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The subtidal rocky reefs are home to a diverse range of marine animals, including small cryptic fishes, characterised by a bipartite life cycle, with benthic adults and pelagic larval stage that lasts from several days to several months. Using the otolith microstructure analysis, this study determines the hatching and larval growth patterns of the abundant triplefin Helcogrammoides chilensis (Pisces: Tripterygiidae). Fish larvae were collected during September–October 2010 and between July 2012 and April 2013 in nearshore waters (<500 m) of central Chile. Nearshore time series of ichthyoplankton samples showed that large abundance of this species occurs during early austral spring and autumn seasons. Body lengths ranged from 3.11 to 16.57 mm (1–57 days old). Sagittal microincrement analyses estimate that during the main reproductive season, larval growth rates are slow, varying between 0.145 and 0.156 mm day?1 at a weekly scale. Back-calculated hatch days and circular statistics indicate a major hatch pulse occurring near full moon of the lunar cycle. These results suggest that reproduction occurs coupled with the upwelling season, which reduces the probability of starvation, and hatching occurs during spring tides (full moon), which increases larval dispersion and population connectivity.  相似文献   

As the integral components of zooplankton in the subarctic NorthPacific, the three Neocalanus species (N. cristatus, N. plumchrusand N. flemingeri) are characterized by an annual life cycleand rapid development in the surface layer during spring–summer.Patterns of interannual variation of abundance and body sizeof these Neocalanus species were analyzed using the time-seriesdata collected during the summers of 1979–1998 (20 years)at stations along the longitudinal transect line in the centralNorth Pacific, crossing five sub-areas (Alaska Current System,Subarctic Current System, Northern Transition Domain, SouthernTransition Domain and Subtropical Current System). In the southernsub-areas, quasi-decadal oscillation was observed for the 3-yearrunning mean of abundance and prosome length for copepoditestage 5 (C5) of the three Neocalanus species. Although the oscillationsignal diminished towards northern waters, it showed a positivephase during the early 1980s and 1990s and a negative phaseduring the late 1980s. In the northern waters, a biennial patternwas pronounced for anomalies of C5 prosome length for N. plumchrusand N. flemingeri, which was large in odd years and small ineven years. Significantly positive covariations among the threespecies were found for both abundance and prosome length aroundmid-latitude, where they were abundant. In the correlation analysis,these observed yearly patterns showed a statistically insignificantcorrelation with most environmental (integrated mean temperaturein surface waters, water column stability and chlorophyll aconcentration) or climatological (North Pacific Index and SouthernOscillation Index) variables. The regional difference of theoscillation signal and the synchronized covariation among thesespecies suggest that interannual variations of their abundanceand body size are mediated by common environmental force(s)with some spatial and temporal scales in the subarctic NorthPacific.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate a prey body size from the hard parts (e.g. otoliths) of a fish species frequently found in the guts of predators. Length–weight relationships between otolith size (length, height, weight and aspect ratio) and fish size (total length and weight) were determined for four fish species captured in the Arabian Sea by bottom trawl (2015 survey on‐board FORV Sagar Sampada, 200–300 m depth), off the west coast of India: Psenopsis cyanea, Pterygotrigla hemisticta, Bembrops caudimacula and Hoplostethus rubellopterus. No significant differences were noted between the size of the left and right otoliths (t test) in any of the four species. The length–weight relationship of the otolith in all four species showed a negative allometric growth pattern (t test, p < .05). The data fitted well to the regression model for otolith length (OL), otolith height (OH) and otolith weight (OW) to total length (TL) and total weight (TW). Results showed that these relationships are a helpful tool in predicting fish size from the otoliths and in calculating the biomass of these less‐studied fish species during feeding studies and palaentology.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile herring Clupea harengus collected in the Polish part of the Vistula Lagoon in May-July 1997 had hatched between 17 April and 9 June and originated from three cohorts. The spawning season began on 1 March at 3·8° C and was completed on 3 June at 12·7° C. Mortality among larvae was high in the first 2 weeks of April, probably associated with significant temperature decrease at the beginning of the spawning season. The growth of 10–48 mm L S herring was linear, highest for larvae and juveniles from the first cohort (0·58 mm mm-1 day-1), slower for the second cohort (0·55 mm mm-1 day-1) and the slowest for the third cohort (0·45 mm mm day-1). Temperature effects on the growth were inconclusive and potentially unfavourable feeding conditions in June might have been responsible for the relatively slow growth of third cohort larvae and juveniles.
Relationships between otolith size (perimeter, length, width, area, and weight) and fish size ( L S) differed among the three cohorts, related mostly to the positive temperature effect on otolith growth, individuals growing in warmer water had larger otoliths. Although a negative growth rate effect was observed as well, it was less significant.  相似文献   

