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Macrophages with yellow or black deposits of melanin occur singly or in groups in the melano-macrophage centres are functionally the primitive analogues of lymph nodes in birds and mammals. From 1980 to 1982, tumours and pretumorous tissue changes in ruffe from the Elbe Estuary were studied. Pathological alterations occur mainly in the liver and spleen. In connection with both, neoplastic abnormalities in liver and spleen, and fatty degenerative processes in the liver, an obvious increase in number and size of the melano-macrophage centres was observed. The colour, structure and some histochemical properties of melano-macrophage centres in the liver differ somewhat from those in the spleen. The majority of splenic centres were filled with large amounts of haemosiderin, whereas many hepatic macrophages contained fatty inclusions. Possible differences in the functions of splenic and hepatic melano-macrophage centres are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, groups of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus, reared singly, were exposed to defined numbers of Anguillicoloides crassus or Camallanus lacustris under controlled laboratory conditions. Infection took place orally through feeding G. cernuus with axenically cultured and laboratory infected copepods, in which the parasites had developed to the infective third stage (L3). Mean prevalence (94·3%) and infection probability (38·5%) for the established C. lacustris were significantly higher than for the neozoic A. crassus (14·3 and 1·0%, respectively). Peripheral blood leukocytes were significantly increased in infected fish, apparently independent of exposure level, parasite species or intensity of infection compared to the controls. In infected fish, the gonado‐somatic index (IG) was significantly reduced by c. 50%, and the spleen‐somatic index (IS) was significantly increased compared to controls. Both parasites raised similar physiological and immunological responses in G. cernuus, which was able to effectively reject the neozoic A. crassus.  相似文献   

This paper compares the available North Americanliterature and data concerning several ecologicalfactors affecting Phragmites australisin inlandfreshwater, tidal fresh, and tidal brackish marshsystems. We compare aboveground productivity, plantspecies diversity, and sediment biogeochemistry; andwe summarize Phragmiteseffects on faunalpopulations in these habitats. These data suggest thatPhragmitesaboveground biomass is higher thanthat of other plant species occurring in the samemarsh system. Available data do not indicate anysignificant difference in the aboveground Phragmitesbiomass between marsh types, nor doesthere appear to be an effect of salinity on height.However, Phragmitesstem density wassignificantly lower in inland non-tidal freshwatermarshes than in tidal marshes, whether fresh orbrackish. Studies of the effects of Phragmiteson plant species richness suggest that Phragmitesdominated sites have lower diversity.Furthermore, Phragmiteseradication infreshwater sites increased plant diversity in allcases. Phragmitesdominated communities appearto have different patterns of nitrogen cyclingcompared to adjacent plant communities. Abovegroundstanding stocks of nitrogen (N) were found to behigher in Phragmitessites compared to thosewithout Phragmites. Porewater ammonium(NH4 +) did not differ among plant covertypes in the freshwater tidal wetlands, but inbrackish marshes NH4 +was much higher inSpartinaspp. than in neighboring Phragmitesstands. Faunal uses of Phragmitesdominated sites in North America were found to vary bytaxa and in some cases equaled or exceeded use ofother robust emergent plant communities. In light ofthese findings, we make recommendations for futureresearch.  相似文献   

Maturation rates in three European eel Anguilla anguilla populations increased from September to October and were slightly lower in fresh water than in brackish waters. Average and variance of total length at maturation were larger in females than males.  相似文献   

