild animals in the absence of validating studies.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the habitat use patterns of introduced species in their native or naturalized range can provide unique insights into processes of secondary dispersal and colonization of natural habitats. Caprellid amphipods are small mobile marine epibionts with limited natural dispersal. The global distribution of some caprellid species is mostly the result of anthropogenic transport; however, their subsequent spread beyond artificial habitats is poorly understood. A biogeographic approach, mainly focused on the native-range ecology of introduced and common fouling caprellid amphipods of southern Europe, was used to understand the implications of habitat use patterns for predicting their spread in the introduced regions. Specifically, abundance and composition of caprellid populations were compared among different primary habitats including artificial (floating pontoons), sheltered and wave-exposed rocky shores along the southern and southeastern coasts of Brazil. The findings indicated that artificial habitats act as reservoirs for globally distributed species in both their native and introduced ranges, while endemic species are more scarcely represented. Environmental conditions provided by primary habitats appear important in structuring caprellid assemblages on secondary substrata (basibiont species). Most wide-ranging caprellids were negatively correlated with the level of wave exposure, being more abundant in sheltered (artificial or natural) than in exposed habitats. In this context, Caprella scaura and Paracaprella pusilla, the two introduced caprellids recorded in the Mediterranean, where they are virtually restricted to artificial habitats, may become established in sheltered and even highly polluted natural habitats but hardly colonize wave-exposed rocky shores.  相似文献   

Shine R  Thomas J 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):492-498
Adaptations of snakes to overpower and ingest relatively large prey have attracted considerable research, whereas lizards generally are regarded as unable to subdue or ingest such large prey items. Our data challenge this assumption. On morphological grounds, most lizards lack the highly kinetic skulls that facilitate prey ingestion in macrostomate snakes, but (1) are capable of reducing large items into ingestible-sized pieces, and (2) have much larger heads relative to body length than do snakes. Thus, maximum ingestible prey size might be as high in some lizards as in snakes. Also, the willingness of lizards to tackle very large prey items may have been underestimated. Captive hatchling scincid lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) offered crickets of a range of relative prey masses (RPMs) attacked (and sometimes consumed parts of) crickets as large as or larger than their own body mass. RPM affected foraging responses: larger crickets were less likely to be attacked (especially on the abdomen), more likely to be avoided, and less likely to provide significant nutritional benefit to the predator. Nonetheless, lizards successfully attacked and consumed most crickets ≤35% of the predator’s own body mass, representing RPM as high as for most prey taken by snakes. Thus, although lizards lack the impressive cranial kinesis or prey-subduction adaptations of snakes, at least some lizards are capable of overpowering and ingesting prey items as large as those consumed by snakes of similar body sizes.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the structural and functional behaviors of two unrelated protein domains were modified when fused. The IgG-binding protein ZZ derived from staphylococcal protein A was fused to the N- and/or C-terminus of the diphtheria toxin transmembrane domain (T). T undergoes a conformational change from a soluble native state at neutral pH to a molten globule-like state at acidic pH, leading to its interaction with membranes. We found that this molten globule state was not connected to the GdnHCl-induced unfolding pathway of T. The pH-induced transition of T, and also the unfolding of T and ZZ at neutral and acidic pH, were unchanged whether the domains were isolated or fused. The position of ZZ, however, influenced the solubility of T near its pK(i). SPR measurements revealed that T has a high affinity for membranes, isolated or within the fusion proteins (K(D)< 10(-11) M). This work shows that in the case of T and ZZ, the fusion of protein domains with different stabilities does not alter the structural changes involved in folding and function. This supports the use of T as a soluble membrane anchor.  相似文献   

Several factors, singly or in combination, have proven relevant in promoting nestedness in animal communities (area, isolation, habitat structure, etc.); however, little empirical evidence exists about the role of human disturbance. The goal of this paper was to assess whether human disturbance (pedestrians) may affect bird species composition in such a way as to generate a nested distributional pattern. The study was conducted in an urban fragmented landscape, the city of Madrid, where wooded parks were suitable fragments for many bird species, and had different levels of human visitation. At the community level, the distribution of species was significantly nested in two consecutive breeding seasons. Using two different procedures ("temperature" and "departures" methods) to analyse causality in nestedness, I found that pedestrian rate, fragment size and the diversity of stems were significantly correlated to the nested pattern. When analysed simultaneously, and controlling for their independent effects, these factors still accounted for nestedness. Pedestrian rate was the only factor significantly associated with changes in species composition between years. At the individual species level, 74 and 41% of species were significantly nested in relation to pedestrian rate in 1997 and 1998, respectively; however, these percentages were independent of foraging substrate and body size. Besides the classic area and habitat diversity effects, human disturbance can also promote nestedness: locally, by restraining the time and space of foraging and breeding opportunities, thus reducing fragment suitability, and regionally, by increasing extinction and decreasing colonization probabilities in highly disturbed fragments.  相似文献   