Otolith chemical composition differed between juveniles of five fish species ( Solea solea , Solea senegalensis , Platichthys flesus , Diplodus vulgaris and Dicentrarchus labrax ) in nursery areas of six estuaries along the Portuguese coast (Douro, Ria de Aveiro, Mondego, Tejo, Sado and Mira). Spatially consistent patterns in the concentration of some elements were responsible for differences between species. Discrimination of estuaries using data from all species simultaneously averaged 44·7% of correctly classified cases, whilst discrimination of species averaged 76·2%. Moreover, species-related patterns in otolith fingerprints were highlighted when comparing species for each estuarine nursery area, with intra estuarine species discrimination averages ranging from 86·2 to 100·0%. Similarities in the otolith elemental fingerprints were larger between species with close phylogeny and ecology, particularly between flatfish and perciform species. In addition to the differences in physiological regulation of species, specific microhabitat use in a common environment was suggested as a relevant factor for the differentiation of otolith chemistry among species occurring in the same locations. Despite positive results in specific estuaries, variation in otolith composition limited the use of species as proxies to classify others to their system of origin.  相似文献   

The sea water temperature off the Norwegian coast was lower in 1994 than in 1992 and 1993. RNA/DNA ratios of Norwegian spring spawning herring increased with increasing larval dry weight all years, except for larvae sampled south of 62°N in 1994. The RNA/DNA ratios indicated that each year, only a small portion ( 0.7%) of the larvae were starving. RNA/DNA ratios and temperature were negatively correlated in 1992, but in other years no significant correlations were found. Residuals of In RNA v . In DNA and In W v. L s were poorly correlated in all years, but residuals of In RNA v. In DNA and In DNA v. In W were negatively correlated in all years. Principal component analysis showed that the RNA/DNA ratio and DNA (% of weight) were correlated with different axes. Abundance data for herring at the early larval and 0-group stages in 1992–1994 indicated higher mortality in 1994 compared with the other years. The data do not indicate that average larval condition was poorer in 1994 than in other years. However, the variability in larval condition was higher in 1994 than in other years, and the condition of later larval stages was relatively lower in 1994 than in other years.  相似文献   

Larval fish of Antarctica have very narrow rings on their otoliths (<1 m) that may not be resolved with light microscopy. In this study, age data from the otoliths of larval Nototheniidae (Gobionotothen gibberifrons and Lepidonotothen larseni), determined using light and scanning electron microscopy, are compared. Rings 0.4 m wide were observed on otoliths viewed under electron microscopy; however, light microscopy could only resolve rings 0.5 m wide. Scanning electron microscopy is more time consuming and costly than light microscopy but has greater resolving power and is recommended to validate ring counts made using light microscopy in otolith studies with Antarctic larval fish.  相似文献   

Early formation of otolith was studied on artificially hatched larvae of the Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica. Newly hatched larvae had a pair of sagittae which were flat and subelliptical with 8.3 μm in mean diameter. The diameter of the sagitta increased linearly with age. No growth increments were observed in the sagitta at hatching, while larvae which were 2, 4 and 6 days old had on average 2.1, 3.6 and 6.0 increments, respectively. The number of the increments (Y) and the age in days after hatching (X) showed a close linear relationship (Y=0.96X+ 0.06, r = 0.913, n = 40), suggesting daily deposition of sagittal increments. In 95 % of the field-caught elvers of this species, a distinct dark ring (check) with the diameter of 6–12 μm was found around the nucleus of the sagitta. This seems to be a “hatch check” deposited at hatching, since its diameter roughly agreed with that of the sagitta in the newly-hatched larvae. Possibly, the number of the increments outside the hatch check represents the age of the fish in days.  相似文献   