1. Benthivorous fish may play an important role in internal nutrient loading. Ruffe are highly specialised, feeding exclusively on bottom animals; thus all nutrients released via their feeding are derived from the bottom and are new to the water column. The fish can also release nutrients from the sediment through resuspension while searching for food. 2. The aim of this study was to estimate experimentally in the laboratory the effect on water quality of resuspension and nutrient release by ruffe and bottom animals (chironomids). 3. Ruffe released nutrients during 8 h experiments as follows: total P 1.4, dissolved PO4 0.6, total N 24.0 and NH4‐N 15.9 μg g?1 WW h?1. A decreasing trend in mass‐specific release was observed over time, probably because of starvation. The mass‐specific release of total N and NH4‐N decreased as the mean weight of fish increased. The mean ratio of excreted N : P was 32. 4. In 26 h experiments with sediment and both ruffe and chironomids, ruffe increased nutrient concentrations and turbidity values significantly but chironomids had an effect only on turbidity. Neither ruffe nor chironomids affected the ratio of inorganic N : P concentrations. An interaction between ruffe and chironomids was found for turbidity. 5. According to these results, benthivorous fish may increase nutrient concentrations in the water column and need to be taken into account when estimating internal loading.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was constructed for ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , and the model was used to estimate the food consumption of a native G. cernuus stock in Pyhäjärvi, a large mesotrophic lake in south-west Finland. The parameters for the bioenergetics model were determined through laboratory experiments conducted at several temperatures between 5 and 22° C for different sized G. cernuus (from 6 to 27 g). The model was verified and validated with independent laboratory growth experiments. The validated model was applied to field data from Pyhäjärvi to estimate the food consumption of G. cernuus and its effects on the zoobenthos community during the years 2002–2004. The total annual food consumption of the G. cernuus stock ranged from 11·6 to 15·7 g m−2 (wet mass). Chironomidae was the most abundant prey, 81% of the total consumption. The annual total production of zoobenthos in Pyhäjärvi was 15·2 g m−2 (wet mass). Therefore, it can be concluded that G. cernuus stock is likely to exert a significant influence on the zoobenthos community in this lake, indicating a potential role of G. cernuus as an influential invasive species in many freshwater ecosystems in Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Body growth parameters, age and total length at sex differentiation were compared in three European eel Anguilla anguilla populations from Mediterranean sites with different salinity. Whilst body growth was faster in brackish than in freshwater environments, the present analysis shows that body size at sex differentiation might be a physiological invariant.  相似文献   

The diet of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus was studied in two native populations in lakes of different productivity in south-west Finland using both traditional stomach content analyses and stable isotopes. According to stomach content analyses, chironomids were the most important prey type in both lakes and the diversity of the other prey reflected the zoobenthos community in the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen showed distinctive lake-specific and total length ( L T)-related patterns in both δ13C and δ15N values, which could not be explained solely with diet changes. In the large mesotrophic Pyhäjärvi, both 13C and 15N isotopes became slightly enriched with increasing ruffe L T, although stomach contents analyses did not suggest any diet change in larger ruffe. In the hypereutrophic Köyliönjärvi, the carbon isotope signatures of ruffe especially showed wide variation (−33·5 to −24·1‰), which was probably due to variable consumption of prey items with highly negative carbon isotope signatures. Overall, this study emphasizes that the interpretation of stable isotope results requires extensive background data of the system and that even then the diet composition of a consumer may be very difficult to define due to large variation in the signatures.  相似文献   

Kangur  Peeter  Kangur  Andu  Kangur  Külli  Möls  Tõnu 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):435-441
Hydrobiologia - Ruffe is one of the most numerous fishes in Estonian large Lakes Peipsi (area 3555 km2, mean depth 7.1 m) and Võrtsjärv (270 km2, 2.8 m). Owing to its small size ruffe has...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic systematics of microorganisms inhabiting thermal environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thermal habitats harbor specialized communities of thermophilic microorganisms, primarily prokaryotes. This review considers modern systematics of prokaryotes and the place of thermophilic archaea and bacteria in it. Among the existing hierarchical classifications of prokaryotes, the bulk of attention is given to the one accepted in the current second edition of "Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology", which is primarily based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phenotypic properties of the organisms. Analysis of the genomics data shows that they on the whole agree with the 16S rRNA-based system, although revealing the significance of the evolutionary role of lateral transfer, duplication, and loss of genes. According to the classification elaborated in the current edition of "Bergey's Manual", the prokaryotes currently culturable under laboratory conditions are distributed among 26 phyla, two of which belong to the domain Archaea and 24 to the domain Bacteria. Six phyla contain exclusively thermophiles, and eleven phyla contain thermophiles along with mesophiles, thermophiles being usually separated phylogenetically and representing high-level taxa (classes, orders). In light of the data on the topology of the 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic tree and some other data, this review discusses the probable hyperthermophilic nature of the universal common ancestor.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diet, habitat use, diel and seasonal activity and a number of population parameters were studied on ruffe,Gymnocephalus cernuus, introduced to Mildevatn, western Norway. This lake is sited outside the natural range of the ruffe and has a lower fish diversity and a different fish species composition than within its native range. From June through September the ruffe was planktivorous and mainly caught at 4 to 6 m depth in the benthic zone. At other times of year ruffe was feeding on zoobenthos and caught deeper in the benthic zone. Ruffe was mainly day active. Zooplankton feeding during summer is the clearest difference compared to ruffe populations living within its natural range. Presence of large zooplankton organisms available for ruffe is suggested as the main reason for the difference found in food choice. The availability of large zooplankton is probably due to community structure caused by a predator and lack of interspecific competition for zooplankton in the deeper parts of the lake. Piscivorous brown trout.Salmo trutta, restrict the habitat of threespined stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, to the zone of littoral vegetation, allowing high densities of larger zooplankton species likeBythotrephes longimanus to be present in the lake. Brown trout is present only in the upper light and well oxygenated parts of the lake, leaving a refuge for the ruffe, where they can feed on the rich zooplankton community.  相似文献   