Biological invasion is globally pervasive and an increasing threat to biodiversity. We need to be able to predict the ecological impacts of alien species, in order to prioritize management of those expected to be most damaging. Comparisons of functional response (FR) between invaders and trophically similar natives has been proposed as useful for predicting invader impacts, as interaction intensity tends to be reflected in higher FRs. We undertook feeding trials comparing FRs of four invasive poeciliids (mosquitofish [Gambusia affinis], guppy [Poecilia reticulata], liberty molly [P. salvatoris] and swordtail [Xiphophorus hellerii]) in Hong Kong with three similar-sized native fishes (ricefish [Oryzias curvinotus: Adrianichthyidae]; predaceous chub [Parazacco spilurus] and half-banded barb [Puntius semifasciolatus: Cyprinidae]). We tested whether FRs correctly reflected known impacts of the mosquitofish and guppy locally, and used FRs to forecast potential impacts of the molly and swordtail. Overall, the swordtail and molly consumed more prey and had higher FRs than the other five fishes, owing to their shorter prey handling time and/or higher attack rate. Mosquitofish and guppy had similar FRs to native fishes. All fishes showed type-II FRs, and had some potential to destabilize prey populations. Such results predict that the molly and swordtail could have strong ecological effects in Hong Kong freshwaters. However, FR alone was not highly predictive of known impacts of mosquitofish and guppy. It is suggested a more holistic approach incorporating estimates of field abundance and parameterization of other niche dimensions of the invader will be needed.


AimsDysmetabolic iron overload syndrome (DIOS) is common but the clinical relevance of iron overload is not understood. Macrophages are central cells in iron homeostasis and inflammation. We hypothesized that iron overload in DIOS could affect the phenotype of monocytes and impair macrophage gene expression.MethodsThis study compared 20 subjects with DIOS to 20 subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) without iron overload, and 20 healthy controls. Monocytes were phenotyped by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) and differentiated into anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages in the presence of IL-4. The expression of 38 genes related to inflammation, iron metabolism and M2 phenotype was assessed by real-time PCR.ResultsFACS showed no difference between monocytes across the three groups. The macrophagic response to IL-4-driven differentiation was altered in four of the five genes of M2 phenotype (MRC1, F13A1, ABCA1, TGM2 but not FABP4), in DIOS vs Mets and controls demonstrating an impaired M2 polarization. The expression profile of inflammatory genes was not different in DIOS vs MetS. Several genes of iron metabolism presented a higher expression in DIOS vs MetS: SCL11A2 (a free iron transporter, +76 %, p = 0.04), SOD1 (an antioxidant enzyme, +27 %, p = 0.02), and TFRC (the receptor 1 of transferrin, +59 %, p = 0.003).ConclusionsIn DIOS, macrophage polarization toward the M2 alternative phenotype is impaired but not associated with a pro-inflammatory profile. The up regulation of transferrin receptor 1 (TFRC) in DIOS macrophages suggests an adaptive role that may limit iron toxicity in DIOS.  相似文献   

Journal of Insect Conservation - Climate change is currently considered one key threat to biodiversity. Species with a restricted distribution possibly will be more affected than those with wide...  相似文献   