The daily otolith increment growth of individuals in a cohort of fish larvae was simulated by a simple individual-based model over 30 days. The daily otolith growth of an individual larva was dependent on past growth, within fixed limits common to all larvae. The survival of a larva at the end of each day was either a linear function of larval growth or a random outcome, simulating growth-dependent and growth-independent mortality, respectively, The combined effect of the external environment on growth was also studied. Eleven environmental scenarios, favouring or hindering growth at different stages, were tested and compared to runs with no environmental effect on growth. Growth-dependent mortality induced an increase in the average otolith daily increment width amongst surviving larvae. Such an outcome, however, could be negated by an unfavourable environment. The increase in mean growth rate of the population generated by growth-dependent mortality was directly related to the inherent variability in daily otolith growth. With increased variability, the influence of the environment became relatively less important. The effect of the environment on growth was more critical during the early stages of development. A comparison of results generated by the model with patterns observed in data from a field survey of larval herring was consistent with the occurrence of growth-dependent mortality in the sea. The simulation model provided a useful insight into the way in which various processes controlling larval growth interact.  相似文献   

Song  Yiqing  Cheng  Fei  Zhao  Shasha  Xie  Songguang 《Ichthyological Research》2019,66(1):57-66
Ichthyological Research - The mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Perciformes: Percichthyidae) is a commercially important freshwater fish in China. However, S. chuatsi populations have declined...  相似文献   

Summary An inferential analysis of the foraging mode (opportunist or mediate by prey selection) of a taxonomic assemblage of raptors in central Chile was conducted. The analysis of energetic aspects such as daily requirements of predators and energy supplied by the preys, with estimations of prey relative abundances and their incidence in the diet of raptors, led us to conclude that contrarly to the opportunistic hunting mode suggested by others authors, these predators apparently present prey selection (on a biomass basis). This phenomenon is particularly evident in raptors of small body size.  相似文献   

Egg size and larval development in Central Amazonian fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between larval development and egg size was studied in 14 species of Central Amazonian fish (seven characiforms, five cichlids and two siluriforms). Egg size was measured as yolk dry weight at activation (egg minus chorion). Larval development was measured as larva] dry weight and age (h from activation) at the developmental stages. Egg size explained most of the variability of larval body weight and total larval weight at hatching, pectoral bud formation, eye pigmentation, jaw formation, swimbladder inflation, onset of swimming, first feeding and maximum weight attained with exclusively endogenous feeding. Larval ages at these developmental stages were poorly related to egg size. Other variables, such as the weight-specific yolk caloric content of the eggs (cal mg−1), spawning site (river or lake) and phyletic relationships had no effect on the remaining variance. These results suggest that the developmental stages considered were conservative among the species examined and that a sequence of stages occurs in the larval development of Amazonian larval fish. The resistance of the larvae to starvation was not related to egg size.  相似文献   

The identification and analysis of the guild structure of vertebrate assemblages has played a fundamental role in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for their community organization and structuring. This approach generally has not been undertaken for temperate water intertidal fish assemblages. In central Chile, fishes are important components of the intertidal community, but no studies attempting to understand their organization and structuring have been done. In the present study, the diets of 13 of the most abundant species which inhabit tidepools in the rocky intertidal zone of central Chile were determined. A total of 660 fishes was collected at 5 sites: Los Molles, Con-Cón, Quintay, El Tabo, and Las Cruces. Dietary overlap between all species pairs was calculated and a phenogram of dietary similarity was constructed and analyzed using a bootstrapping technique to objectively determine guild membership. The results showed that the intertidal fish assemblage of central Chile can be divided into three feeding guilds: two guilds consisting of carnivorous species and one guild of omnivorous and herbivorous species. The possible causes and implications of the resulting guild structure and the potential effects of predation by these fishes on other components of the intertidal community are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of larval fishes is highly variable and unpredictable. Our limited understanding of this variation constrains our ability to forecast population dynamics and effectively manage fisheries. Here we show that daily growth rates of a coral reef fish (the sixbar wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke) are strongly lunar-periodic and predicted by the timing of nocturnal brightness: growth was maximized when the first half of the night was dark and the second half of the night was bright. Cloud cover that obscured moonlight facilitated a ‘natural experiment’, and confirmed the effect of moonlight on growth. We suggest that lunar-periodic growth may be attributable to light-mediated suppression of diel vertical migrations of predators and prey. Accounting for such effects will improve our capacity to predict the future dynamics of marine populations, especially in response to climate-driven changes in nocturnal cloud cover and intensification of artificial light, which could lead to population declines by reducing larval survival and growth.  相似文献   