1. The outcome of interspecific competition for food resources depends both on the competitors’ sensory abilities and on environmental conditions. In laboratory experiments we tested the influence of daylight and darkness on feeding behaviour and specific growth rate (SGR) of two species with different sensory abilities. 2. We used perch (Perca fluviatilis) as a visually orientated, and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) as a mechano‐sensory oriented predator and tested their growth rates and behaviour under conditions of interspecific and intraspecific competition. Three different foraging conditions were used: food supplied (i) only during the day, (ii) only during the night or (iii) during both day and night. 3. In perch neither SGR nor feeding behaviour were influenced substantially by interspecific competition during daylight. During darkness their foraging behaviour changed markedly and their access to the food source as well as their SGR were negatively affected by the presence of ruffe. 4. Ruffe's foraging behaviour did not change during either day or night with interspecific competition. During the night ruffe's SGR was higher with interspecific competition, probably because of a release from intraspecific competition and the competitive inferiority of perch during the night. 5. Because of its seonsory abilities ruffe feeds predominantly at night, thereby reducing competitive interference from perch.  相似文献   

Summary The principal problems discussed here are the effects of karst substrata, and of salt storms in the subsaline biotopes of the eastern Adriatic. The karst rivers have mostly canyon mouths or submarine orifices in limestone rocky substrata, and are characterised by endemic communities ofMicrocoleetalia, Cystoseiretalia, Astragaletalia andDrypetalia groups. The frequent stormy salt spray up to the inland of the northern islands causes in highland karst depressions the saline tarns with continental semihalophytic vegetation of theRuppietalia, Isoëtetalia, Juncetalia maritimi, andScorzoneretalia villosae groups. The landbuilding succession in the coastal lagoons and deltas is terminated by theNerio-Tamaricetalia halophytic brushwood.
Resume Les problèmes principaux y discutés sont les effets des substrats karstiques et des orages aux embruns salants dans les biotopes saumâtres de l'Adriatique. Les fleuves ont pour la plupart des embouchures en forme des canyons, ou des ouvertures sous-marines entournés des substrats calcaires, avec les communautés convenables endémiques des ordres deMicrocoleetalia, Cystoseiretalia, Astragaletalia etDrypetalia. Les orages salants y sont fréquents et leurs embruns atteignet jusqu' aux dolines culminales insulaires où sont developpés des lacs saumâtres avec une végétation des sémi-halophytes continentales des ordresRuppietalia, Isoëtetalia, Juncetalia maritimi etScorzoneretalia villosae. Les successions d'atterissement dans les lagunes cotières et deltas finnissent par le dévèlopement des broussailles halophiles deNerio-Tamaricetalia. Enfin est ajoutée une révue des associations saumâtres où sont aussi présentées quelques communautés nouvelles et peu connus.

Biofilms on biocathodes can catalyze the cathodic oxygen reduction and accordingly guarantee high cathode redox potentials. The present research assessed the use of biocathodes in full-sediment microbial fuel cells. Carbon felt-based biocathodes were evaluated in freshwater systems, and an extension of their application to brackish systems and/or stainless steel webs as base material was considered. Efficient biocathodes could be developed within days through inoculation with active microorganisms. Carbon felt was found most suited for the biocathodes in freshwater with increased performance at salinities around 80–250 mM. Maximum long-term performance reached 12.3 μW cm−2 cathode. The relative benefit of stainless steel seemed to increase with increasing salinity. A combination of stainless steel cathodes with biofilms could, however, also result in decreased electrical performance. In an efficiently catalyzing cathodic biofilm, an enrichment with an uncultured Proteobacterium—previously correlated with steel waste—was observed.  相似文献   

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