Zooplankton assemblages of 51 lacustrine environments located in the middle of the Mediterranean Region were analysed to evaluate the existence of an ‘age effect’ in determining their structure. The analysed datasets refer to two different geographic areas, one comprising 30 natural and artificial lakes in Sicily and the other an arrangement of 21 analogous aquatic ecosystems located at the bottom of the Italian Peninsula, a more pristine area called Southern Apennine region. Most of the natural lakes are of post-glacial origin. The artificial lakes in both datasets were built in the last century and offer the opportunity to evaluate the possible short-term effects of ageing on the structure of their zooplankton. A comparison of assemblages in the two regions by PERMANOVA and nMDS revealed that they are quite different; therefore they were analysed separately. An explorative analysis on the possible relationship between biological data and environmental data (including lake age) was performed on both datasets using DISTLM. The presence of an ‘age effect’ emerged only in the subset of artificial lakes of the Southern Apennine region; accordingly it was tested more in detail with an a posteriori PERMANOVA analysis in the subset of reservoirs that resulted positive in the first test. SIMPER allowed us to single out the main species responsible of changes in the zooplankton along the selected age groups. No age effect was evident in the Sicilian water bodies, where other variables, such as conductivity, trophic state, urbanisation and water level fluctuations proved to have a major role in shaping zooplankton assemblages. The results showed that the age effect is: (i) detectable only at a time scale of decades; (ii) masked by the human impact in the watershed.  相似文献   

Aim To test the prediction that environmental suitability derived from species distribution modelling (SDM) could be a surrogate for jaguar local population density estimates. Location Americas. Methods We used 1409 occurrence records of jaguars to model the distribution of the species using 11 SDM methods. We tested whether models’ suitability is linearly correlated with jaguar population densities estimated from 37 different locations. We evaluated whether the relationship between density and suitability forms a constraint envelope, in which higher densities are found mainly in regions with high suitability, whereas low densities can occur in regions with variable suitability. We tested this using heteroscedasticity test and quantile regressions. Results A positive linear relationship between suitability and jaguar density was found only for four methods [bioclimatic envelope (BIOCLIM), genetic algorithm for rule set production (GARP), maximum entropy (Maxent) and generalized boosting models (GBM)], but with weak explanatory power. BIOCLIM showed the strongest relationship. Variance of suitability for lower densities values was larger than for higher values for many of the SDM models used, but the quantile regression was significantly positive only for BIOCLIM and random forests (RF). RF and GBM provided the most accurate models when measured with the standard SDM evaluation metrics, but possess poor relationship with local density estimates. Main conclusions Results indicate that the relationship between density and suitability could be better described as a triangular constraint envelope than by a straight positive relationship, and some of the SDM methods tested here were able to discriminate regions with high or low local population densities. Low jaguar densities can occur in areas with low or high suitability, whereas high values are restricted to areas where the suitability is greater. In high suitability areas but with low jaguar density estimates, we discuss how extrinsic factors driving abundance could act at local scales and then prevent higher densities that would be expected by the favourable regional environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium (Cd) on the reproduction of Ruditapes decussatus was monitored over a period of 12 months, from June 2001 to June 2002. Two sites "Bordj d'Ungha" and "El Hofra" differing by their degree of cadmium contamination were chosen in the Gulf of Gabès area (Tunisia). Annual mean concentrations of Cd in the whole soft tissues of clams from the site El Hofra were more than 4 times higher than those from the site Bordj d'Ungha (reference site). The gametogenic cycle of the clam R. decussatus was also investigated by histological examination and monthly observations of gonadal sections in a population of clams from both sites. The results show that gametogenesis occurred from March to December in clams from both sites. Nevertheless, spawning and emission of gametes were synchronized in both sexes from only the clams of the reference site. Although this species is considered as gonochoristic, 6.6% of hermaphroditic cases were observed in clams from both sites in which gametes of both males and females were in ripe stage. Moreover, the period of ripening of sexual products led to an increase of condition index and to a decrease of Cd concentrations in the whole soft tissues of clams from both sites, hence reflecting the phenomenon of "biological dilution".  相似文献   