Percilia irwini from the Andalién and Biobío River basins of south-central Chile exhibited a mean age of 1·4 years with a maximum age of 4 years. Size at age differed among river zones and males were 10% larger than females at all ages. Compared to other locations, populations of P. irwini inhabiting areas subject to industrial and domestic effluents exhibited smaller size structure.  相似文献   

The paper describes the relationships between adult age, hatching date, egg volume, brood size, hatching sequence, chick weight at hatching, chick growth rate and chick body size for a population of Great skuas in Shetland. The relative importance of these factors, and food availability, is assessed in determining chick size, weight, and growth rate.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphological variation of gibel carp Carassius gibelio collected from various water bodies in Türkiye. The fish samples were obtained from three dams (Karacaören-1, Karakaya, and Keban), two natural lakes (Beyşehir and Suğla), and a river (the Tigris River). The dimorphism in body shape was examined with geometric morphometrics, while elliptic Fourier analysis and shape indices were used to describe the variation in lapilli otoliths (hereafter “otoliths”) and scale shapes. The body of C. gibelio revealed higher variations, particularly in the body depth, snout length, caudal fin, and caudal peduncle, among different stations. Geometric morphometric analysis determined a streamlined body shape of C. gibelio in the Tigris River compared to other stations, while C. gibelio from the natural lakes had a deeper body shape. The body of C. gibelio exhibited a significant homogenous shape between the Beyşehir and Suğla lakes, providing the lowest Procrustes distance. The elliptic Fourier analysis revealed that the otolith shape varied significantly between all stations. However, the scale shape was remarkably similar among nearby areas such as Karacaören dam, Suğla, and Beyşehir lakes. These results evinced high degree of intra-population morphological variation in C. gibelio in response to prevailing environmental conditions that probably facilitate their successful establishment in a novel environment.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the chemistry (Mg, Mn, Sr and Ba) of recently deposited otolith material (last 20–30 days of life) was compared between two demersal fish species; snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis (Platycephalidae), that were collected simultaneously at 12 sites across three bays in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Otolith chemistry was also compared with ambient water chemistry and among three sampling positions adjacent to the proximal otolith margin. For both species, variation in otolith chemistry among bays was significant for Ba, Mn and Sr; however, differences among bays were only similar between species for Ba and Mn. Only Ba showed significant variation at the site level. Across the 12 sites, mean otolith Ba levels were significantly positively correlated between species. Further, although incorporation rates differed, mean ambient Ba levels for both species were positively correlated with ambient Ba levels. Spatial variation in multi-element otolith chemistry was also broadly similar between species and with multi-element water chemistry. Partition coefficients clearly indicated species-specific incorporation of elements into otoliths. Mg and Mn were consistently higher in snapper than sand flathead otoliths (mean ±s .d ., Mg snapper 22·1 ± 3·8 and sand flathead 9·9 ± 1·5 μg g−1, Mn snapper 4·4 ± 2·6 and sand flathead 0·5 ± 0·3 μg g−1), Sr was generally higher in sand flathead otoliths (sand flathead 1570 ± 235 and snapper 1346 ± 104 μg g−1) and Ba was generally higher in snapper otoliths (snapper 12·1 ± 12·8 and sand flathead 1·8 ± 1·4 μg g−1). For both species, Mg and Mn were higher in the faster accreting regions of the otolith margin, Sr was lower in the slower accreting region and Ba showed negligible variation among the three sampling regions. This pattern was consistent with the higher Mg and Mn, and generally lower Sr observed in the faster accreting snapper otoliths. It is hypothesized that the differences between species in the incorporation of these elements may be at least partly related to differences in metabolic and otolith accretion rate. Although rates of elemental incorporation into otoliths appear species specific, for elements such as Ba where incorporation appears consistently related to ambient concentrations, spatial variation in otolith chemistry should show similarity among co-occurring species.  相似文献   

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