Smart factories have been widely adopted as a new manufacturing paradigm, in which the state‐of‐the‐art technologies are introduced to improve relevant processes. Yet, whether smart factories affect the environmental performance remains unknown. In this article, we examine the environmental performance of a smart refrigerator factory by comparing the environmental impacts of its product to a similar model that is produced in a traditional fashion. This article quantifies and verifies the theoretically predicted impacts of this smart factory on the individual processes. Though the overall differences in the two models are quite minor, we find that this smart factory can notably reduce the values of most impact categories associated with the parts and refrigerator production; the reduction in the value of climate change is 33%. Owing to higher material efficiency—raw material savings in this smart factory contributes to the greatest reductions in most categorized impacts—the contribution to the reduction of climate change is 39%. Yet, all categorized impacts of procurement and delivery are increased due to product personalization and direct delivery. The results of sensitivity analysis show that promoting product modularity, adopting clean energy such as wind power can further improve the environmental performance of the selected refrigerator. The introduction of auxiliary equipment and systems slightly increases the value of each category; yet their impacts are negligible compared to their benefits as facilitating production efficiency. Based on the quantitative results, recommendations are given to improve the environmental performance of smart factory, including optimizing current strategies and promoting horizontal and end‐to‐end integration.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of chitosan-N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as a non-viral gene carrier. In particular, we aimed to elucidate whether the advantage of thiolation was more pronounced in the stabilization of particles or in the effect of nonspecific sulfhydryl reduction of the target cells. Low-viscosity chitosan was modified by covalent binding of NAC. The resulting conjugate displayed 1.35 mM SH/g polymer. Particles produced via self-assembly of chitosan conjugate and pDNA had a mean particle size of 113.7 nm and a positive zeta-potential. Sulfhydryl group content on the particle surface was investigated by Ellman's test and papain reactivation assay, with the result of about 100 nM SH groups/mL nanoparticle suspension. An oxidation step was performed to stabilize polyplexes via disulfide bonds. The enhanced stability of oxidized particles against both polyanion heparin and alkaline pH was proven by a gel retardation assay. The stabilization was demonstrated to be reversible by treatment with glutathione. Further, the effect of immobilized SH groups and of supplementation with free NAC on transfection efficacy on Caco-2 cells was investigated. The expression of the transgene was raised 2.5-fold and 10-fold with nonoxidized thiomer polyplexes in comparison to polyplexes of unmodified chitosan and oxidized chitosan-NAC, respectively. The impact of sulfhydryl reduction on transfection was assessed via thiol group inactivation with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DNTB). This inactivation resulted in a decrease of transfection efficacy. In conclusion, chitosan-NAC conjugate was demonstrated to be beneficial for transfection, either for stabilization via disulfide bonds or for raising the expression of transgene via shifting the redox potential of the target cells.  相似文献   

The way in which vectors distribute themselves amongst their hosts has important epidemiological consequences. While the role played by active host choice is largely unquestioned, current knowledge relates mostly to the innate response of vectors towards stimuli signalling the presence or quality of their hosts. Many of those cues, however, can be unpredictable, and therefore prevent the incorporation of the appropriate response into the vector's behavioural repertoire unless some sort of associative learning is possible. We performed a wide range of laboratory experiments to test the learning abilities of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Mosquitoes were exposed to choice procedures in (1) an olfactomenter and (2) a 'visual arena'. Our goal was to determine whether the mosquitoes were able to associate unconditional stimuli (blood feeding, human breath, vibration and electrical shock) with particular odours (citral, carvone, citronella oil and eugenol) and visual patterns (horizontal or vertical black bars) to which they had been previously observed to be responsive. We found no evidence supporting the hypothesis that associative learning abilities are present in adult Ae. aegypti. We discuss the possibilities that the assays employed were either inappropriate or insufficient to detect associative learning, or that associative learning is not possible in this species.  相似文献   

We review published studies to show that changes in soil moisture levels have significant impacts on a range of wading bird species that use UK lowland grassland, including wet grassland, and obtain their food predominantly by probing the soil. We examine both the hydrological and the ecological literature and assess how management options could alter (1) ecosystem services (via water quality and flooding) and (2) habitat quality for wading birds. The combination of biodiversity goals with broader ecosystem services has been widely advocated and we suggest that appropriate management at multiple scales (e.g. small‐scale: ponds; large‐scale: integrated washlands) could potentially provide both ecosystem services and habitat for wading grassland birds. However, there is only a limited base of evidence on which to assess the potential linkage between these two areas, particularly for non‐wading bird species. Future work should be directed at identifying (1) how crop yield, ecosystem services and biodiversity relate to each other, (2) the extent of land needed to be managed to benefit these multiple purposes and bring about measurable gain (e.g. one or two ponds may make significant inroads in reducing run‐off and pollution but make little difference to wading birds) and (3) solutions to the challenges of setting up management options at large spatial scales (e.g. catchments).  相似文献   

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